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1. If possible write v as a linear combination of u1,u2,u3 a) u = (2,3,5),u = (1,2,4), u =
(−2,2,3), v = (10,1,4) b) u = (1,3,5),u = (2,−1,3), u = (−3,2,−4), v = (−1,7,2) c) u =
(1,1,2,2),u = (2,3,5,6), u = (−3,1,−4,2), v = (0,5,3,0) d) u = (1,3,2,1),u = (2,−2,−5,4),
u = (2,−1,3,6), v = (2,5,−4,0)
2. Determine whether the given set, together with the indicated
operation is a vector space if it is not identify at least one of the ten vectors space axioms
that fails
a) b) c) M M The × × set with with of all the the fifth standard standard degree operation operation
polynomials with the standard operations d) The set of all polynomials with the standard operations e)
The set {(x,x),x ε R} with the standard operations in R . f) The set {(x,y),x ≥ 0,y ε R} with the standard
operations in R . g) The set of all 2 × 2 matrices of the form operations
a b
with the standard
h) The set of all 2 × 2 singular matrices with the standard operations i) The set of all 2 × 2 nonsingular
matrices with the standard
operations j) The set of all 2 × 2 diagonal matrices with the standard operations
3. Determine whether the set is a subspace of R 3with the
standard operations. Justify your answer.
w = {( x ,0, z ), x , z ∈ R } w = {( x , x 7, ), x , x ∈ R } w = {( a ,
a) . b) 1 2 1 2 . c)

b , a + 2 b ), a , b ∈ R } w = {( s , s - t , t ), s , t ∈ R } w = {( x , x
. d) . e) 1 2

, x x ), x , x ∈ R } w= x 1
1 2 1 2 . f) {( 1 , x1
, 2

x x ∈R x ≠
), 1 , 2 , 1 }0 .
w = { A cos x + B sin x , A , B ∈ R } w
4. Let , show that is a
subspace of R with the standard operations.
w = { A sin B x , A , B ∈ R } w
5. Let , show that is not a subspace
of R with the standard operations.
6. Verify that W is a subspace of V in each case , assume that V
has the standard operations
a) W = {(x ,x ,x ,0),x ,x ,x ε R}, V = R b) W = {(x,y,2x − 3y),x,y ε R},V = R c) W is the set of all 2 × 2
0 a
matrices of the form b
,V = M
0 ×

d) W is the set of all 3 × 2 matrices of the form

,V = M ×
7. W is not a subspace of V in each case , verify this by giving a
specific example that violate the test a) W = {(x ,x ,−1),x ,x ε R}, V = R b) W is the set
of all vectors in R whose components are nonnegative c) W is the set of all

Matrices in M × with zero determinants d) W is the set of all Matrices in M × such that A = A
8. Determine whether the set W = {a + 1,b,3a − 4b,a,b ε R} is a
subspace of R . Prove your answer
9. Determine whether the set W = {a,b + 2,3a − 2b − 4,a,b ε R}
is a subspace of R . Prove your answer
10. Determine whether the set W = of R . Prove your answer
1 , subspace
X ε R ,A × X = 2
11. Determine whether the set W = {X ε R ,AX = o,} subspace of
R . Prove your answer
Important Notes
• From problem #8: The solution of any non homogeneous system does not contain o . So it is never a
subspace of R
• From problem #9: The solution of any homogeneous system is always containing o . So it is always a
subspace of R

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