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Dr. C.Bagrecha and S.

Alam et al[]

The authors argue that the services provided by online booking companies should meet the needs of
passengers and Company divisions should keep passengers’ personal information confidential. It is
also recommended to return it according to the deadline stated on the website.

Sujo Thomas, Bharthi Pathak et al[]

The authors concluded that the Redbus business has been sold and plans are being made to enter
the Indian market by opening offices in the region to better serve customers. The most commonly
used device is GPS, which has many uses. The system can now be monitored from any distance by
providing the vehicle’s location and route. GPS technology is very important for the system.
Additionally, there are no apps that can track and display targets or vehicles in real time using mobile

Technological Progress: Bus origination and payment technology is an example. Contactless payment
methods, smart cards and mobile applications are gaining popularity due to their speed and
convenience. Research (Smith et al., 2019; Chen and Wang, 2020) shows that these technologies can
improve user experience, reduce turnaround time, and improve the overall engagement process.
Online bus or ticketing is a major innovation in the bus industry. Many new companies have entered
the online bus space in the last two years. redbus is India’s largest online bus operator. redbus has
revolutionized the bus industry in India. RedBus sells seats directly to customers/passengers through
its website. The company has approximately 75,000 sales points nationwide. It is therefore necessary
to take passengers’ understanding of the online bus service offered by redBus into account; This will
help redBus activate existing services. The scope of this study is limited to an overview of the Indian
bus industry. RedBus has also been extended to check whether passengers can access online bus
services and the model has been made available only in Hyderabad city.

The travel business has proven to be one of the most successful businesses in terms of mobile phone
optimization. According to Buell, Campbell and Frei (2010), approximately 50% of travel
recommendations are now designed for mobile devices. As we mentioned before, there are
categories of mobile applications in the travel industry. There are four main categories of mobile
travel : “Online booking”, “Information resources”, “Location services” and “Travel logs”. Category
“Online booking” (Smirnov, Kashevnik, Shilov, Teslya, & Shabaev, 2014). These applications allow
tourists to voluntarily receive different services (such as bus tour, car rental, hotel, flight reservation)
online. Many times travelers will be asked to apply for this category before traveling. According to
(Gunduz and Pathan, 2013), online ticket purchases account for 32% of all online purchases,
restaurant and travel accounts account for 26%, and managed ticket sales account for 26% of all
international purchases. There are 32 pieces. Online purchasing volume of purchases for 20% of
purchasing business. Approximately 79% of mobile phones in the United States use this technology
to meet their online shopping needs. Customers rely on these applications for many tasks, writing
and social networking. These research results suggest that airlines, bus companies and travel
agencies, which are suppliers of goods and services, should expand their services primarily by
purchasing phones. In addition, delivery will become easier and better when the customer is served
personally with the technology called Self Service Technology (SST).

Personal service is replacing traditional services, and communication between customers and
employees is becoming personal service for customers (Wang, Harris, and Patterson, 2012). In
addition, customers can get information about banking transactions, advance information and
payments without having to go to the company office. Thanks to this service company , which
provides customers with the convenience of tracking their needs, customers can save money, time,
energy and energy to meet their needs. The second goal of self-service is conversion; This allows
customers to purchase, pay or order items without having to interact directly with an employee. The
third goal of self-service is self-service. Through these SSTs, customers can receive education,
information, training and provide services. Additionally, self-service technology benefits companies
and consumers. SST has many advantages and benefits, including greater flexibility, global
availability, saving time and money, and reducing stress. Nowadays electronic devices (electronic
commerce) are well known especially among world travelers . Electronic ticketing systems differ from
traditional ticketing systems; because customers can gain many advantages from electronic
machines, such as avoiding queues at the ticket office. The use of electricity began with the
development of the internet. Before the advent of electronic tickets, there were many paper or
smart cards. Most beginners have their own strengths and weaknesses. Table 1 lists the pros and
cons of various startups. (Jakubauskas, 2010): GPS Tracking in Public Transportation Automatic Fare
Collection (AFC) System Also known as Transportation Smart Card System Reduce and increase fares
Effective Log book br>>> Just Smart br>br>>> The efficiency of different types of data from
transportation cards has led to research in extracting data such as bus passengers getting off the bus
and collecting this information when the passenger is intelligently scanned. To achieve this goal, this
study developed a Bayesian decision tree algorithm based on the use of Markov chains with GPS
tracking and data logger traffic. Finally, he pointed out that collecting information about the
departure point during smart passenger control is very important for transportation planning.
Another study used GPS technology for bus tracking and planning .

