Chapter 6 and 7 Wastwater Treatment

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• Sedimentation is the process of allowing particles in
suspension in water to settle out of the suspension
under the effect of gravity. The particles that settle
out from the suspension become sediment, and in
water treatment is known as sludge. When a thick
layer of sediment continues to settle, this is known
as consolidation. When consolidation of sediment,
or sludge, is assisted by mechanical means then this
is known as thickening.
Coagulation-Flocculation is a common process to treat industrial and domestic
wastewater in order to remove suspended particles from the water.
1. Coagulation: It is the process of addition of a chemical to de-stabilize a
stabilized charged particle.

2. Flocculation: It is a slow mixing technique which promotes agglomeration and

helps the particles to settle down.
• Coagulation and
flocculation are an
essential part of
drinking water
treatment as well as
wastewater treatment.
• In potable water
treatment, clarification
of water using
coagulating agents has What is alum?
been practiced from
ancient times. As early
as 2000 BC the Aluminum potassium sulfate, also
Egyptians used almonds
smeared around vessels known as potash alum, KAl(SO. 4)
to clarify river water. 2·12H. 2O is used as an astringent
The use of alum as a
coagulant by the and antisepsis in various food
Romans was mentioned preparation processes such as
in around 77 AD. By
1757, alum was being pickling and fermentation and as a
used for coagulation in flocculant for water purification,
municipal water
treatment in England. among other things.
• In modern water treatment,
coagulation and flocculation
are still essential components
of the overall suite of

• Coagulation is also important

in several wastewater
treatment operations. A
common example is chemical
phosphorus removal and
another, in overloaded
wastewater treatment plants,
is the practice of chemically
enhancing primary treatment
to reduce suspended solids
and organic loads from
primary clarifiers.
Dissolved and suspended particles are present in
most of natural waters. These suspended materials
mostly arise from land erosion, the dissolution of
minerals and the decay of vegetation and from
several domestic and industrial waste discharges.
Such material may include:
• Suspended particles
• Dissolved organic and inorganic matter
• Biological organisms;such as bacteria,
algae or viruses.

This material has to be removed, as it causes

deterioration of water quality by reducing the
clarity (e.g. causing turbidity or colour), and
eventually carrying pathogenic organisms or toxic
compounds, adsorbed on their surfaces.
Coagulation and flocculation is relatively
simple and cost-effective, provided that
chemicals are available and dosage is adapted
to the water composition. Regardless of the
nature of the treated water and the overall
applied treatment scheme, coagulation-
flocculation is usually included, either as pre-
treatment or as post-treatment step after
Coagulation and flocculation occur in successive
steps intended to overcome the forces
stabilizing the suspended particles, allowing
particle collision and growth of flocs, which
then can be settled and removed (by
sedimentation) or filtered out of the water.

What is floc by the way ?

Floc is a loosely clumped mass of fine particles.
Coagulation Principles
Coagulation destabilises the
particles charges. Coagulants
with charges opposite to those
of the suspended solids are
added to the water to neutralise
the negative charges on
dispersed non-settable solids
(such as clay) and organic
Once the charge is neutralised,
the small-suspended particles
are capable of sticking together.
The slightly larger particles
formed through this process are
The Coagulants
• The commonly used metal coagulants fall into two
general categories: those based on aluminum and those
based on iron. The aluminum coagulants include
aluminum sulfate, aluminum chloride and sodium
aluminate. The iron coagulants include ferric sulfate,
ferrous sulfate, ferric chloride and ferric chloride sulfate.
Other chemicals used as coagulants include hydrated
lime and magnesium carbonate.

• The effectiveness of aluminum and iron coagulants

arises principally from their ability to form multi-charged
polynuclear complexes with enhanced adsorption
characteristics. The nature of the complexes formed may
be controlled by the pH of the system.
• When metal coagulants are added to water the metal ions (Al
and Fe) hydrolyze rapidly but in a somewhat uncontrolled
manner, forming a series of metal hydrolysis species. The
efficiency of rapid mixing, the pH, and the coagulant dosage
determine which hydrolysis species is effective for treatment.

