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Luisa L. Limaco Senior High School
First Semester, S.Y. 2023 – 2024
Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person - FINAL EXAM
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:___________________ Score: ______________
Grade & Section:____________________________________ Teacher:_________________________
I. Multiple Choice. Read carefully the following questions. Choose the letter corresponding your answer and write
it on the blank before the number.
_____1. Death was simply equated to the stopping of heartbeat and breathing. This meaning is _____
meaning of death
a. Dictionary c. Legal
b. Traditional d. Webster
_____2. This society is based on knowledge, information, and the sale of services.
a. Feudal society c. Post – Industrial society
b. Pastoral society d. Virtual society
_____3. Philosophy considers as an achievement and it must be gained by living a:
a. Productive and moral life c. Looking into your needs
b. By winning in life d. Having money in life
_____4. The following are causes of mental suffering except:
a. Hunger c. Anxiety
b. Depression d. Grief
_____5. In this kind of society, the person can engage in various activities as well as access various
kinds of information.
a. Industrial society c. Virtual society
b. Feudal society d. Agricultural society
_____6. Which of the following statements about opinion is true?
a. Opinion is the most reliable basis in making decisions.
b. There is no significant difference between opinion and truth.
c. What people call “truth” is nothing but the collective point of view of the majority.
d. Opinions may be accepted as true after being subjected to rational evaluation.
_____7. The following are causes of physical suffering except;
a. Discomfort c. Hunger
b. Fear d. Pain
_____8. The oldest and the most basic way of economic survival.
a. Gathering and fishing c. Pastoral and fishing
b. Hunting and pastoral d. Hunting and gathering
_____9. Which of the following statements is true about embodiment?
a. The body is the master of the spirit.
b. To achieve harmony, the spirit must yield to the desires of the body.
c. It is futile to resist the influences of the body.
d. It is what gives meaning to being human.
_____10. It is a kind of happiness that can be found in more permanent and meaningful things.
a. Real c. Temporary
b. Fleeting d. Forever
_____11. It also refers to a companionship or friendly association with others, an alliance, a
community, or a union.
a. Family c, Siblings
b. Individual d. Society
_____12. Re-enchanting aesthetic attitude towards nature means we humans can continue to make
use and enjoy the richness of nature while maintaining its awesomeness.
a. True b. False
_____13. It refers to the separation of the soul and body.
a. Happiness c. Sadness
b. Life d. Death
_____14. This society features large scale and long-term cultivation of crops and domestication of
a. Agriculture society c. Industrial society
b. Feudal society d. Post-industrial society
_____15. This is the ability to make choices and perform actions.
a. Freedom c. Opportunity
b. Justice d. Happiness
_____16. Religion is a social institution that explains the purpose of life.
a. True b. False

_____17. We make the choices in our lives with the thought that there is always tomorrow that can
salvage us from the mistakes we might commit in the present. This is the manifestation of an
inauthentic being-toward death.
a. True b. False
_____18. A physically – handicapped person, from the point of view of “intersubjectivity”, is my
way of categorizing him as he is, not as what he portrays himself to me.
a. True b. False
_____19. Educational institution is responsible for maintaining order within a society.
a. True b. False
_____20. Death is viewed as an event that is yet to happen and which does not net concern us in the
present. This is a manifestation of an inauthentic being-towards death.
a. True b. False
_____21. Philosophy of the human person is under Speculative Philosophy.
a. True b. False
_____22. Social development theory states that society has a hand in shaping the individual.
a. True b. False
_____23. Ignoring the existence of death is an example of inauthentic being towards death.
a. True b. False
_____24. The word Philos is a Greek word means_________.
a. Love c. Philosopher
b. Wisdom d. Philosophy
_____25. The Looking – glass Self Theory states that a person develops out of one’s social
a. True b. False
_____26. When we have accepted our own death as part of our present, our present
becomes more defined and meaningful. This is what it means by authentic being –towards
a. True b. False
_____27. Which of the following statements about opinion is true?
a. Opinion is the most reliable basis in making decisions.
b. There is no significant difference between opinion and truth.
c. What people call “truth” is nothing but the collective point of view of the majority.
d. Opinions may be accepted as true after being subjected to rational evaluation.
_____28. The person is naturally a
a. Social being c. Social condition
b. Sociologist d. Social force
_____29. Happiness from material things diminishes as soon as you own it, while happiness gained
from friendship only grows as it progresses is an example of:
a. Noble good c. Pleasurable good
b. Useful good d. Permanently good
_____30. Who among the following has a greater chance of knowing the truth?
a. Someone who takes information at face value
b. Someone who believes in something because it is said by an authority
c. Someone who relies on subjective interpretation of things.
d. Someone who rationally examines and validates information.
_____31. Family is the basic social institution.
a. True b. False
_____32. Death is not an end, because it is always impending.
a. True b. False
_____33. It believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planet.
a. Anthropocentrism c. Biocentrism
b. Panthocentrism d. Ecocentrism
_____34. By anticipating our death, we claim our uniqueness as individuals by taking on the
responsibility of designing and managing our own lives.
a. True b. False
_____35. The primary means of survival of the pastoralists
a. Animal domestication c. Hunting
b. Farming d. Trading
_____36. This is a type of freedom from physical restraint.
a. Moral freedom c. Psychological freedom
b. Physical freedom d. Voluntariness
_____37. In Horticultural society, human beings were dependent on domesticated animals in order to
a. True b. False
_____38. Knowing that our lives are temporary, we should
a. Be sad because nothing lasts forever
b. Be happy because our problems will eventually end.
c. Do something to delay our death.
d. Do our best then leave a good name behind.
_____39. Knowledge is what we acquire from reading while insight is what we acquire from
a. True b. False
_____40. Happiness also has a social element, as we should not only be concerned about our own
happiness, but also:
a. What we can get from others c. The well- being of others
b. What others can give to us d. Others thinking
_____41. It is kind of suffering that includes depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness and grief
a. Physical c. Mental
b. Psychological d. Internal
_____42. In Agricultural society, people rely on technology in production of food.
a. True b. False
_____43. Philosophy comes from the two Greek words, Philein and Sophia.
a. True b. False
_____44. It refers to the social situations which may include peace within the community, clean and
safe public places, and efficient public service. The collective effort of individual persons
towards the common good ensures that each member of the community will be able to live in a
world where they can pursue their own perfection and fulfillment.
a. Common effort c. Social being
b. Common good d. Social condition
_____45. “Death itself is what makes life meaningful”, according to Victor Frankl.
a. True b. False
_____46. Being holistic means suspending our personal and partial take on the things in favor of
listening to what others have to say.
a. True b. False
_____47. In Pastoral society, family is the most important institution.
a. True b. False
_____48. Our knowledge on the different things begin
a. In the community c. In school
b. In our homes d. With neighbors
_____49. It is a kind of good that is found only on what it can provide.
a. Useful good c. Permanently good
b. Pleasurable good d. Noble good
_____50. Without it, we are unable to grow & improve, & our positive experiences lose
meaning & significance.
a. Suffering c. Teachings
b. Choices d. Existence

II. What group do you belong? Give the title of your report and the specific topic assigned for
you. Tell something about the topic of your report. (5pts.)

Prepared by: Checked : Approved:


Faculty Grade 12 – Level Coordinator Administrator, LLL-SHS

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