The government of Ahmedabad, India, where the conference took place, has created and
implemented a solution for the ongoing transportation needs using the GPS-enabled Bus Rapid
Transport System (BRTS). BRTS was launched to increase reliability and safety and decrease travel
time. A single control centre manages the tracking and dispatching of all buses on all routes. This
system consists of GPS-enabled buses, driver assistance and automation systems, and vehicle and
passenger information systems. B. RFID in public transport planning RFID technology has three
components : tags, readers and intermediaries that process the data in the backend. Over the years,
many applications of RFID technology have been suggested. However, these attempts face challenges
in feasibility, distribution, management, privacy and security. João Leal, Rui Couto, Pedro Maurício
Costa, Teresa Galvão, " Discover ways to use your phone: QR codes, NFC and BLE, 2015 IEEE 18th
International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI 10.1109 / 15 ITSC > “QR code as
location recognition service and smart vehicle tracking system”, Intelligent System Innovations and
Applications Proceedings (INISTA), 2014 IEEE International Symposium, Alberobello, DOI:
10.1109/INISTA. 2014.687 36 34 Shiv.H. Sutar, RohanKoul, Rajani Suryavanshi, “Integrated
Combination of Smartphones and IoT for Development of Smart Public Transport Systems”, 2016
International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IOTA) Maharashtra Institute of
Technology, Pune, India, 2016 22 January - 24 January <br< b=“” style=“margin: 0px; padding:
0px;”></br<>>Zhang Qiang1, Zhang Yanhu2, Li Jingyi3, “EasyComeEasyGo: Predicting the arrival time
of a bus using smartphones”, 2015, Issue 9 International Conference on Frontiers in Computer
Science and Technology This research relies on primary and secondary data. Secondary data is
gathered from various publications and the redBus company website while primary data is obtained
directly from ticket buying passengers who booked buses on Primary data was collected
by analyzing the data of passengers who opted to board from LB Nagar Bus Terminal, Hyderabad,
Telangana. This study used “convenience sampling” technique to select participants with a sample
size of 100 tourists as an anonymous group. The main data were evaluated using various statistical
tools and findings such as mean, standard deviation, T-test, analysis of variance, Garrett test and
correlation quantification were used. Publishing Model Currently public transport in India uses print
media. Although the ticket is given by the ticket seller, in our model an RFID tag is used to create a
ticket. RFID tags are ready to use . In the current system, the conductor cannot ensure that everyone
has a ticket, but in the model each person (or several people boarding the bus) needs to scan their
card when boarding the bus and he can be trusted.

All bus passengers must pay for public transport services. It is not possible to estimate the number of
employees working on intercity buses. And in the proposed model, the number of seats will be
displayed outside the bus through LED displays, so the user will know that Seats are available in the
bus. Usually people pay cash for tickets, but in this system the transaction is digital. Therefore, our
design minimizes human effort and error. Before boarding the bus, the number of seats (number)
will be displayed on the LCD screen outside the bus. People can take the bus if there is space. Once in
the car, the user scans the RFID card; The reader will appear at the driver’s seat entrance. If the
password is entered, the person who wants to make the payment will be asked to enter the account.
When he arrived at his destination, he scanned the card at the back of the bus and wrote down his
stop. Costs will appear based on GPS distance and will be deducted from the user’s account balance.
The project is divided into 3 modules: In recent years, much research and analysis has been carried
out in the field of RFID, which has encouraged the development of many new applications based on
RFID. Efficient buses allow people to travel to work regularly. Ticketing is seamless. make it easier to
carry, which allows for greater use. Traffic can be bad in big cities, and using public transportation is
one of the many ways to do this. Hassle-free and easy-to-use shipping technology helps alleviate this
problem. Together they improve public transport. In this era of information technology where
everything is digital, the planning process can gather information from service providers to create
business options that help you get what you want. This integration creates a paperless document
where all aspects are available to all regional organizations. Since the system uses public
transportation data, service providers can easily integrate with existing systems. The test results are
clearly shown in Table 3. Mobile ticketing (mobile ticketing) can be broadly defined as the ordering,
purchasing, delivery and use of products or services using technologies such as Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) (Skarica, Belani, &). Illes, 2009). Mobile ticketing is a new and rapidly growing area of
e-commerce. It is estimated that in 2013, approximately 400 million mobile phone users worldwide
will use mobile phones to start businesses, and the value of all mobile phones will reach US$ 92
billion in 2013 (Eicher et al., 2012). Casinos have been investigated for years. Mobile Ticketing allows
customers to purchase valid and legal tickets via mobile mobile applications. The app provides a
value-added service that allows Tickets Mobile users to store digital tickets on their mobile devices.
In this way, customers are very unlikely to lose their tickets, and it is environmentally friendly, stable,
free and paperless. Generally speaking, the initial process includes the following steps (Ceipidor et
al., 2013):

