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(11) EP 2 561 285 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: F24F 13/06 (2006.01) F24F 13/065 (2006.01)
28.06.2017 Bulletin 2017/26 F24F 13/26 (2006.01)

(21) Application number: 11771390.9 (86) International application number:

(22) Date of filing: 27.04.2011
(87) International publication number:
WO 2011/130778 (27.10.2011 Gazette 2011/43)



(84) Designated Contracting States: (74) Representative: Eisenführ Speiser

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB
GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR 20355 Hamburg (DE)

(30) Priority: 23.04.2010 AU 2010901724 (56) References cited:

EP-A1- 1 319 901 WO-A1-02/42691
(43) Date of publication of application: WO-A1-2008/119893 DE-A1- 2 451 557
27.02.2013 Bulletin 2013/09 JP-A- 11 118 233 JP-A- H10 141 751
JP-A- H11 118 233 JP-A- 2001 133 029
(73) Proprietor: Kaip Pty Limited JP-A- 2003 227 648 US-A- 4 178 840
Kingsgrove, NSW 2208 (AU)

(72) Inventor: BADENHORST, Sean Michael Johl

Dulwich Hill
New South Wales 2203 (AU)
EP 2 561 285 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
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1 EP 2 561 285 B1 2

Description ary airstream substantially in a plane of the diffuser

discharge face in the vicinity directly downstream of
Field of the Invention the secondary discharge element; and
the primary discharge element is arranged to dis-
[0001] The present invention relates to an air diffuser. 5 charge a primary airstream that is induced by the
Embodiments of the invention find particular, but not ex- secondary discharged airstream such that the direc-
clusive, use as a ceiling swirl diffuser, a floor swirl diffuser tion of the primary discharged airstream is largely
or a linear slot diffuser, as part of an installed air delivery determined by the direction of travel of the secondary
system. airstream,
10 wherein the primary discharge element defines a
Background of the Invention common airflow rate element that is manipulable to
vary the airflow rates of the secondary airstream and
[0002] Many buildings have air conditioning or ventila- of the primary airstream; and wherein
tion systems that distribute air throughout the building the common airflow rate element may vary the air-
through ducts connected to diffusers. The diffusers dis- 15 flow rates of the primary airstream and of the sec-
tribute supply air into the spaces to be air conditioned or ondary airstream substantially independently of one
ventilated. Due to space constraints, such as ceiling grid another.
dimensions into which diffusers may be required to fit, In one embodiment, the primary airstream has a sub-
the maximum airflow rate per diffuser is often restricted stantially greater airflow rate than the secondary air-
to a less than optimum value, requiring the added ex- 20 stream.
pense of additional diffusers.
[0003] Many diffusers incorporate adjustable dampers [0007] The primary airstream when discharged in the
or adjustable blades for airflow adjustment that provide absence of the secondary airstream may be substantially
a generally constant discharge velocity from the diffuser different to the discharge direction of the primary air-
to maintain largely constant throw of the supply air into 25 stream when discharged in the presence of the second-
the occupancy space regardless of the damper or blade ary airstream.
airflow setting. These adjustable dampers or blades may [0008] In one embodiment, a secondary airflow rate
be regulated by means of thermally, electrically or pneu- element is manipulable to vary the airflow rate of the sec-
matically powered actuators, allowing a degree of indi- ondary airstream.
vidual occupancy space air temperature control to be 30 [0009] The discharge direction of the primary airstream
achieved for the subzone served by that diffuser. may vary when the secondary airflow rate element is ma-
[0004] Adjustable blades are sometimes used to alter nipulated.
diffuser discharge direction-manually or by means of [0010] A primary airflow rate element may be manip-
thermal, pneumatic or electric actuators. The airflow rate ulable to vary the airflow rate of the primary airstream.
from such diffusers and the position of the diffuser damp- 35 [0011] In one embodiment, manipulation of the com-
ers or blades is often affected by supply air pressure fluc- mon airflow rate element reduces the airflow rate of the
tuations in the supply duct system, e.g. due to the opening primary airstream without substantially varying the air-
or closing of other dampers. This often results in poor flow rate of the secondary airstream.
temperature control of the subzones in question as the [0012] Manipulation of the common airflow rate ele-
airflow rate discharged by each diffuser increases or de- 40 ment may reduce the airflow rate of the secondary air-
creases due to the increased or decreased supply air stream without substantially varying the airflow rate of
pressure, respectively, and due to further opening or the primary airstream.
closing of the diffuser’s adjustable damper or adjustable [0013] Manipulation of the common airflow rate ele-
blades caused by the elasticity of the damper/blade ment may reduce the airflow rate of the primary airstream
mechanism. 45 without substantially varying the combined airflow rates
[0005] An air diffuser according to the preamble of of the primary airstream and of the secondary airstream.
claim 1 is known from JP 11-118233. [0014] Manipulation of the common airflow rate ele-
ment may reduce the airflow rate of the secondary air-
Summary of the Invention stream without substantially varying the combined airflow
50 rates of the primary airstream and of the secondary air-
[0006] In accordance with a first aspect, the present stream.
invention provides an air diffuser comprising, at least one [0015] In one embodiment, the primary discharge ele-
primary discharge element and at least one secondary ment is manipulable to alter the airflow rate of the primary
discharge element, wherein: airstream.
55 [0016] The primary discharge element may be manip-
the secondary discharge element is arranged to dis- ulable to alter the airflow direction of the primary air-
charge a secondary airstream capable of flowing stream.
across at least one surface that directs the second- [0017] The airflow rate discharged by the primary dis-

