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Tricky Topics
Volume 1
A Practically
Painless Review

Christine M. Houser

Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1
Christine M. Houser

Pediatric Tricky Topics,

Volume 1
A Practically Painless Review
Christine M. Houser
Department of Emergency Medicine
Erasmus Medical Center
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

ISBN 978-1-4939-1858-4 ISBN 978-1-4939-1859-1 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1
Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2014949915

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To my parents, Martin and Cathy, who made
this journey possible, to Patrick who travels
it with me, and to my wonderful children
Tristan, Skyler, Isabelle, Castiel,
and Sunderland who have patiently waited
during its writing – and are also the most
special of all possible reminders of why
pediatric medicine is so important.
Important Notice

Medical knowledge and the accepted standards of care change frequently. Conflicts
are also found regularly in the information provided by various recognized sources
in the medical field. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information con-
tained in this publication is as up to date and accurate as possible. However, the
parties involved in the publication of this book and its component parts, including
the author, the content reviewers, and the publisher, do not guarantee that the infor-
mation provided is in every case complete, accurate, or representative of the entire
body of knowledge for a topic. We recommend that all readers review the current
academic medical literature for any decisions regarding patient care.


Keeping all of the relevant information at your fingertips in a field as broad as pedi-
atrics is both an important task and quite a lot to manage. Add to that the busy
schedule most physicians and physicians-to-be carry of a practice or medical stud-
ies, family life, and sundry other personal and professional obligations, and it can be
daunting. Whether you would like to keep your knowledge base up to date for your
practice, are preparing for the general pediatric board examination or recertification,
or are just doing your best to be well prepared for a ward rotation, Practically
Painless Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1 can be an invaluable asset.
This book brings together the information from several major pediatric board
review study guides, and more review conferences than any one physician would
ever have time to personally attend, for you to review at your own pace. It’s impor-
tant, especially if there isn’t a lot of uninterrupted study time available, to find mate-
rials that make the study process as efficient and flexible as possible. What makes
this book additionally unusual among medical study guides is its design using “bite-
sized” chunks of information that can be quickly read and processed. Most informa-
tion is presented in a question-and-answer format that improves attention and focus,
and ultimately learning. Critically important for most in medicine, it also enhances
the speed with which the information can be learned.
Because the majority of information is in question-and-answer (Q&A) format, it
is also much easier to use the information in a few minutes of downtime at the hos-
pital or office. You don’t need to get deeply into the material to understand what you
are reading. Each question and answer is brief – not paragraphs long as is often the
case in medical review books – which means that the material can be moved through
rapidly, keeping the focus on the most critical information.
At the same time, the items have been written to ensure that they contain the nec-
essary information. Very often, information provided in review books raises as many
questions as it answers. This interferes with the study process, because the learner
either has to look up the additional information (time loss and hassle) or skip the

x Preface

information entirely – which means not really understanding and learning it. This
book keeps answers self-contained, meaning that any needed information is provided
either directly in the answer or immediately following it – all without lengthy text.
To provide additional study options, questions and answers are arranged in a
simple two-column design, making it possible to easily cover one side and quiz
yourself, or use the book for quizzing in pairs or study groups.
For a few especially challenging topics, or for the occasional topic that is better
presented in a regular text style, a text section has been provided. These sections
precede the larger Q&A section for that topic (so, for example, neurology text sec-
tions precede the question-and-answer section for neurology). It is important to note
that when text sections are present, they are not intended as an overview or introduc-
tion to the Q&A section. They are stand-alone topics simply found to be more use-
fully presented as clearly written and relatively brief text sections.
The materials utilized in Practically Painless Pediatrics have been tested by resi-
dents and attendings preparing for the general pediatric board examination, or the
recertification examination, to ensure that both the approach and content are on
target. All content has also been reviewed by attending and specialist pediatricians
to ensure its quality and understandability.
If you are using these materials to prepare for an exam, this can be a great oppor-
tunity to thoroughly review the many areas involved in pediatric practice, and to
consolidate and refresh the knowledge developed through the years so far. Practically
Painless Pediatrics books are available to cover the breadth of the topics included in
the General Pediatric Board Examination.
The formats and style in which materials are presented in Practically Painless
Pediatrics utilize the knowledge gained about learning and memory processes over
many years of research into cognitive processing. All of us involved in the process
of creating it sincerely hope that you will find the study process a bit less onerous
with this format, and that it becomes – at least at times – an exciting adventure to
refresh or build your knowledge.

Brief Guidance Regarding Use of the Book

Items which appear in bold indicate topics known to be frequent board examination
content. On occasion, an item’s content is known to be very specific to previous
board questions. In that case, the item will have “popular exam item” or “item of
interest” beneath it.
Some topics cross over between different subjects; for example osteomyelitis is
relevant to both the Practically Painless Pediatrics Infectious Disease book and the
orthopedic section of this book. In that case, items on the topic will be present in
both books, although more extensive coverage of certain aspects will be found in
one versus the other. Similarly, various topics overlap between trauma, orthopedics,
and environmental medicine. To preserve completeness of coverage, some items for
those topics will be found in each of the sections; however, complete repetition of
Preface xi

the items in multiple sections would render the chapters unnecessarily long. It is
therefore important to review all three sections to ensure a full coverage of the rel-
evant material.
At times, you will encounter a Q&A item that covers the same content as a previ-
ous item within the same chapter. These items are worded differently, and often
require you to process the information in a somewhat different way, compared to the
previous version. This variation in the way questions from particularly challenging
or important content areas are asked is not an error or oversight. It is simply a way
to easily and automatically practice the information again. These occasionally
repeated items are designed to increase the probability that the reader will be able to
retrieve the information when it is needed – regardless of how the vignette is pre-
sented on the exam, or how the patient presents in a clinical setting.
Occasionally, a brand name for a medication or piece of medical equipment is
included in the materials. These are indicated with the trademark symbol (®) and
are not meant to indicate an endorsement of, or recommendation to use, that brand
name product. Brand names are sometimes included only to make processing of the
study items easier, in cases in which the brand name is significantly more recogniz-
able to most physicians than the generic name would be.
The specific word choice used in the text may at times seem informal to the
reader, and occasionally a bit irreverent. Please rest assured that no disrespect is
intended to anyone or any discipline, in any case. The mnemonics or comments
provided are only intended to make the material more memorable. The informal
wording is often easier to process than the rather complex or unusual wording many
of us in the medical field have become accustomed to. That is why rather straightfor-
ward wording is sometimes used, even though it may at first seem unsophisticated.
Similarly, visual space is provided on the page, so that the material is not closely
crowded together. This improves the ease of using the material for self- or group
quizzing, and minimizes time potentially wasted identifying which answers belong
to which questions.
The reader is encouraged to use the extra space surrounding items to make notes
or add comments for himself or herself. Further, the Q&A format is particularly
well suited to marking difficult or important items for later review & quizzing. If
you are utilizing the book for exam preparation, please consider making a system in
advance to indicate which items you’d like to return to, which items have already
been repeatedly reviewed, and which items do not require further review. This not
only makes the study process more efficient & less frustrating, it can also offer a
handy way to know which items are most important for last-minute review – fre-
quently a very difficult “triage” task as the examination time approaches.
Finally, consider switching back and forth between topics under review, to
improve processing of new items. Trying to learn & remember many information
items on similar topics is often more difficult than breaking the information into
chunks by periodically switching to a different topic.
Ultimately, the most important aspect of learning the material needed for board
and ward examinations is what we as physicians can bring to our patients – and the
amazing gift that patients entrust to us in letting us take an active part in their health.
xii Preface

With that focus in mind, the task at hand is not substantially different from what
each examination candidate has already done successfully in medical school & in
patient care. Keeping that uppermost in our minds, board examination studying
should be both a bit less anxiety provoking and a bit more palatable. Seize the
opportunity and happy studying to all!

Rotterdam, The Netherlands Christine M. Houser

About the Author

Dr. Christine M. Houser completed her medical degree at the Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, after spending 4 years in graduate training and
research in Cognitive Neuropsychology at George Washington University and the
National Institutes of Health. Her Master of Philosophy degree work focused on the
processes involved in learning and memory, and during this time she was a four-
time recipient of training awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Dr. Houser’s dual interests in cognition and medicine led her naturally toward
teaching, and “translational cognitive science” – finding ways to apply the many
years of cognitive research findings about learning and memory to how physicians
and physicians-in-training might more easily learn and recall the vast quantities of
information required for medical studies and practice.

Content Reviewers

Many thanks to Dr. Robert Yetman, Professor and Director of the Residency
Program in the Division of Community and General Pediatrics at the University of
Texas-Houston Medical School in Houston, Texas, for his tireless assistance in
reviewing the manuscript, and coordinating its content review.
For Orthopedics Topics
Camilo E. Gutiérrez, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA

Mark D. Hormann, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
University of Texas – Houston Medical School
Houston, TX, USA
For Trauma, Environmental Medicine, and Toxicology Topics
Rebecca Liggin, MD, FAAP
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine
Director of International Medical Education
University of Arkansas School of Medical Sciences
Little Rock, AR, USA
For General Prevention Topics
Amalia Guardiola, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
University of Texas – Houston Medical School
Houston, TX, USA

xvi Content Reviewers

For Research and Statistics Topics

Mfon Ekong, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
University of Texas – Houston Medical School
Houston, TX, USA
For Rheumatology Topics
Jonathan S. Hausmann, MD
Fellow in Rheumatology
Harvard Medical School
Children’s Hospital Boston
Boston, MA, USA
For Neurology Topics
Wendy K. M. Liew, MBChB, MRCPCH
Neuromuscular Fellow
Children’s Hospital Boston
Boston, MA, USA

Shih-Ning Liaw, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
University of Texas – Houston Medical School
Houston, TX, USA

1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items ................................ 1

2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items........................................ 33
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items ........... 59
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items ................................... 83
5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items ................................... 133
6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items .............. 149
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items ............................ 165
8 Selected Neurology Topics ........................................................................ 211
Chiari Malformation, Arnold-Chiari Malformation.................................... 211
Dandy-Walker Syndrome ............................................................................ 213
Syringomyelia ............................................................................................. 214
Assorted Neuropathology Topics ................................................................ 215
Canavan Disease ......................................................................................... 216
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items.................................... 219

Index ................................................................................................................. 281

Chapter 1
General Orthopedics Question
and Answer Items

Fall on an outstretched hand most 1. Scaphoid

commonly results in what two 2. Colles’ fracture (distal radius fracture)
(Colles’ fracture also known as the “dinner
fork deformity” – seen mainly in adults)

Which type of fracture most Humeral fracture –

commonly injures the radial nerve? midshaft

What important motor job does Radial

the radial nerve do for us? Raises
the wRist

What sensory function does 1. Back of the forearm

the radial nerve do? 2. Back of the hand
3. Back of first 3 digits
(halfway up the fingers)

Ulnar nerve damage produces Claw hand

what type of problem? (can’t abduct fingers)

What is the ulnar nerve’s Finger abduction

main motor job?
(also wrist & MCP flexion)

In terms of bone trauma, Posterior elbow dislocation

when is the ulnar nerve most (it sits in the “ulnar groove” – the
likely to be injured? funny bone spot!)

Which artery is most likely to be The brachial artery

damaged in an elbow dislocation?

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 1

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_1
2 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

With any significant dislocation Reduce the dislocation ASAP

(elbow, knee, ankle) what is the
(if this cannot be accomplished
most important step in
immediately – splint it!)

What is the common name for Tennis elbow

lateral epicondylitis?

What is a nursemaid’s elbow? Radial head subluxation

How is a nursemaid’s elbow Supination + flexion at the elbow

usually reduced? (gentle pressure on the radial head also helps)

Should a nursemaid’s elbow No – not needed before or after reduction

be X-rayed?

What percentage of children About 25 %

with a nursemaid’s elbow
will have a reoccurrence?

Should a nursemaid’s elbow No

be splinted after reduction?

What post-reduction management is None, except for education on how to

required for a nursemaid’s elbow? prevent them

What is a “nightstick” fracture? An ulnar fracture

(as if you were protecting yourself
from someone with a nightstick)

Are nightstick fractures displaced, Either

or nondisplaced?

How are nightstick fractures Displaced – surgically plated into anatomic

managed? position to maintain forearm ROM
Nondisplaced – cast

What is Tinel’s sign, and what does Tapping on the volar wrist (over the
it indicate? median nerve) produces paresthesia
(indicates carpal tunnel syndrome – usual
treatment rest/NSAIDs/splint)
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 3

What is Phalen’s sign? Sustained pressure on the volar wrist causes

paresthesia – “drooping” the hands at the
wrists has the same effect
(indicates carpal tunnel syndrome)

In addition to repetitive actions, Pregnancy

what are four other risk factors for Hypothyroidism
carpal tunnel syndrome? Diabetes
Rheumatoid arthritis

Which X-ray finding almost Posterior fat pad

invariably indicates an elbow

What nerve is likely to be damaged Axillary nerve

by a proximal humerus fracture?

How is axillary nerve function Test deltoid muscle strength

Sensation of the overlying skin

Which two shoulder injuries mean Proximal humerus fracture

that you definitely need to check
axillary nerve function?
Shoulder dislocation

Can radial nerve entrapment occur No – it’s not enclosed there

at the wrist?

What is the “Tea Drinker” The functions needed for drinking

mnemonic for the functions of a cup of tea:
the median nerve?
Pincer grasp
(thumb & index finger in the “okay”
Wrist flexors

What is Guyon’s canal? The space for the ulnar nerve at the wrist

Can the ulnar nerve be entrapped at Yes –

Guyon’s canal? Usually due to external compression
(for example, from bicycle handlebars or a
desk surface with computer mouse use)
4 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

Which fracture most often A supracondylar fracture of the elbow

produces a Volkmann’s (the humerus at the elbow, specifically)

What causes Volkmann’s Inadequate circulation – producing fibrosis

contracture? and death of forearm soft tissues
(brachial artery obstruction)

What causes “swan neck” A tear or avulsion of the extensor tendon for
deformity of a finger? the distal phalanx that goes untreated
(may result from trauma, rheumatoid
arthritis, or other degenerative &
inflammatory conditions)

What is another name for a “swan Mallet finger

neck” deformity?
(because the end hangs down like a mallet)

If you diagnose a mallet finger, Splint it from the top (dorsal splint) in
what should you do about it? extension –
Ortho follow-up for wiring
(the tendon and bone need to be together for
it to heal properly)

What is a boxer’s fracture? Fracture at the neck of the 5th metacarpal

(just proximal to the knuckle)

How does a boxer’s fracture Axial load landing on a closed fist

happen? (e.g., punching a wall)

How is a boxer’s fracture usually Closed reduction and casting


What is a Bennett’s fracture? A non-comminuted fracture at the base of

the thumb (the proximal phalanx is
fractured, including the articular surface)

How does a Bennett’s fracture Axial loading on a closed fist

happen? (e.g., punching a wall, with too much force
going to the thumb)

Which two named fractures refer to Bennett’s and Rolando’s fractures

fractures at the base of the thumb?
(Rolando’s is comminuted & less common)
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 5

How are Bennett’s and Rolando’s Surgically

fractures managed? (both involve the articular surface of the

If a fracture includes the Operative

articular surface of a joint, what (not necessarily immediate, though)
management is usually required?

Which flexor tendon only goes to The flexor digitorum superficialis

the middle phalanx?

Which flexor tendon goes to the The flexor digitorum profundus

end of the finger? (it’s profound – it goes the whole way)

How is a subungual hematoma Trephination and drainage

treated? (meaning, put a hole through the nail)

What two tests should be positive The Lachman and anterior drawer tests
with an anterior cruciate
ligament tear?

If you have a choice, which test is Lachman

better for diagnosing anterior
cruciate ligament tears – Lachman
or anterior drawer?

How is the Lachman test 1. Knee is flexed at just 20–30°

performed? (vs. 90° for anterior drawer)
2. Thigh is stabilized
3. Tibia is pulled forward

The anterior drawer test is Acute injury

especially unreliable in what

What type of injury often Posterior cruciate ligament injury

produces false positives on
either the Lachman or the
anterior drawer test?

What is the most common cause Transient synovitis

of hip pain in children?
6 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

How do you make a diagnosis of By excluding all of the bad reasons

transient synovitis, as a cause for (like fracture, infection, avascular necrosis,
hip pain in a child? or SCFE)

What does SCFE stand for? Slipped


Who most commonly develops Obese adolescent boys


Why are pelvic fractures so 1. The force required to break the pelvis
dangerous? often means that other injuries are
(2) present
2. Bleeding is not compressible (so it’s hard
to control)

Is a double break in the pelvic Unstable

ring stable or unstable?
(there is a strong risk of bleeding and
visceral injuries because the separate pieces
can move and injure other structures)

Why are “unstable” joint They require:

fractures important to 1. Surgical management
recognize? 2. Total non-weight bearing

Does patellar tendon damage No

affect the knee joint?
(the patella is a sesamoid bone, so it forms
on its own, outside the knee joint)

What function is lost when the Can’t extend the knee

quadriceps tendon is ruptured?
(surgical repair is required)

How is a patellar dislocation Extend the leg and put gentle medial
reduced? pressure on the patella
(it usually dislocates laterally, so medial
pressure puts it back)

What is a Baker’s cyst? Inflammation of a bursa behind

the knee joint
(several different bursa are present &
can cause it)
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 7

How does a Baker’s cyst present? Painful, swollen popliteal fossa or calf
(if it ruptures, the whole calf can swell)

What does SCIWORA stand for? Spinal


Which patients are at risk Pediatric patients

for SCIWORA? (most often seen in children <10 years old)

What really happens in Children’s hyperflexible vertebrae can

SCIWORA? move a long way without being damaged,
but the spinal cord cannot
(so the X-rays look fine, but the cord
is still damaged)

What is the prognosis for Good

recovery of function with
SCIWORA in a child over
10 years old?

What is the prognosis for Poor

recovery of function with
SCIWORA in a child under
10 years old?

What is the most important step IV steroid administration

in the initial management of

Why is SCIWORA usually seen in In adults, the force required to damage the
pediatric patients? spinal cord will usually damage the
vertebrae, as well

If a patient suffers a spinal cord It is good – it indicates that at least part of

injury, but has “sacral sparing,” the cord is intact –
what does that mean for prognosis? 30–50 % recovery

What is “sacral sparing?” Motor & sensory in the anal/perianal area

is intact
(although there are deficits higher up)
8 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

Is a single break in the pelvic ring Not usually

(Not likely to cause significant bleeding
or additional injury)

When is a clavicle fracture If it is near the sternum (middle 1/3)

• Otherwise no treatment needed

Why are certain clavicle fractures Bleeding –

worrisome? Big vessels are close by, and may also be

What does the median nerve The palm & adjacent fingers
supply? (except for the ulnar part)
Distal half of digits 2, 3, & half of 4,
on the back of the hand
(wraps around the tips of the fingers, ending
its innervation at the PIP joint)

So for which fingers, specifically, Digits 2, 3, and ½ of 4

does the median nerve provide (thumb also, of course)

The ulnar nerve provides Fifth finger and medial half of the fourth
sensation to which fingers?
(the half of the fourth digit that is closest
to the fifth digit)

Which dermatome does Pinky = C8

the pinky? Which one does
Thumb = C6
the thumb?
(C7 does the area in between)

What is a paronychia, • An infection of the nail bed (usually

and how is it treated? near the nail crease)
• I & D and warm soaks

Should a patient receive No – not ordinarily

antibiotics after I & D of a

Osgood-Schlatter disease – • Pain over the anterior tibial tuberosity

What is it? Who gets it? • Active adolescent males (mainly)
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 9

What is osteochondritis dissecans? • A loose body (from the joint) in the

What does it cause? knee joint space
• Pain & locking of the knee joint

What problem can result from Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)

prolonged shoulder
(Prolonged being more than
3 days)

What’s a greenstick fracture? A pediatric long bone fracture in which

only one side of the cortex is disrupted
(like when you bend a “green stick,” and the
bark pops open on just one side)

How is radial nerve motor Radial Raises the wRist

function tested? (and extends the fingers – makes sense –
it runs along the back of the forearm)

How do you test ulnar nerve Finger abduction/

motor function? adduction
(technically, you’re testing the strength
of the “lumbricals” in the hand)

What is the easiest way to test Make the “OK” sign

median nerve function?
(the patient, not you)

What are six significant 1. Compartment syndrome

complications of fractures? 2. Fat emboli
3. Nonunion or malunion
(think vascular complications,
4. Arthritis
infectious complications, bone
5. Avascular necrosis
problems, sudden death problem)
6. Osteomyelitis

What is compartment syndrome? Too much pressure in a closed space cuts

off the arterial supply to that area – soft
tissues die

What is a Volkmann’s When compartment syndrome kills off

contracture? the soft tissues in the forearm
(most common after supracondylar
10 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

What are the “5 Ps” that indicate 1. Pain (earliest finding – more pain than
your patient might have expected)
compartment syndrome? 2. Pallor
3. Paresthesia
4. Paralysis
5. Pulselessness (late finding)

What are the two main 1. Coccydynia (chronic pain)

complications of a coccygeal 2. Rectal injury (from the sharp bone
fracture? fragment)

How is a coccygeal fracture Rectal exam

(feel for the fragment)

What is de Quervain’s A painful overuse syndrome of the radial

tenosynovitis? flexor tendons

How is de Quervain’s treated? Rest


What is “Finkelstein’s test?” 1. Make a fist

2. Bend the wrist toward the ulnar side
3. PAIN!!!
(Ulnar deviation of the wrist, with the hand
in a fist, produces pain)
What diagnosis does it suggest? De Quervain’s tenosynovitis

What type of shoulder Anterior dislocation

dislocation is most common?

What is the most common Axillary nerve damage

complication of a shoulder

How do you test for axillary nerve Sensation over the deltoid
Arm abduction

What medical condition is most A seizure

likely to cause a posterior
shoulder dislocation?
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 11

Which nerve is most likely to be The radial nerve

damaged in mid-shaft humeral
(it sits in the “spiral groove” of the

What happens if the radial nerve Wrist drop

is damaged, in terms of motor

How can you most easily test 1. Motor – Wrist extension

radial nerve function? 2. Sensation – First web space

In addition to seizure, in what other 1. Fall from a height (or other big impact)
situations might you see posterior 2. Lightning strike
shoulder dislocations? 3. High-voltage injury

What do Kanavel’s signs refer to? Signs of flexor tenosynovitis

What are the signs? 1. Fusiform (sausage-like) finger swelling
(4) 2. Pain with palpation of the tendon sheath
3. Severe pain with finger extension (passive
4. Patient holds finger in slightly flexed

How is flexor tenosynovitis Surgical I & D of the sheath


What usually gets a flexor Puncture wound to the volar hand or finger
tenosynovitis infection started?

What is anterior cord syndrome? • Motor paralysis distal to lesion, with loss
of pain and temperature sensation
How does it happen? • Hypotension/vascular accidents or
hyperflexion at the neck

What is the biggest worry about • Injury to the popliteal artery

knee dislocation?
Why? • It’s tethered around the knee
What is the second biggest worry? Damage to the (deep) peroneal nerve –
causes “foot drop”

What is the initial management Splinting to above the elbow &

of a scaphoid fracture? immobilize thumb
12 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

What is the most common Avascular necrosis, leading to arthritis

complication of a scaphoid

Of the carpal bones, which one is The scaphoid

fractured most often?

What physical finding should Pain in the “snuff box” area

make you automatically treat with palpation
for a scaphoid fracture? (X-rays are often negative!)

If a patient injured the wrist/ Splint and refer for ortho follow-up
hand area, and now has
(It’s a scaphoid fracture until proven
tenderness in the snuff box area,
but no other findings on physical
or X-ray, what should you do?

What does a positive Ortolani Developmental dysplasia of the hip

sign indicate? (aka hip dysplasia, formerly known as
“congenital hip dislocation”)

Is developmental dysplasia of the Females (80 %)

hip more common in girls or boys?

What causes developmental Excessive joint laxity

dysplasia of the hip?

How do we check for Ortolani & Barlow maneuvers

developmental dysplasia of the
hip (DDH)?

What are three common risk 1. Female

factors for DDH? 2. Breech birth
3. Dysplasia in the other hip (20 % bilateral)

Is there an inherited component Yes –

to DDH? 10× increased chance of DDH if a parent
also had DDH

How is developmental dysplasia of Pavlik harness brace if caught earlier than

the hip treated in very young 8 weeks of age
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 13

Which racial backgrounds have an Native Americans

unusually high likelihood of DDH?
(Lapland is an northern area of Finland)

Children from which two racial Chinese

backgrounds have a very low
likelihood of DDH?
African American
(or other black populations)

For children older than 8 weeks, Traction and spica cast, and occasionally
how do we treat DDH? surgery

What sign indicates a positive A “clunk”

result for the Barlow & Ortolani

How does the Barlow test differ Barlow is the adduction of flexed hip and
from the Ortolani test? knee, Ortolani is abduction of flexed leg

How is the hip positioned To maintain hip flexion and abduction

in early treatment of DDH?

Too much abduction in the Femoral head necrosis

treatment of DDH may lead to (due to circumflex artery damage)
what complication?

When treating developmental Nerve palsy

dysplasia of the hip with a Pavlik
harness, too much flexion can lead
to what complication?

Are infants from cultures that use Yes

(tight) swaddling at increased risk
for DDH?

What does the Allis test tell you? Whether one femur is “shorter” than the
other, indicating unilateral congenital

How is the Allis test performed? With the patient supine and knees flexed,
compare the heights of the two patellas
14 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

What is the optimal age to treat Before 8 weeks

developmental dysplasia of the

When is surgical correction If the child is more than 1 year old,

of DDH required? or already walking

Which tendons are usually released The Achilles, and sometimes the hallucis
in the treatment of children with tendons

Which foot abnormality is closely “Rocker bottom” foot (congenital vertical

associated with spinal talus)

What is pes calcaneovalgus? A flexed, outward-oriented foot at birth

(“pes” means foot)

How is pes calcaneovalgus treated? Stretching exercises for approximately

3 months

What causes pes calcaneovalgus Interuterine malpositioning of the foot

to develop?

What is metatarsus varus? Inward angulation of the metatarsals

What is the treatment of metatarsus Nothing if asymptomatic – surgical

varus in the older child? osteotomy needed after age 4

If metatarsus varus is diagnosed Casting, followed by straight shoes until

before age 4 months, how can age 2 years
it be treated?

What is metatarsus primus varus? Inward angulation of the first metatarsal only

Why is treating metatarsus primus The great toe is pushed in a valgus direction
varus more important than treating by shoes, leading to bunion formation,
a total metatarsus varus deformity? when only the first metatarsal is affected

Should adolescents be referred to Defer if possible – high recurrence rate

surgery for correction of bunions
(deformity of the metatarso-
phalangeal joint)?

What is pes planovalgus? Flatfoot

1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 15

What is the problem with having It can cause significant “overpronation”

pes planovalgus?

Are corrective shoes required No

if a pes planovalgus foot has full
range of motion?

What is the treatment for pronation Orthotics

in pes planovalgus?

If a pes planovalgus foot does not Other ortho problems such as heel cords,
have full range of motion, what or rocker bottom foot
should you suspect?

What congenital ortho condition Tarsal coalition – tarsals don’t segment

should you suspect if an 8–10-year- correctly, and instead ossify together
old complains of foot pain and

How is tarsal coalition treated? Surgically

What is Gower’s sign? The inability to rise from sitting without

using arms, due to weakness of the leg
(photo items usually show a child
attempting to rise from the floor, with or
without showing use of the arms to help)

What foot deformity is associated Pes cavus

with Friedrich’s ataxia?

What is the alternate name for Myelomeningocele

spina bifida cystica, which is
associated with club foot?

What is amyotonia congenita? Congenital generalized lack of muscle tone

& poor muscle bulk

What is the inheritance pattern There are many underlying disorders –

of amyotonia congenita? can be dominant, recessive, or X-linked

What is the prognosis for Variable, but usually poor – supportive

amyotonia congenita? care only
16 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

Has improved prenatal care No

and fetal monitoring changed
the incidence of cerebral palsy?

Mental retardation is most often Spastic quadriplegia

associated with which type of
cerebral palsy?

It is unlikely that a child with Seven years

cerebral palsy will be able to walk,
if he/she has not already started
walking by what age?

For young children with cerebral “Parachute” and “stepping” reflexes

palsy, presence of which reflexes
improves the likelihood of

What is the parachute reflex? Lifelong reflex that makes our arms fly
out when we feel like we’re falling

What is the stepping reflex? Before infants can weight bear, they will
still “try” to push and step with their legs
if supported

At what age can you make the Age 2

diagnosis of cerebral palsy (and
also have some idea of prognosis)?

Are the bones and joints Generally, no.

of cerebral palsy patients (Bone and joint changes happen with
abnormal from birth? growth and spastic muscles)

What is one of the most important A level pelvis allowing a normal sitting
goals of physical therapy for position reduces morbidity and increases
wheelchair-bound cerebral palsy comfort

What are the primary contributing Aplasia and hypoplasia of multiple

factors to the development of muscle groups
arthrogryposis multiplex
(with congenital joint contractures)

What is the appropriate treatment If it persists for greater than 6 months,

for children who walk with their corrective night braces can be used
toes turned too far in or out?
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 17

What is normal leg position, in Internal tibial torsion

terms of rotation, for most infants?

What are the three most common Legg-Calve-Perthes disease

causes of a limp in a child aged Transient synovitis
5–10 years? Osgood-Schlatter disease

What is the typical gait Wide based, with external rotation

of the newly walking child?

What simple intervention can Placing the child to sleep in the “frog-leg”
assist the correction of “out-toed” position
walking in the older toddler?
(Just curious, but do they stay like that

Does the “W” sitting position It hinders it by putting stress on the femurs,
(medial knee and foot down, toes and making “in-toeing” worse
pointed laterally) help or hinder
bone and gait development?

Is cross-legged sitting Yes

(“Indian style”) good for bone
and gait development?

What is the common name Bow legs

for genu varum? (genu = knee)

Is genu varum ever normal Yes – usually resolves between 18

in children? and 36 months

What is the common name Knock knees

for genu valgum?

Is genu valgum ever normal Yes – Common in 3–6 year olds

in children? (resolves spontaneously)

What is the differential diagnosis Rickets

of severe or persistent genu valgus Dwarfism
or varus? Renal osteodystrophy
(in the presence of renal disease, of course)

What is the recommended Observation

management of a child with a
lower extremity length discrepancy
of less than 3 cm?
18 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

What is the recommended Limb shortening

management of a child with a
lower extremity length discrepancy
of 3–6 cm?

What is the recommended Limb lengthening

management of a child with a
lower extremity length discrepancy
of greater than 6 cm?

What is the differential diagnosis 1. Trauma

of joint effusion in a child? 2. Septic joint
(5 possibilities) 3. Hemophilia (or other bleeding disorder)
4. Rheumatological disease
5. Inflammator infusion (transient synovitis)

What is the underlying pathology Avascular necrosis of the femoral head

in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease? in a growing child

Legg-Calve-Perthes is sometimes Legg-Calve-Perthes

written three different ways. Perthes disease
What are they? Calve-Perthes
They are all the same – don’t worry about it

What is the prognosis Usually good

of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (without treatment)
in a child less than 6 years old?

What is the prognosis of Perthes Usually poor

disease in a child older than 10?

In addition to limping, Hip &

children with Perthes disease Knee
often complain of pain at what
two sites?

In Calve-Perthes disease, hip Extension (abduction can also be affected)

motion is most limited in what

What is the usual treatment for A brace – abduction with internal rotation
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease when position
treatment is needed?
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 19

What is the purpose of To mold the femoral head as it re-ossifies

“containment bracing” in the
treatment of Legg-Perthes disease?

Is hip range of motion limited in Sometimes

transient synovitis?

What laboratory test results CBC and ESR should both be in the normal
reinforce a diagnosis of transient range

What joint does Osgood-Schlatter The knee

disease affect?

What is Osgood-Schlatter disease? Inflammation of the tibial tubercle

What patient group most often Adolescent boys involved in sports

develops Osgood-Schlatter

How is Osgood-Schlatter disease Rest, NSAIDs, and a knee brace

usually treated?

How is Osgood-Schlatter disease Surgical excision of the inflamed point

treated on the rare occasions of the ossicle
when standard management
is not effective?

What must always be in the Hip problem

differential diagnosis of knee pain?

In slipped capital femoral Trick question, all are possible –

epiphysis (SCFE), is the slippage Can be acute, gradual, or sometimes acute
acute or gradual? on gradual

SCFE patients won’t want to move Internal rotation

their leg in which direction,

What are the consequences of None

congenitally missing clavicles?
(Houdini used this to his advantage)

What is Sprengel’s deformity? Abnormal location of the scapula (due to a

problem with embryological migration)
20 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

How does Sprengel’s Like one scapula is missing

deformity look?

Is the scapula missing No, it is abnormally high and recessed

in Sprengel’s deformity?

What radiological study is required A cervical spine series to rule out atlanto-
to clear a Down syndrome patient axial instability
for sports participation?

How is torticollis usually treated Stretching exercises

in children?

What characteristics are seen Webbed neck, low hairline in back,

in a patient with Klippel-Feil and congenital failure of cervical spine
syndrome? segmentation

At what age should children be Age 10

screened for idiopathic scoliosis?

What degree of curvature Greater than 25°

in scoliosis requires treatment
with a brace?

Does pain occur in scoliosis? No, consider a tumor if present

Why is scoliosis not treated It is not effective

after the skeleton is mature? +
scoliosis doesn’t worsen after
skeletal maturity

What are the measurements used Cobb measurements

to evaluate scoliosis called?

What type of scoliosis is associated Left thoracic

with neurological problems?

At what degree of curvature must Greater than 40°

surgical correction of scoliosis be
performed for medical versus
cosmetic reasons?

Can scoliosis be present Yes, there can be rib or spinal abnormalities,

congenitally? or infantile thoracotomy can produce it
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 21

“Growing pains” at night relieved Osteoid osteoma

by aspirin/NSAIDS are suggestive
of what diagnosis?

Do children get vertebral disc Yes, they sometimes present as a painful

herniations? scoliosis

Where do children with a herniated In the leg, as opposed to the back

disk complain of pain?

Bone scans often help with the Stress fractures

diagnosis of what three problems? Osteomyelitis

What is the preferred study for MRI

diagnosing disc herniation?

What physical exam sign is likely Straight leg raise or

to be positive in a patient with a crossed straight leg raise
herniated disc? (when you raise the unaffected leg, the
patient feels pain on the other side)

Is surgery usually indicated No – high failure rate

in children with disc herniation?

In addition to disc herniation, Intraspinal tumors

MRI is especially useful for
diagnosing what other sort
of important spinal growths?

What is diastematomyelia? A long, cartilaginous cleft in the spinal cord

Occult spinal dysraphisms, Urinary incontinence

including diastematomyelia, Leg weakness
present with what signs Gait problems, and
and symptoms? Foot deformity

What is the most common cause of Poor posture

low back pain in adolescents?

Can poor posture be corrected? Yes – physical therapy can be quite helpful

What is Scheuermann’s kyphosis? A fixed, structural kyphosis of the thoracic

spine, affecting three or more vertebrae
22 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

Which sex is more likely to Males

develop Scheuermann’s kyphosis?

Can discitis be diagnosed based No – needle biopsy and culture are required
on physical exam and radiology

What disorder must be ruled out in Osteogenesis imperfecta must be considered

any child with birth fractures?
(although many normal infants have birth

How are birth-related clavicle They are not treated – heal within 10 days
fractures treated?

How are birth-related femur Traction for 3 weeks

fractures treated?

What diagnoses should be Spondyloarthropathies,

considered in a child with low back such as ankylosing, spondylitis
and poorly localized extremity
pain, not associated with activity?
Malignancy (e.g., leukemia)

What sex and HLA group Male sex &

are associated with the HLA-B27 positive

In the reduction of a long bone Rotational alignment

fracture, which directional
alignment is most important?

What factor determines the amount The younger a patient is, the more
of displacement and angulation angulation and displacement are allowed
that can remain after a fracture

Which Salter-Harris fracture type Type I

is a slipped capital femoral

Do long bone fractures in children Only in the rotational plane

require anatomic reduction?

Why is anatomic reduction not Because extensive remodeling will occur,

critical in children? correcting most misalignment
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 23

Which Salter-Harris-type fractures Types III and IV

require anatomic reduction?

Which humeral fracture requires Supracondylar fractures—malunion

close monitoring and management? and Volkmann’s contracture can occur

What is a common sequelae Elbow stiffness

of supracondylar fracture?

Are weight-bearing exercises, No—ROM improves with time

or physical therapy, indicated to
improve ROM in supracondylar

What causes “gunstock deformity” Malunion and/or rotary misalignment after

of the arm? a supracondylar fracture
(looks like a hump in the arm)

How is the “gunstock deformity” Surgically


Should gunstock deformity be No – it is often a cosmetic issue only

corrected routinely?

At what age should children’s Age 14

fractures be treated the same as
adult fractures?

What technique is often used to Completing the fracture

improve the angulation of
greenstick fractures?

If the positioning of a fracture is One end of the fracture overrides the other
described as “bayonet” fracture
(looks like an old-fashioned bayonet design)
alignment, what does that mean?

Is “overriding” in a femur fracture Yes – the leg can lengthen at the epiphysis
acceptable? to compensate

What form of traction is commonly Skin traction

used in femur fractures of very
small children?
24 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

Why can traction in pediatric The traction stimulates growth at the

fractures result in a lengthened epiphysis

Why is ORIF (open reduction/ There is a high rate of osteomyelitis

internal fixation) generally not and nonunion
used to treat femur fractures in

How are tibial shaft fractures With closed reduction and casting
treated in children?

How are metatarsal and toe With a walking boot (a rigid flat-soled shoe)
fractures usually treated? for several weeks

Fractures involving which bone The articular (joint) surface

surface always require surgical

Which tarsal bone is fractured The calcaneus

most often?

What is the most common A fall from a height

mechanism for a calcaneus

What other injury is associated L2–L5 fractures

with calcaneal fractures?
(finding a calcaneal fracture should always
make you evaluate the lumbar spine)

What are four signs of meniscal Catching

injury? Locking
“Giving way”
Pain while climbing stairs

What factor is the main Finger alignment and hand grip must be
determinant of whether hand preserved
fractures require surgical

What is a felon? An infection in the pulp space

(in medicine, that is) of the finger tip

How are felons treated? With I & D and antibiotics

1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 25

What does a posterior fad pad The presence of a radial head fracture
indicate on an elbow radiograph? (can sometimes be a supracondylar fracture,

What is the common name Buckle fracture

for a torus fracture?

What is a Lisfranc dislocation? A traumatic dislocation between the tarsals

and the metatarsals, so they no longer line up

Which part of the spine is affected The lumbar spine

by Chance fractures? (vertebral body disruption)

What mechanism most often A motor vehicle accident when wearing a

causes Chance fractures? lap belt without a shoulder belt

Are Chance fractures stable Unstable – risk of spinal cord injury

or unstable?

What is a third-degree ankle sprain? Complete rupture of ankle ligaments

Which ligament is most commonly The anterior talofibular

injured in ankle sprains?
(talofibular is easy to remember – you know
that most people injure the outer ankle,
where the talus connects to the fibula)

What are the signs of Achilles 1. Bruising at the posterior ankle/foot

tendon rupture? 2. Soft concave area at the back of the ankle
(3) 3. Positive Thompson’s test
(no plantar flexion when the calf is squeezed)

How is an Achilles tendon rupture Splinting in plantar flexion, then usually

treated? surgical repair

What are two simple techniques Make an “OK” sign with the hand
to evaluate median nerve
Flex the index and middle fingers

What is a Jeffersonian, or burst The bony ring of the C1 vertebra bursts

fracture? outward in multiple pieces

How does a Jeffersonian fracture From an axial load on the head, such
usually occur? as an auto passenger hitting the roof
(or a diving injury)
26 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

Which vertebrae most commonly The cervical vertebrae

develop burst fractures?

Are burst fractures stable or Unstable – surgical repair


What is the typical appearance The lower extremity is flexed

of a patient with a posterior hip and internally rotated
(sometimes called “embarrassed
swimmer’s” position)

What is the typical mechanism for MVC while passenger traveling with foot
a posterior hip dislocation? on the dashboard
(can sometimes happen with knee impact
on dashboard)

What is the most common Avascular necrosis

complication of a hip fracture?

What is the most common type of An intertrochanteric fracture

hip fracture?
(literally goes between the greater and lesser
trochanter of the hip – makes sense, because
that’s the part of the hip that sticks out)

What is the most common Pain and limited ROM with abduction
finding in rotator cuff injuries? and external rotation

What is the most commonly Medial collateral

injured knee ligament in kids?

Why are femur fractures Blood loss

dangerous? (one liter easily)
Fat emboli

What is the most common Staph aureus

pathogen in septic arthritis?

What is the most common Salmonella

“special” pathogen causing
septic arthritis in sickle cell
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 27

What does the “Boutonniere” PIP is flexed, DIP is extended

finger deformity look like?

What causes the Boutonniere Rupture or dislocation of the central

deformity? extensor tendon from its attachment on
the middle phalanx

What two methods are used to Rest/splinting/NSAIDs

manage carpal tunnel syndrome?
Surgical release of the median nerve in the
carpal tunnel

When is surgical correction When rotation of the fractured metacarpal

required for metacarpal fractures? interferes with grip
(>5° of rotation is a problem)

Why is rotation so important in Because if the metacarpal is rotated too

metacarpal fractures? far, the finger alignment suffers, and grip
strength is lost
(You can’t hold a beer can anymore!)

If you are a metacarpal, As you might guess, the closer you are to
how much rotation is too the thumb, the straighter you must be!
much, in general terms?

How much angulation is permitted 5th—45°

in the various metacarpal fractures 4th—35°
to ensure function? 3rd—15°
(the closer it is to the thumb, the less
rotation is okay)

Is any treatment required after No

reduction of a patellar (a knee immobilizer is usually provided
dislocation? for stability)

What is the danger of a medial Injury to the great vessels nearby

clavicle fracture?

How is flexor tenosynovitis Tenosynovitis is an infection

different from tendonitis? (& it’s an emergency),
tendonitis is inflammatory
28 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

How is flexor tenosynovitis Surgical I & D by an ortho or hand

treated? specialist

What is the main complication Infection

of open fractures?

How is the initial management Antibiotics, tetanus prophylaxis, and lavage

of an open fracture different from are required

What is a Charcot joint? Poorly defined bony outlines

(usually in the ankle), caused by multiple

What underlying problem leads Lack of sensation and proprioception

to Charcot joint?

Who typically develops Charcot Diabetics, and other patients with peripheral
joints? neuropathies

How many categories are in the Five

original Salter-Harris fracture
classification system?

Which Salter fracture has the Type 5 –

worse prognosis? Possibility of no further growth! – plate
compressed onto metaphysis

Which Salter fracture is most • Type 2

common, and what does • Goes through the plate & up into the
it look like? metaphysis

Which Salter-Harris fractures Types 3 and 4

go down, through the epiphysis?

How is a Salter 3 different from • Salter 4 goes up & down

a Salter 4? • Salter 3 goes through the plate, then
down only

Which two Salter-Harris Types 1 and 5

fractures are often “invisible”
(Type 1 is slipped or apart)
on X-ray?
(Type 5 is compressed)
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 29

How could you describe the Apart (out)

Salter-Harris fractures in order, Up
using one word each? Down
Through (both)
(Kind of sounds like a workout routine –
some students have found that an arm
routine helps them to remember which is

Foot puncture wounds and IV Pseudomonas

drug abuse habits put you
at risk for what unusual type
of osteomyelitis (organism)?

When “tapping” a knee or bursa, Introduction of infection

what is the main concern?

How is bursitis usually treated? Rest and NSAIDs

What is pseudosubluxation A 2–3 mm misalignment of the anterior

of the C-spine in pediatrics? cervical line
(normal variant in kids less than 8 years
old – that’s why it’s “pseudosubluxation”)

What is the anatomically based Idiopathic tibia vara

name for “Blount disease?”

Which kids tend to develop Blount Obese kids

disease? (can be any age group – most severe when it
starts early)

How can you remember what Think of the weight of the child making the
happens in Blount disease? legs “bow out” at the knee

What happens to make the legs Overgrowth of one side of the tibia at the joint
bow out in Blount disease?

Is Blount disease common? No

How is Blount disease treated? Usually with bracing – severe cases can be
30 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

What is a plastic deformity No visible fracture BUT

fracture? Bone is bent beyond its normal limits
(there are microfractures not seen on X-ray)

Which children are most likely to Very young children with forearm injuries
have a plastic deformity fracture?

How are plastic deformity fractures Closed reduction usually under general
treated? anesthesia if it is severe enough to cause
cosmetic or functional issues

Can plastic deformity fractures be It depends –

observed & allowed to remodel? Remodeling is most successful in children
<6 years old, with not very severe deformity

What is a Monteggia fracture? The proximal 1/3 of the ulna fractures,

while the radial head dislocates
To make an “M” with your arms, fold your
hands together in the middle, bending your
wrists, then bend your elbow joints a bit.
You need to use your elbows & your wrists
– Monteggia therefore involves both the
wrist (radial head dislocation) and the
elbow area (proximal ulnar fracture)

What is a Galeazzi fracture? The distal 1/3 of the radius fractures,

with dislocation of the radial-ulnar joint
(Note: This one is generally all distal.
The Monteggia involves the area near the

What is the order in which the C – capitellum (1 year)

elbow ossification centers mature? R – radial head (3 years)
I – inner condyle (5 years)
T – trochlea (7 years)
O – olecranon (9 years)
E – external condyle (11 years)

What is a “toddler’s fracture?” A distal tibia fracture when the child is new
to walking (about 9 months to 3 years)
1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items 31

What is the classic mechanism for A planted foot with rotation

a toddler’s fracture?

When is a femoral fracture very If the child is non-ambulatory

worrying for child abuse?

