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Chemistry Education

Research and Practice

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Ethical considerations of chemistry education

research involving ‘human subjects’
Cite this: Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.,
2014, 15, 109
Keith S. Taber

DOI: 10.1039/c4rp90003k
Published on 26 March 2014. Downloaded on 29/10/2014 11:23:22.

One obvious way that chemistry educa- to be observed, or by representing much more nuanced than their colleagues
tion research (CER) is different from aspects of their thinking for researchers working with chemical samples.
research in most areas of chemistry is in the context of interviews, question-
that where chemistry is largely concerned naires, and various other data collection
with inanimate substances, education instruments. The RSC’s ethical
concerns people. That does not make There are clearly implications of work- guidance to authors
chemistry education completely unique ing with people that makes this kind of
in the chemical sciences (e.g. some other research more complicated than bench People are not only more complex than
areas of chemistry may investigate the work with chemical samples. Samples of samples of substances, but they also have
effect of new compounds on human a substance will ‘behave’ according to inherent rights that chemicals do not have.
patients), but in general we think of their inherent natures, and the condi- People are entitled to expect to be well
chemical research as involving the mani- tions they are exposed to, without any treated, and respected, and to determine
pulation of inanimate material, where danger of the outcomes being moderated their involvement (or not) in research. So
the people involved in the research tend by personal or social concerns. Science the ethical considerations of research invol-
to be those observing the outcomes of can treat samples as the objects of ving people go far beyond what is expected
the intervention, and not being subject investigation, and generalise from results in research on material samples in the
to it. because a well-characterised sample of chemistry laboratory (such matters as ade-
CER is however rather different in this some substance can be considered to quately acknowledging sources, avoiding
regard. Certainly, not all CER need stand for all other samples of the same multiple publication, etc.). The Royal Society
involve ‘human subjects’ (i.e., people) – type (i.e., taking into account purity, con- of Chemistry (RSC) publishes on its website
so for example studies may review exist- centration, grain size, etc). Moreover, the guidance to authors on the ethical aspects
ing research literature, or analyse texts or samples do not take the enquiries of of research that will be reported in submis-
curriculum documents. However, educa- researchers personally: they do not take sions to its journals. Some aspects of this
tional research is at its core about teach- offence at being strongly heated, or relate to general issues such as who can be
ing and learning. Learning is something potentially respond differently because listed as an author of a published paper†
that happens in the minds of people, and the researcher has a beard, or a soft voice, and the need to report work accurately and
teaching is activity directed – by people – or has film-star looks. The samples do not completely. However, there is also a more
towards learners. Sometimes the teacher think about – and so perhaps become specific section on research ‘involving live
and learner may be the same person influenced by – what the researcher is subjects’. This includes the guidance that:
when learning is self-directed, but more trying to find out. The samples will not ‘‘In cases where a study involves the
commonly we can distinguish teachers try to impress the researcher, or other use of live animals or human subjects, the
and students. Most CER studies are carried study participants, and nor do they per- author should include in the Methods/
out with human participants who pro- form differently when it is getting late in Experimental section of the manuscript a
vide data through allowing themselves the day or after they have had an argu- statement that all experiments were per-
ment with family members. Researchers formed in compliance with the relevant
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK. in CER have then to consider issues of laws and institutional guidelines, and
E-mail: context and representativeness that are also state the institutional committee(s)

