Field Study Oct 2 - Oct 25

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Field Study Day 19

Date : October 2, 2023

As a practice teacher in the nursery class, I had the opportunity to

observe a typical Monday morning at the school. Upon my arrival, I noticed
that some nursery students had already gathered in the school courtyard,
even before the arrival of their teacher, Teacher Ruby. The morning bells rang,
signaling the start of the flag ceremony. In the absence of Teacher Ruby, I
took the initiative to set up the chairs and tables outside the classroom and
guided the students to sit down. I collected their bags and placed them on the
table. When Teacher Ruby arrived, she ensured that all the bags were safely
stored inside the classroom. During the flag ceremony, both Teacher Ruby
and I guided the young students on how to stand, place their right hand over
their left chest, and recite the Panatang Makabayan. It was heartening to see
the children participate with enthusiasm.

Following the flag ceremony, the school had a short program, which
included presentations and dances by students from higher grades. The
program also included an awards ceremony for winners of various contests
held during Science Month. Some parents of the nursery students left early,
while others stayed, knowing their children might become upset if they
departed. This presented an opportunity for me to assist in supervising the
children outside.

Every morning, there were a few students who exhibited mood swings
and emotional outbursts. It became evident that careful attention was required
to prevent conflicts and ensure that the children's days were not spoiled. I
took this responsibility seriously, knowing that maintaining a positive
atmosphere was crucial.

After the morning program, it was time for the nursery students to enter
the classroom. Teacher Ruby began her lesson, which focused on the letter
"D." She introduced both the uppercase and lowercase versions of the letter,
encouraging the students to trace them with their fingers. To make the lesson
engaging, she showed a video featuring words starting with "D." The room
lights were dimmed to optimize the viewing experience. During the activity, I
noticed one student, Carlene, who was exceptionally playful, energetic, and
active in class participation. When an NAS (Non-Academic Staff) approached
to check her work, it disrupted her focus, causing her to lose interest in the
task. This observation emphasized the importance of allowing students like
Carlene to work freely without interruptions to maintain their engagement.

During snack time, I observed students willingly sharing their snacks

with their peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie. Teacher Ruby then utilized
technology again by showing a video related to the lesson. The integration of
technology was effective in capturing the students' attention and enhancing
their learning experience. Afterward, the students were given worksheets for
tracing the letter "D" and identifying corresponding objects. As the school day
neared its end, Teacher Ruby had her students recap the day's lesson by
identifying objects that started with the letter "D" on their worksheets. To
ensure productive use of time before dismissal, the students worked on
materials provided by Teacher Ruby. As a routine, she awarded each student
with a smiley face stamp, encouraging them to continue performing well in

In Teacher Ruby's language class for the pre-K Love and Faith group,
she introduced the concept of pronouns using pictures of "She," "He," and "It."
The students actively participated by identifying the correct pronoun for each
picture. During Teacher Ruby's Science class, she delivered a lesson on
caring for the nose, utilizing a PowerPoint presentation and video showing.
The multimedia approach engaged the students and made the lesson
informative and memorable.

My day as a practice teacher in the nursery class was both

enlightening and rewarding. It highlighted the importance of creating a
nurturing and engaging learning environment for young children, where
technology, creativity, and empathy play crucial roles in their development.
Day 20

Date: October 3, 2023

Today was a remarkably productive day in the nursery and Pre-K Love
and Faith classes. The nursery students were actively engaged in tracing and
matching activities, followed by a series of interactive sessions led by Teacher
Ruby. The nursery students started the day with a burst of productivity,
tackling various tracing and matching worksheets. The first worksheet
required them to match different items with their corresponding containers by
tracing along broken lines. Upon completion of this task, students moved on
to the next worksheet, which involved matching clothing items worn by boys
and girls, also with tracing components. Subsequently, they engaged in an
activity where they connected dots to match different people with the tools
they use for their work. After successfully completing these three matching
and tracing activities, the students eagerly proceeded to a coloring worksheet
where they were instructed to color items with pleasant scents.

While the tracing activities aimed to develop fine motor skills and
handwriting practice, it became apparent that some students were growing
weary of the repetitive nature of these tasks. Despite variations in content,
continuous tracing and coloring seemed to lead to a sense of monotony
among the students. I observed that students differed in their pace and
enthusiasm for these activities. Some completed the worksheets swiftly, while
others required assistance and encouragement. As a practice teacher, I
offered support to those who needed it, emphasizing the reward of a star from
their teacher upon completion.

Following snack time, all students returned to the classroom, creating a

lively and noisy atmosphere. To regain their focus and provide an enjoyable
break, Teacher Ruby decided to show two story videos, "The Silent Cricket"
and "The Beautiful Butterfly." The students sat down attentively, displaying a
keen interest in the videos. They actively observed and discussed the content
with their classmates, exhibiting curiosity and a desire to learn. Several
students also posed questions about the videos. After the video session,
Teacher Ruby introduced a new prayer song, which the students readily
participated in. This was followed by an engaging activity called "Be My
Echo," where students repeated everything spoken by a person in the video.
This activity not only held their attention but also reinforced their listening and
communication skills.

During the afternoon session in Pre-K Love and Faith, Teacher Ruby
continued to engage her students effectively. In the language class, the
students reviewed pronouns "She," "He," and "It" by identifying pictures
displayed on the TV screen and answering whether they represented "She,"
"He," or "It." Teacher Ruby encouraged participation and fairness by listing the
names of participating students and ensuring that everyone had the
opportunity to respond. In the science class, the students learned about the
function of the ears and were exposed to various sounds in their surroundings.
Teacher Ruby used a speaker to ensure that the students could hear the
sounds clearly, enhancing their understanding and engagement. In the writing
portion, Teacher Ruby utilized books, allowing the students to trace various
activities within them. Those who completed the task received a star as a
reward for their effort.

