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National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.

: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 1 of 9

This document provides as a general requirement for Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) applying for the
service of Notification of Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) as mandated by:
a) UAE Cabinet Decree No. 35 for the year 2015 Regarding UAE System for Control of Conformity
Assessment Bodies (CAB’s).
b) UAE Cabinet Resolution No. 13 for the year 2021 Regarding Mistry of Industry and Advanced
Technology services Fees.
This will provide guidance for CABs on how to comply with the requirements in order to become a notified
body and to maintain its notification status. This document provides a list of requirements that must be
complied by CABs when applying for notification under MoIAT as the sole notification entity in UAE. This
document supplements the requirement stated in the above-mentioned legal framework and will be able to
facilitate the compliance of CABs to MoIAT requirements for notification.
Visit for publications, online documents and up-to-date information related to
Notification service.
1.0 Definition of Terms
1.1 All terms used in the UAE Cabinet Resolution No. 35/2015 and 13/2021 are applicable.
A. Country: United Arab Emirates.
B. Ministry: Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT).
C. The Licensing Authority: The Authority designated for issuing licenses in each Emirate.
D. Technical Requirements: The conditions & criteria defined by the Ministry that a CAB must meet in
order to obtain accreditation or registration or notification.
E. Conformity Assessment: demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process,
system, person, or body are fulfilled.
F. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB): A registered, or accredited or notified body performing conformity
assessment services, including testing and calibration laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency
testing providers and certification bodies for systems, personnel, and products.
G. Registration: An approval issued by the Ministry where Conformity Assessment Body is granted
permission to practice conformity assessment activities.
H. Accreditation: Third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal
demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks.
I. Notification: The act of the notifying Ministry informing that a conformity assessment body has been
designated to carry out conformity assessment according to related regulations/schemes and fulfils
the requirements relating to notified bodies set out in this regard.
J. Notified Bodies (NB): A CAB that has been designated in accordance with the provisions of this
requirement to provide conformity assessment specified in the technical regulations/schemes for
products or service determined by the Ministry.
K. Conformity Certificate: The certificate issued by the Ministry confirming the conformity of the product
or any of the product batch thereof to the requirements of the approved standard specifications.

Prepared by: QO Approved By: HOS

This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
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National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 2 of 9

L. Mark: Any symbol, drawing, mark, hallmark, stamp, engraving or picture to indicate the conformity
against whatever issued in regards to standards, metrology, quality and conformity.
M. Accreditation Logo: Symbol issued by the Ministry consists of accreditation mark & ID to be used by
accredited CABs to indicate their accredited status.
N. Assessor: Any person with high qualifications, experience and technical competencies in a specific
field, assigned by the Ministry to verify the extent to which the conformity assessment body meets the
technical requirements.
1.2 All definitions covered by ISO/IEC 17011, ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025, and
ISO/IEC 9001 are applicable.

2.0 Responsibilities
2.1 MoIAT-Notification Section
2.1.1 General Obligations:
a. MoIAT being the sole notification entity in the UAE, responsible for notifying CABs based in UAE that have
fulfilled the requirements and rules stipulated in this document and other relevant documents related to
the service of notification.
b. MoIAT shall determine the compliance of NB’s implementing the UAE Regulations/Scheme/legalizations for
their conformity assessment activities for the purpose of product registration and certification of various
products approved by the UAE Cabinet.
c. MoIAT shall ensure the confidentiality of the information obtained through the notification process.
d. MoIAT shall ensure transparency, impartiality, and objectivity in the procedures of notification activities and
shall take all measures to ensure that there is no conflict of interest. MoIAT policies, processes,
requirements, and procedures are non-discriminatory where MoIAT makes its services accessible to all
applicants whose application falls within the notification scope.
e. MoIAT shall inform the in-process applicants to be notified and the current NBs about any relevant decision
pertaining to its status as notifying entity.
f. Lists of notified bodies and continuous updating of these lists and making them available to the public in
MoIAT website.
g. MoIAT shall undertake the coordination of the experience exchange regarding the notification activities and
capacity building for the national competence in the field of the notification. This includes participating in
both sectorial groups/committees in the fields of various regulations facilitating the exchange of
information and experience.
2.1.2 Subcontracting Obligations:
h. MoIAT shall itself normally undertake the notification activities and may choose to subcontract the
activities/evaluation process to ENAS/ any approved accreditation body by MoIAT.
i. Final Notification decisions shall not be subcontracted and shall be the sole responsibility of MoIAT.
j. MoIAT ensures full responsibility of the competency, freedom from conflict of interest, safeguarding
objectivity, independency, confidentiality, integrity, and impartiality of its subcontractors / subsidiaries.
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This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
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National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 3 of 9

