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In this modern age period computer has become a way of life that help

people that make them live at ease and comparatively well. Most of Game

Farming Industries transactions and managing systems are still done on paper.

We all know that modern Game Farms are now operating and working out due to

continuously growing community of cock fight or most commonly known as

“sabong” in the Philippines. But the time rolled by, the number of the chicken has

grown and arise.

As we look back years ago computers were not common in this industry.

The owners of the Game Farm today are considered digital natives who are now

living in a technology world. Computer technology can also be used to make us

not just smarter but truly intelligent. Today, peoples knowledge is as twice as

much as the idea referring to both knowledge exist from the use of computer

technology to enhanced the ability such computer works. As technology develops

regarding in business industry, and in this Game Farming is one of their assets

and investments, new ideas seem to appear an increasing rate in every part of

every country. This new ideas led to transform the manual and old system.

Oftentimes with unexpected consequences, technology was conceived as a

creative progression.

Management Information System manages data by storing, searching and

analyzing the information. In addition, they manage various information system to

meet the needs of farm managers, staff, and customers by working

collaboratively with various members, of their work group as well as with their

other clients. The proposed study provides a high quality system that is more

effective and accurate for recording and finding their records inside the farm than

the manually work. The proponents together with the programmers come up with

an idea of developing the newest and latest version of software programs and


According to M.H Tili (2020), the spectacle of fighting animals has long

been a part of human history. From bullfighting all the way down to cockfighting,

the fighting has existed across many cultures in some form. In the Philippines,

cockfighting was first witnessed during Magellan’s voyage of discovery of the

country in 1521. It is considered to be a popular pastime in the country as it has

been existing for more than a hundred years. Filipinos from all social classes

partake on this gambling sport which has been integrated into the Filipino culture.

Cockfighting has become part of the Filipino identity. Due to it’s popularity,

cockfighting has become a billion dollar industry with thousands of arenas and

estimated of more than a million cocks killed across the entire country. Money

changes hands from bettors, breeders, organizers, and feed seller alike.

Cockfighting or locally known as “sabong” has climbed to a whole new level that

has not only captured the heart of the entire nation, but also the world at large.

The popular cockfighting competition takes place in approximately 2500

dedicated stadiums across the country where an estimated 30 million roosters

are killed each year. “Sabong” is more than just entertainment. The sport is

considered as a very important culture to the Philippines people. Cockfighting in

the country dates back 6000-years ago, which could have a played a big role in

its legalization.

The CPB game farm located in Darasa, Tanauan City is owned by Claude

P. Bautista who lived from Malita, Davao Occidental. He is former governor way

back 2016, and reelect year 2019. He started to have a farm in 1990, he started

year 2000 to have some breed rooster to have specific breed that he will be

known off. And after some year, the breed that he called Zamboanga white was

become popular, this is the time when he became known of some “sabungero”.

He deployed some branch in Batangas, one in Lipa and manage by Cesar Tan

and also in Tanauan, that being manage by Howie Inafuku. Bautista started

having 400 rooster in davao and have 2 helper feeds and 2 handlers. And in

Tanauan, he has 1000 rooster, 90% of this is cock and 10% is stags and have 8

employee. He built farm in Tanauan because of the venue of cock fight. Ever

since the farm built they have a manual process. They have manual recording

system which they record all the data in a log book. One way of having an

efficient organization is keeping records that will be useable to their business or

organization that the researcher to develop a project study entitled “Automated

Management System for CPB Game Farm in Darasa, Tanauan City.”


The CPB Game Farm Management System was developed to enhance

the Farm Management and generates the workflow inside their farm. The

proposed study is an advanced tool for game farming and “sabong” industry,

which is made to have a simple and well-organized management in every game

farm. This system will maintain all the records in an accessible and convenient

way in storing, generating reports and organizing data. The system will also help

the game farm staffs to have more accurate and have a capable way of gathering

data of the fighting roosters. This system can easily performed by the use of

computers or laptops, which help them, lessen their paper works.

In this study, the researchers developed a software application that will

minimize all papers works and manual record keeping, therefore allowing farm

managers and staff ease in keeping track of fighting rooster's records – a system

that user-friendly, time effective and efficient. The administrator will be the one

who manage the system and the only one who can add, edit and update the

information. The administrator will be at ease managing the system because it

automatically save in the database.

In this system, the administrator can manage the list of rooster and can

edit and update the rooster’s information as well as the schedule of the rooster’s

fight, history and the rooster’s record. Also, the administrator can manage the list

of employees, list of stock and the list of expenses of the game farm. The

administrator can print and generate the list of rooster and the expenses of the

game farm.


This study intend to develop a computerized Automated Management

System for CPB Gamefarm in Darasa, Tanauan City. The information of the farm

will be easily recorded and manageable than the manual recording. The system

will help the farm manager and the farm staff to save time and human effort in

manually writing farm’s information. It will also be used as an information

distribution of the farm regarding the services. The propose study intended to

eliminate the manual way of recording method that the CPB gamefarm currently

have and develop a systematic and organized recording system.

In addition, the administrator will be at ease managing the system,

because it is a user-friendly and easy to navigate. The administrator will click the

button for rooster and he/she will see the list of rooster and their information as

well as their schedule. Just one click for the list of employees and the

administrator will see their schedule and all their information. Also, the

administrator will be at ease printing and generating the list of rooster and list of


This system contains farm’s information that will shows all recorded

information of the roosters and the farm’s information itself that can easily update

or edit the recorded information. Also, the system has one administrator who

would manage all the information of the system. Wherein the administrator can

edit and update the information according to administrator’s will.

The project would be great benefit mainly to the CPB Gamefarm in

Darasa, Tanauan City for it will reduce the workload of recording done in manual

way; organizing information for retrieval when needed; reducing labor for

creating, organizing, retrieving, and dissemination of record information. And

lasty, it reduced the required time and effort to reconstruct vital information even

in disaster, theft, and losses.


The following are the general and specific objectives that this proposed

study seeks to achieve.


The general objective is to design and develop an automated

management system for CPB game farm located in Darasa, Tanauan City to

improve and make the system from manual to computerized that would enable

the farm for faster and more efficient storage and updating of the game farm


Specific Objectives:

1. To create a system that will computerized the record keeping of rooster’s


1.1. Add and update rooster’s information;

1.2. Manage record of rooster’s fight;

1.3. Manage and organize the history of rooster;

1.4. Manage rooster’s schedule;

2. To design a system that allow the administrator to retrieve all information


2.1. Manage the game farm’s stock;

2.2. Manage the list of staff;

2.3. Manage the expense of the farm;

3. To develop a system that will generate and print the following:

3.1. Rooster’s information;

3.2. Rooster’s schedule of fight; and

3.3. Summary of the game farm expenses.

4. To develop a system that will minimize the consuming process of manual

managing of the CPB gamefarm.


