Nesara Scam

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NESARA/QFS: A Long Running Internet

Detailing the background, history, and current frauds being run by internet influencers
using "NESARA Law" and "Quantum Financial System" disinformation


The NESARA grift is a long running scam within new

age/truther/conspiracy circles dating back a few decades, with a new
advent of a “Quantum Financial System” lumped into the mix since
approx. 2017/2018.

I myself got duped by this internet theory circa 2012 when I first started
my awakening journey. I was young, naive, and jumping on all kinds of
conspiracy clickbait bandwagons that I was coming across at the time.
Nevertheless, after a year or two of “it’s coming tonight!”, “it’s coming
tomorrow!”, “it’ll be here next week!”, I began to question the legitimacy
of this theory and dug a little deeper, finding it to be a boiling pot of

When the social media age came around, especially over the last few years
with conspiracy theories and truth seeking becoming so popular, it’s been
fascinating to me to watch these clickbait scams still promoted around by
irresponsible, if not downright fraudulent, influencers who are clearly
looking for fame and money.

This article will dive into the history of the NESARA/QFS scam, the
alleged theory promoted by the hucksters, and examine possible
motivations for why it’s still around after all these years.

Given how many people gullibly fall for this, some even defaulting on
their homes because they a believe a magical “NESARA Act” will get
implemented and a “QFS” switched on which they believe would
essentially give them free money so they stop paying their bills, it’s
important to debunk this viral theory. It’s doing quite the psychological
damage in the minds of the naïve who buy into it.

Origination of “NESARA” - Harvey Francis Barnard

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, engineering consultant Harvey Francis
Barnard created what he called the NESARA proposal, with NESARA
standing for the “National Economic Security and Recovery Act”. In 1996
he wrote a book called Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Reform and printed thousands of copies to hand out around the country,
also mailing them to members of Congress.

His theory was that our debt-based fiat currency system was unsustainable
and through the reforms he was calling for in his NESARA writings, we
could undo the stress on the economy and put our country on a path to

While his ideas regarding our debt-based economic system being

unsustainable is correct, Barnards efforts to build a political movement
around his proposals did not succeed. In 2000 he released his proposals
into the internet, in 2001 established a non-profit “NESARA Institute” in
Louisiana (defunct as of 2013) , and in 2005 wrote a second edition to his
Barnard’s first book regarding “NESARA”
It goes to note that the NESARA scamming and internet clickbait did not
begin with Barnard, he genuinely wanted to change things with his
NESARA proposals, but they just fell on deaf ears. The frauds and cons
with NESARA began to emerge after Barnard, in the early 2000s.

”Dove of Oneness” Latches and Goes Batshit

Soon after Barnard released his NESARA proposals onto the internet in
2000, an internet blogger known as “Dove of Oneness”, real name Shiani
Goodwin (former student of the Ramtha School in Washington State),
latched onto it and promoted NESARA with loads of asinine claims

Goodwin’s story for NESARA goes far beyond what Barnard proposed, in
forum and website postings she promoted claims that a secret mission of
Navy Seals descended upon Bill Clinton in the White House in March
2000 and forced him to sign NESARA but a gag order prevented him from
speaking on it, then it was supposed to be implemented on September
11th, 2001, but George Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and Iraq
invasion to distract and delay NESARA implementation.

She also attached ideas like the IRS and income tax being abolished, all
credit card debt forgiven, the releases of free energy technology to the
world and enormous sums of money to every single person. Hopium like
this attached to the fantasy “NESARA Act” explains why people gullibly
fall for it so easily - it sounds like the perfect world they want to live in
and they believe NESARA will save them.

A graphic of the fake claims attached to the supposed “NESARA Law” -

this graphic is still promoted online by NESARA acolytes to this day
Reporter Sean Robinson, investigative journalist from the News Tribune in
Tacoma, Washington, wrote a few articles on the “Dove of Oneness”
NESARA scam in 2004 and 2005. At one point, Goodwin had 15,000
people mailing her money to a dropbox in Olympia, WA to stay
subscribed to her “intel reports”.