k. MoIAT will be responsible in informing the NB in case notification activity/ process is subcontracted and
formal consent shall be received from the NB.
2.1.3 Obligations related to Assessments, Findings and Decisions:
a. It is the responsibility of MoIAT to conduct assessments initially and periodically to ensure NB’s compliance
to the notification requirements. Procedure NSPRO-02 & NSPRO-04 will be followed for conducting Initial
and Surveillance Assessment of Notified Bodies respectively.
b. It is the responsibility of MoIAT to provide adequate number of competent personnel to conduct the
evaluation process/activities of notification service.
c. MoIAT has the responsibility to challenge the competence of NB’s where it doubts the result of its
conformity assessment activities or where cases where doubts were brought to MoIAT’s attention.
d. MoIAT has the responsibility to act on the findings of its assessments of NBs. This involves communicating
to the NB details of concerns about its performance obtained during periodic assessments of its activities,
the results of enforcement activities, concerns passed by other stakeholders. MoIAT is responsible for
agreeing or imposing actions for the NB depending upon the seriousness of the non-conformity. Such
actions can range from, for example, requiring that notified body personnel are re-trained, audits are
repeated, reduction/extension of notified scope or, in cases of extreme or persistent poor performance or
unresolved non-conformities, that the notified body notification be suspended or withdrawn. Procedure
NSPRO-03 will be followed for the suspension and withdrawal of notification for all NBs.

2.2 Notified Body Obligations

2.2.1 General Obligations:
a. The NB shall be of a legal entity, or a specific part of a legal entity based in UAE. Government bodies shall be
considered as a legal entity on the basis of their governmental status. The conformity assessment bodies
outside UAE may open offices or delegate legal representation of the entity in UAE with the condition of
complying with the requirement stated this document.
b. The NB shall have the necessary technical, financial and professional qualifications to assess the conformity
of the product within the scope of the required notification scope.
c. The NB shall demonstrate financial stability and the resources required to cover any liabilities arising from its
activities under the notification scope and the geographical location operations and shall prove that it has the
appropriate arrangements (insurance/indemnities) to meet these obligations. It shall provide the minimum
required professional indemnity or liability insurance coverage form insurance company based in UAE
(minimum AED 3,000,000) to any concerned party in case of any errors in conducting conformity assessment
activities in its notified scope.
d. The NB shall be capable of carrying out all the conformity assessment activities assigned to such body by the
provisions of the relevant scope for which it has been notified, whether those tasks are carried out by the NB
itself or on its behalf and under its responsibility. They are required to provide evidence that in which these
tasks always meet all the requirements of this document and whenever is needed.

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This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
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National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 4 of 9

e. At any time, the NB shall provide all necessary facilities to MoIAT and shall provide all information required to
facilitate and implement the notification procedures. This includes the facilitation of the onsite visits, even
unannounced visits.
f. The NB shall be responsible for establishing, monitoring, and maintaining within its organization, the full
requirements of ISO/IEC 17065 or any other applicable standards (such as ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17021 and
ISO/IEC 17025) which it may use for the conduct of any conformity assessment activities in which they are
g. It is also the NB’s responsibility to provide adequate competent personnel (including provision of training
needs) to prove its competence in certifying any regulated products of MOIAT.
h. The personnel of NB’s shall ensure that the legal status is maintained such as the registration from MOIAT or
any applicable business license in the UAE to conduct conformity assessment activities. They shall be equally
responsible in ensuring that the staff or its subcontractors are free from conflict of interest and impartial in
the conduct of evaluation activities.
i. The NB shall ensure that confidentiality and independence shall be continuously maintained.
j. Facilities, equipment, and infrastructure needed to perform its notified scope shall be provided by the NB or
its subcontractor including the retention of documentation for five years as stated in Federal Law or in any
applicable cabinet resolution for this matter.
k. NB shall be authorized by MoIAT to issue certificate of conformity including the relevant mark of conformity
and shall take full responsibility of any decisions arising from the issuance of the certificate of conformity and
the mark of conformity. It shall also be the responsibility of notified bodies to provide MOIAT with relevant
records as requested without undue delay. It shall also be the responsibility of the NB to monitor and ensure
that mark of conformity issued to the client are placed/posted/printed on the certified products only and/or
in a manner that will not mislead the consumer/user of the certified product.
l. The conduct of surveillance activities shall be the responsibility of NB to ensure that all certified products
comply with the requirements of the scheme or MoIAT regulations and legalizations. It is also the
responsibility of the NB to monitor and ensure that all certified products will continue to bear a valid certificate
of conformity while the certified products are marketed/sold/displayed for sale in the UAE Market.
m. The NB shall submit a periodic report to MoIAT or any other relevant authorities on the products with valid or
without valid (suspended or canceled) certification especially products which are recalled in the UAE market
or in other countries, either by MoIAT or any other relevant authorities in UAE or in other countries.
n. NBs are responsible for providing information for the exchange of experience to be initiated by MoIAT on a
regular basis. They shall also be responsible to provide MoIAT and all related notified bodies of any
information such as but not limited to; non-conforming products, non-certified/rejected products, doubtful
clients/products, possible errors in conducting certification activities which may be committed as well by other
notified bodies, recalls, accidents related to certified products etc.

