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Class 9 A/B
Sub: computer applications [M.M 100]
First term EXAM
Time: 2 hours
Attempt all questions from Section A and any six questions from Section B.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].


SECTION A (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Section

Question 1 [5x2=10]

a. What is a programming language?

b. Which language is regarded as second-generation programming language?

c. What is a programming paradigm?

d. Differentiate between object and classes.

e. Write any two characteristics of object-oriented programming.

Question 2 [5x2=10]

a. How many types of Java programs exist? Explain them.

b. What are high level languages? Do explain with an example.

c. Differentiate between a compiler and an interpreter.

d. Explain any two features of Java.

e. What is a bytecode? Can we read this code? Give reason to support your answer.

Question 3 [5x2=10]

a. Why classes are called composite data type?

b. What is a BlueJ IDE? Why it is beneficial for us to use as a developer.

c. How objects communicate with each other in a program?

d. Write a basic program to print your name on screen.

e. What do you understand by the term "Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORE)"?

Question 4 [5x2=10]

a. Differentiate between identifiers and literals.

b. What are operators? Explain any two relational operators.

c. What are data types? Explain primitive data types.

d. What are keyword? Why can't we use a keyword as a name?

e. What is ternary operator? Write its syntax to support your answer.


SECTION B (60 Marks)

Attempt any six questions from this Section

Question 5 [2x5=10]

a. Differentiate between POP and OOP.

b. Describe four fundamental object-oriented principles.

Question 6 [2x5=10]

a. Explain Java compilation process along with proper flow diagram.

b. Distinguish between:

i. Source code and object code

ii. ".java" file and ".class file"

Question 7 [2x5=10]

a. Write a program to print product of two given numbers.

b. Write a program to print the perimeter and area of a rectangle.

Question 8 [2x5=10]

a. What are logical operators? Differentiate between logical || and bitwise | operator. Explain it with
the help of a program.
b. Write a program to find the greatest among three numbers.

Question 9 [2x5=10]

a. What is an assignment operator? Explain shorthand assignment operator with the help of a

b. What are type conversions? Are there any chances of getting a data loss in this conversion? If yes,
then how? Explain it with the help of a program.

Question 10 [2x5=10]

a. Write a program to find greatest number among three integers.

b. Write a program to find circumference of a circle whose area is 154 cm2

Question 11 [2x5=10]

a. Write a program to print sum of first 500 natural numbers.

b. Create a menu driven program of a calculator whose output must appear liked this:


1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Division
5. Modulus

After user selects an option, the result is displayed.

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