3 EP 2 561 285 B1 4

charge element may remain largely constant, for a con- rate blade configuration of a diffuser in accordance
stant total supply air pressure, in the range of airflow di- with an embodiment of the invention;
rection adjustment. Figures 4a to 4d are diagrams illustrating an adjust-
[0018] In one embodiment, the secondary discharge able discharge direction and an adjustable airflow
element is manipulable to alter the airflow rate of the sec- 5 rate damper configuration of a diffuser in accordance
ondary airstream. with an embodiment of the invention;
[0019] The secondary discharge element may be ma- Figures 5a and 5b are diagrams illustrating a floor
nipulable to alter the airflow direction of the secondary swirl diffuser with largely horizontal swirl discharge
airstream. for displacement applications in accordance with an
[0020] The primary and secondary discharge elements 10 embodiment of the present invention; and
may share a common vane, the manipulation of which Figures 6a to 6e are diagrams illustrating a linear
varies the discharge direction of at least one of the pri- slot diffuser with adjustable discharge direction, both
mary and secondary airstreams. of the prior art and as an embodiment of the inven-
[0021] Manipulation of the common vane may vary the tion.
discharge direction of the combined primary and second- 15
ary airstreams. Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments
[0022] The combined airflow rate discharged by the
primary and secondary discharge elements may remain [0030] By way of introducing embodiments of the
largely constant, for a constant total supply air pressure, present invention, aspects relating to diffusers are firstly
in the range of airflow direction adjustment. 20 mentioned.
[0023] The primary and secondary discharge elements [0031] Ceiling diffusers in buildings are usually de-
may share a common vane, the manipulation of which signed to discharge air horizontally above head height,
varies the airflow rate of at least one of the primary and with a throw that largely covers the footprint of the space
secondary airstreams. to be dealt with by each diffuser, as reduced throw (i.e.
[0024] Manipulation of the common vane may vary the 25 under-throw) increases the threat of dumping in cooling
airflow rate of the combined primary and secondary air- mode, thereby creating draughts and poor temperature
streams. distribution in the occupancy space. Conversely, in-
[0025] In one embodiment, deflection of the primary creased throw (i.e. over-throw) increases the threat of air
discharge element vane due to an increase or decrease streams clashing with one another or with obstructions,
in supply air pressure causes the primary discharge el- 30 such as walls, thereby increasing the threat of draughts.
ement aperture to be reduced or increased, respectively. [0032] In spaces requiring heating from ceiling diffus-
[0026] The primary and secondary discharge elements ers, especially if ceilings are high, diffusers with a largely
may share at least one common vane, deflection of which downward discharge direction are often selected so as
due to an increase or decrease in supply air pressure to compensate for the buoyancy of the hot supply air,
causes the apertures of the primary and the secondary 35 thereby improving the penetration of warm supply air into
discharge elements to be reduced or increased, respec- the low level occupancy zone.
tively. [0033] Ceiling swirl diffusers are increasingly being
[0027] In another aspect, the air diffuser in accordance used in preference to four-way blow diffusers or other
with a first aspect may be incorporated in a ducting sys- low induction air diffusion equipment for both of afore-
tem. 40 mentioned applications, as their highly inductive dis-
[0028] In a further aspect, the air diffuser in accordance charge draws in and mixes large quantities of room air
with a first aspect may be incorporated in an air supply into the discharged supply air stream, thereby rapidly
system. breaking down the supply-to-room temperature differen-
tial to provide more uniform temperature distribution
Detailed Description of the Drawings 45 throughout the occupancy space whilst simultaneously
bringing about rapid discharge velocity decay, which en-
[0029] Notwithstanding any other forms that may fall hances draught-free comfort.
within the scope of the present invention, preferred em- [0034] In order to reduce fan energy during off-peak
bodiments will now be described, by way of example only, loads, variable speed supply air fans or variable air vol-
with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: 50 ume (VAV) supply air systems are often used to supply
conditioned air to the diffusers, especially in cooling
Figures 1a and 1b are diagrams illustrating a typical mode. Such systems, though, are often not used at re-
ceiling swirl diffuser of the prior art; duced airflow rates in heating mode, especially for supply
Figures 2a and 2b are diagrams illustrating an ad- air discharge from high ceilings, as reduced discharge
justable discharge direction blade configuration of a 55 velocity from each diffuser reduces the momentum of the
prior art diffuser; warm and buoyant supply air being discharged down into
Figures 3a to 3d are diagrams illustrating an adjust- the occupancy space, thereby reducing supply air pen-
able discharge direction and an adjustable airflow etration to the occupants, impairing heating efficiency.

