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First Time Seeing Snow

The first time I experienced snow was 4 years ago. I had woken up in the middle of the night,
dimly aware of the snow thumping loud on the roof, while teetering between the realm of
consciousness and unconsciousness. Then I had gotten up, crawling over my snoring
grandma’s body, leaving the warmth of the blanket. The cold had seeped into me through my
flimsy pajamas and my bare feet on the cold wood. I shivered as I made my way to the window,
reaching up and pulling apart the long curtains and peered at the dark world that lay outside.
Tiny clumps of crystal snow gracefully falling down like angels, bright white against the darkness
of the night. I had pressed my cheek onto the glass in amazement, my warm breath fogging up
the icy glass. Snow. It was snowing. I vaguely remembered grandma telling me that it would
snow the day before. It was pretty. The cold had pressed onto me more and more as I continued
to sit by the window. Then, a rustle of the blankets woke me up from my daze and two hands
picked me up and tucked me back into the warmth of the bed. “You can look at the snow
tomorrow. Sleep now.” My grandma whispered. A few moments had gone by and I had felt my
eyes drooping before they shut, my mind slipping back into the sea of unconsciousness.

The next morning, I had woken up early, tugged grandma out of bed and headed towards the
door of the small apartment. She had helped me put on my shoes and a thick jumper before
heading outside into the world of white. The snow was like a blanket that covered the whole
world at that moment, the roads, the trees, the cars, all covered by that blanket. I tugged on my
grandma’s hand and pointed at the snow, saying that I wanted to play with it. Grandma could
only sigh and retreat back into the apartment to fetch a bucket, coming out later and helping to
heave the cold snow into it with her bare hands. I had happily picked up the bucket and ran off
into the house, jumping up the stairs, the snow spilling from the bucket. I had kicked my shoes
off with difficulty before jumping into the apartment and placing the bucket by the wall and
digging my chubby hands into the snow that looked oh so welcoming. It was so, so cold. I
grabbed chunks of snow and watched it melt in my hand. I realized moments later that it wasn’t
going to work and left the bucket of snow, waddling back to my room and snuggling back into
the comfortable warmth of the bed.

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