Excerpt from his article Snared by a cybercult queen, published in 2004,

The secret law
Four weeks ago, as filmmaker Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" opened
across the nation, Goodwin's acolytes stood by theater doors, handing out
sheets of paper headed with a mysterious acronym - NESARA.
The word appears on purple fliers stacked on a shelf outside an Olympia
cafe; on banners unfurled weekly at the World Court in The Netherlands;
on signs carried by demonstrators in Texas, Chicago and South America;
scrawled in the sand on beaches in Australia; and on the sides of rolling
billboards in Washington, D.C.
It stands for the secret law, the one Dove claims Congress passed four
years ago. The one that abolishes income taxes, forgives mortgages, zeroes
out credit cards and declares peace.
The media can't talk about it, she says. Only Dove knows the truth about
NESARA, and as she solemnly explains, it's dangerous information. That's
why she has a secret identity.

"Hardly anyone knows my name," she says. "I'm the Deep Throat of the
Harvey Francis Barnard became aware of Goodwin’s twisting of his
original NESARA ideas before his death in 2005, and condemned the
alternate NESARA claims as being a disinformation campaign intended to
discredit his proposals. Goodwin continued to hold meetings and run her
NESARA scams until her death in 2010.

The Social Media Age Fuels the Fire

After Goodwin’s death many new age/ascension blogs picked up on her

fake NESARA story and began running with it, websites such as “Galactic
Connection”, “Mass Awakening”, “Into the Light”, “Alcuin Bramerton”,
and others. Various people on the internet who claimed to channel
“Galactic Federation” extraterrestrials and the “Ashtar Command” asserted
that the aliens were here to help implement NESARA across the world.
There were also claims made that “East Asian Families of the White
Dragon Society” were going to provide funds to the world through the
“Saint Germain World Trust” to rid us all of our economic slavery.

Early on in my awakening journey when I was fresh to all of this

information and naïve in my searchings, circa 2011/2012, I came across
the NESARA claims on these obscure blogs and became enthralled with
them. I was sold on this fantastical NESARA Law being secretly signed
and ready to get rolled out to the world with free money being dumped
into our bank accounts, free energy technologies magically released to the
world by the white hats, and ET disclosure a part of it all.

After a year or two of hearing “it’s going to get announced tonight”, “no,
tomorrow!”, “this weekend it’ll be here!”, I began to question the
legitimacy of the NESARA claims and finally dug deeper into them,
finding them to be completely baseless. Thankfully I wasn’t any kind of
internet influencer at the time and didn’t promote this ridiculousness to an
audience while I believed it.

If the Military White Hats had the power to rush the White House and
force Clinton to sign it, why didn’t it get enacted? If it was secretly signed
into law, why did we have to deal with 8 years of Bush and 8 years of
Obama? How are these obscure bloggers getting these supposedly secret
and classified details of these alleged laws?

So many things about it didn’t add up, and there are so many contradictory
claims made by internet influencers regarding NESARA.

With more people turning to social media in the mid 2010s to share their
conspiracy theory related information, the NESARA claims expanded in
scope and virality. Into the 2020s, the grifts associated with NESARA and
related “RV” and “QFS” theories have taken on life like never before.

Addition of Dinar/RV and “Quantum Financial System” Fraud

There have been many alternate versions of NESARA and spin-off claims
attached to it over the years. Sometime in the mid 2010s the idea of
“prosperity packages” from the “Global Collateral Accounts” containing
enormous sums of money would be released the world, and along with
these supposed prosperity packages international currencies such as the
Iraqi Dinar and Zimbabwe Zim would get “Revalued” (RV) and massively
increase in price. This lead internet bloggers to tell their devoted fanbase
to buy as many Iraqi Dinar or Zims as possible, for when NESARA and
the RV is implemented they will increase in value and the Dinar/Zim
holders would become rich.

One specific blogger named Judy Byington has long been promoting Dinar
related disinformation online through websites such as “Dinar Chronicles”,
along with Rumble and YouTube videos. She claims to be giving “intel” to
the world through her “GCR Updates”, GCR in this case stands for Global
Currency Reset.

I’m not exactly sure when or where the Dinar/RV stories originated, but
the earliest iterations I could find online for when they entered the fold
was from the internet forum “” in 2012, and some articles in
the mainstream media from early 2012 warning investors of these

Screenshot taken from the forums on showing NESARA

and Dinar/RV claims promoted together
Some large money fraud schemes were also ran with the Dinar claims, this
from 2015 where a group in Ohio scammed $24 million from investors
looking to get rich off the “Revaluation”.
According to prosecutors, a group of men behind an Iraqi currency scheme
created a pitch that included war hero tales to lure potential investors.

“You have someone who is out there ... who is soliciting millions and
millions of dollars from people just making stuff up,” said Steven
Dettelbach, U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Ohio.