5 EP 2 561 285 B1 6

[0035] To deal with variable air flow rates in cooling space requirements, costs and aesthetics.
mode the diffusers need to provide stable horizontal dis-
charge with relatively constant horizontal throws of the General Overview
low temperature supply air, at both high and low airflow
rates. For diffusers that have fixed horizontal discharge, 5 [0038] The embodiments, as described herein, relate
high airflow rates generally increase throw, often produc- generally to an air diffuser assembly for ceiling discharge
ing over-throw, which may cause draughts where air with an air supply supplied from a pressure plenum or
streams from adjacent diffusers clash or where air duct.
streams hit obstructions such as walls or bulkheads; low [0039] Figure 1a is a diagram illustrating the bottom
airflow rates generally reduce throw, often causing zones 10 view, and Figure 1b the side section view of a typical
of stagnation and of increased air temperature beyond ceiling swirl diffuser (18) of the prior art, in which a face
the throw of the diffuser whilst cold spots or even draughts flange (1) that abuts ceiling or duct penetration (2) may
may occur close to or beneath the diffuser due to dumping be included in the diffuser discharge face plane (1a), and
of cold, dense supply air into the occupancy space. In in which supply airstream (3) flows into diffuser inlet (4)
such variable air volume applications standard horizontal 15 from duct or supply plenum (5). An optional diffuser
discharge ceiling swirl diffusers with fixed horizontal dis- damper, shown fully open (6a) and fully closed (6b), may
charge perform substantially better, both in terms of ef- be used to manually adjust the airflow rate to the diffuser.
ficiency and perceived comfort, than horizontal discharge The airflow rate of airstream (3) to the diffuser may, ad-
four-way blow diffusers, due to the higher induction ratios ditionally, be automatically varied by means of a variable
and better mixing of supply and room air provided by the 20 speed drive fan, motorised damper or similar located up-
former, but even so, a turndown ratio to approximately stream of diffuser inlet (4). Such airflow rate adjustment
30 to 40 percent is usually the lower limit of the former of supply air stream (3) causes both the airflow rate and
in cooling mode, especially if the supply-to-room temper- the velocity of damper airstream (7) onto swirl vanes (8)
ature differential is high (often as high as 16 K); and heat- to increase or decrease simultaneously, bringing about
ing effectiveness of the former is only slightly improved 25 strong changes to the throw of discharged swirl airstream
due to the increased mixing, but it is nevertheless poor (9) into the occupancy space, as throw is a function of
due to the horizontal discharge direction of such standard airflow rate multiplied by discharge velocity. Such chang-
horizontal discharge swirl diffusers. es in the throw of swirl airstream (9) compromise comfort,
[0036] Adjustable dampers, arranged to maintain a as over-throw increases the threat of draughts, and un-
largely constant supply air stream velocity onto a portion 30 der-throw that of stagnation. Moreover, due to the ex-
of the swirl vanes, are sometimes used directly upstream tremely low momentum of discharged swirl airstream (9)
of the diffuser so as to decrease the minimum permissible at low airflow rates, the minimum airflow rate is typically
diffuser airflow rate. Such dampers are often motorised limited to approximately 30% and 40% of the maximum
for VAV applications, and hence extend the VAV range airflow rate so as to prevent the cold and dense supply
of the diffuser, however they typically blank off a portion 35 air from dumping into the occupancy space when supply
of the swirl blades even at the maximum airflow setting, airstream airflow rate (3), is turned down.
thereby necessitating the need for oversized diffusers, [0040] In order to reduce the throw sensitivity of dis-
and they tend to generate noise due to the increased air charged swirl airstream (9) to changes in supply air-
stream velocity onto the active portion of the swirl blades. stream airflow rate (3), in order to reduce the threat of
[0037] Swirl diffusers with adjustable discharge direc- 40 swirl airstream (9) from dumping at low airflow rates, and
tion (.usually achieved by altering the diffuser blade an- as a means of incorporating independent variable air vol-
gle, or by adjustable guide vanes or jets of air that may ume (VAV) adjustability into individual diffusers, diffusers
be activated to deflect or induce the supply air stream of the prior art may adjust supply airstream airflow rate
downwards) are often used to improve heating efficiency (3) via electrically, pneumatically or thermally powered
by directing the warm supply air downwards. Such dif- 45 actuator (10), to open (6a) and close (6b) a diffuser damp-
fusers often incorporate thermally powered or electric or er mechanism in the diffuser that varies the airflow rate,
pneumatic actuators that automatically adjust discharge at a largely constant velocity, of damper airstream (7)
direction as a function of the supply air temperature or onto largely radial swirl blades (8), thereby discharging
the supply-to-room air temperature differential. Adjusta- swirl airstream (9) of varying volume flow rate at largely
ble blade angle tends to offer the best heating penetration 50 constant discharge velocity over a large portion of the
to a low level, but cooling performance is compromised turndown range. However, the high velocity of damper
due to the extremely flat blade angle required to dis- airstream (7) onto the active portion of swirl blades (8)
charge air horizontally, as this, in turn, restricts the ap- may cause excessive regenerated noise from the diffus-
erture between diffuser blades. Indeed, relatively flat er. Moreover, diffuser damper (6a and 6b) blanks off air-
blade angles are required for all of the swirl diffusers of 55 flow to that portion of swirl blades (8) directly beneath
the prior art in cooling mode; they, therefore, have to be the damper, thereby reducing the maximum permissible
selected with relatively large diffuser face sizes in relation airflow rate of the diffuser. This is sometimes partially
to the airflow rate to be discharged, negatively impacting compensated for by perforating the diffuser damper (6a

