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This document evaluates various criteria organizations should consider before purchasing

software, including functional fit, scalability and flexibility, integration capabilities, vendor
credibility and support, user experience and usability, and project success. Functional fit
refers to how well the software fulfills the unique functional requirements of the organization,
while scalability and flexibility involve how the software can handle greater data volumes,
more users, and expanding company requirements. Integration capabilities assess the
software's ability to integrate with current systems and applications in the organization's IT
ecosystem. Vendor credibility and support involve the software vendor's reputation, financial
soundness, and consumer base. User experience and usability evaluate the user interface,
intuitiveness, and simplicity of use of the software.

A project's success is determined by well-defined objectives, thorough project planning,

stakeholder engagement, a capable and motivated project team, sufficient resources,
proactive risk management, effective communication, continuous evaluation and control,
adaptability and flexibility, and learning from experience. A successful project begins with
clear goals, a well-planned and measurable project plan, adequate resources, and a well-
defined risk management plan. Effective communication among team members, stakeholders,
and other stakeholders enhances information exchange, problem resolution, and decision-
making. Continuous evaluation and control allow for corrective steps to keep the project on

Arasteh, M., Shamshirband, Using multi-attribute decision-making approaches in the

selection of a hospital management system. Technology and Health Care, 26(2), 279–


Borg, M., Chatzipetrou, P., Wnuk, K., Alégroth, E., Gorschek, T., Papatheocharous, E., Shah,

S. M. A., & Axelsson, J. (2019). sourcing options: A survey of software engineering’s

broader make-or-buy decisions. Technology, 112, 18–34.

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