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I. Use “should/shouldn’t” to fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
1. Tom _______________ eat so many lollipops. It’s bad for his teeth.
2. He’s fifteen. He _______________ drive a car.
3. Pregnant women _______________ smoke as it can damage the baby.
4. We _______________ go somewhere exciting for our holiday.
5. People _______________ drive fast in the town centre.
6. You _______________ ask the teacher for help you if you don’t understand the lesson.
7. _______________ I buy the dress or the skirt?
8. She _______________ tell lies.
9. That’s a fantastic book. You _______________ read it.
10. The doctor said: “You _______________ eat healthy food. You _______________ eat fast food. You
_______________ watch so much TV. You _______________ walk 1 hour a day. You _______________ drink fruit
juice and water. You _______________ drink wine or beer.
11. You _______________ be so selfish.
12. I don’t think you _______________smoke so much.
13. You _______________ exercise more.
14. I think you _______________ try to speak to her.
15. You are overweight. You _______________ go on a diet.
16. Where _______________ we park our car?
17. You _______________ never speak to your mother like this.
18. The kids _______________ spend so much time in front of the TV.
19. _______________ I tell her the truth or should I say nothing?
20. I think we _______________ reserve our holiday in advance.
II. Use “can/can’t” to fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
1. I (can/ can’t) speak French. I picked it up while I was in France.
2. I (can/ can’t) come to the party. I am really busy.
3. We (can/ can’t) hear you. The music is so loud.
4. Where are my keys? I (can/ can’t) find them.
5. I (can/ can’t) believe it. We won two million dollars.
6. We (can/ can’t) meet tomorrow if you want.
7. (Can/ Can’t) you make me a cup of tea, please?
8. He (can/ can’t) jump. His leg hurts so much.
9. Illiterate people (can/ can’t) read and write.
10. Fish (can/ can’t) swim.
11. (Can/can’t) you swim? - Yes, I (can/can’t)
12. I’m sorry I (can/can’t) help you today, I’m really busy.
13. Please (can/can’t) you buy some milk on your way home? - I (can/can’t) leave the house
because I’m looking after the baby.
14. I (can/can’t) ride a bike but I (can/can’t) drive a car.
15. I just (can/can’t) manage to wake up on time, I’m always late.
16. Hello, (can/can’t) I help you? - Actually, no you (can/can’t). This restaurant is awful and we’ve
been waiting here for half an hour. We’re leaving.
17. I have a special talent, I (can/can’t) touch my nose with my tongue (can/can’t) you?
18. (Can/Can’t) I go to the bathroom please?- Yes, of course you (can/can’t).
19. Look! It’s right there! (Can/Can’t) you see it? It’s so obvious!
20. I’ve never been able to eat breakfast in the mornings. I (can/can’t) talk to anyone either!

I. Read the email and write True (T) or False (F) for the statements.
 New message
Subject: Visiting Vietnam
Dear Julian,
I'm so glad you are coming to Vietnam for your vacation. It's beautiful! When you're here, we
should travel to see some of Vietnam's natural wonders. Mộ c Châ u Highland and Cú c Phương
National Park are two beautiful places in the north of Vietnam. There are some really pretty
villages, huge forests, and amazing waterfalls. We can go to both places by train or bus. We
should also go to Phú Quố c Island and Lă ng Cô Bay. They have beautiful white sand beaches.
We could go scuba diving and snorkeling there. Those places are famous for their delicious
seafood, too. We can go to Phú Quố c by plane or boat.
See you soon,
Phú c

1. Julian is coming to Vietnam for her vacation.
2. Mộ c Châ u Highland and Cú c Phương National Park are in the south of Vietnam.
3. You can’t go to Mộ c Châ u Highland by bus or train.
4. If you love the beach, you should go to Phú Quố c Island on Lă ng Cô Bay.
5. You can eat seafood in Phu Quoc Island.

Life on the Moon



I. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verbs. (Simple future tense)
1. What (you, do) ____________________ this evening?
2. I’m a little busy. I (have) ____________________ time to help you with your homework later though.
3. Mr. Brown (give) ____________________ us a grammar test tomorrow.
4. You (help) ____________________ your friend after class, won’t you?
5. Kyung Sook (cook) ____________________ something tasty for dinner tonight. Will you try it?
6. Next year, the university (change) ____________________ its entrance requirements.
7. We (move) ____________________ to the new campus in 2010.
8. ____________________ (you, go) camping with our club on Saturday?
9. ____________________ (you, go) to Canada on your vacation?
10. Our friends ____________________ (meet) us in front of the Sears department store.
11. Miss Brown ____________________ (make) a new list tonight.
12. We (ask) ____________________a policeman which road to take.
13. My wife (call) ____________________ on you tomorrow.
14. I (have) ____________________ my lunch at twelve o’clock.
15. He (be) ____________________ here on Wednesday.
16. He (come) ____________________ at two o’clock tomorrow.
17. The new park (cover) ____________________ a very great area.
18. We (know) ____________________ the answer tomorrow.
19. I hope we (meet) ____________________ him tonight.
20. When the thermometer is below zero water ____________________. (freeze)

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