7 EP 2 561 285 B1 8

and 6b) to allow low momentum supply air (11) to flow perpendicular to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a),
through the otherwise largely inactive portion of swirl as may be required of a ceiling swirl diffuser operating in
blades (8), to be induced by the higher momentum dis- heating mode, especially if the discharge height is high.
charged swirl airstream (9). However, this only partially Steep blade angle (β) increases the swirl slot aperture
compensates for the reduction in diffuser maximum per- 5 (12a) between adjacent swirl blades (8), thereby, for a
missible airflow rate and, indeed, may increase the threat largely constant total supply air pressure, increasing the
of dumping (11a) as the diffuser damper approaches the airflow rate of discharged airstream (9b) relative to that
closed position (6b), given that the airflow rate and mo- of (9a). Changes to the angle of diffuser swirl blades (8)
mentum of discharged swirl airstream (9) diminish as the may, therefore, cause strong uncontrolled increases or
diffuser damper is adjusted from position (6a) to (6b). A 10 decreases in discharged swirl airflow rate (9b and 9a),
further problem with the damper arrangement integrated thereby compromising thermostatic temperature control
into the diffuser of the prior art, as shown in Figure 1b, and thermal comfort in the occupancy space served by
is that the diffuser damper opens (6a) and closes (6b) by that diffuser; these uncontrolled changes in supply airflow
moving downstream and upstream, respectively. Conse- rate changes cannot be fully offset by additionally equip-
quently, if the diffuser pressure drop decreases (as de- 15 ping the diffuser with adjustable diffuser damper (6a and
scribed in Figure 2 below) or if air pressure in supply duct 6b in Figure 1) driven by thermally, electrically or pneu-
or plenum (5) increases (e.g. due to other diffusers in the matically powered actuator (10 in Figure 1), for the rea-
supply duct system shutting off), not only does damper sons described in Figure 1. Moreover, the change in the
airflow rate (7) increase due to the increase in supply air airflow rate of the discharged swirl airstream (9a and 9b)
pressure, but it also increases due to an increase in the 20 may cause supply airstream static pressure to the diffus-
diffuser damper aperture through which damper air- er, and hence to the entire supply air system including
stream (7) is discharged, caused by the elasticity and other diffusers in that system, to change, thereby com-
play of the diffuser damper and associated actuator (10) promising thermostatic temperature control and thermal
mechanism. Consequently, the diffuser damper (6a and comfort produced by the entire system, including in other
6b) is pushed further open by the increase in supply air 25 thermal zones, especially if such zones are served by
pressure. Changes in air pressure in supply duct or ple- diffusers with airflow rate adjustment by means of diffuser
num (5), therefore, may cause strong uncontrolled in- dampers (6a and 6b) that are thermally powered.
creases and decreases in discharged swirl airflow rate [0042] Figure 3 is a diagram illustrating side section
(9), thereby compromising thermostatic temperature views of the swirl blades (8) of a ceiling swirl diffuser in
control and thermal comfort in the occupancy space. A 30 accordance with an embodiment of the invention, in
diffuser damper (6a and 6b) operated by an actuator (10) which Figure 3a shows the increased swirl airflow rate
that is thermally powered may be especially susceptible (9c) in comparison to that of the prior art (9a in Figure
to such uncontrolled pressure induced aperture adjust- 2a), achieved by increasing the aperture of swirl slot (12b)
ment due to a variety of factors, such as the extremely between swirl blades (8) as a result of the relatively steep
sensitive mechanism required to deal with the short and 35 blade angle (α1) to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a),
relatively weak operating stroke of the actuator, the ac- whereby (α1) > (α in Figure 2a). Guide slot airstream
tuator’s high hysteresis, and the sluggishness that the (13), which may have a substantially smaller airflow rate
actuator’s high thermal inertia causes to the control re- than swirl airstream (9c), is discharged through guide slot
sponse. (14) and attaches itself to guide vane (15) to be directed
[0041] Figure 2 is a diagram illustrating side section 40 largely parallel to diffuser discharge face plane (1a) di-
views of the swirl blades (8) of a typical ceiling swirl dif- rectly downstream of the diffuser. Discharged swirl air-
fuser of the prior art, as shown in Figure 1a, in which stream (9c) is redirected to a largely parallel direction
Figure 2a shows the relatively flat blade angle (α) to the relative to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a) by the
diffuser discharge face plane (1a) required to achieve induction of guide slot airstream (13), creating, relative
largely parallel discharge of swirl airstream (9a) relative 45 to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a), a largely parallel
to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a), as is generally movement away from the diffuser of the combined air-
required of a ceiling swirl diffuser operating in cooling streams (9c and 13) directly downstream of the diffuser.
mode. Shallow blade angle (α) reduces the swirl slot ap- Figure 3b shows a further embodiment of the invention
erture (12) between adjacent swirl blades (8), thereby in which swirl blades (8) may be swivelled, manually or
restricting the airflow rate of discharged swirl airstream 50 by means of at least one thermally, pneumatically or elec-
(9a). Figure 2b shows a further embodiment of a typical trically powered actuator (not shown), to a steep angle
ceiling swirl diffuser of the prior art, in this instance with (β) relative to the plane of diffuser discharge face (1a),
adjustable blades, in which swirl blades (8) may be swiv- in which (β) > (α1), to largely close off guide slot (14),
elled, manually or by means of at least one thermally, thereby shutting off slot airstream (13), and to alter the
pneumatically or electrically powered actuator (not 55 discharge direction of discharged swirl airstream (9d) to
shown), to a steep angle (β) relative to the diffuser dis- be largely perpendicular to the diffuser discharge face
charge face plane (1a), in which (β) > (α), to alter the plane (1a). Since the increase in the angle of swirl blade
discharge direction of swirl airstream (9b) to be largely (8) from (α1) to (β) is small in comparison to that from