Which four fractures are • Posterior rib fractures

pathognomonic for child abuse? • Spiral fractures in the non-ambulatory
• Metaphyseal (bucket handle) fractures
• Sternal fractures

How is the pattern of C-spine High cervical spine fractures are more
fracture different in young common (C3 & above)
children, compared to adolescents
(older adolescents & adults most typically
or adults?
fracture C6-T1)

Why do younger children have this Bigger head compared to body

pattern of C-spine fractures?
Higher fulcrum for the force
(3 reasons)
Smaller & weaker neck musculature

What radiological marker is helpful The posterior line (of Swischuk) –

for identifying pseudosubluxation Draw a line between the posterior arches
in the C-spine, and how do you of C1 & C3
use it?
C2’s anterior aspect of its posterior arch
should be within 2 mm of the line, if it is

What are the most common sites Distal femur & proximal tibia (around the
for osteosarcoma to develop in knee) – 60 %
Proximal femur – 15 %
Proximal humerus – 10 %

What is the usual imaging modality CT is needed to determine precise

for triplanar ankle fractures? arrangement of the fracture
(Do plain films first)

What is “triplanar” about a Coronal, sagittal, & transverse planes of

triplanar ankle fracture? injury are present –
In general:
Metaphysis – coronal fracture
Growth plate – transverse fracture
Epiphysis – sagittal fracture
32 1 General Orthopedics Question and Answer Items

Why is this injury a uniquely It occurs due to asymmetric (uneven)

pediatric injury? closure of the tibial growth plate during
a period of about 18 months

What are Salter-Harris fractures VI – Injury to the perichondral structures

types VI & IX (6 & 9)? (may still affect growth)
IX – Injury to the periosteum, which can
affect (membranous) growth

If a child sustains a fracture, Salter-Harris type VII (7)

and only the epiphyseal plate
is damaged, what is the name
of that fracture?

If the metaphysis only is injured, Salter-Harris type VIII (8)

but in an area that might affect
growth, what Salter-Harris name
is now given to that fracture?
Chapter 2
General Trauma Question and Answer Items

What are the ABCDEs of trauma A airway intact?

resuscitation? B breathing okay?
C circulation okay? (& C-spine?)
D disability (anything not working?)
E exposure (seeing all of the patient)

What is the best radiology Noncontrast head CT

study for the initial evaluation (US can only be used in very young
of possible head injury? infants with open fontanelles & is not
recommended for head trauma evaluation)

When should you obtain an For possible spinal cord compression

emergent MRI? (if MRI is available – the images are
much better than CT images)

What X-rays should be ordered C-spine

for every major trauma patient? Chest
Pelvis X-ray or CT abdomen/pelvis
(others as needed, depending on injuries)

In general, what is the correct Exploratory laparotomy

management for a patient with
penetrating abdominal trauma?

How do you treat an open • Use an occlusive dressing to cover three

pneumothorax? sides of the wound (air gets out, but not
(2 techniques) into the chest)
• Intubation and positive pressure
ventilation may also be needed

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 33

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_2
34 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

What is the other name for an open A sucking chest wound

(the diameter of the opening determines
how much sucking it will do – bigger is

What is the correct treatment Pericardiocentesis

for an unstable patient thought
to have cardiac tamponade?

Can penetrating trauma cause Yes – usually left chest trauma

cardiac tamponade?

What are the five physical 1. Hypotension

findings you should expect with 2. Distended neck veins
cardiac tamponade? 3. Muffled heart sounds
(The first three are known as 4. Pulsus paradoxus
“Beck’s triad.”) 5. Clear lung sounds

How do you treat massive • Chest tube and volume support

hemothorax? • If the bleeding does not stop shortly after
insertion of the chest tube, clamp it and
get the patient to the OR

What is the most common cause Atelectasis

of a fever in the first 24-h

What is a flail chest? An injury that produces a segment of the

chest wall that moves independently from the
rest of the chest wall (due to rib fractures)

How do you get a flail chest? You break multiple, adjacent ribs in at least
two places
(This allows that segment of chest to “float
free” from the rest of the ribs)

Why is flail chest a bad thing? It causes inadequate respiration due to –

1. Pain
2. Pulmonary contusion
3. Probable shunting due to
paradoxical motion
(when the patient tries to breathe in, that
part of the chest wall goes in rather than
expanding out with the rest)
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 35

How do you treat flail chest? 1. Pain meds

2. Try to prevent paradoxical motion
(lie the patient on the injury, or
sand bag the area)
3. Intubation
4. Positive pressure ventilation is
often necessary

What is the most common cause Head injury

of death that immediately follows
a motor vehicle collision?

What is the most common cause Head injury

of death that immediately follows
a fall from a significant height?

What puts a patient at risk for Rapid deceleration

aortic rupture?
(the aorta is “tethered” at the ligamentum
arteriosum, and the rapid rotation can
damage it)

What typically causes Blunt trauma

diaphragmatic rupture?

Which side of the diaphragm Left side

usually ruptures?

What is the best thing to do with Replace it in the socket ASAP

an avulsed (permanent) tooth?

Is it alright to clean an avulsed Gentle saline wash is alright, if necessary

tooth, if it has gotten dirty?
(but never scrub a tooth!!!)

What is the best thing to do with 1. Put it in “Hanks’ solution”

an avulsed permanent tooth if 2. Put it in milk if you don’t have
the patient cannot keep it in the the special solution
socket (due to patient age,
associated fracture, etc.)

What is the best thing to do with Nothing –

an avulsed deciduous tooth? See a dentist for follow-up
36 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

What should you do for a Observe only.

choking victim who is still They will usually clear the object on
breathing? their own.

What should you do for a • Heimlich if they stop breathing

choking victim who stops • Abdominal thrust if they pass out
breathing? • Back blows are for very young

What are the signs of a tension Tracheal deviation

pneumothorax? Hypotension
(3) Faint heart sounds
(& sometimes heart sounds in an unusual

How is tension pneumothorax Clinically!!!

diagnosed? (You are supposed to initiate treatment
before an X-ray is taken)

How is tension pneumothorax Needle thoracostomy initially,

Chest tube (to water seal)

A proper lateral C-spine X-ray C1 – T1

must include what portions (Top of T1, not necessarily the whole thing)
of the spine?

What position should the C-spine be Neutral

in when the lateral X-ray is taken?
(Avoid hyperflexion or hyperextension)

If you suspect pneumothorax, but Exhalation chest X-ray

can’t see it on the chest X-ray,
(this makes the pneumo bigger and easier
what study should you order?
to see)

Why does a tension pneumothorax Air goes into the abnormal space, but
get worse as time passes? cannot escape, worsening the pressure on
normal structures with each breath

In a tension pneumothorax, The patient should have it

what do you expect in terms
(not all of them do, of course)
of pulsus paradoxus?

What is pulsus paradoxus? Drop in systolic BP >10 mmHg during

2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 37

What is often noticed about the Distended neck veins

neck veins of patients with (too much pressure for the blood to enter
tension pneumothorax? the atrium)

In tension pneumothorax, should Low –

the diaphragm on the affected side that side of the chest is full of air under
be high or low? pressure

In a tension pneumothorax, heart Hyperresonant

sounds are often distant, but the (more empty area than usual)
lungs are _______________?

If a tension pneumothorax The trachea moves away from the tension

causes tracheal deviation, which pneumothorax
direction will the trachea go? (the pressure pushes it)
Toward or away from the site
of the tension pneumothorax?

What is the hallmark on EKG QRS complexes that alternate between large
for pericardial tamponade? amplitude and small amplitude

What is the special name for QRS Electrical alternans

complexes that alternate between
large amplitude and small

In electrical alternans, how much It doesn’t –

does the width of the QRS vary? only the amplitude varies

Supposedly, why does electrical The heart is swinging back and forth
alternans occur? through the fluid-filled pericardial sac

Aortic dissection due to trauma is 1st or 2nd rib fractures

associated with what types of
fractures, especially?

Aortic dissection due to trauma Rapid deceleration

usually follows what type of

Traumatic aortic dissection usually Between the ligamentum arteriosum

begins at what anatomic location? & the left subclavian
(has to do with where the artery is
38 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

What is the classic physical finding BP is different in the two arms

for aortic dissection? (in reality, this finding is neither sensitive
nor specific)

What findings on chest X-ray 1. Wider than normal mediastinum

suggest aortic dissection? 2. Indistinct aortic knob
(3) 3. Esophageal deviation to the right

If an aortic dissection patient The dissection has gone backward and

develops a new heart murmur, damaged the aortic valve
what does this most likely

Neurological findings, The dissection has cut off circulation

particularly paralysis of one either to a limb, or to some of the arteries
or both lower extremities, can feeding the spinal cord
be a presentation of aortic
dissection. How?

Generally, what is the best way to CT with contrast

diagnose aortic dissection? (TEE/US can also be used, but CT often
gives more information faster)

Rarely, an aortic dissection patient Pressure on the recurrent laryngeal nerve

might also be hoarse. Why? (it wraps around the ligamentum
arteriosum on that side)

Rarely, an aortic dissection patient Mass effect from the dissection creating
might present with neck swelling, SVC syndrome
ruddy complexion, and distended
head & neck veins. Why?

What are the three categories 1. Eye opening

you are checking when you use 2. Motor response
the Glasgow Coma Scale? 3. Verbal response

How many points do you get on Three

the Glasgow Coma Scale if (There is no zero in the scale)
you’re dead?

What is a perfect score on the Fifteen

Glasgow Coma Scale? (Five per category)
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 39

If a patient with head trauma Lidocaine, 1 mg/kg

requires intubation, what (It “blunts” the increase in ICP with
medication are you supposed to laryngoscopy)
give first?

If you are doing a very brief AVPU evaluation

trauma survey, you won’t have (The choices are:
time to do the Glasgow Coma A – alert
Scale. What should you use V – verbal but not totally alert
instead? P – pain response
U – unresponsive)

Which three medications are Succinylcholine (short acting paralytic)

most standard for rapid sequence
Atropine for children ≤1 year old
intubation (RSI) in children?
(bradycardia prevention)
An induction agent given before the
paralytic (choices include etomidate,
propofol, ketamine, thiopental, or fentanyl)

Which benzodiazepine medication Midazolam (Versed®)

was very commonly used in RSI, (onset too slow & potency too variable
but is no longer recommended as a between individuals)
first line choice?

Atropine used to be given Data have not clearly supported its

routinely to older children effectiveness in preventing bradycardia
with RSI. Why is it used in children older than 1 year
less now?
Atropine is still definitely useful for
reducing secretions

For which kids should atropine Those ≤1 year old

nearly always be used, if doing
Consider in children <5 years old
an RSI?
if succinylcholine will also be given

Following RSI, what medications A longer lasting paralytic –

need to be given, for patient safety Most often Rocuronium is used
& comfort?
Something for agitation/pain –
Most often fentanyl is used
40 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

Succinylcholine should not be used Burn & crush injury more than 24 h prior to
in which patients? intubation (the K+ takes time to rise)
Known or suspected hyperkalemia
Open globe injury (eye)

What alternative paralytic can Rocuronium

be used in patients for whom
succinylcholine is contraindicated?

What is the main negative to using Much longer duration of action

the alternative paralytic agent (if intubation unsuccessful, patient cannot
in RSI? breathe on his or her own for at least 30 min)
(Note: a reversal agent has been developed
called Sugammadex. It is in use in the EU,
but not yet in the US)

Surgical cricothyroidotomy 8 years

should not be done in children
less than what age?

When should you choose a needle If you cannot intubate the trachea, and
cricothyroidotomy, rather than the bag-valve-mask technique is not
a more definitive airway? working well (for example, with significant
orofacial trauma)

Especially in a child, inability Intraosseous or central venous access

to obtain IV access should make (intraosseous is usually quicker
you consider what other options? and better in kids)

If a patient is hypotensive, the Fluid boluses –

first (and second) thing you
Give normal saline or lactated ringers
should do to try to fix the
pressure is ______________?

If you are treating a hypotensive 20 ccs per kilogram

pediatric patient, how should you (can dose repeatedly)
“dose” the fluid resuscitation?

What must you watch out for 1. Many central lines are long – the longer
if you use a central line the tube, the slower the fluid flows
to deliver fluids? 2. Many central lines have multiple
(2) lumens – more lumens mean smaller
lumens, and this slows fluid delivery
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 41

If a patient is hypotensive, is it NO! Fill the tank first!

acceptable to give pressors as (Give fluids first)
a first response?

How much fluid should you give One liter –

a hypotensive adolescent/adult, Okay to repeat
in general, when you are initially
(most trauma sources now recommend
trying to correct hypotension?
leaving the pressure a little low, rather
than aggressively fluid resuscitating
to normal BP)

If crystalloid does not correct Blood – packed RBCs usually

hypotension, what type of fluid (whole blood is also fine, but rarely used)
should be given next?

Pain in the shoulder following Diaphragmatic irritation from blood

trauma can sometimes be in the belly
a sign of what abdominal (or injury to the spleen or liver)

Shoulder pain that is really Kehr’s sign

referred abdominal pain is called
__________? (eponym)

Cullen’s sign refers to what Ecchymosis around the umbilicus

finding in the belly following

Grey-Turner’s sign is another Flank ecchymosis

eponymic trauma sign. What is it?
or retroperitoneal bleeding)

Where are you supposed to look Flanks (Grey-Turner sign)

for ecchymosis related to
abdominal trauma?
Umbilicus (Cullen’s sign)

What is the best diagnostic CT scan

technique for evaluating (US FAST can be used as a “quick look”
abdominal trauma? prior to more specific diagnosis)
42 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

If, for some reason, CT scan is Ultrasound “FAST” scan

not available, and you suspect (specific locations are checked for fluid –
abdominal trauma, what other gives general but not very specific
diagnostic modalities are anatomic information)
available to you?
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL)
Rarely used, but sometimes still on exams

What findings on DPL indicate 1. Food/feces

that there is an abdominal 2. >1,000 RBCs/cc
injury? 3. >10 ccs of free flowing blood

Adults & school-aged children Left

usually develop traumatic
(in neonates, it is more common for
diaphragmatic rupture on which
diaphragms to rupture on the right)
side of the body?

How is a “myocardial contusion” Observation only, usually

treated? (antiarrhythmics can be used if needed –
usually not necessary)

How is myocardial contusion Abnormal wall motion (transient) on

usually diagnosed? echocardiogram

How does a patient develop a Blunt trauma to the chest

myocardial contusion?

What is the main consequence Arrhythmia – but rarely significant

of myocardial contusion? (fortunately)

What is the most common sign of Tachycardia

myocardial contusion?

Splenic injury in children is Non-operative

usually managed in what way? (increasingly common in adults, too)

Although the spleen is the The liver

abdominal organ most often (it’s the biggest abdominal organ, so
injured in blunt trauma, which it makes the biggest target)
is the organ most often injured in
penetrating trauma?
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 43

How is traumatic liver injury Non-operative

usually managed? (observation & supportive care)

Significant splenic and hepatic Embolization

bleeding that requires intervention
can sometimes still be managed
nonsurgically. How?

Sudden cessation of the heart Commotio cordis/tardus

beat following trauma to the
(this medical term occurs as either cordis
chest is called
or tardus)

A child or adult hit in the chest Commotio cordis/commotion tardus

with a ball, who suddenly drops (cessation of heart rhythm due to sudden
to the ground, is suffering from mechanical impact)

Which children are at greatest 1. Handicapped kids

risk for injuries from abuse? 2. Preemies
(5) 3. Children of young/overstressed or
depressed parents
4. Multiple births
5. Parents were abused

If one or more retinal hemorrhages Abuse

are mentioned on physical exam in (often from shaking)
a vignette, without any other
physical findings, what is the likely

What kind of rib fracture is Posterior

pathognomonic of child abuse?

In terms of fractures, the overall Multiple fractures in multiple stages

pattern you expect to see in child of healing
abuse is _____________?

If something in the history or “Skeletal survey”

physical suggests child abuse, (X-ray the whole skeleton to look for old
what radiology study do you fractures)
need to order?
44 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

On head CT, what finding is Interhemispheric subdural hematoma

pathognomonic for child abuse?

Especially in very young Metaphyseal corner fractures

children, what type of long (aka “bucket-handle” fractures)
bone fracture commonly occurs
with abuse?

For children older than 1 year, Diaphyseal fractures

what type of fracture most often (fractures of the middle of the bone – not
occurs with abuse? the very end)

Is a diaphyseal fracture No – of course not

pathognomonic for child abuse? (could have happened in a car accident,
fall, etc.)

Is a metaphyseal corner fracture Yes

pathognomonic of child abuse? (with rare exceptions)

What aspects of the history If the story doesn’t fit the injury
should especially tip you off
to investigate possible abuse?

Are non-depressed skull Yes

fractures suggestive of child (only suggestive, though – most will not
abuse? be abuse)

In terms of skin findings, what is 1. Unusual burn patterns (perineal or

most suggestive of child abuse? stocking & glove patterns)
(3) 2. Linear injuries or other shapes
consistent with a particular object
3. Multiple bruises, especially those not
over bony prominences (not where you
would expect them)
(judging the age of bruises is very difficult
to estimate, so it is no longer recommended
to look for bruises “in different stages of

If a child develops anogenital Abuse is possible, but

warts in the first year of life, perinatal acquisition of this common
what are the likely causes? pathogen also occurs

Are laryngeal papillomas No –

suspicious for sexual abuse? Usually acquired perinatally
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 45

Which STD is pathognomonic Gonorrhea

for sexual abuse?
(Chlamydia is sometimes vertically
transmitted from mother to child)

What risk factor is most Family history of abuse

associated with physical abuse?

Round or wide linear bruises Cupping

along the back may indicate
what health practices seen
mainly in Asian populations? Coining

If a parent has used coin rubbing No –

or cupping to treat his/her child, It is a normal practice within certain
should you evaluate for abuse? cultures, and does not result in any
significant harm

What is the leading cause of Trauma

death in pediatrics and young (mainly motor vehicle accidents)

Trauma causes what proportion 1/2

of pediatric deaths?

What is the most common Developmental & genetic conditions

(general) cause of death for already present at birth
children in the first year of life,
in developed nations?

What is the second most common SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
cause of death for children ≤1 year
(followed by prematurity & low birth
old in developed nations?
weight-related conditions)

What is the most common cause of Infectious disease

death in the first year of life, (especially due to pneumonia, diarrhea, &
worldwide? malaria, often complicated by decreased
immune function due to malnutrition)

What is the leading cause Trauma

of death for children & young
adults age 2–24 years, in North
46 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

What are the other very common Developmental & genetic conditions
(general) causes of death for already present at birth
children 2–5 years old, in
developed nations?

How is the pattern for likely They are the same except that the second &
causes of death different in the third most common causes reverse:
5–14 year old group, compared
2–5 year olds:
to the 1–5 year old group?
Developmental & genetic conditions
present at birth
5–14 year olds:
Developmental & genetic conditions
present at birth

How is the pattern for general Trauma remains #1, followed by

causes of death different for the Homicide – #2
oldest pediatric group, ages 15 & Suicide – #3
above in the US?

What is the most common lethal Head trauma

injury in pediatrics?

When should you definitely not try Same situations in which you shouldn’t
nasotracheal intubation, based on place an NG tube –
patient injuries?
Significant orofacial trauma or
Basilar skull fracture
If the patient isn’t breathing at all

Is nasotracheal intubation No
recommended in children who
have not yet reached adolescence?

Which fractures generally Femur

carry the biggest risk of severe
blood loss?
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 47

Which blood type is the universal O negative

blood donor? (It is okay to use O positive in an acute
trauma setting, if that is the best answer
choice available.)

What does “universal blood donor” This blood type doesn’t generate an
mean? immune response in anyone

What is the best early indicator Delayed capillary refill

of blood loss on physical exam in (>2 s)

When shouldn’t you place an It’s fractured

intraosseous line in a particular
an IO has already been attempted and
placement failed (meaning the bone already
has a hole in it from the attempted

What complications do you worry 1. Infection (osteomyelitis)

about with intraosseous lines? 2. Growth plate injury (angle away from it)
(4) 3. Fat emboli
4. Fluid leak/compartment syndrome

What sort of laryngoscope blade Straight (Miller)

is usually recommended in

How do you know how far to insert 3× the diameter of the tube
the ET tube? (gives you the number of centimeters from
the lips)

How do you know how large of a Age  4

tube you can use in small patients? 4

Which is more common in Injuries

children, C-spine fractures or
C-spine injuries?

What is it called if you have a SCIWORA

spinal cord injury, but no (Spinal Cord Injury WithOut
fracture or other X-ray Radiological Abnormality)
48 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

If a patient is in a motor vehicle Axonal shear injury aka diffuse axonal injury–
collision, and is not conscious Common with rapid deceleration
upon arrival, but has no evidence
(might get better, might not)
of specific head trauma or injury,
what is the likely explanation?

What is the 2-year mortality >25 %

for undiagnosed child abuse?

Does intracranial bleeding lead No –

to hypotension? If anything, it tends to cause hypertension,
as a reaction to the bleed

What is “Cushing’s response?” Hypertension

In response to elevated ICP

Is Cushing’s response (or reflex) Late (and it is not always seen at all)
usually seen early in the course
of an intracranial bleed, or late?

Does scalp bleeding lead to Yes – bleeds profusely

hypotension? (especially in kids)

In addition to motor vehicle Assaults

collisions and burns, what other Falls
types of trauma frequently cause Bicycle related
pediatric injury & death?

If a pregnant Mom is injured, what Resuscitate the Mom

is the guiding principle in taking
care of the baby?

If there is head trauma, what must The C-spine

you always remember to check? (5 % will have a C-spine fracture!)

What is a contrecoup injury? The part of the brain that gets hurt when it
sloshes and hits the part of the skull
opposite the original impact

Which stuff dripping out of the CSF –

head tells you that you might be Can drain from the nose (rhinorrhea)
dealing with a basilar skull or the ear (otorrhea)
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 49

What unreliable test still The ring test –

sometimes appears on board Put a drop of the liquid on filter paper (or a
exams, that is meant to tell you sheet) and if a ring forms around the outside
whether the fluid coming from edge, it is supposed to be CSF
someone’s head is CSF or not?

If your head trauma patient has 80 %

hemotympanum, how likely is it
that he/she has a basilar skull

What other signs of bleeding on Battle’s sign – blood over the mastoid
the face or head tells you to look Raccoon eyes – blood around the orbit
for a basilar skull fracture?

If you find a basilar skull fracture, Usually observe and alert

what should you do about it? neurosurgery –
(Antibiotics not useful)

If your trauma patient has rib If they are isolated fractures (not flail chest),
fractures, what should you do? give pain management
(Binding the area sometimes helps the pain,
but is a risk for complications such as
hypoventilation & pneumonia. You need to
encourage deep breathing)

What is it important to give to a rib An incentive spirometer & instructions on

fracture patient, to encourage deep how to use it!
breathing, other than adequate pain
(helps to prevent atelectasis & pneumonia)

What should you look for in any Pneumothorax or pulmonary contusion

patient with a rib fracture?

If a patient fractures a lower rib, Spleen or liver injury

what problems must you consider,
in addition to lung issues?

Are rib fractures diagnosed by Diagnosis is clinical –

X-ray? 50 % will not show on X-ray

What is most worrisome about a It took a lot of force to do that

sternal fracture? (other structures may be damaged)
50 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

Decreased breath sounds on the Hemothorax

right, dullness to percussion, and (patient may also be tachycardic/
respiratory distress combined with hypotensive)
right sided blunt trauma suggests
what diagnosis?

A child is restrained in the rear Chance fracture of the lumbar vertebra

seat in the rear seat with a lap (unstable)
belt only. A motor vehicle
collision occurs. What fracture
is this child at special risk to

What intraabdominal injury is Perforated gut/viscus

a child with a Chance fracture at
unusually high risk for?

An adolescent is riding in the Pancreatitis/pancreatic injury

passenger seat with just the
shoulder belt on. A frontal motor
vehicle collision occurs. What
intraabdominal injury is this child
at special risk to develop?

A child has a problem while Pancreatitis/pancreatic injury

riding his bike. He goes over the
handlebars. What
intraabdominal injuries should Duodenal hematoma
you be considering for this child?
(2 main injuries)

What urological exam findings 1. Blood at the meatus

should you be especially looking 2. Perineal bruising
for in trauma? 3. Boggy prostate (if age appropriate)

If any of the trauma urological Retrograde urethrogram –

exam signs is positive, what do you Do not place foley until the urethra is
need to do next (assuming your confirmed to be intact!
patient is stable)?

Which physical exam finding means Gross hematuria

you need radiological evaluation of (Most injuries are minor & managed
the kidney (IVP, CT, etc.)? conservatively)
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 51

Bladder injury is usually associated Penetrating

with what sorts of trauma?
Compression of the abdomen

Are you more likely to die of Rural

trauma in a city, or in a rural area? (70 % of trauma fatalities are rural)

Your patient has an apparent spinal Neurogenic shock

cord injury, and is hypotensive. (vasodilation in response to the sudden
What is the likely reason? spinal cord injury)
• You should still look for other bleeding
sources, of course!

If your trauma patient can’t feel T10

anything below the belly button,
where is the spinal cord lesion?

The nipple line is approximately T4

which dermatome?

How can you remember which Imagine a patient who’s a little heavy set
dermatomes are at the nipple line sitting down – the waist line makes the
and umbilicus level? mouth of a smiling face. The nipples above
look like eyes.
Imagine the smiley face winking at you and
saying: 10–4 Good buddy!

If your trauma patient can’t feel C5

anything below the clavicle, where
is the spinal cord lesion?

There are two main groups of local • Amides & esters

anesthetics. What are they, and • If a patient is allergic to one, you can use
why is it important? an agent from the other group

How do you know which local Amides all have two “I’s” in the generic
anesthetics are in the same group? name

When should you avoid combined Areas at the edge of the body –
lidocaine with epinephrine Digits, ears, penis, and end of nose
preparations, according to
(Current evidence supports the safety of
traditional teaching?
lidocaine with epinephrine use in digits, &
to some extent in other locations – but this
is an area of transition, at the moment)
52 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

What is the minimum acceptable 1 cc/kg

urine output for a pediatric trauma

What is the minimum acceptable 0.5 cc/kg

urine output for an adolescent/
young adult patient?

What are the most common 1. Hypothermia (use a blood warmer)

complications of large quantity 2. Low platelets
blood transfusions? 3. Low factors 5 & 8

If a patient with a femur fracture Fat embolus

suddenly decompensates, and (from the long bone fracture) –
goes into DIC, what happened?
Very high mortality

What is the best overall study CT scan –

to evaluate for possible blunt With IV contrast & water soluble oral
abdominal injury? (or per NG) contrast, if possible

The brain has several different • Dilated nonreactive pupil on same side
ways to herniate. One of the most (due to CN III compression)
common for patients who still • Central hypoventilation
might survive is called “uncal” • Contralateral hemiparesis
herniation. What are the signs
of uncal herniation?

Closed head trauma that does A concussion

not result in any bleeding or
swelling, but still produces a
temporary period of altered
consciousness, or other cognitive
changes, is called __________?

How many “grades” are there, Three

when you are grading a
Note: There are now several classification
systems for concussions. Many clinicians
have moved away from using the scoring
systems, due to confusion about the best
way to score them, and how useful the
scoring really is. It may still be utilized on
the boards, or by other clinicians with
whom you speak, though.
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 53

If your patient lost consciousness Three

due to a closed head injury, what
grade of concussion are you
dealing with?

Following a concussion, how Until ALL symptoms, including any

long must your patient avoid memory or concentration difficulties
contact sports? have completely resolved

What additional testing is often “Provocative testing” –

recommended prior to a return Have the patient do an activity that
to contact sports, after a increases BP & heart rate, such as sit-ups
concussion? or jogging. Check whether any symptoms

In both grades 1 and 2 Grade 2 has amnesia for the event –

concussions, the patient remains Grade 1 does not
conscious. How are grades
1 and 2 different?

What is a grade 1 concussion? Transient confusion only

How long must a grade 1 No return to sports until symptoms

concussion patient sit out from completely resolve
contact sports?
Evaluated by a medical professional

What are post-concussive Dizziness

symptoms? Persistent headaches
Memory problems
Difficulty sleeping/concentrating
Sensitivity to light or noise
Depression, anxiety & fatigue

How long do symptoms Most have headache resolution within

from a concussion (also known 2–4 weeks
as “mild traumatic brain injury”
Most have recovery of neuropsychological
or MTBI) typically last?
functions within 72 h
(2 symptom categories)

Why is it important to avoid a Increases likelihood of more serious

second closed head injury, if a neurological sequelae from apparently
concussion has recently occurred? minor closed head injuries
54 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

In addition to avoiding sports or Physical & cognitive rest!

other possible head injury, how
should a concussion be treated?

Which typical sports are high risk Boxing

for MTBI (concussion)? Football/rugby/soccer
Ice hockey

Do concussion patients require Grades 2 & 3 do

evaluation at a medical facility?
(Grade 1 requires medical evaluation, but
not necessarily at an institution)

In a trauma patient, what is the C-spine

“second C” of the ABC’s?
(Airway, breathing, circulation, C-spine)

What does “tube & fingers in every Trauma patient evaluation & management
orifice” refer to? may require:
1. NG or orogastric tube
2. ET tube (possibly)
3. Foley (if no sign of urethral trauma)
4. Rectum checked for gross blood & tone
5. TMs checked for blood
(Note: The need for routine rectal
examination in trauma is currently an area of
debate. Recent research suggests it may not
be helpful & some clinicians now omit it.)

Which patients are at especially 1. Crush injuries/rhabdomyolysis

high risk for hyperkalemia? 2. Burn patients
(2 trauma-related; 3. Renal failure
2 condition related) 4. Dig toxicity patients

Adults often suffer Gradual deterioration – usually

cardiopulmonary arrest due to a respiratory cause
sudden cardiac event. What is the
typical path to cardiopulmonary
arrest in children?

What type of medication is Depolarizing paralytic

(Depolarizing meaning it activates the muscles.
It’s the only depolarizing agent we use!)
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 55

In children <5 years old, what A “defasciculating” dose of a non-

premedication should you avoid depolarizing paralytic agent
giving, before administering
(Very young children have insufficient
muscle mass to cause significant ICP
changes with fasiculations & some cases of
bradycardia/asystole have occurred in very
young children given a non-depolarizing
agent combined with succinylcholine.)

How long does succinylcholine’s 3–5 min (for most patients)

effect last?

Succinylcholine should be avoided Hyperkalemia

in patients who are thought to have
what metabolic derangement?

Is succinylcholine a reasonable No –
choice for maintenance of It lasts only for 3–5 min
paralysis? Why or why not?
Persistent depolarization of the muscles
could be damaging & lead to other
metabolic problems

What is the Sellick maneuver? Gentle pressure on the larynx, toward the
posterior neck, during intubation

What is the current status of the It is an area of controversy –

Sellick maneuver? Is it still Was used to improve visualization
recommended? of the larynx & to reduce reflux of gastric
contents, but recent studies suggest it may
not be helpful for either
Not recommended currently, but not clear
what the final answer will be following
further research

If the Sellick maneuver is in use, is No –

it intended to prevent active reflux Restricting vomiting can cause esophageal
(vomiting)? rupture!!!

What is ketamine’s medication • A dissociative anesthetic

class? • Essentially no respiratory depression
What makes ketamine unique among
this general class of medications?
56 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

What situations is ketamine • Trauma – it increases BP

especially good for, and why? • Reactive airway patients – it
(2 situations) bronchodilates

What respiratory problem can Copious secretions – can give atropine first
occur with ketamine use? to reduce them

Ketamine is great for most trauma Head trauma –

patients. Which trauma patients It increases ICP
specifically should not receive
(this is now being debated, but for board
ketamine, though?
exams, avoid ketamine with head trauma)

What annoying but not dangerous Emergence reactions/hallucinations –

ketamine side effect can limit its most patients tolerate the drug well, though!

What is the average heart 80 beats per minute

rate for school-aged children?
(preschool & school-aged)

What is a normal heart rate Same as adults –

for children 10 and older? about 75 beats per minute

What is the typical respiratory Thirty

rate for a preschooler?

What is the typical respiratory Twenty-four

rate for a school-aged child? (double the adult rate)

What is IV lidocaine used for? • Arrhythmia control

(2) • To minimize the ↑ ICP that occurs with
intubation (one-time dose)

Which other intervention is Paralyzing the patient with succinylcholine

important to minimize possible or a non-depolarizing paralytic agent before
increases in ICP, due to intubation? intubation
(this is probably the most important
preventative against increasing the ICP
with intubation – & is also important to
preventing multiple intubation attempts –
success is more likely when the patient is
paralyzed during intubation)
2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items 57

What CNS manifestations Anxiety

would you expect in a very mild
hemorrhage (class I – <15 %)?

Severe hemorrhage Coma or at least deep lethargy

(class 4 – ≥40 %) usually produces
what sort of CNS changes?

What CNS manifestations Irritable/confused/combative

do you expect to see with
moderate hemorrhage
(between 15 and 40 %)? Lethargic (moderate)

How is the dose of epinephrine It is 10× larger

changed when you give it by ET
(Use 1:1,000 rather than 1:10,000 to keep
(endotracheal tube)?
the volume small)

What type of blood is given to O negative

children when transfusion is
(O positive is alright, if O negative is not
needed emergently, and type &
readily available)
cross is not ready?

How often can transfusion boluses Every 20–30 min is typical, but depends
be repeated? on the situation – more frequent is fine
if needed

Why do opioids cause hypotension They cause histamine release which dilates
(mainly)? vessels

How could you calculate the 70 + (child’s age in years × 2) =

lower limit of systolic BP for Minimum BP
children aged 1–10 years?

How can you calculate the 90 + (child’s age × 2) =

average or expected systolic Expected BP
BP for a child 10 years or less?

What is the normal respiratory Thirty

rate for a toddler? (same as a preschooler, just a different word)

What is the typical heart rate for About 100–130

children 3 month to 2 years old? (increasing age lowers heart rates)
58 2 General Trauma Question and Answer Items

At what level of hemorrhage will Severe

central pulses seem “thready?” (Class 4)
(>40 % blood loss)

Capillary refill will slow down ≥15 %

with what percentage of blood (Class 2 or worse)

How many breaths should Two slow breaths

initially be given to a patient
(This has changed from earlier BLS
who is not breathing?

Which changes first in a Capillary refill slows

pediatric patient in trouble –
(heart rate will also increase before BP
the capillary refill or the blood
Chapter 3
General Environmental Medicine Question
and Answer Items

What age group has the most Children

prominent mammalian dive

What is the mammalian dive 1. Bradycardia

reflex? 2. Blood shunting to the
(3 components) CNS
3. Decreased metabolism

What is meant by “secondary Secondary drowning –

drowning?” Death by ARDS after a drowning incident

Is drowning in salt water better No

than drowning in freshwater?
(likely to result in a better

When is a drowning patient most 24–36 h after the incident

likely to develop ARDS?

Can ARDS occur after a Yes

drowning, if the patient did not (may be a type of neurogenic pulmonary
get any water in the lungs? edema – mechanism not clear)

What is the main predictor of Duration of immersion

outcome in drowning?

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 59

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_3
60 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

TV shows have made much of Better prognosis than warm water

the potential to survive drowning
drowning if the water is cold
(meaning resuscitation may be possible
enough. In general, drowning
after a longer period of time in the cold
in a water temperature <6 °C
water case)
has what implication for

Spectacular cases of survival Water temperatures are VERY cold

after very prolonged
Often young children
submersion are occasionally
reported. What is the typical The patient becomes rapidly hypothermic
pattern in these cases? while still able to breathe, then submerged
(3 important aspects)

Other than motor Drowning

vehicle collision, the
most common “accidental”
cause of death in
children is ________?

Middle, inner, and outer ear areas Inner ear –

can be affected by barotraumas. can produce hearing loss and vertigo/nausea/
Which is most serious? nystagmus

Is it alright for your patient with Yes – IF the asthma is mild intermittent type
asthma to take scuba training?

Other than psychosis, are there Panic disorder

any psychiatric disorders that
make scuba diving a bad idea?

Should seizure disorder patients Of course not!

scuba dive?

If you are sending a patient on an Fill with water not air

air transport, and the patient has (Otherwise, the equipment is likely to fall out
an ET tube or foley in place, when the air expands and your balloons pop!)
what modification must you
make to this equipment?

How can you differentiate mild Severe has altered mental status
vs. severe hypothermia? (mild has normal mental status)
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 61

What EKG wave is a buzzword • The Osborne or “J” wave

for hypothermia? What does it • An extra hump or slope on the
look like? down (right) side of the QRS

In a cold patient, is shivering a It is a good sign (normal heat generating

good or bad sign? response – also means that the patient is not
terribly cold)

What two body systems are 1. The heart – highly prone to fatal
profoundly affected by cold, arrhythmia when cold
frequently leading to life- 2. The blood – all coagulation factors are
threatening complications? temperature dependent (cold often
produces or worsens DIC)

Are temperatures measured with No – especially for cold patients, they are
a standard thermometer valid in a often not accurate.
hypothermic or hyperthermic
(Use a specially calibrated thermometer with
a rectal or other deep internal probe to get the
“core” temp)

In a bradycardic, hypothermic No –
patient, should you do CPR? If there is a pulse you should not do CPR. The
mechanical stimulation can cause an

If your hypothermic patient is in Core temp >85 °F

V-fib, and you have shocked
without success, what must you
wait for before shocking again?

Should you perform CPR on a Yes!

hypothermic patient in V-fib,
(CPR is avoided only if the patient has a
while you wait for the
perfusing heart beat – in a non-perfusing
temperature to rise?
rhythm, some circulation is better than no

What types of rewarming should First – Passive external

you use for hypothermic Second – Active external
patients? Third – Active core
(3 types)
(although none of it should interfere with
resuscitation efforts)
62 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

What are passive external Dry the patient

rewarming techniques? Remove wet clothes
Wrap in warm dry blankets
Heat lamps
(Same types of things you do in the delivery

What are some active external Warm O2

rewarming techniques? Warm IV fluid
Forced convection (BAIR HUGGER blanket)

What are typical active core Warm NG & foley lavage

rewarming techniques? Warm peritoneal lavage
(last ditch – fem-fem bypass or ECMO to
rewarm blood externally)

If a hypothermic patient Collecting duct failure to reabsorb water

suddenly starts to generate an
unusually large amount of urine
output, it is called “cold
diuresis.” What transient kidney
dysfunction causes cold diuresis?

Which patient groups are most at 1. Burn patients (rapid loss)

risk for hypothermia? 2. Trauma patients (exposure)
(5 groups: 3. Endocrine patients
2 “accident” types (hypothyroid & DM)
2 medical condition groups 4. CNS & psychiatric patients
1 medication-related) (behavioral errors producing
5. Alcohol/sedative impaired

Now that Bretylium is not Amiodarone

available, what is the drug of
choice for arrhythmia in
hypothermic patients?

Regular defibrillation protocols Core temp above 85 °F

cannot be followed for
hypothermic patients. When can
you repeat defibrillation, after the
initial shock?
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 63

What is “classic heat stroke?” 1. Epidemic (during a heat wave)

2. Nonexertional
(5 attributes that make it classic)
3. Seen mainly in elderly & those with
chronic disease
4. Not sweating
5. Often causes death

There are two types of heat Classic & exertional

stroke. What are they called?

What makes exertional heat 1. Exertional happens with

stroke different from classic heat exercise
stroke? 2. Isolated case, not
(2 circumstances) epidemic
(1 typical patient) 3. Occurs in healthy young
(1 exam finding) people
(1 outcome) 4. Profuse sweating
5. Complications are
common (but not usually
permanent or severe)

What complications of heat 1. CNS damage/seizures

stroke are most troublesome? 2. Rhabdomyolysis
(producing kidney
3. DIC
4. Liver dysfunction

Why do cardiac disease and Increased cardiac output is needed for

beta-blocker use contribute to increased heat loss
heat illness?

What is the difference between Heat exhaustion presents with

heat exhaustion and heat stroke? • Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
• Salt & water depletion
• Core temperature slightly
Heat stroke = CNS dysfunction, severe core
heat (>41 °C), death or permanent
consequences common
64 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

Amongst healthy patients, which • Those who cannot escape the heat
ones are at especially high risk of • Those who do not have adequate fluids
heat illness while exercising? available
• The very motivated (such as athletes)

What is the mainstay of Evaporative cooling (fans & water)

treatment for heat stroke?

What adjunct therapy can you 1. IV fluids (fluids have a lower temperature
use in heat stroke? than the body temp)
2. Cool peritoneal lavage
3. Ice packs to groin &
4. Extracorporeal cooling
(fem-fem bypass)

Which cooling technique is Cold water/ice water immersion

thought to be more rapid in
This technique is often not practical in the
young, healthy patients of
healthcare setting, as patients cannot be
exertional heat stroke?
properly monitored & resuscitated – it is also
not recommended for other types of patients,
as it may be physiologically too stressful &
increase mortality!

If you are treating a heat stroke 102 °F

patient, at approximately what (39 °C)
temperature should you stop
cooling the patient?

Why is it important to stop Because the temp will continue to drop after
cooling your patient at a specific cooling efforts end – and hypothermia
temperature? worsens clotting problems

Are heat stroke patients Not always

uniformly dehydrated? (can be a failure of thermal regulation,
inability to sweat, etc.)

What medications increase the 1. Beta blockers (can’t ↑ cardiac output!)

likelihood of heat illness? 2. Anticholinergics (can’t sweat)
(3) 3. Diuretics (can’t sweat – less
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 65

Why are pediatric patients are at Heat loss mechanisms are not fully mature
increased risk for heat illness? until puberty
(also, like very elderly or ill patients, they
may not be able to obtain fluids or seek cool
shelter on their own)
What are the other types of types 1. Prickly heat (ruptured, blocked
of less serious heat illness? sweat gland)
(not worrisome by themselves) 2. Heat cramps (local Na shift)
3. Heat edema
4. Heat syncope (if nothing else
about the syncope is

If your patient’s hands or feet No –

swell during exposure to a hot It is a self-limited, normal cutaneous
environment, is there any cause vasodilation.
for concern?

What causes prickly heat rash? Blocked sweat glands rupture → erythema and

What portions of the body usually Clothed areas

develop prickly heat rash?

Why do sweat glands become The moist stratum corneum becomes

blocked in prickly heat? macerated, and blocks the ducts

How is prickly heat treated? Oatmeal baths & antihistamines (if needed)
for pruritis

What is the main concern with Superinfection from the itching (requiring
prickly heat rash in children? antibiotic treatment)

How does “heat syncope” occur? Dehydration + either heat vasodilation or low
vasomotor tone for some other reason

How is heat syncope treated? Rest

Remove from heat
IV & PO rehydration
(remember to consider other causes of
syncope, of course, before making the heat
syncope diagnosis)
66 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

Five medication groups are 1. Sulfas

especially likely to give you 2. Tetracyclines
sunburn. What are the five 3. Thiazides
groups? 4. Phenothiazines
5. Psoralens (used by
dermatologists to create
photosensitivity for
psoriasis treatment)

What infectious agents are often 1. Pseudomonas

found in burn wounds? 2. GRAM negatives, in
(one specific bug,
one group of bugs) (of course, Staph & Strep species are also

Which burns require 1. Circumferential

hospitalization? 2. Over a joint
3. Perineal burns
4. Significant facial burns
5. Dominant hand burns
(if significant)

In the old burn classification Superficial

system, there were 1st- through Partial thickness
4th-degree burns. What are the Full thickness
new levels, in the new system? Complete

Describe a superficial burn? 1. Red skin

(2 aspects) 2. No blisters

How deep does a superficial burn Like it sounds –

go? Epidermis only (outermost layer)

How deep does a full-thickness Significant damage to the dermis & often
burn go? subcutaneous tissue –
Healing is via scar tissue &

Describe a full-thickness burn? White, waxy, no feeling, eschar

(Eschar is the special name for the tough
tissue mass that results from deep burns)

What is a “complete” burn? One that penetrates into the muscle, bone, or
fascia beneath the skin
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 67

How deep does a partial- Through the epidermis with some dermal
thickness burn go? damage but –
Enough dermis remains to allow full recovery
(no scarring or limited function)

What does a partial-thickness 1. Red

burn look like? 2. Painful
3. Blisters

What is the difference in how a Partial thickness –

partial-thickness & full-thickness No scar & no function problems
burn will heal?
Full thickness –
Heals by scar formation
Function problems common

How can you guesstimate the The patient’s palm (without the fingers) is
body surface area (BSA) covered about 1 % of their body surface area
by a burn?

What is the “Parkland formula?” The formula that allows you to calculate the
fluid needs to a burn patient

How is the Parkland formula 4 cc’s × kg of pt weight × BSA burned = total

calculated? ccs of fluid needed in 1st 24 h

How is the fluid calculated in the ½ is given in the first 8 h following the burn
Parkland formula given? (not beginning when you started the IV drip) –
The remainder is given over the next 16 h

How much body surface area 36 %

does the trunk make up, in both (18 % back, and 18 % front)
adults and kids?

How is the “rule of 9s” different Head = 18 %

for children? (vs. 9 % adult)
Lower extremity = 14 % each
(vs. 18 % each in adolescents/adults)

The palm of the hand is equal to 1%

what percent BSA? (this includes the palmar surface of the
(body surface area) fingers!)

After you have calculated the Give half the total amount in the first 8 h
amount of fluid to be given to following the burn –
a burn patient, based on the Give the remainder over the 16 h left of the
Parkland formula, how do you first 24 h post-burn.
divide it up when it is given?
68 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

When might you want to give With inhalation injury (to decrease the
less fluid than recommended by likelihood of pulmonary edema)
the Parkland formula?
• Adequate volume, though, is the main goal
if you have to choose

Especially in a boards vignette, Whether he/she is also a trauma patient

what should you be sure to (e.g., has fractures due to jumping from a
investigate with a burn patient? burning building)

How is that Parkland formula 4 ccs × kg of wt × % BSA burned =

calculated? amount of fluid to infuse over the first 24 h

What physical findings or 1. Facial burns

historical factors suggest 2. Singed nasal hairs
inhalation injury in a fire? (aka vibrissa)
3. Sooty mouth
4. Fire in an enclosed space

Bees, wasps, ants, and hornets all Hymenoptera

belong to which insect class?