The study will be helpful to aid the current system in CPB Game Farm.

The most important thing is, this system was made for the easy to manipulate the

data of CPB Gamefarm such as history information or blood lines of the roosters.

The following individuals were the beneficiaries of the study.

Game Farm. The proposed system will simplify and automate everyday

farm task and can help maximize time spent with the task there by providing

better services.

Farm staff. They will no longer manually search, update, and write the

rooster's record which takes more time and effort.

Researchers. The researchers have developed their writing, analysis, and

interpretation skills needed to make a good thesis.

Future Researchers. This will benefit other researchers who wish to have

similar studies as they can get background information from the result of this

study which will serve as template to transform their research.


The study entitled “Automated Management System for CPB gamefarm in

Darasa, Tanauan City“ aimed to create a system that will provide an organized,

efficient and effective way of keeping the records of CPB gamefarm.

This study will replace the old system that is currently used in CPB Game

farm. Also the system will organize and manage rooster’s record by administrator

who would manage the data, they can add and update the rooster’s information

and manages and organize the rooster’s fight, rooster’s history and rooster’s

schedule. In addition the administrator can manage the game farm’s stock, the

list of staff and also the expenses of the farm. And also the system can generate

and print rooster’s information, rooster’s fight schedule and the expenses of the


Apart from that, this study does not allow deleting information inside the

system and the system is stand alone. The information will be gathered only in

CPB game farm.


The following term were technically and operationally defined.

Access. The opportunity and means of finding, using or retrieving records.

In the case of electronic data, security measures such as pass words, locking

down drives or sites, encryption etc. should be used to ensure that only

colleagues that need to see those documents can access them. In the case of

paper/hard copy files, they should be subjected to physical controls e.g. locked

cabinets, drawers or rooms. This serves as the main term of the developed

system; for as the word access and its function were used by the developed

system wholly. Every nook and cranny of the developed system will be functional

and accessed.

Administrator. First user is assigned the user role of administrator. They

can perform all actions on a website and have full capabilities.

Blood lines. An animal's set of ancestors or pedigree, especially with

reference to the desirable characteristics bred into it.

Breeders. A person who breeds livestock. Racehorses, other animals, or

plants. In this study breeders is a person who breeds the chicken in the game

farm to have specific breed.

Cockfight. The sport of setting two gamecocks to fight each other. Such

birds often have had their legs fitted with metal spurs.

Digital printing. It refers to methods of printing from a digital-based image

directly to a variety of media. It usually refers to professional printing where

small-run jobs from desktop publishing and other digital sources are printed using

large-format and/or high-volume laser or inkjet printers. The researcher used this

function for printing of financial states, equipment, members’ information and

certificates needed by the administrator

Game Farm. A place where game animals are raised to stock wildlife

areas for hunting

Login. Is the process by which an individual gains access to a computer

system by identifying and authenticating themselves.

Management. The process of dealing with or controlling things or people

and also the act or skill of controlling and making decisions about business,

department, sports team, etc.. In this study, management is where the

administrator organized data and information in the help of developed system to

make a better understanding of the information of the Game farm.

Stock. The goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or

warehouse and available for sale or distribution.

Records. Documents that memorializes and provides objective evidence

of activities performed, events occurred, result achieved, or statements made.

Records are created/receive by an organization in routine transaction of its

business or in pursuance of its legal obligations. A record may consist of two or






To develop the automated management system for CPB game farm, the

researcher had to analyze readings to generate some ideas and concepts about

related studies. This helped them conceptualized their own system. The following

are some reviewed studies or systems which serves as a guide to meet the

systems objectives. This also provide and helps on the system development.

According to Nguru (2017) Farm Manager is a mobile application that

allows the user to manage and review the farm related items within mobile

phone. This application is a comprehensive design to automate an animal,

poultry, and crop farm enables the user to streamline operations, increase

efficiency, ease interaction with workers and maximize revenues.

Both system are related in some ways they both do an application where

they can managed and the information of the farm. Also, they are similar in

increase efficiency and ease interaction with workers and maximize revenues.

Hence, the previous system lacks in updating user requirement that needed

some time to update their system while the present system updating the

information of the game farm

The system by Ibitoye (2017) helps the Boniks Pharmacy to eliminate the

manual process of recording, adding and ordering of drugs. The system helped

to ensure the effectiveness of policies by providing statistics of the drugs in stock.

It maintains the correct database by providing an option to update the drugs in

the stock. It aimed to improve the efficiency of the system by ensuring effective

monitoring of services and activities.

The system is related in terms of eliminating the manual process of

inventory system. Both systems have stock monitoring capabilities. Both system

also used electronic report for the benefit of both the administrator and the


Moreover, Tedder developed ChurchTrac Online which is a smart system

designed by a group which is entirely made of pastors who understand the

status, needs, and activities of local churches and ministries. The software

application offers a wide range of tools and features that help churches grow

their ministry and do better in promoting spiritual growth. This church

management solution is described as very affordable and the prices of the

product are published with transparency and no hoops. In short, ChurchTrac

aims to improve communication and organize church teams and ministries.

Among the tools and capabilities of ChurchTrac are membership

management, attendance reporting and tracking, donation, pledge, and

contribution management, calendar and event management, child/nursery

check-in system, congregation members profile access, and financial

management. The church management software is ideal for small to medium-

sized churches, ministries, and congregations.

According to Margate et al, (2020), students from School of Mapúa

University- Manila, Philippines proposed a Mobile Inventory Management System

Application for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise. The study focuses on

the current inventory process of Family Milk Tea, a family owned, beverage

business in the Philippines. The current process shows loss of sales due to stock

out and additional charges due to overstocking. Aside from this, tracking of sales

is done manually through writing or typing in a work sheet using Microsoft Excel.

This result to inaccuracy in terms of inventory and sales report. As a solution,

Seiton, a mobile application will be used to alleviate the problem. Due to mobile

phone's universality, this makes Seiton an ideal tool in integrating conveniences

and affectivity of Inventory Management System.

In 2017, students from Pangasinan State University proposed a

Computerized Record Management System of one National High School in the

Philippines. It is designed to provide efficient and accurate recording of records,

to maintain and secure the student's records and easy retrieval of student

records, to lessen the workload of the staffs. The features of the proposed

Computerized Record Management System are Registration, Computerized

filling of Records and Automated Report Generation. The Security measures

would be appropriate in the proposed Computerized Record Management

System would be password security for the server and client in accessing the

system. Processes involved in the current Record Management of QNHS are still

manual and paper-based system. Security measures appropriate in the proposed

Computerized Record Management System would be restriction for access and

physical security of computers.


