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WEEK # 2
DATE: February 2, 2024 to February 5, 2024
NAME: Gia Crystal D. Tampepe
PROGRAM: Bachelor of Elementary Education


I learn that the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Domain 1:
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy encompasses various strands crucial for effective
teaching. Through assisting students during exams, I realize the importance of content
knowledge and its application across curriculum areas. Understanding each question
and guiding students through them underscores the necessity of a deep grasp of subject
matter to effectively convey concepts.I learn that strategies for promoting literacy and
numeracy are foundational to student development. Observing students navigate
through exam questions highlights the importance of fostering these fundamental skills.
Encouraging literacy and numeracy prepares students to tackle various challenges,
equipping them with essential tools for lifelong learning.I learn that effective classroom
communication strategies are essential for student success. Collaborating with teachers
who employ various communication approaches underscores their impact on student
engagement and comprehension. Clear instructions, open communication channels, and
supportive interactions foster a conducive learning environment conducive to student

I developed a deeper appreciation for research-based knowledge and principles of

teaching and learning. While assisting students, I draw on pedagogical techniques
supported by research to facilitate comprehension and retention. Implementing
evidence-based strategies enhances the learning experience, fostering a more
conducive environment for student success.I developed strategies for fostering critical
and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills. Guiding students
through exam questions requires more than rote memorization; it demands analytical
thinking and problem-solving abilities. Incorporating activities that stimulate higher-order
thinking cultivates students' cognitive abilities, preparing them for academic and real-
world challenges.

I feel that positive use of ICT plays a significant role in modern education. Although
not explicitly utilized during exams, the integration of technology in teaching can
enhance learning experiences outside the exam room. Leveraging ICT tools can further
engage students, facilitate personalized learning, and provide additional resources to
support their educational journey.I feel that the inclusion of Mother Tongue, Filipino, and
English in teaching and learning enriches students' linguistic competence. While
assisting students, I witness the significance of language proficiency in comprehension
and expression. Embracing linguistic diversity promotes inclusivity and empowers
students to communicate effectively across different contexts.

Reflecting on today's exam experience, I see the importance of holistic student

development. While some students excel in certain areas, others may struggle,
emphasizing the need for tailored support and differentiated instruction. As a teacher, I
aspire to address individual needs, fostering a supportive learning environment where all
students can thrive.


I learn that creating a safe and secure learning environment is paramount for
effective teaching and learning. Observing the kindergarten and pre-kindergarten
students during the exam, I realized the importance of ensuring learner safety and
security. Despite the disruptive behavior of some Batch 2 students, maintaining a safe
space for all learners is crucial for their holistic development. It's essential to address
disruptive behaviors promptly while ensuring that students feel physically and
emotionally secure in the classroom.I learn that promoting purposive learning involves
guiding students to apply their knowledge and skills meaningfully. While assisting
students with spelling and writing tasks, I observed the significance of connecting
learning to real-life situations. By asking probing questions and encouraging critical
thinking, I helped students make connections between the lesson content and their
experiences. This approach not only enhances learning retention but also cultivates a
deeper understanding of the subject matter.
I developed strategies for managing classroom structure and activities to foster a
fair learning environment. Dividing the classes into batches during exams proved to be
an effective way to manage the testing environment and focus on individual student
needs. By having fewer students to handle at a time, I could provide more personalized
support and guidance, ensuring that each student had the opportunity to demonstrate
their understanding and skills.I developed strategies for managing learner behavior by
establishing clear expectations and consequences. Despite the challenges posed by
disruptive behavior in Batch 2, I learned the importance of consistency and patience in
managing classroom dynamics. By setting firm but fair boundaries and reinforcing
positive behavior, I created a conducive learning environment where all students could
thrive academically and socially.

I feel that supporting learner participation is key to promoting an inclusive learning

environment. In assisting pre-kindergarten students who lacked confidence in writing
their names, I learned the importance of encouraging active participation and
engagement. By providing guidance and assistance, I empowered students to take
ownership of their learning and build their confidence gradually. Creating opportunities
for students to interact with the material and express their understanding fosters a sense
of belonging and investment in their academic journey.I feel that as educators, we play a
crucial role in shaping students' independence and self-reliance. While providing support
and assistance is essential, I recognize the importance of gradually fostering
independence as students grow older. By encouraging self-directed learning and study
habits, we empower students to take ownership of their academic success and prepare
them for future challenges. Building a strong foundation of independent learning skills
equips students with the tools they need to excel beyond the classroom.