Which group of animals causes Hymenoptera

the most deaths per year?
(choices include snakes, marine
envenomations and bites,
hymenoptera, cats, etc.)

If a patient has a serious allergic 50 % die within 30 min

reaction to a hymenoptera sting,
how fast does it usually

Is it important to remove the Yes –

stinger, in a hymenoptera The longer it is in, the larger the venom load
envenomation? may be
(pinching & traction to remove it are both

Where is the best place to inject The lateral thigh

an epinephrine autoinjector, for (faster absorption than other sites, such as the
most patients? arm)

Why are Africanized bees a They are much more easily annoyed, and attack
bigger problem than the native with much more persistence, in larger groups
species in North America &
(significant ingestions are not uncommon,
because the cloud of bees is quite thick)
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 69

Are fire ant envenomations likely Yes, it is a growing problem

to cause serious allergic reactions?

What is the best way to manage Cool compresses

local fire ant lesions? Topical anti-itch creams (e.g., low-dose
Oral antihistamines

Are fire ants hymenoptera? Yes – no wings, but hymenoptera

Do fire ants bite? No –

They hold on with their mandibles so they can
inject venom repeatedly via a sort of stylet on
their abdomens

What second pathogen is often Lyme disease

carried by ticks that transmit (patients may have both)

What is babesiosis? A protozoal parasite infection, transmitted by


What problems does babesiosis 1. Anemia

cause? 2. Splenomegaly

What three treatments are useful 1. Cool compresses until the necrosis stops
in brown recluse spider bites? progressing (the damaging enzyme’s
activity is temperature dependent)
2. Hyperbaric oxygen (possibly)
3. Surgery (delayed)
Note: Dapsone is no longer recommended due
to lack of efficacy in studies, although still
sometimes used. This is a change!

What does a well-developed A volcano (on the skin)

brown recluse bite look like?

What is a buzzword for brown (spreading) necrosis

recluse spider bites?

Which spider has a dark violin Brown recluse

shape on its top?
Picture the brown recluse sitting by himself –
a recluse – playing sad tunes on the violin
70 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

Should you use a tourniquet after Generally – no

a snakebite?

What two groups of poisonous • Crotalids (pit vipers) &

snakes are found in the USA? elapidae (coral snakes)
Which one is worse? • Elapidae (coral snakes)

Is it a good idea to incise and No

suction snake venom from the
wound after a snake bite?

Any hymenoptera sting creates a More than 10

local reaction. For a patient who
is not allergic to hymenoptera,
how many stings are usually
required to cause a toxic

What does a “toxic” reaction to 1. GI distress

hymenoptera consist of? 2. Headache
(4) 3. Fever
4. Hypotension (sometimes)

Which poisonous spider has a The black widow

“red hourglass?”
Imagine a widow, dressed in black, watching
the sands of an hourglass – or a widow with
red lips and an hourglass shape!

Which of the two poisonous Aggressive – black widow

spiders behaves aggressively, and Shy – brown recluse
which one is shy?

Are scorpion stings dangerous? Rarely – but severe effects are sometimes
seen in small children
(<6 years old)
(In North America, scorpions dangerous to
humans are found in the southwest, mainly
Arizona – but may be found anywhere as pets,
unwanted travelers, etc.)

Which spider bite causes The black widow

immediate pain, and sometimes
causes (local) muscle rigidity?
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 71

What two treatments are helpful • Antivenin

for black widow bites? • Calcium (IV)
(FYI – antivenin & antivenom are two
acceptable ways to say the same thing)

Are black widow bites serious? Not usually

If a boards vignette describes a Brown recluse (often initially painless)

“painless” spider bite from a
venomous spider, which spider
was it?

Although neither brown recluse Black widow venom

nor black widow bites are
ordinarily life threatening,
antivenin is available for which
type of venom?

If a boards vignette describes a Scorpion sting

recent bite or sting with a (the venom has significant adrenergic
surrounding “pale” area, was it vasoconstricting effects)
likely to be a spider bite or a
scorpion sting?

Electric shock or ice application Shock – none

to the site of a snake
Ice – probably not helpful, and may cause a
envenomation has been proposed
frostbite-type injury if used inappropriately in
as treatment modalities. What is
the field
the utility of each?

Is it a good idea to use a No – often causes more harm!

tourniquet to isolate the area a
snake has bitten?

What is a constriction band? A close fitting bandage that impedes

superficial venous & lymph flow

Is a constriction band a good idea Yes! – particularly if transit time to definitive

in the case of snake care will be long

If a constriction band is used, Over the wound & extending

how should it be placed? 2–4 cm above the bite marks
(meaning 2–4 cm closer to the heart)
72 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

What proportion of bites from A significant proportion –

poisonous snakes is “dry?” Somewhere between 1/10 & >1/2 depending
(lack venom) on type of snake & which study you read

Should you advise your patient Ah, no. Too much risk of further injury &
or care givers to try to capture delay.
the snake that bit the patient?

Pain control is important for NSAIDs – may increase bleeding

symptomatic envenomations. (which is already a problem, as the toxin also
Which pain control medication leads to coagulopathy & hematological
class should you avoid in crotalid problems)
Opiates are generally preferred

If you suspect a patient was No, observe for 8 h –

bitten by a crotalid, but it seems Symptoms sometimes take a little while to
to be a dry bite, should you send evolve
the patient home directly?

Under what circumstances If ANY signs of envenomation are present,

should you give the antivenom give it
CroFab®, following a crotalid
CroFab® is very well tolerated, and early
administration may prevent damage that can
have long-term sequelae

How is the amount of antivenom You can stop when:

needed for a particular snake bite The clinical exam either improves or stops
determined? progressing, especially the swelling
Laboratory coagulation values improve
Systemic signs improve

As most snake bites occur on Compartment syndrome

extremities, what is an important (and infection, of course)
complication to monitor for?
(Rhabdomyolysis can be an issue with
rattlesnake envenomations, in particular)

Where can the rhyme, “red on Only in the USA

yellow kill a fellow, red on black (coral snake)
venom lack” be applied
successfully (to decide whether a
brightly colored snake might be
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 73

If a patient is bitten by a coral None initially

snake, what local symptoms
Sometimes a small local reaction develops
should you expect?

If coral snake envenomation has Usually delayed – can be more than 12 h later,
occurred, when will systemic but then progress rapidly!
symptoms become evident?

If coral snake envenomation is • Yes

suspected, should you treat • The symptoms are difficult
empirically? to reverse once they appear,
Why or why not? so prevention is better

What is the usual cause of death Respiratory arrest/depression

for coral snake envenomation?

Many of us think of coral snake On land in Texas, Arizona, Arkansas. and

bites as a problem just for scuba some portions of the southeastern USA
divers. Where else in the USA
might a patient encounter a coral

Dog & cat bites that become Pasteurella multocida

infected are often polymicrobial.
Other than typical skin flora
microbes like Staph & Strep,
which bacteria is most associated
with infected dog & cat bites?

Aside from cleansing animal 1. Debride the wound (if

bites, what else should you do needed)
for the patient? 2. Consider giving
(3) Amoxicillin/clavulanate
(PCN is a secondary option)
3. Give Td (tetanus) if

Which is more likely to become Cat

infected – dog or cat bites?
(Anywhere from 20 to 80 % depending on
which study you read – Cat bites are more of
a puncture wound.)
74 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

After an animal bite/attack, what Closing the wound

should you avoid doing on the
(Note: This is an area of transition. In reality,
we do often close for cosmesis. Mounting
evidence shows that most bite wounds can be
closed primarily with a <10 % infection rate
& improved cosmesis.)

What type of bite is most likely Human bites

to become infected?

What is the pathogen most often Eikenella corrodens

associated with human bites?

After any bite injury, what must 1. Is the tetanus up to date

you check, in terms of (within 5 years if
vaccination issues? vaccination series is
2. Is rabies vaccination &
immunoglobulin needed?

Which patients should be given Ones who didn’t have all three shots
tetanus immunoglobulin? in the series (or you don’t know whether
they did)
(2 factors – they need to have
both to get Ig!) &
Have more than a clean, minor wound

Neonatal tetanus is seen only in Mom is not tetanus immune!

one circumstance. What is that?

Do squirrels, rabbits, hares, or No

rodents carry rabies?
(They can acquire it, but generally don’t
transmit it – very rare case reports exist of
transmission from pet rabbits in Southeast
Asia, but this is exceptional)

We used to think that you had to Inhalation

be bitten to get rabies. Now we (e.g. bat guano or urine – treat people who’ve
know it can also be acquired been in an enclosed area with a bat)
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 75

If rabies immunoglobulin is Amount is based on the patient’s kgs

needed, how is it administered?
all Ig is injected at the site of the injury, if
(for multiple bites, divide the dose & inject
around the multiple sites)

If a patient needs rabies Rabies vaccine

immunoglobulin, what else
should also be given?

Anytime you must give an Don’t inject them at the same site! –
immunoglobulin & a vaccine for The vaccine will bind the immunoglobulin!!!
the same disease (such as rabies
or tetanus), what practical
aspect should you always pay
attention to?

What is the immunization For immunocompetent patients, the CDC now

regimen for rabies vaccination? recommends only four doses (although many
experts disagree) on days 0, 3, 7, & 14
This is a change!
Give it on days:
0, 3, 7, 14, & 28 for immunocompromised
(the old regimen)
Once you get to day 7, just keep doubling it
until you reach 1 month.

How is rabies treated, if infection Supportive only – virtually all die

(coma induction technique has promise – but
not a board topic)

What is the behavioral hallmark Hydrophobia

of rabies? (Fear of water – remember Old Yeller)

Salivation, or “foaming at the Late – last stage

mouth,” occurs during what stage (along with lacrimation and gait problems)
of rabies infection?
76 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

Muscle rigidity happens with Yes – early stage

tetanus. Does it also happen in (officially, stage 2 of 4)

Antivenin is occasionally needed Small children

for scorpion stings in what (<6 years old)
patient group?
Note: Depending on the type of scorpion, and
part of the world, antivenin can be required
even for adults!!!

What problem do scorpion stings Seizure-like motor activity, but the patient is
occasionally cause in children (in fully aware
the poisonous scorpion species
Centruroides found in the
southwest USA)?

Why is it a bad idea to wash jelly Plain water will cause automatic discharge of
fish-stung areas (same for the stinging units (even from a dead jellyfish)
anemones) in water?

How do nerve gases work? They are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

(producing SLUDG symptoms – Salivation
GI distress)

Is it possible to be poisoned by Yes – only with certain agents, though

nerve agents while treating (mainly VX)
patients who have been
(usually absorbed through skin)

What is the initial treatment for • Atropine

nerve agent poisoning?
What is the follow-up treatment • Pralidoxime
for nerve agent poisoning? (aka 2-PAM)

Why is a follow-up treatment Some poisons form covalent (permanent)

needed for some types of bonds over time, making treatment difficult –
cholinergic poisoning? pralidoxime prevents the bonding
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 77

What is the special danger of Contamination of health care workers (from

treating victims of nerve agent the patients, themselves) is more likely than
attack? in other CBRNe scenarios.
(CBRNe = chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear, & explosive)

What is the correct initial Soap & water

decontamination procedure for (whole body and hair should be cleansed)
unknown exposures?
Remove all contaminated clothing & other
(gases, microbes, etc.)
personal items, of course.

If a patient is contaminated with Generally not

radiation, should healthcare
workers be concerned about
possible radiation contamination
to them while caring for the

In additional to soap & water Trim the nails & hair

decontamination, what additional (removes some additional sources of
measures are recommended with radiation)
nuclear exposure?

Which type of radiation is known Ionizing

to be dangerous – ionizing or

Which cells are most vulnerable Lymphocytes

to gamma radiation?

When is the best time to check 48 h

the lymphocyte count, in order to
give a prognosis, after radiation

Mild radiation poisoning Nausea & vomiting for 1–2 days

produces what effects?

What are three ways to 1. Skin – if it’s

“guesstimate” the level of erythematous, then the
radiation exposure? dose was high
2. Lymphocyte count at 48 h
3. Interval to symptoms –
shorter is worse
78 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

If you suspect that a patient has Doxycycline

either pulmonary anthrax, or
pulmonary plague, what drug can
you give that will treat both?

The drug of choice for a known Ciprofloxacin

anthrax infection is? (also in children)

Both plague and anthrax have a Cutaneous anthrax

much milder type of disease than
the pulmonary form. Which
forms are these? Local plague infection
(skin & nodes, bubonic plague)

The “mild” form of anthrax has a Looks like a black eschar (black burned area)
particular appearance. What is it?

Is this “mild” anthrax form still Yes – due to risk that it will become
dangerous? systemic (at least 20 % do so without prompt

Which type of electrical injury is AC (alternating cycles in the tissue)

usually worse, AC or DC?

Which tissues have the most • Tendon & bone

resistance to electrical current?
Which have the least? • Nerve & blood

Why is it important to know how The current will lose more heat into the
much resistance a tissue has to tissues with more resistance – this causes
electrical current? more damage to these tissues

In an electrical burn, which Current

determines the damage more –
current or voltage?

If a child bites on an electrical Bleeding from the nearby labial arteries. This
cord, and is now fine – aside can take up to 2 weeks to occur (with rare
from burn wounds at the margin case reports of longer).
of the mouth – what dangerous
delayed effect can occur?
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 79

What special instructions must Explain the risk of delayed bleeding &
you give to the parents or management with direct pressure
caregivers for a child with
margin of the mouth burn
wounds, prior to discharging the

If a patient is not directly struck Lightning splash

by lightning, but is affected by
lightning striking nearby, what is
that called?

Do lightning splash patients TMs should be checked

require any treatment or (rupture is common with lightning)
CPK sent to check for any rhabdomyolysis
EKG is usually performed (but not terribly

What is the most important Rescue breathing must continue

principle in resuscitation after a (Pulse will often return spontaneously!)
lightning injury?

Prolonged exposure to a wet, Trench foot

cold, environment tends to cause (a la WWI soldiers in trenches)
what famous disorder?

When trench foot rewarms, how Dry, red, and very painful to the touch
will it present? +/− edema and bullae

How is trench foot treated? Rewarm, then keep the foot warm, dry, and
(and pain management)

How do you treat a frostbitten, or Rapid rewarming in 41 °C water

possibly frostbitten, extremity?
Do not begin rewarming, though, if the area
cannot be kept warm! Warming & cooling
phases, for example during transport, are
worse than waiting longer for warming!

What is a good cutaneous clue as The skin blebs are clear in superficial, and
to whether frostbite is deep vs. hemorrhagic in deep
80 3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items

What is the main significance of Deep results in permanent and significant

distinguishing deep from tissue loss
superficial frostbite? (Superficial only damages tissues that can

Chilblains are treated much like Painful inflammatory skin lesions

trench foot. What are (usually heal well)

What causes chilblains? Intermittent exposure to cold, damp, air (not

freezing temperature air, and not actual
exposure to liquid – just damp cold air)

What causes trench foot? Long-term exposure to a wet and cold (but
not freezing) environment

Both chilblains and trench foot Elevation & rewarming

are treated with ________ &

Because trench foot only Any exposed surface

develops with submersion in a
wet environment, it usually
occurs on the foot. Chilblains are
likely to occur where?

Which organs are most often Hollow organs

damaged in any type of blast (including
incident? TMs – rupture &
lungs – pneumothorax)

In an explosion, which four – Ear (TM rupture and ossicle

organs are most likely to suffer damage)
damage from the blast itself? – GI (ruptured viscus)
– Lung (pneumothorax or air
– CNS (concussion or air emboli)

Which patients do not need any <5 years since last tetanus
treatment after possible tetanus

If a patient sustains a “clean” No –

wound, and had a tetanus Within 10 years is alright for clean wounds
immunization 6–10 years ago, is
any treatment required?
3 General Environmental Medicine Question and Answer Items 81

If a patient sustains a “dirty If it is more than 5 years from the child’s most
wound,” how do you know recent booster (or original immunization) a
whether a tetanus booster is booster is needed

In addition to obviously dirty 1. Crush injuries

wounds, what three other 2. Burns
important categories of wounds 3. Frostbite
are considered to be dirty?

If a child has a “clean” wound, >10 years since last immunization

how do you know whether a
tetanus booster is required?

What is the significance of Vaccines listed as DT have 10 times the

calling the tetanus immunization amount of diphtheria toxoid as do the Td
for older people Td, and the one vaccines
for younger people DT (DTaP)? (same stuff, just different proportions)

At what point do you switch to >7 years old

a Td formulation, rather than
(after that, there is a much greater probability
a DT vaccine formulation?
of bad reactions to the diphtheria part, so the
amount is kept low)

Pertussis outbreaks have been a Addition of a pertussis immunization with

problem in recent years. What tetanus immunization in adolescence
change in immunization protocol
(age 11 years or older, 11–12 years old
addresses this problem?
preferred – may be given later in life, is no
pertussis immunization administered
≥11 years old)
Chapter 4
General Toxicology Question
and Answer Items

How effective are “gastric 50 % (or less) of material removed if used

emptying” techniques? within 1 h
(stomach pumping, ipecac, etc.)

In the past, ipecac was No –

recommended as part of every It is RARELY indicated, and when it is,
family’s first aid medicine kit. that needs to be under medical direction
Is it considered a good idea for (preferably poison control)
non-medical personnel to
It is used in the prehospital phase of care
administer ipecac?

When is it acceptable to use 1. Ingestion has serious risk of morbidity

ipecac, in terms of the ingestion? or mortality
(6 conditions) 2. Patient is far away from medical care
(>1 h transport time)
3. Large, recent ingestion (<30 min
before administration)
4. Substance not bound by charcoal
5. Plant ingestion
6. Not a hydrocarbon or caustic (you
don’t want to bring those up again,
causing more damage to the structures
they pass)
(Note: Ipecac has become SO
unpopular that many practitioners
think it should never be used. That is
not the case, although circumstances
for its use are quite limited.)

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 83

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_4
84 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

When is it acceptable to use Patient must be capable of protecting

ipecac, in terms of the patient’s the airway & not have any GI
characteristics? contraindications to inducing vomiting

If you give ipecac, what should 1. Delayed emesis (15–20 min)

you expect to happen? 2. Prolonged emesis (not one or two
bouts!) mainly over the first hour

When is ipecac completely 1. Material is toxic if it comes back up

contraindicated? (caustics, hydrocarbons)
(1 material item; 3 patient items) 2. Patient not protecting airway
(seizing, not alert)
3. Patient <6 months old
4. Bleeding disorder (risk of Mallory-
Weiss tear in the stomach from
repeated emesis)

When is “gastric lavage” a 1. Recent ingestion of a life-threatening

reasonable choice? agent (<1 h is best)
(2) 2. Charcoal can’t bind the agent
(Note: “To teach the patient not to try that
again” is not the answer on the boards! or in
real life!)

When should you definitely 1. Caustics &

not use gastric lavage? Hydrocarbons
(3) (worse to bring them
up than to let them sit)
2. Unprotected airway
3. Nontoxic agents, of

To decrease the risk Left lateral decubitus & head 20° downward
of complications during gastric
lavage, how is the patient

When is whole bowel irrigation 1. Sustained release pill ingestion (large)

worth trying? 2. Iron, lithium, or lead
(4) 3. Transdermal patch ingestion
(whole patch)
4. Drug packers
(can also be removed surgically)
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 85

When you give the first dose A cathartic – usually sorbitol

of charcoal in a multi-dose
Note: Not recommended in young children,
charcoal treatment, what should
due to risk of dehydration and/or electrolyte
you consider ordering with it,
imbalance, & lack of proven efficacy
for an adolescent patient?
in improving GI issues or the toxic
ingestion itself

Should you order a cathartic No

with each dose of charcoal (can cause dehydration & electrolyte
(if you are using multidosing)? problems in patients of any age)

Does a single dose of charcoal No

produce constipation?
(only seen with multidosing regimens)

What is a normal osmolal gap? Less than 10

What are the typical toxins & Alcohols, antifreeze, & ketones
molecules that produce osmolal
1. Ethanol
2. Acetone
3. Isopropanol
4. Ethylene glycol
5. Methanol
6. Ketoacidosis

How do you calculate the 2× Na + 10

patients osmolality (roughly)?
(good rough estimate if BUN and glucose
are near normal limits)
BUN Glucose ETOH
How do you calculate the patient’s 2 Na   
osmolality precisely? 2.8 18 4.6

How can you calculate the Measured osmolality – calculated osmolality

osmolal gap?
(≥10 is abnormal)

Why do we care about the It suggests the patient has:

osmolal gap?
1. ketones
2. antifreeze (a type of alcohol)
3. or some other sort of alcohol
on board
86 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Which one is sometimes useful Alkalinization

in toxic ingestions – urine
(acidification is a distractor answer – not
acidification or alkalinization?
currently used)

Why is changing the urine’s pH Certain molecules are “trapped” in the renal
sometimes a useful strategy? tubules with the change in charge, and
cannot return to the bloodstream

What three toxins are especially 1. Aspirin/salicylates

good candidates for urine 2. INH
alkalinization treatment? 3. Phenobarbitol

How is charcoal dosed? 1 g/kg to maximum of 100 g

In general, when is multi-dose 1. Sustained release preparations

charcoal useful? 2. Hepatically recirculated meds

Name some common or 1. Theophylline

important overdose medications 2. Phenobarbital
that you would want to use 3. Carbamazepine
multi-dose charcoal with. 4. Salicylates

When is charcoal not useful 1. Metals (e.g., lithium, iron)

in a toxic ingestion? 2. Caustics, alkali/acid
(4 cases: 3. Ileus
2 patient related 4. Obstruction
2 item related)

When is charcoal specifically For GI reasons:

1. Caustics (not useful & obscures
endoscopy view)
2. Ileus
3. Obstruction

What is a normal anion gap? Less than 13

How is anion gap calculated? (Na) – (Cl + CO2) = gap

(positive electrolyte minus negative
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 87

The MUDPILES mnemonic goes Methanol, metformin

with anion gap acidosis – Uremia
What do the letters stand for? DKA
Iron & INH
Lactic acidosis
Ethylene glycol
(For lactic acidosis, think of CO or CN as
possible causes in tox questions)

How can you remember which NAGs (non-anion gap) are HARD UP.
anion gap mnemonic is which? Therefore MUDPILES must go with anion
gap acidosis.

What is the antidote 1. Calcium

for a calcium channel blocker 2. Glucagon

What is the antidote for a Glucagon

β-blocker overdose? (isoproterenol is also a possibility)

In a coumadin overdose, what is FFP

your first choice to correct (Fresh Frozen Plasma)
coagulation parameters?
Vitamin K will not correct the bleeding
problem fast enough – FFP supplies the
missing factors right away!

Vitamin K is also listed as an 1. Unreliable onset of effect & always

antidote for coumadin (warfarin) delayed
toxicity. What are the problems 2. Can be difficult to regulate later if the
with vitamin K use? patient needs ongoing anticoagulation

On the boards, should you give Yes –

both FFP & vitamin K for If there is an answer choice with both,
warfarin toxicity? it is usually correct

How do patients end up overdosing 1. Iatrogenic – level gets too high on med
on warfarin? regimen
(4) 2. Medication dosing errors
3. Child gets hold of med
4. Rat poison
88 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

If your patient has ingested rat or If it was the “wheat pellet” sort of poison,
mouse poison, what should you it may also contain a CNS depressant
watch for, in addition to (alphachloralose)
anticoagulant effects?
Charcoal will bind it

Household detergents come Cationic, anionic, and non-ionic

in three classes – what are they &
Generally, only cationic is dangerous
which one is dangerous?

If a patient eats or drinks a Corrosion of the gastric tissue

household detergent, what is the (or in some cases respiratory tissue),
main toxic effect you should be due to the detergent’s pH –
worried about? typically the bases are the biggest problem

If a child has eaten a toxic plant, Give charcoal – it binds most plant toxins
what should you do?

There are many potentially toxic • Nearly all produce gastric irritation,
plants in the world. What are the usually with nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
typical effects of toxic plant • Many also produce CNS depression &
ingestion? sometimes seizures, if the ingestion is
(3 categories) large enough
• Some produce arrhythmia

Unintentional toxic ingestions are Young children <6 years old

most common in which age group?
(Toddlers & infants are especially inquisitive!)

Unintentional nicotine ingestion <1 year old!

is especially common in which (70 % of nicotine ingestions are in this group)
pediatric age group?

What sorts of tobacco products are #1 is cigarettes

most often ingested by children? #2 is smokeless tobaccos
(meaning snuff or chewing tobacco)

Electronic or “e-cigarettes” are Yes –

relatively new. Is there a risk of an The fluid used to fill them can be consumed
e-cigarette toxic ingestion?

The labeling on an e-cigarette or its The milligrams listed are PER CC!
fluid indicates its nicotine content.
(So if it says 16 mg, that means 16 mg
How should you interpret the
nicotine PER cc!)
milligrams listed?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 89

What does of nicotine is thought to 1 mg/kg

be the minimum lethal dose for
(recent evidence suggests that significantly
pediatric consumption?
higher amounts can likely be tolerated)

What aspect of liquid nicotine Nicotine is quite irritating to the mucosal

(“vaping”) products should limit surfaces
their ingestion?
(but some of the fluids have flavoring which
may make them more attractive)

In addition to the nicotine content, Yes, they often contain highly toxic
are there other toxins you should alcohols & essential oils –
worry about in a vaping fluid Content varies, but more consistency is
ingestion? likely as regulation of e-cigarettes increases

How do large nicotine ingestions “Nicotinic” stimulation leads to respiratory

cause death, generally? muscle paralysis & death –
Acetylcholine receptors of the nicotinic sort
are overstimulated. When the muscle can no
longer respond, it is effectively paralyzed &
breathing ceases

After ingesting a small quantity Tachycardia & vomiting

of nicotine, what effects would
you expect?

With a moderate nicotine ingestion, Ataxia & seizure

what effects are typical?
(ataxia is a somewhat unusual toxicological
effect, so good to remember)

At higher doses, what is special Nicotine activates both nicotinic &

about the nicotine toxidrome? muscarinic ACh receptors, causing both
sorts of effects!
(SLUDGE is added to the nicotinic effects)

TCA overdose and TCAs are anticholinergic – no sweating!

sympathomimetic overdose look
very similar – how can you tell
them apart?
90 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Please recite the “anticholinergic Hot as hell (fever)

mantra.” Blind as a bat (dilated, can’t accommodate)
Dry as a bone (can’t sweat)
Red as a beet (skin flushing)
Mad as a hatter (cognitive & psychotic
Bloated as a bladder (urinary retention &
decreased gut motility)
Seizing like a squirrel!
(seizures not uncommon)

How do you recognize the 1. The gut moves like crazy

“cholinergic toxidrome?” (emesis & diarrhea)
(4) 2. Everything runs (salivation, urination,
defecation, lacrimation, bronchorrhea)
3. Bradycardia
4. Miosis (small pupils)
Remember, this toxidrome is
the opposite of the
anticholinergic toxidrome.

What makes the cholinergic The typical toxidrome symptoms are

toxidrome dangerous, rather muscarinic, but the nicotinic system is
than just annoying? also affected →
seizures, muscle twitching and/or
weakness leading to respiratory failure

What agents typically cause 1. Insecticides (carbamates &

cholinergic poisoning? organophosphates)
(3) 2. Certain mushrooms
3. Nerve gas agents

How can you remember that Insecticides that gave the bug SLUDGE
cholinergic poisoning critically would give you an unhappy bug, but
involves the nicotinic receptor? probably not a dead bug
(SLUDGE is salvation, lacrimation,
urination, defecation, GI distress/emesis)

How do most cholinergic toxins They mess up the enzyme that normally
produce their effects? breaks down ACh (acetylcholinesterase), so
too much is constantly available

What is the first line antidote for Atropine

any kind of cholinergic poisoning?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 91

Why is atropine helpful? It is a competitive inhibitor of ACh,

so binds to the same sites, without
producing a response. This reduces
the percent of molecules bound to
a receptor that produce a response
(allowing muscle cells to recuperate)
(Remember, though, that atropine only
binds at muscarinic ACh sites!)

What type of poisoning needs For organophosphate-type poisonings

2-PAM (pralidoxime) treatment?

Why is it important to give If it is not given promptly, the AChase is

pralidoxime in organophosphate- permanently disabled (referred to as “aging”)
type poisonings?
(This means your patient will not recover
until the body has synthesized all new

How do the chemical nerve agents, The same way as the insecticide
a possible agent in chemical poisonings – acetylcholinesterase is
terrorism incidents & of course inactivated, producing both muscarinic &
war, work? nicotinic effects

If a nerve agent is inhaled, how Not long! Seconds to minutes

long will it take to work
(in general)?

How long is required before nerve Hours – anywhere from about 2–18 h
agent effects are seen, if the agent
is absorbed from the skin?

If nerve agents are Atropine & pralidoxime

acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, (to prevent chemical aging)
then what is the first line of

As a healthcare worker, do you Generally not –

need to worry about contact with Nerve agent vapors generally dissipate
the patient poisoning you, if the rapidly on their own – VX present on the
patient has been exposed to skin might still be an issue
a nerve agent by breathing it?
(simple decontamination with soap & water
will remove liquid nerve agent present
on the skin)
92 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Which nerve agent remains in the VX

environment & is a hazard long
(the others dissipate rapidly)
after the initial release?

A chemical agent that causes Vesicants or blistering agents

severe pain & irritation of the skin,
eyes, & mucous membranes, with
respiratory problems & blister
formation following those effects,
is likely to be from what class of

What are some examples of Mustard gases (there are several types)
chemical agents that cause this skin Phosgene (famous for its odor of “freshly
& respiratory presentation? mown hay”)

Are vesicant/blistering agents a Yes – decontamination should be performed

contact hazard for healthcare
(both to remove the agent from the patient
& to prevent contamination of others)

Do vesicant agents stay in the Yes

environment, creating an ongoing
(like the nerve agent VX)
risk to others who go there?

In general terms, how do these They form acids on the skin or other bodily
blistering agents work? surfaces, generating damage

What is special about the eye Corneal damage occurs regularly

effects of vesicant/blistering

Other than decontamination, how Supportive care & burn-type protocols may
do you treat a patient exposed to be required
a blistering agent?

Are blistering agents generally Yes –

persistent in the area where they & that means they are also a risk to
were released? healthcare workers until the patient is
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 93

Some chemical agents act Chlorine gas

primarily via the lungs, and are
Hydrogen chloride
called choking or suffocating
agents. Some of these are also a Phosgene (also a vesicant/blistering agent)
concern in industrial accidents.
Nitrogen oxides
What are the most typical agents
in this category?

Other than irritation to musical & Dyspnea & cough

skin surfaces, what are the main
Wheezing & bronchospasm
effects seen after a choking agent

What is the main mechanism They are acids or acid formers when in
of action for the choking agents? contact with mucosal surfaces – these
agents have most of their effects in the
respiratory tree, though

Is recovery usually complete No – chronic respiratory difficulties often

if the patient survives a choking follow significant exposures
agent exposure?

How is a choking agent exposure After removal from environment &

treated? provision of oxygen – supportive care

How do tear gas & pepper spray VERY painful to eyes & makes seeing
affect people? (temporarily) difficult
(they also react with water to form irritating
compounds on mucosal surfaces, especially
the eyes)

Are long-term effects expected Generally not

from an exposure to lacrimation
agents (tear gas & pepper spray)?

Which chemical agent can be Ricin

delivered in many different ways, (from castor beans – made famous by
and shuts down cellular protein espionage assassinations carried out this way)

Do protein synthesis inhibiting Only briefly

agents remain in the environment
after release?
94 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

What is the usual result of ricin GI symptoms with gut hemorrhage,

ingestion? Followed by liver & kidney failure

What is the usual result of ricin Flu-like illness in the first day, then –
inhalation or injection? inhalation form presents with pulmonary
symptoms first
injection form tends to go directly to
multisystem organ failure

How is ricin exposure treated? Supportive only –

With significant exposure, high mortality
regardless of care

In general, for any patient Simple decontamination –

suspected of being exposed to a Remove clothing & wash with soap & water
chemical agent, what should be
(this removes the majority of most agents
done prior to the patient entering
that do not dissipate on their own)
the healthcare facility?

Which bizarre chemical agent BZ also known as Agent 15 –

presents with ataxia &
It is an “incapacitating agent” because most
anticholinergic effects, sometimes
individuals will not become very ill from
including mass shared
the exposure, but the ataxia & cognitive
impairment renders them unable to take
effective action

What is the mechanism of this odd It is anticholinergic in both peripheral &

chemical agent? central muscarinic neurons, causing
delirium & peripheral effects

Is this anticholinergic agent a Yes! It is very persistent!!!

contact threat for the healthcare
(It is quite potent, and lasts more than 4
weeks in the soil)

How should BZ or Agent 15 be The usual way –

decontaminated? Remove cloth, wash with soap & water
(particulate matter can be gently brushed away)

Is BZ dangerous in any way? Yes, two ways –

Patients are a danger to themselves through
bizarre behavior (be sure that no weapons
are available)
Hyperthermia is common
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 95

If anticholinergic effects are the Generally not – too many serious side
problem in BZ intoxication, is it effects (including cardiac arrest)
wise to give a medication like
(It may be used for intractable seizures,
physostigmine (a cholinesterase
tachycardia or agitation not responding
inhibitor) to increase
to other measures, with caution.)

For control of agitation & bizarre Benzodiazepines

behavior, what medication is
recommended in BZ intoxication?

Which common plant ingestions Jimsonweed

also cause anticholinergic
(3) Nightshade

What is the antidote to opiate Narcan™

overdose? (aka naloxone)

What is the “typical” finding Pinpoint

in opiate overdose (pupils)?
(meperidine may dilate)

What opiate source might be in the Lomotil™

family medicine cabinet & not (Diphenoxylate)
considered dangerous by the

What are the dangers of opiate Apnea!

overdose? (& some hypotension – not usually bad
except in young children)

Acute toxic effects from the Antipsychotics (haldol, droperidol, etc.)

extrapyramidal system are
typically seen with which
medications? Thiazines

What two medications can be 1. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl™)

used to treat extrapyramidal 2. Benztropine (Cogentin™)
toxic effects?

What are the symptoms & signs 1. Dystonic reaction (oculogyric crisis &
of extrapyramidal toxicity? torticollis)
2. Akathisia (need to move)
3. Rigidity
4. Dysphagia
5. Laryngospasm
96 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

How is a sedative/hypnotic Supportive care

overdose treated? (and make sure that is the only drug onboard!)

Should you use flumazenil to No – could cause tough to control seizures

reverse a sedative/hypnotic

What two general categories of Benzodiazepines

medications make up the majority
of sedative/hypnotic medications?

Is isolated benzodiazepine or Generally not – monitor BP

barbiturate overdose dangerous? and respiratory rate
(apnea occurs with ETOH & other
medication combinations)

How is ETOH withdrawal treated, Benzodiazpines

in terms of medications?

Why is it important to treat Autonomic instability can be dangerous

ETOH withdrawal?

In addition to ETOH, what other 1. Benzos

withdrawal syndromes must be 2. Barbiturates
treated? 3. Cocaine
(4) 4. Clonidine

Amphetamines, cocaine, and Sympathomimetics

PCP all belong to what general
medication class?

In general, what is the Like someone having an obvious m.i. –

presentation of someone (anxious, sweaty, tachycardic,
overdosing on a hypertensive, dilated pupils)

What medication counteracts the A benzodiazepine

effects of sympathomimetics?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 97

In addition to m.i.-like findings, Seizures

what other problems may
accompany sympathomimetic
overdose? Hyperthermia

In mg/kg, how much Tylenol™ 140 mg/kg

(aka acetaminophen, (about 10 g in an adult)
paracetamol, or APAP)
will prove toxic?

What is the antidote for NAC

acetaminophen toxic ingestions? (n-acetyl cysteine aka mucomyst)

What is the loading dose for NAC? 140 mg/kg

(same as the toxic dose of APAP)

For patients who cannot tolerate Administer IV

or have contraindications to oral
Known as the “British Protocol” –
treatment with NAC, what other
150 mg/kg over 60 min then
treatment option do you have?
12.5 mg/kg/h for 4 h then
6.25 mg/kg/h for 16 h
(total treatment time 21 h)

In an APAP ingestion of Check the serum APAP level at 4 h &

unknown quantity, how do you compare to chart
know whether APAP will reach (The chart is also called a “nomogram.” In
toxic levels? the case of APAP, the Rumack-Matthew
nomogram is the name of the one used.)

Should a higher than usual dose of No – this is a change from previous practice!
NAC be given, if charcoal is also
(Activated charcoal does adsorb some of the
given at the same time?
NAC, but the impact is so small, that no
adjustment is needed.)

After the loading dose, how is 70 mg/kg × 17 doses

NAC dosed? Given 4 h apart
(There is a new NAC formulation that
makes the infusion regimen simpler)

What patient group is least likely to Young children

develop liver toxicity with APAP?
98 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Why is NAC helpful in APAP It provides a glutathione-like substance that

overdose? binds the toxin

What are the stages of APAP 1. GI symptoms which resolve

toxicity? spontaneously, then
2. Liver & renal dysfunction
3. ↑ LFTs & GI symptoms return
4. Recovery or liver failure

Why is too much APAP The liver can only detoxify so much APAP
(acetaminophen) toxic? at a time – excess amounts saturate
glutathione and kill liver cells

Why is ethanol toxicity more It can produce rapid hypoglycemia

dangerous in kids than adults?
(immature liver – limited glycogen stores)

Why is ETOH withdrawal Autonomic dysregulation

dangerous? (fever, tachycardia, HTN)

When do the potentially Typically 2–3 days after the last drink!
dangerous complications
of alcohol withdrawal begin?

What are the dangerous features DTs

of alcohol withdrawal collectively (delirium tremens)
referred to as?

Why are alcoholic patients given In an effort to prevent Wernicke-Korsakoff

“banana bags” of vitamins, syndrome
thiamine, folate, & magnesium?
(caused by dietary deficiencies common
in alcoholics)

What medication class is primarily Benzos!

used to treat ETOH withdrawal?

What are the stages of ETOH 1. “Shakes” – tremor & agitation

withdrawal? 2. Hallucinations
3. “Rum fits” – seizures
4. DTs – autonomic dysregulation
(significant mortality)
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 99

“Disk hyperemia” on Methanol

funduscopic exam is a buzzword
for toxicity from what substance?
Picture a red “disk” of methanol being
tossed like a Frisbee at a party, and
splashing on the players’ eyes when they
grab it, producing tunnel vision!

What are the four treatment 1. 50 % ETOH (IV if possible)

choices for methanol ingestion? 2. Folate (cofactor)
3. Fomepizole
4. Hemodialysis

Fomepizole can be used for which The two that can be treated with ETOH –
two toxic ingestions? Ethylene glycol

A patient who appears to be Methanol

drunk, but complains of visual
symptoms is probably suffering
from what ingestion?

Methanol intoxication patients are Tunnel vision

especially likely to complain of (then blindness)
what visual symptom?

What makes methanol toxic? 1. It is a CNS depressant (like ethanol)

(2 reasons) 2. It forms a toxic metabolite – formic acid
(the formic acid is responsible for the
hallmark features of methanol toxicity)

In addition to visual complaints, 1. Seizure

what other signs may be evident in 2. GI complaints
methanol toxicity? 3. Abdominal pain/pancreatitis
(4) 4. Respiratory distress

Large ingestions of either methanol Hemodialysis

or ethylene glycol may require
what more invasive sort of
100 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

The toxic effects of methanol are Bicarb –

decreased by what IV therapy? Improves pH & may decrease both visual
symptoms & active forms of formic acid

What else can you give, to enhance Folic acid or folinic acid –
recovery from methanol toxicity? Increases rate of formic acid (toxic
metabolite) breakdown

If someone drinks isopropyl 1. CNS (intoxication/CNS depression,

(rubbing) alcohol, what two organ cerebellar signs & coma possible)
systems will be primarily affected? 2. GI (hemorrhagic gastritis)

Which other two organ systems are Pulmonary (pulmonary edema)

sometimes affected in isopropanol
ingestions (rubbing alcohol)
Cardiovascular (hypotension)

Why is it especially important to It is the most common toxic exposure

know about isopropanol toxicity? in the USA
(probably because it is so accessible,
especially now that isopropyl-based hand
sanitizers are so popular!)

What are the “classic” lab 1. Ketosis (from the acetone produced)
findings with isopropyl alcohol 2. No acidosis
ingestion? 3. ↑ osmolal gap

How is a very significant isopropyl Supportive care + hemodialysis

alcohol ingestion treated?
(hemodialysis is thought to increase
elimination of both the acetone metabolite
& isopropanol

A child ingests a common Isopropyl alcohol

household product. The child is ill
(treat with supportive care, proton pump
appearing, has an osmolal gap, but
inhibitors may be helpful for gastritis)
is not acidotic. What is the likely

How is a severe ETOH intoxication Respiratory & BP support

treated? (supportive care)
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 101

Severe cases of toxic alcohol Hemodialysis

ingestions can all be treated with
what technique?
Think of the alcohol evaporating through
the dialysis membrane.

Ethylene glycol is most commonly Paint

found in antifreeze – what other
common liquids may also contain
it? Solvents

What are the treatment options 1. Fomepizole

for ethylene glycol ingestion? 2. IV or PO ETOH
(3) 3. Dialysis
(ETOH is a lot cheaper than fomepizole,
and readily available(!), but fomepizole has
a better side-effect profile)

If a vignette involves a liquid Ethylene glycol

ingestion and urine findings,
Specific urine findings are:
what is the likely ingestion?
1. RBCs
2. Fluoresces
3. “Envelope” shaped crystals

Are there any cofactors that might Yes –

be helpful in treating an ethylene Giving thiamine (B1) & pyridoxine (B6)
glycol ingestion? speeds processing of toxic metabolites to
less toxic forms

Why are β-blockers not Unopposed alpha activity could result –

recommended for cocaine causing vascular contraction & ischemia
overdose (or exposure to an
unknown sympatho-mimetic)?

Why is unopposed alpha activity Ischemia/infarction –

a bad thing?
Alpha activity constricts arterial blood
delivery – Beta-blockade decreases the
amount of blood the arterial system tries
to deliver.
102 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Antihistamine overdose looks the Anticholinergics

same as what other medication
(including many aspects of tricyclic
antidepressant overdose)

If a patient seems to have Tricyclic antidepressant

anticholinergic poisoning, but
(QRS > 100 ms is wide)
also has a widened QRS, what
toxic ingestion is likely?

If patients with antihistamine/ Any benzodiazepine

anticholinergic ingestions become
agitated, what medication can
be used?

Physostigmine inhibits No –
acetylcholinesterase. Should you Risk of seizure & asystole
use it with anticholinergic
(Use in consultation with a toxicologist only.)

What patient populations are likely Attempted suicides

to have arsenic poisoning? Attempted homicides
Immigrants from 3rd-world nations
(due to contaminated well water)

If you need to test for arsenic Urine level (24-h)

exposure, how do you do it?
X-ray if ingested
(Blood level is not useful)

How do patients accidentally 1. Pesticides/herbicides

encounter arsenic? 2. Soil
(3) 3. “Alternative” medications

What is the antidote BAL (British anti-Lewisite)

for arsenic toxicity?
(Penicillamine is also used)
(2 options)
Have a BAL with arsenic!

Generally speaking, why Reduces ATP

is arsenic toxic?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 103

What are the effects of chronic Neuropathy & diarrhea

arsenic poisoning? Paresthesias in limbs
Hyperkeratotic or hyperpigmented rash

What derm-related finding is a Mees lines – seen in chronic or subacute

buzzword for arsenic toxicity? poisoning
(white opaque lines in the nails – of course
other things can also cause them, but not in
a tox vignette!)

What is the classic presentation of Metallic taste in the mouth

an acute arsenic ingestion?

What are the most common effects 1. GI – N/V/D & abdominal pain
of acute arsenic poisoning? 2. Cardiovascular issues (arrhythmia,
(2 systems) vasodilation, and capillary leakiness)

What is the antidote for heparin Protamine sulfate

overdose? (1 mg/kg)

Where might a child or suicidal 1. Medication bottles

patient find warfarin? 2. Rat poison

What hematological abnormality Prolonged PT

goes with warfarin toxicity?

In a barbiturate overdose, what Cutaneous bullae

physical exam finding is a bad
prognostic sign?

Is urine alkalinization useful in Yes

barbiturate overdose?

Barbiturates used in medicine Methaqualone

generally produce hypotension &
CNS depression. What barbiturate
variant has the opposite effect?

Most treatments for β-blocker and Calcium IV

calcium channel blocker toxicity (makes sense!)
are the same. Which is unique to
calcium channel blockers?
104 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

What treatment options can be 1. Fluids

used in both β-blocker and calcium 2. Catecholamines (usually those with both
channel blocker toxicity? alpha & beta effects)
3. Pacemaker
4. Glucagon (short term)

Overdose of most typical Dizziness

antiseizure medications results Ataxia
in what classic triad of signs & Nystagmus

With severe overdoses of Coma

antiseizure medications, what Seizure (paradoxically)
signs/symptoms are likely? Arrhythmia

For small ingestions of valproate, Activated charcoal (single dose) if recent

what sort of care is usually needed?
Supportive care

What are your options for treating 1. Activated charcoal

really large overdoses of valproate? 2. Whole-bowel irrigation, mainly
(2 decontamination techniques, for extended-release formulations
1 quantity reduction, 3. Hemodialysis
2 medications) 4. Naloxone (sometimes improves level
of consciousness – mechanism unclear)
5. L-carnitine (a cofactor)

What role does L-carnitine play in It is often low in overdose or chronic

valproate processing? valproate use (multiple mechanisms)
It is needed for mitochondrial energy
production & valproate processing +
It is needed to reduce ammonia levels by
restoring mitochondrial urea processing

What are the main ways you treat a MULTIdose-activated charcoal

carbamazepine overdose? (unusual in pediatrics)
(4 items –
Benzos for seizures
seizure control, Bicarb for QRS > 100 ms
cardiovascular effects controls)
Supportive care, including fluid support for
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 105

What unusual decontamination Whole-bowel irrigation

measure should be considered for a (closely monitor electrolytes, but risks
large ingestion of extended release of toxicity can outweigh the risks of the
carbamazepine pills? irrigation)

Why does carbamazepine have Like phenytoin, it is a sodium channel

effects on the cardiovascular blocker

Can arsenic toxicity be treated? Yes

(Chelation with BAL or penicillamine)

What is the leading cause of Carbon monoxide

toxin-related death in the USA?

