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"Supplementary" refers to something that is additional, extra, or supplementary in

nature. In various contexts, "supplementary" can mean:

1. Additional Information or Material: In educational or informational settings,

supplementary materials or resources are extra materials provided alongside the
main content to enhance understanding or provide further information. For
example, a textbook might come with supplementary exercises or a DVD with
supplementary videos.
2. Supporting or Complementary: In a general sense, "supplementary" can refer
to something that supports or complements the main component. For instance,
supplementary vitamins are additional nutrients taken alongside a regular diet to
support health.
3. Optional or Extra Services: In business or service contexts, supplementary
services are additional services offered beyond the basic or core services. For
example, a hotel might offer supplementary services such as airport transfers, spa
treatments, or guided tours.
4. Added or Supplemental Funds: In financial contexts, "supplementary" can refer
to additional funds or resources provided to support a particular initiative or
project. For instance, a government might allocate supplementary funding for
education or healthcare programs.

The term "supplementary" is used to indicate something that is complementary,

supportive, or extra, often adding value or enhancing the primary aspect it relates to.

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