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Types of Networks Worksheet

Name:______________________ Date:______________________

Section 1: Local Area Network (LAN)

Definition: Write a short definition of a Local Area Network (LAN).


Size and Scope: Describe the typical size and scope of a LAN.


Components: List three key components commonly found in a LAN.

Examples: Provide two examples of situations where a LAN is commonly used.

Advantages and Disadvantages: Fill in the table with advantages and disadvantages of LANs.

Advantages Disadvantages

Section 2: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Definition: Write a short definition of a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN).


Components: List three key components commonly found in a MAN.

Examples: Provide two examples of situations where a MAN is commonly used.

Advantages and Disadvantages: Fill in the table with advantages and disadvantages of MANs.

Advantage Disadvantage

Section 3: Wide Area Network (WAN)

Definition: Write a short definition of a Wide Area Network (WAN).


Size and Scope: Describe the typical size and scope of a WAN.


Components: List three key components commonly found in a WAN.

Examples: Provide two examples of situations where a WAN is commonly used.

Advantages and Disadvantages: Fill in the table with advantages and disadvantages of WANs.

Advantages Disadvantages

Section 4: Application and Reflection

Real-Life Scenario: Think of a real-life scenario where you might use a LAN, MAN, or WAN. Describe
the situation and discuss why the chosen network type is suitable.

Reflection: Write a short paragraph reflecting on the significance of having different types of
networks and how they contribute to our connected world.


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