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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

School Labangon Elementary Grade Level Grade 5

Student Gia Crystal D. Learning Area Science
Teacher Tampepe
Time and Dates April 1 to 5 , 2024 Quarter 4th Quarter

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of weathering and

soil erosion that shape the Earth’s surface and affect living
things and the environment.
Performance The learners should be able to participate in projects that
Standard: reduce soil erosion in the community.
Learning Describe how rocks turn into soil.
The learners should be able to:
1. examine the characteristics of rocks;
2. explain the uses or rocks;
3. describe how rocks turns into soils;
4. define weathering;
5. identify the agents of weathering; and
6. explain the effects of weathering on the environment and
on the living things.
II. CONTENT Topic: Rocks and Weathering
References DepEd Learning Module
Science: Quarter 4- Module 1, Week 1: Rocks and

Preparation Teacher Activities Learner’s Activties
1. Greetings
Good morning/ afternoon class!
Good morning Ms. Gia.
How are you today?
We’re good Ms. Gia.
That’s nice to hear.

Are you all ready for

your new lesson this
week? Yes Ms.

Very good!
2. Arrangement

Before you take your

seat please pick up the (Students cleaning
pieces of paper or their
trashes under your place, arranging their
chairs and arrange your chairs, and keeping
Chairs and tables properly. their
Keep your things and put that inside things inside their
your bag. bags.)
Are you all ready now?
Yes Ms. Gia
Okay, you may now
take your seat.
Thank you Ms. Gia
3. Attendance
Who are absent today?
(Students will tell who
Okay, thank you. are absent.)

4.Discussion of
Before we start I have
here 5 classroom rules
that you need to follow.
1. Listen attentively.
2. Respect others.
3. Participate actively.
4. Follow instructions.
5. Show responsibility.

Do you understand?
Yes Ms. Gia


You are now on your 4th Quarter and

you are almost done for this school
year. Since it is a new quarter, we
have a new topic to discuss for this

Before we proceed with the

discussion let us review first. Who
can still remember the 3 layers of
the Earth? It starts with C, M, and C.
Yes? Student: Crust, Mantle,
and Core
Correct, thank you. So the 3 layers
of the Earth are: The Crust, Mantle,
and Core (Inner and outer core).

I have here a picture , you can see

the three layers of the Earth, now
which one of this layers is the
outermost solid part of the earth?

Who wants to answer, Yes? Student: Crust Ms.

Why? Why is it the Crust? Who can

tell me what is Crust? Student: Crust is made
up of rocks and it is the
layer that we live on.
Very good, thank you. Crust is the
outermost solid part of the Earth
which is made up of rocks. Rocks
are the building blocks of the
Lithosphere. This is one of the major
spheres of the Earth: Lithosphere,
Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and the

Who can still remember what is

Lithosphere? Raise your hand for
those who have idea, yes? Please
stand up. Student: Lithosphere is
the hard, rocky,
outermost layer of any
terrestrial planet.
Exactly, very good, thank you.
Lithosphere is primarily the
terrestrial component comprising
solid landmasses such as the
continents and islands on which all
biological life exists.

Based from the definitions, Crust is

made up of rocks and rocks are the
building blocks of the Lithosphere.

Rocks are made up of minerals,

these are not man made due to
Minerals are naturally occurring

I have here another set of pictures,

what can you see ?

Different places with

rock formations.

Yes, and we are surrounded by

rocks, everywhere we go there are
rocks or made out of Rocks. Now
before we proceed to our main
discussion let us have an activity.

This activity is called “Word

Cryptogram”. In this activity you will
reveal the words using the code

Do you understand?
Yes Ms. Gia
Write your answers in a one whole
sheet of paper. I will give you 5
minutes to answer. You may start

A 1 O 12
B 6 P 18
C 11 Q 24
D 23 R 5
E 15 S 26
F 7 T 10
G 20 U 16
H 13 V 22
I 25 W 19
J 2 X 3
K 21 Y 14
L 17 Z 9
M 8
N 4

8 15 10 1 8 12 5 18 13 25 11

7 12 26 26 25 17 26

22 12 17 11 1 4 25 11


25 20 4 15 12 16 26


24 16 1 5 10 9 25 10 15

26 15 23 25 8 15 4 10 1 5 14

11 14 11 17 15


1 4 23 15 26 25 10 15

23 25 12 5 25 10 15

11 13 1 17 21

Okay, time is up let us now have the

checking. Exchange clockwise, 1 ,
2 , 3 , 4. Please be honest in

Based from the words that you come
up in your activity Word Cryptogram,
Who can give me an idea of our
lesson for today? Raise your hand
for those who want to answer?Yes?
Student: Base from the
answers in the activity
that we had earlier, our
topic for today is all
about Rocks.
Exactly, very good thank you.
Today, I will be going to discuss to
you all about Rocks.