Today was a day filled with active learning, engagement, and

exploration in both the nursery and Pre-K Love and Faith classes. Despite the
challenges of monotony in tracing and coloring activities, the students thrived
in a dynamic and interactive learning environment. The combination of
creative teaching methods, educational videos, and hands-on activities
ensured that the students not only learned but also enjoyed their day at
Day 21

Date: October 4, 2023

As a pre-service teacher, I had the privilege of observing and

immersing myself in the vibrant world of early childhood education alongside
Teacher Ruby. This experience offered a unique opportunity to witness the
intricacies of classroom management, support students in their learning
journey, and contribute to the educational environment.

One of the fundamental aspects of teaching that I assisted with was

classroom management. I observed Teacher Ruby's skillful techniques in
settling down students at the start of the day. Her calm demeanor and clear
instructions created an atmosphere where the students felt comfortable and
secure. When situations arose that required redirection or discipline, I had the
chance to assist Teacher Ruby. It was a valuable learning experience to
witness her use of firm yet caring reprimands, fostering a respectful classroom

An essential component of classroom management is capturing

students' attention. I actively engaged in this process by using non-verbal
gestures to call students' attention to the front of the classroom. A simple
raised hand or a gentle tap on the shoulder was often sufficient to redirect
their focus. Once their attention was secured, I would discreetly point towards
Teacher Ruby, signaling that she was about to commence her lesson. This
practice helped transition the students from their activities to active listening.

Beyond classroom management, I provided support to individual

students who faced challenges in completing their worksheets. Some
students struggled with fine motor skills, particularly in holding pencils and
coloring within the lines. I offered guidance and encouragement, showing
them how to grasp the pencil effectively and providing gentle assistance when
needed. Witnessing their progress and the joy on their faces when they
accomplished their tasks was incredibly rewarding.
Another aspect of my role involved collaborating with Teacher Ruby in
the preparation of instructional materials. This included crafting visually
engaging materials that catered to the diverse learning needs of the students.
Contributing to the creation of these resources highlighted the importance of
tailoring teaching materials to engage young learners effectively.

I had also the responsibility of checking and recording the activities of

the nursery and pre-k students. Accurate record-keeping is crucial for tracking
student progress, evaluating the effectiveness of teaching strategies, and
ensuring that the curriculum aligns with educational goals. This task required
meticulous attention to detail, and it underscored the importance of data-
driven decision-making in education.

In the afternoon session, Teacher Ruby conducted a language subject

class for nursery students. The activity involved a worksheet where students
had to identify whether the pictures on the worksheet represented "He," "She,"
or "It." After identifying the correct pronoun, the students were required to
shade the corresponding answer. This activity appears to be designed to
reinforce the concept of pronouns and gender-specific language. It not only
engages students in a hands-on task but also encourages them to apply their
knowledge in a practical context. It's a developmentally appropriate activity for
young learners, helping them understand and use pronouns correctly.

During the science class, Teacher Ruby focused on the sense of

hearing and specifically discussed the concept of loud and soft sounds. This
is a fundamental topic related to sound perception and auditory senses.
Teacher Ruby employed a multimedia approach to teaching this concept
effectively. She incorporated videos for the students to listen to, which likely
included audio examples of loud and soft sounds. This multimedia element
provides a multisensory experience for the students, enhancing their
understanding of the topic. Furthermore, Teacher Ruby used a PowerPoint
presentation with images of objects or things that produce either soft or loud
sounds. The students were asked to orally classify these objects based on the
sound they produce. This activity encourages active participation and critical
thinking as students have to use their auditory discrimination skills to make
judgments. By integrating technology, visual aids, and interactive activities,
Teacher Ruby appears to be using a well-rounded and engaging approach to
teaching the concept of sound, catering to different learning styles and
preferences among her students. I also observed the importance of
incorporating varied teaching methods to keep young learners engaged and
facilitate their understanding of abstract concepts like sound.
Day 22

Date: October 5, 2023

On this special day of Teachers Day, I arrived at the school early in the
morning, filled with excitement and anticipation. The school was abuzz with
energy, as students scurried around with flowers and various gifts for their
beloved teachers. I had been assigned to the nursery class, under the
guidance of Teacher Ruby. As I entered the classroom, I noticed that Teacher
Ruby was already surrounded by a plethora of flowers and chocolates from
her adoring students. To my surprise and delight, some of the young nursery
students had also brought flowers for me, a heart-warming gesture that
instantly brought a smile to my face.

Teacher Ruby, being the warm and kind-hearted teacher she is, had an
abundance of cake for the occasion. She generously offered me a slice of the
bento cake and allowed us to indulge in the delicious chocolate cake as well.
It was a sweet start to the day, both figuratively and literally. Teacher Ruby
took the time to share with me the thoughtful gifts and tokens of appreciation
she had received from her students, as well as from the two working students
who assisted in the classroom.

As the morning progressed, a short program was scheduled to

celebrate Teachers Day. All the teachers, gathered on the stage. During the
program, students took turns expressing their gratitude to their teachers
including me through heartfelt greetings and by presenting them with roses. It
was a special honor and responsibility bestowed upon me by Teacher Janet
to be the one to greet Teacher Ruby during the Teachers Day celebration. As
Teacher Ruby was to the school and her nursery students were not yet able
to speak clearly, it was decided that I would represent the students in
expressing our heartfelt greeting and appreciation for her.