• There has been considerable development of pre-hydrolyzed

inorganic coagulants, based on both aluminum and iron to
produce the correct hydrolysis species regardless of the
process conditions during treatment. These include aluminum
chlorohydrate, polyaluminum chloride, polyaluminum sulfate
chloride, polyaluminum silicate chloride and forms of
polyaluminum chloride with organic polymers. Iron forms
include polyferric sulfate and ferric salts with polymers. There
are also polymerized aluminum-iron blends.
Factors Affecting Coagulation
• Temperature
Temperature significantly affects coagulation operations,
particularly for low turbidity waters, by shifting the optimum pH.
This can be mitigated by operating at an optimum pOH as given by:

pH + pOH = pKW; where pKW = 0.01706xT + 4470.99/T – 6.0875

and T = temperature in °K = 273.15 + °C.

One advantage of the pre-polymerized coagulants is that they can

be less sensitive to changes in temperature.
Sequence of chemical addition

Traditionally, the sequence of chemical

addition for coagulation operations is to first
add chemicals for pH correction, then add the
metal coagulant, then add the flocculant aid.
Not all these chemicals are necessarily added,
but the sequence logic is often as described.
However, there are instances when other
sequences are more effective.The best
sequence for a particular application can be
determined by jar test experiments.
Following coagulation, flocculation(a
gentle mixing stage) increases the
particle size from submicroscopic
microfloc to visible suspended
The microflocs are brought into
contact with each other through the
process of slow mixing. Collisions of
the microfloc particles cause them to
bond to produce larger, visible flocs.
The floc size continues to build through
additional collisions and interaction
with inorganic polymers formed by the
coagulant or with organic polymers
added. Macroflocs are formed.
Testing and Control
▪Intensity and duration of
▪Type of coagulant used mixing at
▪Coagulant dosage
▪Final pH
▪rapid mix stage
▪Coagulant feed concentration ▪Type of rapid mix device
▪Type and dosage of chemical ▪Velocity gradients applied
additives other than primary during flocculation stage
coagulant (e.g. polymers) ▪Flocculator retention time
▪Sequence of chemical ▪Type of stirring device used
addition and time lag between ▪Flocculator geometry.
dosing points
• The purpose of filtration is to remove
suspended particles from water by passing the
water through a medium such as sand. As the
water passes through the filter, floc and
impurities get stuck in the sand and the clean
water goes through. The filtered water
collects in the clearwell, where it is disinfected
and then sent to the customers.
Mechanism of Filtration

- Passing the water through a filter in which the pores are smaller
than the particles to be removed.
- The picture below shows an example of straining in a filter. As
you can see, the floc cannot fit through the gaps between the
sand particles, so the floc are captured. The water is able to
flow through the sand, leaving the floc particles behind.
• Adsorption is the gathering of gas, liquid, or
dissolved solids onto the surface of another
material, as shown below:
• in many cases the most important mechanism of
• The soaking up of one substance into the body of another
• In a filter, absorption involves liquids being soaked up into the
sand grains, as shown :
Wastewater Treatment:
Liquid wastes may be disposed of in a number of
ways (before giving at least secondary level
• Surface waters (Rivers, Lakes etc)
•On land
In natural streams, there is a balance between
plant and animal life, with considerable
interaction among the various life forms. Waters
of good quality are characterize by multiplicity of
species with no dominance.
Organic matter which enters the stream is
broken down by bacteria to ammonia, nitrates,
sulfates, carbon dioxide etc, which are used by
plants and algae to produce carbohydrates and
Water Pollution

Introduction of excessive quantities of waster

material can upset the cycle by causing rapid
bacterial growth and resulting depletion of
dissolved oxygen in the stream. Polluted waters
are characterized by very large number of
relatively few species.
A treatment, at least to secondary level must be
given prior to LAND DISPOSAL this is necessary due to
the following reasons.

1. To reduce stress upon SOIL SYSTEM

2. To reduce production of NUISANCE

Following methods may be employed for land
disposal of wastewater.
1. Spray Irrigation
2. Rapid Infiltration
3. Overland Runoff
Advantages of Wastewater
Use of wastewater for irrigations has following

• Prevention of river pollution and protection of

surface water quality.
• Conservation of water and nutrients to improve
agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions.
Health risk

Health risk is high for people using salads and

vegetables EATEN UNCOOKED and irrigated with RAW
SEWAGE. Such people are exposed to following diseases
arranged in descending order of their chance of
• Helminthes (worm) disease
• Cholera
• Typhoid
Similarly SEWAGE FARM WORKERS are also exposed to
above diseases. However, evidence of bacterial and viral
diseases among them is limited.
There is no demonstrated risk to people close to sewage-
irrigated sites.