A study by Allilio was conducted to improve a hospitals current system

and security of files. The focused of the system is to eliminate the difficulty in

manual scheme of the hospital. By means of using biometrics technology,

information and records of each patient are secured; assigned staff of each

department or section of the hospital can encode information and process the

record and transaction of the patient.

According to Amadora, L. (2020), In the Philippines, Shopee has its

purpose-built Warehouse Management System (WMS) uses data to make smart

recommendations to trained warehouse teams, allowing increased efficiency

from product picking to dispatching. The WMS uses data to forecast demand

ahead of peak shopping periods so that brands and sellers can better allocate

their resources. These services help brands and sellers to optimize their

inventories and ship out parcels more efficiently, which translates to increased

customer satisfaction and drives business growth.

Both systems have the same function such as eliminating the manual

process used by the management. Both systems also focused on processing the

records. The difference between the previous and the present system is that the

present system did not used biometrics.

Moreover, Collado designed a system that can help to eliminate the

manual transaction of the Mom’s Restaurant. The system helped to check the

available stocks, its quantity and the expiration date of each product. It had an

alert system to remind the cashier about the stock’s quantity, availability and the

expiration date. It helped the cashier to record and checks the daily, monthly and

yearly profit of the restaurant. It can compute the data more accurately than the

manual system. It also had an administrator and employee login. The

administrator is the only one who can access the database and manage the

products. The administrator can view the sale history, inventory and print. It can

also add, delete and update products.

The system is related to the developed system in a way that both systems

eliminate the manual transaction of the user. The two systems are capable of

monitoring stocks and allowed to print information. The difference between the

two systems is that the previous one has an alert message which is not a feature

in the present system.

In addition, Aguba (2018) developed a system that can revise and

introduce new program and improve the present condition of the company. It also

helped the company in storing, updating and retrieving of data records to

eliminate the loss of data and inaccuracy of information of the inventory report.

According to Dr. Danilo S. Sosa, Technological Instiute of the Philippines

(2017), In today’s competitive environment, computerization or automation of the

business process is of considerable importance because many people believe

that with the help of this technology most organizations can make their

operational, tactical, and strategic processes more productive, effective and

efficient. Management information system (MIS) is the means of support of any

business organization today and the functionality of information systems is a


As compared to the developed system, this system also offers inventory

management and updating records. Both systems also help the administration in

storing, updating and retrieving of data records. Both systems also helps the

management to improve the condition of the company wherein the administrator

can easily manage and monitor the information.

Likewise, Bajdor and Grabara (2017) described that information system is

formed by the information itself. It means that the diversity and multiplicity of

occurrence of information contributed to the need for them together to categorize,

which automatically led to a certain, separate groups of information which are

formed into information systems. And the development of information system can

be drawn as a part of implementation of information with technology through

analysis, design, implementation and support. The system can be defined as a

set of interrelated components that work together to achieve the desired results.

Information technology is a combination between computer technology

(hardware & software) with telecommunications technology (network data,

images, sounds). Thus, the definition of Whitten & Bentley concluded that the

information system is an arrangement of people, data, processes, and

information technology that interact to collect, process, store, and provide the

information needed to support the organization.


This section shows the technical background of the project that discusses

the development tools and technologies used in developing and implementing

the system.


Category Specifications

Operating System Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7

Database Back- End MS SQL Server 2014

Programming Language VB.NET

Framework .NET Framework 4.0

Table 1: Software Specification

For the software specifications, the researcher used language. It is

a multi-paradigm, object-oriented that is used to write the codes of the system.

The researcher used Microsoft SQL server 2014 as database server which is

a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as

requested by other software applications, which may run either on the same

computer or on another computer across a network. The researcher also use

Windows 10, windows 8 or windows 7, the Operating System installed in the

computer where the system was built. And the researcher use .Net framework

4.0, it made up of tools, programming languages, and libraries for building many

different types of applications.

Hardware Description

Architecture Dual Core processor

Processor Speed 1.6 Ghz or Higher


Hard Drive at least 2Gb free space

Processor Intel Core i5 @ 2.50GHz

System type Windows 10 x64-based Processor

Keyboard USB

Mouse USB, optical mouse

Printer Inkjet printer, laser printer

Monitor LED, at least 17’

Table2: Hardware Specification

As for the hardware specification, the researcher use an HP laptop

running on windows 7, Intel Core i3 Processor and 2GB RAM to create the



Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 show Conceptual Framework of this study which shows three

different flows such as, input, process and output. In the input, the researcher

gathered data to the CPB game farm to identify the lack of the game farm. This

part includes the feasibility studies which are related to the study. The

researcher gathered all the requirements needed by the user. The researcher,

studied the user needs to reach the definition of the system, hardware and

software requirements.

In the designing process, this is the part where the researcher will select

and choose the software development life cycle model that will fit to the project.

The first phase is analysis and quick design. This phase, the researcher

conducted proper understanding of the system purposes and the requirements

of the client demand. The important task of this analysis is to guarantee that the

system is applicable to the users. After the conducted data gathering, the

researcher made a primary design for proposed system. In design, the system

layouts, diagrams and the other documentations were done

The second is the data analysis. The researcher analyzed the data that

was obtained from the initial data gathering. The analyzed data will be used

towards the design and development of the system, thus making sure that all

recommendations of the end-user were meet. The next is prototype cycle, this

phase of rapid application development involves three activities namely

Demonstrate, Refine and Develop. After the analysis of the gathered data, the

researcher had started the system development which was based on the

recommendations form the end-users. After the prototype has been developed,

demonstration of the system was done to the end-users. If there are some

recommendations after the demonstration, the system will be refined based on

the results from the demonstration. The next is the testing. It is considered as a

routine process because every part of the system must be tested to make sure

that there is no problem in system. The last two are the implementation and

maintenance. In the implementation, the users get a chance to use the system

for the first time. This part entails that the system is ready to be presented to the

users. The last is the maintenance phase wherein services are not only focused

in the installation of the system but also the maintenance and updating when




This chapter presents the system design and methodologies used in

developing the system. As well as the systems analysis and design, and the

requirements needed to run the system at its best performance to reach its

maximum result.


The researchers proposed a system that can speed up the process of

managing the records and information of the game farm. In this project, the

researchers finalized all the necessary requirements for the system development.

The researchers used the developmental research method since the study

focuses on designing, developing and evaluating instructional programs,

processes and products.