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Editorial Chemistry Education Research and Practice

that have approved the experiments. They There is certainly potential to damage a authors may report that the teaching in the
should also include a statement that person’s motivation, self-efficacy, or confi- comparison condition was deliberately
informed consent was obtained for any dence if we set them tasks that they find based upon teacher-led instruction and text-
experimentation with human subjects.’’‡ too difficult or which lead them to evaluate book presentations that did not link to
As an editor I find that many submis- their own performance as unsatisfactory. students’ own ideas and interests, and
sions to Chemistry Education Research This is no reason to not undertake poten- did not include discussion activities. In
and Practice (CERP) do not follow this tially useful research, but it is something such circumstances, it is hardly novel to
protocol, and often authors have to be that needs to be considered in planning report that a more pedagogically sound
requested to add information regarding studies, and requires reasonable efforts to approach using an engaging technique
the ethical safeguards they have observed. include sensible safeguards (such as appro- informed by widely accepted educational
This is especially important for an inter- priate briefings/debriefing which may, theory was found to be superior.
national journal when expectations may where appropriate, suggest that tasks may Such research is worrying at two levels.
vary considerably between educational not have ready or clear answers, and so For one thing, it may seem that teaching
systems. As a responsible journal, CERP forth). Such issues should be considered in one group was deliberately restricted
should only publish work that meets both as part of research design, and where so the students in that ‘condition’ were
Published on 26 March 2014. Downloaded on 29/10/2014 11:23:22.

(i) the ethical guidelines in place in the necessary developed through appropriate offered intentionally substandard instruc-
local context where research is underta- pilot work, and so should be mentioned tion. This seems especially likely when in
ken and (ii) the broad expectations of the in published reports when describing order to ‘control for the teacher variable’
international CER community. Given that methodology. the same teacher has taught two parallel
many authors do not think to comment Another kind of harm is of an educa- classes through contrasting approaches
on these issues in their submissions, tional nature. Journals sometimes receive (as clearly the teacher of the comparison
it may be helpful to set out some of the submissions where authors have attempted group both knows how to, and is able to,
key issues that need to be taken into account to evaluate the efficacy of some educational teach in a more pedagogically sound way).
when considering the ethical aspects of treatment by using an experimental design Where different teachers are involved,
research in chemistry education. with a control (or comparison) group. The researchers may sometimes argue that
logic here is that we expect learners to learn they did nothing to direct the teaching in
from instruction, but we may be able to the comparison condition, which repre-
Do no harm show that an innovative approach leads to sents what is ‘traditional’ in that context.
substantially more, or deeper or qualitatively Even then, the reader may wonder if at the
A key imperative is that researchers should different, learning than the ‘standard fare’ very least this suggests the comparison is
not negatively impact upon the people who by comparing intervention and comparison of (a) a class taught by a teacher who is
participate in their research. In chemistry groups. Such designs are subject to a range more motivated, more highly skilled,
education studies we are unlikely to risk of threats to validity (expectancy effects, and/or better prepared in working with
inflicting physical harm to our participants. novelty effects, issues with matching the the innovation, with (b) a class taught by
If our research involved laboratory activities groups, and the teachers, etc.) that can a teacher either unwilling or unable to
these would be subject to the usual health undermine their value – but then all adapt their teaching. This may not provide
and safety considerations and risk assess- research designs have some weaknesses the most informative basis for comparison.
ments, and this should avoid research par- and involve compromises. Any research Even if there is an argument that the
ticipants being put at risk from avoidable that uses valuable resources (including study is a fair comparison in regards to
accidents. participant time) for a study with a the teacher and this does not act as a
Yet not all risks are physical in nature. design so weak that it is clearly unlikely confound to the intended comparison,
Research in chemistry education com- to provide useful data is inherently such studies can seem to be set out to
monly involves observing teaching and unethical (British Educational Research find whether a teaching approach which
learning contexts, asking people to com- Association, 2011). Care is needed to is already known to generally be effective is
plete instruments such as questionnaires ensure that a design is not so compro- better than an approach that is widely
or interviewing them – perhaps including mised by recognised threats to validity as acknowledged to be limited – so there
tasks such as thinking aloud, or sorting to make the study pointless because no seems little value in such studies, unless
activities. Physical harm is very unlikely robust inferences are possible. there are genuine theoretical reasons to be
in these situations, yet some people can However, of more concern, is the way unsure whether the implemented innova-
get very stressed or tired by the intensity comparison groups may sometimes be tion will be effective in some particular
of some data collection activities. We established. Occasionally the way studies educational context. Just as it would be
also risk confusing people, or making are described suggests that comparison inappropriate to ask someone to teach a
them doubt the adequacy of their level groups are deliberately set up to be taught in class in an unfamiliar way without good
of knowledge and understanding – or ways that would generally be recognised as grounds for suspecting the innovation may
even their ability in the subject – for inadequate to allow the study to show that be beneficial, it is equally inappropriate to
example if activities are very challenging. the innovation is superior. So, for example, set up experimental tests of well-established