Parameter Value
Helminth Eggs ≤ 1 / liter
Fecal Coliform ≤ 1000 / 100 ml
* for irrigation of crop likely to be eaten uncooked,
sports fields, public parks

Very small quantity of certain substances are
required for crops. E.g. Mn, Fe etc.
Introduction to Wastewater
Roles of the Treatment Plant Operator

Learning Objectives
• List the roles of the Treatment Plant
• Describe the operator responsibilities

Characteristics of Wastewater

Learning Objectives
• Describe the typical composition of raw
• Explain the effects of wastewater discharges
on the receiving stream.
• Identify how treatment plant discharge
impacts natural cycles.

Untreated Wastewater

Contaminants in untreated wastewater

–Organic contaminants;
–Inorganic contaminants;
–Pathogens; and
–Other contaminants.

Organic Contaminants

• Derived from animals and plants, or may be

manufactured chemical compounds.
• All organics contain carbon.
• Measured as Biochemical oxygen demand
• Untreated influent BOD is 200 to 250 mg/L

Contaminants Cont’d

Inorganic Contaminants
•Not biodegradable
•Include nutrients like phosphorous and
•Include heavy metals

Effects of Wastewater Discharges

• Thermal waste
• Oxygen depletion and odor in stream
• Negative human health effects
• Sludge and scum accumulations

Dissolved Oxygen for Aquatic Life

DO depends on temperature and flow

• Cold water can retain MORE dissolved oxygen
• Warm water can retain LESS
• Turbulent flow adds more oxygen
• For aquatic life, DO should be at least 5 mg/L

Effects of Organic Waste Discharge

• Oxygen utilization by aerobic bacteria

• Odor production by anaerobic bacteria

Human Health

• Untreated wastewater may contain pathogens

• Treatment Objectives:
– Stabilization
– Disinfection

Nutrient Cycles
Nitrate discharged in

Algae uptake nitrate.

Fish consume algae

producing urea, amino
acids and organic nitrogen.

Fish die; organic nitrogen

converted to ammonia.

Microorganisms convert
ammonia to nitrite and
then to nitrate.

Cycle repeats. 41
Wastewater Treatment Processes
Preliminary Primary Secondary
Treatment Treatment Treatment
• Screening • Sedimentation and Flotation • Biological Treatment
• Grit removal • Sedimentation

Tertiary (Advanced) Solids

Treatment Treatment
• Chemical Phosphorous • Digestion
Removal • Disposal
• Biological Nutrient Removal
• Multimedia Filtration
Preliminary Treatment
Pretreatment removes all materials that
can be easily collected from the raw
sewage before they damage or clog
the pumps and sewage lines of primary
treatment clarifiers. Objects commonly
removed during pretreatment include
trash, tree limbs, leaves, branches, and
other large objects.

Wastewater Treatment Processes

Preliminary Primary Secondary

Treatment Treatment Treatment
• Sedimentation and Flotation

Tertiary (Advanced) Solids

Treatment Treatment

Wastewater Treatment Processes

Preliminary Primary Secondary

Treatment Treatment Treatment
• Biological Treatment
• Sedimentation

Tertiary (Advanced) Solids

Treatment Treatment

Aeration Basin:
• Biological Process
• Raw sewage mixed with sludge
• Compressed air is injected into the mixture
• Provides oxygen and rapid mixing action

• Bacteria + (food) + Oxygen + Nutrients


• More Bacteria + Carbon Dioxide + Organics (leftovers)

•Secondary –
•1: aeration tank –
•colloids & organics removed by hungry bacteria -
aeration increases bacterial growth
•activated sludge
•2: clarifier-
•lets activated sludge settle –
•some reused in aeration tank
•rest goes to anaerobic digester
•3: disinfection- by Chlorine, Ozone, or sunlight in Wetland
Wastewater Treatment Processes

Preliminary Primary Secondary

Treatment Treatment Treatment

Tertiary (Advanced) Solids

Treatment Treatment
• Chemical Phosphorous
• Biological Nutrient Removal
• Multimedia Filtration
•Removal of chemicals (P, N, etc) - not required!
•Anaerobic digester –
•sludge from primary/secondary treatment
•breaks down waste further
• disposed in a landfill/treated/used as fertilizer
•Water returned to the stream

Biogas –
produced during anaerobic digestion - used
as fuel
Co-composting –
combined post-consumer waste paper w/treated sludge
decomposed by bacteria - use as fertilizer animal crops only
Pasteurization –
drying sludge in ovens
kill pathogens
pellets - sold as fertilizer


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