The atmosphere was filled with warmth and admiration, and it was
evident how much the students cherished their educators. However, for our
nursery students, who were still very young and unaware of the significance of
the event, it was a bit overwhelming. Sensing this, one of the experienced
teachers approached us and suggested that it might be better to take the
nursery students back to the classroom. We decided to let them enjoy their
snacks and engage them with educational videos to keep them occupied and

After the program concluded, Teacher Ruby and I returned to the

classroom. It was nearly dismissal time, and she began the process of
stamping her students as a reward for their participation in the Teachers Day
celebration. The students lined up eagerly, their faces beaming with
excitement. As the bell rang for dismissal, Teacher Ruby bid farewell to her
students, reminding them to be good and well-behaved. Since the teachers
had a seminar to attend in the afternoon, it was decided that it would be a
half-day for the students. Teacher Ruby didn't have any more classes for pre-
k Love and Faith, allowing her time to prepare for the seminar.

As I reflected on this special Teachers Day, I felt a profound sense of

gratitude for the opportunity to witness the love and respect that students
have for their teachers. It was a day filled with heart-warming moments, acts
of appreciation, and a reaffirmation of the important role that teachers play in
shaping young minds.
Day 23

Date: October 9, 2023

Today is Monday and I arrived early to prepare the classroom for the
day. I arranged the chairs as instructed by Teacher Ruby to ensure a
comfortable seating arrangement for the flag ceremony and placed the
students' bags in their lockers to prevent any disruptions during the morning
activities. However, I noticed that there were only five students present during
the flag ceremony, and in total, only seven out of the 13 students attended
class today. Teacher Ruby began the day by engaging the nursery students
with action songs to motivate and energize them. She also initiated a
discussion about the day of the week, using songs to help the children learn
the days. Additionally, she wrote the current day, yesterday, and tomorrow on
the whiteboard to reinforce the concept of time. The use of actions in the
songs helped the students identify different days of the week. The routine also
included discussing the weather and singing a weather song, which the
students were already proficient at.

During her lesson, Teacher Ruby started with a review of how to use
materials like the spindle box and color box, emphasizing the importance of
using a mat while working with these materials. She demonstrated the proper
use of the color box by sitting on the floor and working on it. It was evident
that her silent demonstration captivated the students' attention, making them
eager to observe and learn. During independent work time, I observed one
student effectively using the color box, correctly identifying colors and
organizing the materials on a mat. Next, Teacher Ruby assigned three tracing
worksheets for the students to complete. While observing the students, I
noticed that most of them held pencils correctly, even though they struggled
with tracing the lines. Their pencil grasp development was promising, and
many students were quick learners. I provided assistance to some students,
but they were often able to continue working on their own.

After snack time, Teacher Ruby showed the students a video on the
primary colors and then assigned a coloring worksheet using only red, blue,
and yellow crayons. She individually instructed the students on which parts of
the worksheet to color with each color. The students demonstrated a clear
understanding of the instructions, and they were proficient in following them.
However, one student, Princess, was momentarily distracted by the limited
crayon colors. I explained to her that these three colors were required for the
activity, and Teacher Ruby supported this by providing only those crayons to
prevent any deviation.

In the afternoon, during the Pre-K Love and Faith class, Teacher Ruby
introduced a new lesson about different parts of a house. She showed a video
and discussed the various parts of a house, encouraging active participation
and sharing of students' opinions. For the science lesson, Teacher Ruby
focused on teaching the students how to take care of their ears. To review the
concept of loud and soft sounds, she assigned a worksheet where students
had to identify and color objects that produce soft sounds.

Overall, Teacher Ruby demonstrated teaching strategies to engage

and educate her nursery students. She has classroom management applied
in her class and were evident in how she smoothly transitioned between
activities and managed students' behavior. The assessment of learning was
primarily through hands-on activities and worksheets, allowing students to
apply what they had learned.
Day 24

Date: October 11, 2023

Every morning, I find myself in the nursery classroom, well before

Teacher Ruby, to prepare the room for her young students. The children
eagerly await her arrival, and I assist them in removing their bags and settling
in for the day, greeting each child with a warm smile. Teacher Ruby begins
her class by reviewing the topic of "Big and Small," followed by a relevant
video. However, her biggest challenge each morning is Zandrea, a student
with severe separation anxiety. Even with her mother present, Zandrea
refuses to join her classmates, sitting by her mom's side. Despite it being the
second quarter, Zandrea's reluctance to trust her teacher remains a concern.
Teacher Ruby's efforts to build a rapport with her have not been successful,
as Zandrea consistently insists on being with her mom, leading to emotional
outbursts when her mother departs.

Health issues, particularly coughs and sneezes, have plagued the

nursery class, with many students being absent due to illness. The air-
conditioned classroom may be a contributing factor, making it easy for viruses
to spread. To mitigate the risk, Teacher Ruby has implemented mask-wearing
and regular hand sanitization. As Teacher Ruby leads the class in action
songs, I actively participate, assisting students who struggle with the actions
and redirecting those who are not cooperating. Following the "Big and Small"
review, Teacher Ruby transitions to discussing the sense of smell. Her choice
of topics seems somewhat random, lacking a clear connection between them.
However, her ability to engage the students in discussions is evident. She
uses real-life examples of good and bad smells, such as baby powder, a fart,
dirty socks, and perfume, sparking the children's interest. Students participate
eagerly, often accompanied by expressive facial reactions when discussing
unpleasant smells. Teacher Ruby then proceeds to explore the sense of
hearing, showing videos of objects that produce loud and soft sounds. The
students thoroughly enjoy this topic, accurately identifying the loud and soft
sounds around them. When some students provide incorrect answers,
Teacher Ruby patiently clarifies until they grasp the concept.