How is carbon monoxide 100 % oxygen

poisoning treated?
Hyperbaric oxygen
(if needed & available)

If a group of people living in the Carbon monoxide poisoning

same household all have vague
(usually from home heating systems or
flu-like symptoms that improve
sometimes from poorly maintained space
during the day (while at work
or school), what is the diagnosis?

At what time of year is carbon Fall – when heating systems are first
monoxide poisoning most turned back on

Which patients are at special risk Those with high O2 consumption –

from CO poisoning? fetuses, very young children, pregnant

Does CO cross the placenta? Yes – and it’s very fond of fetal

What is the point of treating CO It reduces the half-life of carbon

poisoning with O2? monoxide

What are the symptoms of Headache

carbon monoxide poisoning? Nausea
106 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

In severe CO poisoning, the patient The underlying problem is hypoxia –

may be comatose or seizing. Why? hypoxic patients seize and become

How is carbon monoxide Blood level of carboxyhemoglobin needed –

poisoning definitely diagnosed? Treatment should be started based on
clinical findings & suspicions

What does the ABG of a CO Often normal! –

poisoning patient usually show? The problem is that the O2 bound to
hemoglobin is very low –
the ABG doesn’t measure this

Will the pulse ox help you No.

evaluate CO poisoning patients?

Why are pulse ox readings often The pulse ox is looking for percentage of
misleading with CO poisoning hemoglobin that is saturated –
patients? CO saturates hemoglobin very nicely!
(just not with the right molecule)

Although the carboxyhemoglobin Not well

level is helpful for diagnosis and
(Treat the patient, not the number.)
management of CO poisoning, how
well does the level correlate with

What types of products cause Acids & alkalis

“caustic ingestions?”

Which type of caustic ingestion is Alkali

more common – acid or alkali?

Which type of caustic ingestion Alkali

usually causes more damage?
(causes liquefactive necrosis)

How is the damage done by a 1. Upright CXR (to evaluate lungs & see
caustic ingestion evaluated? free air)
(2) 2. Endoscopy

Should steroids be given routinely No –

for caustic ingestions? Steroids were used previously, depending
on endoscopy findings but are no longer
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 107

Although recommendations vary, if Generally not

a boards vignette suggests diluting
(opinions vary on this, but depending on the
a caustic ingestion (with water), is
substance, risks generally outweigh possible
that alright?

Overdose with what cardiac Clonidine

medication presents like opiate

What are the four main CNS Lethargy

effects of clonidine overdose? Apnea
Depressed reflexes
(much like opiates)

What kind of a drug is clonidine, Alpha agonist

generally speaking?

What cardiac effects does clonidine 1. Bradycardia

have, in overdose? 2. Hypotension
(3) 3. A-V block

In clonidine overdose, what Naloxone

medication may be helpful in
reducing at least some of the

The two common sources of • Home heating

carbon monoxide poisoning are • Fires
________ & ________?

What is the underlying Anoxia

pathophysiology of cyanide
(the oxygen based energy systems
of the cell are shut down)

The most common source of Smoke inhalation

cyanide toxicity is ________?
(burning plastic gives off cyanide)

The characteristic odor your Bitter almond

patient is supposed to have if he
or she is cyanide poisoned is
108 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

The characteristic color of the Cherry red

blood, mentioned in carbon (bright red)
monoxide poisoning is ________?

How does cyanide poisoning Very rapidly –

present? Nausea & abdominal pain
Cardiovascular collapse

If cyanide toxicity is suspected, By creating methemoglobinemia

how is it treated (the general idea)?
(Cyanide likes methemoglobin more than
it likes normal cells.)

Specifically, how is cyanide With the cyanide kit:

toxicity treated? 1. Amyl nitrite (inhaled before IV access
(3) established)
2. Sodium nitrite IV
3. Sodium thiosulfate IV

Which plants contain digitalis? Foxglove


Digitalis overdose causes what 1. AV block

three main problems? 2. Arrhythmia
3. Hyperkalemia

How does digitalis work? It inhibits the Na-K ATPase pump

How is digoxin overdose treated? Digibind (antibodies to digoxin) binds

the drug

What electrolyte problem Low potassium!

significantly worsens the toxicity
of digitalis overdose?

Should calcium be given to NO! –

hyperkalemic patients on dig?
1. The hyperkalemia could be a symptom
Why or why not?
of dig overdose, rather than real
elevated K
2. Giving calcium with high dig level
could theoretically “freeze” the heart
in contraction
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 109

What is a tetanically contracted “Stone heart”

heart, due to digoxin and excess
calcium, called?

For an adult-sized patient with an 5–10 vials usually

unknown amount of digoxin
ingested, how much Digibind (Dig
Fab fragment) should you give?

If the amount of dig ingested is Serum dig level  weight

known, how can you calculate how 100
much Fab fragment is needed? the number of vials to use

To treat a dig overdose, the main Serum dig level

number you would like to know
(assuming the tablets were not just eaten,
is ___________?
and sitting in the gut as you treat!)

Although a variety of PAT (paroxysmal atrial tachycardia)

arrhythmias occur with dig with AV block
toxicity, which one is considered
to be pathognomonic for it?

What does PAT with AV block The atria go through episodes of rapid firing,
mean? but most are not conducted to the ventricles

What is the most common PVCs

dysrhythmia observed with dig
(premature ventricular contractions)

In the setting of dig overdose, what 5.5

potassium level tells you to start
(Kind of high for anyone, definitely high if
Fab fragments right away?
dig is also on board!)

All this stuff about dig overdose • High is bad because it indicates a more
and potassium is confusing. severe poisoning
So high is bad and so is low? • Low is bad because it indicates there will
be more toxicity of whatever dig was
ingested (or given)

Bradycardia often occurs with Yes

dig overdose. Can you use
atropine to treat it?
110 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

What other medications can Magnesium

be helpful in managing the (for SVT, do not use with bradycardia or
cardiovascular aspects block)
of dig overdose?

Which antiarrhythmic class is Class 1a antiarrhythmics

contraindicated in dig overdose?
(too much sodium channel effect –
examples are quinidine & procainamide)

Phenytoin also has sodium channel Phenytoin eliminates the tendency of dig to
effects. Why is it alright to use produce arrhythmias, while keeping the
it in digitalis toxicity? inotropic improvements
Phenytoin has also been shown to be more
effective than lidocaine at ending
dig-induced SVTs

A patient on hallucinogens usually Sympathomimetics

presents similarly to what type
(tachy, anxious, dilated pupils, hyperthermic)
of overdose?

How does hallucinogen use Psychosis!

present differently from
sympathomimetic overdose?

How are hallucinogen patients Sedation, haldol, wait for it to wear off

What are the main problems 1. Pulmonary irritation

with hydrocarbon use/abuse? 2. Arrhythmia

How do hydrocarbons put the heart They make the myocardium oversensitive to
at risk for arrhythmia? other stimulation
(much like hypothermia)

What type of hydrocarbon use Sniffing

typically puts the myocardium at
risk for arrhythmias?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 111

A patient is picked up by EMS A group was huffing –

in a life-threatening arrhythmia.
The sudden catecholamine burst put
Some cans were found near the
this patient’s heart into a non-perfusing
victim, who apparently collapsed
when some security guards
chased the group out of their
location. What happened?

What common PALS/ACLS drug Epinephrine

must not be used with
(it makes it worse)
hydrocarbon patients in

If the chest X-ray initially looks Not very –

good following a hydrocarbon Chest x-ray needed six hours later due to
ingestion, how reassuring is that? frequent delay in findings

What physical aspects of ↑ volatility

hydrocarbons increase their ↓ surface tension
likelihood of causing problems? ↓ viscosity

How can you remember which They are all things that make it easier
physical aspects of hydrocarbon for the HC to get into the lungs
make them dangerous? (even if it’s already in the stomach)

What aspects of their chemical Halogenation (e.g., PVCs, carbon

makeup render some hydrocarbons tetrachloride)
more dangerous than others?
Aromatic hydrocarbons
(ring structures)

Generally, hydrocarbons should 1. Large quantity

not be lavaged, because it increases 2. Very toxic (pesticide, leaded gas,
their potential contact time with halogenated or aromatic)
the lungs. In what situations might
lavage of hydrocarbons be alright?

What is the antidote to INH B6

toxicity? (pyridoxine)
112 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Seizures in a pediatric patient, INH

that are not responding well to
the usual medications, could be
due to an accidental ingestion
of ___________?

What is the usual presentation 1. Seizures or coma

of an INH overdose? 2. Metabolic acidosis (anion gap)
(2 components)

Unexplained and difficult to INH overdose

manage seizures in the right (immigrants, children, prisoners, etc.)
population could always be

What is the most common, but Plant ingestion

also least lethal, form of

Pulmonary edema, not from a M methadone &

cardiac cause, is associated with meprobamate
what types of poisonings? O opiates
(4) P phenobarbital
S salicylates
You need MOPS for the lungs with these

Mydriasis goes with which Antihistamines

general toxin groups? Antidepressants
(4) Anticholinergics

Hypoventilation goes with “slow” S sedative hypnotics

breathing. What drugs or toxins L liquor
tend to cause hypoventilation? O opiates
W weed (marijuana)

Vesicles & bullae are sometimes Barbiturates

seen with what toxins/meds? Sedative hypnotics
(not including weapons) CO

Blue skin can indicate cyanosis or Methemoglobinemia

what tox-related condition?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 113

Which reasonably common Nitrates/nitrites

substances tend to cause Aniline dyes
methemoglobinemia? Dapsone
(Phenazopyridine is the drug used
for symptomatic relief of UTIs – turns the
urine bright orange)

Bright red skin or blood is CO

supposed to go along with which

In addition to many children & Those with CNS or cardiac toxicity

pregnant women, which other
patients need hyperbaric oxygen
after carbon monoxide exposure?

Whole bowel irrigation can be 1. Body packer (packets not ruptured)

considered for tox patients in what 2. Sustained released medication
situations? 3. Charcoal can’t bind the toxin
(assuming the nurses really like you!)

Multi-dose charcoal is a good idea 1. Sustained release

for what four common groups of 2. Salicylates
medications? 3. Phenobarb
(due to enterohepatic recirculation)
4. Theophylline

What toxic substances can C chloral hydrate &

usually be seen on X-ray? cocaine packets
(5 groups – The mnemonic O Opiates
spells COINS, which you can also I iron & other heavy
see on X-ray!) metals
N neuroleptic agents
S sustained release &
enteric coated pills

If you want to find out whether Urine

a patient has been exposed to (toxins are cleared from the blood much
a toxin in the last few days, more rapidly)
what is the best test to send?
114 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

How do methemoglobinemia Like hypoxic patients

patients present?
Just cyanosis

How is methemoglobinemia treated? Methylene blue fixes it

What is the problem The iron becomes too oxidized

in methemoglobinemia? to carry oxygen

Will methemoglobinemia improve No

if you give oxygen?

What color is the blood “Chocolate brown”

in methemoglobinemia?

Will pulse ox readings help you Not really –

to evaluate a patient’s oxygen
The abnormal Hgb state makes the pulse
state if he or she has
ox unreliable

Why does methylene blue work as a It puts the iron back to its usual state,
treatment for methemoglobinemia? so it can carry oxygen again

In what situations is mercury toxic? Inhaled or injected

Is mercury from a thermometer Not unless it’s inhaled


Which body systems does mercury CNS

toxicity affect? GI

How is mercury poisoning treated? Chelation

(with BAL or succimer)

What is the main action They block degradation

of MAO inhibitors? of catecholamines

What are the symptoms HTN

of MAO inhibitor toxicity? Headache
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 115

Foods containing large amounts Tyramine

of what substance can cause a (aged cheeses, wine, fava beans)
hypertensive crisis for patients
taking even normal doses of
MAO inhibitors?

What medication class, when Amphetamines

combined with an MAOI, can
produce a hypertensive crisis?

Which two common medications Meperidine (Demerol)

can cause a “hyperpyrexic
syndrome” or “hyperthermic
syndrome” if combined with Dextromethorphan
an MAOI?
(The famous Libby Zion case in NYC
involved a death due to combining
meperidine and an MAOI)

Too much neuroleptic medication 1. Hypotension (mainly orthostatic)

can cause what two problems, 2. Anticholinergic symptoms

What antiarrhythmic class should Class 1a

be avoided for patients taking (quinidine & procainamide)
neuroleptics, and also patients
on digoxin or phenytoin?

Patients taking neuroleptic Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

medications are at risk for what (NMS)
idiosyncratic reaction?

What are the main features of Hyperthermia

neuroleptic malignant Hypertension
syndrome? Tachycardia
(5 items – 3 are autonomic) Muscle rigidity
Change of mental status

How is serotonin syndrome • No muscle rigidity

(another toxidrome) different • Often mild, although can be serious
from NMS?
(2 ways)

Is NMS dose related? No

116 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

How is NMS treated? 1. Discontinue the neuroleptic!

2. Supportive care
3. Alkalinize urine – to protect kidneys if
significant muscle breakdown is present
4. Paralysis if needed
5. Control temp
(Change – Dantrolene, & other medications
such as dopamine 2 (D2) receptor agonists,
are still sometimes used, but evidence as to
effectiveness is unclear)

What is the toxicity of oral Prolonged hypoglycemia

hypoglycemic agents? (makes sense!)

How is oral hypoglycemic agent Glucose

overdose treated, in general? Glucagon (very short term)
Admission or observation until drug
is processed and no longer active

Which patient group is at Young children

greatest risk of severe (poor glycogen reserves)
hypoglycemia, with oral
hypoglycemic ingestion/

In iron poisoning, how do you Elemental iron/kg

calculate the dose ingested?

How is iron ingestion treated? 1. Whole-bowel irrigation

2. Chelation with deferoxamine

How many phases are there Four

to iron toxicity? (same as Tylenol™, another common one)

What is the first phase of iron GI symptoms & sometimes shock!


What is the last phase of iron Scarring (of the gut) and recovery

After the first phase of GI Quiescence

symptoms, what happens in the (nothing – quiet phase)
second phase?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 117

Which iron toxicity phase features The third

acidosis, liver injury, and (Between quiescence and scarring)
sometimes coma?

So, what are all four phases of the 1. GI & shock

iron toxicity syndrome? 2. Quiescent
3. Acidosis, liver injury, coma
4. Scarring & recovery
(sometimes obstruction)

Does charcoal bind iron? No – iron is a metal

What do the labs usually show in + anion gap

iron poisoning? + acidosis
↑ WBCs
↑ glucose

Is an X-ray useful if iron Yes – it is radioopaque

ingestion is suspected?

If you see the buzzword “vin rose” Iron toxicity –

referring to urine, what are you Urine that is “rosé wine colored” following
supposed to think of? deferoxamine (iron) chelation

How is lithium toxicity treated? Supportive care

Hemodialysis if severe

The signs of lithium toxicity occur CNS

mainly in what two body systems?

What is the main problem lithium Long QT

tends to create for the heart?

What are the main CNS Seizure

consequences of lithium overdose? Slurred speech

In what situation is a low serum With chronic use

level of lithium most likely
to be toxic?
118 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Chronic lithium use results in Acute ingestion

toxicity at lower levels than acute (25 % mortality vs. 9 % for chronic)
ingestions do. Which is more life
threatening, acute or chronic

What electrolyte/fluid problems Hyponatremia

must you watch for, and correct,
in lithium ingestions?
(both worsen toxicity)

If the lithium ingestion seems 1. Hold lithium!

to be mild, and the patient 2. Lavage to remove tablets if reasonable
is not very symptomatic, what 3. Maintain hydration & sodium level
supportive care should be 4. Hold any diuretics (risk of
offered? dehydration)

After an episode of lithium CNS

poisoning, what two systems may
not recover completely?
(lithium is renally excreted)

How useful is a lithium level to Not great –

predicting toxicity in a lithium Response varies among individuals, and
overdose? depending on acute vs. chronic ingestion
(or both)

Which metal is a common cause Iron

of acute poisoning deaths
in children?

Which metal is a common cause Lead

of chronic poisoning in children?
(acute ingestion is quite rare)

Which peripheral neuropathy Wrist drop

is “classically” associated with
lead poisoning?

What do you expect to see on the Microcytic anemia

CBC of a patient with chronic
lead poisoning?
“Basophilic stippling” of the RBCs
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 119

Tiny blue dots covering the surface Basophilic stippling

of RBCs are called ________?

Why might you want to get an If it’s a child or pica patient, you might
abdominal X-ray on a lead toxicity “see” the lead source in the gut
patient? (paint chips, etc.)

If a significant amount of lead Whole-bowel irrigation

were found on the KUB, what
(unlikely to happen – lead is rarely an acute
would you need to do?

How is lead poisoning Chelation

usually treated?

Which chelation medications can BAL (British anti-Lewisite)

be used for lead poisoning? DMSA
(3) EDTA

So, how does lead poisoning Abdominal pain/anorexia

present? Headache
Learning/behavior problems

Both lead & mercury cause Enzyme activity is impeded

problems by combining with
(Various enzymes are affected – most
sulfhydryl groups on molecules.
famously in heme synthesis, with lead
Why does that binding cause a

What oral cavity finding goes “Lead lines” in the gingiva

along with lead toxicity in
(Dark lines where the gums meet the
teeth – result of oral bacteria interacting
with a high circulating lead level.)

At what lead level is lead >50 mcg/dL

poisoning automatically
considered to be severe?

If serum lead levels exceed 1. Short attention span

10 mcg/dL, what cognitive or 2. Cognitive decline
behavioral effects are expected? 3. Antisocial behavior

Lead can be chelated, but stores Bone

of lead in what body structure are (It is slowly released from bone)
difficult to remove?
120 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

If the lead level begins to rise Bone is releasing it

again after chelation, what is

If the lead level increases Chelate again

significantly after chelation, what
should you do?

What dietary modifications High calcium & iron diet

are helpful for a lead poisoned
(They compete with lead in the gut)

After chelation, what should you They are permanent

expect with regard to the CNS
changes associated with lead

Are low levels of lead in the No –

serum alright? Low levels still contribute to decreased
cognitive functioning

What is the main problem to deal Respiratory depression/apnea

with in opiate overdose?

What are the other signs of Pinpoint pupils (usually)

opiate overdose? Hypotension (mild)
(other than respiratory CNS depression or coma

How can you reverse an opiate Naloxone

overdose? (Narcan)

What must you be careful of, if 1. If you patient wakes up, s/he may
you use naloxone? vomit
(3) 2. Naloxone wears off long before the
opiate does (& your patient might stop
breathing if that happens!)
3. Chronic opioid users can be very
angry and combative when woken and
may have significant pain that is very
hard to control
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 121

What is the long-acting form Naltrexone

of naloxone called? (Half-life = 72 h)
(not widely used)

In addition to respiratory Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema

depression/apnea, what other
problem sometimes develops with
the lungs in opiate overdose?

What source of opiate is often Lomotil™

“around the house” and available (symptoms usually develop slowly)
for accidental ingestion?

Rotatory nystagmus is a PCP

buzzword for what recreational
(+unusual strength)
drug ingestion or use?

A child presents with a history Lead toxicity

of intermittent abdominal pain.
Routine CBC reveals anemia
and RBCs with basophilic
stippling. What is the likely

Patients using PCP are at risk Rhabdomyolysis

for what kidney damaging (probably due to over-exerting their
problem? muscles!)

If a PCP patient (and most other Phentolamine or labetolol

recreational drug users) has (or other meds with both alpha & beta-
problems with hypertension after blocker effects)
agitation has been controlled, what
(PCP can cause malignant hypertension,
is your best choice to treat it?
damaging end organs)

How is PCP use handled Benzos & pentobarbital/propofol for the

medically? severely agitated

Do PCP users have problems with Sometimes –

temperature regulation? Hyperthermia

Other than insulin & oral 1. ETOH (mainly in kids)

hypoglycemics, which other 2. Salicylates OD
substances often cause 3. Phenytoin OD
hypoglycemia? 4. Acetaminophen OD
122 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

If a patient presents with The glucose

overdose and altered mental
(Should check it for anyone with altered
status, what must you always
mental status – with or without OD)

Poisoning from pesticides causes Too much acetylcholine –

problems by what mechanism? the breakdown enzyme is inhibited

What is the name of the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase

affected in organophosphate &
carbamate insecticide poisoning?

What is the main “toxidrome” Salivation

you expect to see in pesticide Lacrimation
poisoning? Urination
GI distress/emesis

What toxidrome is expected with Also SLUDGE

exposure to most nerve gases? (same mechanism)

How are cholinergic toxidromes Atropine

(those caused by too much ACh) (It is a competitive inhibitor of ACh
treated? at muscarinic sites)

With organophosphate pesticide 2-PAM

toxicity, and nerve gases, what
(aka pralidoxime)
additional medication is needed
for treatment?
(atropine + ________)

What is the point of giving It prevents the permanent destruction

pralidoxime after certain of acetylcholinesterase
cholinergic toxic exposures?
(without it, recovery depends on
regeneration of the enzyme)

SLUDGE doesn’t sound life- 2 reasons:

threatening, just annoying. Why is
– The secretions are so copious they can
the cholinergic toxidrome
interfere with breathing
potentially fatal?
– Constant ACh stimulation of respiratory
and voluntary muscle results in paralysis
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 123

What “class” of antiarrhythmic Class 1a – sodium channel blockers

is quinidine?
(Procainamide is also 1a)

What is the main danger of having Prolonged QT

too much quinidine?
Possible torsades

How can quinidine overdose Isoproterenol

be treated? Pacing
(Magnesium for torsades, if needed)

Ben-Gay® contains a high level Oil of wintergreen

of what toxin? (a very toxic salicylate)

What is the odd pH presentation Initial respiratory alkalosis,

of salicylate overdose patients? then metabolic acidosis

How do children usually present, Hyperventilation

when they have ingested Diaphoresis &
salicylates? Behavioral changes

In an acute salicylate poisoning, Gut distress

symptoms are usually most
prominent in which system?

When a patient chronically taking CNS –

salicylates becomes toxic, what Tinnitus, seizures, coma, fever
types of symptoms are usually
most noticeable?

Overall, a bad salicylate poisoning Sepsis

looks like a patient with what (tachycardic, febrile, tachypneic, pulmonary
diagnosis __________? edema, depressed LOC)

Why do salicylate patients Salicylates stimulate the CNS respiratory

hyperventilate? center

What is the underlying mechanism “uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation”

of salicylate toxicity (the way it (the cell can’t use oxygen to make energy
produces the metabolic acidosis)? anymore)
124 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

What kind of metabolic acidosis Anion gap

does salicylate poisoning cause?
(anion gap or non-anion gap)

What pulmonary problem is Pulmonary edema

sometimes seen in salicylate

In addition to anion gap metabolic Hypoglycemia

acidosis, what other metabolic
derangements often occur with
salicylate toxicity? Hypokalemia

For very severe cases of salicylate Hemodialysis

poisoning, what treatment will be

Other than dialysis, how can Maintain glucose

salicylate overdose be treated? Maintain potassium
Alkalinize (use bicarb)

What is the main goal of To trap salicylate ions in the urine

alkalinization in salicylate toxicity?
(The urine must have an alkaline pH
or the treatment won’t work.)

If you’re giving bicarb, and the The potassium is low

urine won’t turn alkaline, what is
the problem?

Phenothiazine medications have Hypotension

many different effects. What
effects do they have on the
cardiovascular system? Prolonged intervals
(risk of torsades)

The CNS effects of phenothiazines, Anticholinergic

(sedation, psychosis, and seizures),
along with heat stroke and urinary
retention effects, are due to the Antihistamine
_______ & _______ effects
of phenothiazines?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 125

What reaction to phenothiazines Dystonic reaction

is commonly seen and easily
(can also occasionally occur with PCP &

What is a dystonic reaction? Torticollis

(3) Eye deviation
Facial grimacing

What bad complication can Laryngospasm

(rarely) occur in a dystonic

How are dystonic reactions Benadryl®

treated? (Diphenhydramine)

Why can rapid infusion of (regular) Can cause cardiovascular collapse

phenytoin be life-threatening?

Why can phenytoin infusion cause It was the polypropylene glycol vehicle
cardiovascular collapse, but in the Dilantin®/Phenytoin that caused
fosphenytoin will not? the problem –
Fosphenytoin doesn’t have it!

Is an oral ingestion of phenytoin No –

likely to be life-threatening, Although it can cause coma
if it is large?

How can (oral) Dilantin®/ Single-dose activated charcoal

phenytoin overdose be treated? (multi-dose sometimes used in adults &
older adolescents – efficacy unclear)
(Dialysis is traditionally not used – recent
literature suggests that it may have a
moderate helpful effect, but this is

What are the symptoms CNS problems, usually –

of phenytoin toxicity? Ataxia
Slurred speech

Can phenytoin have cardiac effects? Yes – it affects sodium channels

126 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

What should you watch for in Bradycardia

terms of cardiovascular effects of
excess phenytoin?
QRS widening

How should a levetiracetam Activated charcoal (single dose)

(Keppra®) overdose be treated?
Supportive care
Hemodialysis is an option for severe
overdose (generally not required)

What two drugs in the xanthine Caffeine

class are overdose problems?

What are the symptoms Tachycardia

of excess xanthines? Vomiting
(Bad day at the Starbucks®!)

How does theophylline overdose Accidental ingestion

Drug interaction!!
(It is protein bound, and the level
suddenly goes up if it is pushed off
the protein.)

As with most other chronically Chronic

used medications, greater toxicity
is seen at lower levels when
theophylline use is __________?
(chronic or acute)

In xanthine overdose, how well Well in acute overdose,

does the drug level correspond to Poor in chronic

What electrolyte abnormality can Hypokalemia

occur with xanthine toxicity?
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 127

Other than coffee, tea, & soda, Diet pills

where are your patients likely to
Over-the-counter stimulants
encounter caffeine (in sufficient
(like “No Doze®”)
quantities to overdose)?
(3) “Energy” drinks!

Which commonly encountered Erythromycin

medications are likely to “bump” Cimetidine
the theophylline level up? Ciprofloxacin

Due to the hepatic processing of Liver failure

the drug, certain medical
conditions also increase
theophylline levels – such as? CHF

In addition to low potassium, what Low Magnesium

other electrolyte changes are seen
with xanthine overdose?
Low Phosphorous

Do xanthines have cardiac effects Yes –

other than tachycardia? SVT is fairly common

If supportive care is not enough, β-blockers (cardiac effect)

how do you treat a xanthine Phenobarb (for seizures)
overdose? Mg repletion
(2 meds & 2 ion related) Manage electrolytes

The main symptoms of tricyclic Antihistamine

antidepressant overdose come
from their ________ & _______
effects. Anticholinergic

What symptoms are noticeable 1. Tachycardia

early on in TCA overdose? 2. Dilated pupils
(5) 3. Warm, dry, & slightly flushed skin
4. Ileus
5. Sedation
(skin findings often featured in vignettes)

What unusual pattern of blood Hypertension,

pressure findings is seen followed by hypotension
in TCA overdose?
128 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Why do TCAs cause the unusual Catecholamine reuptake is blocked → initial

pattern of hypertension followed hypertension
by hypotension?
Alpha blockade produces hypotension

How well does the TCA level Not well

correlate to the findings in

What is the main concern QRS widening

with regard to cardiac effects
of TCAs?

TCAs act like what class 1a

of cardiac rhythm drugs?
(Sodium channel blockers like quinidine
& procainamide)

In general, the cardiac effects 1. Interval prolongation

of TCAs fall into what general 2. QRS widening
categories? 3. Right axis finding (e.g. right axis
(3) deviation or RBBB)

What is the mainstay of Bicarb!!!

treatment for TCA overdose? (titrate to width of QRS)

How is the hypotension of TCA Bicarb, hydration, & alpha agonists

overdose treated? (e.g. norepinephrine)

Is multidose charcoal useful Yes

for TCA overdose?

Why does bicarb treat the cardiac Several effects –

toxicity of TCA overdose? Correction of acidic pH improves heart
(3 possibilities) contractility
Traditionally taught that TCA binds to
proteins more in an alkaline environment
(removing it from the heart) – this may or
may not be the case
Sodium load may help to overwhelm the
sodium channels, partly correcting sodium
channel function
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 129

How are seizures due to TCA Benzos

overdose treated?
(Propofol has also been used)

Which TCAs are most likely to Maprotiline

cause seizure?

Does sodium bicarb treat No!!!

TCA-induced seizures? Use benzos, if seizures are prolonged
or frequent

In addition to lack of efficacy, It could worsen arrhythmia –

why else might you want to avoid
Its sodium channel activity is similar
giving phenytoin for TCA
to the TCAs
overdose seizures?

If seizure occurs with TCA First 6–8 h post-ingestion

overdose, when do you typically
(most likely in first 3 h)
see it?

Which antiarrhythmic classes 1. β-blockers

of medication must be avoided 2. Calcium channel
in a TCA overdose patient with blockers
dysrhythmia? 3. Sodium channel
(3) blockers
4. Class III agents
(amiodarone, bretylium, sotalol)
(β-blkrs & calcium channel blkrs contribute
to hypotension –
Class III agents may further lengthen the
QT interval, increasing chances for a
malignant arrhythmia)

How can you treat TCA arrhythmia Lidocaine and/or magnesium sulfate
that does not respond to bicarb?
Synchronized cardioversion or pacing
130 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Hypotension with TCA overdose Norepinephrine or phenylephrine

should be treated with fluids and (they directly compete with the TCA
bicarb before pressors are given. at α sites)
If a pressor is needed, which one
is best?

Which pressor should be avoided Dopamine –

in TCA overdose, and why? Often causes vasodilation in this setting
(partly relies on endogenous catecholamine
release for its effect – those catecholamines
may already be depleted)

How could a patient become Remained on nitroprusside too long

slowly cyanide toxic in the
(breakdown product is cyanide – toxicity
develops slowly)

If an important vital sign is It is a clue –

missing from a toxicology The missing vital sign is important
vignette on the boards, what to the toxidrome
should you assume?

In the past, Diamox (carbonic It produces metabolic acidosis over time

anhydrase inhibitor) has sometimes
been suggested as a way to
alkalinize your patient. Why is it
no longer recommended?

Especially in pediatrics, what Fluid overload

fluid issue must you be aware of
when alkalinizing your patient?

Some important toxins that 1. TCAs

respond well to alkalinization 2. Phenobarb
are _________? 3. Salicylates

For chelation therapy of iron IV

overdose, how is deferoxamine (PO cannot be used)

What are the main consequences Blindness

of mercury exposure for fetuses? Deafness
(4) Seizures
4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items 131

Methyl mercury ingestion Ataxia

(from fish) presents with what Paresthesias
neurological findings? Tremors
Special senses changes

If methyl mercury ingestion Dementia

progresses, what is its usual

How is mercury poisoning treated? BAL

(British anti-Lewisite, also known as

A family who has been Carbon monoxide

traveling together by car on a
long-distance trip present with
flu-like symptoms. They usually
feel fine when they wake up,
but develop symptoms during
the day. What toxin exposure
should you think of?

What is the main effect of CNS depression & potentially coma

levetiracetam overdose (Keppra®)?

What is the mainstay of treatment Supportive care – hemodialysis can be used

for a levetiracetam overdose? but is generally not needed

In a young child, refusal to drink Corrosive ingestion

or copious salivation could indicate (acid or alkali)
what toxic exposure?

Where do kids typically find acids Toilet bowl cleaners

to drink?

Where do kids typically find alkalis Drain cleaners

to drink?

How well can you judge the Not well

condition of the esophagus, based
on oral & perioral burns?
132 4 General Toxicology Question and Answer Items

Iron ingestions are famous Pyloric stenosis

for leading to gut scarring and
obstruction. What sort of gastric
obstruction is especially common
in these patients?

If a patient presents more than Give N-acetylcysteine while waiting

four hours after a concerning for the initial level
acetaminophen ingestion, what
should you do for initial

What kind of toxin is Jimsonweed? Anticholinergic

Chapter 5
General Prevention Question
and Answer Items

All states screen newborns PKU & hypothyroidism

for which two disorders?

Most states also screen for what Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

endocrine disorder?

What other classes of disorders Hemoglobinopathies

are typically screened for?
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Organic acid disorders
Amino acid disorders

Many states are also beginning SCID disorders

to screen for which immune
(Severe Combined ImmunoDeficiency –
allowing diagnosis before the child becomes
ill, hopefully)

The PKU screen is the most If the test is done at <24 h old, must be
complicated of the newborn tests. repeated between 1 and 2 weeks of age
What are the special rules for the
(the metabolite might not have built up in 24 h)
timing of the test?

What procedures can cause PKU Blood transfusions & dialysis

screening to be inaccurate?

What procedures can cause Transfusion

hemoglobinopathy screening (After all, it’s not their hemoglobin you’re
to be inaccurate? testing, if they’ve been transfused!)

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 133

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_5
134 5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items

What is the rule for If there is more than one line

ophthalmology referral discrepancy in what the R vs. L eye
depending on the difference can read – Refer!
in acuity between the two eyes?
(there are also specific acuity requirements
that vary by age – please refer to the
ophthalmology section in Tricky Topics II)

At what age should you test kids Toddler – preschool

for strabismus with the “cover/
uncover” test?

Between ages 3 and 5, it is difficult The random-dot-E test

for kids to use a standard eye chart. (E’s in different orientations)
What test can be used instead?

How often should school-aged Annually

children and adolescents have
their vision checked?

By 4 months old, what sorts of Conjugate gaze

visual behavior can you check to Object tracking
assess vision?
(red reflex should also be present,
of course)

In young children, hearing can Evoked-oto-acoustic-emissions (EOAE)

be tested with evoked potentials
(easier to use, but more false positives)
(ABR or BAER testing).
What newer, simpler, modality
for testing young children is now

How often does the AAP Earliest formal hearing testing possible is
recommend formal hearing testing? age 3 –
Test in preschool,
Grades 1, 3, 5, & either 7 or 9 in the US
educational system
(approximately ages 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, &
12–14 years)
(and screening at birth, of course!)
5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items 135

Which kids need a hearing 1. Parental concern about language

screening, based on their development
particular history? 2. history of infection that might cause
(3) hearing loss
3. history of ototoxic meds
(sometimes also needed for head trauma
or neurodegenerative diseases)

By what age should all infants By 1 month old!

have an initial hearing screening,
Physiological testing
and how should that screening
(not just clinical impression)
be done?

If the initial hearing screening is Rescreen the infant promptly – if it remains

abnormal or can’t be interpreted, abnormal, then referral for medical &
what should be done? audiological exam is required

The AAP has set a standard for all 3 months

congenitally deaf children to be
identified by what age?

What is the main reason Big effect on speech/language

to screen for hearing loss? development

Is universal screening for Yes –

elevated cholesterol in children One time between ages 9 and 11 years
Repeat between ages 17 and 21 years
(This is a change from prior

Which children in the other age Parent with dyslipidemia or total

groups (2–8 year olds & cholesterol >240
12–16 year olds) should also have
Child who smokes
lipid screening?
Child with DM, HTN, lipid-related
(4 groups –
medical condition (moderate to high risk),
1 parental factor
or BMI ≥95 %
1 behavioral factor
1 family history factor Family history positive for early
1 set of patient medical factors) atherosclerotic disease

What qualifies as “family history MI, stroke, angina, coronary artery bypass
of early atherosclerotic disease?” graft/stent/or angioplasty, or sudden cardiac
death at <55 years old in a male relative,
or <65 years old in a female relative
136 5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items

Which relatives “count” for the Parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or sibling

positive family history of
cardiovascular disease?

What are considered high or HTN

moderate risk factor lipid-related Cigarette smoker
conditions? HDL <40

Which additional medical disorders Heart or kidney transplant

are high or moderate risk factors
Kidney disease, including nephrotic
for lipid-related conditions?
HIV infection
Kawasaki’s disease with presence,
or history of, aneurysms
Chronic inflammatory (rheumatological)

Children must usually be at least 10 years old

how old to qualify for lipid
lowering medication treatment?

At what confirmed LDL level ≥190 mg/dL

should a child generally be started
(10 years old or older)
on statin therapy?

Patients with confirmed LDL levels Clinical coronary vascular disease is present
≥130, but less than 190 mg/dL,
should be started on a statin if what
other conditions are met? At least three risk factors are present (at
(2) least one high risk & two moderate risk,
depending on the LDL level)
(& 10 years old or older)

Why is lipid screening avoided in High false negative & low sensitivity &
children ages 12–16 years old, specificity in this age group, when you try
if possible? to correlate the current result to adult lipid
(LDL) levels

Which lipid test should you order, The fasting lipid profile
for screening purposes?
5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items 137

At what triglyceride level should ≥500 mg/dL

you automatically refer to a

At what LDL level should you ≥250 mg/dL

automatically refer to a specialist?

Should abnormal fasting lipid Yes, repeat at least one time

profile results be repeated?
Wait for at least 2 weeks between
If so, when?
measures (but not more than 3 months!)

At what triglyceride (TG) level ≥200

might a child need to be started on
Consider omega-3 fish oil therapy, also
a TG lowering medication?

At what age should you start 3 years –

screening children’s BP, and how Recheck annually
often should you recheck it?

If you think a child’s blood Same as an adult – take three readings on

pressure is abnormal, what will three different days
you need to do to confirm it? (they should all be abnormal if it’s real)
If the BP is from a machine (oscillometry)
it must be confirmed with BP by

There are three types of elevated Prehypertension

BP. What are they? (91–95 % for age)
(Note: These categories have Stage 1 hypertension
been updated in the last (>95 % for age but <99 % + 5 mmHg)
few years!)
Stage 2 hypertension
(≥99 % + 5 mmHg)

If a child is identified with Evaluate need for weight management,

prehypertension, what should educate on activity, & check CV risk
you do? factors
Repeat BP check in 6 months
138 5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items

Which interventions should Weight management evaluation

ALL children identified with
BP follow-up checks
prehypertension or hypertension
receive? Activity counseling
Diet guidance

If a child is identified with Stage Basic HTN work-up

1 hypertension (HTN), what
needs to be done & how often
should they be rechecked? Recheck BP in 3–6 months

What is considered the “basic History & physical exam

work-up” for a child with some (including family history & sleep history)
degree of HTN, according to
CBC, renal panel, lipids, glucose, &
current guidelines?
Renal & cardiac ultrasound

Should any of these children Yes –

be started on antihypertensive Those with LVH (left ventricular
medications? hypertrophy) or secondary HTN should
be started on medication immediately
(+treat underlying cause, if secondary)
Patients whose pressure remains Stage
1 after 3–6 months of follow-up

If a child is identified with stage Refer to a pediatric HTN expert within

2 hypertension, what needs 1 week
to be done?
Begin treatment & work-up immediately

At what age should fasting Approximately age 10 years, or at the

glucose first be tested? beginning of puberty (if it is before 10 years)
Children over 2 years old can be
considered for testing, depending on
clinical concern & risk factors.
5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items 139

Which kids should have a fasting Overweight + two risk factors from the
glucose screening test? categories:
Family history
Race/ethnicity &
Signs of insulin resistance

Which family history risk factors History of type 2 diabetes in a 1st- or

are used to screen children in 2nd-degree relative
need of a fasting blood glucose

Within the USA, which races Native American

or ethnic groups are considered Pacific Islander
to be at increased risk for type 2 African American
diabetes? Hispanic American
Asian American

Which signs of insulin resistance Acanthosis nigricans (skin finding)

are used to determine the
Hypertension or lipid disorder
need to screen for DM
in children? Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

How is overweight defined, in the BMI >85th % for age & sex
American Diabetic Association’s
Weight >120 % for height
(ADA) guidelines for which
children require fasting glucose Weight for height >85th %
(3 ways)

If initial fast blood glucose test Every 2 years

results are not suspicious for DM,
how often should the child be

What qualifies as “family history MI, stroke, angina, coronary artery bypass
of early atherosclerotic disease?” graft/stent/or angioplasty, or sudden cardiac
death at <55 years old in a male, or
<65 years old in a female relative

Which relatives “count” for Parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or sibling

positive family history of
cardiovascular disease?
140 5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items

If you need to do a lipid screen, “Fasting serum lipid profile”

what is the right test to order? (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL,
& triglycerides)

What is the recommended diet for Breastfeeding only (if possible),

children in the first year of life, to with gradual introduction of solids
reduce risks of future
cardiovascular disease?

After age 12 months, what sort 2 % or fat-free milk

of milk is recommended?

If a DASH-type diet is Diet high in fruit & vegetables, nuts, whole

recommended for your patient, grains, & low-fat or fat-free milk products
what does that mean, and why (sugar content is low)
(mainly) is it recommended? • It is thought to promote cardiovascular

What is the main beverage Fat-free unflavored milk

recommended to foster (& encourage water)
cardiovascular health, for
children between the ages
of 2 and 21 years old?

What is the maximum time per Maximum is 1–2 hours –

day children older than 1 year old Even if it is high quality programming
should be viewing a screen?
Less is preferred!
(television, computer, etc.)

As children become adolescents, is NO –

it a good idea to allow them more Not recommended from a health perspective
freedom & privacy, by having a
television or other screens, in their
own room?

For children between the ages Daily!

of 5 and 21 years old, how often
should they have moderate-to-
vigorous exercise?

Why is venous blood sampling Finger stick (capillary stick) can be

for lead level better than capillary contaminated with lead on the skin
5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items 141

If a child lives in an historic home, Yes

or historic community, is he/she (home built before 1950, or area
likely to need a lead level? with >27 % of homes built before 1950)

Which kids may need lead 6 months to 6 years

screening (what age group)?

At what lead level is treatment >10 μg/dL

required? (although recent studies have shown decline
in cognitive performance at levels even
lower than 10)

One risk factor for lead toxicity Job or hobby with caretaker exposure
has to do with parental activities. to lead (they take it home on clothing/skin)
What is it?

In a non-abusive household Yes – lead is often found in folk medicines,

situation, is it possible to find particularly those produced in developing
parents feeding their children lead? countries, and also in ceramic pottery and
pans used to prepare meals

At what age is it recommended that 5–10 years old

pediatricians ask children about
their personal history of tobacco

At what age are pediatricians 5–10 years old

recommended to speak with
children about the bad
consequences of tobacco use?

Does the AAP recommend Yes – between 9 and 12 months

screening Hgb/Hct universally? OR AT ANY TIME if risk factors for
iron deficiency are present

What are the main risk factors for Prematurity or low birth weight
iron deficiency in infants?
Exclusively breastfed without iron
supplementation beyond 4 months old
Lead exposure
Weaning to diet low in iron
142 5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items

Which ethnicity is known to be at Those of Mexican American descent

increased risk for low iron states?

Should children with other chronic Yes, both children with poor growth &
health conditions be considered at those with chronic health conditions may
risk for iron deficiency? have increased nutritional needs, or altered
nutrition due to their condition

Why is iron deficiency important? Big impact –

Cognitive impact occurs before iron
deficiency anemia can be detected

Which adolescents should Athletes

have a screening H/H?
menstruating females

If you are going to screen children During, or for a few weeks after,
for abnormal H/H, when must you an acute illness
avoid drawing the blood? (because transient anemia is common then)

AAP recommends annual urine Sexually active adolescent males and

dipsticks for which patient females

Does AAP recommend a No

universal urinalysis screening?
(Note: This is a change from previous

Is universal screening for TB No

recommended by the AAP?

Is it alright to use the No – that is another way of saying

“multipuncture” test to evaluate for “tuberculin tine test,” and we are not
TB? allowed to use that one

If you don’t know a child’s Use the validated “TB Risk-Assessment

history well enough to evaluate Questionnaire” with either the parent
risk factors for exposure to TB, or the adolescent patient
what is the recommended
Any positive response means that the Mantoux
approach to TB prevention?
test for TB response should be placed
5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items 143

Is it alright to place a PPD Yes

on a patient who has previously
received the BCG immunization?

How do you read a PPD on a Same as other patients

patient who was immunized with
the BCG?

What determines whether the Amount of induration in millimeters

PPD is positive or negative?

How long do you have to wait, 48–72 h

after placing the PPD, to read it?
(not longer, not shorter, just right – like

Although some patient groups 15 mm

are considered positive with
smaller amounts of induration,
how much induration is needed
for patient’s with no risk factors
to be positive on the PPD?

On the boards, is it a good idea to Yes – but choose the topics depending on
do parental counseling at each visit? the child’s age and reason for visit

When little babies come in for pedi Sun protection – meaning keeping the baby
visits, what skin care issue should out of the sun! Very vulnerable skin
you be sure to talk about?
(Infants older than 6 months may be
protected with sunscreen, but exposure
avoidance remains important.)

For very young babies, what Not possible!

advice should you give regarding
“spoiling” the child with too much

Is it the pediatrician’s place to ask Yes

parents what arrangements they
have made for childcare?

Before children can ambulate, Baths –

what is the major drowning risk (counsel about supervision, amount of
that you must discuss with parents? water, securing infant)
144 5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items

At what age should you begin Age 10

routinely counseling about drugs
and sex?

At what age should you refer your 12 months

patients for their first dental exam?

When should you recommend Any activity with increased velocity –

that your patients use protective bike riding, roller blading, etc.

You should routinely check Car seats/booster seats/seat belts

whether your patients’ families
are using what essential
protective device when
in vehicles?

You need to counsel parents Backwards

to place the car seat in what
orientation for very young

When should the car seat face As late as possible – the current
forward? recommendation is after the child is
2 years old

A child should be a minimum of 2 years old – there is no weight

how big before the car seat is recommendation anymore!
changed to the forward position?
(This is a change! It used to be that
20 pounds was the limit for facing the rear.)

