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A Scathing Filipino Canard: Culture of Smart Shaming

among the High School Students

The Researchers: Rhianne Andrei Ortega, JC Faith Salvador, Kate Garcia, ….

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

College of Our Lady of Mercy of Pulilan Foundation Inc.

and a lack of interest in intellectual pursuit and critical
Smart shaming is an act of mocking or belittling some thinking have become a common thread.
one for their intelligence, knowledge, or intellectual cu
riosity. This kind of behavior can occur in various setti The most challenging assignments are usually given to
ngs such as schools, social situations, or workplaces w the top academic achievers. According to Addison (20
here people may feel threatened or insecure by someon 21) perfectionism, imposter syndrome, anxiety, and sel
e else's intelligence or expertise. Smart shaming can ta f-doubt affect the majority of academic achievers. Cant
ke many forms, including sarcastic remarks, dismissive onjos (2019) says that students who are smart-shamed
comments, or even outright hostility towards individua suffer negative consequences on their self-esteem, such
ls who demonstrate intelligence or display intellectual as lowered self-esteem and increased insecurity about t
pursuits. People who exhibit anti-intellectual behavior heir skills and knowledge. For this reason, in One Med
often tend to not believe in scientific and logical facts. ia Down (2023), some individuals would yell, "Nosebl
The learners also tend to view knowledgeable people a eed!" whenever someone spoke English fluently. Some
s aloof, arrogant, and elitist. This way of thinking leads one else's chosen insult is "Eh di ikaw na!" It is similar
to the belief that intellectuals do not belong to the com to the study of Bunyi (2022) Filipinos joke a lot, somet
mon folks. Some people think that when someone spea imes even sarcastically, and as a result, they are unawa
ks with knowledge or wisdom, it is equivalent to showi re of the consequences for an individual. This widespre
ng off. The students feel as if an individual who speaks ad negativity about intellectual ability extends beyond
with knowledge is insulting them. Perhaps, it is a sense casual conversation and into more serious subjects, as s
of competitiveness, a desire to prove the intelligent wr een by some people's unwillingness to put their faith in
ong, or old-fashioned resentment that fuels this behavi experts.
or. It discourages people from embracing their intellige
nce or pursuing further learning, which can harm perso Over the last decades, smart shaming has been a contro
nal growth and progress in society. Furthermore, anti-i versial issue that has not been resolved in the Philippin
ntellectualism is often a result of the pro-ignorance sta es as it was considered a "culture" Filipino got from th
nce that some people take, and it is something that man e Spaniards. Throughout the years, even intellectual pu
y smart people regularly have to deal with. rsuits have encountered smart shaming and the one wh
o smart shamed others. Based on the interview conduct
In Filipino culture, the concepts of shame and intellige ed by Asian Boss, smart shaming occurs when people t
nce are connected to the reasons behind performing su end to discriminate and stereotype academically intelli
ch an act. "Hiya" or shame is a system that filters an in gent and smart people. This happened not only inside t
dividual's need to be accepted into a group, which can he schools but also in the current situation of our daily
often result in anxiety and desperation. Many people li lives in the country since it happened due to those who
ke to mock the intelligent, which is why it hurts the per are uneducated, opinionated, and driven by emotions.
son being mocked. In the Philippines, where "thinking"
is often seen as a negative attribute in society, the issue However, there is an urgent need to pursue this study a
of smart shaming is widespread. Unfortunately, not onl s the previous studies discuss smart-shaming, its impac
y in the corporate world, but also among students, disr ts, and the reasons behind its act, however, there is no
espect study yet that explores the victims' ways of surpassing
against the obstacles of anti-intellectualism. For this re
ason, the researchers take the initiative in discovering t
he lived experiences of academic achievers regarding s l Research adviser. The interviews will be assessed thr
mart-shaming and how they overcome it. This study so ough the process of thematic analysis that will distingu
ught to discover the ways in which academic achievers ish the narratives of the participants. The study will th
overcome anti-intellectualism. To obtain all the essenti en discuss and provide the final findings of the intervie
al knowledge, data, and information, the research soug w with precise and definite data.
ht to answer the critical questions as follows:
1. What effects does smart shaming have on th The study used a qualitative research design, particular
e student's way of accepting the experiences of ly a phenomenological research design that examined t
being smart-shamed? he practical strategies and lived experiences academic
2. What are the different strategies used by the achievers used to deal with the smart-shaming occurre
learners to address and reduce the negative ide nce. It improves the data's efficacy and enables the rese
as towards smart shaming? archers to identify objective viewpoints on their strateg
ies for experiencing its occurrence. Purposive Samplin
The goal of this study is to know how smart-shamed st g was the sampling method employed in this study bec
udents cope and to provide support for students in addr ause the selected participants had the traits and experie
essing and accepting experiences of being smart-shame nces of being smart-shamed, which might yield detaile
d. Moreover, this study aims to comprehend the experi d information. The academics were interviewed one-o
ences of pupils who have been smart shamed in school. n-one by the researchers. The researchers asked each p
In addition, this study intends to increase public aware articipant privately while recording their answers on th
ness of the challenges encountered by the students who eir devices. The participant narratives were subjected t
experience smart shaming and to identify the fundame o a thematic analysis procedure to detect recurring the
ntal causes of the actions that constitute smart shaming. mes.

The researchers aim to determine the methods, strategi This study limits its coverage to the academically achie
es, and how senior high school students cope with insta ver in senior high school. The researchers chose the stu
nces of smart shaming, with a specific focus on identif dy's core informants based on their average grade of 90
ying practical ways of addressing it and supporting stru or higher throughout the first semester, indicating that t
ctures that can reduce its negative impact on their ment hey are academic achievers who may have undergone s
al health, self-esteem, and academic performance. mart shaming due to their intelligence. The selection of
the participants are the senior high school students for t
II. METHODOLOGY he school year 2023-2024 only. The researchers emplo
yed the criteria to specify the lived experiences of the s
The researchers employed qualitative research, particul tudents who experienced smart shaming and the strateg
arly phenomenological research design which scrutinis ies they comprehend to cope in smart shaming.
ed and focused on the lived experiences and pragmatic
practices that academic achievers do to cope with the s
mart shaming occurrence.

The study's core informants range from the age 16-18

years old in the Senior High School Students. Appraisi
ng a specific private school in the province of Bulacan
for the process of data gathering procedure to be condu
cted. The number of students affected by smart shamin
g who took part in the interview process is: 3 Senior Hi
gh School Students for the school year 2023-2024.

The researchers decided to conduct an one-on-one stru

ctured interview with the selected participants. The thr
ee (3) interviews will proceed with identical sets of que
stions that will be approved by the researchers' Practica

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