9 EP 2 561 285 B1 10

(α) to (β) of the prior art, the increase in the aperture of guide slot (13) airstreams directly downstream of the dif-
swirl slot (12b) to (12c) and the resultant increase in the fuser relative to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a).
discharge swirl airflow rate from (9c) to (9d) are small. Figure 4d shows diffuser damper (6f) slid to largely shut
Moreover, these increases are compensated for by large- off airflow from the diffuser whilst maintaining a largely
ly corresponding decreases in the aperture of guide slot 5 parallel movement away from the diffuser of the guide
(14) and the resultant airflow rate of guide slot airstream slot airstream (13) directly downstream of the diffuser
(13), producing in a largely constant combined airflow relative to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a).
rate discharged by the diffuser when operating at a large- [0044] Figures 5a and 5b are diagrams illustrating a
ly constant supply airstream total pressure, regardless top view and a section of a floor swirl diffuser in accord-
of the angle of swirl blades (8) in the range (α1) to (β). 10 ance with an embodiment of the invention, in which swirl
Figure 3c shows a further embodiment of the invention slot (12e), which discharges swirl air stream (9f), alter-
in which swirl blades (8) may be swivelled, manually or nates with guide slot (14a), which discharges guide slot
by means of at least one thermally, pneumatically or elec- air stream (13b). Swirl airstream (9f) is discharged at a
trically powered actuator (not shown), to a shallow angle relatively steep angle (φ1) to the diffuser discharge face
(α2) relative to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a), in 15 plane (1a). Guide slot airstream (13b), which may have
which (α2) < (α1), to throttle both swirl airstream (9e) and a substantially smaller airflow rate than swirl airstream
guide slot airstream (13a) whilst maintaining largely con- (9f), is discharged at a shallow angle (02) to the diffuser
stant discharge velocity of both airstreams and whilst discharge face plane (1a), in which (φ2) < (φ1), so as to
maintaining a largely parallel movement away from the attach itself to the diffuser face (1b) to be directed largely
diffuser of the combined airstreams directly downstream 20 parallel to diffuser discharge face plane (1a) directly
of the diffuser relative to the diffuser discharge face plane downstream of the diffuser. Discharged swirl airstream
(1a). Figure 3d shows swirl blades (8) swivelled to largely (9f) is redirected to a largely parallel direction relative to
shut off airflow from the diffuser. the diffuser discharge face plane (1a) by the induction of
[0043] Figure 4 is a diagram illustrating side section discharged guide slot airstream (13b), creating, relative
views of the swirl blades (8) of a ceiling swirl diffuser in 25 to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a), a largely parallel
accordance with an embodiment of the invention, in movement away from the diffuser of the combined air-
which Figure 4a shows the increased blade angle (α’1) streams (9f and 13b) directly downstream of the diffuser.
to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a), whereby (α’1) The total floor swirl diffuser airflow rate discharged by
> (α in Figure 2a). Diffuser damper (6c) is in the fully open this embodiment of the invention may be greater than
position, maximising the apertures of guide slot (14) and 30 that of a comparable floor swirl diffuser (i.e. of similar
swirl slot (12b1). Guide slot airstream (13), which may face size, slot length, slot width, number of slots and op-
have a substantially smaller airflow rate than swirl air- erating pressure) that produces discharge parallel to the
stream (9c1), is discharged through guide slot (14) and diffuser discharge face plane but without alternating slot
attaches itself to guide vane (15) to be directed largely discharge angles.
parallel to diffuser discharge face plane (1a) directly 35 [0045] Figure 6a is a diagram illustrating the bottom
downstream of the diffuser. Discharged swirl airstream view of a linear slot diffuser, as it would appear in some
(9c1) is redirected to a largely parallel direction relative embodiments both of the prior art and of the invention.
to the diffuser discharge face plane (1a) by the induction A multitude of slotted barrels (16a or 16b) in the linear
of guide slot airstream (13), creating, relative to the dif- slot diffuser may have alternating discharge direction as
fuser discharge face plane (1a), a largely parallel move- 40 shown in Figure 6b, which illustrates an embodiment of
ment away from the diffuser of the combined airstreams the prior art, and in Figure 6c, which illustrates an em-
(9c1 and 13) directly downstream of the diffuser. Figure bodiment of the invention, in which the latter shows the
4b shows a further embodiment of the invention in which increased airflow rate in comparison to that of the former
diffuser damper (6d), has been slid, manually or by by virtue of the increased discharge angle (α4 > α3) of
means of at least one thermally, pneumatically or elec- 45 the primary air stream (9h relative to 9g) which results in
trically powered actuator (not shown), to largely close off reduced resistance, as well as due to the potential to
guide slot (14), thereby largely shutting off guide slot air- increase the overall slot width (17b > 17a). Guide slot
stream (13), so as to alter the discharge direction of dis- airstream (13c), which may have a substantially smaller
charged swirl airstream (9d1) to be largely directed away airflow rate than primary airstream (9h), is discharged
from the diffuser discharge face plane (1a). Figure 4c 50 through guide slot (14b) and attaches itself to diffuser
shows a further embodiment of the invention in which face flange (1c) to be directed largely parallel to diffuser
diffuser damper (6e) may be slid, manually or by means discharge face plane (1a) directly downstream of the dif-
of at least one thermally, pneumatically or electrically fuser. Discharged primary airstream (9h) is redirected to
powered actuator (not shown), to partially close the ap- a largely parallel direction relative to the diffuser dis-
erture of swirl slot (12d1), so as to throttle swirl airstream 55 charge face plane (1a) by the induction of guide slot air-
(9e1) whilst maintaining largely constant discharge ve- stream (13c), creating, relative to the diffuser discharge
locity and whilst maintaining a largely parallel movement face plane (1d), a largely parallel movement away from
away from the diffuser of the combined swirl (9e1) and the diffuser of the combined airstreams (9h and 13c) di-