110 | Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2014, 15, 109--113 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014
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Chemistry Education Research and Practice Editorial

ways of teaching already widely shown to be and is not something that can be assumed context. Much research in education is
effective unless there are theoretical rea- and taken for granted. theory-directed (looking to add to ‘public
sons to suspect the study offers genuine It is reasonable for a researcher in knowledge’), and involves the development
insight into the range of application of the explaining why the research is valuable to of research questions based upon the review
innovation because of some specific feature suggest how the potential participant will of existing literature, that in turn lead to the
of the study context (Taber, 2012b). possibly be helping future teachers and/or researchers seeking a suitable context (or
students by participating – but no pressure contexts) to carry out their study. This is
should be applied, and it should be clear where gatekeepers will protect the interests
Informed consent there will no sanctions for non-participation. of potential participants. The researchers
It is a basic democratic principle that indi- have to persuade the authorities responsible
Another issue that arises regularly with viduals have a right to make a free choice for the research context (principals, deans,
submissions to the journal is whether over whether to contribute to a study or not department chairs, local education office
study participants have offered informed (British Educational Research Association, officials, or sometimes even the national
consent, as expected in the RSC ethical 2011). Any coercion makes the research ministry in some contexts) that what they
guidelines for authors quoted above. That unethical, as does collecting research data are doing is worthwhile, and not overly
Published on 26 March 2014. Downloaded on 29/10/2014 11:23:22.

is, it may not be clear if those involved are surreptitiously – for example if students disruptive of normal educational activity,
aware they are participating in a research believed they were completing a test for their before they get access to invite participants
project, or what the data might be used for teacher as part of normal classroom prac- into the study.
(in published reports for example), and tice, but the teacher was actually adminis- This may be contrasted with context-
whether they have agreed to be involved tering a research instrument on behalf of directed research where lecturers or teachers
and are aware that they could decline or researchers without the knowledge and con- see a potential to improve some aspect of
leave the study at any point without pre- sent of the learners. practice in their own classrooms or institu-
judice. In a University setting this may be This last point may seem to be pedantic. tions, and carry out enquiry primarily for the
relatively straightforward as students are After all, if a teacher sets an activity on behalf purpose of informing and improving educa-
adults who are able to make decisions of a researcher believing both that the acti- tional provision in their own professional
about joining a study as long as they are vity will contribute to educational enquiry, context (Taber, 2013a). A teacher who deci-
sufficiently informed about what it is they and that the activity may actually be a useful des to make a lecture course more interac-
are volunteering for. The situation is com- learning experience for the students, then tive and then to evaluate how this impacts
plicated in schools where parental permis- there might seem to be no problem. The learning and students’ perceptions as part
sion may also be appropriate in some cases, teacher here acts as a gatekeeper, looking of the usual processes of reflective practice
or where for some purposes teachers my act after the interests of the learners, and there and professional improvement is certainly
in loco parentis and decide that as long as is something of a grey area if a teacher feels undertaking research – yet not as a discrete
the children volunteer there is no need for that the research activity is a useful class- activity but rather as part of good profes-
parental permission to be sought. The room learning opportunity, and so wishes to sional practice. The lecturer would hardly
situation is likely to be different when a include it in a teaching scheme because of expect to have to get informed consent from
researcher is simply observing a class of its inherent value as a classroom activity as her students to innovate in this way: rather
children who will be anonymous rather well as on behalf of the researcher. Some the students should trust the teacher’s pro-
than if children are videoed, or if individual institutions deal with this by putting agree- fessionalism and be pleased they have a
children are interviewed in depth about ments in place with students or (in the case teacher who is concerned with the quality
their ideas or views. of schools) their parents at admission that of learning and the learner experience.
Informed consent does not mean that in effect provide blanket permission for Of course such innovations can sometimes
participants necessarily have to have a learners to participate in certain kinds of go wrong (or may simply take more than
detailed account of the research purposes unobtrusive research activities within the one pass through to become effective), but
(which may mean little to younger partici- usual classroom context when learners’ that is no reason to discourage teachers
pants, and could potentially bias the study if inputs will be limited and remain anony- from trying things out as long as they have
it leads to participants consciously focusing mous. Activities that go beyond this (for first reviewed the relevant literature to
on what the researchers are interested in), example outside of the normal timetable) inform them in selecting and implement-
but they do have to be told enough so that still require specific explicit consent. ing innovations likely to be effective in
they are able to judge that the study is their particular contexts. In this situation
something worthwhile that they wish to the ‘data’ is collected solely for improving
support, and potential participants need to Complications of practice in the specific context and might
know at the outset what level of involvement research undertaken in be better seen as part of ongoing evalua-
is involved – what they will be asked to do, ones own institution tion and professional development than as
when, and under what circumstances. formal research (Wilkins, 2011).
Research data is a gift from study partici- Particular complications may occur when Complications arise however when
pants to researchers (Limerick et al., 1996) a researcher is an insider to the research practitioners wish to prepare public reports

