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When you look up what is a value the answer would be “it is a principle, standard, or
belief that a person or group of people considers important and worthwhile” that is the common
and most accepted definition of value. Technically we can say that a value is something personal
something that we see as important and meaningful as an individual, these values are unique to
each person and are based on various factors such as culture, experiences, personal reflections,
and so on with that being said my personal values definitely impacts the choices and route I
would take in life since values guides our behavior in certain scenarios, or when we are asked to
make a decision or it can show what priorities do we have because our value influences how we
as individuals perceive and interact with the world around us. My personal values impacts my
decision making, goal setting, career choices, relationships, and lifestyle. In what way does it
impact me? as a person my core value is honesty and transparency so in making a decision to
which I believe when someone is talking to me I would prioritize the truthfulness of ones actions
before making a decision to believe them, another one is education should be the priority so it
sets up my goals to focus on studying to attain good grades or to atleast pass because when you
value something you would definitely give more efforts and keep up with it. Career and route
wise I will likely choose what's more benefiting and more fitted to who I am rather than copying
or wanting to be someone that in the first place I don't want to be or want to achieve. I believe
that even in difficult or uncertain circumstances our value always comes first when we are
making a decision or even when we are reflecting why? because it is the standard that we have
within ourselves we naturally move, act, and decide depending on what value we hold it is
something like dignity that can't be immediately removed or discouraged because our personal
values are who we are since it is our foundation, our roots and it serves as our guidelines in every
aspects of our lives from making a decision, setting our goals and determining what's good or
bad. In order to live a fulfilled and honest life we can still keep our values, spiritual beliefs, and
behavior in harmony through accepting changes and continuously doing self reflection, adapting
to changes being open to growth since our values and beliefs evolves over the time as we meet
new people and we learn new things or be in a new environment as long as we keep our
foundation and staying true to our core principles then it wouldn't be a problem, our personal
values is like a house it can be upgraded but it is still on the same land the same roots and
foundation. Balance is also a must for all of it to be in harmony as well as consistency,
mindfulness, and of course seeking guidance since we are not living in an island we live with
diversity of people as a person we always learn so it's better to seek guidance from the elders like
our spiritual leaders or someone that we trust that can offer insights and support because they
know better since they've been where we are. Overall, I can say that personal values are who we
are as a person and we bring this until we get older or until the end sometimes some values are
upgraded over time and some values are still the same It's a matter of experience, person we are
with, route, journey, etc that we have encountered in life or we are about to encounter because in
the end of the day we are mosaic of our environment.

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