Requirements Analysis

System Design




Figure 2. Modified Waterfall Model

The researchers used the modified waterfall model to show the process

they made in order to accomplish the said study. The first step is the

requirements analysis, in this phase, the researchers conducted proper

understanding of the system purposes and the requirements of the client

demand. The important task of this analysis is to guarantee that the system is

applicable to the users. The next phase is System design, in system design

phase, the system layouts, diagrams and the other documentations were done.

The design function must be described in detail, including the layouts, business

rules, process diagrams, and other documentation. And it includes the coding

design that involves the actual process of system development. It also involves

the back end codes, how the data was stored and how the researcher came up

in terms of functionality of the system.

Meanwhile, in the implementation phase, this phase belongs to the

programmers in the Waterfall method, as they take the project requirements and

specifications, and code the applications. The next phase is, system testing

which all the units developed in the implementation phase are integrated into a

system after testing of each unit. Post integration the entire system is tested for

any faults and failures. In addition, the system deployment is the phase where

the researchers deployed the proposed system to the client once the functional

and non-functional testing is done. And the last is maintenance, there are some

issues which come up in the client environment. To fix those issues, patches are

released. Also to enhance the product some better versions are released.

Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer environment.


The researcher made use of different reading materials related to the

game farm management system. Information gathered from the different

references were used as the foundation of the study, like how their projects

helped other people and to have a meaningful suggestion to others. These

information are gathered for them to guide themselves in achieving their

objectives by getting ideas and information on other related studies suitable in

the developed system and to make the possible enhancement.

Several changes are happening in the electronic today which increase the

capacities of the technology. Producing computerized system is one way bringing

advancement in the technology which provides satisfaction over traditional

method. An Automated Management System for CPB gamefarm in Darasa,

Tanauan City is developed using Microsoft Visual 2014 with .Net

Framework 4 as programming language together with MySql for database

storage or Back end. Updates of this software are also necessary in the


Visual is an Object- Oriented Programming language developed

by Microsoft. It makes use of graphical user interface for creating powerful

applications. It is an ideal programming language for developing application for

Microsoft windows and the familiar “drag and drop” feature. The researcher used

MySql for storing data. They focused on using an application that is easy to

understand, has a high level of security, has a connection code for programming

language and has many operations and functions which are needed by the

developed system. It can be a data storage backend different varieties of data.

The developer decided to use because it is more flexible than

other programming languages. Its visual environment is easy to understand and

more syntax is generally straight forward than the others are. Visual Basic.NET is

not only a programming language but also complete graphical development

environment. It can create both simple and complex GUI applications.


Category Specifications

Operating System Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7

Database Back- End MS SQL Server 2014

Programming Language VB.NET

Framework .NET Framework 4.0

Table 3: Software Specification

For the software specifications, the researcher used language. It is

a multi-paradigm, object-oriented that is used to write the codes of the system.

The researcher used Microsoft SQL server 2014 as database server which is

a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as

requested by other software applications, which may run either on the same

computer or on another computer across a network. The researcher also use

Windows 10, windows 8 or windows 7, the Operating System installed in the

computer where the system was built. And the researcher use .Net framework

4.0, it made up of tools, programming languages, and libraries for building many

different types of applications.


Hardware Description

Architecture Dual Core processor

Processor Speed 1.6 Ghz or Higher


Hard Drive at least 2Gb free space

Processor Intel Core i5 @ 2.50GHz

System type Windows 10 x64-based Processor

Keyboard USB

Mouse USB, optical mouse

Printer Inkjet printer, laser printer

Monitor LED, at least 17’

Table 4: Hardware Specification

As for the hardware specification, the researcher used an HP laptop

running on windows 7, Intel Core i3 Processor and 2GB RAM to create the



Figure 3. System Design

This system has only one user interface, the administrator who can

managed all the data in the system. The administrator can edit, update and add

data to the system. And also, the administrator is the only one allowed to use the

system and the only one who can manipulate and can see the gamefarm data.

The administrator can generate and print the inventory and expense of the


In addition, staff is the one who provides the information about the rooster

and the farm. The staff manage the rooster’s stocks and inventory, they’re the

one who manage the rooster’s feeds and vitamins.


Figure 4. System’s Architecture

Figure 4 shows the features and functions of the system. The system will

be managed by the administrator, who will be the only one who can add, update

and edit the information in the system. The administrator will log-in to the system

and can see the dashboard that will have the announcement of the gamefarm;

the rooster’s information which can be add, update and edit the information; the

inventory of the stocks; the list of employee and their schedule and duty; and

also the administrator can manipulate the schedule and can create new schedule

for the gamefarm.


Figure 5. Database Schema

Figures 5 shows the data flow inside the database in relation to the flow of

the system. First, the admin needs to login for security purpose of the records.

Once logged in, the admin can freely browse and input records on his/her desire

paths or sections showed on the system. Upon selecting path, will lead the admin

to the tabular form where he/she can add, update, delete and print a record.


The following diagrams represent the current system that has led for the

researchers to come up with the Automated Management system for CPB Game

Farm. Also there are diagrams that will feature the scope and functions of the

proposed system with respect to each activities or interactions performed by the

user in the system. The proponents showed the details and the processes that

the system can perform. It includes context flow diagram and data flow diagram

Figure 6. Data flow Diagram

Figure 6 shows the process of every attributes, how the system will work

and what the logical pattern of the software is. The administrator will have to log-

in to the system to view and manage the information of the game farm. After the

successful log-in the administrator will view the information that the database

has. The administrator can add, edit, update the information of the rooster and

the game farm.


Figure 7. Use Case Diagram of Admin

The administrator will have full access on the system that will enable him

to manage everything on the system including records of staff. Administrator can

add, edit or delete a record of a rooster if the rooster no longer there or already

died. The administrator can also print a certain record if needed.


System testing plays a vital role in the system’s developmental progress

because it checks whether the system meets the functional requirements or not.

Several types of testing are practiced by the researchers that aim to test the

different aspects of the system and these are as follows:

Unit testing is done during the development process. Each component of

the system is being tested and checked if the individual part is functioning as

expected. Actual code units are being assessed in this type of testing making it

easier to spot and fix bugs.

Integration Testing is performed to check if the components still work

when combined or connected. This type of testing is very important because one

must really ensure if the system’s functions are with chemistry and if the other

component is not blocking the other from functioning properly.

User- Acceptance Testing is performed to determine if the system

actually meets the client’s needs. There are two types of clients that benefits with

the developed project- librarian and faculty staff. The system is being

demonstrated to them and the client tested the system’s functionality, reliability,

and efficiency as a whole.


