List of Practical Programs For Final Examination

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SESSION :2023-24

1. Write a program to input two lists and display the maximum element from the elements of both
the list combined, along with the index in its original list .

2. Write a menu driven program to the following from the list:

3. Sum
4. Sort in Ascending
5. Sort in Descending
6. Exit
3.Write a program to create a tuple with user input and search for given element.

4 Write a program to create a dictionary and store salesman name as a key and sales of 3
months as values. Give the bonus to the salesman according to the given criteria:

1. Total Sales < 10K – No Bonus

2. Total Sales 10K to 20K – 5%
3. Total Sales 21K to 30K – 8%
4. Total Sales 31K to 40K – 10%

5. Write a program to enter a team name, wins and losses of a team. Store them into a dictionary
where teams names are key and winds and losses are values stored as a list. Do the following
based on the dictionary created above:

1.Find out the team’s winning percentage by their names

2.Display the no. of games won by each team in a list
3.Display the no. of games lost by each team in a list

6. Create a dictionary with the roll number, name and marks of n students in a class and display
the names of students who have marks above 75.

7. Write a program to input a line of text and print the following:

a. No. of vowels.
b.No.of words.
c.No. of special characters.
d. The line with first letter of each word in capital letter.


1. All students must come on time on the day of examination. Changing of group/timeslot is not possible.
Attendance is compulsory

1.All students are hereby instructed to prepare a practical notebook with all the programs (above
mentioned) written (one side white on side ruled). Programs given for half yearly portion to be
included in notebook

2. Students must come with practical notebook on the day of examination.

3. Code to be written on ruled side and output to be written on white side

4. A page in a notebook should contain single program or continuation of the program .(multiple program
in a same page is not allowed)

5. Copy should be covered with a name, class section and roll number of the student mentioned properly

6.Notebook must contain certificate and filled index page

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