11 EP 2 561 285 B1 12

rectly downstream of the diffuser. Figure 6d shows em- air volume (VAV) boxes, to reduce airflow during periods
bodiments of the prior art in which the left and right illus- of low thermal load, thereby saving fan energy, as a dif-
trations depict the diffuser discharge direction adjusted fuser as described by these embodiments of the inven-
largely downwards, which may be achieved by turning tion, when configured to discharge air largely horizontal-
the barrels (16a) to direct supply air largely downwards; 5 ly, can have the supply air turned down to a far lower
the middle figure shows barrels (16a) turned to shut off airflow rate, whilst maintaining stable and largely hori-
supply airflow. Figure 6e shows a further embodiment of zontal discharge, than is possible with comparable dif-
the invention in which the left and right illustrations depict fusers of the prior art. Moreover, this is generally
barrels (16b) turned to direct supply air largely down- achieved without requiring an increase in operating pres-
wards; the middle figure shows barrels (16b) turned to 10 sure. This provides substantial potential for increased
shut off supply airflow. When discharging supply air fan energy savings. Additionally, the maximum airflow
largely downwards, the embodiment illustrated in Figure rate that may be discharged by a diffuser as described
6e may have increased airflow rate in comparison to the by some embodiments of the invention is greater than
downward discharge embodiment of the prior art illus- that of a comparable diffuser of the prior art, thereby po-
trated in Figure 6d, by virtue of the reduced resistance 15 tentially allowing a smaller number of diffusers to be used,
to the airflow within the barrel (16b vs 16a), as well as or a smaller diffuser face size to be selected, hence re-
due to the potential to increase the overall slot width (17c ducing capital costs and improving aesthetics. Embodi-
> 17a). ments of the invention allow the diffuser to provide vari-
[0046] For reasons of simplicity, the illustrations above able geometry airflow rate and discharge direction ad-
show neither embodiments of the invention incorporating 20 justment that improves occupancy zone air temperature
more than one guide slot for each opening or slot that control, increases heating efficiency, and reduces uncon-
discharges a swirl air stream or primary air stream, nor trolled airflow rate fluctuations due to system supply air
embodiments of the invention incorporating more than pressure changes, thereby improving both occupant
one opening or slot discharging a swirl or primary air- comfort and system efficiency.
stream for each guide slot that discharges a guide air 25
[0047] For reasons of simplicity, the illustrations above Claims
show the discharge openings largely coincident with a
plane that is largely coincident with the diffuser discharge 1. An air diffuser comprising, at least one primary dis-
plane. It will be appreciated by persons skilled in the art 30 charge element (12b. 12d, 12b1, 12d1) and at least
that the discharge openings need not be coincident with one secondary discharge element (14), character-
a plane (for example, they may lie on a curved surface) ized in that the secondary discharge element (14)
and that they need not be coincident with the diffuser is arranged to discharge a secondary airstream (13,
discharge plane (which, for example, may be a perforated 13a) capable of flowing across at least one surface
plate further downstream). 35 that directs the secondary airstream (13, 13a) sub-
[0048] It will be appreciated by persons skilled in the stantially in a plane of the diffuser discharge face in
art that numerous variations and/or modifications may the vicinity directly downstream of the secondary dis-
be made to the invention as shown in the specific em- charge element (14); and the primary discharge el-
bodiments without departing from the spirit or scope of ement (12b, 12d, 12b1, 12d1) is arranged to dis-
the invention as broadly described. The present embod- 40 charge a primary airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) that is
iments are, therefore, to be considered in all respects as induced by the secondary discharged airstream (13,
illustrative and not restrictive. 13a) such that the direction of the primary discharged
[0049] Any reference to prior art contained herein is airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) is largely determined by
not to be taken as an admission that the information is the direction of travel of the secondary airstream (13,
common general knowledge, unless otherwise indicated. 45 13a); characterized in that the primary discharge
element defines a common airflow rate element that
Advantageous Features of the Embodiments De- is manipulable to vary the airflow rates of the sec-
scribed Herein ondary airstream (13, 13a) and of the primary air-
stream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1); and wherein the common
[0050] An air delivery system incorporating the diffuser 50 airflow rate element may vary the airflow rates of the
described herein provides the potential for substantial primary airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) and of the sec-
energy savings and more effective performance, as well ondary airstream (13, 13a) substantially independ-
as for improved thermal comfort, reduced capital cost ently of one another.
and enhanced aesthetics.
[0051] HVAC systems that deliver supply air to spaces 55 2. An air diffuser in accordance with Claim 1, wherein
via diffusers with guide slots in accordance with the in- the primary airstream has a substantially greater air-
vention may be designed to operate with variable speed flow rate than the secondary airstream.
drive fans or may incorporate devices, such as variable

13 EP 2 561 285 B1 14

3. An air diffuser in accordance with Claim 1 or Claim mary airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1).
2, wherein the discharge direction of the primary air-
stream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) when discharged in the 11. An air diffuser in accordance with Claim 10, wherein
absence of the secondary airstream (13, 13a) is sub- the airflow rate discharged by the primary discharge
stantially different to the discharge direction of the 5 element remains largely constant, for a constant total
primary airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) when dis- supply air pressure, in the range of airflow direction
charged in the presence of the secondary airstream adjustment.
(13, 13a).
12. An air diffuser in accordance with any one of the
4. An air diffuser in accordance with Claims 1, 2 or 3, 10 preceding claims, wherein the secondary discharge
wherein a secondary airflow rate element is manip- element is manipulable to alter the airflow rate of the
ulable to vary the airflow rate of the secondary air- secondary airstream (13, 13a).
stream (13, 13a).
13. An air diffuser in accordance with any one of the
5. An air diffuser in accordance with Claim 4, wherein 15 preceding claims, wherein the secondary discharge
the discharge direction of the primary airstream (9c, element is manipulable to alter the airflow direction
9e, 9c1, 9e1) varies when the secondary airflow rate of the secondary airstream (13, 13a).
element is manipulated.
14. An air diffuser in accordance with any one of the
6. An air diffuser in accordance with any one of Claims 20 preceding claims, wherein deflection of the primary
1 to 5, wherein a primary airflow rate element is ma- discharge element due to an increase or decrease
nipulable to vary the airflow rate of the primary air- in supply air pressure causes the primary discharge
stream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1). element aperture to be reduced or increased, re-
7. An air diffuser in accordance with any one of Claims 25
1 to 6, wherein manipulation of the common airflow 15. A ducting system incorporating at least one air dif-
rate element reduces the airflow rate of the primary fuser in accordance with any one of Claims 1 to 14.
airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) without substantially
changing the airflow rate of the secondary airstream 16. An air supply system incorporating at least one air
(13, 13a); or, 30 diffuser in accordance with any one of Claims 1 to 15.
wherein manipulation of the common airflow rate el-
ement reduces the airflow rate of the secondary air-
stream (13, 13a) without substantially changing the Patentansprüche
airflow rate of the primary airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1,
9e1). 35 1. Luftdiffusor umfassend, mindestens ein primäres
Auslasselement (12b, 12d, 12b1, 12d1) und mindes-
8. An air diffuser in accordance with any one of Claims tens ein sekundäres Auslasselement (14), dadurch
1 to 6, wherein manipulation of the common airflow gekennzeichnet, dass das zweite Auslasselement
rate element reduces the airflow rate of the primary (14) angeordnet ist einen sekundären Luftstrom (13,
airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) without substantially 40 13a) auszulassen, der geeignet ist über mindestens
changing the combined airflow rates of the primary eine Oberfläche zu strömen, die den sekundären
airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) and of the secondary Luftstrom (13, 13a) im Wesentlichen in einer Ebene
airstream (13, 13a); or, der Diffusorauslassfläche in der Umgebung unmit-
wherein manipulation of the common airflow rate el- telbar nachgelagert zu dem zweiten Auslasselement
ement reduces the airflow rate of the secondary air- 45 (14) führt; und das primäre Auslasselement (12b,
stream (13, 13a) without substantially changing the 12d, 12b1, 12d1) angeordnet ist einen primären Luft-
combined airflow rates of the primary airstream (9c, strom (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) auszulassen, der durch den
9e, 9c1, 9e1) and of the secondary airstream (13, sekundären ausgelassenen Luftstrom (13, 13a) in-
13a). duziert ist, so dass die Richtung des primären aus-
50 gelassenen Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) weitge-
9. An air diffuser in accordance with any one of the hend bestimmt ist durch die Richtung des Weges
preceding claims, wherein the primary discharge el- des sekundären Luftstroms (13, 13a); dadurch ge-
ement is manipulable to alter the airflow rate of the kennzeichnet, dass das primäre Auslasselement
primary airstream (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1). ein gemeinsames Luftdurchflussrateelement defi-
55 niert, das manipulierbar ist, um die Luftdurchfluss-
10. An air diffuser in accordance with any of the preced- rate des sekundären Luftstroms (13, 13a) und des
ing claims, wherein the primary discharge element primären Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) zu variieren;
is manipulable to alter the airflow direction of the pri- und wobei das gemeinsame Luftdurchflussrateele-