Several Software testing is undergone to ensure if the system is properly

working. Through this, all the error that system can come across while it is being

executed can be corrected and fixed. This will guarantee that the system is ready

to be used as a finished program. For testing the program, the black-box method

is used which is performed by both the proponents and an experienced and

qualified tester.

In the black-box method, the testing can be done even though the tester

doesn't have any knowledge in the interior workings of the application. This

testing occurs throughout the software development and testing life cycle. The

tester will only test the user interface by providing inputs to the program and

examining the outputs without knowing how and where the inputs are worked

upon and the tester doesn't need to access its source code.

The black-box method can be an error guessing which is performed a lot

by the researchers while developing the system. Here, the researchers are

guessing where the errors can be hidden. This technique doesn't use any

specific tools just pure art of guessing based on previous experience and

judgment. There is also a graph-based testing under black box method which is

also performed. The objects in the program are identified and a graph is

prepared. From this object graph, each object relationship is identified and test

cases written accordingly to discover the errors.


Associated with the above testing methods was the use of survey

questionnaires to evaluate the system. The researchers used International

Standard Organization (ISO) 9126 Software Evaluation Criteria as a reference in

making questions included in the survey questionnaire. Certain criteria like the

functionality, reliability and efficiency are considered in the system evaluation.

Functionality refers to the specified properties or attributes of the system.

It determines whether the system satisfies the needs of the user, and if all the

functions provide the desired output of the user. Reliability refers to the ease of

which the system functions can be easily learned and understood. In the

efficiency category, the time and resource behavior of the system are being

monitored. With this, the response time to a given throughput is important and

being observed. Table 5 indicates the scale of rating and the verbal interpretation

of each assessment.

 Functionality. The system features will be checked if they are all working

correctly and if the system or component must perform.

 Reliability. Ability of the system or component to function under stated

conditions for a specified period.

 Usability. Application can easily be understood and navigate by user,

The design, and images to be used are easy to recognize.

 Efficiency. It means the system responds precisely and effectively to the

commands. It uses resources such as memory, the CPU and network

Maintainability. It means the system is easy to maintain and is stable.

Rating Verbal Interpretation

4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
3.50 – 4.49 Agree
2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Agree
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Table 5. Likert Scale

The statistical treatments for this study were frequency and percentage

distributions for data presentation and weighted mean to determine the results in

the system evaluation. Below are the evaluation criteria used by the researchers.

Deterministic is if the state transition function has one possible outcome

Security is the capability of the system to protect the information and important

data of the user.

Usability is the method for improving ease-of-use during the design process.

Understandability is the capability of the system to be able the user to

understand whether the software is suitable and how it can be used for the tasks

and conditions of use.

Learnability is the capability of the system to enable the user to learn the

application and its functions.

Operability is the capability of the system to enable the user to operate and

control it.

Attractiveness is the capability of the software product to be attractive to the


Maintainability is the capability of the system to be maintained and modified. It

may include corrections, improvements, or adaptation of the software to changes

in environment, and in requirements and functional specifications.

Analyzability. The capability of the system to diagnosed for deficiencies or

causes of failures in

the system.

Stability is the ability of the system to avoid unexpected effects from modification

of the system.

Please give a grade about the importance of the sub-characteristics scale where

5 - Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Fair 2 – Disagree 1 - Strongly Disagree

Functionality 5 4 3 2 1

 The system allows the administrator to

see information.
 The system allows to print out the
rooster’s information, rooster’s schedule
of fight, and print the inventory
 The system allows me to add, edit,
update the gamefarm information

 The design of the user interface is

attractive and understandable by the
 It is user friendly and can be access by
the user
 The application helps to save time of
the gamefarm’s administrator.
 The system icons and buttons are all

 The system lessens the processing time

and responds immediately to the user’s
 The system allows the user to make fast
and real time transactions.

 The response of the system is

 The security of the system and its data
are on high level.

 The system is working correctly.

Table 6. Evaluation Tool



2021 R 2021 R 2021 Y 2022 2022 2022












The researchers’ schedule and timeline showed in the Gantt Chart below,

the weekly activities being done and conducted by the team. By using Gantt

Chart, researcher follows the schedule assignment to guide the implementation

and monitoring of you’re the project. And to keep track on what are the things

that must be done on a weekly basis.

Table 7. Schedule and Timeline


The proponents are composed of three (3) members. The team’s

responsibilities are displayed on the table below. The following are

responsibilities of the researchers. First is the programmer who is responsible for

writing, coding, testing and analyzing software programs and applications.

Second is the Application Designer who will be responsible for designing the

project. Next is the Data Researcher who is responsible for collecting data that

will be helpful for the system. Lastly is the Document writer who will assign to

document every changes and updates of the system.


Rubio, Edison H.  Programmer

 Data Researcher
 Document Writer
 Application Designer
Lalusin, Airron Paul T.  Document Writer
 Application Designer
Pabilonia, Rico P.  Data Researcher
 Document Writer

Table 8: Project Team and their Responsibilities



This chapter presents the results and discussion related to the specified

objectives of the developed system. Also, the analysis and interpretation of data

are also presented in this chapter.


The researchers have successfully completed all the specific objectives of

the system project entitled AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CPB

GAMEFARM IN DARASA, TANAUAN CITY. This chapter shows the

screenshots of the system as the objectives of the study and how the

screenshots work. This study aim to help the CPB gamefarm in Darasa, Tanauan

City to have an easy and effective way of record keeping of the farm.

The following figures show the system design interface of the system. This

shows the different dynamics of the system, with the use of appealing system


Figure 8: Login Page
The figure 8 shows the login page of the system, where the Administrator

can only manage the system.

Figure 9: Home Page

Figure 9 show the home page of the system, a page that will shows the

announcement and/or notification and also the report of the gamefarm.

Figure 10: Rooster’s List Page

Figure 10 show the rooster’s list page that shows list of rooster and their

specification and can add another rooster. Also this page can edit and update the

rooster information and can generate print the rooster’s information. The

administrator can search the rooster for faster transaction.

Figure 11: Inventory Page

Figure 11 shows the list of stocks and their quantity. Also this page can

add, edit and update the stocks. And the administrator can print and generate

the inventory page.

Figure 12: Rooster’s Schedule of fight page

Figure 12 shows the page where the administrator can manage the

schedule of fight of the rooster. And also the information of the rooster will be

seen in this page. The administrator can add, edit and update the schedule and

can search for faster transaction.

Figure 13: Conditioning of the Rooster Page

Figure 13 shows the conditioning of the scheduled rooster page. The

administrator can see the vitamins or feeds that the scheduled rooster take

before the scheduled fight. In this page, the administrator can generate and print

the page.