In this lesson you will be able to:

Please read altogether.
1. Identify the characteristics of
rocks; and (The students will read
2. Classify rocks according to its the lesson objectives
characteristics. altogether.)

Now, let us begin our discussion. Sit

down properly, all eyes and ears on

Rocks are classified into three types,

What are the 3 types of rocks? Yes,
please stand up.
Student: The three
types of rocks are
Igneous Rocks,
Sedimentary Rocks,
Very good, thank you. So the three and Metamorphic
types of rocks are the Igneous Rocks.
Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks, and
Metamorphic Rocks.

Let’s discuss first and learn more

about Igneous Rocks. So, what is
Igneous Rocks?

Igneous means “fire”. These rocks

are solid and crystalline. Which
comes from molten hot rocks
beneath the earth’s surface that are
heated between 625 and 1200
degree Celsius.

Igneous rocks are named according

to their texture. Please read:

Obsidian- a dark volcanic glass that

can be polished and used as a (The students will
mirror. read.)
Pumice- the lightest glass-like frothy
igneous rock.
Volcanic Breccia- a coarsely
fragmental igneous rock.
Tuff- made of finer fragments that
have formed form volcanic ash.

There are 2 Kinds of Igneous Rocks

The first one is the Intrusive Igneous
Rocks also called plutonic rocks.
When magma hardens beneath the
crust, it turns into an intrusive
igneous rock.
Who wants to read the examples of
Intrusive Igneous Rocks? Yes.
Student: Examples of
intrusive igneous rocks
are granite, diorite, and
Thank you, so these three rocks
belongs to Intrusive Igneous Rocks.
These rocks are made up of magma
that has already hardened, the rocks
do not look the same because they
do not also cool the same
way.These rocks are coarse-gained.

Next is the Extrusive Igneous Rocks,

also called volcanic rocks. Through
some violent volcanic eruptions
some materials may reach the
Earth’s surface and when the lava
cools quickly, it forms into extrusive
igneous rocks.
Here are example of Extrusive
Igneous Rocks, please read

Okay thank you, so these rocks are
made out of lava and cools on
Earth’s surface. The cooling is faster
because the heat is not trapped.
Cold air can instantly solidify hot
lava , usually found in this kind of
cooling are glassy and fine
crystals.These types of rocks are

Bubbles of hot gases from the

volcano may also be trapped inside
as the materials cool. The resulting
rocks are rich in air holes. Pumice
stones are examples of these.

Before I proceed to the 2nd type of

rocks, what is an igneous rocks?
Student: Igneous rocks
come from molten hot
Very good, thank you. Next, what rocks.
does Igneous mean?
Student: Fire
Correct, how about the 2 types of
Igneous Rocks what are these?

Student: Intrusive and

Extrusive Igneous
Very good, thank you. Do you have Rocks.
any questions or clarifications before
we proceed?
None so far Ms. Gia.
Okay, so the 2nd type of rock is the?
Please read.
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks

About 3/4 of the rocks on Earth’s

surface are sedimentary. The
sediments that compromise the
sedimentary rocks may either be
chemical or organic and contain
crystals and fossils.

Chemical sediments are formed

when the chemicals that were
dissolved in water precipitate or are
left by evaporating water.

Here are some examples of

Chemical Sedimentary Rocks:

Halite or Rock salt


Some organisms play an important

role in the formation of sedimentary
rocks. Calcite is the crystalline form
of calcium carbonate. Coquina is a
variety of limestone formed from
pieces of algae, corals, and shells.

Next is the Organic Sediments,

these rocks are made up of remains
of living things such us skeletons,
shells, and plants.

Here are examples of Organic

Sediments: Please read.

Chalk and Coal

Thank you, so coal is formed when

plant remains like moss, leaves,
twigs, roots, and tree trunks are
present together. Over time, coal
becomes black and rich in carbon. It
burns so easily.

A bone or shell is covered by

sediment before it decays, the
original bone or shell is not changed
but is preserved by the calcite or
silica. Footprints, trails, and burrows
preserved on rocks are also fossils.
Examples: Fish Fossil and Dinosaur

What is the second type of rock?

Student: Sedimentary
Correct, thank you. Now what is Rocks
Sedimentary Rock?
Student: Sedimentary
rocks are rocks that
contains crystals and
Exactly, thank you. Last question fossils.
before we proceed, Sedimentary
rocks may either be? What are these
two classification of Sedimentary
Student: Chemical and
Very good, thank you. Is there any Organic Sediments
clarification before we proceed?
None Ms. Gia
Okay, so the last type of rock is the
Metamorphic Rocks.
The word metamorphic means
“changed in form”. Used to describe
rocks that have been changed in
some way.