I learn that every student has their own pace and style of learning. Some may
grasp concepts quickly and independently, while others require more guidance and
assistance. This diversity in learning styles and abilities is evident across all grade
levels, from kindergarten to pre-kindergarten. Each student's journey towards
understanding and mastering the material is unique, and as a teacher, it's crucial to
recognize and accommodate these differences.I learn that cultural, linguistic, and socio-
economic backgrounds significantly impact students' learning experiences and abilities.
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Domain 3 emphasizes the
importance of recognizing and respecting these diverse backgrounds. As I interacted
with students from various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds during the exams, I
became more aware of the need to incorporate culturally responsive teaching practices
and provide equitable learning opportunities for all students.

I developed a deeper appreciation for the importance of fostering independence in

students while also providing necessary support. As I assisted kindergarten and pre-
kindergarten students during the exams, I realized the value of striking a balance
between offering guidance and encouraging self-reliance. By explaining concepts and
clarifying questions without simply providing answers, I empower students to think
critically and problem-solve on their own.I developed a deeper understanding of the
challenges faced by learners with disabilities, giftedness, talents, and those in difficult
circumstances. While assisting pre-kindergarten students who struggle with writing or
spelling, I recognized the importance of providing individualized support and
accommodations to ensure their success. It's crucial to create an inclusive learning
environment where every student feels valued and supported, regardless of their unique
challenges or abilities.

I feel that addressing the diverse needs of learners requires flexibility and
adaptability in teaching strategies. Observing how different teachers handle exam
procedures, from Teacher Sheila's approach of providing assistance freely to Teacher
Teresa's emphasis on student independence, highlighted the range of methods that can
be effective in supporting diverse learners. It's essential to tailor instructional techniques
to meet the specific needs of each student and create an inclusive learning
environment.I feel that promoting a sense of belonging and inclusivity is essential for
supporting learners from indigenous groups. As I engaged with students during the
exams, I reflected on the importance of integrating indigenous perspectives and cultural
content into the curriculum. By incorporating diverse cultural perspectives and
experiences, educators can foster a sense of pride and identity among indigenous
learners, ultimately promoting their academic success and well-being.


I learn that effective assistance during exams involves more than just providing
answers or hints; it requires guiding students to understand the questions themselves.
By explaining test items individually, I empower students to rely on their comprehension
skills and apply what they've learned independently.I learn that ensuring learning
outcomes are aligned with competencies is crucial for creating relevant and responsive
learning programs. By observing students' performance during exams, I recognize the
importance of reinforcing foundational skills, such as reading and comprehension, to
facilitate their academic success.

I developed a keen awareness of the importance of fostering independence in

students, particularly in kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. Allowing them space to
navigate challenges builds their confidence and reinforces their ability to tackle tasks on
their own, contributing to their overall growth and development.I developed a deeper
appreciation for the role of motivation in maintaining students' engagement during
assessments. Recognizing signs of fatigue or disinterest, I find ways to incorporate short
motivational activities that reenergize students and reignite their enthusiasm for learning.

I feel that professional collaboration plays a significant role in enriching teaching

practices, as evidenced by the varied strategies employed by different teachers. From
fostering independence to providing clear instructions and utilizing rubrics, each
approach offers valuable insights into tailoring teaching methods to meet students'
diverse needs effectively.I feel that integrating technology and other teaching resources,
such as worksheets and educational materials, enhances the learning experience and
fosters practical life skills development. By utilizing these resources effectively, teachers
can create dynamic and interactive learning environments that cater to students'
individual learning styles and needs.

I learn that effective assessment strategies encompass more than just evaluating
students' knowledge; they involve guiding them to understand and apply concepts.
During the examination week at CIT-U, I learned the importance of not merely providing
answers but facilitating understanding. My role in assisting kindergarten and pre-
kindergarten students highlighted the significance of guiding rather than spoon-feeding,
fostering independence while ensuring comprehension.

I developed a deeper understanding of monitoring and evaluating learner progress

through first-hand experience. Observing the students during exams allowed me to
gauge their comprehension levels and identify areas needing improvement. By providing
feedback tailored to individual needs, I contributed to their continuous learning process,
reinforcing positive behaviors and addressing misconceptions.

I feel that effective communication with stakeholders is integral to student success.