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Editorial Chemistry Education Research and Practice

of enquiry with their own students or in these cases, but a reader of research activities may not always be clear cut –
colleagues. We would expect practitioners expects it to be clear that teachers are not and indeed the status of innovation and
to share their accounts of good practice simply using their own students as evaluation can creep over time from
with their network of colleagues – but it is sources of data for research publications being focused on local improvement to
not so clear whether this should include without regard to the students’ interests being part of a wider research agenda.
publishing formal reports of their work or preferences. Research should inform teaching, and
drawing upon data collected during what It is also well recognised that simply there is certainly nothing intrinsically
was set up as context-directed enquiry. telling students (or less senior colleagues) wrong with research with our own collea-
Students and colleagues may feel misled that they are free to decline participation gues and students, as long as we employ
to find that an activity presented as an may not be enough when the request sensible safeguards and make sure these
internal evaluation of an attempt to comes from a teacher or senior colleague are clear to all involved.
improve practice becomes the focus of a in a position of relative authority and Ultimately ethical guidelines are just
formal report of research in which they power. There has to be a genuine sense that, guidelines, and individual research-
have become unwitting participants. that participants are free to choose without ers have to apply them sensitively and
Where the original activity was genuinely fear of sanctions, consequences or differen- sensibly to the complexities of their par-
Published on 26 March 2014. Downloaded on 29/10/2014 11:23:22.