3.0 General Requirements

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This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
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National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 5 of 9

3.1 The NB shall be registered by MoIAT as per the requirements of UAE Cabinet Resolution No. 35/2015 and shall
pay the corresponding fees as per UAE Cabinet Resolution No. 13/2021. The registration of CABs shall be evidence
of its legal status and shall be presented by the applicant to MOIAT representative upon request.
3.2 The NB shall maintain a clear record on how the financial support for its operation and the conduct of its
conformity assessment activities are being sourced out including its fees and financial conditions.
3.3 The NB shall provide the resources for the conformity assessment of MoIAT schemes/regulated products in a
competent, transparent, neutral, independent, and impartial manner.
3.4 Each employee or staff of the NB shall declare an annual declaration of non-conflict of interest to ensure
continuous compliance.
3.5 If the NB, or any part of a larger organization to which it is linked, provides consultancy services, then the
documented quality system of the NB shall include a policy statement and documented procedures ensuring that
assessment and consultancy services are separated. The NB should ensure, by means of a documented agreement,
that its subcontractors are aware of this guidance. Marketing material produced by the NB should not give any
impression that consultancy and assessment activities are linked.
3.6 NBs shall maintain the current organizational structure showing the responsibilities, authorities and reporting
structure which shall demonstrate independence, impartiality, and integrity in conducting conformity assessment
activities. It shall also show its links to a larger organization (if available) or any involvement in consultancy and
other related services.
3.7 Requirements for impartiality, independence, confidentiality, and conflict of interest as stated in applicable
ISO/IEC standards shall be complied by the NB. This confidentiality and impartiality conditions shall be mutually
agreed between the employer and the employee at the time of employment. It is also the responsibility of the
notified bodies to monitor the implementation of these conditions during and after the employment or to
ensure/remind that the employee is aware of its commitment to safeguard the confidentiality or impartiality
either during or after the employment. Any allege breach to confidentiality or risk to impartiality or any unethical
issues which are tantamount to breach of confidentiality and impartiality shall be reported by the NB to MoIAT.
3.8 The NB ensure that the remuneration of personnel shall neither depend on the number of conformity assessment
activities carried out, nor on the results of their activities. The NB shall ensure by implementation of documented
procedures that personnel are free from pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence
their judgement during any assessment or inspection that they perform.
3.9 The NB shall maintain actively its accreditation status in the field of the applied notification scope.
3.10 MoIAT shall gather evidence of compliance with the accredited scope and ensure that the requirements outline
in the schemes and regulations are effectively implemented in conducting conformity assessment activities in the
intended scope of notification. The scope of accreditation of the NB shall identify the following:
a. Type of Certification;
b. Product Category;
c. UAE Technical Regulation/schemes;
d. Up-to-date standards, normative documents and/or regulatory requirements to which products, processes
and services are certified, as applicable;
e. In case multi-location accredited, all locations of the accredited conformity assessment body and, as
applicable, the conformity assessment activities performed at each location and covered by the scope of
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This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
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National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 6 of 9