The opportunity was pitched as a way to profit from a nearly worthless

Iraqi dinar. Scammers promised profits were nearly guaranteed if investors
bought dinars at today’s values, and then exchanged the dinars back for
dollars at a later date once the dinar exchange rate presumably improved.
The Dinar scam isn’t the only addition under the NESARA umbrella,
sometime in 2018 or 2019 a “Quantum Financial System” (QFS) also
entered the conversation. Again, it’s hard to find exactly where this
originated, but some of the earliest articles I could find were dated to this
timeframe and began the QFS line of disinfo promoted with NESARA.

From a late 2018 Steemit article titled What's the Quantum Financial
System all about?:
"QFS stands for Quantum Financial System and according to Galactic
Connection site, it’s an off-world monetary system which cannot be
rigged, in contrast with the current financial system. As it cannot be
compromised – despite the many attempts to do so by the cabal – the
cabal’s corrupt central banking will collapse. The cabal will have no
access to this system. This system will allow the transfer of the new asset-
backed currencies after the Global Currency Reset which will replace the
US-controlled Swift system with all its ills of usury and manipulation. The
novelty about this system is that benevolent extraterrestrial Galactics
provided the Alliance with this system which does not run on a
conventional computer, but a quantum computer placed on a satellite. It is
protected by SSPs to prevent it from being hacked."
Notice how many of the same blogs who were promoting NESARA fakery
back in the day also jumped onto the Diner/RV and QFS bandwagons, like
“Mass Awakening” and “Galactic Connection”. Social Media bloggers
then pick up on these sources and repeat the same narratives, extended the
disinformation node network.

QFS die hards will often link the website as proof that a
Quantum Financial System exists, although mentions
absolutely nothing about a “QFS” or a “Quantum Financial System”.
Interested how as soon as President Trump signed the National Quantum
Initiative Act in 2018, the QFS rhetoric was quickly formed and injected
into conspiracy circles.

The impact that video sharing websites like YouTube and Rumble cannot
be understated, as some NESARA/QFS/RV related videos have amassed
hundreds of thousands of views, and there are network of dozens of
influencers repeating the same narratives and promoting each other’s work
as an echo chamber to amplify their messages and give the illusion of

Modern Day NESARA Scammers

Into the 2020s, particularly beginning in the summer of 2020, a variety of

influencers began coming out of the woodwork and pushing
NESARA/QFS/RV disinformation to their audiences. Many of these
influencers run in the same network and interview each other and only
each other, fueling the echo chamber as described above.

It goes to note that many of these influencers latched onto the popularity of
the Q phenomenon, and also Donald Trump, to help gain a viewership for
themselves. They use Q and Trump in their disinformation claims,
although Trump and Q have nothing to do with NESARA or the QFS, and
have both never once mentioned them.

Phil Godlewski, a notorious internet con-artist, has descending onto the

internet “truther” scene over the past couple years to make a name for
himself (along with money). One of the lines of disinformation, among
many, that he pushes is the NESARA/QFS topic on his Telegram channel
and in his Rumble videos.

“Ariel” is a relatively new account on Twitter that’s gained quite a

following over the past year, currently 258,000 followers (assuming
they’re all actual humans and not paid-for bot followers). This account
pushes loads of disinformation, including fantasy tales on NESARA and
the “revaluation of currencies”, misleading many thousands of people.
Dr. Charles Ward (not a real doctor) is a known disinformation artist who
claims to be the “spokesperson for the QFS team”, giving “intel” to his
audiences in his online videos about when the QFS will be activated.
Charles Ward and his QFS disinfo recently featured in George Magazine
Nicholas Veniamin, who has worked with Charles Ward in many videos,
also promoted NESARA/QFS disinfo. Both Veniamin and Ward have
shared a link to the website Nesara.Shop, which sells Dinar and Zims for
many times the market rate, along with $3 collectible notes for over $100.

Veniamin promoting in 2021, saying the “Dinar will revalue

very soon!” (2 years ago)
Ward promoting for “intel dinar updates” selling a JFK collectors note for £80 pounds (approx. $95
U.S. dollars)

Same JFK collectors note on eBay for $1

Simon Parkes, and internet blogger online for years who has claimed such
things as having contact with aliens, does interviews with Charles Ward
often about NESARA/QFS. Both Ward and Parkes often share the Dinar
disinfo of Judy Byington on their Telegram channels, and they both have
claimed to have inside access to Donald Trump and Q team for their intel,
among many other false claims they’ve promoted.

