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Logical positivism and public administration

A commitment to the study of Public Administration,fully ‘American Political

Science Review, ‘ 1952. has appeared in a printed issue.Here,why the theory of
democracy‘, management embrace’
the required sums and pre-war researchers and thinkers criticized.A couple of
to give ; Taylor, ‘the labourers in the essence of draft animals to see
criticized.From a technical point of Max Weber, bureaucracy is superior
thoughts criticized.
Waldo was the main issue of the study of Public Administration,with the desire for
democracy, the authority (or bureaucracy)
was perceived to reconcile the demands.These words are said in relation to it.
‘Efficiency is independent of the values of Public Administration and his claim that
‘science’ main
suggest as a concept to be used,this recipe really are followed as long as
this is why nihilism is committed to.’
To choose a more rigorous as that has been one of the alternatives at the top
decision alternatives
choosing a value between means.Herbert Simon ,administrative outstanding
contributions to studies
has provided.However, when running as independent of the methodology
advocated these contributions were made.
This offensive statement clearly he invited to the duel, and Simon immediately
accepted.Thus two
the author started the conversation between the famous witty with words.
Her insistence on taking the place of values in the study of Public Administration
Waldo,an analytical overview as the angle led me to question the usefulness of
logical positivism.The logic of logical positivism
the distinction was made -that is,a distinction between facts and values - and in
this life as a distinction
suggests that they adopt.However, logical positivism,as a useless objective values
in rejecting values that goes beyond the idea of this distinction suggests.This
‘value dogmatic and intolerant of the problems in a way avoidance ‘ is
Waldo,get ourselves to conclude that the difference in values and values should
criticize our own
usta;be strict about the cost of things we're looking for we have to warn.
This reach a temporary agreement between the normative and scientific opinion
on refers to the expectations.

According to Dwaight Waldo’s book The Administration;

As public administration is based in political science, which has sought to place

political relationships on an objective or scientific basis, so scientific management
is but a highly conscious part of a general movement to place,man's economic life,
particularly production, upon a scientific basis. Both movements are "positivist".
-with striking similarities to August Comte's. After Comte's Positivism, perhaps the
next most striking analogy is the philoso phy of Saint-Simon, the French "utopian


Science in the broadest sense,the only ‘concrete " transformations’ is the

information that led to the control.Public Waldo
management,including the social sciences and decided that by this definition,
gives.However, Waldo,this is a very generous definition of Reasoning Science
acknowledges that he or she is based.Waldo briefly, according to the scientific
approach,and one of the other approaches
it is equal to the others.In relation to it ‘ administrative unit of thought in the field
of human learning,working with every major
must establish a relationship.’ Said.

According to Dwaight Waldo’s book The Administration;

The scientific management movement provides enlightening per spective for the
public administration movement. The two move ments arose concurrently, were
stimulated by much the same cir cumstances in their respective fields, and
developed some closely similar doctrines. In some ways the more "advanced"
movement, scientific management has contributed many techniques and con
siderable philosophy to public administration. In some areas the two movements
are now overlapping or indistinguishable

Development of Scientific Management "Theory"

Scientific management began with the researches of Frederick W. Taylor and

others into such matters as the variables involved in metal cutting and the most
effective piece-rate system. But Taylor insisted that his method reached beyond the
minutiae of manufactur ing, extended his study to the production unit, and
attempted to explain in speech and writing the new approach to problems of
Taylor's Philosophy;
(1) procedures or "mechanism,"
(2) "underlying principles,"
(3) fundamental philosophy. The following quotations from Taylor illustrate each
of these "levels of reality"

The Influence of Scientific Management Upon Public Administration

The theories developed by the scientific management movement have influenced

the development of public administration, and some recent writings suggest an even
closer union between the two in the future: the notion of a "pure theory of
organization" or "Republic. of Administration".

Similarities between Scientific Management and Public Administration

The general resemblance in spirit and outlook between scientific management

and public administration has been sufficiently ob served; but the practical and
professional implications of this point of view should be noted. "Managers."-A
positivist-scientific polity implies "managers." The desired conditions of
coordination, harmony, efficiency, and economy, although they will rest upon
natural or scientific laws, must be brought into existence and maintained in
existence by hu man agency. Since they rest upon scientific facts and laws, only
those trained in the scientific method of ascertaining these facts and exercising
these laws can supply this human agency: they are the Managers. "Management"
or "administration" thus becomes a thing-in-itself, a recognizable field of inquiry
and expertise, "a function that may be observed objectively and subjected to
critical analysis," It becomes a "science."


Waldo,the idea that only a sub-discipline of public administration-especially a sub-

discipline of political science the notion of rejecting strict.Public administration is
both a differentiated technology,both distinguished
a cogent philosophy suggests that you may need.Waldo final decision,however,
management is not just an asset,expressed as a focus of interest, the best way
is.Public administration initiative ‘an active environment, as well as,a solid center’
and professional
the emphasis is to expand the diversity of interest should have.
According to Dwaight Waldo’s book The Administration;


The Good Life

Anyone who writes political philosophy has an idea of the Good Life and at least a
faint hope of realizing it-otherwise he would not write political philosophy. When
the ends desired seem remote from "reality," subsequent generations call the work a
Utopia. In the Utopias the Good Life stands forth most clearly.