15 EP 2 561 285 B1 16

ment die Luftdurchflussrate des primären Luftstroms 9. Luftdiffusor nach einem der vorhergehenden An-
(9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) und des sekundären Luftstroms sprüche, wobei das primäre Auslasselement mani-
(13, 13a) im Wesentlichen unabhängig voneinander pulierbar ist, um die Luftdurchflussrate des primären
variieren kann. Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) zu ändern.
2. Luftdiffusor nach Anspruch 1, wobei der primäre 10. Luftdiffusor nach einem der vorhergehenden An-
Luftstrom eine wesentlich größere Luftdurchflussra- sprüche, wobei das primäre Auslasselement mani-
te hat als der sekundäre Luftstrom. pulierbar ist, um die Luftstromrichtung des primären
Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) zu ändern.
3. Luftdiffusor nach Anspruch 1 oder Anspruch 2, wobei 10
die Auslassrichtung des primären Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 11. Luftdiffusor nach Anspruch 10, wobei die Luftdurch-
9c1, 9e1), wenn er in Abwesenheit des sekundären flussrate ausgelassen durch das primäre Auslasse-
Luftstroms (13, 13a) ausgelassen wird, wesentlich lement weitgehend konstant bleibt, für einen kon-
unterschiedlich zu der Auslassrichtung des primären stanten Gesamtversorgungsluftdruck, im Bereich
Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) ist, wenn er in Anwe- 15 der Luftstromrichtungsanpassung.
senheit des sekundären Luftstroms (13, 13a) aus-
gelassen wird. 12. Luftdiffusor nach einem der vorhergehenden An-
sprüche, wobei das sekundäre Auslasselement ma-
4. Luftdiffusor nach Ansprüchen 1, 2 oder 3, wobei ein nipulierbar ist, um die Luftdurchflussrate des sekun-
sekundäres Luftdurchflussrateelement manipulier- 20 dären Luftstroms (13, 13a) zu ändern.
bar ist, um die Luftdurchflussrate des zweiten Luft-
stroms (13, 13a) zu variieren. 13. Luftdiffusor nach einem der vorhergehenden An-
sprüche, wobei das sekundäre Auslasselement ma-
5. Luftdiffusor nach Anspruch 4, wobei die Auslassrich- nipulierbar ist, um die Luftstromrichtung des sekun-
tung des primären Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) va- 25 dären Luftstroms (13, 13a) zu ändern.
riiert, wenn das sekundäre Luftdurchflussrateele-
ment manipuliert ist. 14. Luftdiffusor nach einem der vorhergehenden An-
sprüche, wobei eine Umlenkung des primären Aus-
6. Luftdiffusor nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 5, wobei lasselements durch einen zunehmenden oder ab-
ein primäres Luftdurchflussrateelement manipulier- 30 nehmenden Versorgungsluftdruck dazu führt, dass
bar ist, um die Luftdurchflussrate des primären Luft- sich die primäre Auslasselementöffnung verkleinert
stroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) zu variieren. oder respektive vergrößert.