During snack time, I assist in rearranging tables for an activity in which

students identify good and bad smells. I am also tasked with attaching
payment slips to the communication notebooks to remind parents about
upcoming tuition fees. At the end of her class, Teacher Ruby concludes the
day with the "Friendship Song," "Prayer Song," and "Goodbye Song."

In the afternoon, my role shifts as I handle the scoring and record-

keeping of the pre-K students' worksheets. This allows Teacher Ruby to focus
on grading and provides her with the necessary data for her class in section
Love and Faith. Meanwhile, I also prepare materials for her upcoming science
lesson on the sense of taste, including cutting lemons, bitter gourd (ampalaya),
and obtaining salt and sugar from the canteen. This hands-on approach to
learning reflects Teacher Ruby's practical teaching style, engaging her
students in real-world experiences. Her approach to connecting lessons to the
real world not only captures the students' interest but also facilitates
meaningful learning experiences.
Day 25

Date: October 12, 2023

Teacher Ruby's approach to nurturing the young minds in her class is

truly commendable. She allows her students to explore their dancing and
singing skills, encouraging their creativity and self-expression. This not only
promotes physical activity but also helps in the development of their artistic
and social skills. The use of a complete P.E. uniform ensures that the
students can move comfortably, allowing for a better experience during
physical activities.

After the physical education session, the students are given a chance
to relax by watching a video. This demonstrates Teacher Ruby's
understanding of the importance of balancing active and passive activities to
keep her students engaged and motivated.

One of the highlights of my observation was the way students were

encouraged to work with various materials. They had the freedom to choose
their preferred materials and engage with them creatively. The puzzles, color
and shapes materials, blocks, sensory materials, and math-related materials
all provided opportunities for cognitive development and hands-on learning.
This approach caters to different learning styles and preferences,
ensuring that every student has the chance to explore and learn at their own
pace. Teacher Ruby's classroom management skills are apparent in the way
she transitions the students from one activity to another. She effectively uses
music and interactive songs to engage the children. The "goodbye song" and
the subsequent dance session make the transition enjoyable for the students,
allowing them to release any remaining energy before moving on to the next
task. This approach demonstrates her ability to maintain a positive and well-
structured learning environment.

During the prayer time, I observed that two students, Min Zeus and
Princess, displayed some challenging behaviors. Their occasional moodiness
and lack of cooperation are not uncommon among young children. Teacher
Ruby's response to this situation was both fair and effective. She decided to
exclude the two students from the stamping process and addressed their
behavior separately. This approach ensures that all students are treated fairly
and that discipline is maintained with understanding.

In the afternoon, I had the opportunity to observe Teacher Ruby's

involvement in the Children's Theatre club. Her commitment to teaching and
nurturing her students' talents is evident as she guides them in singing,
dancing, acting, and various presentations. The fact that she uses a prayer
song they are familiar with demonstrates her consideration for their comfort
and confidence in the learning process. Even in this club setting, Teacher
Ruby faces the challenge of managing a student who displays disruptive
behavior, potentially related to ADHD. Her ability to adapt and handle these
challenges while providing a positive and engaging learning environment is
truly commendable.

My observations of the nursery class under Teacher Ruby's guidance

have been insightful. Her approach to teaching, classroom management, and
motivation of young students is also tailored to meet the diverse needs and
interests of her students. The teacching of physical education to creative arts,
is evident in her teaching strategies. Additionally, her fair approach to
discipline ensures a harmonious and inclusive learning environment.
Day 26

Date: October 13, 2023

Today, as I observed the nursery students in teacher Ruby's class, I

was pleasantly surprised to witness their well-behaved and motivated
behavior. The students entered the classroom without any crying or tantrums,
indicating that they were in a good mood and ready to engage with the day's
activities. This positive start set the tone for the entire day. Teacher Ruby's
first lesson was centered around the concept of "The Same." She aimed to
help the students identify pictures that are the same, and she used a mat to
demonstrate this concept. The students were attentive and eager to
participate. I noticed two students, Gavin and Marthina, who were particularly
excited and proactive, approaching teacher Ruby to get the pictures and try
the activity on their own. This eagerness to learn is a testament to their
motivation and engagement.Throughout the lesson, teacher Ruby made sure
that the students watched her closely as she discussed and demonstrated the
identification of pictures that are the same. After the explanation, she gave
each student an opportunity to select a picture and find its matching
counterpart. This approach not only reinforced their understanding but also
provided teacher Ruby with an effective way to assess whether the students
had grasped the lesson.

Teacher Ruby's teaching strategies extended beyond cognitive

learning. She also focused on the development of fine motor skills through an
art activity. She introduced paper tearing and pasting, using colored paper to
make the activity more engaging. While some students needed help with
tearing the paper, they all demonstrated an understanding of the activity and
how to use glue. Teacher Ruby was diligent in ensuring that each student
produced high-quality work. She carefully checked each student's work and
provided guidance for improvement, emphasizing the importance of producing
well-made outputs. After the art activity, teacher Ruby mounted all the
students' work on the whiteboard, showcasing their creativity and effort. The
students then washed their hands in preparation for snack time, reinforcing
good hygiene practices. Following the break, teacher Ruby allowed the
students to watch educational videos such as Blippi and Ms. Rachel's videos.
This brief video time served as a way to replenish the students' energy and
maintain their focus, especially after an active snack break.