Figure 14: Staff Page

This figure 14 shows the staff page where the administrator can only view

the list of staff and can print the page.

Figure 15: Add Staff page

This figure 15 shows the adding of the staff and their personal information

to the system. The administrator will be the one who can add and update their

information to the system.

Figure 16: Admin Account page

This figure 16 shows the administrator account page where the administrator can

change their password, username and their recovery pin that automatically set in



The researcher conducted a survey that consisted of four categories.

Each category has a corresponding question. The survey was given to the users

for the researchers to determine the functionality, usability, reliability and

efficiency of the system. They tested the ability of the system to perform the task

required and the user tested all buttons to determine if all working based on their

specified tasks and user friendliness of the system created by the researcher. It

was participated by the management of the system to assess their responses.

The evaluation focused on the functionality, usability and maintainability of the


Table 9. Response in the Functionality Criteria:

Barangay Respondents

Indicative Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 The users can easily login on the 3.19 Strongly Agree

2 The users can easily input data on the 3.38 Strongly Agree
3 The system can compute the total 3.32 Strongly Agree
expenses and total profit of a farm.
Overall 3.29 Strongly Agree
Legend: 3.51-4.00 Strongly Agree, 2.51-3.50 Agree, 1.51-2.50 Disagree, 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree

There were 326 barangay residents in the set of respondents who

STRONGLY AGREED that the system is fully functional and is capable of

providing complete tools and solutions. On the other hand, there were 66

barangay residents who AGREED and 8 barangay residents DISAGREED.

The weighted mean, 3.29 of the Functionality criteria under the Barangay

resident’s category falls on the HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE scale. The result means

that the system provides complete set of tools for CPB Gamefarm.

Table 10. System’s Functionality

Indicative Statements Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 The system allows the administrator to 4.18 Strongly Agree

see information.
2 The system allows to print out the 4.20 Strongly Agree
rooster’s information, rooster’s schedule of
fight, and print the inventory
3 The system allows me to add, edit, 4.28 Strongly Agree
update the gamefarm information
Overall 4.22 Strongly Agree
Legend: 4.1-5.0 Strongly Agree, 3.1–4.0 Agree, 2.1-3.0 Disagree, 1.0-2.0 Strongly Disagree

Table 10 shows the results of evaluation in terms of functionality of the

system. Based on the result, the users agreed on the ability to allow the user to

see the information with a mean of 4.18. The system allows to print out the

rooster’s information, rooster’s schedule of fight, and print the inventory with a

mean of 4.20. In addition, the users agreed on the ability of the system which the

system allows user to add, edit, update the gamefarm information with a mean of

4.28. As the result of, 4.22 is the total composite mean with verbal interpretation

of “Strongly Agree”.

Table 11. System’s Usability

Indicative Statements Mean Verbal


1 The design of the user interface is attractive 4.21 Strongly Agree

and understandable by the user.

2 It is user friendly and can be access by the 4.33 Strongly Agree


3 The application helps to save time of the 4.28 Strongly Agree

gamefarm’s administrator.

4 The system icons and buttons are all working 4.50 Strongly Agree

Overall 4.33 Strongly Agree

Legend: 4.1-5.0 Strongly Agree, 3.1–4.0 Agree, 2.1-3.0 Disagree, 1.0-2.0 Strongly Disagree

In terms of usability, table 11 shows result, the users agreed on the design

of the user interface is attractive and understandable by the user with a mean of

4.21. They also agreed that it is user friendly and can be accessed by the user

with a mean of 4.33. In addition, the users agreed that the application helps to

save time of the gamefarm’s administrator.with a mean of 4.28. And users also

agree to the ability of the systems’ icons and buttons are all working with a mean

of 4.50.As the result, 4.33 is the total composite mean with verbal interpretation

of “Strongly Agree”.

Table 12. System’s Maintainability

Indicative Statements Mean Verbal


1 The system lessens the processing time and 4.50 Strongly Agree
responds immediately to the user’s need.

2 The system allows the user to make fast 4.70 Strongly Agree
and real time transactions.

Overall 4.6 Strongly Agree

Legend: 4.1-5.0 Strongly Agree, 3.1–4.0 Agree, 2.1-3.0 Disagree, 1.0-2.0 Strongly Disagree

Table 12 shows the results of evaluation in terms of maintainability of the

system. Based on the result of maintainability, the composite mean of 4.50, the

respondents strongly agreed that the system lessens the processing time and

responds immediately to the user’s need. The respondents strongly agreed that

the system allows the user to make fast and real time transactions by the

composite mean of 4.70. As the result, 4.6 is the total composite mean with

verbal interpretation of “Strongly Agree”.

Table 13. System’s Reliability

Indicative Statements Mean Verbal


1 The response of the system is accurate. 4.20 Strongly Agree

2 The security of the system and its data are 4.18 Strongly Agree
on high level.

3 The system is working correctly. 4.55 Strongly Agree

Overall 4.31 Strongly agree

Legend: 4.1-5.0 Strongly Agree, 3.1–4.0 Agree, 2.1-3.0 Disagree, 1.0-2.0 Strongly Disagree

Lastly, Table 13 shows the results of evaluation in terms of reliability of the

system. Based on the result, the users agreed that the response of the system is

accurate with the composite mean 4.20. And it also agreed that the security of

the system and its data are on high level with the composite mean 4.18. In

addition, the user agreed that the system is working correctly with the composite

mean 4.55. As the result, 4.31 is the total composite mean with verbal

interpretation of “Strongly Agree”.

Through the survey performed by the researcher, the result led to a

satisfactory evaluation which allowed the researcher to continue the development

of the application. The researcher also asked some of the respondents some

suggestions for further improvement of the software.



This chapter presents the summary of findings and conclusions that were

encountered by the researcher in creating the designed system. The

recommendations that can serve as basis for the future enhancement of the

developed system were also presented in this chapter.


The project was designed for CPB Gamefarm in Darasa, Tanauan City.

The project aims to develop an automated management system that can

enhance the current procedure that the gamefarm is using in managing the

gamefarm’s information. Using the developed system, recording information will

be done easier and faster, it will help the gamefarm to make less paper work and

can save more time in other work. In addition, the system enables the

administrator to easily add, edit and update rooster’s information, and can easily

manage and organize the gamefarm’s information. The researcher provided an

implementation plan of the developed website for the orientation and deployment

of the developed system to help the users to easily understand the flow of the



This section contains the statements concluded by the researcher from

the system that was analyzed and developed to achieve the satisfaction of the

target users. Based on the findings, the automated management system for CPB

gamefarm in Darasa, Tanauan City is a great help to the administrator for

managing all of their data and can save a lot of time doing paper works. Several

tests and survey of the developed system were done by the researchers to

enhance the manual process CPB Gamefarm in Darasa, Tanauan City. Thus, it

is functional, usable, and efficient for the gamefarm.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the project, the following

recommendations are offered. Specifically, to the future researchers who can

make it a web-based system because to developed system is for offline only, to

another researcher that have same research to add a live fight feature to the

system. Also to add the SMS notification feature using a free SMS services to the

developed system.