Public transport services require payment from all bus passengers. The number of employees
working on intercity buses cannot be estimated. And in the suggested model, LED displays outside
the bus will show the number of seats, so the user will see that Seats are available in the bus. People
usually pay cash for tickets, but in this system the transaction is digital. This reduces human effort
and error in our design. Before getting on the bus, the LCD screen outside the bus will show the
number of seats (number). People can board the bus if there is room. After getting in the car, the
user scans the RFID card; The reader will be at the driver’s seat entrance. The person who wants to
pay will be asked to enter the account if the password is entered. When he reached his destination,
he scanned the card at the back of the bus and noted his stop. Costs will be based on GPS distance
and will be subtracted from the user’s account balance. The project has 3 modules: In recent years, a
lot of research and analysis has been done in the field of RFID, which has led to the development of
many new applications based on RFID. Buses that are efficient allow people to travel to work
regularly. Ticketing is smooth. make it easier to carry, which allows for more use. Traffic can be bad in
big cities, and one of the many ways to do this is to use public transportation. Shipping technology
that is easy to use and hassle-free helps reduce this problem. They improve public transport
together. In this era of information technology where everything is digital, the planning process can
collect information from service providers to create business options that help you get what you
want. This integration creates a paperless document where all aspects are available to all regional
organizations. Since the system uses public transportation data, service providers can easily integrate
with existing systems. The test results are clearly shown in Table 3. Mobile ticketing (mobile ticketing)
can be defined in general as the ordering, purchasing, delivery and use of products or services using
technologies such as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) (Skarica, Belani, &). Illes, 2009). Mobile
ticketing is a new and fast-growing area of e-commerce. It is estimated that in 2013, about 400
million mobile phone users worldwide will use mobile phones to start businesses, and the value of all
mobile phones will reach US$ 92 billion in 2013 (Eicher et al., 2012). Casinos have been studied for
years. Mobile Ticketing allows customers to buy valid and legal tickets via mobile mobile applications.
The app provides a value-added service that allows Tickets Mobile users to keep digital tickets on
their mobile devices. This way, customers are very unlikely to lose their tickets, and it is
environmentally friendly, stable, free and paperless. Generally speaking, the initial process includes
the following steps (Ceipidor et al., 2013): Some possible additional steps are:

• The user downloads the mobile app and registers with their personal and payment details.

• The user selects the desired product or service and confirms the order and payment.

• The user receives a confirmation message and a digital ticket on their mobile device.

• The user shows the digital ticket to the service provider or scans it at the entrance.