In the afternoon, I had the opportunity to observe Teacher Ruby's

Language lesson with her pre-k class. The topic was different things found in
a bedroom and the activities typically done in that space. She engaged the
students by playing a video, encouraging them to repeat the words and share
if they had similar items in their own bedrooms. The majority of the pre-k
students displayed cooperative behavior, making the class easy to manage.
However, some students exhibited behavior that could disrupt their peers,
particularly those suspected of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) or simply being too distracted. In response, teacher Ruby established
a new classroom rule. If a student displayed behavior that could distract
others, they would be asked to sit at the back of the class near the door,
accompanied by the NAS (non-academic staff). This strategy effectively
reduced distractions and maintained a conducive learning environment.

In her Science lesson, teacher Ruby explored the sense of taste with
her students, incorporating a video to enhance the learning experience. When
it came to the writing class, she made a valuable observation. She noticed
that students were less engaged and motivated during the Writing class,
which occurred towards the end of the day. To address this, she expressed
the need to change the schedule for the Writing and Language classes for her
pre-k students. She wanted to provide hands-on activities for writing, including
tracing exercises to improve their fine motor skills. This adjustment is a
testament to her dedication to fostering a stimulating and effective learning
environment for her students.

My observations in Teacher Ruby's nursery and pre-k classes revealed

an engaging teaching approach. Her strategies not only promote cognitive
development but also nurture fine motor skills, ensuring that her students are
well-rounded learners. Her ability to adapt to her students' needs and her
commitment to providing a stimulating learning environment are evident in her
daily practices.

Day 27

Date: October 16, 2023

Today is Monday, and the class starts very early since there is no flag
ceremony because it is exam week. As part of my routine I'm the one who
open our classroom and prepares everything before teacher Ruby arrive. As I
stepped into the nursery classroom, I was filled with excitement and curiosity
to observe how the young learners navigate through their daily routine and
how their teacher, Ruby, facilitates their learning journey. This was a critical
period for me as a preservice teacher, as I aimed to gain insights into effective
teaching strategies, classroom management, student motivation, and
assessment techniques in early childhood education.

During my observation, the first topic of discussion for Teacher Ruby

was the letters A, B, C, D, and S. She skillfully explained the sounds and
formation of each letter to her young students. However, I noticed a slight
confusion among the learners when she included the letter S in the sequence.
This mix-up might lead the students to believe that S follows D in the
alphabetical order. It would be beneficial for Teacher Ruby to reconsider her
approach and introduce letter S separately, avoiding any potential confusion. I
observed that Teacher Ruby used small pictures to supplement her
explanations. Although these visuals were meant to aid understanding, some
students had to stand up and come closer to the pictures in order to see them
clearly. To enhance visual comprehension, it would be helpful for Teacher
Ruby to use larger and more vibrant visuals that can be easily observed by all
students from their seats. As I am observing her for alsmost two months, I
noticed that Teacher Ruby struggled with classroom management. She
heavily relied on my assistance, as well as the help of two working students,
to maintain the students' attention during her discussions. While Teacher
Ruby demonstrated her knowledge and competency as an educator, lacking a
strong classroom management plan hindered her effectiveness. It is crucial
for her to establish and implement strategies that enable her to independently
manage her class, ensuring an optimal learning environment for all
students.After the letter discussion, Teacher Ruby's main focus was on the
letter S. She provided worksheets for the students to trace and color the letter.
Although this hands-on approach was engaging, I observed that the students
became easily distracted during this activity. It would be beneficial for Teacher
Ruby to introduce a variety of activities and learning materials to sustain the
students' interest and cater to their diverse learning styles.

When snack time is over, Teacher Ruby allowed her students to dance
and watch videos. However, her choice of songs remained the same every
day, resulting in the students becoming bored and uninterested. It is essential
for her to incorporate a variety of songs that align with the students' interests
and serve as a motivator for learning.

As the afternoon arrived, I had the opportunity to assist Teacher Ruby

in conducting a test for her Pre-K class. My role was to support students who
struggled with understanding the questions or writing their answers. Afterward,
I took on the responsibility of checking all the test papers and recording the
scores. This experience allowed me to witness the importance of assessment
in learning and how it serves as a tool for evaluating student progress.

My observation of Teacher Ruby's nursery classroom provided

valuable insights into the behavior, motivation, teaching strategies, classroom
management, and assessment practices in early childhood education. While
Teacher Ruby showcased her knowledge and passion for teaching, there
were areas for improvement, such as revising her letter sequence, utilizing
larger visuals, developing stronger classroom management skills, diversifying
activities and songs, and incorporating effective assessment techniques. This
observation allowed me to reflect on my own future teaching practices and the
importance of continuously evolving as an educator to meet the needs of
young learners.
Day 28

Date: October 17, 2023at, teacher Ruby ley them take their seats to pray.
During praying time 2 s

As a preservice teacher, I had the opportunity to observe Teacher

Ruby and her nursery learners' behavior, motivation, teaching strategies,
classroom management, and assessment. The topic for today's lesson was
"Long and Short," and Teacher Ruby used wooden sticks or rods as a
learning material to demonstrate the difference between long and short
objects. She laid them out on the floor along with a mat so that all the
students could clearly see and observe. One aspect that stood out to me
during the observation was Teacher Ruby's effective use of real-life examples
to explain the concept of long and short. She engaged the students by asking
questions such as whether Gavin's hair was long or short, or identifying a
student wearing long or short socks. These examples made the lesson more
relatable and helped the students understand the concept easily.

