Assignment 2 - Vũ Tiến Thành - GCD210498

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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 13:Computing Research Project

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Vu Tien Thanh Student ID GCD210498

Class GCD1102 Assessor name Tran Thanh Truc

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Thanh

Grading grid

P6 P7 M4 D3
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents

P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the
computing research project.................................................................................................................................. 5
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
II. Reflection of research ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1. Research proposal .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Literature review .................................................................................................................................................. 6
3. Reflection on the merits, limitations, and potential pitfalls of the chose method ............................. 6
Qualitative research ................................................................................................................................................ 6
4. Project plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
5. How often meet the tutor ................................................................................................................................. 10
6. Presentation of result ....................................................................................................................................... 11
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes. ..... 11
I. Lesson learned.................................................................................................................................................... 11
II. limitation and mistake ...................................................................................................................................... 11
1. Limitation ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
2. Mistake ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
III. Improvement in the future.............................................................................................................................. 12
Table of figure

Figure 1 Qualitative research ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Figure 2 Secondary research......................................................................................................................................... 9
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods
applied for meeting objectives of the computing
research project.
I. Introduction
After completing my study project, I gave it some thought and came to some conclusions about the
entire process. I'll talk about my personal growth and how I intend to make my project better in the
future in this report. based on my observations and opinions both during and after the study's execution.
I'll evaluate the effectiveness of the research methodologies I used for this assignment. I'll look into
alternative research approaches that I might apply to my study. I'll talk about the lesson I learnt and how
I might improve for my next coursework.

II. Reflection of research

1. Research proposal
In the last three or four weeks, my perspective on the study process has undergone a significant shift.
since the first attempts to investigate the issue of environmental harm caused by other things. I thought
it wouldn't be that difficult at first because I've already done some research on them and have seen
various articles with videos on them. I didn't think it would be that difficult because I believed I knew
how to "conduct" research. Since then, I've changed the topic and my study, as well as created a
research proposal of the " using big data in smart traffics" problem, after consulting with many experts.

To be honest, at first, I thought the about smart traffics and the procedure of creating this research
proposal is a good ideal, that can decrease traffic jams, and traffic vehicles in the road. I'm interest with
this reseach that topic is can bring good impact with traffics system in VietNam, decrease air pollution
and other reason, also research proposal helped me organize my thoughts and planned how to handle
the data and documents I would need for my research project. It also provided my really good paper the
structure I sorely needed.

Based on my desired design when I started the study proposal, I prepared this succinct synopsis of my
research topic. I can already envision the goals and sequence I want to achieve, and I can also see how it
might be modified to meet the design-based research paradigm. It's hard for me to put things into
words, though, therefore I find it challenging to pose a question.

Additionally, doing this literature reviews provide an opportunity for me to see and evaluate benefits
and harms assessment about how research methods should be applied in my project research. The
opportunity to examine scholary papers and literature in more detail was the most productive aspect for
me when researching method to of applying big data to smart traffics and evaluted efficiency of smart
traffics by using big data. This project also prevents from duplicating information, and hypotheses and
showing opinions which have also the same as three others writing in the “applying big data to smart
traffics and evaluted efficiency” topic, allowing me to find my own, unique hypothesis and conveyed
content to my research topic.

2. Literature review
Before starting this mission, I learned that traffic in Vietnam is a big problem, most traffic is concentrated
in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, and the solution is to use stored Big Data. information to become
smarter traffic. Many articles on this topic are too difficult to explore, but thorough research is required
to find insightful scholarly articles. This is partly explained by the fact that the articles I have heard about
the use of Big Data in smart transportation represent new developments that are still open today. I used
the summary presented in almost every piece of research I could find as a starting point for my literature
review summary. When I step back to look at my project as a whole, all of the research I have done
makes sense for my entire research project. Additionally, literature review also help me understand topic
quickly, analyze and evaluate topic with exactly way.

This is due to the fact that my literature review provides a favorable response to the same basic
question: how can traffic in Vietnam be reduced without increasing? How come air pollution in Vietnam
has not increased? Will traffic system management be enhanced by using big data in smart traffic, or
not? Writing this literature review is a challenging task since it requires locating scholarly publications
and peer-reviewed sources on a topic that is currently being investigated and disputed.

3. Reflection on the merits, limitations, and potential pitfalls of the

chose method
In this part I will explain advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls about a research method I used in
assignment 1. Futhermore, I also explain relationships between qualitative and secondary research.