Is it alright for children to be No – risk of internal (GI) organ perforation

restrained by lap belts only, if they and Chance fracture of the vertebra with
are riding in the back seat? impact

When is it alright for children to When they are taller than 5 feet and at
ride in the front passenger seat? least 13 years old, unless the airbag is

Ideally, where should small Back seat, central area (away from the
children be seated in a vehicle? vehicle frame)

What vitamin supplement Vitamin D

should you recommend for all
exclusively breastfed infants?
5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items 145

Recommendations regarding the Those in Northern climates

absolute quantity of daily vitamin
Darker skinned
D to recommend to children &
adults vary. Which children, Those with little sun exposure
though, are likely to be at special
Those with gut conditions rendering
risk for vitamin D deficiency, if not
absorption difficult (e.g., IBD or gastric
bypass patients)
(4 groups)

How is the infant sleep pattern for >50 % of infant sleep time is REM – adults
REM sleep different from that of have much less

Why is increased REM sleep Parents sometimes misinterpret the REM

sometimes a problem in sleep as awakening, and complain that the
establishing good sleeping habits baby isn’t “sleeping through the night”
in small infants?
(it becomes a problem if the parent is
picking the child up during those times)

In what age range will infants 12–18 months

usually nap twice each day?

What is the usual nap pattern after One nap per day until age 4 years
about 18 months of age?
(75 % of children give up their nap by age 5)

Toddlers are most likely to tolerate Establish and follow a routine

going to bed when parents do what?

On average, how much time per About 2 hours

day does a 2-week-old baby spend

What is the pattern for amount of Starts around 2 hours per day
crying in the first 3 months of life? Goes to 3 hours at 6 weeks
Drops to 2 hours at 3 months

Is corporal punishment, as long No – not at all

as it does not result in injury or
marks on the skin, an acceptable
means of discipline on the boards?

What is the best way to advise Time-outs – 1 min for each year of life
parents to discipline young
children – <age 5 years?
146 5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items

If a child leaves a time-out the 1. Tell child to go back to time out

parent has assigned, what is the 2. If child won’t go back voluntarily, escort
parent supposed to do? the child back

What is a key to success with the Limit interaction with the child while in
time-out method? time-out (as close to no interaction as

What does the AAP recommend Loss of privileges

for disciplining children older
than age 5?

If corporal punishment is an NO!

answer choice on the boards,
should you ever choose it?

What advice are you supposed • Lock the firearm up

to give for families that choose • Keep ammunition in a separate,
to keep firearms in the home? locked location

Should you routinely ask Yes!

families about whether they
keep firearms in the home?

After children become Pools (both private home & public pools),
ambulatory, what drowning natural bodies of water, bath tubs, and
risks should you be sure to “wash buckets” like the ones people use
discuss? for washing cars & doing cleaning

Do swimming lessons decrease No.

a child’s risk for drowning?
(Studies show this – I know it’s hard to

What household appliance issues • Hot water heater – no more than 120°
should you counsel your families • Smoke detectors
about? • Carbon monoxide detectors(
(5) • Stove tops (all pan handles turned IN
& flame/burn issues)
• Irons for clothing

Why do toys often have that Small parts – choking hazard – families
warning – “Not intended for need to be counseled about choking hazards
children <3 years of age?”
(It’s not about whether the child is
“advanced” for his age!!!)
5 General Prevention Question and Answer Items 147

What poisoning risks do families • Plants inside & outside the home
often forget about? (stop sucking on that foxglove!)
• Meds belonging to other family
(Naturally cleaners and detergents
below the sink or in other accessible
areas including garages should be
removed before ambulatory children
are in the house!)

If your patient is honored Special protection, or deferring play on the

to make the varsity team, but is varsity team, might be indicated to prevent
considerably smaller than the size injury
of the other boys/girls, what should
(age- and size-matched teams are generally
you counsel?

Is it fine for your patients to play No – all safety gear appropriate to the
soccer without shin guards, etc.? sport should be worn

What do you need to tell young Bite prevention – don’t approach animals
kids and their families about you don’t know, animals that are eating,
meeting new animals? animals with young, don’t startle
animals, etc.

What is the most effective Fenced pools –

drowning prevention tool for Meaning the pool, itself, is fenced – not the
children? entire backyard, which still leaves the
household children at risk

Infants & young toddlers should Things shaped like the airway –
avoid what unfortunately shaped especially if they’re firm
foods? (For example: grapes, peanuts, hard candy)

Is it alright to give infants/toddlers No – still an aspiration risk

popcorn, if they are old enough to
be eating corn products?

What’s wrong with feeding Whole or sliced hotdogs can occlude the
toddlers hotdogs? airway

Raw fruit and vegetables are Yes, if they are cut up – large pieces are
good for people, in general. an aspiration risk
Are they good for toddlers?
Chapter 6
General Research and Statistics Question
and Answer Items

Sensitivity tells you how good Positives

the test is for finding _________? (people with the disease, people
who respond, etc.)

How do you calculate sensitivity? True positives found

(no panic allowed!) All true  real  positives
(True positives with positive results ÷
The total number of positives that should
have been found)

Specificity tells you how good a Negatives –

test is for finding ___________? Correctly ruling out the negatives
(people without disease, people who don’t
respond, etc.)
True negatives found
How do you calculate specificity?
All true  real  negatives
(True negatives with a negative result ÷
The total number of negatives that should
have been found)

What does “prevalence” mean? The fraction of the population that has
whatever you are looking for
(For example, if 5 of 100 people in the
population have DM, then the prevalence is
5/100 or 0.05)

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 149

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_6
150 6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items

Do sensitivity and specificity NO

change, depending on the (they are prevalence independent)
prevalence of a disease?
The “predictive value” tests will change
with prevalence

A popular test item asks what It’s decreased

will happen when you move a
You will find fewer diabetics
screening test’s threshold up
(missing more true positives)
or down. If you raise a test’s
threshold, so that it is harder to
get a positive result, what is the
effect on the sensitivity?
(For example, if you were using
100 as the cutoff for a normal
glucose, and you increase that to
120, will you find more, or fewer,

What if you move your test’s Sensitivity will be great!

threshold so that it is easier to get (You will find nearly all true positives!)
a positive result? What will
happen to sensitivity then?
Remember sensitivity by thinking of
(For example, if you change your someone with “sensitive skin.” If you send
glucose threshold from 120 to 105 them into the woods to test for poison ivy,
for a diagnosis of possible DM . . .) and it’s there – they’ll find it for you! If you
send a non-responder (low-sensitivity skin),
you’ll never know it was there.

When you move a test’s Better specificity –

threshold so that it’s harder When you say the patient has DM, you’ll
to get a positive result almost always be right!
(e.g., a glucose of 200 to qualify
for DM, instead of 120)
Think of “specificity” as a high anxiety kind
what does that do to specificity
of a gal. She doesn’t want to make a
for the test?
mistake, so she’s reluctant to answer unless
she’s certain she’s right. When specificity is
high, almost everyone selected will be a
true positive (but a bunch of true positives
are often missed!)
6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items 151

What effect does it have on Specificity is lower –

specificity, if you move your test’s You’re now identifying lots of people who
threshold, so that it is easier to don’t have the disease, in addition to
get a positive result? those who do.

Does the positive predictive value Yes

(PPV) statistic depend on the
prevalence of a disease?

Positive predictive value is To decide whether something should

classically used in what setting? be used as a screening test
(popular test item)

In words, what does the “positive How valuable, or useful, it is to you

predictive value” tell you? as a clinician, if you get a positive result
for a patient
If the test’s positive predictive value is high,
then the clinician can feel confident that a
positive result means the patient really is
positive, in nearly every case.

How do you calculate the positive True positives it found

predictive value of a test? All persons labeled pos
(True positives with positive results ÷
Total number of positive results)

What about negative predictive It is how confident you can be that a

value – what does that mean, in negative result is a true negative
regular words?
True negatives it found
How do you calculate the
negative predictive value All persons labeled neg
of a test? (True negatives with negative results ÷
Total number of negative results)

If you have to calculate 1 million or 100,000 usually make

something on the exam, what for the easiest calculations
size of population should you
assume if that information
is not given?
152 6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items

Odds ratio – How on earth can I Step 1 – Make a 2 × 2 table for whatever
remember how to calculate the is being compared. Don’t worry about
odds ratio? which label you put where.
Step 2 – Identify the cells that match
(+result & +disease, for example), and
the cells that are mixed (+result & no
disease, for example)
Step 3 – Multiply the ones that match
over the ones that are mixed

What does the odds ratio  +, +   ,  

formula look like, without  +,    , + 
the steps?
Multiply :
If you raise a test’s threshold, It’s improved
what happens to the specificity?
There are fewer false positives

What is a 95 % confidence The range of values in which the true

interval? value will be found – in 95 % of cases

As an example, if we measured Mean of 6 feet 2 in. with a 95 %

the height of men from Norway, confidence interval of +/− 2 in.
and found that the average
(The true value, with 95 % confidence, lies
height in our sample was 6 feet
somewhere between 6 feet and 6 feet 4 in.)
2 in., and the heights of our
subjects were pretty similar
(little variation), a sample 95 %
confidence might be . . .?

If a confidence interval is given If the confidence interval includes zero

for a statistic that can work out (often referred to as “crossing zero”),
to zero, then how can you tell then the result is not significant –
whether it is statistically (because zero would mean no difference)
If it does not cross zero, it is significant
(For example, a risk difference

If a confidence interval is given If the confidence interval includes 1.0,

for a statistic that can work out to then the result is not significant –
one, how can you tell whether it is (because one would mean no difference)
a statistically significant result?
If it does not cross one, it is significant
(For example, an odds ratio
or relative risk)
6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items 153

Standard deviations & standard Standard error measures how much

error are not reported very much in variation is in the data collected
current medical literature. They are
It is used for regular number data
still in the curriculum for pediatrics,
(things like height)
though. In general terms, what is a
“standard error” & with what kind (Example: If you were studying height, and
of data could you use it? in your sample you had people who were
very short through very tall, then the
standard error would be large.)

What is standard deviation, then? It tells you, in numerical form (in numbers),
how close to the mean most of the studied
population lies
(standard error is used in calculating the
standard deviation, so they are closely

So if the standard deviation is very Usually, yes –

small, is that good? It shows that results were consistent & near
to a central value

What sort of study often uses the Those looking at exposure to something,
“relative risk statistic?” usually as a risk factor for disease

In words, how is relative Proportion positive with exposure

risk calculated? Proportion positive without exposure
(it actually makes sense)
Officially, how would you write # of positives exposed / all exposed
out the calculation for relative risk?
# of positives not exposed / all not exposed
What is the mean and standard Mean = 100
deviation for the Wechsler Standard deviation = 15
IQ test?
(This never changes – the test is
re-normed periodically so that whatever
the population’s average IQ is always equals
100 on the test)

How much of a population Approximately 68 %

(assuming a “normal”
(34 % in each standard deviation, on each
distribution) is included
side of the average)
in one standard deviation
from the mean?
154 6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items

How much of a population Almost everyone!

(assuming a normal distribution)
Approximately 95–96 %
is included in two standard
(depending on rounding)
deviations from the mean?
(You will note that a 95 % confidence interval
is approximately the same as quoting two
standard deviations from the mean.)

What is the “validity” of a test? Whether the test succeeds in measuring

what it is supposed to measure

What is the reliability of a test? How similar the results of the test would be,
if it could be repeated in the same
population & way over & over
(Also used to mean whether similar results
are obtained in multiple uses of a real world
instrument in different settings.)

What is a type 1 error? The kind the experimenter “wants” to

make – finding a difference when there
wasn’t anything there

What is a type 2 error? Opposite of a type 1 – Failing to find a

difference that was really there

What are the other names for Alpha & beta errors
type 1 and type 2 errors? (respectively)

How do you remember which is All the dogs want to be the “alpha
which, between alpha & beta dog” – the one in charge
Alpha errors are the type we’d all like to
make as researchers – in favor of our
idea (hypothesis)

How do I know if a study is If it looks at data that was collected before

retrospective? the study was designed, it’s retrospective!
Example: Today, we decide to conduct a
study using data from the 1980s, to see
how many 15-year-olds were smoking, at
that time.
6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items 155

Why do we care if a study was It is a weaker design –

retrospective, or not? we should be a little less certain
of the results
It can be difficult to get accurate
information from the past, and the data
collection is prone to bias.

What is a longitudinal design? One that follows the subjects forward

in time, often for long periods of time
(such as the Framingham heart disease
study, for example)

What is a cross-sectional study One that looks at just one point in time,
design? usually comparing two or more groups
Example: What percentage of 15-year-olds
from various ethnic groups in the USA are
smoking cigarettes during a 1-month data
collection period.

What is a case–control study? A study in which each research subject is

matched to a control with the same
(For example, research subjects with lung
cancer are matched with a control who does
not have lung cancer, but does have the
same age, ethnicity, & occupation.)

What is a cohort study? A study comparing two groups that have

certain things of interest in common
(aka cohorts)
(For example, you study children taught
with one reading method to children taught
with a different method. You then follow
school achievement, to see whether on
method seems to produce better
outcomes than the other.)

What does the “p-value” tell you? The probably that the result you’re
looking at is “real,” and not due to chance
156 6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items

What p-value is typically used to 95 % or p < 0.05

separate statistically significant
results from statistically not
significant results?

What’s so magical about 95 % 95 % was given as an example in the

certainty, why not 92.68 %? original statistical article, and completely
unintentionally on the author’s part, it stuck!

Is a p-value of <0.01 more Yes –

significant than a p of <0.05? < 1 % probability that the result was due to
chance, is better than 5 %, right?

If you obtain a p-value of 0.021, 2.1 % of the time, the result you found
you have a statistically significant in the study will occur by chance
result, because it is less than 0.05.
How can you specifically
interpret the p-value, though?

Is statistical significance the No –

same as clinical significance? Clinically significant results should also
be statistically significant BUT many
statistically significant results may not
clinically important

Why would a statistically Usually because the “effect size” is very

significant result not be clinically small –
significant? So clinically there isn’t a big effect on the
patient, even though the result is so
consistent, or the sample size so large, that
it is statistically significant
(Example: Suppose a study shows that
changing the diet causes a 0.03 change in the
INR very reliably. If the result is consistent
&/or the sample size large, the result is likely
to be significant. Such a small change,
though, is not clinically of interest.)

What is a meta-analysis? Putting together a group of already

completed studies and analyzing them
6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items 157

Why do people do Usually to get a much larger sample size

meta-analyses? than any of the studies can provide alone

Are meta-analyses a good way In some ways, yes –

to strengthen results? But there are many difficulties with
combining data “after the fact” that can
make their results inconclusive

How is a systematic review The review tried to be comprehensive &

different from a meta-analysis? to apply strict criteria to evaluating the
methods used & results obtained by
different studies – IT DOES NOT, though,
combine the data of different studies to
produce new results!!!

Is it a good idea to have a wide That depends –

variety of people included in a The study group should be as much like
study? the group you want to use the results
with as possible

What is it called when we apply Generalizing –

results from a study to people out We’re only supposed to “generalize” to
in the real population? populations that match the one in the study,
Generalization to another population is
NOT valid

If you are having trouble with Make a 2 × 2 table (if the data match that
a statistical calculation on the pattern)
exam, what is a good strategy to • Put “normal” & “abnormal result” on
make the numbers you should one axis (row or column)
use clearer to you? • Put “disease” & “no disease” on the
other (column or row)

What is “attributable risk” (AR) – The difference between the risk of

and how do you calculate it? disease in a group of interest, compared
to the risk in a comparison group
– simple subtraction
Example: risk of lung cancer in smokers –
risk in nonsmokers = attributable risk (AR)
158 6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items

What is the “absolute risk – The amount of risk removed by the

reduction” statistic (ARR)? treatment or intervention
How is it calculated?
– simple subtraction
Example: Risk of children dying after
acquiring measles in a particular nation –
the same risk if the children are
supplemented with vitamin A = absolute risk
reduction (ARR)

What does the “power calculation” The likelihood of finding the result, if it is
tell you? really present

How is the power calculation Power = 1 − β

done? (Beta is the probability of making a type II
error – missing the result you were looking
for, when it was really there.)

In general, how can you increase Add subjects

the power of a study?
Look for a larger difference between the
conditions (larger differences are easier to
detect than small ones)
Use a better, more consistent, measuring

What is the “precision” of a test? How reliably or consistently it measures

(In other words, if your test could measure
the same thing in the same conditions over
& over, it should always get the same result,
if it is very precise.)

What is the “accuracy” of a test, Generally used to mean how valid is the
then? test – is it measuring what it was meant to

How is NNT, number needed to On the average, how many patients must
treat, calculated & what does it tell you treat (with a particular intervention) for
you? one patient to benefit?
1 ÷ ARR = NNT
(ARR stands for absolute risk reduction)
6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items 159

How is the NNH, number needed On the average, how many people must be
to harm, calculated & what does exposed to a risk for one person to be
it tell you? harmed?
1 ÷ AR = NNH
(AR is attributable risk)

What is selection bias in medical When the way subjects are assigned to
research? different study groups creates differences
between the groups

What is lead-time bias? Findings are biased due to earlier detection

of a particular disease
(Generally it is a bias that shows improved
survival with a new intervention. The effect
is really due to earlier detection of the
problem with the new intervention, not due
to an improvement in the disease process
or outcome)

What is the observer-expectancy The expectations of the researcher cause

effect? results to shift in the direction he or she
expects (via various mechanisms)

What is the Hawthorne effect in A finding that results from the experience of
research? being studied, rather than from the item or
intervention being studied

What is “publication bias?” The tendency for positive results

to be published much more often than
negative results

What has been done to reduce Clinical trial registries –

publication bias? Checking the registry tells you which
studies were registered, but not what results
their results, so it is only a partial solution

What is length bias, also known Patient groups may be biased toward the
as survival bias? healthier or longer living patients, because
there are simply more of those patients
available for enrollment
(survival & other variables being studied
are then overestimated, because the
sickest patients died too rapidly to be
part of the study)
160 6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items

When does attrition bias affect Attrition bias occurs when the patients
study results? who drop out of the study, or those lost
to follow-up, are different from those that

There are two types of “recall Recency effect – more recent events tend to
bias.” What are they & how can be reported more or better
they affect results?
Content effect – certain types of content
may be remembered better or more easily,
so that a false impression of the overall
events that actually occurred

What is response bias? The tendency for certain types of information

to be reported, and other omitted
(For example, a patient might avoid giving
information about sensitive or stigmatizing
experiences, such as STDs, but be very
interested in reporting an important
emotional event, such as a birth experience.)

In general, should you use t-tests to No –

compare more than two different Each t-test you do has risks for error, so
mean (average) values? doing a lot of t-tests means lots of chance
for error

If you need to compare a lot of Yes! –

different means, is there a test that An example is the ANOVA. Multiple means
lets you look at all of the can be compared by running just this one
differences, but just doing the test test
one time, so your chances of error
happen just one time?

The “odds ratio” statistic is most Case–control studies

classically used with which design?
(comparing one “case” to a matched

The “relative risk” statistic is Cohort studies

similar. It is most classically
(comparing multiple groups or “cohorts”
associated with which study design?
of people)

The case–control design is useful Exposure issue or risk factor

in epidemiology to search for for development of disease
what information?
6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items 161

Generally, a case–control design Those with the disease or characteristic

compares which two groups of are compared to a group without it

The prevalence of a disease can Cross-sectional

be rapidly collected using what
(Prevalence is existing cases of a disease
sort of design?
present in the population)

To find the incidence of a disease, Prospective

what general sort of disease would
(how many new cases appear in the
you usually need to use?
population, over a defined time period)

Although a cross-sectional study Causality –

could tell you the prevalence of a
You can see what is there, but you cannot be
disease, and risk factors associated
certain why it’s there or how it got there
with the disease, what question is it
unable to answer?

If you would like to know which Generally it is:

therapy is best for a particular Randomized controlled trial
disorder, what is the rank order for Cohort
preferred study designs? Case control

Generally speaking, what is the Prospective & blinded comparison to a gold

best design to see whether a new standard
diagnostic tool is useful?

Generally speaking, what is the Prospective & blinded comparison to the

best design to learn whether a new gold standard
physical exam technique should be

Randomized controlled trials are Best therapy

generally considered the best Best prevention
technique for what sorts of Etiology or harm of treatment
questions in medicine?
(Meta-analysis & Systematic review are
also useful for these topics)
162 6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items

In general, the hierarchy of Randomized control trial (RCT)

research designs, as used in
medicine, puts the designs in what
order (from most powerful to Case–control
Case series
(Meta-analysis & systematic reviews can
sometimes substitute for randomized
control trials, although they are not fully

In the case of a study about Cohort

prognosis, RCTs are usually not
possible. Which designs are
preferred (and in what rank order)? Case series

Why is blinding important, and Blinding reduces possibilities for bias

what does “triple” blinding mean? Triple blinding is:
Researcher does not know intervention
(removes observer-expectancy bias)
Patient doesn’t know intervention
(removes bias due to their expectations)
Data recorder/analyzer doesn’t know
hypothesis (removed bias due to their
wishes or expectations)

Why are the results from cohort It is possible that the cohorts differ in
studies considered less reliable important ways other than the variable
from those of randomized control under study
trials (RCTs)?
This creates a possible “confounder” –
meaning that findings may be due to
unmeasured differences between the groups,
rather than the reflecting the variable
under study

What is a “confounder?” A confounder is an unmeasured variable

that differs between the group being studied
& the group being compared that actually
accounts for the findings!
So it appears the findings are due to the
variable being studied, when they are
actually due to the (unmeasured &
unknown) confounder
6 General Research and Statistics Question and Answer Items 163

Although there are other Randomization

options, the main ways to control (in assignment of patients or subjects
for confounding in medical to conditions)
research are _________,
Elimination of bias
________ & __________?
Adequate sample size
(determined by your power calculation)

Why are the findings from a case– Because statistically significant findings are
control study considered less associations only. Causality cannot be
reliable than the findings from a determined.
cohort study (or RCT)?

Do case series have any value? Yes, especially in rare disorders with a very
small potential patient population.
We can still gain knowledge from them, but
it is difficult to interpret, because there is no
comparison or control group.

What is an “intention to treat” An analysis that includes all available

analysis? patient data according to the group the
patient was randomized to – regardless of
whether the patient actually stopped
treatment, crossed over to treatment, was
lost to follow-up, etc.

What is the importance of using an It is a conservative measure of how

“intention-to-treat” (ITT) analysis? successful a treatment under study is,
because some of the patients in both the
control & experimental groups are actually
members of the opposite group (in terms of
what treatment they received, in reality).
In other words, if you do an RCT with ITT,
and you still get an effect, you can be fairly
certain that you’ve found an important

What problems in research designs Noncompliance by subjects

is ITT analysis meant to address?
Lost to follow-up subjects
Chapter 7
General Rheumatology Question
and Answer Items

What is the new name for juvenile Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
rheumatoid arthritis?

What is required to make a Began before 16 years old

diagnosis of JIA, in terms of age
Arthritis in at least one joint lasting more
& duration of symptoms?
than 6 weeks

What are the three types of JIA? 1. Oligoarticular (few joints – <4)
2. Polyarticular (many joints – >4)
3. Systemic (spikes fevers)
(Remember this is based on the presentation
in the first 6 months for the polyarticular

What is the old name for “pauci” articular JIA

oligoarticular JIA?
(same meaning, terminology just adjusted)

How is polyarticular juvenile Presentation in the first 6 months after

idiopathic arthritis (JIA) onset of the disorder

Systemic arthritis is most likely IL-6 & IL-1

an autoimmune disorder.
Which cytokines are especially
important in “systemic” JIA?

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 165

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_7
166 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What is the characteristic pain/ Morning stiffness that improves with

activity pattern for JIA? daytime activity
(2 aspects)
Worsens following rest!

Is loss of developmental It can be

milestones a feature of JIA?
(if pain or joint changes without pain limit
the child’s physical capabilities)

In oligoarthritis JIA, do most Large joints

children present with large joint
involvement, or is it small joints?

Positive ANA is most common Oligoarticular

in which sort of JIA?

How can you remember that ANA Think of a girl named ANA, who has her
mainly goes with oligoarticular name printed on her T-shirt, sitting on a chair
JIA? with a swollen knee and elbow

Are oligoarticular JIA patients No.

likely to have a positive
(Aside from elevated ANA, the other
rheumatoid factor?
studies are usually normal)

Which patients with pediatric Oligoarticular JIA & psoriatic arthritis

arthritis are at highest risk for
uveitis & the related

Why are the ophthalmological Uveitis can lead to cataracts, glaucoma, &
complications of oligoarticular blindness
JIA a big deal?
(many uveitis patients are asymptomatic,
but need to be closely monitored for ocular

If a patient with polyarticular JIA Polyarticular can affect the axial skeleton –
has facial growth abnormalities, temporomandibular joint involvement can
how might that be related lead to micrognathia
to the JIA?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 167

Although positive rheumatoid Bad prognosis – aggressive management

factor only occurs in about will be needed
10 % of polyarticular JIA
(likely to persist into adulthood)
patients, what is its

How can you remember that RF is It’s RuF (rough) to have so many joints
associated with polyarticular JIA? affected

Uveitis is a common Oligoarticular

complication of what type
(especially in females with + ANA)
of JIA?

Which HLA type is associated HLA – B27

with psoriatic arthritis &
enthesitis-related arthritis (such
as ankylosing spondylitis)?

Arthritis with anemia, but JIA

elevated white count and
platelets suggests what

Arthritis with leukopenia & a Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

photosensitive rash suggests
which rheumatological

What are the typical ages of onset Overall there are two peaks:
for the types of JIA? 1–3 years & adolescence
(polyarticular has both peaks,
systemic is spread evenly across the age
oligoarticular has just the early age peak
1–3 years)
(onset must be before age 16 to consider it
any sort of JIA, though)

What is the typical age of onset 10–12 years

for enthesitis-related arthritis is
168 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

Like oligoarticular JIA, psoriatic 1–3 years

arthritis typically begins in which
age group?

Which gender is most likely to Females

develop JIA?

What physical findings are Spiking fevers

expected in systemic JIA? Lymphadenopathy/HSM
(4) Salmon-colored morbilliform rash
Arthritis (of course)

What is the first-line treatment NSAIDs

for JIA?
(physical therapy is also helpful)

What sorts of medications are Steroids & Immunosuppressants

second-line treatment for JIA?

If a child has systemic JIA, is Few

the prognosis better when few
joints, or many joints, are

Although it is unusual to have a Bad prognosis

positive rheumatoid factor with
oligoarticular disease, what
does it mean for prognosis when
it’s positive?

RF+ JIA is most often seen in Adolescent females

which age & gender group?

Aside from uveitis, is it a good Good

or bad prognostic to have a
positive ANA with
oligoarticular JIA?

It is unusual for JIA patients to Polyarticular

have a positive rheumatoid (Bad prognostic)
factor. Which type of JIA is
most likely to have a
positive RF?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 169

Is a positive ANA a good or bad Good

prognostic for any type of JIA (relatively common in both pauci and
patient? polyarticular disease, but most common in
oligoarticular patients)

How common is systemic JIA? Fairly uncommon –

About 10 % of JIA patients

How many joints are affected in Variable

systemic JIA?

What types of joints are Any type can be affected

affected in systemic JIA?

Uveitis and mucosal ulcers (oral Behcet’s

and urethral), make up the
(arthralgia, but not generally arthritis, is also
findings in what
rheumatological syndrome?

Is the constellation of uveitis Yes.

with oral & genital ulcers
HLA – B51 (Behcet’s syndrome)
associated with a particular
HLA type?

How can you remember the Sjogren’s patients have irritated eyes –
antibodies that go with they might “RoLa” eyes in annoyance with
Sjogren’s syndrome? all the burning & itching

What is the main problem in Everything is dry – glands are infiltrated

Sjogren’s syndrome? with lymphocytes –Dry eyes, dry mouth

How is Sjogren’s syndrome Immunosuppressants/corticosteroids and

treated? artificial tears
(good oral hygiene also helpful)

How is a Sjogren’s syndrome Lip or salivary gland biopsy

diagnosis confirmed?

What two preliminary tests are ESR (elevated) &

often used when a diagnosis of Schirmer test (measures amount of tear
Sjogren’s is suspected? production)
Mnemonic: “Schirmer” sounds like
“swimmer.” Reminds you that the
“swimmer” test measures H2O in the eye!
170 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

Is the glandular infiltration by No – the glands sometimes enlarge, but it

lymphocytes in Sjogren’s is painless enlargement
syndrome painful?

In general terms, what causes Autoimmune vasculitis

Henoch-Schonlein purpura (specifically, an IgA-related
(HSP)? leukocytoclastic vasculitis)
leukocytoclastic vasculitis means that
neutrophils invade & do damage to the
(small) vessels

What are the usual triggers for Viral infections or Grp A strep
(other bacterial infections can also act as

What is the characteristic Dependent areas – usually buttocks and

pattern for the rash of HSP? lower extremities

HSP patients have purpura – do No

they have thrombocytopenia?

In addition to the skin rash, Renal

what other organ systems are GI
often affected when HSP Joints
occurs? (& occasionally CNS)

In addition to hematuria, what Glomerulonephritis & Nephrotic

other renal problems do HSP syndrome
patients sometimes develop? (in some cases, renal insufficiency or
failure & renal-related hypertension)

What are HSP’s main GI Pain, vomiting, & bleeding

symptoms & signs?

HSP patients are at risk for Intussusception

what serious cause of episodic
(vasculitic lesions in the gut can serve as a
abdominal pain?
lead point)

What is the prognosis for Great – goes away in 4–6 weeks

patients with HSP?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 171

Does HSP require treatment? No – supportive care & removal of suspected

triggers, when possible
Steroids & other immunosuppressants are
sometimes used, especially for severe
disease, but current evidence regarding
efficacy is not adequate for a clear answer.
(short-term prednisone has not been shown
to improve renal disease)

What muscle symptoms do Weakness (mainly in the proximal

patients with dermatomyositis muscles)
complain of?

Will dermatomyositis patients Yes (the problem is in the muscle, not in the
have elevated CK? nerves innervating them – this means CK
will be up)

Does dermatomyositis present Gradual onset

acutely or gradually?

What are the two “famous” 1. Heliotrope rash (purplish rash around
buzzword findings associated the eyes)
with dermatomyositis? 2. Gottron papules over the small joints of
the hands (looks like a red rash)

What nail finding goes with Nailbed telangiectasias

Periungual erythema

How do infants develop Antibodies passed from Mom to fetus –

neonatal systemic lupus especially in mothers carrying anti-Ro/
erythematosus? SSA antibodies
(Not all of the Moms who pass the antibodies
are known to have lupus, however. Some
develop it later, but not all of them.)

Do infants with neonatal SLE Yes –

have any characteristic skin Scaly, red, annular rash on face & upper
findings? body
70 % will have skin findings – 2/3 of those
will have skin findings at birth, the rest
develop over the first few months of life
172 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

Aside from skin changes, should Hepatosplenomegaly

you expect other findings on
physical exam of an infant with
neonatal SLE?

What is the natural course of Resolves over time

neonatal SLE? (except for the most serious problem)

What consequence of neonatal Heart block

SLE can be life threatening to
This problem will not resolve, and often
the infant?
requires cardiac pacing

What are the possible cardiac Pericarditis/myocarditis

effects of neonatal SLE?
Cardiomyopathy & heart failure
Heart block

How common is it for infants Common – about 2/3 will have them
with neonatal SLE to have cardiac

Children and adults with SLE Yes – near pancytopenia with anemia,
often have hematological thrombocytopenia, and neutropenia
changes. Are any hematological
changes seen in neonatal SLE?

How is neonatal SLE treated? Steroids, if needed

Pacing, if needed
Otherwise supportive

What is the other name for the Anti-SSA

anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies, Anti-SSB

SLE is more common in African Yes – nearly all of them

Americans than it is in (Native American, Asian, & Hispanic)
Caucasians. Is there an increased
incidence in any other ethnic

In which body cavities do lupus Pericardial sac & pleural membranes

patients tend to build up fluid
where it doesn’t belong?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 173

In addition to the butterfly Photosensitivity

malar rash, what other skin
abnormalities are common with
lupus? Discoid lesions

If lupus affects the CNS, what Many, the most common are –
sorts of problems does it create? Headaches (including migraine)
Neuropsych syndromes

How many neuropsychiatric Nineteen –

syndromes are associated with Previously only seizures & psychosis were
SLE, in the current SLE case included
Note: This is a change!

What sorts of problems is the Demyelinating disorders

peripheral nervous system
Peripheral neuropathies
vulnerable to, with SLE?

What are the main 1. Renal failure

complications of SLE? 2. Increased infections
(5) 3. Cardiovascular disease
4. Neurological problems
5. Clot-related problems

Why might SLE patients have Leukopenia & lymphopenia

lowered immunity to infections?
immunosuppressant medications

How is SLE treated? Steroids,

& Cyclophosphamide
(for severe disease)

What are spondyloarthropathies? Ankylosing spondylitis

Reactive arthritis (previously Reiter’s
Enteropathic arthritis (IBD related)
Psoriatic arthritis
174 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

How can you differentiate Spondyloarthropathies get better with

general low back pain due to movement & worse with rest
muscle strain from the low back
pain of the

What other body system is The eye (uveitis/iritis)

sometimes affected in
(Uveitis/iritis is seen with most HLA-B27
spondyloarthropathy patients?
related disorders)

Are the ulcers of Behcet’s Yes (both in the mouth and on the genitals)
syndrome painful?

Is belly pain a part of Behcet’s It can be – GI ulcerations also occur


Other than the funny appearance, Often, yes – it can be itchy

will kids with dermatomyositis
complain about the rash?

What sort of symptoms does the “Clumsiness”

proximal muscle weakness of
Difficulty climbing stairs or rising from
dermatomyositis cause?
(3 categories)
Difficulty dressing
Difficulty swallowing or voice change

What cutaneous-related finding Calcinosis cutis –

causes significant morbidity in Calcium deposits in the skin linked to
dermatomyositis? pain, skin ulceration & atrophy, nerve
entrapment & contractures
(1/3 of patients develop calcinosis cutis)

How do dermatomyositis Rash

patients present, overall? Proximal muscle weakness
Myalgia & athralgias

How is dermatomyositis High-dose steroids

treated? Immunosuppressants including
methotrexate & cyclophosphamide
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 175

What environmental exposure is a Sunlight (photosensitive)

problem for dermatomyositis
Must use sunscreen to avoid burns,
worsening rash, & sometimes also worsening
muscle weakness!

Reactive arthritis (previously Enteric pathogens

called Reiter syndrome) is (Yersinia, Shigella, Salmonella, &
highly associated with Campylobacter typically)
chlamydial infections in
(FYI – Giardia, & C. diff can also trigger it)
adolescents & adults. In kids,
which infectious agents are
more common triggers?

What is the famous mnemonic “Can’t see,

for reactive arthritis? can’t pee,
can’t climb a tree.”

How long after the trigger 1–4 weeks

infection does reactive arthritis
usually appear?

Which of the pediatric Enthesitis-related arthritis &

rheumatological diseases are Reactive arthritis
more common in males? Behcet’s syndrome (depending on location)
(the others are generally more common in

Why might a juvenile systemic It can invade the lungs, causing

sclerosis (commonly known as pulmonary fibrosis
scleroderma) patient have
pulmonary complaints?

What are the most common types Diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis
of systemic sclerosis in children?
Localized scleroderma (aka morphea)

What is the most typical Raynaud’s syndrome

presentation for a scleroderma (fingers that turn white, then blue,
patient? then red)
Not all Raynaud’s patients have
scleroderma, however!
176 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

If an ichthyosis patient is Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome

diagnosed at birth, and later is
(autosomal recessive disorder of lipid
found to have intellectual
metabolism – not related to regular Sjogren’s
disability with spastic limbs, what
at all)
syndrome might that be?

What is “serositis?” Pericarditis, peritonitis, and/or pleuritis

(seen with SLE – any one or more of the
three may be seen)

If SLE is suspected, but you Probably not lupus.

check the ANA and it is
negative, what should you

What systemic complaints do Fatigue, malaise, weight loss, fever

SLE patients often have?

What is the most sensitive test ANA – it is good for screening because it is
for SLE? sensitive, but there will be many false

What is the most specific test for Anti-Smith antibody


In addition to scleroderma, SLE

which other rheumatological
disorder very often has
Raynaud’s phenomenon as part
of the disorder?

Which antibodies cause heart Anti-Ro

block in neonatal SLE? (also known as anti-SSA)

Why would a lupus patient have Lupus cerebritis –

a seizure? Vasculitis affecting the brain

If a patient has rheumatological SLE

complaints or findings, and an
(can also have anemia of chronic disease)
autoimmune hemolytic anemia,
which rheumatological disorder
should you think of?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 177

What is the second-line Hydroxychloroquine

treatment for mild SLE, if (Plaquenil™)
NSAIDs are not sufficient?

What are the main side effects of Ocular complaints (blurring & retinal
the second-line treatment for damage) & ototoxicity

What commonly occurs when Flare-up of the disease symptoms

tapering SLE steroid doses?
(usually not a reason to increase the
steroids, though)

How long after infection with 4–6 weeks

Lyme disease will serum antibody
Expect negative results early in the disease &
be detectable? What does this
treat clinically
mean for testing?

If a patient is being treated for Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction – supportive

Lyme disease, and suddenly care will get the patient through it
develops fever, shaking chills, and
(caused by lysis of the little critters with
back pain, what should you
successful treatment – historically seen with
syphilis treatment)

It is common for the boards to No – not reliable

present cases with a positive
rheumatoid factor. Should you
rely on that as an indicator of

If the boards describes a child Growing pains

with a limp due to leg pain that
is “worse at night,” and without
any joint swelling or rash, what
are they probably describing?

A child is described with Hypermobility – counsel regarding

frequent joint sprains and stretching and appropriate sport activities,
“loose joints.” What should you but no treatment needed

When are steroids typically Cardiac involvement or failure with

used in the treatment of JIA? NSAID regimens
178 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

When are steroids typically For quick improvement if NSAID

used in the treatment of JIA? regimens have failed

What is the usual NSAID M Melixicam

regimen for JIA treatment? I Ibuprofen
N Naproxen

How is the pain of acute leukemia Acute leukemia wakes the patient at night,
different from the pain of JIA? and is not focused on a joint

What is the eponymic name for Still’s disease

systemic JIA?
(can also occur in adults, but then it’s
“adult-onset Still’s disease)

What is the typical age for a 18–24 months

Kawasaki’s patient?

Do Kawasaki’s patients have a No

positive ANA?

What GU symptom sometimes Sterile pyuria

occurs with Kawasaki’s?
(white cells in the urine without bacteria)

How can Kawasaki’s affect the Seizures and meningitis (aseptic)


What is the typical CBC for a High white count

Kawasaki’s patient? High platelets (especially ≥7 days after

Aspirin is one part of the 1–2 months –

treatment of Kawasaki’s. How
Initially high dose (80 mg/kg/day) then low
long should a child with
dose (5 mg/kg/day)
Kawasaki’s continue ASA?

Which joints typically swell in Knees and ankles

Henoch-Schonlein Purpura

What is the nature of the joint It is “periarticular,” meaning that it affects

involvement in HSP? the tissue around the joints primarily,
rather than the joint itself
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 179

What is the buzzword for the Palpable purpura

skin lesions of HSP?
(think of the vasculitis inflaming & fluffing
up the vessels – that’s why you can feel it)

Which rheumatological HSP

condition tends to cause ileoileal
(often harder to diagnose & correct, due to

How common is renal About 50 %

involvement in HSP? (but not necessarily very bad renal

Granulomatosis with Caucasians

polyangiitis (formerly known as
Wegener’s granulomatosis) is
most common in which ethnic

A 9-year-old boy presents with Serum sickness

rash, fever, and arthralgias a few
(Type 3 hypersensitivity reaction – antivenins
weeks after he was successfully
sometimes induce this response)
treated for a snake bite. What is
wrong with him?

What is the most common Staph aureus

organism to cause septic arthritis
in kids older than 2 years?

If the boards presents a single, When in doubt, or if it can’t be

inflamed joint, and you can’t determined from the info given, treat for
tell whether it’s septic arthritis septic arthritis
or not, what should you do? (there is no time to lose – the board wants
to make sure that you know this)

If you suspect rheumatic fever Documented history of strep infection

on the boards, what must be

If a child has a negative rapid No

strep test, does this rule-out a
recent strep infection/rheumatic
180 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What are acceptable ways to ASO titer or streptozyme

document strep infection? (& culture, of course)

Emotional lability, along with Sydenham’s chorea

purposeless rapid movements and (complication of strep infection)
muscle weakness, following an
upper respiratory infection,
suggests what diagnosis?

How is the arthritis of “Migratory”

rheumatic fever most likely to
be described?

The most common murmur Mitral valve regurgitation

associated with rheumatic fever
is “heard best at the apex.”
What is the lesion?

If a rheumatic fever patient Aortic regurg/insufficiency

develops a new murmur and
mild CHF, what is the likely

Along with a documented Jones criteria –

Group A strep infection, what
2 major or
else is required to make a
1 major & 2 minor
diagnosis of rheumatic fever?

Is arthritis a major or a minor Major

criterion in the Jones system?

What about arthralgia? How It is a minor criterion

does that fit in the Jones

What are the minor criteria in The usual vague-type signs (except for the
the Jones system for rheumatic cardiac one):
1. Fever
2. Arthralgia
3. Elevated acute phase reactants (ESR,
CRP, etc.)
4. Prior rheumatic fever or heart disease
5. Prolonged PR interval (this one’s
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 181

What are the major criteria in CH = chorea

the Jones system? A = arthritis
N = nodules (subQ)
C = carditis
E = erythema marginatum (rash)

How long does a rheumatic fever 1 week to 1 month

episode last?

In this era of antibiotic overuse, 1. Foreign born

how can patients still end up with 2. Sometimes the initial throat infection isn’t
rheumatic fever? noticed

How is rheumatic fever treated? Aspirin

(antibiotics are also routinely given, to
decrease transmission)

If rheumatic fever is affecting Steroids

the heart, what is the most (especially in cases of heart failure!)
appropriate treatment?

How is Sydenham’s chorea Rest in a quiet (not stimulating) environment

Valproic acid for sedation (if needed)
(2 ways)

What is the long-term outcome The arthritis resolves between episodes

for joints in rheumatic fever?

If arthritis is due to trauma, and Clear or bloody (few WBCs)

you tap the joint, what will the
fluid look like?

Which type of arthritis has a Bacterial (aka septic)

low glucose in the joint fluid?

What is the normal appearance Clear to straw-colored (but easy to see

of synovial fluid? through)

Can synovial fluid have a white Yes, definitely.

count of 20,000 and still be
inflammatory rather than
182 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

A 6-year-old female presents with Henoch-Schonlein purpura

joint pain and swelling,
proteinuria, hematuria, crampy
belly pain, and heme positive
stools. She recently had a
URI. What is the likely diagnosis?

A 7-year-old boy presents with Rheumatic fever

joint pain after a recent URI. He (Documented Group A Strep infection
has a new heart murmur, and he needed, though)
says the joints that hurt keep
“moving around,” What is his

A migratory, macular rash JIA

develops on a child with a fever.
It has discrete borders and is
“salmon colored.” It is on or
near the torso. What
rheumatology rash is it?

Koebner phenomenon occurs in Minimal irritation of the skin results in

psoriasis. What does it mean appearance of the rash
when applied to the rash of JIA? (same idea for both disorders)

Which is more common – Oligoarticular – estimates from 30 to 60 % of

oligoarticular or polyarticular patients
(Polyarticular = about 25 %, with 5 % RF
positive & 20 % RF negative)

What medication works well Anti-TNF treatments such as Etanercept

specifically for polyarticular (Enbrel®)

What two findings indicate a 1. More severe at onset

worse overall prognostics for JIA? 2. Rheumatoid factor positive

What is macrophage activation A serious complication of JIA

syndrome? (& sometimes other rheumatic diseases) –
Elevated LFTs, pancytopenia, and bad
coagulopathy, & neurological problems
(a little bit like HELLP syndrome in pregnant
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 183

How is macrophage activation Steroids and immunosuppressants

syndrome treated?
(Cyclosporin A is used in particular, don’t
use methotrexate)

Inflammation of areas where Enthesitis

tendons, ligaments, or fascia
connect to bone has what
special name?

Which rheumatologic disorders Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis

can be properly considered Juvenile psoriatic arthritis
“enthesitis related arthritides?” IBD-related arthritis
Post-infectious reactive arthritides

IBD-related arthritides often Infliximab (an anti-TNF agent)

respond well to which specific

There are two patterns of Peripheral & Axial

arthritis associated with
inflammatory bowel disease.
What are they?

Which type of IBD-related The axial type

arthritis is associated with

Which type of IBD-related Peripheral

arthritis occurs in conjunction (Specifically, peripheral type 1, also known
with flares of the gut illness? as oligoarticular)

Does psoriasis need to be Oddly enough, no

present to diagnose psoriatic

Where does psoriatic arthritis Finger joints

usually begin? (dactylitis)

What are the two criteria for 1. Both psoriasis & arthritis are present or
making a psoriatic arthritis 2. Arthritis is present + 2 of these:
Nail findings (pits)
Dactylitis (sausage digits)
1st-degree relative with psoriasis
184 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What is the relationship Arthritis sometimes starts years before the

between the onset of arthritis skin findings
and the onset of skin lesions on

The relationship between reactive Campylobacter

arthritis and chlamydial infections (both jejuni & coli)
is well-known. What gut infection
is also a common trigger for
reactive arthritis?

If a patient develops reactive Yes.

arthritis after a GI infection,
will he/she still have urethritis?

What is the most commonly Henoch-Schonlein purpura

diagnosed vasculitis of

What is the second most Kawasaki’s

commonly diagnosed vasculitis
of childhood?

What is the mechanism of HSP? IgA deposition in vessel walls

If a child develops HSP, you will At least 3 months after diagnosis(!)

need to check the urine, and a
BUN & creatinine, to assess
renal function. How long are
children with HSP at risk for
renal involvement?

