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Part I.
Below are sets of items for each of the criteria to be measured on a Likert scale ranging
from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). Please indicate your level of agreement with
each statement based on the acceptability of the improvised metal detector.
Put a checkmark that correspond to your rating in each item using the following rating scale:
5 – Strongly Agree
4 – Agree
3 – Neutral
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
A. Usefulness
1. The improvised metal detector is a valuable tool
for its intended purpose.
2. Using the improvised metal detector enhances the
efficiency of metal detection activities.
3. The features of the improvised metal detector are
practical and beneficial.
4. I find the improvised metal detector to be a useful
addition to metal detection equipment.
5. The improvised metal detector contributes
positively to the overall effectiveness of metal
detection tasks.
B. Functionality
1. The improvised metal detector is easy to operate.
2. I can easily understand and navigate the functions
of the improvised metal detector.
3. The improvised metal detector provides accurate
and reliable results.
4. The controls and settings of the improvised metal
detector are user-friendly.
5. Overall, I am satisfied with the functionality of the
improvised metal detector.
C. Effectiveness
1. The improvised metal detector effectively detects
metals as intended.
2. I trust the accuracy of the improvised metal
detector in identifying metallic objects.
3. The improvised metal detector performs well in
various environmental conditions.
4. I have confidence in the overall effectiveness of
the improvised metal detector.
5. The improvised metal detector meets or exceeds
my expectations in terms of performance.
D. Safety
1. I feel secure using the improvised metal detector.
2. The safety features of the improvised metal
detector are adequate.
3. I am confident that the improvised metal detector
poses no harm during operation.
4. The improvised metal detector has clear safety
instructions and guidelines.
5. Overall, I consider the improvised metal detector
to be a safe tool for metal detection.
E. Social Acceptability
1. Using the improvised metal detector is socially
acceptable in various settings.
2. People around are comfortable with the presence
of the improvised metal detector.
3. The use of the improvised metal detector is
perceived positively by others.
4. I feel that the improvised metal detector is widely
accepted in my community.
5. Overall, the improvised metal detector aligns with
social norms and expectations.

Part II
1. In your opinion, to what extent do you believe the implementation of improvised metal
detectors in our school contributes to a safer and more secure educational environment by
reducing the risk of deadly weapons being brought onto the school premises?


2. What specific aspects of the improvised metal detectors do you believe contribute most to a
safer environment?

3. Have you personally observed any instances where the presence of improvised metal
detectors has deterred individuals from attempting to bring weapons onto school premises?

4. Do you think the implementation of improvised metal detectors alone is sufficient to ensure
a safer educational environment, or do you believe additional measures are necessary?
5. Are there any concerns or drawbacks you see in the implementation of improvised metal
detectors in our school for enhancing safety?

6. How do you think the presence of improvised metal detectors might impact the overall
atmosphere or culture within the school?

7. Are there any specific suggestions or improvements you would recommend to enhance the
effectiveness of improvised metal detectors in contributing to a safer educational environment?

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