Qualitative research

Advantages of Qualitative research

• Provides rich and detailed data: Qualitative research methods, such as interviews, focus groups
allow I create survey to collect data from others, like data about traffic vehicles, application about
big data.
• Is fluid and adaptable: Researchers can modify their procedures in response to fresh perspectives
or surprising discoveries since qualitative research designs are frequently flexible and adaptable.
This is particularly helpful when learning about delicate or complicated subjects.
• Is useful for producing new hypotheses and exploring new fields of knowledge: Qualitative
research is useful for producing new hypotheses and exploring new fields of knowledge. This is
due to its lack of adherence to the limitations of previously developed ideas or frameworks.
• Can be used to provide voice to marginalized groups: Communities and marginalized groups who
are frequently underrepresented in traditional research can be given voice through qualitative
research. This can assist in increasing awareness of their viewpoints and experiences as well as
informing the rules and procedures that affect them.

Disadvantages of Qualitative research

• Can be costly and time-consuming: Because qualitative research frequently necessitates

extensive data collection and analysis, it can be costly and time-consuming to do.
• It could be arbitrary: A lot of the time, qualitative data is interpreted subjectively. This can make
extrapolating results to a wider population challenging.
• may be impacted by the prejudices of the researcher: It is critical that investigators using
qualitative methods are conscious of their own prejudices and take action to reduce their
influence on the research process.

Potential pitfalls of Qualitative research

• Subjectivity: Qualitative data is often subjective and open to interpretation. This means that the
researcher's own biases and perspectives can influence the way they collect, analyze, and
interpret the data.
• Lack of generalizability: Qualitative research findings are often difficult to generalize to a larger
population. Researchers are responsible for establishing the trust worthiness of qualitative
research through a variety of ways.
• Poor data collection and analysis: It is important for researchers to collect and analyze data in a
rigorous and systematic way.
Figure 1 Qualitative research

Secondary research

Advantages of Secondary research

• Cheap, simple, and quick: it is not necessary for you to be involved in creating intricate data
collection techniques. Additionally, you can get data without doing surveys or interviews. You
simply look it up online while seated at the table.
• More diverse: data can be gathered from many different sources. Additionally, you can contrast
these diverse statistics and select the ones that provide credence to your position.
• A good place to start: It is beneficial for organizing primary research. For instance, you can
conduct primary research to get additional data and gather secondary data to address some of
your ideas. In other situations, you might want secondary data on location and demographics for
consumer research in order to identify a representative sample.

Disadvantages of Secondary research

• Inaccurate. You don’t know how the data is retrieved, whether it is accurate or not. For example,
a data provider might use an unrepresentative sample and therefore be biased if you use it to
conclude about the population.
• Expired. More lag time between data collection and data publication. Thus, the data may no
longer be relevant to current conditions. The data provider does not update it regularly, so data is
unavailable for several years.
• Less relevant. Secondary data is to meet the needs of the provider, not for you. Thus, they may
be less relevant to answering your research hypotheses.
Potential pitfalls of Secondary research

• Lack of relevance: It's possible that secondary research has nothing to do with your main research
subject. This is as a result of its collection having a different objective.
• Inaccuracy: Secondary data could be partial or erroneous. This is due to the possibility that it was
misconstrued or that it was gathered via questionable techniques.
• A bias in secondary data is possible. This is due to the possibility that data was reported
selectively or that it was gathered by a researcher with a specific goal in mind.
• Outdatedness: There's a chance secondary data is antiquated. This is due to the fact that
information can easily become out of date and the world is always evolving.

Figure 2 Secondary research

Relationship between Qualitative research and Secondary research

• A researcher might use secondary data to identify trends in public opinion on a particular issue. In
my topic, I use qualitative and secondary research to figure out tend to smart traffic in recen
year. Traffics in VietNam is increase and it's bring some harm affect like traffics jams, air
pollution, etc... so I would use qualitative reviews to explore the reason behind using big data in
smart traffic trends.
• Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each type of research: Qualitative research is good at
providing detail about using big data in smart traffic, however that data diffcult is generalize and
spend lot ofs time Secondary research is often more efficient and cost-effective for my topic, but
it can be access incorrect information about big data and smart traffic, that make big data and
smart traffic can't sync.
• Use each type of research to complement the other. I use secondary research data to generate
new research questions about using big data in smart traffic and then use qualitative research to
explore more detail about using big data in smart traffic.

4. Project plan
I believe I've done a pretty decent job with my project strategy. Setting aside time for projects and
dividing them into distinct timelines to achieve maximum productivity. In particular, I didn't have the
time to devote sufficient effort and attention to it. This motivates me to adhere to deadlines more
closely. arranging one's time in a sensible manner. Essentially, I would like to contribute my own
viewpoint to this section in order to support the research issue. The ideal way to start a project is to
gather materials related to the issue and goals of the research. After gathering the necessary materials
and establishing specific goals, I need to finish the research proposal in order to construct the framework
for my study project. Since I really believe that creating a strong research proposal is necessary to secure
funding for my work, I always feel that submitting the finished project as the first step is ideal. It gives
the funders a precise idea of what you want to accomplish.

