QB64 Code

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Input "Welcome challenger! Please enter your name:"; Name$

Print "Hi "; Name$; "Today, you'll be answering 3 multiple choice questions. If you answer them
correctly, there'll be a prize at the end."
Print "Instruction: TYPE A, B, C or D. Good luck!"
Rem score
score = 0
Rem TotalScore
TotalScore = 0

Print "What is the name of the World's largest ocean? A-Atlantic Ocean, B-Southern Ocean,
C-Pacific Ocean, D-Arctic Ocean"
SAnswer1$ = "C"
SAnswer11$ = "c"
Input "Choose the correct answer"; Answer1$

If SAnswer1$ = Answer1$ Or SAnswer11$ = Answer1$ Then

Print "Correct answer!"
score = score + 1
TotalScore = TotalScore + 1
Print "Your score is now"; score
GoTo 1
Print "Wrong answer"
Print "Your total score is"; TotalScore
Print "Better luck next time!"
End If

1: Print "What is cynophobia? A-fear of cats, B-fear of dogs, C-fear of fishes, D-fear of lions"
SAnswer2$ = "B"
SAnswer22$ = "b"
Input "Choose the correct answer"; Answer2$

If SAnswer2$ = Answer2$ Or SAnswer22$ = Answer2$ Then

Print "Correct answer!"
score = score + 1
TotalScore = TotalScore + 1
Print "Your score is now"; score
GoTo 2
Print "Wrong answer"
Print "Your total score is"; TotalScore
Print "Better luck next time!"
End If

2: Print "Which monarch officially made Valentine's Day a holiday in 1537? A-James I, B-Henry
VII, C-Charles I, D-Henry VIII"
SAnswer3$ = "D"
SAnswer33$ = "d"
Input "Choose the correct answer"; Answer3$
If SAnswer3$ = Answer3$ Or SAnswer33$ = Answer3$ Then
Print "Correct answer!"
score = score + 1
TotalScore = TotalScore + 1
Print "Your score is now"; score
Print "CONGRATS!!! You answered all the questions correctly"
Print "Your total score is"; TotalScore
Print "Message Diluc#2620 via Discord to claim the prize"
Print "Thank you for participating in this event!"
Print "Wrong answer"
Print "Your total score is"; TotalScore
Print "Better luck next time!"
End If

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