Registration: Companies need to register their business and service information for online ticketing. •
Settings: The mobile app can interact with customers and assist them with shopping. • Audit:
Company and customer data are verified and complied with through electronic verification < br> •
Ticket control: Audit approves sales and validates the phone as a ticket based on review. In fact, the
Mobile Bus Ticketing System (MBTS) is the most important system that lowers costs and simplifies
things for travelers in Iraq. The program will reduce the onboarding process, cut down on paper use,
offer more support and convenience to travelers in Iraqi cities, allow travel agencies to provide
transportation services, and deliver to a location. This technology also has other important issues;
For example, mobile tickets cannot be misplaced or stolen, unlike postal tickets that can be sent to
the wrong place. MBTS will make customers’ lives easier as they will be able to access services
anytime, anywhere and from any device. The Malaysian government has successfully obtained its
land to construct roads, especially national highways, so that citizens can travel across Peninsular
Malaysia. The North-South Expressway, which has a total length of 847.7 kilometers and stretches
from Kuala Lumpur and Kedah to Johor Bahru, was opened to traffic on 8 September 1994 (North-
South Expressway, 2006). It enables people to travel from the north to the south of Peninsular
Malaysia in nine hours; In the past, this time was longer. Pudulaya Complex on Perhentian Island is
the most important public transport (bus) terminal in Malaysia (Wikipedia, 2006). The government
also supports public transport While public transport passengers do not use private vehicles, the
number of public using these services is increasing every year (Ng Cheng Yee, 2006). That’s why
people take double buses on weekends or holidays. The main function of Pudu Bus Terminal is to sell
tickets. Since then, the development of public transport (buses) has increased rapidly and highways
have made people’s journeys easier. In 1976, there were only 26 bus drivers in Pudu Raya, but in
2003 there were 67 bus drivers in almost every part of the country. On average, around 1,500 buses
enter and leave Pudu Raya every week, transporting passengers to various destinations. Bus numbers
increase during public and school holidays (UDA Holdings, 2006a). Illegal drivers take time to operate
illegal bus services to accommodate large numbers of passengers during peak hours. Many of these
illegal drivers are school buses, buses or trucks with expired licenses operating without a license. This
phenomenon needs to be limited because passengers will not be insured if an accident occurs during
the journey (The Star, 2006b). Simply put, by including all legal drivers, regardless of size, customers
will have a greater choice of legal bus drivers, reducing or eliminating the number of illegal drivers.
As the number of vehicles increases in Pudu Raya, operators will find it difficult to purchase bus
tickets if passengers make detailed planning. Studies show that due to the large number of people in
Pudu Raya, it takes an hour or two to buy a bus ticket, especially during peak hours, and not just ten
or twenty minutes. According to this negative situation, express taxi driver Park May Berhad started
online business in 2001 (W.W. Tan et al., 2004). Compared with the traditional system, 19 online e-
ticket not only helps passengers, but also helps passengers get better service from suppliers, better
registration process and performance management. The main function of this online e-card is to
provide services to locations between cities in Peninsular Malaysia. Thanks to this system, passengers
can book bus tickets online at any time for free, so the number of pedestrian travelers in Pdura Raya
continues to decrease.

There are six independent electric buses and one service provider that works with four bus owners in
Malaysia. This service is not available to the public as there are 67 bus operators in the country (UDA
Holdings, 2006a). The main reason for introducing the electronic machine operated by the staff is to
make it easier to buy Pudu Transport Raya bus tickets and to follow the information technology of
Naturism. However, the situation prevented the goal from being achieved. He thinks that the main
cause of the current power outage is that only four major operators provide this service, while there
are 67 bus operators in total (UDA Holdings, 2006a). This limits the choice of places and seats.
Therefore, the portal will offer all the options to bus drivers and, finally, fix the problem of buying bus
tickets at the ticket office. For these reasons, it is important to reduce and limit the number of
vehicles at Pudu Raya Bus Terminal, provide staff and make sure that people pick the bus driver they
like and use even the bad location. This is done on the online bus portal. This is important because
passengers are unhappy and accidents are caused by bus driver carelessness (Audrey Edwards,
2006). Therefore, passengers can pick which bus driver to use based on the bus driver’s rating or
criteria or the ranking given to the bus driver. The criteria that can be used to rate bus drivers can be
based on both internal (such as company performance) and external (such as public opinion and
management). To achieve these goals, the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Management
Information Systems (MIS) as development tools will help users make effective decisions and will also
help bus drivers achieve their organizations’ financial goals.