But the outlines of the Good Life can be discerned in any political philosophy, even
in those cases in which the author is "hard-boiled" or "scientific." Machiavelli's
ideal is quite clear: a strong nation of healthy, frugal, brave, and aggressive
citizens, banded together in a republic if possible, under the rule of a skillful and
ruthless prince if necessary.

The Mastery of Nature.-There is no doubt that if the Good Life is achieved man
will have risen above his environment and made it subservient to his dreams. This
applies to his social as well as his non-social environment. The means by which
this will be achieved is by an extension of the outlook and the techniques of
Science. The "power controlling sciences" will be developed equally with the
"power producing sciences." Government and administration, prop erly conceived
and scientifically developed, will make man Master of his Soul; they will realize
what political philosophers have only dared dream.¹

A "Planned" Society.-Planning is the means by which the dis cipline of Science

applied to human affairs will enable man to in carnate his purposes. It is the
inevitable link between means and ends. Moreover, it is in itself an inspiring ideal.
For once it is realized that there is no natural harmony of nature, no Divine or other
purpose hidden beneath the flux and chaos of present plan lessness, it becomes
immoral to let poverty, ignorance, pestilence, and war continue if they can be
obliterated by a plan. Although there is some disagreement as to the nature and
desirable limits of planning, students of administration are all "planners." "

Luther Gulick has best expressed the central significance of plan ning for public
administration: a rational apportionment of means to the ends which constitute a
full and well-balanced life. Planning, he says, is essential to the Good Life because
the Good Life means "nothing too much." "The 'good life' for government as well
as for individuals, consists in balance and proportion-'nothing too much' and
nothing too little. A city cannot spend all its energies and resources for highways,
or for bridges or for schools or for sewers or for police. It must have these things in

Waldo,post-industrial society,will become an important factor productivity of

to handle new technologies to create factory with the collapse of the power elite
with new scientific technological knowledge-based power production and from
distribution and service centres will be established in the emphasis
towards understanding the profession will change that, it's still a grain of truth
asserts.It would be less bureaucratic organizations of the future,
Waldo;increasingly public-private mix
nature would be more unitary organisations ‘chain,or complex organizational
systems into’ would turn
that will be more international and multinational operations and estimates.Waldo
the future
when you are looking at,to be an anarchist and totalitarian observes two
important scenario.
Totalitarian Scenario:
Completely integrated control for the government and public-private and public
moralit nature reconcile.
The Anarchist Scenario:
The concept of public morality, accompanied by a significant uncertainty of the
future,widespread, and
complex economic -social - political institutions are characterized by the diversity
of predicts.
As a result, Waldo,most of the time in the field of Public Administration, a critic
and a commentator
so,in the first years of his career was olusturcu.His studies approach ‘Waldocu
his nickname is received.Its a larger issue about the work Waldo-based
management meselek not, and perhaps should not be such a profession
to say,but it does not wish to engage in an activity as a profession.Perhaps Waldo
expresses the uncertainty, ‘suspiciously'll all faiths and philosophies.This
skepticism also
is included.This instance does not mean that you necessarily wrong Waldo
indecision.That,accept the problem he would,however, have found that the
position can be maintained.


Waldo,makes the distinction between politics and administration that refused to
classical understanding, and thus morality
Ethics in public administration Research stated that one should play a larger
management-ethics,the development of new Public Management movement
began in the 1970s.
Constitutional and public law:
Perhaps the most important contribution to the literature of Public
Administration, Management Waldo
self-was to place it in the context of political and legal structure.Democratic
values, managerial approach
is in tension.The legal basis of Public Administration,duly process,the basic rights
of the individual
includes equality.These are the values the Constitution,administrative law and
were taken through the legal process.
Qualitative Research:
Waldo writings in the field, many of them are supported by logical positivism
structure of a methodology is limited and will benefit from a combination of Public
Administration argued.
This recommendation is numerous literature on quantitative methods in public
has formed.
Perhaps the best defined of these three research methods in public administration
yorumculuk is.This style of research focuses on the fact that reality is constructed,
and instead of knowing
tries to figure out.To predict and explain their behavior,instead of only social
research that focuses on social actors interpret and to understand their goals, with
the intent of
argue that it is necessary.
Critical Theory:
Critical theory in the broad sense of reality and was created on the basis of the
the limits of power that saved you from the people of the researcher having the
intention of bringing about the change
considers that it should.However,a critical approach to the management of Public
even when they are elected as individuals,recommends that enables management
to meet their own needs.
Historical Public Administration:
Focused on the importance of the past and look at the back of the field of Public
take the time to, he believed.However,Waldo's advice,despite public
suffer from a lack of historical context management are.About the past quite a
although there is literature on the area you choose to ignore outright the majority
of the past if and only if discusses current or future time.In recent years, however,
the focus of new Public Management history there have been numerous calls for
him to be brought into.
Comparative Public Administration:
Waldo,the main thought in this area of Comparative Public Administration
that is one of the areas he pointed out.Comparative management group of ten
public administration
has taken place in the ranks.Comparative management theory test cases and
articles based upon a single
go beyond studies that lacked from.Recently, some positive comparative public
there are developments.In a broader sense,that is becoming increasingly
interconnected in the world,the comparison has gained even more importance.
As a result, the ongoing influence in the field of Public Administration
unquestionable Dwight Waldo
this is the case.Historical or comparative studies of ethical and legal foundations of
management, and various until the adoption of research formats,it is the effect of