f. In case NB is notified, any updates on revision year of standard/ work methods, the NB shall ensure that the
accredited scope is updated accordingly with the latest revision.
3.11 The NB shall provide customer service center or any suitable platform to enable the client (trader/manufacturer)
to apply for certification, receiving/answering enquiries, complaints, disputes, and appeals. This could be done
online, in the website or in any other accessible ways. The NB shall also ensure that it’s online/IT system is
integrated into the online system of MoIAT to align with MoIAT KPIs to ensure effective achievement of the NB.
3.12 Records of complaints, appeals and disputes by the client to the NB shall be kept and presented to MoIAT
without any delay. It is also the responsibility of the NB to act upon any complaints from the clients without undue
delay and to report any complaints from the clients including complaints which may not be known to MoIAT, even
if the complaint is for another NB; to ensure that the parties involved will be dealt with and proper actions to
resolve the complaint by MoIAT.
3.13 The NB shall immediately report to MoIAT in case of any of the following:
a. Any rejection, restriction, suspension, termination or withdrawal of any certificate;
b. Any circumstances affecting the scope of and conditions for notification;
c. When requesting corrective measures from the manufacturer or importer responsible for the place on
d. Any request for information which they have received from market surveillance authorities or other
relevant entities regarding conformity assessment activities;
e. Conformity assessment activities performed within the scope of their notification and any other activity
performed, including cross-border activities and subcontracting;
f. The results of its surveillance procedures as implementation of the provisions of this procedure;
g. Change in key positions (authorized representative, owners)/ key personnel might effect the notified
h. Change in the legal status of the Notified Body or its legal representative;
i. Change in accreditation status;
j. Change of location/office where conformity assessment activities are performed;

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This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
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National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 7 of 9

4.0 Technical Competency Requirements

4.1 General Requirements
a. Notified bodies shall provide sufficient number of competent personnel (technical and administrative) that
possesses sufficient technical knowledge, experience and skills to preform conformity assessment activities
for each category of products in relation to which it has been notified.
b. These shall include competent personnel who are able to handle the technical and administrative tasks such
as allocation of appropriate assessment personnel, review of assessment output and to advise on
certification for the specific tasks and products it has been notified to cover. As a minimum requirement,
the NB shall employ at least two qualified/competent staff for each notified scope. One staff shall do the
evaluation activities and another staff will review the evaluation results.
c. Where additional specific competence criteria have been established for a specific notification
scheme/technical regulation, these shall be applied.

4.2 Personnel Knowledge and Training Requirements

a. The personnel responsible for carrying out conformity assessment activities shall have the following:
- Appropriate or related degree/educational background in the products assigned to them for evaluation
and shall possess relevant training on the products assigned to them for evaluation. Related degree is
determined based on the product and its relation to the basic knowledge according to their degree
which can also be ascertained by interview of staff during the assessment conducted by MoIAT.
- Sound technical and vocational training covering all conformity assessment activities of the relevant
scope of notification
- Satisfactory knowledge of the requirements of the assessment they carry out and adequate authority
to carry out such operations.
- Appropriate knowledge and understanding of the essential requirements of UAE Technical
Regulations and relevant standards.
- The ability to recall certificates, records, and reports to demonstrate that assessments have been
carried out.
b. Relevant training shall also be provided to the staff of NB including the appropriate conformity assessment
requirements and relevant standards for each product/scheme. List of trainings to be provided for all staff
shall be as follows:
- Awareness to ISO/IEC 17065 or applicable ISO standards such as ISO 9001 etc.
- Awareness to ISO/IEC 17020 for staff assigned for schemes with inspection.
- Awareness to ISO/IEC 17021 for staff assigned for schemes with auditing.
- Awareness to ISO/IEC 17025 for staff assigned for schemes with laboratory testing/calibration.
- Internal/Lead Auditor Course for ISO 9001/ISO 22000 for staff assigned for EQM schemes or ECAS full
quality assurance schemes.
- Other relevant training which may be required by the scheme such as induction training by MoIAT.

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This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
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National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 8 of 9

4.3 Personnel Experience

4.3.1 Personnel shall have at least two years of related experience in the products being evaluated. This can be
either by inspection, testing, quality control/assurance, or certification fields.
4.3.2 Experience can also be counted by the notified bodies for their staff considered as staff on training and may
employ staff on training but shall not be given full responsibility for the outcome of the evaluation or
conformity assessment activities.