Michael Jaco is another who appeared out of the woodwork in late

2020/early 2021 and runs with that Ward/Veniamin/Parkes network. I call
them “The Team”. He’s yet another disinformation pusher claiming
NESARA to be real.

Santa Surfing (real name Carol), yet another video creator who pushes
NESARA, often calling it “TrumpSara” and claiming that Trump is going
to bring NESARA to the world. I first came across Santa Surfing in the
summer of 2020 when she was doing videos with Charles Ward, both early
in their internet career and both promoting NESARA/QFS disinfo.
“SGAnon”, real name Steven Harvey, is a newer influencer on the block
but he’s quickly amassed hundreds of thousands of followers with the
hopium he spews. He was promoting Phil Godlewski early on and has
done video interview with Charles Ward and many others in that
“Team”/network. Another who claims NESARA is real (with zero

The Telegram channels known as “Whiplash347” and “Quantum Stellar

Initiative” (QSI being ran by a woman named Emily Tang) may have the
most disgusting grift of them all using NESARA/QFS disinformation -
they’ve scammed millions of dollars from unsuspecting patrons through
cryptocurrency pump and dumps schemes that they base off the claims that
the “white hats are implementing NESARA and the QFS, so buy this
crypto coin to make money!”. Many investigating pieces like this one
here have outed their scams.
That list is simply a snapshot of a few influencer among many who take to
Telegram, Rumble, YouTube, Twitter, and other social media platforms to
spread NESARA/QFS/RV disinformation.

Others include the “Patriot Streetfighter” Scott McKay, Mel Carmine,

Utsava, Tarot by Janine, Derek Johnson, Capt. Kyle, Dylan Monroe from
the “New Templars”, Jason Shurka, David Lester Straight, Gene Decode,
“Negative48”, Pryme Minister, Dr. Scott Young, Romana Didulo the
“New Queen of Canada”, Mike Bara, MarkZ, Shari Raye, and many
obscure Telegram channels, Rumble pages, and internet blogs.

Assessing Possible Motivations

Best case scenario, influencers promote NESARA/QFS/RV claims

because they are simply useful idiots, and haven’t taken the time and done
the due diligence to research the truth, or lack thereof, behind the theories.

Another possible scenario for many of them could be, and likely is, the
love of money.

Most all NESARA pushers also conveniently have a gold/silver sponsor

that they promote as well, so when they say “when NESARA is
implemented the price of metals are going to skyrocket!” they promote
their precious metals affiliate to make money off of the people who believe

They also get many videos views and clicks when promoting the hopium,
based off excited people looking for the latest “intel” about these fantasy
theories. They cling to their keyboards anxiously awaiting the next post
from their favorite influencers believing they’re being kept up to speed on
the latest happenings behind the scenes.

Lastly, the most insidious possibility, is that some of these disinformation

nodes, channels or people, may be knowing disinformation assets used by
corporate contractors or government connected counter-intelligence groups
to spread this clickbait online for psy-op related agendas. It’s very relevant
that this NESARA clickbait, as well as other conspiracy clickbait rhetoric,
is weaponized and used to discredit the real truth in media hit pieces.

Protect With The Truth

It’s a common theme for these clickbait bandits to not only promote
NESARA/QFS disinformation, but also disinfo regarding supposed “Med
Beds”, military operations, claims of having insider sources connected to
Trump and the military, claims of Deep Staters being secretly arrested and
tried at GITMO, talk of clones and body doubles standing in for
politicians, and a whole lot more baseless, fact-less statements.

What’s their true agenda? Difficult to find out, but whatever the case they
are incredibly irresponsible with their online behavior and harming many
thousands, if not millions of people with their lies and misinformation.

It is incredibly important to combat this twisting of reality, even though

many will attack with sayings like “you’re just jealous!”, “you’re being go
negative”, “you must be a Deep State plant!”. I’ve heard it all before. The
denialism and cognitive dissonance that people will get when their false
idols and false belief systems are exposing is mind boggling.

Many do not realize the damage that this sort of clickbait and
disinformation does to individuals and the movement of truth in general.
We must combat lies with truth, ask the hard questions, and police
ourselves and our own movement by having the courage to speak out
against the frauds perpetuating nonsense.

Do no harm, but take no shit.

Consider following my Clickbait Exposé Channels on Telegram and Truth Social

for updates on the latest clickbait craziness promoting amongst the
truth/patriot/disclosure communities:

Truth Social -

Telegram -

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