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Human resources

By - Ved Kulkarni,Vedant Gupta

Factors affecting distribution of population:

Physical factors:

- Regions with fertile soil are best suited for agriculture hence
the river valleys are densely populated

Natural vegetation:
- Dense forests, like amazon and congo basin are inaccessible
hence they are uninhabited

Availability of water:
- Water is essential for all organisms hence most settlements
are built next to bodies of water like the great lakes of USA

Climatic conditions:
- People always prefer to live in places with favourable
climatic conditions. Extreme weather conditions are suitable
for human habitation that's why polar regions and deserts
are uninhabited

Flat level land are better for construction and other economic activities
Economic factors:

Mineral resources:
- The availability of a lot mineral resources attracts people to
set there

- Development of industries , provides employment which
attracts people to settle there therefore industrial regions
are populated

Transport facilities:
- A good transport system is essential for all economic
- Hence coastal regions and plains are densely populated

- Urban areas have better infrastructure than rural areas
hence many people migrate from rural areas to urban areas
for a better quality of life and education etc
- That's why cities and towns are densely populated

Government policies:
- Sometimes certain political situations can cause people to
migrate from that area
Density of population:

The number of people living in 1 sq km

The average density of population is 45 ppl per sq km

Densely populated regions:

They have favourable climatic conditions, good facilities,fertile

soil, good transport and have many industries
- Central europe
- Eastern asia

Moderately populated regions:

They do not exists in a continuous belt

They are located between sparsely and densely populated regions
They have developing facilities and have experienced recent
improvement in infrastructure
- Central america
- Central USA

Sparsely populated regions:

They have difficult terrain and harsh climatic conditions which is

not suitable for human inhabitation
- Ice-capped polar regions
- Sahara
Population change:

In prehistoric times food was scarce and people led a nomadic life
hence population growth was low

With the addition of agriculture humans settle down and

population started growing

After the industrial revoloutui=ion there was a rapid increase in


Birth rate:

Number of live births per thousand people in a year

Death rate:

Number of recorded death per thousand people in a year

Natural growth rate:

It indicates whether population has risen or not as a percentage

Developed nations: USA, UK

They have low growth rate as they have advanced medical

facilities and a have kept a low death rate their people joy high
standards of life
Developing and underdeveloped countries: India,Bangladesh

They have a high growth rate as they have a very high birth rate
and have kept their death rate low as well due to improved
medical facilities their people have low standards of living and
face many problems


-Movement of people out of a country


-The movement of people into a country

People generally migrate from less developed countries to more

developed ones as their is a higher standard of living available
and there are more job opportunities

Composition of population

Age composition

-0-14 years old are children

-15-64 year old are the working population

-65+ are old people

Sex ratio

A sex ratio is the ratio between women and men per 1000 people

An unfavourable sex ratio is caused by female infanticide , female

foeticide, lack of awareness among parents

Population pyramid

Its known as an age sex pyramid it shows the amount of females

and male in different age groups

Literacy is the ability to read and write with a certain

understanding .

Low economically developed countries have a bad literacy rate

And highly economically developed countries have a good literacy


Occupational structure

Occupational structure is the distribution of population by


Primary activities:
- Fishing agriculture
- Construction,manufacturing industries
- transport ,trade and banking

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