Problem Description Malaysia is accessible. Once in the country, you can travel to remote areas. In
Peninsular Malaysia, road travel is the most common form of transportation due to its good
infrastructure. Express bus drivers gain from the development of the road network. The business has
expanded from a small operation to a few bus drivers working alone and servicing electric vehicles.
To motivate the government to achieve the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) and Vision 2020, every
company needs to upgrade itself with the latest technology in the Information Technology (IT) era.
The number of bus drivers in Malaysia has increased, thanks to the service provided by bus drivers, a
word that Malaysians trust. For example, Pudu Raya had only 26 bus drivers in 1976, but had 67 bus
drivers in 2003 (UDA Holdings, 2006a). This development has made Pudu Bus Terminal the main
point for buying bus tickets for some destinations. Tickets can be bought at the box office or via e-
tickets from many major retailers. Among the two ways to buy tickets, buying from the ticket office is
the first option. This is because the current e-ticket system operated by bus operators does not offer
passengers enough options such as different locations and ticket availability is limited. The
development of an online bus ticketing system will reduce or eliminate the activities of illegal drivers
operating without legal permission during times of peak demand. Since illegal buses are school and
factory buses and may not be suitable for use by large vehicles, this important information must be
disclosed to customers. Transportation operators should use information technology as a tool to
develop strategic plans to improve the level of service to users. To capitalize on the rapid growth of
e-commerce app users, there should be a portal that integrates all these bus drivers with the
government to provide services to the public. The purpose of creating the Malaysia Online Bus
Ticketing System Portal is to achieve the following objectives: There are many ways to purchase
multiple bus tickets from different operators faster, support services respond to customer needs and
ensure customer satisfaction. (by supporting decision-making), eliminate illegal drivers and provide
better benefits to bus operators to improve business processes (by controlling the file).

Faster bus bookings mean faster bus service times for bus drivers. By selecting different drivers for
reservation, users can choose the services they will use according to the criteria obtained from
customer feedback, regulatory bodies and action studies of all bus drivers. The decision support
system will generate metrics to evaluate each bus driver and allow the user to decide which bus
driver to use based on these metrics. By promoting services that meet users’ needs, customer
satisfaction will increase and bus operators will benefit from this. Online bus booking will attract
tourists and Malaysian users, thus increasing the success of online booking. This research will
increase customer satisfaction. Here, customers can check bus schedules, decide on service from the
23rd bus operator, and print their fire ticket online as soon as power is restored. After purchasing
tickets, customers do not have to worry about travel arrangements. It will also benefit bus operators
by providing key customers with online information about bus services, ticket sales and ticket
availability, allowing existing tickets to be added, canceled and edited online at any time. Anywhere.
Bus operators can also collect important information such as sales reports and various reports for
management decisions.

The main problem is that coordination on the online bus hub (listing all bus drivers in one body) does
not exist in Malaysia. This portal provides reliable information on: All bus drivers and allows the user
to easily select a specific bus driver from the list of operators and allows the user to specify the date
and time of booking. It will also allow users to pay for tickets and ensure the security of transactions.
An online bus booking site is an Internet service that provides bus schedules, bus tickets, advertising
and other business-related services. It also allows customers to make booking decisions based on the
bus driver’s preferences, performance and rank. This powerful internet-based ticket booking system
gives you complete control not only over your ticket inventory but also over your website content.
This study mainly focuses on bus drivers and passengers. The bus driver is the controller of the
system. They can add, edit, save and create reports to help them in their daily work. This
retrospective study will help bus drivers evaluate their current jobs and understand what their
employees need to do and how they can do so to compete effectively in the world economy. The
back-end activities mentioned above are sales/marketing, community opinions through online
voting, and finally the bus drivers’ collection of material good documents with the approval of the
police. The following activities will create a foundation of competitive advantage for bus operators
and enable them to become industry leaders in providing better service to used goods. Customers
will be able to buy bus tickets online, so they can buy bus tickets anytime and anywhere without any
problems. The features of this system frequently emerge in studies conducted during the literature
In this period of intense business competition, Information Technology (ICT) is considered an
important success factor by many organizations. . Online data processing has become an important
part of providing better customer service. Using ICT as a tool to manage bus drivers not only
increases efficiency, delivers better results and delivers better service, but also puts pressure on
managing the booking process for the organisation. This allows customers to choose services from
other competitors. So by creating an online bus competition online portal, bus drivers have no choice
but to join this trend and stay one step ahead of using ICT to improve their service Pudu Raya has
less traffic. Significance of the Study This study highlights the need to develop and support an online
bus service for many bus operators in Peninsular Malaysia. This study explored people’s perception
of bus drivers as service providers and customers as users of bus services. Use this system. A survey
among bus operators assesses passengers’ understanding of the current system in the market, the
cost-effectiveness of design and management, and shows how the system can be used to purchase
bus tickets. Unlike the usual purchasing method on the portal. The survey also highlights and
determines the effectiveness of creating bus driver classifications or models based on popularity,
performance, and management satisfaction data. Features of the system and the level of security of
financial transactions according to the law. Methodology The research process begins with
determining the research topic and conducting research to obtain sufficient information about the
subject. We researched and reviewed online ticket sales in Malaysia and other countries. The
literature review continues by exploring the role of online credit cards in the areas of decision-
making and information services, e-commerce security, privacy, and payment options for customers
and bus drivers. After completing the data analysis, we conducted a survey consisting of closed and
open-ended questions to understand passengers’ opinions on the introduction of electric buses.