Furthermore, I noticed that the students were highly motivated and

enthusiastic during Teacher Ruby's instruction. They eagerly participated in
discussions and were willing to share their own knowledge, despite still
struggling with pronunciation issues. The students' excitement and confidence
were evident throughout the lesson. For the activity, Teacher Ruby provided
the students with a coloring task. She instructed them to color brown for short
objects and yellow for long objects. Although this activity was engaging, I
noticed a pattern in Teacher Ruby's teaching—she tended to rely on coloring
and tracing activities for most of her lessons. This could be an area for
potential improvement, as incorporating diverse activities could enhance the
students' learning experience.

After snack time, and before dismissal, Teacher Ruby allowed the
students to watch a video related to the topic of long and short. While this
provided a change of pace, I observed that sometimes she would simply play
videos until dismissal time, resulting in the remaining time being wasted. It
might be more effective to allocate this time for additional activities or
discussions related to the lesson.

During my observation of the nursery students, I noticed two specific

behaviors worth mentioning. One student, Min Zeus, frequently had tantrums
in class, especially when he desired something he couldn't have. In response,
he would lie down on the floor or wander around the classroom, touching
various materials. Another student named Princess seemed to be moody
throughout the day. This observation of individual student behavior highlights
the importance of recognizing and addressing the unique needs of each
student within the classroom. In addition to observing Teacher Ruby's class, I
also assist her in administering an exam to her Pre-K class. I am also the one
who checked and record all the scores of the Pre-k students. I observed that a
lot of pre-k students still don't know how to wrote their names and also some
of them still don't have reading comprehension that's why they should be
guided in answering their test. This experience allowed me to gain a deeper
understanding of assessment practices in the early childhood setting.
Day 29

Date: October 18, 2023at, teac

As a pre-service teacher, I had another day , another opportunity to

observe and learn from my mentor, and today was no different. I arrived
earlier than my mentor, Teacher Ruby, as I always did, to ensure that the
room was prepared for the day's activities. One of the tasks on my checklist
was to borrow a duplicate key from the office – a small yet crucial
responsibility. As the students started to trickle into the classroom, their
energy and enthusiasm were palpable. Teacher Ruby wasted no time in
capturing their attention by introducing a new material, a horse puzzle. The
puzzle not only engaged their curiosity but also allowed them to practice
problem-solving skills. This hands-on approach to learning was both exciting
and effective, as the students eagerly participated and worked together to
solve the puzzle. Following the puzzle activity, Teacher Ruby decided to
review the previous lesson about the sense of hearing. In order to reinforce
the concept, she showed a video showcasing various soft and loud sounds.
As the video played, the students' faces lit up with expressions of awe,
curiosity, and sometimes even fear. Thunder, in particular, seemed to strike a
chord with some of them, causing a slight unease amongst the classroom.

To further enhance their learning experience, Teacher Ruby took

advantage of the upcoming United Nations celebration by incorporating it into
the classroom. She allowed the students to choose a country, representing
their costume of choice for the following Thursday. This exercise not only
encouraged their creativity but also broadened their understanding of different
cultures and traditions.Throughout the lesson, the students displayed
remarkable levels of cooperation and engagement. However, it was evident
that some students exhibited squirmy behavior, occasionally distracting their
peers. In moments like these, I observed Teacher Ruby's reliance on me and
the working students to assist with managing the overall behavior of the class.
While this indicated her trust and confidence in our ability, it also highlighted
the importance of establishing clear expectations and strategies for classroom

In the afternoon, similar to the previous Monday, I had the opportunity

to assist Teacher Ruby in conducting a test for her Pre-K class. The objective
was to assess their knowledge and understanding of the material covered
over the past few weeks. It was fascinating to witness the different learning
styles and approaches displayed by the students. Some were quick and
confident, while others required additional support and guidance.

As the day came to an end, I reflected upon my observations and

experiences as a pre-service teacher. The learner's behavior, motivation, and
the strategies adopted by the teacher played a crucial role in creating a
positive and effective learning environment. It became clear to me that the
success of a classroom largely depends on the teacher's ability to engage and
motivate students, establish clear expectations, manage behavior effectively,
and assess learning progress. These skills and insights will undoubtedly guide
me as I progress on my journey to becoming a competent educator.
Day 30

Date: October 19, 2023at,

Tea Today is Thursday, and it's P.E. Day. I observed Teacher Ruby's
classroom, focusing on the students' behavior, motivation, her teaching
strategies, classroom management, and assessment in learning. Teacher
Ruby began the day by introducing a new topic related to the three "Primary
Colors." The material she used involved teaching the students how to use
tongs to pick up small figures and place them in bowls with matching colors.
This hands-on activity was an excellent way to engage young students in
practical life activities, helping them grasp the concept of primary colors more
effectively. I noticed that Teacher Ruby was actively involved in her students'
learning process. She called out the students' names and encouraged them to
try using the material, ensuring that everyone had a chance to participate.
This personalized approach helped maintain a high level of engagement
among the students, as they felt included and motivated to participate.

Following the presentation of the material, Teacher Ruby wisely

incorporated some physical activity into the day's lesson, allowing the
students to dance. This not only provided a break from the cognitive aspects
of learning but also helped to keep the students energized and focused.After
the dancing session, Teacher Ruby transitioned back to the classroom setting.
She distributed worksheets to her students, instructing them to color the
figures using the three primary colors: Red, Blue, and Green. This activity was
a practical application of the concept they had learned earlier in the day. It
also served as a form of assessment, allowing Teacher Ruby to gauge the
students' comprehension of the primary colors.