Below is my project plan:

Step 1: Writing introduction will make a compelling case or your research proposal.

Step 2: After completing the research proposal, I prefer writing a literature review and representing the
findings in term of hypothesis.

Step 3: Next, I will explain reason I chose this reseach.

Step 4: Next, I will prepare for primary research to confirm the findings in the literature review.

Step 5: Next, I will conduct the primary research based on the previous collected information and
represent the findings in primary research and get feedback from the tutor.

Step 6: After all, I did two assignments and presentation in the class.

5. How often meet the tutor

The result of my research working would be presented with my tutor, when I started work this research I
often meet my tutor in the class, I just study 2 lessons in each weeks so I need fingure out more
knowledge about my topic. After finished lesson in the class I would research more detail on internet,
there are some questions I can’t handle, understand I will add my tutor and receive their feedback.
6. Presentation of result
I employed a structured presentation technique to successfully convey the findings of my study,
"Research on the application of big data in smart traffic. I started by describing the goals, questions, and
research questions for the theories in order to establish a precise presenting structure. I made use of
tables and other visual aids. Graphical graphs, to highlight the fundamental study findings and facilitate
understanding of the intricate data colleagues. The talk focused on how these findings aligned with the
study. theories and the results' useful ramifications. The following query and response I was able to
engage with the audience and provide clarifications and answers during the session. both assuredly and
carefully. I gained a lot of insight from my lecturer and fellow students, who pointed out the need for
more thorough justifications of the statistical techniques employed, greater investigation into the real-
world applications, and targeted advice in the form of suggestions. Your research project will benefit
from feedback, which will also guarantee its academic rigor and applicability.

P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and

lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.
I. Lesson learned
It is essential to remove content bias from user surveys in order to guarantee the dependability and
correctness of the data utilized in the project. To fix errors and make sure that research is in line with the
planned objectives, corrective measures are put into place. This inaccuracy emphasizes how crucial it is
to carefully examine secondary research sources, especially when using information from outside polls
or questionnaires highlights how crucial accurate data is to preserving a research project's integrity.

II. limitation and mistake

1. Limitation
That reseach mostly focus around big data, and using big data in smart traffic, my survey and interview
also focus on college students in Greenwich of university. Because this is aged group interesting with big
data and technology.

2. Mistake
My mistake was discovered during the project's secondary research phase when I concentrated on
erroneous information discovered in a user survey. The project's objective is to gather, examine, and
apply big data in smart traffic system in order to enhance smart traffic ease.
Understanding what is already known and gaining information to guide research design depend on the
secondary research component.

User surveys were examined and added to the body of literature during secondary research.
Nevertheless, it was found that there were some conflicting and erroneous statements in the user
survey. These errors primarily pertain to the questions and response options, which may have an impact
on the caliber and dependability of the information gathered.


• Content review: The user survey's content is examined and corrected for accuracy.
• Questions and answers that are incorrect are found and fixed.
• Data cleansing: Every piece of information gathered from user surveys is examined to find and fix
any inaccurate responses. Respondents may be contacted if more information is required.
• Documentation: A log of mistakes and remedial measures is kept in order to guarantee
accountability and transparency.

III. Improvement in the future

• More thorough case studies: Deeper insight into the dynamic data gathering implementations for
smart traffic systems can be gained by conducting comprehensive case studies inside a larger
organization. A wider range of sectors and uses can be covered by these case studies.
• Ethical considerations: Data privacy, security, and sustainability should all be given more
attention in future studies. The importance of this factor rises in tandem with the growth of
smart traffic systems and big data usage.
• International comparison analysis Comparing the implementation of big data in smart traffic
systems across several nations and areas can highlight regional variations and unique difficulties.
• Developing technologies: To employ data collecting and subsequently to explore potential
complementing developing technologies like 5G networks and AI advancements.

Available at: Vaughan, T. (2021) 10 advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research, Poppulo,
Poppulo, [online] Available at:
(Accessed 19 October 2023).

Available at: Nasrudin, A. (2022) Primary research: Methods, advantages, and disadvantages - penpoin.
[2023], Penpoin., [online] Available at:
4 (Accessed 19 October 2023).

Available at: R;, E. K. J. (n.d.) Avoiding common pitfalls in qualitative data collection and transcription,
Qualitative health research, U.S. National Library of Medicine, [online] Available at: (Accessed 19 October 2023).

Available at: Mora, M. (2022) Secondary research advantages, limitations, and sources, Relevant
Insights, [online] Available at:
RV5kQMiCNGfaLuu-bbTgO5spck8 (Accessed 19 October 2023).

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