Passenger survey (50 surveys sent) Learn about the information, efficiency and effectiveness of bus
tickets for electric buses for passengers. We also conducted multiple interviews with bus drivers to
gather more information online about their daily activities and the procedures and tasks required for
the bus. After receiving feedback from bus drivers and passengers, we performed an analysis that
will provide important information for the development of the portal. This study emphasizes the
importance of using online bus tickets, invites all bus operators to use the portal and gives customers
more options when it comes to buying bus tickets. Finally, we created an effective model of online
bus ticket portal based on all the research. The development of this model in the online bus system
portal can provide guidance for the future success of the online bus system in Malaysia.

The purpose of this research paper is to provide an overview of the important stages involved in the
whole thesis development process. A research paper is divided into 7 parts.

Chapter 1 introduces this research. This chapter introduces the research, including problem
orientation, objectives, scope, and development strategies. The second day is data analysis. This
section focuses on all the details about online bus tickets. This chapter starts with an introduction to
e-commerce ventures, understanding online brands, understanding the role of e-commerce, security
and privacy issues, and system standard payment for starting an online business. This chapter also
focuses on the integration of decision support and data management to better understand the
evolution of the online bus portal. This chapter describes the research method used to complete the
thesis and the research tools used to collect research data. Chapter 3 includes interviews and
observations. We spoke with bus drivers and passengers to learn more about the current process
and incentives for buying bus tickets. The survey was distributed to 50 customers. Chapter 4 presents
the analysis of online bus connections using distributed survey data. This includes checking bus
passengers’ awareness of the services now offered by e-ticket buses. In this section, the ranking of
bus drivers is explained in more detail. This includes calculating all the parameters that determine
the ranking. This section also explains the process of planning to use the online bus portal. A more
detailed description of the process using this model is also discussed.

Chapter 5 displays the design and structure of the online bus. This page also contains charts, graphs,
social media graphics, and a summary of instructions. This chapter also talks about the process of
using and creating rules written through research. Chapter 6 shows an evaluation of the system. To
test the model of the online bus service portal, various user acceptance surveys were sent to bus
drivers and passengers and their responses were recorded. Chapter 7 displays the future
development of the online bus and the results of this work. The main effects and benefits listed are
improved security monitoring. Inspectors may be located in a safe location (car and behind the car)
or at a more important inspection location (behind the paver, monitoring the asphalt pad). The
technology also removes the need for “ticket inspectors” and increases employee productivity. All
stakeholders seem interested in ride and e-ticketing technology. Contractors are interested in
systems that track shipments and improve delivery quality. ALDOT inspectors do not have to bend
over and get into the truck to collect tickets, and electronic tickets can be collected quickly and easily
without worrying about lost or damaged tickets. Electronic systems also reduce the risk of data
errors and miscalculations. ALDOT management also appreciates the ability to access and record
information not typically included in paving plans. ALDOT’s biggest challenges are getting support for
users, protecting member information, and paying data collection fees. Many contractors involved in
the pilot initiative are excited and open to the opportunity to use e-ticketing technology and track
shipments effectively. Some contractors initially had reservations about starting to use electricity.
These complaints arise from the rejection of change and how the information will be used in the
future. Initially, the cargo and the workers inside showed some resistance. worker. This protection is
usually provided by a protective relay, but there are some concerns regarding the connection.
Connection problems may occur in products with low capacity and without a network connection to
the download site. Such a connection. Inspectors and field workers need a mobile or wireless
connection to access data. Another challenge ALDOT faces is ownership information. The system
used in ALDOT’s pilot program collects and stores electronic tickets. Although ALDOT is publicly
available, only initial data and some location data can be downloaded as a separate file (CSV).
Regardless of the meaning of the policy or specific standards outlined in the letter, ALDOT is
concerned about the security of CSVs and how the product or type of product itself relates to
registration or insurance policies. ALDOT is now considering evaluating seal and stamp information in
data collection, so the move to electronic ticketing introduces these issues.