intended as context-directed innovation, tial treatment. For this reason many institu- ticular studies. The ethical guidelines of
perhaps undertaken with a spirit of action tions require such studies to pass through journals are intended to ensure that all
research (Tripp, 2005), it is unlikely that the formal processes of institutional review published studies can be seen to have
enquiry would support a formal research (Kimmel, 2007) – if often only a cursory clearly followed basic ethical protocols.
paper that meets the quality criteria of a level to confirm an activity is exempted Authors are reminded to include informa-
research journal.§ Yet this is certainly not from needing a full review at board level. tion about ethical procedures adopted in
impossible if the study was carefully con- Where such a procedure is not in place, it is the methodology sections of their reports
ceptualised and planned, and drew upon often possible for the researcher(s) to enroll so that it is clear that research designs
rigorous data collection and analysis – and the help of a senior colleague in a position have been subject to any relevant institu-
either produced novel outcomes, or had to intervene or even veto the activity who tional reviews, and that all those parti-
potential to demonstrate novelty through can act as a point of contact for potential or cipating in studies are doing so in full
the particular nature of the study context. actual participants with any concerns knowledge of their involvement, and having
In this situation the practitioner – (Taber, 2013a). In either case, the author made deliberate decisions to contribute.
researcher may feel it would be worth- of a research study should inform readers This helps to give all of us peace of mind
while reporting the work beyond the of the safeguards in place, so it is clear that that our enthusiasm for CER cannot get
original context. It may be possible to the interests of participants – and anyone ahead of our responsibilities to those who
collect suitable permissions from the declining to participate in a study – have give us access to teaching and learning
participants after the fact – but the best been given due consideration. contexts and offer us the gift of data –
advice is to always seek informed con- without which we have no research.
sent in advance if there is any reasonable
possibility that the researcher will wish If in doubt, play safe
to publish the work later.
Some studies submitted for publi- Most people working in chemistry educa- † A previous editorial set out guidelines for
determining authorship of CERP articles (Taber,
cation offer a different kind of hybrid tion have high ethical standards, and a 2013b).
of theory-directed and context-directed strong concern for the rights and well ‡
research. Sometimes in studies motivated being of their colleagues and students. guidelines/EthicalGuidelines/index.asp
§ For example, the quality criteria for CERP are
by theoretical considerations researchers Few would deliberately look to take discussed in a previous editorial (Taber, 2012a).
decide to collect data in their own institu- advantage of others for the sake of their
tion to answer their research questions. own research, and most would not seek British Educational Research Association,
This need not necessarily be problematic, to do anything that was against the inter- (2011), Ethical Guidelines for Educational
but clearly invites potential complications ests of their students (or which might Research, London: British Educational
as the usual gatekeepers may be bypassed. bring their own integrity into question). Research Association.
Some studies I have seen submitted to However, often those of us engrossed in Kimmel A. J., (2007), Ethical Issues in
journals read as though researchers have research issues and questions may find it Behavioral Research: Basic and Applied
simply decided to set classroom activities difficult to see why others do not share Perspectives, 2nd edn, Malden,
to their own students as a source of data our enthusiasm and automatically con- Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing.
for research studies without consideration sider our research worthy of their time Limerick B., Burgess-Limerick T. and
of either obtaining informed consent, nor and input. There are also particular Grace M., (1996), The politics of inter-
of the potential educational value of the issues when we are researching in our viewing: power relations and accept-
activity for the learners. Perhaps the own professional contexts as the lines ing the gift, Int. J. Qual. Stud. Educ.,
written accounts give a false impression between research and other professional 9(4), 449–460.

112 | Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2014, 15, 109--113 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014
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Taber K. S., (2012a), Recognising quality in 168741), pp. 1–12. Retrieved from research? Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.,
reports of chemistry education research 14(1), 5–8, DOI: 10.1039/c2rp90014a.
and practice, Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2012/168741/, DOI: 10.1155/2012/168741. Tripp D., (2005), Action research: a method-
13(1), 4–7. Taber K. S., (2013a), Classroom-based ological introduction, Educ. Pesqui.,
Taber K. S., (2012b), Vive la différence? Research and Evidence-based Practice: 31(3), 443–466.
Comparing ‘like with like’ in studies of An introduction, 2nd edn, London: Sage. Wilkins R., (2011), Research Engagement
learners’ ideas in diverse educational Taber K. S., (2013b), Who counts as an for School Development, London: Insti-
contexts, Educ. Res. Int., 2012 (Article author when reporting educational tute of Education.
Published on 26 March 2014. Downloaded on 29/10/2014 11:23:22.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2014, 15, 109--113 | 113

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