Through transparent reporting of learner needs, progress, and achievements, educators
can collaborate with parents and guardians to provide adequate support. During the
examination period, I realized the importance of keeping parents informed about their
child's academic performance, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to
holistic development.

In utilizing assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices, I

recognized the value of adapting strategies to meet diverse student needs. While some
students thrived with minimal assistance, others required more guidance to succeed.
Collaborating with teachers like Sheila, Teresa, Judy, and Ruby provided insights into
different approaches, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and differentiation.

Overall, my experience during the examination week underscored the multifaceted

nature of assessment and reporting in education. By embracing the PPST Domain 5
strands, I aim to cultivate a dynamic learning environment where students feel
empowered to engage critically, collaborate effectively, and succeed academically.

Reflecting on my experiences during the examination week at CIT-U, I learn that

establishing learning environments responsive to community contexts is essential for
student success. By understanding the backgrounds and needs of my students, I can
tailor my approach to better support their learning journey. Whether it's assisting
kindergarteners in grasping test concepts or guiding pre-kindergarten students in writing
their names, adapting to their individual needs fosters a more conducive learning
In navigating school policies and procedures, I learned the importance of clear
communication and consistency. Whether it's adhering to examination protocols or
following classroom guidelines, consistency ensures a smooth and organized learning
process. By familiarizing myself with school policies and procedures, I can effectively
navigate challenges and contribute to a harmonious learning environment.

I developed a deeper appreciation for the engagement of parents and the wider
school community in the educative process. Working alongside teachers, NAS, and even
the students themselves, I realized the importance of collaborative efforts in nurturing
student development. From assisting during exams to facilitating classroom activities,
involving various stakeholders enhances the overall learning experience and
strengthens community bonds.

Regarding professional ethics, I feel that maintaining integrity and impartiality is

crucial in my role as an educator. During examinations, I strive to uphold ethical
standards by ensuring fairness and impartiality in assisting students. By refraining from
providing answers and instead focusing on guiding understanding, I uphold the
principles of academic integrity and promote a culture of honesty and accountability
among students.

Overall, my experiences during examination week underscore the significance of

community linkages and professional engagement in education. By establishing
responsive learning environments, engaging stakeholders, upholding professional
ethics, and adhering to school policies, educators can create a supportive and conducive
learning environment that fosters student growth and success.


I learn that the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Domain 7,
which focuses on Personal Growth and Professional Development, encompasses
several crucial aspects of teaching practice. Throughout the examination period, I
discovered the importance of upholding the Philosophy of teaching. It's not just about
delivering content but also about guiding students to understand the material deeply. By
refraining from simply giving answers and instead explaining concepts, I help students
build their comprehension skills and retain knowledge.

I developed a deeper understanding of the Dignity of teaching as a profession as I

navigated through assisting kindergarten and prekindergarten students during the
exams. Despite the challenges, such as disruptive behavior and lack of motivation in
some students, maintaining professionalism is paramount. Whether it's holding a
student's hand to help them write their name or patiently explaining a question, every
interaction underscores the dignity and responsibility of being an educator.

I feel that fostering Professional links with colleagues is essential for effective
teaching practices. Collaborating with fellow teachers, as seen in different strategies
employed by Teacher Sheila, Teacher Teresa, Teacher Judy, and Teacher Ruby, not
only enriches classroom instruction but also promotes a supportive environment for both
educators and students. Sharing insights, resources, and experiences ultimately benefits
everyone involved in the teaching-learning process.

Professional reflection and learning to improve practice became evident as I

observed variations in student performance and behavior across different batches.
Reflecting on each day's experiences, I realized the importance of adapting teaching
methods to meet the diverse needs of students. Whether it's identifying talkative
students in Batch 2 or addressing motivational issues during exams, continuous
reflection enables me to refine my approach and enhance student outcomes.Lastly,
setting Professional development goals is crucial for growth as an educator. Through
observations and interactions during the examination period, I identified areas for
personal improvement, such as incorporating short motivational activities before tests to
engage young learners effectively. By setting specific goals and actively working towards
them, I can continually enhance my teaching practice and contribute to student
success.Navigating through the examination period provided valuable insights into the
PPST Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development. By upholding
teaching philosophy, respecting the dignity of the profession, fostering collegial
relationships, engaging in reflective practice, and setting development goals, I can strive
towards becoming a more effective and impactful educator.

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