Metamorphic rocks start either

igneous or sedimentary rocks.Due to
high temperature and pressure it
changes the rocks into new forms.

Metamorphic rocks are much harder

and smoother than the original
igneous or sedimentary rocks.

Here are examples of Metamorphic

rocks: Please read.

Quartzite comes from sandstone,
slate comes from shale and clay
which is used for making
chalkboards, pool tables,and roofs.
Schist also comes for shale. Gneiss
is a light and dark mineral-layered
rock which resembles granite or

What does metamorphic means

Very good, the different kinds of Change in form.
rocks can change one form to
another through rock cycle.

The rock cycle is the process that

describes the gradual transformation
between the three main types
of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic,
and igneous.

This is what rock cycle looks like:

So based from
the illustration, how does a rock
cycle works?

1) Formation of Igneous Rock – Melting,

Cooling, and Crystallization

2) Formation of Sedimentary Rock –

Weathering, Erosion, Sedimentation,
and Compaction

3) Formation of Metamorphic Rocks –


4) Weathering

5) Transportation

6) Deposition

During the carriage of rocks by

rivers, the rock particles (mixed with
soil) sink and become a layer of
sediment. Often the sediments build
up and form small accumulations,
which over time and pressure turn
into sedimentary rock.

Melting of underground metamorphic

rock forms magma, which on
crystallization forms igneous rock,
thus continuing the cycle.

Now that you already know how to

classify the rocks according to its
type and the steps in Rock Cycle.
Do you have any clarification?
None so far Ms.


What are the three types of Rocks? Igneous Rocks

Sedimentary Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
Correct, very good. Now what are
the two kinds of Igneous Rocks?
Intrusive and Extrusive
Igneous Rocks
What is the difference between
intrusive and extrusive rocks?
Intrusive comes from
magma while Extrusive
comes from lava which
cool on the Earth’s
Exactly, now which one is also
called Plutonic Rocks?
Intrusive Igneous
How about Extrusive? It is also
called? Volcanic Rocks

What are the examples of Intrusive

Igneous rocks? Granite, Diorite, and
Very good, how about examples of
Extrusive Igneous Rocks?
Rhyolite, Basalt,
Andesite, and Pumice
What is the second type of rocks?
Sedimentary Rocks
Correct, now what is sedimentary
rocks? Sedimentary rocks
may be either chemical
or organic.
Very good, thank you. When we say
Chemical sediments how does it
formed? Chemical sediments
are formed when the
chemicals that were
dissolved in water
precipitate by
evaporating water.
Exactly, next how about Organic
Organic sediments are
made up of remains of
livings such us
skeletons, shells, and
What are the examples of Chemical
sedimentary rocks? Rock Salt, Calcite,
Examples of Organic Sedimentary
Rocks? Chalk and Coal.

Correct, the third and last type of

rock is? Metamorphic Rock

What does metamorphic mean?

Change in form.
Exactly, now give me examples of
metamorphic rocks?
Who can tell me what is rock cycle?
Yes. Student:The rock
cycle is the process
that describes the
gradual transformation
between the three
main types of rocks:
metamorphic, and
Excellent, let us do the very good
clap for everyone. (Students do the very
good clap)

Are you ready for our activity today?

Yes Ms. Gia

So this activity is sort of an oral
game and this is the “When the
Music Stop” game. I have here a
sunglasses and what you will do is
as I play the music you will wear the
glasses, then pass it to your seat
mate , wear the glasses, then
pass .Make sure the glasses will not
fall or get broken. When the music
stops, the one who wears the
glasses or holds the sunglasses will
be the one to answer my question.
Those who can answer will be given
5 points to be added on you scores
in our activity this Friday.

Are my instruction clear?Are you all

ready? Yes Ms. Gia

Okay lets do the trial first. (The students will

participate in the

VI. Evaluation Copy and answer in your Science


A. Direction: Identify if the rock is
Igneous, Sedimentary, or
Metamorphic. Write your answer on
the blank provided.

1. Coquina-________________
2. Gabbro-_________________
3. Halite-__________________
4. Schist-__________________
5. Diorite-__________________

B.Read each statement carefully

and answer what is being asked.
Write your answers on the space
provided after each question.

6. What are the three types of

7. This rocks is also called Plutonic
8. These type of rocks contains
crystals and fossils.
9. Slate is an example of what type
of rocks?
10.What does Igneous means?
VII.Assignment Write on your assignment notebook.

Bring the following tomorrow:

2 pieces of chalk/soft stones

1 tablespoon of vinegar
1 clear glass
Piece of fine cloth

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