In the afternoon, after assisting Teacher Ruby in conducting a test in

her pre-k class, my next task was to check the test papers and record the
scores right away. I sat down, ready to start this task promptly. It was
important to ensure that the students' scores were accurately recorded.
However, things took an unexpected turn. Just when I was about to
access her lair/moodle to record the scores of her pre-k students, Teacher
Ruby assigned me another task. She asked me to segregate the activities of
the pre-k students and return them to their respective rooms.

This shift in tasks meant that I had to put aside the scoring and digital
recording for the time being. It was a bit frustrating because I had thought I
would have the chance to access the system and record the scores as
originally planned. Nonetheless, I understood that there were other important
responsibilities to attend to, so I got to work on segregating the activities for
the pre-k students. It was a reminder of the flexibility and adaptability required
in an educational setting, where tasks can change rapidly based on the needs
of the moment.

In terms of classroom management, Teacher Ruby appeared to have a

well-structured approach. She smoothly transitioned between activities,
maintaining a good balance between engagement and discipline. The
students were responsive and well-behaved, which suggested that they were
accustomed to the routines and expectations in her classroom.

My observation of Teacher Ruby's class on this P.E. Day highlighted

her teaching strategies, which combined hands-on learning, physical activity,
and practical assessment. Her personalized approach to engaging the
students, along with her adept classroom management skills, created a
positive and motivating learning environment.
Day 31

Date: October 23, 2023at, tea

Today, I had the opportunity to observe the behavior and teaching

strategies of Teacher Ruby in her classroom. It was a Monday, but there was
no flag ceremony as the day is the continuation of the exams. Instead,
Teacher Ruby conducted her own flag ceremony within the classroom,
followed by a prayer and some lively action songs to motivate the students
and set a positive mood for the day.

Before delving into the main discussion, Teacher Ruby had her
students practice introducing themselves for an upcoming event on Thursday,
the United Nations celebration. This interactive exercise seemed to engage
the students and prepare them for the upcoming event. Following this,
Teacher Ruby commenced her discussion on primary colors, making sure to
capture the attention of her young learners. The classroom environment was
well-managed as she then allowed her students to continue coloring
worksheets they had started last Thursday. For those who completed their
tasks, they were provided with additional materials to work on while waiting for
snack time. This strategy ensured that all students remained productive and

After the snack break, Teacher Ruby directed her students to settle
down as she prepared them for a different activity—practicing walking on a
stage. It was evident that she was meticulous in planning various activities to
keep the students focused and excited about their learning experience. The
stage practice was in preparation for an upcoming event specifically for the
nursery students, which would be held exclusively within the classroom.

In the afternoon, during Teacher Ruby's pre-kindergarten Language

class, she discussed different items found in a bathroom and the various
activities that take place in this room. Her teaching approach involved keeping
the students actively engaged by providing them with videos related to the
topic. This multimedia approach appeared to enhance the learning experience
and capture the students' interest.In the Science class, Teacher Ruby delved
into the sense of touch, and once again, she utilized videos to supplement her
instruction. Throughout her discussions in both subjects, Teacher Ruby
actively involved the students by posing questions, ensuring their participation
and attentiveness to the lesson. Observing Teacher Ruby, it was clear that
her teaching strategies incorporated a mix of interactive activities, multimedia
elements, and effective classroom management.
Day 32

Date: October 24, 2023a

As I entered the classroom today, I could sense an atmosphere of

excitement and anticipation. Teacher Ruby had planned an interesting lesson
for the day, focusing on greetings and letter recognition. I was eager to
observe the learners’ behavior and their level of motivation. The nursery
students seemed enthusiastic and engaged as Teacher Ruby introduced the
different greetings to them. She used visual aids in the form of pictures to
make the concept more understandable. The students were given an activity
where they had to paste pictures and identify if they belonged to any of the
greetings. It was delightful to witness their active participation and eagerness
to complete the task. During this activity, I helped the students in applying
glue to ensure that the pictures were mounted correctly. It was heart-warming
to see their genuine excitement as they carefully chose the correct pictures
and proudly displayed their work. Teacher Ruby made it a point to encourage
each student and provide assistance whenever necessary, especially when
some had difficulty pronouncing certain words correctly. Following the
completion of the activity, each student had the opportunity to present their
work in front of their classmates. While some of them is very confident and
can spoke eloquently, others were shy and hesitant to speak. Teacher Ruby,
recognizing their apprehension, provided guidance and assistance to help
them overcome their fears. It was evident that she fostered a supportive and
inclusive environment, ensuring that every student had an equal chance to
showcase their achievements. Afterward, the students were given a break to
wash their hands and enjoy some snacks. During this time, a short program
was organized to educate the students about earthquake drills. I was amazed
by how observant and actively engaged the nursery students were during the
program. They eagerly participated in the role-playing activities, imitating what
higher grade levels would do in case of an earthquake. This demonstrated
their ability to absorb information and apply it in a practical setting.
Later in the day, Teacher Ruby began preparing her students for an
upcoming dance presentation. It was interesting to notice that not all students
were equally enthusiastic about dancing. Some found it challenging to
coordinate their body movements and expressed their discomfort.
Nevertheless, Teacher Ruby patiently encouraged them and emphasized the
importance of teamwork and supporting one another.

During the afternoon, I assisted in decorating the classroom for the

United Nations culminating event scheduled for Thursday. It was a
collaborative effort, and I witnessed the students' excitement as they
contributed to the preparations. Their enthusiasm truly reflected their
appreciation for cultural diversity and their willingness to celebrate it.