The final challenge ALDOT mentioned is paying for the technology. There are many businesses that
do not share their software products. ALDOT wants to serve the industry at scale to solve electrical
problems and does not want its inspectors trained on multiple software platforms for the same
purpose. A non-standard solution can be difficult to implement without reference to the product. At
the same time, there is a cost to providing products and solutions online, so it seems like it will be
worth at least some of the cost to the contractor. Paying for e-ticketing solutions is difficult. ALDOT
considered its initial testing successful and received positive feedback from stakeholders. ALDOT is
considering several pilot projects. They are working on steps to move away from the specific
description of the model, but this also creates problems. ALDOT is exploring ways to integrate the e-
ticketing system into its internal management system. This relationship can also create problems, but
the benefit is that the contractor can be paid and electronic evidence can be used over a long period
of time to understand and improve the way it works. Instead of experimental work, ALDOT is content
to focus on electronic analysis of asphalt operations until it moves in a more practical direction.
Other materials they consider for electrical solutions include aggregate and concrete. ALDOT’s advice
to other FTAs considering e-ticketing is to reach out to states that are already experimenting with e-
ticketing. Having a learning curve and using others to get started will help improve the curve. Top
officials at the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) are excited about the e-development
initiative. Organizations evaluate each feature to determine the way to transfer and convert data into
electronic data. There is a lot of paper-to-digital conversion work, but eventually the focus shifted to
asphalt paving materials and stone materials. After watching the e-ticket demo and traveling to Iowa
to meet with the Iowa Department of Transportation Iowa contractor FDOT issued a request for
asphalt and concrete testing. Due to economic opposition, most of the e-invoicing changes that
would make the process more accurate have not been approved for testing and a pilot change has
been made will be added to the project once approved First asphalt paving test conducted
Earthwave’s Fleetwatcher using Command Alkon’s MOBILE ticket using. The second asphalt
pavement pilot project uses Point of Performance (SOP). The SOP does not provide GPS vehicle
tracking but does provide locations and paver location information. The cell number is used to
specify the location of this content. FDOT has identified trucking as a problem for the e-ticketing
industry and is switching to a solution that can predict delivery times for full GPS tracking. FDOT is
also testing a system called “Ticketless Asphalt” developed by the Florida Turnpike Authority. Overall,
FDOT has found the testing successful so far and has received positive feedback. Overall, FDOT has
found the testing successful so far and has received positive feedback. Training is provided by the
vendor in person, in-person meetings, or online, but Some additional training may be useful for
auditors, but not all auditors (or engineering consultants and auditors) are trained. . Business and
FTA stakeholders are generally positive, but are concerned about minor connections (not necessarily
major issues), unwilling to change grades, reasons for collecting data (especially for trucks) and
concerned about minor connections. size of data.

No changes needed. All stakeholders found this approach very effective. The information gathered
from the solution is excellent. FDOT downloads electronic ticket information into CSV files for
management to read. The pilot program also helps FDOT focus its e-ticketing program on its core
values. Since traffic tracking (especially for concrete structures with little planning and little
knowledge of where to pour the concrete) is not the main goal of FDOT and growers, in other words,
they are looking for less of a solution Even FDOT is interested in using tracking . It is included in the
literature for performance evaluation, but follow-up is heavy. A big challenge for FDOT is getting
contractor buy-in. Initially, the FDOT community was quite concerned that the pilot project would
need to go through additional approvals before being converted into a pilot project. Additionally,
private tests are a bit difficult to use because some of the training for owners is done over the phone
and there are some integration issues with the large planting and e-ticketing solution. As previously
mentioned, GPS tracking of trucks is a concern for the FDOT contractor and vendor community.
Especially suppliers and contractors are independent organizations and it is difficult for both parties
to understand the competitive e-ticketing solution. For asphalt, the contractor usually works at the
asphalt plant, but transportation can also be provided by a third party. This creates competition
problems. The solution is to use an addendum with notice to all parties involved in the contract.
When the test is completed. The contractor realized the benefits of this approach and realized that

