CLVE Reviewers 3rd QUARTER

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Lesson 14
1. Ephesians – the book in the Bible wherein we were reminded of our duties and the
duties of our parents
2. The person is not only sacred but also social.
3. Marriage and the family are the central social institutions that must be supported
and strengthened, not undermined.
4. GS 48 – This unity does not mean losing one’s own identity by merging with
another into one personality, nor yielding to domination by the other. Rather it is
“The intimate partnership of life and love”
5. God’s plan it has been established as an “intimate community of life and love,”
the family has the mission to become more and more of what it is, that is to say, a
community of life and love, in an effort that will fulfillment, as will everything
created and redeemed, in the Kingdom of God.
6. Familiaris Consortis 17 – Four general tasks for the family.
1. Forming a community of persons
2. Serving life
3. Participating in the development of society
4. Sharing in the life and mission of the Church
7. The family is thus an agent of pastoral activity through its explicit proclamation
of the Gospel and its legacy of varied forms of witness, namely
1. Solidarity with the poor
2. Openness to a diversity of people
3. The protection of creation
4. moral and material solidarity with other families, including those most in need
5. Commitment to the promotion of the common good and the transformation of
unjust social structures
6. Beginning in the territory in which the family lives, through the practice of the
corporal and spiritual works of mercy
8. Corporal Works of Mercy
1. Feed the hungry
2. Give drink to the thirsty
3. Shelter the homeless
4. Clothe the naked
5. Visit the sick
6. Visit the imprisoned
7. Bury the Dead
9. Spiritual Works of Mercy
1. Instruct the Ignorant
2. Counsel the doubtful
3. Admonish Sinners

4. Forgive Offenses
5. Comfort the Afflicted
6. Bear Wrongs Patiently
7. Pray for the Living and the Dead
10.Christian families can do this through educational activity – that is to say by
presenting to their children a model of life based on the values of truth, freedom,
justice, and love – both through active and responsible involvement in the
authentically human growth of society and its institutions, and by supporting in
various ways the associations specifically devoted to international issues.
11.Mutual self-giving in the Sacrament of Marriage is grounded in the grace of
12.Sacrament of Matrimony – Foundation of Christian family

Lesson 15

1. Anawim – Hebrew word from the Old Testament meaning “Poor Ones”
2. Exodus – Justice and Fairness
3. God’s word teaches that our brothers and sisters are the prolongation of the
incarnation for each of us.
4. “The Church’s love for the poor … is a part of her constant tradition.” This love is
inspired by the Gospel of the Beatitudes, of the poverty of Jesus, and of His
concern to the poor.
5. Jesus takes the side of those most in need. As followers of Christ, we are
challenged to make a fundamental ‘option for the poor’ – to speak for the
voiceless, to defend the defenseless, to assess the life styles, policies, and social
institutions in terms of their impact on the poor.
6. Poverty is not merely the lack of adequate financial resources. It entails a more
profound kind of deprivation, a denial of full participation in the economic, social,
and political life of society and an inability to influence decisions that affect one’s
life … Therefore we should seek solutions that enable the poor to help themselves
through such means as employment.
7. The universal destination of goods requires that the poor, the marginalized and in
all cases those whose living conditions interfere with their proper growth should
be focus of particular concern.

Lesson 16

1. Chastity – deals for our external acts that as expressing the inner “yearning of our
2. Offenses Against Chastity

1. Lust – disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure.

2. Masturbation – deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to desire
sexual pleasure.
3. Fornication – carnal union between man and woman
4. Pornography – removing real or stimulated sexual acts from the intimacy of
the partners, on order to display them deliberately to third parties.
5. Prostitution – does injury to the dignity of the person who engages in it,
reducing the person to an instrument of sexual pleasure
6. Rape – forcible violation of the sexual intimacy of another person.
3. Homosexuality – refers to relations between men or between women who
experience and exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the
same sex.
4. Homosexual Acts – intrinsically disordered
5. Role Model of Chastity – Mary and Joseph
6. Temperance – cardinal virtue of chastity
7. Six RGS Priority Issues
1. Trafficking
2. Prostitution of women and girls
3. Economic Justice
4. Integral Ecology
5. Girl Child
6. Migration


1. Lent – begins on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter Sunday. Lasting for 40
days, it can from the word “lenten” in Old English and “lencten” in Middle
English meaning spring. Fridays are abstinence days
2. Purple – symbolizing both pain and suffering leading to the crucifixion of Jesus.
Suffering of all humans under sin. And the color of royalty.
3. Leaves from last years Palm Sunday are burned and those are the one used in Ash

Lesson 17

1. Peace – In Hebrew, this is Shalom. The tranquility of order (St. Augustine). Is not
merely the silence of guns and absence of war. It is the fruit of order built into
human society by its divine Founder (St. John Paul II)

2. Peace is the tranquility that can be experienced when we put our complete trust in
God. When we rely on God, we believe that He will provide for our needs, and
this relieves us from any anxious thoughts about future.
3. CCC 2304 – Peace is the work of Justice and the effect of Charity.
4. To be a peacemaker, one must manifest a peaceful disposition/attitude in every
aspect of one’s personhood: thoughts, words, and actions.
5. This is a hope of blessing coming from God, - It is the eschatological promise of
6. Fraternity – foundation of peace

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