TPC Inglês

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Vittra, a different school

 This school is normal, children go there in the morning and leave in

the afternoon.

 Vittra follows a model in which there are no classes and students

learn in groups according to the pedagogical principles defined. That
is, there are different levels and types of learning.

 The very structure of the building (created by architect Rosan

Bosch) was designed to welcome students and leave them free to
learn the way they prefer.

 The building is divided into five environments: the Cave (a space

reserved for concentration and privacy), the Laboratory
(experiences and practical work), bonfire (group classes and
socialization), furo (a place for meetings and impulses), and arena (a
place to show and discuss what was learned).

 At this school, the parents can take the children or they can also
choose whether they want transport

 There is no uniform and the holidays are normal.

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