4.4 Personnel Records

4.4.1 NB shall maintain records, including qualifications, training, competence, results of monitoring, experience,
professional status, and professional affiliations for personnel managing and preforming activities related
to the notification scope.
Personnel Record of NBs shall include the following information:
a. Personnel Name;
b. Designated areas of competence and responsibility within the scope of activities for which the NB has
been notified;
c. Educational and professional qualifications;
d. Work experience (relevant to the activities being performed);
e. Training certificates including the details of training received relating to assessment activities, including
training in the requirements of the schemes/regulated products;
f. Copies of signed annual declaration of interest, confidentiality, impartiality, non-discriminatory policy,
and code of conduct/ethics;
g. Copies of previous evaluation activities of staff for assessment purposes;
h. List of subcontractors and its qualified personnel with its qualification records;
i. Qualification Matrix/Criteria and list of staff;
j. The relevant records such as accreditation records with scope etc.

5.0 Quality System Requirements

5.1 The NB shall establish and maintain up to date documented management system, procedures, and records to
demonstrate its compliance with the relevant standard ISO/IEC 17065 and related regulations which shall include
the followings:
1. A description of the legal status of the NB (private/public), including the links and relationship with
parent organizations, if relevant.
2. Documentation showing the responsibilities and reporting structure of the NB.
3. Quality manual complying with the requirements of applicable ISO/IEC standards.
4. A rationale for defining the scope of the responsibilities for each of the assessment personnel.
5. The names of assessment personnel, both internal and subcontracted, their assessment responsibilities,
and records of their relevant training and experience.

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This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
Always refer to the controlled copy available online (
National Accreditation Department Title: General Requirements for Notified Bodies ID. No.: NSPOL-01
Registration and Notification of CABs
Section Revision No: 03 Revision Date: 26-05-2022 Page 9 of 9

6. A description of the application process by which manufacturers/traders can obtain approval by the NB.
7. Procedures to review applications in respect to the manufacturer’s classifications of its products.
8. Procedures to review the completeness of applications against the details under which approval has
been sought.
9. Procedures to evaluate and verify manufacturers’/traders’ compliance.
10. Procedures relating to the issue, modification, rejection/refusal, suspension, re-instatement, and
withdrawal of, or restrictions placed on, certificates, including action to be taken in the event of the NB
learning that the certification has been wrongly affixed to a product. These procedures shall include a
requirement to inform the competent authority about all certificates refused, suspended, re-instated,
withdrawn or having restrictions placed upon them.
11. Details of obligations regarding communications with other organizations, including competent
authorities, MoIAT and other notified bodies (i.e. about all certificates suspended or withdrawn and, on
request, about certificates issued or refused and any additional relevant information). The
documentation shall also include records of all communications with MoIAT and action taken as a result
of such communications. These records shall be made available to the competent authority/ MoIAT
upon request.
12. Procedures for assessing, selecting, contracting, verifying, and monitoring the competence of
subcontractors, if used, such as inspection body, laboratory, certification body. List of accredited
subcontractors and the list of subcontracted activities shall also be maintained.
13. Procedures describing the means by which assessment and consultancy services are separated, whether
these services are carried out by the NB or any part of a larger organization to which it is linked, or its
14. Checklist and forms for the performance of the conformity assessment activities.
15. Signed policies for using EQM/ECAS/Organic or any logo owned by MoIAT.
16. Record of Certified Products with the contact details of the applicant/trader/manufacturer.
17. Record of Complaints/Appeals/Disputes.
18. Policy for Independence and Impartiality of the Applicant approved by top management.
19. Description of independence of the conformity assessment body from the designating authority and
from the competent authority, in particular when this body is a public entity/institution.
20. Non-discriminatory policy when dealing with clients signed by top management.

5.2 NB shall ensure access to up-to-date set of documented procedures giving assessment instructions and all
relevant information related to conformity assessment activity processes in which they are notified for all
its personnel.
5.3 MoIAT reserves the right to require any other documents or evidence of compliance as reasonably
required by the scheme or approved regulations to ascertain full compliance to the stated or
implied requirements and assure safety or reduce the risk/adverse effect on the end user,
environment, property, and health.
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This document is issued and controlled by MOIAT. Any printed copy shall be treated as ‘Uncontrolled’.
Always refer to the controlled copy available online (

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