Definition of Access. Retrieved from

Definition of Administrator. Retrieved


Definition of Blood lines. Retrieved from

Definition of breeder. Retrieved from


Definition of Cockfight. Retrieved from

Definition of Digital Printing. Retrieved from

Definition of game farm retrieved from

Definition of Management. Retrieved from

Definitions of markings retrieved from

Definition of Records. Retrieved from

Charles Nguro, Farm Manager. Retrieved from


Ahmad Ibitoye Baoniks Pharmacy. Retrieved from

Byron Tedder, ChurchTrac Online. Retrieved from

A.M Margate; M.C Ravina; J. Pido; M.N Young A Mobile Inventory Management
System Application for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise. Retrieved

Mucelli Allilio, hospital management system. Retrieve from
M. Badjor and L. Grabara Church information system. Retrieved from

Name: Age:

Please give a grade about the importance of the sub-characteristics scale where

5 - Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Fair 2 – Disagree 1 - Strongly Disagree

Functionality 5 4 3 2 1

 The system allows the administrator to

see information.

 The system allows to print out the
rooster’s information, rooster’s schedule
of fight, and print the inventory
 The system allows me to add, edit,
update the gamefarm information

 The design of the user interface is

attractive and understandable by the
 It is user friendly and can be access by
the user
 The application helps to save time of
the gamefarm’s administrator.
 The system icons and buttons are all

 The system lessens the processing time

and responds immediately to the user’s
 The system allows the user to make fast
and real time transactions.

 The response of the system is

 The security of the system and its data
are on high level.
 The system is working correctly.


Login Page

Shows the login page of the system, where the Administrator can only manage

the system.

Home Page

Show the home page of the system, a page that will shows the

announcement and/or notification and also the report of the gamefarm.

Rooster’s List Page

Show the rooster’s list page that shows list of rooster and their

specification and can add another rooster. Also this page can edit and update the

rooster information and can generate print the rooster’s information. The

administrator can search the rooster for faster transaction.

Inventory Page

Shows the list of stocks and their quantity. Also this page can add, edit

and update the stocks. And the administrator can print and generate the

inventory page.

Rooster’s Schedule of fight page

Shows the page where the administrator can manage the schedule

of fight of the rooster. And also the information of the rooster will be seen in this

page. The administrator can add, edit and update the schedule and can search

for faster transaction.

Conditioning of the Rooster Page

Shows the conditioning of the scheduled rooster page. The administrator

can see the vitamins or feeds that the scheduled rooster take before the

scheduled fight. In this page, the administrator can generate and print the page

Staff Page

Shows the staff page where the administrator can only view the list of staff

and can print the page.

Add Staff page

Shows the adding of the staff and their personal information to the system.

The administrator will be the one who can add and update their information to the


Admin Account page

Shows the administrator account page where the administrator can change their

password, username and their recovery pin that automatically set in default.

Source Code

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports DevComponents.DotNetBar
Imports DevComponents.DotNetBar.Controls
Imports DevComponents.Editors
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Public Class frm_inverntory

Public getcategory As String
Public getnameofstocks As String
Public toadd As String
Public MAXID As Integer

Public MAXID1 As Integer
Public stat = "deduction"
Public nameofeeds As String
Public nameofvitamins As String
Public IDnum1 As String

Public Sub Disabledall()

End Sub

Public Sub clearall()

txtbox_Pname.Text = ""
cmb_category.Text = ""
cmb_Pname.Text = ""
txtbox_quantity.Text = "0"
txtbox_Psacks.Text = "0"
txtbox_stocks.Text = "0"
LabelX19.Text = "0000"
txtbox_nwins.Text = ""

lb_fage.Text = ""
flabel.Text = "yyyy-MM-dd"

End Sub
Public Sub disabledtxt()
textbox_fbreed.Enabled = False
textbox_fbloodline.Enabled = False
textbox_flegband.Enabled = False
textbox_fmarkings.Enabled = False
textbox_fnumberofwins.Enabled = False
textbox_fwingband.Enabled = False

txtbox_cbreed.Enabled = False
txtbox_cwband.Enabled = False
txtbox_lband.Enabled = False

txtbox_nfights.Enabled = False
txtbox_age.Enabled = False
txtbox_bloodline.Enabled = False

End Sub
Public Sub categoryconditioning()

myCmd = myConn.CreateCommand
myCmd.CommandText = "SELECT `ProductName` FROM `tbl_stocks` WHERE
`Category` LIKE '" & "Vitamins" & "'"
myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader
If myReader.HasRows Then
While myReader.Read
nameofvitamins = myReader("ProductName")

If cmb_vitamins.Items.Contains(nameofvitamins) Then
End If

End While
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

myCmd = myConn.CreateCommand
myCmd.CommandText = "SELECT `ProductName` FROM `tbl_stocks` WHERE
`Category` LIKE '" & "Feeds" & "'"
myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader
If myReader.HasRows Then
While myReader.Read
nameofeeds = myReader("ProductName")

If cmb_feeds.Items.Contains(nameofeeds) Then
End If

End While
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub refresh_dtgv()

ds = New DataSet
adapter = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT `PId`, `Category`,
`ProductName` , `NumberofStocks`, `TotalAmount` , `Perweekcomsume` ,
`PerweekExpenses`, `PerweekAdd`, `DateofDeduction`, `DateofAdding` FROM
`tbl_stocks` WHERE`Status` LIKE '" & "Add" & "' and `Category` LIKE '" &
cmb_category.Text & "'and `ProductName` LIKE '" & cmb_Pname.Text & "' or
`ProductName` LIKE '" & txtbox_Pname.Text & "' ", myConn)
adapter.Fill(ds, "tbl_stocks")
If ds.Tables("tbl_stocks").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables("tbl_stocks").Rows.Count - 1
With dtgv_stocks.Rows.Add
dtgv_stocks.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value =
dtgv_stocks.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value =
dtgv_stocks.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value =
dtgv_stocks.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value =
dtgv_stocks.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value =
dtgv_stocks.Rows(i).Cells(6).Value =

