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The organisations and communications between community systems within each part of the

Americas, before the arrival of Europeans and their Catholic and White worldview, were a fact. It
must be said that each relational system had a central engine that was led by civilisations with
greater organisation and complexity than others, for instance, the Southern Cone with the Incas,
Central America with the Maya who shared continental territory with the Aztec civilisation, also
expanding into southern North America. Although this "pluriverse" based on cross-cultural relations
existed all over the continent, their relationships with external cultures were not very balanced and
smooth. On the contrary, it was mostly hostile, at least for those who faced violent Mayan and Inca
and Aztec expansion.

After pyramidal social structures (religion, politics, economics, culture, and so forth) were brought
from the West into the Americas, and after a stronger contact with Europe took place, many
communities were facing epistemicide, extermination and reorganization of transcultural networks
imposed for the colonizer and its cosmovision which was considered as a door to civilization and
salvation for the backwardness that the Americas were facing.

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