Grade 7 Mensuration Perimeter Area Volume Answers

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(1) Breadth = 30 m
Area = 1800 m 2

Step 1
We know that the perimeter of any shape is equal to the total length of the boundary of the shape.
Also, a rectangular park has four sides.

Step 2
So, perimeter of the park = 2 × length + 2 × breadth
We are told that length of the park = 60 meters.
So, 2 × length = 2 × 60 = 120 meters.

Step 3
Perimeter of the park = 2 × length + 2 × breadth
What we see above is an addition equation where two addends are getting added to give a sum.
Here, we know the sum (perimeter = 180 meters) and one of the addends (2 × length = 120
The other addend, 2 × breadth, is unknown.

Step 4
If we know the sum and one addend, the other addend can be found by subtracting the known
addend from the sum.
Other addend = 2 × breadth = 180 - 120 = 60 meters.

Step 5
2 × breadth = 60 meters.
So, breadth = meters
= 30 meters.

Step 6
We know that the area of a rectangle is equal to the product of its length and breadth.
So, area = length × breadth
= 60 meters × 30 meters
= 1800 m2.
(2) 280000 cm 3

Step 1
We know that the volume of a cuboidal box is equal to the product of its length, breadth and

Step 2

For the given box, volume will be equal to 40 cm × 70 cm × 100 cm = 280000 cm 3.

(3) 72

Step 1

According to the question, the area of the circle is 616. Let us assume that the radius of the circle
is r.
Now, the area of the circle = πr 2
⇒ πr2 = 616

⇒ = 616
⇒ r2 = 616 ×

⇒ r2 = 196
⇒ r = 14

Step 2
Now, the perimeter of the given semi-circle = πr + 2r
= × 14 + 2 × 14
= 72

Step 3
Therefore, the perimeter of the given semi-circle is 72.
(4) 344 m2

Step 1
The given figure is a rectangle, where the length is 36m and the breadth is 22m.

Step 2
There are 4 rectangles unshaded at the corners of the figure. If we find their area and subtract
from the area of whole rectangle, we'll get the area of the shaded portion.

Step 3
The shaded length is 8m, therefore the length of the unshaded area will be 36 - 8 = 28m. Since the
shaded length lies at the center, we can say that the length of the rectangles at the corners is
= 14m each.

Step 4
The shaded breadth is 6m, therefore the unshaded breadth will be 22 - 6 = 16m. Again, since the
breadth lies at the center, we can say that the breadth of the corner rectangles will be = 8m

Step 5
We now have four unshaded rectangles of length 14m and breadth 8m. The area of one such
rectangle will be 14 × 8 = 112 sq. m.

Step 6
Therefore the area of four such rectangles will be 4 × 112 = 448 sq. m.

Step 7
The area of the big rectangle = 36 × 22 = 792 sq. m.

Step 8
Therefore the area of the shaded portion = 792 - 448 = 344 sq. m.
(5) 3 meters

Step 1
Let us assume the length of the rope as r meters by which the farmer wants to tie his cow.
Since, cow is tied with rope, the cow can graze the grass only in a circular area, whose radius is
equal to the length of the rope.

Step 2

According to the question, cow can graze the grass in an area of 27 m 2.

Or, πr2 = 27 [Since, the area of the circle is #960;r 2]
⇒ r2 =
⇒ r2 =
⇒ r2 = 9
⇒ r = 3 meters

Step 3
Therefore, the length of the rope should be 3 meters.
(6) €14080

Step 1

If we look at the front wall of the factory carefully, we notice:

Length of the wall = 24 m
Width of the wall = 16 m
Area of the wall = 384 m 2

Step 2
Height of the entrance = 4 m
Width of the entrance = 8 m
Area of the entrance = 32 m 2

Step 3
Since, the area of the entrance does not need to be painted.
Area of the wall that needs to be painted = Area of the wall - Area of the entrance
= 384 - 32
= 352 m2

Step 4
Since, the cost of painting is €40 per square m.
Therefore, the total cost for painting = 352 × 40 = €14080
(7) 135 m 2

Step 1
Let us assume that the circles C1 and C2 are the two concentric circles. r1 and r2 are the radius of
the circles C1 and C2, respectively.

Concentric Circles

According to the question, the radius of the two concentric circles are 2 and 7 meters,
Therefore, r1 = 2 meters
r2 = 7 meters

Step 2

Area of the circle C1 = π(r1)2

= 12 m 2

Step 3

Area of the circle C2 = π(r2)2

= 147 m 2

Step 4
Area of the space between the concentric circles C1 and C2 = Area of the circle C2 - Area of the
circle C1
= 147 - 12
= 135 m 2

Step 5

Thus, the area of space between the concentric circles is 135 m2.
(8) √15:1

Step 1

Let us assume that ABCD is a rectangle.

Step 2
Let b and l be the breadth(smaller side) and length of the rectangle, respectively.
Since, the diagonal of the rectangle is four times the length of its smaller side.
Therefore, the length of the diagonal = 4b cm.