What have writers on administration held to be "fundamental"? What

considerations would they weigh or what techniques for de ciding would they use
when faced with a demand for decision and action? Full-blown political
philosophies, it is clear, have readily recog nizable criteria or procedures for

A Point of View: Utilitarianism, Legal Realism and "Administrationism"

A comparison of public administration with Utilitarianism and with so-called "legal

realism" reveals some significant parallels. These three movements are closely
similar in temper, in motives, in philosophic presumptions. The chief distinction
among them, in deed, seems to lie in the fact that each is concerned primarily with
a different "branch" of government. According to the vagaries of time and events,
Utilitarians found themselves concerned chiefly with the legislative branch,
legal realists with the judicial branch, administrative students with the executive or
administrative branch. The nature of the obstacles in the way of realizing the
objectives has differed, but the objectives in each case have been substantially the

The Positivism of Public Administration

The answer of positivism to the problem of the basis of decision is that "science,"
"facts," "measurement" answer questions of "What to do?" It asserts that what is
objective can and should. "determine," that the imperative of "the facts" should be
substituted for chance and will. This common viewpoint of public adminis tration is
well illustrated in the following quotation: "The scientific approach is merely the
application of common sense procedure to human problems. It involves securing all
obtainable facts, asso ciating or correlating them so as to determine what they
mean, and deducing the logical course of procedure therefrom. In other words,
solve administrative problems by getting the facts and acting in accordance

Pragmatism and Public Administration

Another answer to the question "What basis of decision does public administration
accept?" is "pragmatism."
we are on safe grounds to say that pragmatism is a protest against rationalism,
against a priori methods of thought, and habits of mind. Its test of truth is usually
considered to be chiefly "workability" or "cash value"; an idea is true if it "works,"
if it has desirable effects when tried. It places emphasis upon experience, and is
hence character ized by empiricism.


Who are competent to govern the Good Society that writers on public
administration envisage?
Any political philosophy necessarily must answer the question, "Who should rule?"
The rulers of Plato's Republic are the Guardi ans, who rule by virtue of their
knowledge of the Good. their knowledge of the Good. They are the only ones
capable by innate ability and rigorous training to know the Good. At the other
extreme are anarchists such as Bakunin and Kropotkin, who find government an
evil in itself, and evil be cause it sustains other evils. Their answer to "Who should
rule?" is "nobody." To them, "governing or ruling" and "right or good" are
irreconcilable ideas.

Separation of powers into three "branches" was an outstanding characteristic of our

national, state, and even municipal governments during the nine teenth century. We
had, moreover, a strong public consciousness of the separation of powers and an
inclination to regard it as a prime virtue of our superior institutions, a "palladium of
our liberties." 2 But by the year of Woodrow Wilson's essay, "The Study of Ad
ministration," there was already under way a great expansion of governmental
activities. This expansion upset old balances, raised questions of the appositeness
of the old theory. At the federal level the creation of "independent establishments,"
beginning in 1883, and at the state and local levels the extreme decentralization of
"execu tive" power, raised a presumption that the "tripartite theory" was being
violated, that it should either be reapplied, or else be modified or abandoned.


"Centralization versus decentralization" is not a classic and re curring problem of

political philosophy in the sense that "Who should rule?" has proved to be. Instead,
the precedents and analogues are limited to the political writings of modern times,
because the prob lems posed are modern. These problems relate to the nation-state;
to large-scale representative government and the ideological force of "democracy";
and to the rise of science and technology, which has transformed the space-time
aspects of our life, and has engendered in acute form the problem of
"functionalism" or expertise. The litera ture of federalism versus the unitary state,
of local self-government versus centralized administration, of monism versus
pluralism in the law, of cultural autonomy versus uniform national culture, of party
dictatorship versus corporatism-these are the modern prob lems in political theory
to which the centripetal and centrifugal forces in public administration are
analogous, and in relation to which they are seen in their proper perspective. The
objective is:
(1) to present, in their derivation and present form, the "centralizing" tendencies that
have been so commonly accepted as to have been designated "the dogmas of
(2) to review the most conspicuous dissents from the "orthodox" position; and (3) to
summarize the writings that present the case for or suggest a plan of decentralization.

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