The natural course of HSP is 40 % of patients have recurrences

spontaneous resolution. What is (up to 2 years after the initial episode)
the “trick” in making that

What is the main cause of Kawasaki’s

acquired heart disease in
children (in the developed

What gall bladder complication Hydrops of the gall bladder

sometimes develops with (fluid in and about the gall bladder)
Kawasaki’s disease?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 185

Does rapid & appropriate No –

treatment for Kawasaki’s About 4 % still develop aneurysms
eliminate the risk of coronary

Which Kawasaki’s patients are 1. Males

at increased risk for 2. <1 year old
development of coronary 3. Fever despite treatment
aneurysms? 4. Recurrent Kawasaki’s
(5 factors, including: 5. Delay in treatment
(there is some suggestion that older children,
Fever related
9–17 years old, may also be at increased risk,
Pattern of disease or
along with certain ethnic groups, but the data
Treatment related)
is not yet clear)

If you’re giving IVIG, what side Aseptic meningitis &

effects do you need to watch Anaphylaxis
for? (mainly seen in IgA deficient patients)
Also fluid overload in infants

What is the leading cause of Myocardial infarction

death in Kawasaki’s patients? (due to coronary aneurysms)

If a Kawasaki’s patient is going In the first year following the illness

to have serious cardiac
complications, when do they
typically occur?

What is polyarteritis nodosa? A vasculitis causing renal, skin, and

musculoskeletal problems

What is the pathological process Focal segmental necrotizing vasculitis – it

in polyarteritis nodosa? goes after medium-sized vessels

What is the main, overall, Aneurysms

complication polyarteritis (of medium-sized vessels)

What very unusual, and ORCHITIS!

important, finding can develop
(Imagine parts of the damaged liver falling
in polyarteritis nodosa patients
off into the scrotum, the pressure causes
if there is a concurrent HepB
necrosis of some of the testicular vessels,
leading to orchitis!)
186 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What is the buzzword for the Necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis

pathology you see with (At least it has “granulomatosis” in the
granulomatosis with name, right?)
polyangiitis (GPA), formerly
known as Wegener’s

Which organs does GPA affect? Respiratory tree


What kind of vessels does GPA Small vessels – and mainly in the
damage? respiratory tree or kidney

How are vasculitides like “the Each one likes a particular sized vessel –
three bears?” much like the three bears each needed a
different sized bowl of porridge
Large – Takayasu’s – Papa Bear
Medium – Polyarteritis & Kawasaki’s –
Mama Bear
Small – Wegener’s – Baby Bear

Which marker is especially cANCA

helpful in diagnosing GPA?

What facial abnormality is a Saddle nose deformity –

tipoff to GPA? Inflammation in the small vessels of the
nose can damage the septum, leading to
necrosis and saddle nose

Symptoms from which organ Respiratory tree

system usually lead to a (usually precedes renal by several years –
childhood diagnosis of GPA? Epistaxis & hemoptysis especially common)

How common is Takayasu’s Rare

arteritis in the US population?

How common is Takayasu’s in Third most common vasculitis

the pediatric population of (after HSP & Kawasaki)
Japan (or those of Japanese

Which ethnic groups are most Mediterranean or Far East heritage

likely to develop Behcet’s
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 187

In addition to oral and genital Erythema nodosum

ulceration, what other skin Necrotic folliculitis
lesions are common for Behcet

Behcet disease patients often Prick skin with a needle –

have a “positive pathergy test.” Positive means that 48 h later the area will
What is that? turn red, and form a papule or pustule

Arthralgias are common in No – just arthralgias

Behcet’s syndrome. Is arthritis (and sometimes rashes)
also common?

What is Behcet’s syndrome? A vasculitis

What is Takayasu’s arteritis? A vasculitis affecting large vessels

(especially the aorta)

What proportion of SLE cases are 1 in 5

diagnosed in people younger than
18 years old?

How likely is a pregnant woman <10 % of infants will be affected

to pass on neonatal SLE, if she is
known to be positive for lupus by

How common is it for SLE About ½ have them

patients to have antiphospholipid

Which antibodies are Anticardiolipin

considered to be Lupus anticoagulant
“antiphospholipid antibodies?” Β-2-glycoprotein-1

What complications are mainly Blood clots

associated with Miscarriage
antiphospholipid antibodies? Thrombocytopenia

What is the most common cause Post-streptococcal

of the movement disorder (Sydenham’s chorea)
“chorea,” in children worldwide?

What hair problem is common Alopecia

with SLE?
188 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

In addition to SLE, what other Dermatomyositis

rheumatologic disorder also (although they usually also have the
causes a malar rash? purplish heliotrope rash around the eyes
to help you differentiate the two)

In addition to arthritis, what Avascular necrosis – usually of the femoral

other joint complication are head
lupus patients at increased to
(multiple causes – SLE itself,
antiphospholipid antibodies,
and steroid use)

The joint disease of JIA and SLE SLE does not cause a destructive arthritis
look very similar, and both with joint changes on X-ray – JIA does
improve as the day goes by. Other
than history, what will help you
tell them apart?

Antiphospholipid antibodies are Libman-Sacks endocarditis

associated with a lot of bad
stuff. In addition to clots,
chorea, & miscarriage, what
other serious cardiovascular
disorder are they related to?

The general class of medications Antimalarials

used to treat lupus is (e.g., hydroxychloroquine)

What are the main side-effects Avascular necrosis &

of steroids on the skeletal Osteopenia
system? (sometimes with fractures of long bones,
or vertebral compression fractures)

What are the main side effects Growth failure

of steroids on the endocrine Diabetes mellitus
system? (of course there are others – these are the
main ones)

What are the main side effects Glaucoma & cataracts

of steroids on the eyes?

What are the main side effects Hypertension & early atherosclerotic
of steroids on the disease
cardiovascular system?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 189

What is “mixed connective tissue A mix of dermatomyositis, lupus, and

disease?” scleroderma

What patient population is most Girls

likely to develop mixed
connective tissue disease?

How do most cases of Sjogren’s Recurrent parotitis (painless) &

syndrome present in children? keratoconjunctivitis sicca
(dry, irritated eyes)

Although it is very uncommon, Lymphoma

the boards would like you to (usually MALT lymphoma or non-
know that Sjogren’s patients Hodgkin’s B-cell lymphomas)
are at increased risk for what

What is required to make a Gottron papules or heliotrope rash

diagnosis of dermatomyositis? (+4 associated lesser findings)
• Lesser findings include proximal
weakness, ↑ CPK, EMG or muscle
biopsy findings, nondestructive
arthritis, and anti-Jo-1 antibodies

Which diagnostic modality is in MRI

use for dermatomyositis (looking at changes in muscle tissue –
diagnosis? increased T2)

What is the main way to treat High-dose steroids – typically prednisone

dermatomyositis? 2 mg/kg/day
(Sun avoidance & methotrexate &
immunosuppressants for muscle
symptoms are also important)

What fingertip problem do Ulcerations (due to vascular insufficiency)

children with scleroderma often

What is the usual sequence for Fingertips turn:

Raynaud’s syndrome? White (arterial spasm – no blood)
Blue (they’ve run out of oxygen)
Red (they’re reperfusing)
190 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What is the other name for Anti-SCL-70 antibodies

anti-topoisomerase antibodies,
associated with scleroderma?

Which internal organ system is GI

most commonly affected by (especially distal esophagus/lower
scleroderma? esophageal sphincter)

Can scleroderma affect the It can – but usually as a consequence of

kidney? hypertension
(good HTN control has decreased the
incidence of renal problems)

How is the prognosis for Poor

scleroderma patients with diffuse

What is the role of High dose is contraindicated! – can lead to

corticosteroids in scleroderma? renal crisis

If a scleroderma patient ACE inhibitors

develops hypertension, which
medication class has been found
to be most helpful in avoiding
long-term renal damage?

What is the most common Localized linear scleroderma – more

pediatric form of scleroderma, commonly known as “morphea”
and what is its more common (older name for it)

What is the special term for En coupe de sabre

linear scleroderma when it “cut of the sword” – the lesion looks like
occurs on the face? the patient got a cut in a duel

Is morphea/linear scleroderma Not always – it can extend to deeper tissues,

limited to the skin? or be primarily deep
(overlying skin may have a peau d’orange

Will linear scleroderma patients No

have serological markers of
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 191

When does the pain of “growing Evening or nighttime

pains” usually occur?

What is a tipoff that leg pain is Morning pain

not due to growing pains, in Pain is in the joint
terms of the timing and location Pain is unilateral
of the pain?

Can growing pains limit a No – if it does, it’s something else

child’s mobility?

Can growing pains wake children Yes

from sleep? (but pain that wakes a child from sleep is still

By what age should growing Thirteen

pains disappear?

If a child with hypermobility NSAIDs

syndrome is symptomatic, what
Physical therapy for muscle strengthening
three interventions can you
recommend for her? Overall fitness improvement
(Most patients are girls)

How do you test elbows & knees Extension beyond 10°

for hypermobility? (test each side separately)

How do you test the thumb for See if the patient can bend is the whole way
hypermobility? back to the arm – like those kids at camp
used to do!

How do you test the trunk for Being able to flex to touch the floor with both
hyperextensibility? palms, when the knees are straight
(better hope your patients aren’t doing yoga,
or they’ll all qualify on this one)

If your patient can extend the You bet it is

hand and fingers, so that the
fingers bend backwards to be
parallel with the forearm, is this
suspicious for hypermobility?
192 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

Why do we care whether patients 1. Sometimes, they have joint pain

have hypermobility syndrome? 2. Sometimes, they have serious connective
tissue disorders
(Ehlers-Danlos or Marfan’s)

How is Familial Mediterranean Colchicine

Fever treated?

What are the symptoms of FMF, Recurring fevers lasting 5 h to 5 days, with
familial Mediterranean fever? abdominal pain
(may also have rash, arthritis, pleuritis,
pericarditis, scrotal swelling)

Which ethnic group is most East Mediterraneans –

affected by Familial Turkish, Armenian, certain Jewish
Mediterranean Fever? populations

What gene has been identified “Pyrin” gene on chromosome 16

as the cause of familial
(it makes a protein that regulates certain
Mediterranean fever?
inflammatory responses)

An 8-year-old child has a fever Periodic

lasting longer than 5 days, Fever
pharyngitis, cervical adenitis, Aphthous stomatitis
and aphthous stomatitis. There Pharyngitis
is no rash or conjunctivitis. The Adenitis (cervical)
same thing has happened
Abbreviated PFAPA
before. What is it?

What is the natural course of It is benign, but recurrent and annoying


How can you get rid of PFAPA? Tonsillectomy appears to cure it in most
Prednisone taken at the onset of the episode
knocks it out – but may increase recurrences

Following an injury to an Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

extremity, a child develops (also known as a “chronic regional pain
long-term pain in the extremity, syndrome”)
and intermittent vasomotor
changes. The pain is brought on
by routine stimuli to the skin.
What is the diagnosis?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 193

How can you treat chronic PT, psychological support, & neurological
regional pain syndromes? pain meds such as amitryptyline

What interventions have been Improved sleep

shown to improve symptoms
significantly in patients with
fibromyalgia? Exercise

Amyloid is sometimes deposited Aggressive treatment reduces or eliminates

in organs, in association with amyloid deposition
rheumatologic diseases. How can (especially in the kidney)
amyloid deposition be prevented?

Is reactive arthritis more common Yes – HLA-B27

in certain HLA types?

If a patient is described who Still reactive arthritis

“can’t see, can’t pee, and can’t (The rash just doesn’t get as much attention!
climb a tree,” but the question Palm & sole rash by itself is syphilis,
also describes an unusual rash on though!)
the palms, soles, and penis what
disorder are you dealing with?

If a woman develops reactive Women develop cervicitis rather than

arthritis, how will her symptoms urethritis
be different from those of a man (less noticeable, underdiagnosed)
with reactive arthritis?

Behcet’s syndrome causes ocular In Behcet’s small vessel vasculitis is the

symptoms and mucocutaneous problem, affecting multiple organs –
lesions. How is it different from
skin & retinal scarring due to uveitis can
reactive arthritis?
occur, myositis & myocarditis are also
Arthritis is uncommon in Behcet’s

Is Behcet’s syndrome more Yes – HLA-B51

common in certain HLA types?

Other than the obvious trauma, 1. Gonorrhea (especially with onset just
what other causes of after menses)
monoarticular arthritis are 2. Septic joint (not GC)
important? 3. Gout & pseudogout
(rare in kids)
194 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

When examining a patient with Septic joint

monoarticular arthritis, which (any pathogen)
diagnosis is most worrisome?

Needle-like crystals in joint fluid Gout

indicate what diagnosis?

What is the most common Staph aureus

organism, overall, for septic

What unusual locations often Axial skeletal

develop septic arthritis in IV drug (meaning the ribs, sternum, vertebra, etc.)

Joint fluid should have a WBC >50,000

count how high, in order to be
considered a likely septic joint?

Is it common to have >75 % Yes

PMNs in synovial fluid affected
by an inflammatory process?

How can you remember which Pseudogout Positive

crystals are positively vs.
Needle-like NeGative Gout
negatively birefringent in gout &

Sickle cell patients are well- Salmonella

known for developing septic
arthritis due to which

Staph aureus is the most Young infant (<2 months) – E. coli, Group
common cause of septic B Strep, and other gram negative bacilli
arthritis in children. Which
Young children (2 months to 5 years
more unusual pathogens are
old) – Group A Strep & Strep pneumoniae
also likely to cause septic
arthritis in infants and very
young children?

For an acute episode of gout, how NSAIDs

would you treat the patient? Colchicine
Systemic or intraarticular steroids
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 195

Should a gout patient have a Often, yes


How does gout develop? Long-term elevation of uric acid

Overproduction of uric acid is an Lymphoproliferative/

uncommon reason for developing myeloproliferative disorders
gout. In what situations does it (sometimes, not always)

What is the usual Inadequate excretion of uric acid

pathophysiology of gout?

What are three common reasons 1. Renal insufficiency

for impaired uric acid excretion? 2. Loop diuretics
3. Alcohol

Does gout occur in the upper Very rarely

(pseudogout does)

Which gender most often Females

develops gonococcal arthritis?

In addition to joints, gonococcus Tendons

also affects what other connective (tendonitis)
tissue structure?

Although only one joint is Migratory

usually affected at a time in
gonococcal arthritis, this
arthritis often shows what
pattern over time?

When do the symptoms of During or just after menses

gonococcal arthritis usually

Which tick-borne infectious Lyme disease

disease is famous for producing

In addition to joints, what other 1. Skin (erythema migrans rash)

body systems may Lyme disease 2. Neurological (facial palsy, headache,
affect? neuritis)
(3) 3. Cardiac (heart block & dysrhythmia)
196 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

Which autoimmune disease is Lupus

especially common in young,
(systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE)
African American, females?

In addition to affecting joints, 1. Skin (malar rash)

tendons, and muscles, which 2. Renal (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome,
other body systems does lupus and renal failure)
usually affect? 3. Neurological (cerebritis, headache,
stroke, etc.)

What serious cardiac Tamponade

complication sometimes occurs
(also causes pericarditis & myocarditis)
in lupus?

What serious GI complication Intestinal vasculitis

goes with lupus?
(can lead to perforation, gangrene,
ulcerations, etc.)

Although lupus patients are more 1. Anemia

likely to clot than average, what 2. Thrombocytopenia
(unexpected) hematologic
problems are they likely to have?

What is the buzzword for “Bamboo spine”

ankylosing spondylitis on X-ray?
(looks like a single stick of bamboo)

What joint (other than those in Sacroiliac joints

the spine) is classically affected
in ankylosing spondylitis?

How is ankylosing spondylitis Exercise

treated? NSAIDs
Anti-TNF agents

What two GI disorders are UC & Crohn’s

most closely linked to recurrent

Uveitis, urethritis, conjunctivitis, Reactive arthritis

and arthritis are the classic
(Can’t see,
presentation of what disorder?
Can’t pee,
Can’t climb a tree)
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 197

Both reactive arthritis and B27

ankylosing spondylitis are usually
seen in patients with which HLA

Reactive arthritis is usually seen Male, 15–35 years old

in what type of patient?

How is a bout of reactive arthritis An infection –

usually set off, in general terms? Usually GI or urethral/cervical

How is reactive arthritis treated? • Treat underlying infection

• Steroids, if needed

In addition to conjunctivitis, what Iritis/uveitis

other eye problems do reactive
arthritis patients often have?

What specific infection is most Chlamydial urethritis

often linked to reactive arthritis in
adolescent & adult populations?

Why might a patient with Due to frequent intraarticular bleeds

hemophilia have joint

If a patient has small joint Psoriasis,

arthritis (dactylitis), chronic with psoriatic arthritis
skin lesions, and is rheumatoid
factor negative, what is the
likely diagnosis?

How is psoriatic arthritis NSAIDs

treated? Methotrexate or sulfasalazine
TNF inhibitors
(& steroids, if needed)

How is Lyme disease treated? Amoxicillin


In pregnant women, how could Amoxicillin

Lyme disease be treated?
198 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What joint problem do sickle Avascular necrosis of the femoral head

cell patients often suffer from?

Why should you do blood The infection usually has a hematogenous

cultures in a septic arthritis source

How is gout or pseudogout NSAIDs

treated, in an acute attack?
(microtubule inhibitor – very poorly

What two medications can be Probenicid

used for long-term prevention of
gout attacks?

Which gout medication can Allopurinol

actually worsen an acute attack of (may transiently raise the uric acid level)

Rheumatic fever causes a type Migratory polyarthritis

of arthritis. Which type?

Is rheumatic fever an infectious No –

disease? It’s autoimmune

How is rheumatic fever 1. Genetically predisposed person

triggered? 2. Group A β-hemolytic strep infection

After a strep infection, when 2–6 weeks later

will rheumatic fever develop?
(sources vary)

What are the major criteria for 1. Carditis

rheumatic fever? 2. Cutaneous nodules
(5) 3. Chorea
4. Arthritis
5. Rash

How many major criteria for Two

rheumatic fever are needed for (or one major & two minor)
the diagnosis?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 199

In osteoarthritis, will the joint No!

be red or hot?

When osteoarthritis affects a Bony spurs

joint, what bony malformation
is often seen?

When osteoarthritis affects the Large DIP & PIP joints –

hands, what is the usual No misalignment

Patients with rheumatoid Morning

arthritis have their worst
symptoms during what part of
the day?

Osteoarthritis patients have After using the joint

their worst symptoms in what

Will children with rheumatoid Usually not

arthritis be rheumatoid factor

What systemic signs of disease Fever

would you expect in a
rheumatoid arthritis patient?

What skin findings are often Subcutaneous nodules

seen in rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis often 1. Swan-neck deformity

causes changes in the fingers. 2. Boutonniere deformity
What are the buzzwords for the 3. Ulnar deviation
finger findings?

How will a joint damaged by Like granulation tissue

rheumatoid arthritis appear on
(Looks like a big fluffy area due to
inflammatory changes)
200 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What is the buzzword for the A “pannus”

X-ray appearance of a
(describes the appearance of the fluffy,
rheumatoid joint?
inflamed cartilage)

What is Legg-Calve-Perthe Avascular necrosis of the femoral head


What is Sjogren’s syndrome? Dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis)

Dry mouth (xerostomia)
(often occurs with other autoimmune

How are the symptoms of Wetting eye drops

Sjogren’s treated?
Good oral hygiene
(minimizes symptoms)

The ANA titer can be used as a Lupus

screening test for what two
common autoimmune
disorders? Scleroderma

What lab test confirms the Anti-Smith antibodies

lupus diagnosis?

How is lupus treated? NSAIDs

Immunomodulators (e.g., azathioprine,
cyclophosphamide, methotrexate,

What neuropsychiatric 1. Depression

problems are sometimes a part 2. Seizures
of lupus? 3. Psychosis

Which body systems does lupus 1. Skin

most often affect? 2. Kidney
3. Arthritis/joints
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 201

Which problem sometimes seen Pericarditis

with lupus can lead to sudden
(Rapid development of an effusion causes
the sudden decompensation)

What infectious disease assay is VDRL

often falsely positive in lupus (syphilis)

A positive anticentromere CREST

antibody test indicates what
connective tissue disease?
Think “antiCRESTomere antibody,” and
you’ll get it right!!

Which disorder is CREST most Scleroderma

closely related to?

What are the problems of the C calcinosis

CREST syndrome? R Raynaud’s phenomenon
E Esophageal dysmotility
S sclerodactyly
T telangiectasia

Which lab test confirms the Antitopoisomerase

scleroderma diagnosis?
Mnemonic: A scleroderma diagnosis
makes you feel “anti” of being on “top.”

In general, how is scleroderma or Nothing is very effective

CREST treated? (sorry, trick question)

Which connective tissue Scleroderma

disorder can occasionally (The LES loses its effectiveness as it is
present as “heartburn?” infiltrated → reflux)

The most noticeable effect of Thickened skin

scleroderma is ________? (Noted as decreased wrinkles, taut or shiny
skin, limited facial expressions)

The skin thickening typical of Hands

CREST and scleroderma is
often noticed first on what part
of the body?

Who is usually afflicted by Young adult males

Behcet’s syndrome?
202 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What are the main complaints Painful oral & genital ulcers
seen with Behcet’s syndrome?

What other rheumatologic Uveitis

complaints often accompany Arthralgia
Behcet’s syndrome? Rashes/lesions
(especially erythema nodosum)

Which body systems does GPA The respiratory tree, including the nose
mainly affect? with nose bleeds & nasal perforations

How is GPA treated? 1. Steroids

(2) 2. Rituximab
3. Cyclophosphamide

What lab test identifies GPA c-ANCA

patients? (an antibody test)
Think of an “anchor” (ANCA) shaped like a
“wedge” (Weg) dropping in the lung.

How do GPA patients most Nosebleeds

often present?

Does GPA cause acute renal Yes –

failure? & hematuria, of course

How is dermatomyositis The skin is involved

different from polymyositis?

What is the most typical skin Heliotrope rash

finding of dermatomyositis?
(purplish rash & edema around the eyes)

What skin finding is Gottron papules

pathognomonic of
(Round, smooth, flat, purple-light red slightly
dermatomyositis, when present?
raised areas of the knuckles or along the
sides of the fingers)
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 203

How is dermatomyositis Muscle biopsy

MRI (changes in muscle noted on T2 images)

What patient group most often Young adult females

develops “fibromyalgia?”

How is fibromyalgia diagnosed? By exclusion

(No abnormal findings)

What do fibromyalgia patients Pain throughout the body

complain of? Headaches & dizziness

How is fibromyalgia treated? Regular schedule

Rest & improved sleep quality
Aerobic exercise
NSAIDs & TCAs (sometimes)
A variety of other medications including
gabapentin or pregabalin

What kind of disorder is A vasculitis

polyarteritis nodosa?

Which vessels are affected in The medium-sized vessels

polyarteritis nodosa?

What do patients complain of 1. Abdominal pain

with polyarteritis nodosa? 2. Weight loss
(4) 3. Kidney problems
4. Peripheral neuropathy

What virus is associated with Hepatitis B

the development of polyarteritis

What will the UA of a Protein & blood

polyarteritis patient usually show? (leaky tubules)

Do polyarteritis patients have Yes, often

fever with their disorder?
204 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

What vasculitis affects mainly Takayasu arteritis

Asian women, and involves the
aortic arch and its branches?

What is the informal name “Pulseless disease”

for Takayasu’s arteritis?
(The vasculitis in various aortic root branches
(helps you remember what
sometimes makes it impossible to get a
the disorder is)

What patient group is usually Young Asian women

affected by Takayasu’s (15–30 years old)

How is Takayasu’s usually Characteristic lesions on angiogram


What bad complications are seen 1. Stroke (carotid involvement)

regularly with Takayasu’s 2. Heart failure (coronary artery
arteritis? involvement)

A child who suffers a Kawasaki’s

myocardial infarction has what
rheumatological disorder, until
proven otherwise?

Kawasaki patients sometimes Coronary vessel vasculitis, and sometimes

have arthritis. What type of dilatation & aneurysms
vessel problems do they

What are the main signs of 1. High fever >5 days

Kawasaki syndrome? 2. (Truncal) rash
(6) 3. Strawberry tongue or red, chapped lips
4. Conjunctivitis (but no discharge)
5. Cervical LAD
6. Extremity signs (swelling or erythema)

Late in the progression of Desquamation of palms & soles (peeling)

Kawasaki’s, what do you expect
to observe with regard to the
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 205

Which kids are most likely to Asian (especially Japanese & Korean
develop Kawasaki’s? descent)
(3 characteristics) Male
<5 years old

How is Kawasaki syndrome Aspirin & IVIG

(reduces risk of coronary aneurysms)

Is erythema nodosum a good or Good

bad prognostic for a patient
(It is usually a good sign, in general)
with sarcoid?

On exam, you notice some flat, Heliotrope rash –

smooth, red, areas over the Probably dermatomyositis
knuckles of a patient who was
(The finger findings are Gottron’s papules
brought in for fatigue and
– very popular photo item!!!)
weakness. What other skin
finding is likely in this patient?

Which CT disorder is SLE

associated with anti-dsDNA

Which CT disorder sometimes Polymyositis/dermatomyositis

has anti-Jo-1 antibodies?

Which CT disease sometimes has Limited scleroderma

anti-centromere antibodies? (CREST variant – Remember
“antiCRESTomere antibody!”)

Rheumatoid factor goes with Rheumatoid arthritis (JIA), but mainly in

________? adults

The screening test for SLE is ANA

____________? (antinuclear antibody)

Two confirmatory tests for SLE Anti-dsDNA antibody

are ________ & ________? (double stranded DNA)
Anti-Smith antibody

SLE patients are often false VDRL/RPR

positive for what sexually (syphilis – they will be negative for
transmitted disease tests? treponeme-specific tests)
206 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

Which molecule predisposes Antiphospholipid antibody

lupus patient to easy clotting/
(Formerly known as lupus anticoagulant –
such a bad name!)

Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic GPA

antibody (ANCA) is often
positive in which autoimmune

A patient positive for both ANA Diffuse scleroderma

(screening test) and
antitopoisomerase (specific test)
probably has which disorder?

A patient positive for both ANA CREST

(screening test) and (limited scleroderma variant)
anticentromere antibody (specific
test) probably has which disorder?

Antiglomerular antibodies go Goodpasture’s

with which autoimmune

Anti-histone antibody is positive Drug-induced lupus

in which autoimmune-related

What does C-reactive protein tell Not much –

you in the context of autoimmune It’s very nonspecific

HLA-B51 goes with which Behcet’s

autoimmune disorder?

Anticardiolipin antibodies are Lupus

often positive in which (They are probably responsible for the false
rheumatological disorder? positive VDRL, by the way)

Which rheumatological Lupus

disorder is most associated with
(This antibody is probably related to the
antiphospholipid antibodies?
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 207

Which rheumatological disorders Reactive arthritis

are associated with HLA-B27? Ankylosing spondylitis
Psoriatic arthritis
Enthesitis-related arthritis

Diffuse scleroderma patients are Anti-DNA-topoisomerase

often positive for which specific
(aka Scl-70)

Antiphospholipid & SLE

anticardiolipin antibodies are
consistent with which
rheumatological disorder?

SLE patients often are positive Antibody against ribonucleic

for anti-Smith antibody. What proteins (RNA)
is this antibody?

Anti-Ro and Anti-La antibodies Sjogren’s syndrome

go with which connective tissue (dry eyes, dry mouth)

Polymyositis & dermatomyositis Anti-Jo-1

patients often have what specific
(only 25 % have it, though)

Elevated CK and aldolase are Polymyositis

seen in what autoimmune

Weakness in proximal muscles, Dermatomyositis

and a heliotrope rash (purple
sunrise shape over the eyes)
suggest what diagnosis?

In addition to Rheumatoid Sjogren’s

Arthritis, which other connective
(Joints are usually not affected in Sjogren’s)
tissue disorder is often
rheumatoid factor positive?

Which drug is best known for Hydralazine

causing drug-induced lupus?
(also procainamide & isoniazid)
208 7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items

If a drug induces lupus, what It usually goes away

happens when the drug is
(The marker for drug-induced lupus is
anti-histone antibody, remember)

In addition to rheumatoid Anti-Ro

factor, which other antibody Anti-La
test are likely to be positive in
(aka SS-A & SS-B)
Sjogren’s syndrome?

What is the name for antibodies Anti-Smith antibodies

to ribonucleic proteins? (lupus)

Diffuse vasculitis with “fibrinoid Systemic lupus erythematosus

deposits” affecting arterioles and (SLE)
small arteries =

Which type of lupus is often “Discoid” lupus

ANA negative???

How is discoid lupus different Only the lesioned skin is affected – no

from regular SLE? other SLE problems

What is found in the affected skin Ig-complement complexes

of a discoid lupus patient?

What is the probability of 5–10 %

developing SLE, if you already
have discoid lupus?

What special, not life- Libman-Sacks endocarditis

threatening, heart problem is (not infectious)
associated with lupus?

Which valves are affected in Mitral

Libman-Sacks endocarditis?
(the slower flow valves –
flow during diastole)

How are the lesions of Libman- Verrucous (wart-like) –

Sacks endocarditis described? With fibrinous
& inflammatory components
7 General Rheumatology Question and Answer Items 209

Which connective tissue Sjogren’s

disorder puts you at increased
(10 % or less, though)
risk of developing lymphoma?

Which is more benign, CREST CREST

or scleroderma?

Anti-Jo-1 antibodies go with Polymyositis

which disorder?
Chapter 8
Selected Neurology Topics

Chiari Malformation, Arnold-Chiari Malformation and

Dandy-Walker Syndrome

“Please compare and contrast the following . . .”

Chiari & Arnold-Chiari Malformation

(Evidently, Chiari created the initial classification for types 1–3, so many sources
have changed over to just calling them the Chiari malformations. Arnold-Chiari
malformation specifically refers to type 2, which Dr. Arnold further described.)

Main Ideas
At minimum, the cerebellar tonsils are below the foramen magnum. On a drawing
or radiological image, it looks like the bottom of the cerebellum sort of slid down
into the spinal canal by accident.
(You will recall that it is usually a good idea to keep the brain inside the skull!)
Chiari malformation is rarely associated with malformations in other organs.
Chiari malformation is very often associated with abnormalities of the spinal cord
(especially syringomyelia – a fluid-filled & sometimes expanding space in the cord).
Physical exam may show a myelomeningocele or occipital encephalocele.
Brain stem functions can be compromised (life threatening!)

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 211

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_8
212 8 Selected Neurology Topics

There are three main versions of Chiari malformation, with varying degrees of severity.
Type 1 is not too bad – only the cerebellar tonsils have come through the foramen
Types 2 & 3 are worse – In type 2, more of the cerebellum has slid into the spinal canal,
and the medulla is displaced downward, also, although in some cases it is still above
the foramen magnum. Often, a myelomeningocele (that’s when part of the contents of
the spinal cord are on the outside of the body, covered by meninges) is also present &
partial or complete paralysis occurs below the level of the myelomeningocele.
In type 3, the displacement is severe & the parts that slid down are also outside of
the skull or spinal canal, in an encephalocele. It is the most severe and least common
of the three main malformations.
Type 2 is classically referred to as “Arnold-Chiari” malformation.

Newly Added
Type 4 is a recent addition – It is cerebellar hypoplasia. The cerebellum is underde-
veloped or fails to completely develop. The pathogenesis of type 4 is probably not
related to the other types of Chiari malformation. Both types 3 & 4 are usually not
compatible with life.
Type 0 (zero) may be added – it is currently a matter of debate. In type 0, the patient has
typical Chiari malformation-type symptoms, but no detectable anatomical changes.

Type 1 is often asymptomatic or sometimes doesn’t present until adulthood. The
patients usually develop nystagmus, occipital headaches with straining, ataxia, and
eventually spastic paresis (weakness) in one or more extremities.
Types 2 and 3 usually present in infancy with cranial nerve palsies (swallowing dif-
ficulties and stridor) and respiratory difficulties – due to the unusual pressure on the
medulla which contains the “breathing center” of the brain. Paralysis below the
level of the myelomeningocele is also common.
Due to the malformations involved, the malformation is very often diagnosed before
birth, and if not, is clear at the time of birth. Some patients are affected more severely
than others, even within the same type.

Treatment & Prognosis

Patient with Chiari malformations often develop hydrocephalus. If the patient
has hydrocephalus, then they need a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, as usual.
Myelomeningoceles & encephaloceles require surgical interventions.
Dandy-Walker Syndrome 213

To address the problems of the malformation itself, a posterior fossa “decompres-

sion” is done, meaning that the foramen magnum and arch of the atlas (the first
vertebral body) is removed, to provide more space. Despite this intervention, some
patients continue to worsen (reason unclear).
Treatment for patients with symptomatic Chiari type 1 malformations generally
have positive surgical outcomes, but greater functional deficits prior to surgery often
means greater residual deficits after surgery.

Think of Arnold (Schwarzenegger) in the Terminator movie, and imagine that
his cyborg brain has dropped down into the spinal canal a bit, due to a bad fight
(types 1 & 2).
When the fight gets really bad, his back is ripped open, and he ends up with part
of his cyborg spinal cord sticking brain sticking out (type 2), or brain sticking out of
his neck (type 3).

Dandy-Walker Syndrome

Main Ideas
The problem is that the foramina (plural of foramen) of Luschka and Magendie
don’t form properly, and are basically closed. This means that, for most patients, all
of the ventricles enlarge, especially the fourth ventricle.
A giant fourth ventricle means that there was pressure on the cerebellum when it
was trying to form, so it is very small – just like a lung that tries to develop with gut
herniated into the chest cavity during fetal development.
It is very common for Dandy-Walker patients to have abnormalities in other body
systems (65 %), especially in the cardiac system.
The problems in other body systems mainly determine their prognosis.
Physical exam may show a prominent occiput.

Prominent occiput, and hydrocephalus (about 80 %).
50 % have intellectual disability (previously known as mental retardation), and as
you would expect, most have cerebellar signs – ataxia, poor fine motor coordina-
tion, and some spasticity. 15 % have seizures.
214 8 Selected Neurology Topics

Treatment & Prognosis

If hydrocephalus is present, the fourth ventricle needs to be shunted (not the lateral
ventricles, which is the usual place to locate the shunt).
Good prognosis – although cognitive & functional disabilities are likely.
(Problems in other, non-neurological, systems will primarily determine the

It’s hard to walk “like a dandy” with no cerebellum!
So . . . in Arnold-Chiari – parts of the brain (cerebellum and medulla) are being
squished by the surrounding bone – due to bad positioning of the neural structures.
(Mom always told you it wasn’t good to slouch!)
In Dandy-Walker – the cerebellum (but not the brainstem) is being squished by
fluid – due to the bone developing without the usual exits for the CSF.


Syringomyelia is defined as a cavitation (cavity formation) in the spinal cord, filled

with fluid, but not normally under pressure. The term came from the Greek word
“syrinx” meaning cavity.
In adults, syringomyelia is often a chronic and progressive loss of tissue in the spinal
cord (although it sometimes occurs in nearby CNS structures). The progress of the
disorder is slow. Men are affected more often than women for unknown reasons.
In children, research suggests that many are stable or may even regress. Thus moni-
toring, & in some cases periodic imaging, is warranted but further intervention often
is not.
Idiopathic syringomyelia is thought to be congenital in some cases, but it often
doesn’t present until the person is in their 20s or 30s due to the slowly progressive
nature of the problem. Other cases develop following trauma to the cord (usually
blunt) or after infections of the cord, meninges, or other nearby structures.
Syringomyelia can develop as a consequence of cord tethering, pressure damage
from tumors, or from congenital Chiari malformation and/or hydrocephalus.
(Remember that Chiari malformation is the presence of the cerebellar tonsils and
medulla in the cervical spinal canal.)
Information regarding the optimal management of idiopathic or incidentally found
syringomyelias in pediatric patients is sparse. Serial imaging is usually conducted,
to monitor for changes requiring surgical intervention. In many cases, the patient
does have symptoms from the lesion, but available data suggest that the symptoms
Assorted Neuropathology Topics 215

& symptom severity do not correlate well with the size of the lesion. Idiopathic
pediatric syringomyelias often remain stable in size & some spontaneously improve,
at least over short follow-up periods of about 2 years.
Syringomyelia is associated with scoliosis. Syringomyelias usually progress down
the cord, but in some cases they go up.
The presentation of symptomatic syringomyelia is similar to that of anterior cord
syndrome. Initially, patients notice a loss of pain and temperature below level of
lesion with preserved posterior column functions (position sense, two-point dis-
crimination, and deep pressure sensation are intact). Motor dysfunction also devel-
ops as anterior horn cells are damaged. The motor and sensory problems may be
unilateral, bilateral and symmetric, or bilateral and asymmetric.
Diagnosis of syringomyelia is made clinically initially, and then confirmed with
MRI (although CT scanning is also possible, MRI is preferred in this situation).
Treatments are aimed at reducing the pressure on the cord to arrest progression of
the deficits. Treatment is usually surgical.

Assorted Neuropathology Topics

Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome – An autosomal dominant disorder characterized

by several types of both benign and malignant neoplasms affecting multiple organs.
1. Bilateral renal cell carcinoma
2. Pheochromocytoma
3. Angiomas of liver, kidney, or other viscera
4. Hemangioblastomas of the retina, cerebellum, & medulla oblongata
The retinal tumors frequently cause visual problems for these patients, and the
other hemangioblastomas in the CNS are an important cause of death for these patients.
Frontal eye fields – An area of the prefrontal cortex (meaning cortex anterior to the
motor strip) that directs visual attention. There is one on each side, and they mainly
control saccadic eye movements (with help from the brain stem nuclei) along with
causing release of inhibition from the nigral projections to the brain stem. This
allows saccades to proceed normally.
(Saccade means the jumping movement of the eyes from one point of fixation
to another – like what your eyes are doing as you read the words printed across
the page.)
Output from each frontal eye field pushes the eyes away from itself. Hyperactivity
in this area, such as from a seizure, will cause the gaze to deviate away from the
seizure focus. Decreased activity in this area, such as from infarct or trauma, will
cause the eyes to deviate toward the lesion – because the only input is now coming
from the non-damaged frontal eye field on the other side.
216 8 Selected Neurology Topics

If a patient had bilateral frontal eye field damage (very rare indeed!) it would pro-
duce a syndrome in which the patient had no voluntary eye movement at all, but
full-range of extraocular movement with random eye movement.
Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) – The MLF is mainly important for its role
in another acronymic disorder – INO (internuclear ophthalmoplegia). The MLF
links the lateral and medial recti nuclei, coordinating horizontal gaze. A lesion in
this area therefore produces a dissociation of the two eyes when the patient attempts
to gaze to either side. The type of gaze symptom is called “dissociated horizontal
nystagmus” because when one eye fails to adduct, the eye behaving normally
(abducting) develops nystagmus trying to pull its failing brother over to a conjugate
position. The problem can be unilateral or bilateral.
This problem is different from a CN3 nerve or nucleus lesion because the pupil is
not affected (and because some limited adduction does occur).
The MLF has a role in vestibulo-ocular reflexes, also.
Lambert-Eaton syndrome vs. myasthenia gravis (note: you may see either
Lambert or Eaton written first for this disorder)
This disorder is sometimes known as “myasthenic syndrome.” Typically (about
50 % of the time), the disorder is a paraneoplastic syndrome most often associated
with small cell lung cancer. Occasionally it occurs in patients without any underlying
malignancy. In this disorder, inadequate amounts of ACh are released at neuromus-
cular junctions producing muscular weakness, decreased deep tendon reflexes, and
muscle fatigue. There are two main clinical features that differentiate this syndrome
from myasthenia gravis. First, the patient’s performance improves with increasing
activity. Second, the bulbar muscles are usually not affected.
Approximately 50 % of Eaton-Lambert syndrome patients also have autonomic
dysfunction of the cholinergic system. This means they may experience impotence,
dry mouth, and difficulties with vision.
Quick definitions:
Hemihypesthesia – decreased sensation of one-half of the body
Hypesthesia – decreased sensation somewhere
Prosopagnosia – inability to recognize or perceive faces in the absence of any visual
system deficit.
Dysprosodia – lack of normal intonation or variation in speech tone, or lack of
understanding of the same
Anosmia – inability to smell (usually due to a deceleration injury damaging CN1
where the tufts of the nerve stick through the cribriform plate in the upper
Canavan Disease 217

Canavan Disease

Canavan disease (aspartoacylase deficiency) is a white matter disease of the brain

that occurs due to an autosomal recessive enzyme deficiency.
It is most common in Ashkenazi Jewish populations.
Canavan disease is also known as a “leukodystrophy,” which just means white
matter deterioration disease. Eventually, the white matter problem turns into overall
cerebral atrophy.
The specific enzyme deficiency for Canavan disease is aspartoacylase. If you
are missing this enzyme, you end up with too much N-acetylaspartic acid (NAA).
In patients with aspartoacylase deficiency, NAA is present in many tissues, but it
mainly accumulates in the brain and urine. In the brain, it leads to diffuse, sym-
metrical degeneration of the white matter.
Presentation and Course:
The disorder presents as hypotonia, macrocephaly, and head lag between three and
six months old. Eventually, they develop hypertonia and hyperreflexia. Blindness
from optic atrophy develops between six and eighteen months. Seizures occur in 50
percent of patients. Neurological impairment worsens with time, with bulbar dys-
function developing which leads to feeding difficulties. Spasticity and respiratory
complications are also common.
There is no cure for this disease, and management is supportive. Palliative care
is essential as death occurs in childhood, usually before 10 years of age, with very
limited quality of life.
Chapter 9
General Neurology Question
and Answer Items

How common is it to have About 5 %

a single seizure among the general

What are the two terms you can Focal (old term) or
use for a seizure affecting just Partial (new term)
one part of the body?

What differentiates a “simple” Simple means no change in level

from a “complex” seizure? of consciousness
Complex means there was a change

What is a “generalized” seizure? Seizure affecting both hemispheres

from the start

What does it mean if a seizure Started in one location (partial seizure)

is “secondarily generalized?” then spread to both hemispheres

If you see an EEG on the boards, Not hard at all – treat the patient,
how hard should you work not the EEG
to read it?

Which type(s) of seizure does not Absence & Simple Partial

have a postictal phase?

If the eye fields of the brain are Away

involved in a seizure, do the eyes (Overactive frontal eye fields push
go toward or away from the the eyes away)

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 219

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1_9
220 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

If a child is getting into trouble Absence or complex partial

for annoying behaviors or not
paying attention, what sort of
seizures should you consider?

During a complex partial seizure Not normally, but some responsiveness

with automatisms, will the child be
able to respond to outside stimuli?

What is the best way to test Painful stimulation

for any remaining level of
consciousness in an impaired

What is the most common sort Blinking

of automatism to occur in an (but remember that automatisms are most
absence seizure? common with complex partial seizures)

What is the best medication Ethosuximide

for absence seizures?

Should Benign Rolandic seizures Only if frequent/problematic

be treated?

What group of patients typically School-aged kids who are otherwise fine
develops Rolandic seizures?

What is a benign Rolandic seizure? A partial seizure that sometimes

generalizes – usually occurs at night

Why are they called “Rolandic” There is a characteristic spike on EEG over
seizures? the Rolandic fissure area

What is the other name for benign Benign childhood epilepsy

Rolandic seizures? with CentroTemporal Spikes

What is the usual course Spontaneously resolve

of benign Rolandic seizures? (by age 15 years)

Why is it important to know • Common cause of epilepsy (about

about benign Rolandic seizures? 15 % of childhood cases)
• No treatment needed
• Spontaneous resolution expected
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 221

The 3-Hz per second spike-and- Absence

wave pattern is famous for being
associated with what type of

What are the two paths patients • Resolution in adolescence

with absence seizures are likely • Epilepsy (30 %)
to follow as they get older?

Which epilepsy syndrome is Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

known for being induced by
visual stimuli?

What sort of seizure will the Could be myoclonic only, or could be

patient have, if he/she has a myoclonic with absence or tonic-clonic
visually induced seizure?

How do you treat visually Avoid the stimuli (or wear dark glasses,
induced myoclonic seizures? if needed)

“Incoordination” or jerking Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

movements in the early morning
are sometimes the first signs of
which seizure disorder?

What do infantile spasms Spasms of the flexors – especially

look like? head & trunk

What is the special buzzword “Hypsarrhythmia”

associated with the EEG
appearance of infantile spasms?

What does hypsarrhythmia mean? The EEG has a slow rhythm, and is
(Specifically – very high voltage, random,
slow waves and spikes in all cortical areas)

Which genetic disorder Tuberous sclerosis

is especially associated with (although lots of others cause it, too)
infantile spasms?

Which type of pediatric seizure has Infantile spasm

the worst prognosis?
222 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What proportion of children with Around 60 %

infantile spasm will go on to have

When children with infantile Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

spasms later develop epilepsy, (difficult to control, multiple types
which type of epilepsy often of seizures associated with intellectual
evolves? disability)
Note: The term “mental retardation” while
most familiar to many medical
practitioners, has now been replaced by the
term “intellectual disability” in many
sources. Mental retardation has also been
eliminated as a term in the 2013 revision of
the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, and in US federal
In 2015, however, the ICD-11 international
classification of diseases will adopt the term
“intellectual developmental disorder” to
replace both the terms “mental retardation”
& “intellectual disability.” This term will
then replace intellectual disability in many

What is the main danger in Respiratory arrest – (more patients die of

treating seizure disorders? medication complications than die of

If a child has had a febrile Yes – it’s doubled, but still very small
seizure, is there risk of (0.5 vs. 1.0 – exact numbers quoted vary,
developing epilepsy increased? some recent studies suggest it might be as
high as 2.4)
The number traditionally quoted,
and most likely to occur on exams,
is the doubling to 1 %.

If you think you have a child with The sequence –

breath holding spells, what can Pain/anger/fear →
reassure you that it is, in fact, Crying →
breath holding? Breath holding
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 223

If a child has jerking movements No – the child may jerk, be limp, or stiff
after losing consciousness, does after losing consciousness
that make it less likely that the
episode was really a breath
holding spell?

