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An investigation into the attitudes of English-majored students in a public university in Vietnam towards giving extra credit as a

method of boosting students’ motivation in Intermediate Listening-Speaking courses

Dear participants,

We are a research group from class 21CLC04, Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature at Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences
and Humanities. We are currently conducting research named “An investigation into the attitudes of English-majored students in a public
university in Vietnam towards giving extra credit as a method of boosting students’ motivation in Intermediate Listening-Speaking courses"

Our research aims to investigate…

….. Your responses will provide us with valuable information for our study. All answers will be kept confidential and only be used for research

Thank you for your participation.


Your name: _________________________________

Your email: _________________________________

Your class (22CLC01): ________________________


(explain concept ‘extra credit’)
A. Investigate the current practice of awarding extra credit in Intermediate Listening - Speaking courses at EF (3 CÂU)
1. What Listening - Speaking courses have you attended in the Faculty?
● Listening - Speaking B1
● Listening - Speaking B2
● Other
2. In which Listening - Speaking courses did you receive extra credit from the instructor?
● Listening - Speaking B1
● Listening - Speaking B2
● Other
3. How often did you receive extra credit for these activities?

Statement Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

My lecturer gives me extra credits

through extra credit assignments. (e.g.
completing additional listening exercises
at home)

My lecturer gives me extra credits

through quizzes/ pop quizzes.

My lecturer gives me extra credits

through class contributions.
My lecturer gives me extra credits
through group project(s).

My lecturer gives me extra credits

through activities outside of class. (e.g.
attending a workshop or guests lecture)

Other (Please specify): ___________

B. Examine students' attitudes toward awarding extra credit as a motivational method in Intermediate Listening - Speaking courses.

B1. Transparency (2 câu maximum)

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

The instructor gives clear policies about awarding extra credits at the
beginning of the course or throughout the learning session.

B2. Effectiveness in motivating Ss to (Positive/Negative) (Listening+Speaking) (6 CÂU)

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree
Extra credits (class contribution, pop quiz, …) help you have the motivation to
prepare for the lesson or attend the lesson (e.g. listen to the audio and Tedx Talk

POSITIVE in advance at home)

Extra credits motivate you to contribute to the lesson.


Extra credits cause grade inflation

Extra credits make you become careless and irresponsible during the learning

B3. Fairness

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

Extra credits (class contribution, pop quiz, …) help you have the motivation to
POSITIVE prepare for the lesson or attend the lesson (e.g. listen to the audio and Tedx Talk
in advance at home)
Extra credits motivate you to contribute to the lesson.

Extra credits cause grade inflation, LEADING UNFAIR

Extra credits make you become careless and irresponsible during their learning
NEGATIVE process.


C. Explore students' expectations regarding the awarding of extra credit in Intermediate Listening-Speaking courses. (4 CÂU) open-ended questions
Do you think the awarding of extra credit should be altered and/or improved:
● Yes
● No
Which of the following aspects that you think should be altered and/or improved?
● The practice of giving extra credits should be continued in Listening-speaking courses.
● Việc ghi nhận điểm cộng nên được công khai cho sinh viên trong lớp biết (.
● Hình thức cho điểm cộng nên được đa dạng hóa.
● Chính sách về việc cho điểm cộng nên được thống nhất từ đầu khóa học
● Chính sách về điểm cộng nên được thống nhất giữa các lớp

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