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Harry Park
Focus Area: Service Strand
Inquiry Question: Spreading awareness addiction/ substance abuses through visual images

1. Capstone Project Summary 200 - 300 words

For my capstone, the first step is to research addiction, such as how to prevent addiction or aid
the addicted people to go to rehab or show other safer alternatives, which is helping the people
who are already addicted to addictions. I would research on addictions like drugs and
substances. Research on how people get addicted to addictions. For my mentorship I can ask
my mom if she has connections or my friend's mom because she is an art teacher or ask a
doctor or as my last option ask Ms. Kang. After asking around I have I will start on my artworks
which will be about drug addiction/ substance abuse. My art will be preventing and spreading
awareness about addictions so that is why I am doing multiple mediums. The mediums I
picked are Graphic design, painting, and a big drawing.

2. Core Competencies:

Critical Thinking

Problem Solving: addressing the challenge of addictions and substance abuses shows my ability
to analyze and solve real world problems.

Research and Analysis: Researching on my capstone involves researching on drugs and

substances, also researching on how to prevent and help the addicted and abusers. Which
demonstrates my analytical skills.

Adaptability: Being open to feedback and ready to adjust my capstone/ artworks based on my
mentor, family, friends, teachers, and classmates shows critical evaluation and flexibility.


Innovative Concept: I am choosing to focus on preventing and spreading awareness on drug

addiction and substance abuse through my artworks. I wanted to research addictions and
substances because it is a very fascinating topic and a lot of people do not really know the serious
dangers. A lot of people just arrogantly just use it without thinking about the consequences. So
therefore, I wanted my artworks to help the people in need. Which is my graphic design,
painting, and drawing. Shows my ability to identify and address how my artworks can help
people creatively.

Art Creation: Designing/ drawing my artworks will require creativity because my artworks will
spread awareness on drugs and substances, and it will be in schools therefore my creativity will
help the younger generations.

Easily accessible design: I am hoping my artworks will be outside on bus stops, inside of
schools, and everywhere else in general. Which reflects my innovative approach to making my
artworks accessible.

3. Rationale/ context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question.

As you know I want my future career to be a graphic designer. This capstone would help me
down the line because my capstone is going to improve my art skills and it will be helpful to me
when I get into university. It is my personal goal to help the people around the world who need
help or prevent it. It connects to my passion because I want my artworks to help people around
the world. I know people who are fighting addiction and I hope that my artwork can help them
and everyone else in the world.

4. Background:

Previous background knowledge, learning, and connections I have that will help me in this
capstone is that I have taken graphic design classes for three years in school because I always
had an interest in graphic design. I have made ads, logos, characters, and I also done art
lessons outside of school and done art in school for two years. I always had a passion for art
since elementary school and won a couple of awards and prizes.

5. Career connections:

My career area is to become a graphic designer. This is connected to my career and academic
goals because all my goals were connected to becoming an artist. From completing this
capstone, I want to gain more knowledge on how to be a better artist and how art can help
people even with addiction. Also learn about addiction because that would be useful to me.
6. Capstone presentation medium:

The medium I may use to present my capstone includes graphic design, painting, and drawing
and for the graphic design I will include a link and print it put.

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