Children with breath holding Anemia/iron deficiency

spells have a higher than average
likelihood of also having what
physiological disorder?

Why do Klippel-Feil patients have Some or all of their cervical vertebra

limited neck motion? are fused

What is the “triad” of Klippel- Short neck

Feil syndrome? Limited neck motion
Low occipital hairline
(all neck related!)

Risk for serious neurological Occipito-C1 vertebral junction

problems in Klippel-Feil patients is
highest if the fusion occurs in what
part of the c-spine?

Is it common for Klippel-Feil Yes

patients to have associated

What is lissencephaly? Smooth brain (gyri are missing)

With which congenital syndrome is Miller-Dieker

lissencephaly most associated?

What is schizencephaly? Clefts in the cerebral hemispheres that

weren’t supposed to be there
(remember “schizo” means split,
so schizencephaly is extra “splits”
of the brain)

What sorts of clinical problems Seizures, severe intellectual disability,

does schizencephaly create, if any? quadriparesis

What is porencephaly? Holes (pores) within the brain

224 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

How would a child develop Usually occurs due to damage from stroke
porencephaly? or infection after birth
(2 ways)
Can also be congenital, due to
developmental error(s)

What is acquired porencephaly? Special name for acquired holes in the

brain, not due to developmental processes
(formerly called

How can pseudoporencephaly be Congenital porencephalic cysts

distinguished from congenital communicate with the ventricle or
porencephaly? subarachnoid space, acquired cysts
generally do not
Acquired porencephaly is not associated
with other CNS malformations

How will acquired porencephaly Focal findings, seizures, or sometimes

patients present? asymptomatic

Do congenital porencephaly Congenital patients often have more global

patients present differently from problems, such as intellectual disability,
acquired porencephaly? cerebral palsy, and blindness

If you’re born without a corpus Some neuropsychiatric difficulties, but

callosum, what sorts of problems often subtle
should you expect to experience?
(75 % of these patients have normal
intelligence & otherwise normal appearing

Why would someone fail to 1. Inherited – both AD and AR

develop a corpus callosum? 2. In utero injury prior to the 20th week
of pregnancy
3. Association to some in utero
exposures, especially alcohol

Holoprosencephaly is highly Cyclopia (single eye)

associated with what very unusual
facial abnormality?

What is the most severe form of “Alobar”

holoprosencephaly? (this means that no lobes formed in the
front part of the brain at all)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 225

What is the most obvious structural Single ventricle

finding if you scan a patient with
alobar holoprosencephaly?

How long do alobar A few months

holoprosencephaly patients usually

Use of which recreational drug Alcohol & cocaine

are associated with agenesis
of the corpus callosum?

What is static encephalopathy? Cerebral dysfunction that doesn’t worsen

over time (it’s allowed to improve)

If a patient is encephalopathic due No –

to high ammonia levels, would that whatever caused the encephalopathy must
be considered static be a completed process leaving changed
encephalopathy? cerebral function to use this label

What type of problem does the Motor

term “cerebral palsy” refer to?

Technically, what is a convulsion? A seizure due to a cortical lesion

(most seizures have this mechanism)

Is cerebral palsy a type of static Yes – motor only


What aspects of motor function Posture, tone, & movement (of course)
can cerebral palsy affect?

Do the problems that cause Any of those

cerebral palsy occur during, (often the timing of the event is not clear)
before, or just after birth?

Are sensory problems a part No

of cerebral palsy?

Is perinatal asphyxia the major No

causal factor in development (<10 % of cases are thought to be related to
of cerebral palsy? perinatal asphyxia)
226 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What is the perinatal asphyxia- Metabolic acidosis

related factor that gives a high (umbilical artery pH < 7 and base deficit > 12
likelihood of later CP? at time of delivery)

What are three known risk factors Prematurity/low birth weight

for the development of CP? Intrauterine infection
Congenital malformations

Is low birth weight associated Yes

with CP? (but the causal relationship is not clear)

Low birth weight is especially Spastic diplegia

associated with what sort of CP? (mainly affects the legs, but arms can be
involved too)

Infection is most associated with Spastic quadriplegia

what sort of CP? (all four extremities are affected)

Which aspects of the immune Immune mediators, e.g., interleukins,

system have been implicated interferons, and TNF factors
in CP?
(higher than normal levels may disrupt
developing neural circuitry)

What does “spastic CP” mean? Same types of findings as upper motor
neuron lesions – hypertonic &
hyperreflexic, clonus, & weakness

What are the subtypes Hemiplegia (one side)

of spastic CP? Quadriplegia (both sides – all four
Diplegia (both sides, but legs more affected
than arms or face)

Dyskinetic CP is another type of Purposeless movements that disappear

CP. What is its presentation? during sleep – often choreoathetoid and
dystonic movements
(truncal twisting, grimacing, etc.)

What is the underlying problem in Abnormal basal ganglia

dyskinetic CP?

Is it possible to have both Yes, unfortunately

dyskinetic and spastic CP?
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 227

Which sort of CP has the fewest Dyskinetic

associated problems?

Which children with CP are most Mixed (meaning spastic & non-spastic
likely to have intellectual types of CP in the same person)
(2 types of CP)
Spastic quadriplegic

Is intellectual disability common Yes – about 50 %

among kids with CP?

Which types of CP are most Spastic hemiplegia & quadriplegia

associated with seizure disorder?

Has botulinum toxin been used Yes – for focal problem areas of spasm
successfully in spastic CP?

What relatively new treatment, Intrathecal baclofen

involving a muscle relaxant, has
been shown to be helpful in
spastic CP?

What oral meds are used to Baclofen

decrease the spasticity in CP? Dantrolene
Benzodiazepines (diazepam, clonazepam)

If an infant had a stroke in utero, Hemiplegic CP or early hand dominance

how will that child present
(assuming it is detected clinically)?

Complications from congenital 1/4

heart disease account for what
proportion of strokes in

When is the most dangerous time Cardiac cath or surgery –

for a child with congenital heart
1/2 of the strokes happen within 3 days of
disease, in terms of stroke risk?
one of these

How important are Important – 1/3 to 1/2 of children who

pro-thrombotic factors in stroke have them
childhood strokes?
228 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

If a child has antiphospholipid Clots – including stroke

antibody, what will he/she be
predisposed to develop?

What does lupus anticoagulant put Clotting (it was a poor name choice)
the patient at risk for?

Which types of antiphospholipid Anticardiolipin antibody & lupus

antibodies are most commonly anticoagulant
implicated in childhood stroke? (these are both types of antiphospholipid

Which other prothrombotic factors Protein C

are known to be important Protein S
contributors to stroke in children Antithrombin III
and young adults? Elevated homocysteine
(5) Factor 5 Leiden

If a child has a stroke between Seizure or hemiplegia

birth and age two, what are the two
most common presentations?

If a child presents with an apparent Complicated migraine

hemiplegia, what two other
diagnoses should you consider
in addition to structural damage Todd’s paralysis
to the brain? (following a seizure)

What bizarre possibility should “alternating hemiplegia”

you consider when a child
(Very rare disorder with hemiplegia that
suddenly develops hemiplegia
switches sides, and seizures between
and no cause can be found?
episodes of hemiplegia. Course is
progressive neuro deterioration)

What is ataxic CP? Damage to cerebellum results in

coordination & gait problems

How important is sickle cell Important – ≥10 %

disease, as a cause of stroke
in children?

In what age range is stroke most 2–5 years

common for SC kids? (rare <2 years)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 229

Higher levels of hemoglobin F are No

helpful to sickle cell patients, in
general. Does it protect the patient
from stroke?

Is it common for sickle cell Yes – 1 in 5

children to have asymptomatic (the brain is very adaptable in young
strokes? children, and if the area is small and/
or non-critical, there may not be any

Which are more common in Equally common

children – ischemic strokes or
hemorrhagic strokes?

Which are more fatal in children – Hemorrhagic (>25 %!)

ischemic strokes or hemorrhagic

For sickle cell patients, how can Transcranial Doppler flow studies – high
you predict which ones are at flow means increased risk
special risk for stroke?

What is moyamoya disease? It’s really a description, not a disease –

chronic occlusion of small cerebral
vessels causes collaterals to form

What is the buzzword for “Puff of smoke” – a dense area of wispy

appearance of moyamoya on vessels is seen
scans or angiography?

In children, moyamoya is Sickle cell

associated with which disorders? Trisomy 21
(4) Neurofibromatosis (type 1)
& Radiation treatment

Stroke symptoms are occasionally Arterial dissection – usually of the internal

caused by another sort of problem, carotid
not thrombus, embolus, or
hemorrhage. What problem is that?

What is the most common cause Bacterial meningitis

of CNS vasculitis in children?
230 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What percentage of children who About 10 %

have had bacterial meningitis
also have evidence of a CNS

When chickenpox is associated Within 12 months of the rash

with stroke, when does the stroke
(recent data suggests the risk may be
limited to the first 6 months, but this is still
under investigation)

Which kids are most likely to <10 years old

develop chicken pox associated

Where do infarcts usually occur, Internal capsule or basal ganglia

when stroke follows chicken pox?
(think of it as subcortical motor stuff)

Which two rheumatologic diseases Lupus & Takayasu arteritis (usually seen in
are rare causes of CNS vasculitis in Asian females)

If a child has a stroke without ↑ homocysteine

a clear etiology, what metabolic MELAS disease
disorders should you consider? Fabry disease

What is MELAS disease? Mitochondrial myopathy

Lactic Acidosis
Stroke-like episodes

Why does Fabry disease Ceramide builds up in the vascular

predispose children to stroke? endothelial cells, narrowing the vessels
(specifically, it is globotriaosylceramide that
builds up)
(α-galactosidase deficiency)

If a child does not have Yes, if the stroke was ischemic –

homocystinuria, should you still We have recently learned that many things
consider elevated homocysteine increase homocysteine levels (meds,
as a possible contributor cigarettes, renal disease, thyroid disease,
to a stroke? vitamin deficiency, etc.)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 231

Why do elevated homocysteine High levels damage vascular endothelium,

levels lead to stroke, anyway? promoting thrombus formation

Is neonatal stroke more common in Full term

full-term or preterm infants?

Are neonatal strokes usually Embolic

embolic or thrombotic? (the placenta is thought to be the
most common source)
Note: Ischemic & hemorrhagic strokes are
equally common in children – ischemic
stroke is more common in neonates

Which cerebral artery is most Left MCA

often involved in neonatal (middle cerebral artery)

What is the best diagnostic for MRI

finding a stroke in a neonate?
(Remember, US is not going to show
you much in an ischemic stroke)

How do neonates with stroke Seizures

usually present?

If a neonate seizes as a result of a No – antiseizure medication may be needed

cerebrovascular accident, is he/she for a few months, but usually not long-term
likely to have a long-term seizure

In addition to emboli, another Hypoxic-ischemic insult

common cause of stroke in
neonates is _________?

What do you expect to see in a Quadriparesis clinically – Parasagittal

full-term infant who has hypoxic- damage on imaging
ischemic encephalopathy?

What do you expect to see in a Lower extremity weakness clinically –

preemie who has hypoxic-ischemic periventricular leukomalacia on imaging

How does hypoxic-ischemic Multiple mechanisms:

encephalopathy cause damage to Hypoxia & asphyxia
the brain? Ischemia & acidosis
232 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What is the most common cause Trauma

of intracranial bleeding in

What are the other common Coagulopathy

reasons for intracranial bleeding in Vascular malformation
children? Aneurysm

Typical signs of Seizure

intraparenchymal bleeding are Focal neuro problem
______? Headache
Change in mental status

Typical signs of subarachnoid “Worst headache of my life” & change in

bleeding are ________? mental status

What is the best diagnostic Head CT

choice for acute intracranial (no contrast – new blood is bright)
bleeding in anyone who doesn’t
have a fontanelle?

What is the most common type Venous angiomas – usually benign, no

of intracranial vascular treatment needed
malformation in children?

Which type(s) of intracranial AVMs

malformations usually require (some may be embolized, others require
surgical intervention? surgical removal)

Which disorders are associated Aortic coarctation

with saccular aneurysms? Ehlers-Danlos
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
(many other disorders also have some
association with saccular aneurysms)

What is the other term Berry aneurysms

for saccular aneurysms?

Where are berry aneurysms Anterior half of the circle of Willis

usually found?
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 233

Should intracranial aneurysms be No – it depends on the aneurysm.

routinely removed?
(If it becomes symptomatic, it definitely
needs to be removed)

The main risk for patients with Subarachnoid hemorrhage

berry aneurysms is _______?

Can a thrombotic event lead to Yes – Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis

headache, papilledema, nausea, (CSF return to the venous system is
vomiting, and 6th cranial nerve blocked)
palsy – all without other
localizing signs?

Proptosis, chemosis, and Cavernous sinus thrombosis

ophthalmoplegia can result (usually related to cavernous sinus infection
from what thrombotic event? from nearby facial sinuses)

The sagittal sinus and cavernous Cerebral veins

sinus are examples of what general
type of structure?

What are the main risk factors for Dehydration &

cerebral vein thrombosis? Prothrombotic disorders
(which are also called “thrombophilias”)

What is the most common Seizure

presentation for a neonate with a
cerebral vein thrombosis?

What is the most common Headache with nausea/vomiting

presentation for children with
cerebral vein thrombosis?

If you are worried about cerebral Often nothing – contrast is usually needed
vein thrombosis, what will a to see the clot
screening head CT usually show?

What is the diagnostic test of MRI/MRA with contrast

choice to diagnose cerebral vein

How worried should you be about Worried – 20 % bad M&M

a patient who has a cerebral vein (about 5 % mortality & 15 % with long
thrombosis? term sequelae)
234 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

An adolescent female is Multiple sclerosis

diagnosed with optic neuritis on (about 50 % of optic neuritis patients
the board exam. What disorder will develop MS)
do you suspect she has/will have?

Band-like sensory abnormalities, Multiple sclerosis

incoordination, oculomotor
disturbance, and vision
abnormalities are typical
presenting symptoms for
which disorder?

The best way to diagnose multiple Clinically!

sclerosis is ______? It is the only way.

What is the basic clinical Deficits that vary in time and place
criterion for an MS diagnosis? (location within the brain)

What imaging test is often helpful MRI – looking for areas of demyelination
in making a multiple sclerosis

If you suspect MS, but the patient’s No

MRI is normal, does that rule-out
the diagnosis?

If you’ve ordered an MRI on a No – A small but significant proportion

patient with focal neurological of the normal population has these “spots”
abnormalities not consistent with on MRI
MS, and the MRI report comes
back with focal areas c/w MS, does
that mean the patient has MS?

What lab test can be helpful to CSF with high IgG or “oligoclonal bands”
making an MS diagnosis?

It is rare to develop MS before 10 years old

what age?

Traditional treatment for MS Steroids & ACTH

exacerbations relies mainly on
what two medications?
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 235

What is the most common type Generalized (60 %)

of childhood seizure?

The buzzwords for the EEG Bilateral & synchronous

appearance of a generalized seizure
are ______ & _______?

Do patients with generalized No – it would be better if they did, so they

seizures typically have an aura could go sit down!
before the seizure?

Generalized seizures in very young Usually tonic or clonic, rather than a mix of
children are often different in both
presentation from those of older
children. How?

What is the deal with myoclonic Depends on length of seizure – very brief
seizures – is there a change of ones don’t affect mental status. Long ones
consciousness or not? often do.

What is special about the Myoclonic sometimes occurs with absence

relationship of myoclonic seizures or tonic-clonic seizures
to other seizure types?

Myoclonic seizures should Short episode of quick bilateral muscle

classically have what contractions – may be one or multiple
characteristics? jerks involved

Do myoclonic seizures put the Yes

patient at risk for falls?

Patients with myoclonic seizure Neurodegenerative

disorders are more likely than
average to also have what sort of
chronic diseases?

Which seizure disorder runs in Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

families, and is especially likely to
appear with sleep deprivation or
alcohol use?

A sudden loss of muscle tone, with Atonic or akinetic seizure disorder (both
loss of consciousness, sometimes names are used)
preceded by one or two myoclonic
The common name for these is “drop
jerks is what type of seizure
236 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

Which children are most likely to Static encephalopathy/Lennox-Gastaut

develop atonic seizures? syndrome kids

What is the treatment for akinetic No good one


A patient of normal intelligence Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

is presented who complains
of bilateral jerking movements
in the morning. Episodes began
in the preteen years. What is the

In addition to bilateral involuntary Still juvenile myoclonic epilepsy – some

jerking movements in the morning, have generalized tonic-clonic morning
the patient’s girlfriend told him that seizures
sometimes he has an all-out seizure
in the morning. What disorder
is that?

Janz syndrome is the other name Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

for which seizure disorder? (they both start with “J”)

What is the drug of choice for Valproate

treating juvenile myoclonic

What is the main worry in terms 1. Hepatotoxicity

of serious side effects with using (especially in preschoolers)
valproate? 2. Pancreatitis

What are the more common, but Nausea or weight gain, hair loss,
less worrisome, side effects thrombocytopenia, sleepiness
of valproate?

Which antiseizure medication Valproate

can be used with any of the
common seizure types?

Are absence seizures generalized Generalized

or focal?

How long does an absence A few seconds

seizure usually last? (not more than 10)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 237

Are there any movements that No big movements – flickering eyelids are
often accompany absence common, though!

What is the old (French) name Petit mal

for absence seizures?

How can you tell an absence Absence is:

seizure from a complex partial Short (<10 s)
seizure? No aura
No postictal phase

Is it possible to induce an Yes, with 3–4 min of hyperventilation

absence seizure in children (even gives you classic EEG 3 cycles/
who don’t normally have them? second waves)

Is there a familial form of absence Yes – multifactorial

epilepsy, and if so, how is it The children grow out of it in adolescence

What are simple partial Seizures that affect only one area of the
seizures? cortex – usually motor, but can be
sensory or cognitive (e.g., hallucinations)

What is the most common type Motor

of simple partial seizure?

How long do simple partial Short – 10 to 20 s

seizures last?

Do you expect a postictal phase, No – neither

or aura, with simple partial

Complex partial seizures usually Limbic system

come from what part of the (names like amygdala, hippocampus,
brain? and “mesial” temporal lobe)

What is the most common Hippocampal sclerosis

specific anatomic abnormality
seen in children with complex
partial seizures?

Is a postictal phase expected Yes

with complex partial seizures?
238 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What is the likelihood that a <1/3

complex partial seizure patient will
become seizure free on meds?

What are the drugs of choice Carbamazepine & oxcarbazepine

for complex partial seizures in
Phenytoin & valproate are also appropriate
first line agents, but the two above are
(2 preferred, and 2 backup)
generally preferred
(many antiseizure medication options, and
combinations of medications, are possible)

Which type of seizure patient Complex partial

is most often a candidate for
(due to poor control with meds)
surgical intervention?

Can someone have an “emotional” Yes – complex partial temporal lobe

seizure? seizures can consist mainly of an intense
emotional experience

What is the other name West syndrome

for infantile spasms?
(Think of facing West to salaam, the
position of an infantile spasm – Lennox-
Gastaut comes later)

Infantile spasms typically occur Less than 12 months old, of course!

in what age group? (that’s why they call it infantile)

What does an infantile spasm The politically incorrect way to

look like? remember it is as a “salaam” attack – the
child suddenly flexes head and trunk

How many spasms usually occur Anywhere from several to hundreds

at a time?

What is the eponymic name West syndrome

sometimes used for infantile

Is the DTaP vaccine related to the No

development of infantile spasms?

What is the most common ACTH

treatment for infantile spasms?
(vigabatrin is also used)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 239

How successful is treatment Not very good

for infantile spasms?

What is the natural course Spontaneously resolves by 5 years old,

of infantile spasms? but the children develop severe
intellectual disability & other seizure
types develop (Lennox-Gastaut)

What defines Lennox-Gastaut • Severe & multiple types of seizures

syndrome? • Intellectual disability
(3 features) • Characteristic EEG

What is the characteristic EEG Long runs of bilaterally synchronous

for Lennox-Gastaut patients? sharp and slow-wave complexes – cycles
at 2 per second
(commonly known as “atypical spike &
wave pattern”)

What is the clinical presentation of A mix of tonic, atonic, absence seizures,

a child with Lennox-Gastaut and tonic-clonic seizures – most children
syndrome? have two or more different seizure types
each day

What is the drug of choice for There isn’t one – it is refractory to treatment
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome?

Older children with Lennox- Tonic-clonic

Gastaut are more likely to have
which seizure type?

Will children outgrow No


With closed head trauma, what Structural damage (cerebral contusion,

major risk factors make the hematoma, & penetrating head injury)
child more likely to have a or unconsciousness lasting >24 h
lasting seizure disorder?

If a child or adolescent suffers a Not clear – Note: This is a change!

closed head trauma, loses
It was previous thought that most post-
consciousness for a few moments,
traumatic seizures are benign. Recent
then seizes, do you need to worry
evidence is mixed, though. Early seizures
about ongoing seizure disorder?
following closed head trauma may increase
risk for ongoing seizure disorder.
240 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

Children who have a posttraumatic Status epilepticus is much more common in

seizure are at increased risk for young children, with posttraumatic seizure
what seizure complication,
compared to adults?

If a first seizure occurs within Early posttraumatic

1 week of a closed head trauma,
what is the name for that seizure?

If a seizure happens months to Late posttraumatic

years after a closed head trauma,
what is the name for that seizure?

In a tonic-clonic seizure, which Tonic – that’s why it comes first in the

happens first, the tonic movement name!
or the clonic movement?

What other changes typically Salivation, diaphoresis, increased BP,

accompany a tonic-clonic seizure, dilated pupils
in addition to the characteristics

What is it called when the EEG Acquired Epileptic Aphasia

shows seizure activity, but the (aka Landau-Kleffner syndrome)
patient’s only symptom is loss
of some language skills?

What is the course of acquired 3/4 of kids will have long-term language
epileptic aphasia? deficits

Do antiseizure meds help with No

acquired epileptic aphasia?
(seizures may be controlled, but the
language disability remains)

A complex partial seizure with Gelastic seizure

the main symptom being sudden (usually due to hypothalamic tumors)
in appropriate laughter is also
known as a ________?

What is cursive epilepsy? Complex partial seizure with running as the

main symptom

What is reflex epilepsy? Seizures triggered by a particular stimulus

(e.g., a certain visual pattern or touch)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 241

What is epilepsia partialis Status epilepticus with a focal seizure only

continua? (aka partial seizure)
It is what it sounds like
Epilepsia = epilepsy
Partialis = partial seizure
Continua = continuous

Epilepsia partialis continua <10 years

usually occurs in what age

What is Rasmussen syndrome? A subacute inflammatory encephalitis

associated with epilepsia partialis
(probably follows an infection such as
CMV – it may be due to autoantibodies
activating glutamate receptors)

What is the prognosis for children Usually stabilizes – produces hemiplegia,

with Rasmussen syndrome? hemianopsia, and intellectual disability/
aphasia (depending on location of seizure
Occasionally lethal

How is Rasmussen syndrome Antiseizure meds have variable effect –

treated? Surgical excision of focus often helpful
(including hemispherectomy, in some cases)

Although status epilepticus If seizure activity lasts 10 minutes –

requires seizure activity without the vast majority of seizures are only
full recovery for 30 minutes, when 1–2 minutes long, so if it goes 10 minutes
should you begin treating the you need to take action before permanent
patient for status epilepticus? damage develops
(please note that some texts use
20 minutes)

Why is valproate usually avoided Higher risk of hepatotoxicity

in young children?

Which antibiotic must you avoid Erythromycin

in kids taking carbamazepine?

Carbamazepine is mainly used Partial seizures

for which type(s) of seizures? (any type)
242 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

For generalized tonic-clonic Valproate & carbamazepine

seizures, which antiseizure meds
Levetiracetam use is increasing
are used most in children?
(good side effect profile)

For complex partial seizures, Carbamazepine & oxcarbazepine

which antiseizure meds are most
Phenytoin & valproate also acceptable
commonly used?

Ethosuximide is the drug of Absence

choice for which type of seizure?

When a patient has trouble with Valproate

multiple seizure types, the only
antiseizure med likely to help is

Phenobarbital is a fairly Cognition and behavior significantly

common antiseizure med in impaired with long-term use
young children. Why should it
be avoided in older patients?

Which patient group does better Kids

with status epilepticus – adults or

What is most important to ABCs – the damage mainly comes from

preserving the neurological hypoxia, hypotension, and hyperthermia
function of a patient in status

What IV fluid should you give to a Something with a little glucose (e.g., D10) –
patient in status? provide the brain with a little energy substrate

What is the progression of 1. Benzos

medications you should try for a 2. Fosphenytoin (rapid IV formulation)
patient in status epilepticus? 3. Phenobarb
4. Pentobarb coma
(call anesthesia to do this)

Is it alright to allow a patient Yes –

on seizure medication to breast Phenobarb, primidone & benzodiazepines
feed? can cause sleepiness in the infant, but are
still okay
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 243

What are the pharmacokinetics Zero order

of phenytoin (what is its pattern
(eliminated at constant rate independent
of elimination)?
of concentration)

What is the most common reason Birth hypoxia

for a seizure occurring in the first
24 h after birth?

If a full-term neonate has a single Normal!

seizure due to birth hypoxia, what
is the infant’s most likely long-
term neurological prognosis?

A bad episode of birth hypoxia can Multisystem organ failure

lead to what dreaded complication?

Premature and “very low birth Minimal tone and minimal reflex irritability
weight” infants often score no (neurological system is immature)
higher than six on the Apgar. Why?

What is the utility of a partial 1. It may or may not decrease neurological

exchange transfusion (PET) in the sequelae
treatment of polycythemia? 2. It increases NEC and other GI disorders

Neural tube defects are the Valproate

hallmark of what teratogenic
medication’s fetal syndrome?

What two organ systems are most GU & CNS

commonly affected in fetal cocaine

An irritable, small for gestational Fetal cocaine syndrome

age infant, with signs of opiate
withdrawal is likely suffering
from what syndrome?

What physical finding may be Increased head circumference

present in an infant with
hydrocephalus that would not
be seen in an older child?

When can cerebral ventricular Ventricular dilation often precedes head

dilation be a normal finding? growth in normal infants
244 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What is “communicating The CSF passes normally through the

hydrocephalus?” ventricles and base of the brain
(but is blocked elsewhere)

What is hydrocephalus ex vacuo? Ventricular dilation based on loss

of cerebral tissue

What is the most common cause of Periventricular leukomalacia/

hydrocephalus ex vacuo in infants? periventricular hemorrhage with infarct

Obstruction in the CSF system Noncommunicating

between the third ventricle
and cisterna magna is what
type of hydrocephalus?

How is macrocephaly defined? Head circumference ≥2 standard

deviations above average
(>95th percentile)

What is the significance Usually none (familial)

of macrocephaly without
(occasionally related to metabolic or
neurocutaneous diseases)

Is excessive production of CSF a Rarely

cause of hydrocephalus? (occasionally seen with choroid
plexus tumors)

Congenital aqueductal stenosis 1/3

is responsible for what
proportion of neonatal

Congenital aqueductal stenosis X-linked recessive

is an inherited disorder. (occasionally autosomal recessive)
How is it inherited?

What percentage of infants with 30 %

hydrocephalus have a breech

What percentage of infants with Most (90 %)

neural tube defects develop
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 245

If an infant has an About 1/4

intraventricular hemorrhage, (3/4 resolve or stop expanding on their own)
what proportion of these infants
develop hydrocephalus?

What three possible 1. Spontaneous resolution or no more

courses might an infant with expansion (40 %)
posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus 2. Persistent dilation (50 %)
follow? 3. Rapid dilation (10 %)

If possible, the course Four weeks

of hydrocephalus is usually
observed over what time period?

How reliable is papilledema as a Not reliable

sign of increased ICP/
hydrocephalus in a neonate?

What are some typical signs of 1. Tense fontanelle

hydrocephalus developing in a 2. Wide skull sutures
neonate? 3. Prominent scalp veins
(4 findings on head exam) 4. Rapidly increasing head circumference

Vomiting, lethargy, or irritability, Hydrocephalus

apnea & bradycardia are typical
general signs seen in infants with
what common mechanical CNS

What is “setting sun sign,” as Sclerae visible above the irises

related to hydrocephalus? (associated with developing
hydrocephalus in infants)

At what week of pregnancy can in About week 16

utero hydrocephaly often be (LMP)

How quickly will head >2 cm per week

circumference increase if rapidly
expanding hydrocephalus is
246 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

If a neonate is developing Flexion thumb deformity – 50 %

hydrocephalus, why should you of aqueductal stenosis patients have it
pay special attention to the
thumb exam?

You have just examined an Nothing – unless the child develops signs
apparently healthy, but of increasing ICP
macrocephalic infant. You have
checked the parietal head
circumference, and it is large. What
else should you do?

A “cerebral bruit” suggests what AVM of the great vein of Galen

cause of hydrocephalus? (innominate vein enlarges in chest
with this)

How sensitive is a cranial 98 % at 2 weeks after birth

ultrasound for detection
of hydrocephalus?

How often should ultrasounds Every 1–2 weeks

for following hydrocephalus be
routinely repeated?

If a cranial ultrasound suggests Serial ultrasounds – + ultrasound findings

hydrocephalus, but clinical exam often precede clinical findings
is negative for signs of elevated (sometimes by a few weeks)
ICP, what should you do?

Cranial ultrasound should be 1,500 g

used routinely to screen infants
less than what birth weight?

If hydrocephalus is detected C-section delivery – if the lungs are

in utero, what is the initial mature
management of choice?

If the fetal lungs are not mature, 1. Give steroids and deliver ASAP
what are the management options 2. Place shunt in utero
for hydrocephalus detected
in utero?

What medication can be useful Acetazolamide

to decrease CSF production in
hydrocephalic infants?
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 247

Hydrocephalus resulting from Shunting

mechanical obstruction requires (VP or other ventricular shunt type)
what type of treatment?

What temporary mechanical Serial LP’s

measure can be used to decrease
CSF pressure in communicating

What is the main objection to use 1 % risk of meningitis with each puncture
of serial LPs in the treatment of
communicating hydrocephalus?

What is the best permanent V-P shunting

management for most types (ventriculoperitoneal shunting)
of hydrocephalus?

In general, are neurological Early

complications decreased by early
or late (V-P) shunting?

What age group has the highest <6 months

risk of V-P shunt infection?

What abdominal complications 1. Organ perforation

occur with V-P shunts? 2. Infection/abscess/peritonitis
3. Worsening of hydrocele
4. Worsening of inguinal hernia

What is the typical organism • First 30 days after surgery

and time course for V-P shunt • Staph epidermidis (from the surgery)

What is the prognosis for Good – 90 % survival & most have normal
hydrocephalic infants? or near normal cognition

IVH occurring in the first 72 h Early IVH

of life is defined as _________? (intraventricular hemorrhage)
(what term?)

During what postnatal period is First 24 h

IVH most common? (50 % of incidences)

IVHs usually originate from The subependymal “germinal matrix”

what anatomical location?
248 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

When does the germinal matrix 34 weeks after conception

“involute,” or disappear? (36 weeks LMP)

Why are premature infants at such 1. The germinal matrix vessels

increased risk for IVH? rupture easily
(2 reasons) 2. The preemie does not regulate
blood pressure to the brain
(high & low pressure are
directly transmitted)

What is the term for the special “Pressure-passive” cerebral circulation

cerebral blood flow regulation
system in preemies?

Why are preemies at special risk The germinal matrix is open to the cerebral
of IVH based on elevated cerebral venous system
venous pressures?

Why do periventricular The associated blood clot may cause

hemorrhages sometimes result enough “back pressure” to produce arterial
in periventricular infarction? ischemia and infarct

Is periventricular leukomalacia No – PVL is not caused by IVH & is

the same as periventricular bilaterally symmetric (infarcts are caused
hemorrhagic infarct? by IVH & are unilateral)

Why is it a bad idea to damage This matrix produces the neurons & glia. Its
your germinal matrix? loss may affect cortical organization,
growth, and myelinization

What are the main risk factors 1. Severe prematurity

for IVH? 2. Anything that elevates BP (labor,
seizures, abdominal exam, vigorous
3. Anything that lowers O2

What is the preferred diagnostic • Ultrasound (preferred)

for IVH? What are good • CT or MRI

What is the best technique Posterior fontanelle

for US scanning of IVH?

When should infants <1,500 g Ultrasound screening is indicated even

receive IVH screening? if the infant is asymptomatic
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 249

Shortly after an IVH, LP results Traumatic tap

will frequently “look like” the
consequence of what procedural

What percentage of LPs 20 %

are negative in infants with
confirmed IVH?

Persistent changes in CSF Meningitis

following an IVH often mimic (elevated protein & WBCs, decreased
what other important disorder? glucose)

LPs from neonates with IVH 1. Normal

frequently mimic what other three 2. Traumatic tap
situations/conditions? 3. Meningitis

Elevation of what blood test Nucleated erythrocytes

suggests severe IVH has happened
(or is about to happen)?

What is the relationship between It increases IVH (and many other bad
indomethacin and IVH, when it disorders)
is used as a tocolytic agent?

What is the relationship between IV indomethacin seems to decrease both

postnatal indomethacin and IVH? incidence and severity of IVH
(low dose given in the first 3 days of life or so)
(long-term neurodevelopmental benefit
unclear, though – a separate mechanism
may be involved in the neurodevelopmental

How can indomethacin be used NSAIDs such as indomethacin only close

as a tocolytic, given its impact on the ductus for infants in the third trimester.
the ductus arteriosus (closes it)? Indomethacin is therefore sometimes used
for preterm labor in the second trimester

Are antenatal steroids useful Yes

for IVH prevention? (independent of effect on lung maturity)

Is vitamin K useful in prevention No

of IVH? (although it should be given in any case)
250 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

In addition to tocolysis, what other Reduced CP (cerebral palsy)

positive effect may magnesium
(it may also reduce incidence of IVH, but
sulfate have on VLBW infants,
not as dramatically as steroid
when it is used before birth?

Acutely, what are the two guiding 1. Supportive care

principles in managing IVH? 2. Avoid arterial or venous pressure

How might UACs (umbilical artery They produce changes in cerebral blood
catheters) contribute to IVH? flow velocities when samples are taken
from the catheter

In addition to indomethacin and 1. Vitamin E (increases risk of sepsis,

ibuprofen, what two other however)
medications may be helpful in 2. Vecuronium
preventing IVH (after birth)? (paralysis in the first few days of life
reduces venous/arterial BP variation – no
clear data on how useful chemical paralysis
is, though)

What complications would 1. Apnea

you worry about in an infant 2. Hypotension
receiving Mg sulfate? (at higher concentrations)
3. Also slows the gut, but not an acute

How is cerebral perfusion MAP – ICP = CPP

pressure (the main determinant Mean arterial pressure –
of cerebral blood flow) Intracranial pressure =
calculated? Cerebral perfusion pressure

What is the most common cause Perinatal asphyxia

of neonatal seizures?

How is the type of seizure typically Full term:

seen in premature neonates Multifocal clonic
suffering from perinatal asphyxia Preemie:
different from the type seen in Generalized tonic
full-term neonates?
(Tonic comes first in “tonic-clonic,” so
that’s how you can remember that younger
babies/preemies tend to have tonic, while
full term tend to have clonic)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 251

In addition to perinatal asphyxia, 1. Intracranial hemorrhage (various types)

what are three other common 2. Metabolic derangements
causes of neonatal seizures? 3. Infection

What type of seizure usually Focal

occurs in a neonate with a (the irritation is in a specific brain
subdural hemorrhage? location)

What are the three metabolic 1. Hypoglycemia

causes of neonatal seizures you 2. Hypocalcemia (also check magnesium)
should investigate in any seizing 3. Hypo/hypernatremia

What are the usual causes of 1. Iatrogenic

hyponatremia in a neonate? (poor fluid management)
(2) 2. SIADH

What other important electrolyte Magnesium

needs to be checked in any (as with potassium, if magnesium is not
hypocalcemic neonate? adequate, calcium repletion will not work)

What are “subtle seizures?” Those that have clear EEG findings,
but are not tonic, clonic, or myoclonic
(seen in preemies & neonates – CNS
immaturity prevents “synchronous &
symmetrical” seizure activity)

What are typical presentations 1. Eye deviation or blinking

of subtle seizures? 2. Lipsucking/smacking/drooling
(4) 3. Routinized movements (e.g., swimming
or pedaling mvmt)
4. Apnea

What patients are most likely Preemies

to have subtle seizures?

How is “convulsive apnea” 1. Regular apnea → bradycardia

different from regular (convulsive does not)
(nonconvulsive) apnea? 2. Regular apnea does not have EEG

What other type of seizure is Tonic seizures

more common in premature
252 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

Can tonic seizures be focal? Yes

What types of neonatal seizures 1. Generalized tonic

often do not have EEG evidence 2. Focal & multifocal myoclonic
of seizure?

How can you differentiate Jittery babies:

myoclonic seizure activity from 1. Stop moving if the area is passively
a “jittery” baby? flexed
2. Do not have abnormal eye movements
3. Move in response to a stimulus (although
the stimulus is not always obvious)

Why is a head CT often helpful in CT provides much more structural

neonates with seizures, in addition information
to ultrasound? (calcifications, infarcts, malformations, etc.)

What two types of amino acid 1. Maple syrup urine disease

diseases are causes of neonatal 2. Urea cycle disorders

What ABG finding is a clue to Respiratory alkalosis

the possible presence of urea (the respiratory center is directly stimulated
cycle disorders? by circulating ammonia, much as it is with
salicylic acid)

When is the diagnostic value of an The first few days after seizure onset
EEG at its peak?

Why is rapid intervention 1. To prevent hypoxia

important with seizures? (depending on seizure type)
2. To prevent CNS damage from lengthy or
repeated seizures

Is lorazepam (Ativan) safe to use Yes

in neonatal seizures?

What are the typical first and 1. Phenobarbital

second-line agents for control 2. Phenytoin
of neonatal seizures?

Where do most encephaloceles Occipital brain

occur? (85 %)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 253

What is an encephalocele? Brain tissue herniated outside the cranial

(usually covered)

What is the more specific name Myelomeningocele

for the most severe form of spina

What is a meningocele? Only the meninges are outside the vertebral


Are myelomeningoceles generally Covered by meninges

covered or uncovered? (but rarely covered by skin)

If a posterior vertebral arch fails to Yes – if the cord is tethered to a dermal

ossify in the lower spine, but other sinus or fatty mass, bifid, or contains a
tissues are intact, can this cause a thickened filum terminale, problems can
problematic form of spina bifida still result due to stretching & damage to
occulta? the cord

How does anencephaly happen? The rostral end of the neural tube does not
close (leaving the cerebral tissue
dysfunctional or not formed)

When is the neural tube supposed The 29th day post-conception

to close?

What are the three most common 1. Spina bifida occulta

neural tube defects? 2. Anencephaly
3. Myelomeningocele

What physical findings on the 1. Skin dimples

child’s back suggest spina bifida 2. Very small skin defects
occulta? 3. Hair tufts
(5) 4. Lipomas
5. Hemangiomas

Which ethnic group is currently Hispanics

at greatest risk for neural tube
defects, in the US?

What group(s) of mothers are 1. Low socioeconomic status

generally at highest risk for having 2. Advanced maternal age and very young
children with neural tube defects? maternal age
254 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

Are neural tube defects more Girls – surprisingly enough!

common in girls or boys?

What two antiseizure Carbamazepine (1 %)

medications are linked to neural
tube defects?
Valproic acid (5 %)

If one parent has a history of a 4 % (increased, but not dramatically)

neural tube defect him or herself,
what is the probability of having
a child with neural tube defect?

What percentage of couples with 95 %

children who have neural tube
defect have no family history of
neural tube problems?

If a couple has already had one About 3 %

child with a neural tube defect,
what is the likelihood of having a
second affected child?

Folic acid supplementation is Zinc & B12

very important in preventing
neural tube defects. What other
deficiencies contribute to neural
tube defects?

An oversupply of this molecule, Nitrates

(found in “hard” water, cured meat
products, and blighted potatoes), is
also linked to neural tube defects.
What is the molecule?

“Meckel-Gruber” syndrome 1. Microcephaly

consists of occipital encephalocele, 2. Microphthalmos
and what associated abnormalities? 3. Cleft lip/palate
(5 – there can be more, but these 4. Polydactyly
are the essential ones) 5. Ambiguous genitalia

What specialty consultation is Neurosurgery –

emergently needed for children (often the exterior tissue is damaged and
born with encephaloceles? must be excised, or VP shunt is needed
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 255

As in spinal cord injury, what Anal tone/anal wink

part of the physical exam is (if present – “sacral sparing” is a good
especially important for prognostic)
prognostication with

What special anaphylaxis risk Latex allergy

has been noted in infants with (they are much more likely to have it)
neural tube defects?

What are the initial management 1. Neurosurgical consult

steps for a child born with 2. IV antibiotics
myelomeningocele? 3. NPO
(aside from ABC’s) 4. Moist sterile wrap of exposed tissues
(ask the surgeon what s/he wants – gauze is
sometimes not alright)

In addition to performing a Head CT (for hydrocephalus or other

physical exam, what diagnostic malformations)
will you want to order for infants
born with myelomeningoceles?

What is the usual definitive • Surgical closure ≤48 h

management for • Decreases infection & prevents further
myelomeningocele, and why? loss of function
(2 reasons)

When does hydrocephalus most 2–3 weeks after closure

commonly develop for infants
with myelomeningocele?

How common is it for Very common – 90 %

myelomeningocele patients to
have or develop hydrocephalus?

Patients with myelomeningocele Respiratory

are still at high risk of death in (apnea, aspiration, laryngeal problems)
the first year of life. What system
is usually the source of their

Dysfunction of, or infection GU

from, what organ system is a (neurogenic bladder leads to reflux,
frequent cause of mortality in urosepsis, and hydronephrosis)
myelomeningocele children
after age 1 year?
256 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

Delay in walking or anal Spina bifida occulta

sphincter control suggests that
what congenital anomaly was

Foot deformity, or recurrent Spina bifida occulta

meningitis, can be unusual
presentations of what congenital
neurological abnormality?

How might an infant with 1. Seizure

hypercalcemia present? 2. Polyuria
(4) 3. Lethargy
4. Poor feeding/weight gain
(low calcium can also cause seizures)

What are Mg sulfate’s two 1. CNS depressant

main effects on the body? 2. Decreases contractility of muscle

What does a neonatal seizure Subtle –

look like? Staring, lip smacking, cycling
movements, etc.

Although most neonatal seizures Metabolic causes

are due to birth asphyxia, what
must you rule out before you
consider asphyxia to be the cause?

What are the likely Usually none

neurodevelopmental consequences
of neonatal seizures (due to birth

How are neonatal seizures treated? Phenobarbital

(if not due to metabolic causes)

Shortly after birth, a full-term Birth asphyxia – it affects all organs,

neonate develops multisystem not just the brain
organ failure. What is the likely

Which medication is given to Mg sulfate

prevent seizures in Moms with
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 257

What is the main way that neonatal Damage to the CNS – usually multiple,
polycythemia causes long-term subtle problems

Very high-pitched or shrieking 1. Preemies

cries are common in which two 2. Neurologically impaired
newborn groups?

What is aplasia cutis? A little bit of missing skin

Midline aplasia cutis suggests Spinal dysraphism

what problem? (or cerebral problems, if it occurs on the
midline scalp)

Multiple areas (on the scalp) of Trisomy 13

aplasia cutis indicate what
disorder, classically?

A persistent posterior Hypothyroidism

fontanelle + jaundice in a
neonate = what disorder?

What is Harlequin skin? A baby that is half pink and half pale,
divided down the midline

What is the pathological None

significance of Harlequin skin?
(It sometimes occurs in young babies laid
on their side, due to immaturity of the
cutaneous vessel tone mechanism)

What is the earliest sign Increasing bone density at the suture line
of craniosynostosis?

Are neurological complications No

common if craniosynostosis is
isolated (single suture)?

If multiple sutures are involved in Congenital syndromes

craniosynostosis, what general
concept should you think of?

In a neonate, Horner’s syndrome Lower brachial plexus injury

is often due to _____________?
258 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

How does Horner’s syndrome Ptosis, miosis, & enophthalmos

present in neonates? (sunken eye)
(impaired facial flushing can also occur,
giving a “harlequin” appearance
on the face)

When neurologically evaluating Always flexion

a newborn, should flexion or
extension be greater?

Do normal term infants have Yes

normal deep tendon reflexes?

What is the “finger grasp” Putting something into the baby’s palm
reflex? makes him/her flex & hold on

What does the baby do in the Throws its arms out with palms open
“Moro” reflex?

Migratory clonic seizures in the Asphyxia

first 24 h of life are characteristic
of what type of birth problem?

What unusual pupillary finding Either constriction or dilation

is seen with asphyxia injuries
(constriction is worse)
in the first 24 h?

What are the most common 1. VSD

anomalies seen in infants of 2. Neural tube defects
diabetic mothers? 3. GI atresia
4. Urinary tract malformations

In “acute kernicterus,” Three

how many symptom phases
do you see?

Phase I kernicterus has what Low stuff mainly –

type of symptoms? Low tone (hypotonia)
Low suck
Low level of consciousness (stupor)
Seizures (low neural inhibition)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 259

The middle phase of kernicterus Mainly overactivity/high stuff

features what symptoms? 1. Hypertonia (extensors)
2. Opisthotonous (posture)
3. Retrocollis
4. Fever
(retrocollis is backward
Arching of the neck not due
to meningitic irritation)

The final phase of acute A mix of high & low stuff

kernicterus is simply hypertonia. Low – hypotonia & delayed motor skills
What happens in the chronic
High – DTRs & tonic neck reflexes

If a baby with a history of high Phase 3 of acute kernicterus

bilirubin is now hypertonic, but
doesn’t have fever or any funny
posturing, what does the infant

The ash leaf spots of tuberous They fluoresce with a Woods lamp
sclerosis can be identified on
physical exam with what special

How does tick paralysis look The paralysis develops in just hours with
different from Guillain-Barré? tick paralysis – G-B usually takes days

Why are reflexes missing in Lower motor neurons are not functioning

How is Guillain-Barré treated? IVIG & Plasmapheresis

(steroids and immunosuppressives are
sometimes also used)

What is the natural course of Slow improvement, as long as respiration

Guillain-Barré? and autonomic function is supported

A vignette that describes an Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

adolescent with jerky movements
while trying to eat his breakfast
cereal, or dropping soap in the
shower quite often, is probably
describing which disorder?
260 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What happens if a myasthenia Paralysis can last for days or weeks!

gravis patient is given
succinylcholine or another
paralytic agent?