Challenges The Iowa Department of Transportation faces many challenges when it comes to
electronic ticketing, especially as a leader in application technology. The biggest problem seen is the
change itself. The Iowa Department of Transportation said once the technology is made available to
participants, they will see and experience the efficiency and benefits. One of the challenges they are
trying to overcome is cost. To move toward policy and design for the Iowa Department of
Transportation, service providers must build integrity and understanding between inspectors and
contractors. Additionally, the Iowa Department of Transportation notes that this approach may not
work for all contractors or on all projects. States that begin using e-ticketing should start with trials
and work as an organization to develop standards, but this can be difficult. The Iowa Department of
Transportation is currently working to improve operating procedures for all equipment, all projects,
and all types of jobs, but faces many challenges, including product development, connectivity issues,
and some marketing. Another challenge mentioned is data storage, ownership and transfer to the
STA system. Electronic tickets and transit information are easily printed and stored in the Iowa
Department of Transportation’s DocExpress and electronic data management systems, but they are
still exploring GIS techniques for long-term data storage. The system will continue to integrate
ground access radar, smoothness, friction, core and construction data collected for this project.
Lessons Learned/Future Actions The Iowa Department of Transportation has found that the best way
to conduct testing is to find a large contractor that provides support and is willing to work with the
organization Small and medium-sized contractors< br> May have disadvantages. For small initiatives
such as working with Command Alkon, the option to use a standard file with manual web profile
entry is also available. The Iowa Department of Transportation also notes that STA does not require
GPS tracking, if that is not possible, use an automatic electronic ticket.

Keep it as it is. All stakeholders found this approach very effective. The information gathered from
the solution is excellent. FDOT downloads electronic ticket information into CSV files for
management to read. The pilot program also helps FDOT focus its e-ticketing program on its core
values. Since traffic tracking (especially for concrete structures with little planning and little
knowledge of where to pour the concrete) is not the main goal of FDOT and growers, in other words,
they are looking for less of a solution Even FDOT is interested in using tracking . It is included in the
literature for performance evaluation, but follow-up is heavy. A big challenge for FDOT is getting
contractor buy-in. Initially, the FDOT community was quite concerned that the pilot project would
need to go through additional approvals before being converted into a pilot project. Additionally,
private tests are a bit difficult to use because some of the training for owners is done over the phone
and there are some integration issues with the large planting and e-ticketing solution. As previously
mentioned, GPS tracking of trucks is a concern for the FDOT contractor and vendor community.
Especially suppliers and contractors are independent organizations and it is difficult for both parties
to understand the competitive e-ticketing solution. For asphalt, the contractor usually works at the
asphalt plant, but transportation can also be provided by a third party. This creates competition
problems. The solution is to use an addendum with notice to all parties involved in the contract.
When the test is completed. The contractor realized the benefits of this approach and realized that

Challenges The Iowa Department of Transportation faces many challenges when it comes to
electronic ticketing, especially as a leader in application technology. The biggest problem seen is the
change itself. The Iowa Department of Transportation said once the technology is made available to
participants, they will see and experience the efficiency and benefits. One of the challenges they are
trying to overcome is cost. To move toward policy and design for the Iowa Department of
Transportation, service providers must build integrity and understanding between inspectors and
contractors. Additionally, the Iowa Department of Transportation notes that this approach may not
work for all contractors or on all projects. States that begin using e-ticketing should start with trials
and work as an organization to develop standards, but this can be difficult. The Iowa Department of
Transportation is currently working to improve operating procedures for all equipment, all projects,
and all types of jobs, but faces many challenges, including product development, connectivity issues,
and some marketing. Another challenge mentioned is data storage, ownership and transfer to The
Iowa Department of Transportation changed to a system that only tracks traffic data. Inspectors in
the region where the product is delivered capture location information. The Iowa Department of
Transportation is testing a new method that involves creating e-tickets with project management and
e-ticketing service providers. A ticketing system should be implemented in construction
management. This will standardize Iowa’s electronic certification system, which will be managed and
supported by the Iowa Department of Transportation. This road was used in the construction of the
Iowa Highway. It will be used to write integration reports and test results. In the long term, this will
also include asphalt and aggregate (material from quarries).

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