End With

End If


ds6 = New DataSet

adapter6 = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT `roosterno`,`breed`,`feeds`,
`vitamins`, `DateofFight`,
s`,`Rpic` FROM `tbl_roosterlist` WHERE `DateofFight` NOT LIKE '" & "" & "' ",
adapter6.Fill(ds6, "tbl_roosterlist")
If ds6.Tables("tbl_roosterlist").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To ds6.Tables("tbl_roosterlist").Rows.Count -
With dtgv_conditioning.Rows.Add
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value =

dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(6).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(7).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(8).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(9).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(10).Value =
' dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(11).Value =
' dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(12).Value =
dtgv_conditioning.Rows(i).Cells(13).Value =

End With
End If

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

ds1 = New DataSet
adapter1 = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT `PId`, `Category`,
`ProductName` , `NumberofStocks`, `TotalAmount` , `Perweekcomsume` ,
`PerweekExpenses`, `PerweekAdd`, `DateofDeduction`, `DateofAdding` FROM
`tbl_stocks` WHERE `Status` LIKE '" & stat & "' and `Category` LIKE '" &
cmb_category.Text & "' and `ProductName` LIKE '" & cmb_Pname.Text & "' ", myConn)
adapter1.Fill(ds1, "tbl_stocks")
If ds1.Tables("tbl_stocks").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To ds1.Tables("tbl_stocks").Rows.Count - 1
With dtgv_deduction.Rows.Add
dtgv_deduction.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value =
dtgv_deduction.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value =
dtgv_deduction.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value =
dtgv_deduction.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value =
dtgv_deduction.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value =
dtgv_deduction.Rows(i).Cells(6).Value =

End With
End If

ds3 = New DataSet
adapter = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT
`roosterno`,`breed`,`Bloodline`, `markings`, `wingband`, `legband`,
`rAge`,`AgeLabel`,`Numberofwins`,`DateofFight` FROM `tbl_roosterlist` WHERE
`Dateofconditioning` like '" & "" & "' ", myConn)
adapter.Fill(ds3, "tbl_roosterlist")
If ds3.Tables("tbl_roosterlist").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To ds3.Tables("tbl_roosterlist").Rows.Count -
With dtgv_schedule.Rows.Add
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value =
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value =
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value =
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value =
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value =
(ds3.Tables("tbl_roosterlist").Rows(i).Item(5)) 'leg abnd
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value =
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(6).Value =
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(7).Value =
dtgv_schedule.Rows(i).Cells(10).Value =

End With
End If

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Public Sub icategory()

myCmd = myConn.CreateCommand
myCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_category`"
myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader
If myReader.HasRows Then
While myReader.Read
getcategory = myReader.GetString("Tcategory")
End While
End If
totalstocks = totalstocks + Val(txtbox_quantity.Text)

Dim InsertSQL As String = "INSERT INTO `tbl_stocks`(`Category`,

`ProductName` , `NumberofStocks`,`TotalAmount`,

`PerweekAdd`,`DateofAdding`,`Status`) VALUES (@Category, @ProductName ,
@NumberofStocks, @TotalAmount ,@PerweekAdd, @DateofAdding, @Status) "
If cmb_Pname.Text <> "" And totalstocks > 0 Then

myCmd = New MySqlCommand(InsertSQL, myConn)

' myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@roosterno", IDnumber)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Category", cmb_category.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductName", cmb_Pname.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumberofStocks", totalstocks)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Totalamount", LabelX19.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateofAdding", datenow)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", "Add")
ElseIf cmb_Pname.Text <> "" And totalstocks <= 0 Then
myCmd = New MySqlCommand(InsertSQL, myConn)
' myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@roosterno", IDnumber)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Category", cmb_category.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumberofStocks", totalstocks)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Totalamount", LabelX19.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateofAdding", datenow)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", "Add")
ElseIf cmb_Pname.Text = "" And txtbox_Pname.Text <> "" Then

myCmd = New MySqlCommand(InsertSQL, myConn)

' myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@roosterno", IDnumber)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Category", cmb_category.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumberofStocks", totalstocks)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Totalamount", LabelX19.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateofAdding", datenow)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", "Add")


End If
If getnameofstocks = "" Then
cmb_Pname.Enabled = False

End If

MessageBox.Show("New record has been succesfully Added!!",
"Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

ElseIf btn_Additem.Text = "Deduct Item" Then
MAXID1 = 0
Dim totalnumber As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables("tbl_stocks").Rows.Count - 1
Dim ID As String = (ds.Tables("tbl_stocks").Rows(i).Item(0))

myCmd = myConn.CreateCommand
myCmd.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(PId) as LastNum from
`tbl_stocks` WHERE `Category` LIKE '" & cmb_Pname.Text & "' and `ProductName`
LIKE '" & txtbox_Pname.Text & "' "
myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader
While myReader.Read
MAXID1 = myReader("LastNum")
Catch ex As Exception

End Try

End While

myCmd = myConn.CreateCommand
myCmd.CommandText = "SELECT `NumberofStocks` FROM `tbl_stocks`
where `PId` like '" & MAXID1 & "'"
myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader
If myReader.HasRows Then
While myReader.Read
totalnumber = myReader.GetString("NumberofStocks")
txtbox_stocks.Text = totalnumber
End While
End If

totalnumber = Val(txtbox_stocks.Text) - Val(txtbox_quantity.Text)


Dim InsertSQL As String = "INSERT INTO `tbl_stocks`(`Category`,

`ProductName` , `NumberofStocks`,`Perweekcomsume`,
`PerweekExpenses`,`DateofDeduction`,`Status`) VALUES (@Category, @ProductName ,
@NumberofStocks, @Perweekcomsume ,@PerweekExpenses, @DateofDeduction, @Status) "
If cmb_Pname.Text <> "" And totalnumber > 0 Then

myCmd = New MySqlCommand(InsertSQL, myConn)
' myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@roosterno", IDnumber)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Category", cmb_category.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductName", cmb_Pname.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumberofStocks", totalnumber)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateofDeduction", datenow)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", stat)

Dim UpdateSQL As String = "Update `tbl_stocks`set

`NumberofStocks`=@NumberofStocks,`Status`=@Status where `PId` like '" & MAXID1 &

myCmd = New MySqlCommand(UpdateSQL, myConn)

myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumberofStocks", totalnumber)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", stat)


ElseIf cmb_Pname.Text <> "" And totalnumber <= 0 Then

myCmd = New MySqlCommand(InsertSQL, myConn)
' myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@roosterno", IDnumber)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Category", cmb_category.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductName", cmb_Pname.Text)
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumberofStocks", totalnumber)


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