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3. Discussion on what makes a project pass.


A project's success is determined by a variety of factors, and it can be measured from

numerous angles (Institute, 2018). Here that contribute to project success:

1. Well-defined and measurable project objectives: A successful project begins with

well-defined and
2. project plan specifies the scope, deliverables, dates, resources, and potential risks. Proper
planning aids of dependencies, the optimal allocation of resources, and the establishment
of a project execution roadmap (Kerzner, 2022).
3. Stakeholder engagement: It is critical to involve relevant stakeholders throughout the
project lifecycle. stakeholders that are effective ensure that their needs and expectations
are understood and addressed appropriately (Kerzner, 2022).
4. Determine the Current State: Assess the current state of the system or process. This
entails acquiring pertinent data, information, and documentation in order to comprehend
current capabilities.
5. Define the Future State: Visualize the intended future state in relation to the objectives
identified in step 1. Outline the exact improvements, outcomes, or changes you want to

6. Risk management: Proactive risk identification, assessment, and mitigation help to

ensure project success. A well- and mitigating the impact of unforeseen events (Walker,
7. Effective communication: Project success requires open and transparent communication
channels. Regular and clear communication among project team members, stakeholders,
and other stakeholders enhances information exchange, problem resolution, and decision-
8. Evaluating and control: By continuously evaluating project progress against established
metrics and milestones, deviations can in real time (Walker, 2015). Control mechanisms
that are effective allow for corrective steps to be made to keep the project on track.
9. Adaptability and flexibility: Changes and unforeseen circumstances are common in
projects. It is vital for success to be able to adapt to changing requirements, solve
emergent challenges, and alter project (Ajam, 2018).
10. Learn from experience: Reflect on project outcomes, both triumphs and failures, to
provide valuable insights for future ng a culture of learning and improvement aids in the
refinement of project management processes and increases the likelihood of success in
future undertakings.

It is vital to highlight that brand organizational context. As a result, project performance

should be measured against stated criteria as individual needs and expectations.

Ajam, M. (2018, January 2). Project Management beyond Waterfall and Agile. CRC Press.

Institute, P. M. (2018, May 7). Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK(R) Guide-Sixth Edition / Agile Practice Guide Bundle (JAPANESE). Project
Management Institute.

Kerzner, H. (2022, March 2). Project Management. Wiley.

Walker, A. (2015, April 20). Project Management in Construction. John Wiley & Sons.

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