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Communication Skills

The process of transferring information, concepts, ideas, and feelings among

people or groups is known as communication. It comprises the sending and
receiving of signals by a variety of means, including facial expressions,
gestures, body language, spoken or written language, and symbols. A key
element of human connection, communication is important in social,
professional, and personal contexts.

Types of Communication
There are four types of communication:-

Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication is a type of oral communication in which we use
sounds and words to express our thoughts and feelings. Verbal communication
takes place in the form of discussions, speeches and conversations,
Effective verbal communication is defined by these factors:
 the tone of the speaker, clarity of speech,
 the speed of speaking
 volume,
 body language and
 vocabulary or rather the quality of words that we use in conversations.
The success of verbal conversation depends on both, the vocal ability of the
speaker and the listening ability of the audience. Verbal communication is the
most common form of communication, which helps us to convey messages
both, formally and informally.

Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication is the form of communication, which does not use
any words or sounds to convey our messages; instead, our body language,
facial expressions, hand movements, gestures, and general behaviour send our
message. Examples of non-verbal communication include a smile, a wink, or a
ware and so forth It also includes messages (intentional or DEF unintentional),
which we express through non-verbal behaviour. For example, you are upset
about something; even if you do not say anything about it, your mother can
tell that you are upset.
Visual Communication
Have you ever wondered that if you happen to visit a country or a place
whose language you are not familiar with, what would happen? Say you
landed at the airport and you have to use the restrooms but you cannot ask
the workers there as you can't converse in their language and they do not
understand yours-now what would you do?
See how smart you are - you guessed it right. You cannot converse in their
language but you can always look for the signboards that show the direction
of restrooms. So, even if those people cannot converse in your language, it
really helped you by communicating to you VISUALLY. And, such is the power
of visual communication.
Visual communication is a type of communication where messages are
conveyed through pictures, signboards, logos etc., i.e, through any visual
medium. In this session, you shall learn about this type of communication.

Written Communication
Communicating through written words is called Written Communication.
Both written and oral communication can be thoughts of as types of verbal
communication BUT written communication is often more formal way of
communication and thus is used for documenting purposes.

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