Step 3
On looking at the rectangle ABCD carefully, we notice that ABC is a right angled triangle where
AB, BC, and AC are the breadth, length, and diagonal of the rectangle, respectively.
Now, in the right angled triangle ABC,
AC2 = AB 2 + BC2
⇒ (4b)2 = b2 + l2
⇒ 16b2 - b 2 = l2
⇒ (16 - 1)b2 = l2
⇒ 15b2 = l2
⇒ l2 = 15b2

l2 15
⇒ =
b2 1

l 15
⇒( )2 =
b 1
l √15
⇒ =
b 1
⇒ l:b = √15:1

Step 4
Therefore, we can say that the ratio of the length and breadth of the rectangle is √15:1.
(9) 188.76 meters

Step 1
If we look at the question carefully, we notice that
the diameter of the wheel of the cycle = 46.2 cm
Total revolutions of the wheel= 130

Step 2
The circumference of a circle (or wheel) is the boundary/periphery of the circle.
We know:
C = πD (where, D is the diameter of the wheel and π = )
= × 46.2
= 145.2
So, if we put a mark on the outer rim of the wheel and rotate it once, the marked spot will travel a
distance of 145.2 cm.

Step 3
Total revolutions of the wheel = 130
Distance covered by the wheel in 1 revolution = 145.2 cm
Total distance covered by the cycle = Total revolutions of the wheel × Distance covered by the
wheel in one revolution
= 130 × 145.2 cm
130 × 145.2
= meters (Since, 1 cm = 1/100 meters)
= 188.76 meters

Step 4
Therefore, the total distance covered by the cycle is 188.76 meters .

(10) 18√3

Step 1
Let us assume s and t as the sides of square and triangle, respectively, as shown in the following

Square Equilateral triangle

According to the question, the diagonal AC of the square is 9 cm.

Now, in the right angle triangle ABC
AB2 + BC2 = AC2
⇒ s2 + s2 = (9)2
⇒ 2(s)2 = (9)2
⇒ s2 =
⇒ s2 = 40.5 cm

Step 2
Perimeter of the given square = 4s
Perimeter of the given equilateral triangle = 3t
According to the question, the perimeter of the square is equal to the perimeter of the equilateral
Therefore, 3t = 4s.
Squaring both sides:
(3t)2 = (4s)2
⇒ 9t2 = 16s2
16 × 40.5
⇒ t2 = [Since, s2 = 40.5]
⇒ t2 = 72 cm

Step 3

Now, the area of the equilateral triangle =
= [Since, t2 = 72 ]
= 18√3 cm 2

Step 4

Therefore, the area of the triangle is 18√3 cm2.

(11) 300000

Step 1
If we look at the question carefully, we notice that
the diameter of the wheel = 49 cm
Distance travelled = 462 km

Step 2
The circumference of a circle (or wheel) is the distance around the outside or the boundary of the
We know:
C = πD (where, D is the diameter of the wheel and π = )
= × 49
= 154
So, if we put a mark on the outer rim of the wheel and rotate the wheel once, then the marked spot
will travel a distance of 154 cm.

Step 3
Distance traveled by the truck = 462 km
Distance covered by the wheel in one revolution = 154 cm
Distance traveled by the truck
Total number of revolutions =
Distance covered by the wheel in one revolution
462 km
154 cm
462 × 100000 cm
154 cm
= 300000

Step 4
Therefore, 300000 revolutions of the wheel are required to travel a distance of 462 km.
(12) Breadth = 26 m

Step 1
We know that the area of a rectangle is the product of its length and breadth. We are given the
length and the area, while the breadth is unknown.

Step 2
Since we know the product and one of the multiplicands, the other multiplicand can be found by
dividing the product by the known multiplicand.

Step 3
So, Area = length × breadth
or, Breadth =
= 26 m.

(13) a. d.

Step 1
We can see that all the given shapes are composed of small squares of same dimension. So to
find the shapes with same area, we need to find out the shapes that have the same number of
these squares.

Step 2
On counting the number of squares in each of the given figures, we observe that shape b has 17,
c has 22, and, a and d both have 13 squares.

Step 3
This means a and d have the same area.
(14) d. 4

Step 1
We know that the perimeter is equal to the sum of all the sides, and we also know that all the sides
of a square are equal.

Step 2
Hence, the perimeter of any square will be equal to 4 × length of the side.

(15) d. 196 - 49π

Step 1

If we look at the figure carefully, we notice that the radius of the circle is equal to the half of the
sides of the square.
According to the question, the length of a side of the square is 14 cm.
Therefore, the radius of the circle = 7 cm
Let us assume that s is the length of the square and r is the side of the square.
Therefore, s = 14 cm,
r = 7 cm

Step 2
The area of the shaded region = Area of the square - Area of the four quarter circles

= s2 - 4 ×

= 14 2 - π(7) 2
= 196 - 49π

Step 3
Therefore, the area of the shaded region is 196 - 49π.

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