7. Luftdiffusor nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 6, wobei 15. Kanalsystem umfassend mindestens einen Luftdif-
Manipulation des gemeinsamen Luftdurchflussrate- 35 fusor nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 14.
elements die Luftdurchflussrate des primären Luft-
stroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) reduziert ohne wesentliche 16. Luftversorgungsystem umfassend mindestens ei-
Veränderung der Luftdurchflussrate des sekundä- nen Luftdiffusor nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 15.
ren Luftstroms (13, 13a); oder,
wobei Manipulation des gemeinsamen Luftdurch- 40
flussrateelements die Luftdurchflussrate des sekun- Revendications
dären Luftstroms (13, 13a) reduziert ohne wesentli-
che Veränderung der Luftdurchflussrate des primä- 1. Diffuseur d’air comprenant au moins un élément de
ren Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1). décharge principal (12b, 12d, 12b1, 12d1) et au
45 moins un élément de décharge secondaire (14), ca-
8. Luftdiffusor nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 6, wobei ractérisé en ce que l’élément de décharge secon-
eine Manipulation des gemeinsamen Luftdurch- daire (14) est prévu pour évacuer un flux d’air se-
flussrateelements die Luftdurchflussrate des primä- condaire (13, 13a) capable de circuler sur au moins
ren Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) reduziert ohne we- une surface qui oriente le flux d’air secondaire (13,
sentliche Veränderung der kombinierten Luftdurch- 50 13a) sensiblement sur un plan de la face de déchar-
flussrate des primären Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) ge du diffuseur à proximité, directement vers le bas,
und des sekundären Luftstroms (13, 13a); oder, de l’élément de décharge secondaire (14) ; et l’élé-
wobei Manipulation des gemeinsamen Luftdurch- ment de décharge principal (12b, 12d, 12b1, 12d1)
flussrateelements die Luftdurchflussrate des sekun- est prévu pour évacuer un flux d’air principal (9c, 9e,
dären Luftstroms (13, 13a) reduziert ohne wesentli- 55 9c1, 9e1) qui est induit par le flux d’air déchargé se-
che Veränderung der kombinierten Luftdurchfluss- condaire (13, 13a) de sorte que la direction du flux
rate des primären Luftstroms (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) und d’air déchargé principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) soit large-
des sekundären Luftstroms (13, 13a). ment déterminée par la direction de déplacement du

17 EP 2 561 285 B1 18

flux d’air secondaire (13, 13a) ; caractérisé en ce daire (13, 13a) sans modifier sensiblement les débits
que d’air combinés du flux d’air principal (9c, 9e, 9c1,
l’élément de décharge principal définit un élément 9e1) et du flux d’air secondaire (13, 13a).
de débit d’air commun qui est manipulable afin de
faire varier les débits d’air du flux d’air secondaire 5 9. Diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendi-
(13, 13a) et du flux d’air principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) ; cations précédentes, dans lequel l’élément de dé-
et dans lequel l’élément de débit d’air commun peut charge principal est manipulable afin de modifier le
faire varier les débits d’air du flux d’air principal (9c, débit d’air du flux d’air principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1).
9e, 9c1, 9e1) et du flux d’air secondaire (13, 13a) de
manière sensiblement indépendante l’un de l’autre. 10 10. Diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendi-
cations précédentes, dans lequel l’élément de dé-
2. Diffuseur d’air selon la revendication 1, dans lequel charge principal est manipulable afin de modifier la
le flux d’air principal présente un débit d’air sensi- direction du flux d’air principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1).
blement plus élevé que le flux d’air secondaire.
15 11. Diffuseur d’air selon la revendication 10, dans lequel
3. Diffuseur d’air selon la revendication 1 ou 2, dans le débit d’air évacué par l’élément de décharge prin-
lequel la direction de décharge du flux d’air principal cipal reste largement constant, pour une pression
(9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1), lorsqu’il est évacué en l’absence d’air d’alimentation totale constante, dans les limites
du flux d’air secondaire (13, 13a), est sensiblement d’ajustement de la direction du flux d’air.
différente de la direction de décharge du flux d’air 20
principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) lorsqu’il est évacué en 12. Diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendi-
présence du flux d’air secondaire (13,13a). cations précédentes, dans lequel l’élément de dé-
charge secondaire est manipulable afin de modifier
4. Diffuseur d’air selon les revendications 1, 2 ou 3, le débit d’air du flux d’air secondaire (13, 13a).
dans lequel un élément de débit d’air secondaire est 25
manipulable afin de faire varier le débit d’air du flux 13. Diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendi-
d’air secondaire (13, 13a). cations précédentes, dans lequel l’élément de dé-
charge secondaire est manipulable afin de modifier
5. Diffuseur d’air selon la revendication 4, dans lequel la direction du flux d’air secondaire (13, 13a).
la direction de décharge du flux d’air principal (9c, 30
9e, 9c1, 9e1) varie lorsque l’élément de débit d’air 14. Diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendi-
secondaire est manipulé. cations précédentes, dans lequel la déviation de
l’élément de décharge principal due à une augmen-
6. Diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendi- tation ou une diminution de la pression d’air d’ali-
cations 1 à 5, dans lequel un élément de débit d’air 35 mentation provoque une diminution ou une augmen-
principal est manipulable afin de faire varier le débit tation de l’ouverture de l’élément de décharge prin-
d’air du flux d’air principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1). cipal, respectivement.

7. Diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendi- 15. Système de conduites comprenant au moins un dif-
cations 1 à 6, dans lequel la manipulation de l’élé- 40 fuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendica-
ment de débit d’air commun réduit le débit d’air du tions 1 à 14.
flux d’air principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) sans modifier
sensiblement le débit d’air du flux d’air secondaire 16. Système d’alimentation en air comprenant au moins
(13, 13a) ; ou un diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des reven-
dans lequel la manipulation de l’élément de débit 45 dications 1 à 15.
d’air commun réduit le débit d’air du flux d’air secon-
daire (13, 13a) sans modifier sensiblement le débit
d’air du flux d’air principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1).

8. Diffuseur d’air selon l’une quelconque des revendi- 50

cations 1 à 6, dans lequel la manipulation de l’élé-
ment de débit d’air commun réduit le débit d’air du
flux d’air principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) sans modifier
sensiblement les débits d’air combinés du flux d’air
principal (9c, 9e, 9c1, 9e1) et du flux d’air secondaire 55
(13, 13a) ; ou
dans lequel la manipulation de l’élément de débit
d’air commun réduit le débit d’air du flux d’air secon-

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EP 2 561 285 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• JP 11118233 A [0005]


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