My observation of the learners' behavior, motivation, teacher's

strategies, classroom management, and assessment in learning was filled
with positivity and engagement. Teacher Ruby's approach to teaching,
coupled with her supportive nature, created a conducive learning environment.
The students exhibited enthusiasm, willingness to participate, and a desire to
learn through various activities.
Day 33

Date: October 25, 2023

Today, I had the opportunity to observe Teacher Ruby and her nursery
students. As I entered the classroom, I noticed that the students arrived early,
even before their teacher. This showed their eagerness and enthusiasm for
learning. It was evident that the students were familiar with the morning
routine, as some of them were able to remove their bags and put them in their
lockers independently. However, there was still one student who struggled
with separation anxiety and came to class accompanied by their mother.

Teacher Ruby seemed to understand the importance of beginning the

class promptly to capture the attention of young learners with short attention
spans. However, I noticed that she did not start her lesson right away. Instead,
the students started talking and playing, wasting valuable time. This lack of
structure and preparedness hindered the productive use of classroom time.

During the discussion, Teacher Ruby introduced the topic of the United
Nations using visual aids such as a globe. She engaged the students by
asking questions and allowing them to participate actively. It was evident that
she wanted to prepare them for the upcoming culminating activity on the
following day. However, I felt that the delivery of the discussion lacked clarity
and organization. As a result, some students seemed unsure of the main
concepts being taught.

For today's activities, Teacher Ruby distributed worksheets to the

students. I was assigned to assist a group of five students while the remaining
ones stayed with Teacher Ruby. I observed that she often chose the more
intelligent and fast-paced students to work with her. Meanwhile, I was
assigned to assist students who had behavioral problems or struggled with
slower processing times. While it is important to provide support to struggling
students, I believe that it is equally essential to challenge and engage those
who excel. This balanced approach will ensure that all students feel valued
and encouraged to reach their full potential.
After completing their worksheets, the students washed their hands
and followed their routine of setting up their eating area before enjoying their
snacks. Teacher Ruby allowed them a brief break before they began
practising their presentations for the upcoming culminating activity. I noticed
that some students were shy and hesitant while others were confident and
eager to perform. It was heart-warming to see the joy and enthusiasm on their
faces as they danced and practiced their presentations.

In the afternoon, I did not accompany Teacher Ruby to her pre-k class.
Instead, I assisted in designing the nursery room for the United Nations
program scheduled for the next day. By taking part in this preparation, I
learned the importance of creating an inviting and interactive learning

Overall, my observation of Teacher Ruby's teaching strategies and

classroom management revealed both strengths and areas for improvement.
Although she exhibited enthusiasm and a genuine desire to engage her
students, there were instances where she could have better utilized her time
and preparedness. Additionally, a more balanced approach to student
grouping and participation would ensure that all students are challenged and
supported appropriately. Nevertheless, Teacher Ruby fostered a positive and
supportive environment where students could express themselves and enjoy
the learning process.
Day 2

August 31, 2023

During my second day of observation, I offered to my mentor that I

would be the one to create her instructional material (IM) as I wanted to assist
her due to her apparent difficulties and her urgency to finish the material for
her pre-k class discussion. I anticipated that she would provide me with the
necessary materials or allocate a budget for the project. However, after
informing her about my financial constraints in purchasing the required
materials, she simply replied, "sure uy," and suggested that she would
compensate me once she received her salary.

Although her response was understanding, I was hesitant to accept her

offer as I felt awkward benefiting financially from her, especially considering
she was the teacher and I was the one who had volunteered to create the IM.
However, I did not anticipate the additional demand she would make, insisting
that the IM be covered in plastic to make it more durable. This unexpected
requirement would inevitably increase my expenses even further.

Despite my reservations, I agreed to her request and proceeded to

create the IM for both her nursery and pre-k class. I put in a great deal of
effort and time, hoping that my contribution would be valuable to her and her
students. Seeing her utilize the IM in her classes gave me a sense of pride
and satisfaction for being able to assist her in enhancing the learning
experience for the young children.

Reflecting on this experience, I realize that in any collaborative effort,

there may be unforeseen challenges and expectations. Offering to create the
IM was motivated by my genuine desire to help, but I did not consider the
potential financial implications or demands that may arise. It taught me the
importance of open communication and setting boundaries when offering
assistance, ensuring both parties have a clear understanding of expectations
and responsibilities.
While the situation did make me feel uneasy, I learned to acknowledge
and appreciate the value of my efforts. As a volunteer, it is essential to be
self-aware and recognize the worth of our contributions, regardless of our
occupational status or the financial disparities between us and those we assist.

Ultimately, I am grateful for the opportunity to have played a part in my

mentor's teaching journey. It provided me with insights into the challenges
educators face, and the chance to contribute positively to children's education.
Moving forward, I will remember the importance of clear communication and
defining expectations when offering assistance, ensuring a mutually beneficial
experience for all involved.
Day 11

September 18, 2023

Today, I was tasked with creating another instructional material (IM) by

my mentor. This time, I decided to clarify the matter of materials, as I had
already been informed that it was not allowed for me, as a field study student,
to spend my own money on her IM projects. So, I informed her that I needed
more construction paper for the task.

Her response was somewhat surprising. She said, "mao nay wala ko,"
which seemed to imply that she didn't have the materials I needed. However,
from my perspective, it also felt like she was indirectly suggesting that I should
be the one to purchase the materials for her instructional material.

Not only did she not provide the materials, but she also demanded that
the IM I was creating should be made even sturdier. It was becoming evident
that she had high expectations for the quality of the IM, yet she wasn't offering
any financial or material support to help me meet those expectations. This
situation was becoming increasingly frustrating, as it felt like a one-sided effort
on my part to create these materials while facing financial constraints.

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