Transverse myelitis is typically A viral infection (or flu-like illness)

triggered by what two events?
(always consider multiple sclerosis when
transverse myelitis is diagnosed – it is a
fairly common first MS presentation, and
changes management after the acute phase)

What is the most commonly Idiopathic

identified cause of transverse
(estimates vary depending which literature
myelitis in children, or is it most
you read, but has been quoted as 89 %
commonly idiopathic?
idiopathic in pediatric literature)

Is transverse myelitis an upper Upper – at least one horizontal segment

motor neuron problem, or of the cord is affected
(“extensive” pediatric transverse myelitis
affects at least 3 levels, and often as
much as 6!)

How does transverse myelitis Abrupt onset of:

usually present? 1. Back pain that radiates to front
2. Lower extremity weakness
3. Frequent loss of bladder control
(may also include autonomic instability)

What is the usual course of Spontaneous resolution over weeks,

transverse myelitis? About 40 % have full return of function
Remainder have residual deficits of
varying severity

How is acute transverse myelitis High-dose steroids for 5–7 days (reduces
in children usually treated, if no length of disability & improves outcomes)
underlying cause can be found?
Slow oral steroid taper (over weeks)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 261

Are motor or sensory fibers Both – at and below the affected part of
affected in transverse myelitis? the cord

How is transverse myelitis The nadir of function generally occurs

differentiated clinically from between 4 h and 21 days following
other related disorders symptom onset
producing weakness
(e.g., ischemic or hereditary

If a neonate has a seizure, Unless there is a mass lesion, yes.

should an LP be performed?

Which electrolyte abnormalities Hypoglycemia & hypocalcemia

are most likely to result in
neonatal seizures?

If an infant has seizures in the One month after the last seizure
neonatal period, and anti-seizure (if the neuro exam is normal)
medications are needed, when is
it appropriate to stop those

If a child has a history of seizure No – criteria require that the patient has
without a fever, then later has a no seizure history other than prior febrile
seizure while febrile, could the seizures
second seizure be considered
a “febrile seizure?”

What is a “simple” febrile 1. Lasts less than 15 min

seizure? 2. Non-focal
(3 criteria) 3. No more than one per febrile illness

What is the typical age 6 months to 6 years

for febrile seizures?
(some sources state 3 months to 5 years,
but 6 & 6 is frequently quoted & easy to

Most febrile seizures occur 14–22 months

in what smaller age range?
The peak incidence is at about 18 months

Administration of which vaccine MMR or MMRV (with varicella)

has been associated with a IF first dose given after 15 months!
doubling in the febrile seizure
262 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

Is the rate of rise in temperature No –

the most important determinant It is clear that fever must be present.
of whether a febrile seizure will Exactly what about the fever makes the
happen for children predisposed febrile seizure likely is not clear.
to have a febrile seizure?
This is a change – recent data do not
support the “rate of rise” hypothesis

Which infections are especially Roseola (HHV-6)

associated with febrile seizures? Shigella

What are the main patient 1. Family history (!!!)

characteristics that increase risk 2. Daycare attendance
for febrile seizures? 3. Developmental delay
(4) 4. Required >28 days treatment
in a neonatal unit

Should EEG be used in the No

evaluation of febrile seizure?

Do febrile seizures damage the No


Should children with febrile No

seizures be put on antiseizure

What treatment is approved for Oral or rectal diazepam (valium) to be

children who have frequent given when fever is noticed
febrile seizures?
(Cost/benefit should be weight, though!)

What proportion of children who 2/3

have a febrile seizure will never
(IF the child has a second febrile seizure, it
have another seizure?
is usually within 1 year of the first one)

If a child has two febrile seizures, About ½

what is the probability that he/
she will have more?
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 263

Which kids are at greatest risk The ones who were most easily provoked
for recurrent febrile seizures? into having a seizure:
(4 factors)
1. Seizure happened with a low-grade
2. Seizure happened shortly after the
temp began
3. Seizure happened in one of the kid’s
first febrile experiences (<18 months
+ those with a first-degree relative who
had febrile seizures

Do children who have a febrile Yes, but it is still very low

seizure have an increased risk (It was traditionally reported as double the
of later epilepsy? risk, but some data shows it could be as
much as five times higher. However, the
general population’s epilepsy risk is
approximately 0.5, so quite low)

Is aura before a migraine common No – fairly common in adults, but

in children? not in kids

What special type of migraine Basilar artery migraine

typically presents in adolescent
girls with vertigo, syncope, and

Which migraine is associated with Confusional migraine

a patient who becomes deeply
(Finally, a name that makes sense!)
confused, and stays that way for

Weakness on one side of the body, Hemiplegic (the paralysis can last for days)
sometimes accompanied by
aphasia, which resolves and then
recurs (but does not change sides)
could be what type of migraine?

What are the characteristics of a Pain on one side

migraine headache? Pulsatile or throbbing pain
(4) Moderate to severe, & worse with activity
+/− nausea, photophobia, phonophobia
264 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

How is migraine treated in First line – acetaminophen or ibuprofen

children? Second line – triptans (e.g., sumatriptan)

What is the main medication used Propranolol

to prevent migraine headaches in

How long must a headache last 4–72 h

to possibly qualify as a migraine?

How many times must a person 5

have a headache that qualifies as
a migraine, to be considered to
have migraines?

If a child complains of a Yes

headache, then has a seizure,
does that warrant getting a head

If a headache wakes a child from Yes

sleep, or is present when he/she
wakes up, is it reasonable to scan
the head?

A child has two febrile seizures No

in 6 months. Should he be started
on antiseizure medication?

What is the other “no-brainer” Abnormal or focal neuro exam

for when to order a head CT for
a headache patient?

What is the underlying problem Antibodies to the ACh receptor

for myasthenia gravis patients?
(the antibodies cause two problems:
1. They block the receptors
2. They cause the receptors to be eaten
up by the immune system)

What is “juvenile” myasthenia Myasthenia gravis that develops in

gravis? childhood – usually in kids ≥10 years old

How does juvenile myasthenia Same as in adults – ocular muscle

gravis present? problems, ptosis, dysarthria, and muscles
that fatigue with increased use
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 265

Which medication is used to test Edrophonium aka the Tensilon test

for myasthenia gravis (MG)?

What kind of medication is used Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor

to test for myasthenia?
(increases the concentration of ACh,
transiently improving muscle function
via the receptors still present)

How is myasthenia gravis treated Oral anticholinesterase meds

(juvenile or adult form)? Immunosuppressants
Plasmapheresis (mainly short-term use)
IVIG (better tolerated than plasmapheresis)

What is the main use for IVIG Treatment of MG crisis, or those with
therapy in myasthenia patients? severe weakness not responding to other

Why is Guillain-Barré syndrome Two reasons –

dangerous? Respiratory muscles can be paralyzed &
Autonomic instability can develop

How does Guillain-Barré Ascending weakness – usually following

present? a viral illness

Does Guillain-Barré affect motor Motor

fibers, sensory fibers, or both?

Which bacterial infections are Campylobacter & Mycoplasma

especially associated with the later
development of Guillain-Barré?

How is a lumbar puncture Few WBCs, but high protein

helpful in diagnosing

Which medications should you Antihypertensives

avoid when treating Guillain-Barré
(At risk for severe hypotension)
patients, due to a possibly life-
threatening complication?

How is Guillain-Barré treated? Supportive care –

Plasmapheresis and IVIG may shorten
recovery time
266 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What is the typical course for Full recovery within 6 months

Guillain-Barré? (usually takes just 3–4 weeks)

An infant presents with poor Infantile botulism

feeding, hypotonia, constipation,
(dry mouth/absence of secretions helps
ptosis, facial weakness, and dry
you to differentiate it from other low
mouth. Diagnosis?
tone states)

How is infantile botulism Stool samples showing C. botulinum

definitively diagnosed? or the toxin

How do older children with Blurry vision, double vision, nausea &
botulism present differently vomiting are more prominent – still have
from infants? overall weakness, most noticeable
initially in the cranial nerves

For older children with botulism Antitoxin

poisoning, what therapy can be
(there is a new heptavalent antitoxin
recommended for patients ≥1 year
old – it treats all known types of
botulinum toxin)

If you botulism patient is <1 year Yes –

old, is there a way to treat him Human-derived immunoglobulin
or her? (viral screen & detergent washed)
Known as “BabyBIG”
(Baby Botulinum ImmunoGlobulin)

What is the limitation to It treats only botulinum

treatment with BabyBIG? neurotoxins A & B (the most
common ones for infants,
but not the only possible ones)

Do antibiotics help in treating If the source is a wound, then yes

botulism? (penicillin may be used)
If the toxin was ingested, then no

In what part of the skull do most The parietal lobe

skull fractures occur?
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 267

What physical findings suggest 1. Raccoon eyes

basilar skull fractures? 2. Battle’s sign (ecchymosis over the
mastoid area)
3. Otorrhea (of CSF)
4. Rhinorrhea (of CSF)
5. Hemotympanum (blood behind the TM)

Air inside the head suggests that Fracture of a sinus

what type of injury has happened? (that connects to the intracerebral space)

What management is needed None – follow-up X-ray should be done

for a non-depressed linear skull in 3–6 months to show that it is healing
fracture? properly

In children <3 years old, skull Any time you want information about the
X-rays can be done after head underlying tissue –
trauma. When would a head CT
Focal neuro examination
be a better choice?
Abnormal neuro exam
Very young child (<6 months)
Loss of consciousness >5 min

If a patient has CSF otorrhea or Sneezing or coughing

rhinorrhea, what should s/he avoid
doing (which is tough)?

Which sort of skull fracture Basilar skull fracture with otorrhea

definitely requires inpatient or rhinorrhea

Acceleration-deceleration Diffuse axonal shear injury

mechanism of injury is most
(shearing at the white/gray matter junction)
associated with what CNS

Is a scalp laceration dangerous? Yes – they bleed like crazy, and can cause

Are scalp hematomas dangerous No

in toddlers and older children?

What is an epidural hematoma? Blood collecting between the skull

and the dura mater
268 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

What causes an epidural Tear of the middle meningeal artery

hematoma? (which runs along the temporal bone) is
nearly always the reason

What is the typical vignette Someone is hit with a bat on the temple.
for an epidural hematoma? Initially he/she passes out, then regains
consciousness and is basically fine, then
rapidly goes downhill and dies

Classically, how should an White and lens shaped

epidural hematoma look on head

Which type of hematoma can Subdural – there is nothing much

cross the suture lines of the between it and the brain, so the spread of
skull – subdural or epidural? fluid is not affected by suture lines at all

Which one is more likely to cause Subdural

a seizure, subdural or epidural
(the blood against the brain irritates the
neurons, leading to seizure activity)

Which one typically expands Epidural – it is usually due to arterial

faster, epidural or subdural bleeding, so it expands quickly

What kind of bleeding usually Venous

produces a subdural hematoma?

Following head trauma, a child Elevated ICP causes reflex bradycardia,

develops bradycardia, hypertension, and changes in respiratory
hypertension, and elevated pattern –
ICP. Why?
It is called “Cushing’s triad”
(generated by Cushing’s reflex of ↑ICP
causing changes in sympathetic &
parasympathetic outflow)

Which is more likely to produce Epidural – because the change in pressure

herniation, epidural or subdural? is faster

What are the early signs • 3rd nerve palsy

of herniation with epidural • “Blown” pupil on side of lesion
hematoma? • Progressive hemiplegia same side as
(3 main physical exam signs) lesion
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 269

In what situation are chronic Shaken-baby syndrome

subdural hematomas most
(although some subdurals are due to
commonly seen in children
other types of head trauma, intentional &
(subdurals present for more
than 3 weeks)?

What is the most common cause Birth trauma

of spinal cord injury in infants? (due to torsion or traction forces)

What are the three common 1. Motor vehicle collisions

mechanisms of spinal cord injury 2. Falls
in children? 3. Diving injury

Children <3 years old have an Cervical and thoracic

increased chance of injuring what
part(s) of the spine?

What is the Gallant response? A reflex that allows you to check thoracic
spinal function in newborns
(scratching in the thoracic paraspinal area
makes them curve the spine toward the
scratch if the cord is intact)

If the spinal cord, or a higher motor They are flaccid

area, is injured, what is the initial
response by the involved muscles?

What happens over the first few The involved muscles become spastic/
weeks following an upper motor hyperreflexic
neuron lesion (spinal cord or

Following spinal cord injury, what High-dose methylprednisolone

treatment should you provide?

A patient comes in to the ER No – C-spine takes priority and you

who seems to have a C-spine cannot guarantee that it won’t move
fracture, but has also dislocated during the reduction/relocation
his shoulder. The shoulder needs
to go back in or it may suffer
permanent damage. Can you
manipulate the patient to get it
back in?
270 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

When the sciatic nerve is injured IM injection of the buttocks

in kids, what is the usual reason? (that’s why we don’t use that location in
young kids)

In infants, what is the most Birth trauma

common cause of peripheral
nerve injury?

Which peripheral nerve injury is Upper brachial plexus injury

most common for infants? (Erb-Duchenne palsy – the one with the
droopy shoulder and inwardly rotated
arm, with the hand ready to get a “tip”)

How likely is it that a child with an Very likely – 90 % without surgery

upper plexus injury will recover

What is the eponymic name for Klumpke-Dejerine palsy/injury

lower brachial plexus nerve

What does a lower plexus injury The hand and forearm are paralyzed,
look like on physical exam? with sensory and vasomotor

Which has a better prognosis, Upper

upper brachial plexus injury in
(although the majority of lower lesions will
infancy, or lower brachial plexus
also spontaneously improve)
injury in infancy?

What is the second most common Spinal muscle atrophy (SMA)

lethal autosomal recessive
(the worst form of which is

What is the guiding principle in The earlier the onset, the worse the
understanding the prognosis for prognosis (& the more rapid the
a patient with a particular SMA? progression)

What is the buzzword for Tongue fasciculations!


Why do Werdnig-Hoffman Respiratory muscle weakness

patients die? (usually dead by 2 years old)
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 271

How do Werdnig-Hoffman Weakness & hypotonia by 6 months old

patients present?

What is special about the • Initially normal milestones, but then

presentation of spinal muscle have difficulty with independent sitting
atrophy type II? & do not stand
• Weakness plateaus, then worsens when
an intercurrent illness occurs
(most die by age 20 & often earlier, mainly
due to complications of respiratory

What is the fate of Kugelberg- They survive, can stand & walk
Welder SMA (type III)?
Trouble with further motor tasks, such as
stair climbing
(Bulbar dysfunction develops late in the
Overall normal life expectancy

At what age does Kugelberg- After 18 months

Welder SMA (type III) present?

What causes spinal muscle atrophy Degeneration of the anterior horn cells (as
disorders? in polio)

What critical planning issue needs Tracheostomy/long-term ventilatory support

to be addressed with the families of (before respiratory arrest occurs!)
SMA patients, who have more
(In general, long-term care goals balancing
rapidly progressive forms?
life-extending interventions with comfort &
palliative care need to be set)

Do kids with SMA have high or Normal – the problem is in the neurons, not
normal CPK? the muscle cells

Do Duchenne muscular High

dystrophy patients have normal
or high CPK?

When will boys with Duchenne Around age 11

muscular dystrophy lose the
ability to walk?
272 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

How is the diagnosis of muscular Biopsy or genetic testing

dystrophy made?

What muscle finding on physical Calf “pseudohypertrophy”

exam is classic for Duchenne?
(looks like hypertrophy, but it’s not)

A 4 year old boy is presented Duchenne muscular dystrophy

with a change in gait – Mom says
(the “duck walk” is usually known as a
he looks like a little duck now.
“waddling” gait)
She also notices that he often
falls, probably because he’s been
walking on his toes. What is his
most likely disorder?

What physical exam finding Scoliosis

precedes the loss of muscle
(accelerates rapidly once the child
function in Duchenne?
is in a wheelchair)

What is the most common cause Respiratory failure

of death for Duchenne patients?

In addition to calf Gower’s sign – the boy “walks” up his

pseudohypertrophy, what is the legs with his arm to assist himself to a
other really important buzzword standing position
for Duchenne?

A neonate is presented whose Great Vein of Galen malformation

physical exam is notable for a (the giant intracerebral vein – the CHF is
cranial bruit. The child is also due to the extra pumping needed, given that
having problems with CHF & arterial blood is going into this giant vein)
hydrocephalus. What is the
underlying problem?

Does a normal EEG rule out No – positive findings help to make the
epilepsy? diagnosis, but negative doesn’t mean

What are the two simplest 1. Noncompliance

possibilities to investigate when a 2. Weight gain/growth has made a
child on antiseizure meds has a previously effective dose too small
breakthrough seizure?
Check the med level and how recently it
was adjusted
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 273

How common are febrile seizures? Common –

3 % of kids have had one by age 5!

What proportion of kids has a 1/3

second febrile seizure, if they’ve
already had the first one?

Are febrile seizures more likely Younger

to recur when the child is very
young at the time of first seizure,
or older at time of first seizure?

What information from family + family history of febrile seizures

history will help you estimate the increases the probability
probability of another febrile
seizure occurring for a child
who’s just had one?

In communicating All of them –

hydrocephalus, which ventricles the problem is outside the ventricular
will dilate? system
(for example, fluid can’t be taken up by
the arachnoid granulations to return
it to the venous circulation)

What is anencephaly? When part of the brain & cranium are


Anencephaly always involves The forebrain

what part of the brain? (last area to develop, so biggest chance of
being messed up)

There are several reasons that No hypothalamus, adrenals, or pituitary

anencephaly is usually
incompatible with life. Absence
of which tissues causes the biggest
problem for most of these infants?

The main signs/symptoms Nausea/vomiting/irritability

of hydrocephalus in a young
child are ____________?
274 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

The main signs/symptoms of Headache – especially early morning

hydrocephalus in an older child headache
or adolescent are __________? + nausea/vomiting
(same signs for tumors, of course)

The most cost-effective way Serial head circumference measurements

to diagnose hydrocephalus in
a young child is __________?

If intracranial pressure is 3rd & 6th

increasing, which cranial nerves (oculomotor & abducens –
are likely to develop a palsy? eye movements & lateral gaze)

If hydrocephalus is diagnosed in Ventriculoamniotic shunt can be placed

utero, what can you do about it?

How successful is in utero shunting About 50 %

at preventing later motor &
cognitive problems for the infant?

Most long-term shunting connects Pulmonary hypertension

a lateral ventricle to the (due to microemboli showers from
peritoneum. If the shunt is the shunt tip)
connected to the atrium instead,
what bad complication will
sometimes develop?

If a patient has hydrocephalus, but Yes, but surgery is ultimately better

the hydrocephalus is increasing
(agents such as furosemide and
very slowly, and there are no bad
acetazolamide are used for medical
signs/symptoms, is it alright to
treat the patient medically?

What is syringomyelia? An abnormal cavity in the spinal cord, near

the center, that often causes central cord

How can you recognize central 1. Weakness in upper extremities > than
cord syndrome? lower extremities
(2 physical exam 2. Distal muscles more affected than
& 1 history aspect) proximal
3. Usually follows a neck hyperextension
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 275

What is hydromyelia? Expansion of an otherwise normal central

spinal canal –
Usually asymptomatic

Where does spina bifida usually L5-S1

(specific segments)

How are most cases of spina No treatment needed

bifida treated?

When a dermoid sinus is present No –

over a neural tube defect, does it
if they do, the patient presents with
generally connect to the dura or
recurrent meningitis

Meningoceles usually don’t 1. Leaking CSF

require emergent surgery. In 2. Not skin covered
what situations is it critical to (risk of meningitis)
perform rapid repair?

If a couple has a child born with 3–4 %

myelomeningocele, what is the risk
(up from 0.1 % for the general population)
of the same problem occurring in
later siblings?

If a couple has two children Yes – it goes to 10 %!

affected by myelomeningocele,
does the risk to future pregnancies
increased beyond the initial 3–4 %

What is the Chiari malformation? Cerebellar tonsils, and sometimes the

brainstem and more of the cerebellum are
too low – as if they slid into the spinal canal

What is the other name for the Arnold-Chiari malformation

Chiari malformation?

What other problems are associated Hydrocephalus (sometimes) & spinal cord
with the Chiari malformation, in problems
addition to the displaced structures
276 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

Do Arnold-Chiari patients often No

have errors in the development of
(That’s why it’s a “malformation,” not a
other systems?

What percentage of children with 80–90 %

myelomeningocele will have
hydrocephalus and type II Arnold-
Chiari malformation?

There are three types of Chiari Type 2

malformation. Which is the most (medulla & cerebellar tonsils have moved
common symptomatic type? downward)

Which type of Chiari malformation Type 1

can be acquired, not just (often asymptomatic – only the cerebellar
congenital? tonsils are too far down, partly through the
foramen magnum – NO myelomeningocele
& no brain stem involvement)

Which type of Chiari malformation Type 1

is most common overall?

What is type 3 Chiari Cerebellum & medulla partly or fully

malformation? below the foramen magnum – often in an
occipital encephalocele

Type 1 Chiari malformations, Observe

and occasionally very mild type
2s, are sometimes asymptomatic.
What is the most appropriate
way to manage these patients?

Type 2 Chiari malformation is Hydrocephalus

often associated with _______ &

Types 2 & 3 Chiari malformation 1. Headache

are almost always obvious at birth. 2. Neck pain
Type 1 often presents later. What 3. Bulbar problems/cranial nerve palsies
are the usual signs of type 1? 4. Sleep apnea
5. Ataxia
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 277

Dandy-Walker syndrome has to do 1. It’s a syndrome – so other organ systems

with the posterior fossa, too. How are often involved.
is it different from Arnold-Chiari? 2. The 4th ventricle turns into a giant cyst
3. The cerebellum is very small & squished
into the anterior portion of the cyst

What are the main associated Cardiac anomalies

problems to watch out for with
Dandy-Walker patients?
90 % have hydrocephalus
(usually all ventricles are affected, but
the 4th is especially large)

How is Becker muscular Symptoms are similar

dystrophy similar to Duchenne
muscular dystrophy?

What are the crucial differences • Starts later

between Duchenne muscular • Progress is slower
dystrophy and Becker muscular • Symptoms are less severe

Closed head trauma that does A concussion

not result in any bleeding or
swelling, but still produces a
temporary period of altered
consciousness, is called

How many “grades” are there, Three

when you are grading a
Note: There are now several classification
systems for concussions. Many clinicians
have moved away from using the scoring
systems, due to confusion about the best
way to score them, and how useful the
scoring really is. It may still be utilized on
the boards, or by other clinicians with
whom you speak, though.

If your patient lost consciousness Three

due to a closed head injury, what
grade of concussion are you
dealing with?
278 9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items

Following a concussion, how long Until ALL symptoms, including any

must your patient avoid contact memory or concentration difficulties
sports? have completely resolved

What additional testing is often “Provocative testing” –

recommended prior to a return Have the patient do an activity
to contact sports, after a that increases BP & heart rate, such
concussion? as sit-ups or jogging. Check whether any
symptoms recur. IF SO, NO RETURN

In both grades 1 and 2 Grade 2 has amnesia for the event –

concussions, the patient remains Grade 1 does not
conscious. How are grades 1 and
2 different?

What is a grade 1 concussion? Transient confusion only

How long must a grade 1 No return to sports until symptoms

concussion patient sit out from completely resolve
contact sports?
Evaluated by a medical professional

What are post-concussive Dizziness

symptoms? Persistent headaches
Memory problems
Difficulty sleeping/concentrating
Sensitivity to light or noise
Depression, anxiety, & fatigue

How long do symptoms from a Most have headache resolution within

concussion (also known as “mild 2–4 weeks
traumatic brain injury” or
Most have recovery of neuropsychological
MTBI) typically last?
functions within 72 h

Why is it important to avoid a Increases likelihood of more serious

second closed head injury, if a neurological sequelae from apparently
concussion has recently occurred? minor closed head injuries

In addition to avoiding sports or Physical & cognitive rest!

other possible head injury, how
should a concussion be treated?
9 General Neurology Question and Answer Items 279

Which typical sports are high risk Boxing

for MTBI (concussion)? Football/rugby/soccer
Ice hockey

Do concussion patients require Grades 2 & 3 do

evaluation at a medical facility?
(Grade 1 requires medical evaluation, but
not necessarily at an institution)

A Arthritis, 3, 4, 9, 12, 26, 28, 165–169, 173,

Absolute risk reduction, 158 175, 179–181, 183, 184, 187–189,
Accuracy, 158 192–200, 204, 205, 207
Acetaminophen, 97, 98, 121, 132, 264 Ash leaf spots, 259
Achilles tendon rupture, 25 Asthma, 60
Acute kernicterus, 258, 259 Ataxic CP, 228
Agent 15, 94 Atropine, 39, 56, 76, 90, 91, 109, 122
Akinetic seizures, 235, 236 Attributable risk (AR), 157, 159, 224
Alcohol, 62, 85, 89, 98, 100, 101, 195, 224, Automatism, 220
225, 235 Avulsed, 35
Allis test, 13 Axillary nerve, 3, 10
Alopecia, 187
Alpha and beta errors, 154
Amyotonia congenita, 15 B
ANA. See Antinuclear antibody (ANA) Babesiosis, 69
Anencephaly, 253, 273 Bacterial meningitis, 229, 230
Anion gap, 86, 87, 112, 117, 124 Baker’s cyst, 6, 7
Ankylosing spondylitis, 22, 167, 173, 183, Barlow test, 13
196, 197, 207 Barotraumas, 60
Anosmia, 216 Β-blockers, 64, 87, 101, 103, 104, 121, 127,
Anterior cord syndrome, 11, 215 129
Anterior drawer test, 5 Becker muscular dystrophy, 277
Anthrax, 78 Beck’s triad, 34
Antiarrhythmic, 42, 110, 115, 123, 129 Behcet’s syndrome, 169, 174, 175, 187, 193,
Antihistamine overdose, 102 201, 202
Antinuclear antibody (ANA), 166, 168, 169, Benign Rolandic seizures, 220
176, 178, 200, 205, 206, 208 Bennett’s fracture, 4
Antivenom, 71, 72 Black widow, 70, 71
Aortic dissection, 37, 38 Blinding, 162
APAP toxicity, 98 Blood pressure, 58, 127, 137, 248
Aplasia cutis, 257 Blount disease, 29
Arrhythmias, 109, 110 Botulism, 266
Arsenic poisoning, 102, 103 Boutonniere finger, 27
Arthralgia, 169, 179, 180, 187, 195, 202 Boxer’s fracture, 4

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 281

C.M. Houser, Pediatric Tricky Topics, Volume 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1859-1
282 Index

Brachial artery, 1, 4 Complex seizure, 219

Brachial plexus nerve injury, 270 Concussion, 52–54, 80, 277–279
Brown recluse spider, 69 Confidence interval, 152, 154
Buckle fracture, 25 Confounder, 162
Burn wound, 66, 78, 79 Congenital aqueductal stenosis, 244
Bursitis, 299 Constriction band, 71
Burst fracture, 25, 26 Contrecoup injury, 48
Convulsion, 225
Corporal punishment, 145, 146
C Corpus callosum, 224, 225
Calcaneus fracture, 24 Corticosteroids, 169, 190
Calcium channel blocker, 87, 103, 104, 129 Counseling, 138, 143, 144
Canavan disease, 216–217 Cranial ultrasound, 246
Carbamazepine, 86, 104, 105, 238, 241, 242, 254 Craniosynostosis, 257
Carbon monoxide, 105–108, 113, 131, 146 CREST syndrome, 201
Cardiac tamponade, 34 Cross-sectional study, 155, 161
Carpal tunnel syndrome, 2, 3, 27 Crotalid, 70, 72
Car seat, 144 Crying, 145
Case-control study, 155, 163 Cullen’s sign, 41
Case series, 162, 163 Cursive epilepsy, 240
Cat, 73 Cushing’s response, 48
Caustic ingestions, 106, 107 Cyanide toxicity, 107, 108
Cerebral bruit, 246
Cerebral palsy, 16, 224, 225, 250
Cerebral vein thrombosis, 233 D
Chance fractures, 25, 50, 144 Dandy-Walker syndrome, 211–217, 277
Charcoal, 83–86, 88, 97, 104, 113, 117, 125, DDH. See Developmental dysplasia of the hip
126, 128 (DDH)
Charcot joint, 28 Dental exam, 144
Chelation, 105, 114, 116–117, 119, 120, 130 De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, 10
Chiari malformation, 211–217, 275, 276 Dermatomyositis, 171, 174, 175, 188, 189,
Chickenpox, 230 202, 203, 205, 207, 209
Chilblains, 80 Developmental dysplasia, 12–14
Child abuse, 31, 43, 44, 48 Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH),
Choking agents, 93 12–14
Cholinergic poisoning, 76, 90 Diagnostic peritoneal lavage, 42
Cholinergic toxidrome, 90, 122 Diaphragmatic rupture, 35, 42
Chorea, 180, 181, 187, 188, 198 Diaphyseal fracture, 44
Chronic regional pain syndromes, 192, 193 Diastematomyelia, 21
Classic heat stroke, 63 Digitalis, 108, 110
Clavicle fracture, 8, 22, 27 Dig overdose, 108–110
Clonidine, 96, 107 Digoxin, 108, 109, 115
Clubfoot, 14 Disk hyperemia, 99
CNS, 57, 59, 62, 63, 80, 88, 99, 100, 103, 107, Dog, 73, 154
113, 114, 117, 118, 120, 123–126, 131, Drowning, 59, 60, 143, 146, 147
170, 173, 178, 214, 215, 224, 229, 230, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 271, 272, 277
243, 245, 252, 256, 267 Dyskinetic CP, 226
CNS vasculitis, 229, 230 Dysprosodia, 216
Cobb measurements, 20
Coccygeal fracture, 10
Cohort study, 155, 163 E
Colles’ fracture, 1 Ecchymosis, 41, 267
Communicating hydrocephalus, 244, 247, 273 EEG, 219–221, 235, 237, 239, 240, 251, 252,
Compartment syndrome, 9, 10, 47, 72 262, 272
Index 283

Elbow dislocation, 1 Gout, 19, 193–195

Electrical burn, 78 Gower’s sign, 15, 272
Electric shock, 71 Granulomatosis, 179, 186
Elevated cholesterol, 135 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA),
Encephalocele(s), 211, 212, 252–254, 276 186, 202, 206
Endocrine disorder, 133 Greenstick fracture, 9, 23
Enthesitis, 183 Grey-Turner’s sign, 41
Envenomations, 68, 69, 72 Growing pains, 21, 177, 191
Epidural hematoma, 267, 268 Guillain-Barré, 259, 265, 266
Epilepsia partialis continua, 241 Guillain-Barré syndrome, 265
Epilepsy, 220–222, 235–237, 240, 241, 259, Gunstock deformity, 23
263, 272 Guyon’s canal, 3
Epileptic aphasia, 240
Erythema nodosum, 187, 202, 205
ETOH withdrawal, 96, 98 H
Exercise, 14, 20, 23, 63, 140, 193, 196, 203 Hallucinogen, 110
Extrapyramidal toxicity, 95 Harlequin skin, 257
Hawthorne effect, 159
Hearing loss, 60, 135
F Hearing testing, 134
Fabry disease, 230 Heat exhaustion, 63
Factor lipid-related conditions, 136 Heat syncope, 65
Familial Mediterranean Fever, 192 Heimlich, 36
Fasting glucose, 138, 139 Hematuria, 50, 170, 182, 202
Febrile seizure, 222, 261–264, 273 Hemihypesthesia, 216
Felon, 24 Hemiplegia, 226–228, 241, 268
Fibromyalgia, 193, 203 Hemophilia, 18, 197
Finkelstein’s test, 10 Hemothorax, 34, 50
Fire ant lesions, 69 Hemotympanum, 49, 267
Firearms, 146 Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), 170, 171,
Flail chest, 34, 35, 49 178, 179, 182, 184, 186
Flexor tendon, 5, 10 Herniation, 21, 52, 268
Flexor tenosynovitis, 11, 27, 28 Hip fracture, 26
Flumazenil, 96 Hoffman, 270, 271
Fontanelle, 33, 232, 245, 248, 257 Holoprosencephaly, 224, 225
Fractures, 1–6, 8–12, 21–32, 34, 35, 37, 43, 44, Horner’s syndrome, 28, 257
46–50, 52, 68, 144, 188, 266, 267, 269 Household detergent, 88
Friedrich’s ataxia, 15 HSP. See Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)
Frontal eye fields, 215, 219 Hydrocarbon, 83, 84, 110, 111
Frostbitten, 79 Hydrocephalus, 212–214, 243–247, 255,
Hydrocephalus ex vacuo, 244
G Hydromyelia, 275
Gait development, 17 Hymenoptera, 68–70
Galeazzi fracture, 30 Hypercalcemia, 256
Gallant response, 269 Hyperextensibility, 191
Gamma radiation, 77 Hyperkalemia, 40, 54, 55, 108
Gastric emptying techniques, 83 Hypermobility, 191, 192
Gastric lavage, 84 Hypertension, 48, 115, 121, 127, 128,
Generalized seizure, 219, 235 137–139, 170, 188, 190, 268, 274
Genu valgum, 17 Hyperthermic, 61, 110, 115
Genu varum, 17 Hypesthesia, 216
Germinal matrix, 247–248 Hypoglycemic, 116, 121
Glasgow Coma Scale, 38, 39 Hypotensive pediatric, 40
284 Index

Hypothermia, 52, 60–62, 64, 110 Lead, 13, 48, 55, 84, 118–121, 140, 141,
Hypothyroidism, 3, 133, 257 159, 166, 170, 186, 190, 196, 201, 231,
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, 231 233, 243
Hypsarrhythmia, 221 poisoning, 118, 119
screening, 141
Lead-time bias, 159
I Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, 17, 18
Idiopathic scoliosis, 20 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, 222, 236, 238, 239
Immune disorders, 133, 200 Levetiracetam overdose, 131
Incidence, 16, 161, 172, 190, 247, 249, 250, 261 Libman-Sacks endocarditis, 188, 208
Infantile spasm, 221, 222, 238, 239 Lightning injury, 79
Infectious disease, 45, 195, 198, 201 Lisfranc dislocation, 25
Inflammatory bowel disease, 183 Lissencephaly, 223
Insulin resistance, 139 Lithium toxicity, 117
Intention to treat (ITT), 163 Longitudinal design, 155
Intraosseous lines, 47 Lupus, 167, 171–173, 176, 187–189, 196, 200,
Intraparenchymal bleeding, 232 201, 206–208, 228, 230
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), 247–250 Lyme disease, 69, 177, 195, 197
Ipecac, 83, 84
Iron deficiency, 141, 142, 223
Iron poisoning, 116, 117 M
Iron toxicity, 116, 117 Macrocephaly, 217, 244, 246
Isopropanol toxicity, 100 Macrophage activation syndrome, 182, 183
IVH. See Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) Mallet finger, 4
Mammalian dive reflex, 59
Meckel-Gruber syndrome, 254
J Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF),
Janz syndrome, 236 215–216
Jeffersonian, 25 Median nerve, 2, 3, 8, 9, 25, 27
Jelly fish, 76 MELAS disease, 230
Joint effusion, 18 Meningiti(s), 178, 185, 229, 230, 247, 249,
Jones system, 180, 181 256, 275
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, 221, 235, 236, 259 Meningocele, 253, 275
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, 165 Meniscal injury, 24
Mercury, 114, 119, 130, 131
Meta-analysis, 156, 157, 161, 162
K Metatarsus primus varus, 14
Kanavel’s signs, 11 Metatarsus varus, 14
Kawasaki’s patient, 178, 185 Methanol intoxication, 99
Kehr’s sign, 41 Methemoglobinemia, 108, 112–114
Ketamine, 39, 55, 56, 125 Mg sulfate, 250, 256
Klippel-Feil, 20, 223 Migraine, 173, 228, 263, 264
Klippel-Feil syndrome, 20, 223 Mild traumatic brain injury, 53, 278
Klumpke-Dejerine palsy/injury, 270 Mixed connective tissue disease, 189
Knee dislocation, 11 MLF. See Medial longitudinal fasciculus
Knock knees, 17 (MLF)
Koebner phenomenon, 182 Mnemonic, 3, 30, 69, 70, 75, 87, 99, 101, 102,
Kugelberg-Welder SMA, 271 112, 113, 150, 169, 175, 201, 202, 213,
Monoarticular arthritis, 193, 194
L Monteggia fracture, 30
Lachman’s test, 5 Moro reflex, 258
Lambert-Eaton syndrome, 216 Moyamoya disease, 229
Landau-Kleffner syndrome, 240 MUDPILES, 87
Lateral epicondyliti, 2 Multiple sclerosis (MS), 234
Index 285

Myasthenia gravis, 216, 260, 264, 265 Pericardial tamponade, 37

Mydriasis, 112 Pericardiocentesis, 34
Myelomeningocele, 15, 211, 212, 253, 255, Periventricular leukomalacia, 231, 244, 248
275, 276 Pertussis, 81
Myocardial contusion, 42 Pes calcaneovalgus, 14
Myoclonic seizures, 221, 235, 252 Pes planovalgus, 14
Pesticide poisoning, 122
Petit mal, 237
N PFAPA, 192
Nap, 145 PH, 86, 88, 100, 123, 124, 128, 226
Nasotracheal intubation, 46 Phalen’s sign, 3
Negative predictive value, 151 Phenobarbital, 86, 112, 242, 252, 256
Neonatal seizures, 250, 252, 256, 261 Phenytoin, 105, 110, 115, 121, 125, 126, 129,
Neonatal stroke, 231 238, 242, 243, 252
Neonatal systemic lupus erythematosus, 171 Physostigmine, 95, 102
Nerve gases, 76, 122 PKU, 133
Neural tube defects, 243, 244, 253, 254, 258, 275 Plant ingestion, 83, 88, 95, 112
Neuroleptic, 113, 115, 116 Plastic deformity fracture, 30
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), Pneumothorax, 33, 34, 36, 37, 49, 80
115, 116 Polyarteritis nodosa, 185, 203
Nicotine, 88, 89 Population, 13, 45, 102, 112, 142, 149, 151,
Nightstick fracture, 2 153, 154, 157, 161, 163, 186, 189, 192,
NMS. See Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 197, 216, 219, 234, 263, 275
(NMS) Porencephaly, 223, 224
Normal distribution, 153, 154 Positive predictive value (PPV), 151
Normal osmolal gap, 85 Power calculation, 158, 163
Nuropsychiatric problems, 200 PPD, 143
Nursemaid’ elbow, 2 PPV. See Positive predictive value (PPV)
Pralidoxime, 76, 91, 122
Precision, 158
O Prehypertension, 137, 138
Observer-expectancy effect, 159, 162 Pressors, 41, 130
Odds ratio, 152, 160 Prevalence, 149–151, 161
Oligoarticular JIA, 165, 166, 168 Prickly heat rash, 65
Opiate overdose, 95, 107, 120, 121 Prosopagnosia, 216
Orthotics, 15 Pseudogout, 193–195, 198
Ortolani sign, 12 Psoriasis, 6, 182–184, 197
Ortolani test, 13 Psoriatic arthritis, 166–168, 173, 183, 197, 207
Osgood-Schlatter disease, 8, 17, 19 Publication bias, 159
Osteoarthritis, 199 Pulmonary edema, 59, 68, 100, 112, 121,
Osteochondritis dissecan, 9 123, 124
Osteomyelitis, 9, 21, 24, 29, 47 Pulsus paradoxus, 34, 36
Osteosarcoma, 31 Purpura, 170, 178, 179, 182, 184
Overweight, 139 P-value, 155, 156

Panic disorder, 60 Quadriceps tendon, 6
Parachute reflex, 16 Quinidine, 110, 115, 123, 128
Parkland formula, 67, 68
Paronychia, 8
Patellar dislocation, 6, 27 R
PCP, 96, 121, 125 Rabies immunoglobulin, 75
Pelvic fractures, 6 Radial nerve, 1, 3, 9, 11
Pepper spray, 93 Radiation, 77, 229
286 Index

Randomized controlled trials, 161 Simple, 17, 25, 91, 94, 157, 158, 219, 237, 261
Rapid sequence intubation (RSI), 39, 40 Simple febrile seizure, 261
Rasmussen syndrome, 241 Sjogren’s syndrome, 169, 170, 189, 200,
Raynaud’s phenomenon, 176, 201 207, 208
Raynaud’s syndrome, 175, 189 Skeletal survey, 43
Reactive arthritis, 173, 175, 183, 184, 193, Skull fractures, 44, 46, 48, 49, 266, 267
196, 197, 207 SLE. See Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Recall bias, 160 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE),
Reflex epilepsy, 240 6, 19
Relative risk, 152, 153, 160 Snakebite, 70
Reliability, 154 Specificity, 136, 149–152
Response bias, 160 Spina bifida cystica, 15
Retrospective, 154, 155 Spina bifida occulta, 253, 256
Rewarming technique, 62 Spinal cord lesion, 51
Rheumatic fever, 179–182, 198 Splenic injury, 42
Ricin, 93, 94 Spondyloarthropathies, 22, 173, 174
Rolando’s fractures, 4, 5 Sprengel’s deformity, 19, 20
Rotator cuff injuries, 26 Standard deviation, 153, 154, 244
Rotatory nystagmus, 121 Staph aureus, 26, 179, 194
Static encephalopathy, 225, 236
Statin therapy, 225, 236
S Statistical significance, 156
Saccular aneurysms, 232 Stepping reflex, 16
Sacral sparing, 7, 255 Steroids, 7, 106, 168, 169, 171–174, 177, 178,
Salicylates, 86, 87, 112, 113, 121, 123, 124, 130 181, 183, 188, 189, 194, 197, 200, 202,
Salter-Harris fracture, 22, 28, 29, 32 234, 246, 249, 250, 259, 260
Scalp hematomas, 267 Still’s disease, 178
Scaphoid fracture, 11, 12 Strabismus, 134
SCFE. See Slipped capital femoral epiphysis Strep infection, 179, 180, 182, 198
(SCFE) Stroke, 63, 64, 124, 135, 139, 196, 204, 224,
Scheuermann’s kyphosis, 21, 22 227–231
Schizencephaly, 223 Subarachnoid bleeding, 232
SCIWORA, 7, 47 Subtle seizures, 251
Scleroderma, 175, 176, 189, 190, 200, 201, Subungual hematoma, 5
205–207, 209 Succinylcholine, 39, 40, 54–56, 260
Scoliosis, 20, 21, 215, 272 Supracondylar fracture, 4, 9, 23, 25
Scorpion, 70, 71, 76 Surgical cricothyroidotomy, 40
Secondary drowning, 59 Swan neck deformity, 4, 199
Seizure, 10, 11, 60, 63, 76, 88–90, 95–99, 102, Sympathomimetic overdose, 89, 97, 110
104, 112, 117, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, Synovial fluid, 181, 194
130, 173, 176, 178, 200, 213, 215, Syringomyelia, 211, 214–215, 274
219–225, 227, 228, 231–233, 235, Systemic arthritis, 4
237–243, 248, 250–252, 256, 258, 261, Systemic JIA, 165, 168, 169, 178
262, 264, 267, 268, 272, 273 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 167,
Selection bias, 159 171–173, 176, 177, 187, 188, 196, 205,
Sellick maneuver, 55 207, 208
Sensitivity, 53, 136, 149, 150, 278 Systemic sclerosis, 175
Serositis, 176
Setting sun sign, 245
Shoulder dislocation, 3, 10, 11 T
Sickle cell, 26, 194, 196, 198, 228, 229 Takayasu’s arteritis, 186, 187, 204, 230
Sickle cell disease, 228 Tarsal coalition, 15
Index 287

TB, 142 U
TCA overdose, 89, 127–130 Ulnar nerve, 1, 3, 8, 9
TCAs, 89, 127–130, 203 Umbilical artery catheters (UACs), 250
Tea Drinker, 3 Universal blood donor, 47
Tear gas, 93 URI, 182
Tennis elbow, 2 Uveitis, 166–169, 173, 193, 196, 197, 202
Tension pneumothorax, 36, 37
Tetanus, 28, 73–76, 80, 81
Theophylline, 86, 113, 126, 127 V
Threshold, 150–152 Validity, 154
Thrombocytopenia, 170, 172, 187, 196, 236 Valproate, 104, 236, 238, 241–243
Tibial shaft fractures, 24 Valproate processing, 104
Time-out, 145, 146 Vasculitis, 170, 176, 179, 184–186, 193, 196,
Tinel’s sign, 2 203, 204, 208, 229, 230
Tobacco, 88, 141 Vertebral disc herniations, 21
Tocolysis, 250 Vesicant agents, 92
Toddler’s fracture, 30, 31 Vision, 99, 134, 216, 234, 266
Toe fractures, 24 Vitamin K, 87, 249
Tonic-clonic seizure, 235, 239, 240 Volkmann’s contracture, 4, 9, 23
Tooth, 35 Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, 215
Torus fracture, 25
Toxic ingestions, 85, 86, 88, 97, 99, 102
Toxic plant, 88 W
Transient synovitis, 5, 6, 17–19 Warfarin, 87, 103
Transverse myelitis, 260, 261 Warfarin toxicity, 81, 103
Trauma resuscitation, 33 Wegener’s granulomatosis, 179, 186
Traumatic liver injury, 43 West syndrome, 238
Trench, 79, 80 Whole bowel irrigation, 84, 104, 105, 113,
Triplanar ankle fractures, 31 116, 119
T-tests, 160
Type 2 diabetes, 139
Type 1 error, 154 X
Type 2 error, 154 Xanthines, 126, 127

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