Thomsen Et Al 2003 Spectroscopy Limits of Detection in Spectros

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Limits of Detection in Spectroscopy

Volker Thomsen, Debbie Schatzlein, and David Mercuro

A diagrammatic view of the concept of detection limits is cL = 0  ksbiS, or

presented that effectively shows its relationship to the cL = ksbiS [1]

reproducibility of measurements on the blank.
This definition is admirably
illustrated in Figure 1 — an ex-

pplications scientists A few comments are necessary ample from x-ray spectrometry
are constantly on the regarding this definition: — which shows the results of
lookout for alterna- ● In the past, IUPAC has recom- some 30 separate, 20-s-long
tive ways to explain mended that k  3, although measurements on a 99.9% pure
some of the basic, but often con- many atomic absorption spec- iron sample. Measurements
fusing, concepts of spectrochem- troscopy and inductively cou- were made using a NITON
istry. Much has already been pled plasma optical emission model XLt 898 handheld x-ray
written about the subject of lim- spectroscopy practitioners use k fluorescence spectrometer with
its of detection, so this article  2 (2). miniature x-ray tube excitation
Volker will be short on words. Instead, ● IUPAC “…further suggests (NITON, Billerica, MA). The
Thomsen is we present diagrams that quite that, because the values for the silver anode tube was operated
senior effectively illustrate the concept blank, and the standard devia- at 35 kV and 5 A, with detec-
applications of limit of detection (LOD) and tion thereof, are estimates based tion by means of a silicon
its relationship to precision. on limited measurements, the 3 positive-intrinsic-negative
Schatzlein is sigma (3) value corresponds to (PIN) detector. We are measur-
senior Basic Definition a confidence level of about 90%” ing the count rate of the copper
applications The International Union of Pure (3). K x-ray fluorescence with a
chemist, and and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) ● The conversion from meas- peak region of interest (ROI) set
David defines LOD as follows (1): urement units, xL, to concentra- from about 7.85 to 8.25 keV.
Mercuro is
XRF marketing tion, cL, is via the sensitivity, S  The mean of the blank meas-
manager at The limit of detection, ex- concentration/intensity, the ures is xbi = 2.594 counts per
NITON LLC, 900 pressed as the concentra- slope of the calibration curve. second (cps), and the standard
Middlesex tion, cL, or the quantity, qL, That is, deviation of the 30 measure-
Turnpike, Bldg.
is derived from the smallest ments is sbi = 0.366 cps. Let k =
8, Billerica, MA
01821. Thomsen measure, xL, that can be de- cL  cbi  ksbiS 3 and we find xL = 2.594 
can be reached tected with reasonable cer- 3(0.366) = 3.692 cps. This limit
by e-mail at tainty for a given analytical But because the concentration of detection in intensity units is
vthomsen@ procedure. The value of xL of the blank is zero, this becomes indicated by the dotted line.;
is given by the equation
Schatzlein can
be reached at xL  xbi  ksbi
Table I. Limits of detection and limits of quantitation.
dschatzlein@ where xbi is the mean of the, and blank measures, sbi is the Absolute standard Relative standard
Mercuro can be standard deviation of the deviation deviation
reached at Limit of
blank measures, and k is a
numerical factor chosen ac- detection 3 33%
cording to the confidence Limit of
level desired. quantitation 10 10%

112 Spectroscopy 18(12) December 2003 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m


Pure Fe: blank
Average blank
Limit of detection 7
Count rate (cps)


Count rate (cps)


2 3


0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Measurement number
Measurement number

Figure 1. Replicate intensity measurements on blank. Figure 2. Measurements on standard along with blank measurements.

Figure 2 shows the data of Figure 1 This example brings up several as- agreed to begin at a concentration equal
along with 14 measurements on a low- pects of the limit-of-detection concept. to 10 standard deviations of the blank.
alloyed steel (C  1⁄2Mo) with 0.202% This is called the limit of quantitation
copper. Limits of Detection and the BEC (LOQ) or limit of determination.
Refer back to Figure 2. Note that the net Therefore, LOQ  3.3 LOD. Thus, in
peak height is just about the same as the the example given in Figures 1 and 2,
A common misconception level of the background. But this is just the limit of quantitation is actually
the definition of the background equiv- about 0.24%.
is that the LOD is the alent concentration (BEC) (4–6). This
provides for an alternative method of Instrument Detection Limits Versus
smallest concentration that computing the LOD, using the BEC and Method Detection Limits
the relative standard deviation (RSD) of The example above provides the detec-
can be measured. Instead, the blank. tion limit for copper in iron under
close-to-ideal conditions, where there
it is the concentration at cL  3 RSDblank BEC/100 [2] are few other alloying elements. This is
an example of an instrument detection
which we can decide From the data on the blank provided limit (IDL) — that is, a detection limit
above (xbi  2.594 cps and sbi  0.366 in a clean matrix. The method detec-
whether an element is cps), we compute the RSD as 14.1%. tion limit (MDL) considers real-life
Therefore, cL  3(14.1)(0.2%)/100  matrices. For example, we can expect
present or not (6) — that is, 0.085%. The slight discrepancy is due to the LOD to degrade in stainless steels
the point where we can our visual estimation of the BEC. If cal- containing several percent of nickel that
culated (5), the BEC is found to be will raise the background in the copper
just distinguish a signal 0.19% and then the two computed lim- region of interest.
its of detection become identical. A rule of thumb typically used by op-
from the background. tical emission spectroscopists is that the
Limits of Detection and Limits MDL can be anywhere from about two
of Quantitation to five times worse than the IDL. In
To find the sensitivity, we note that A common misconception is that the many x-ray fluorescence applications,
the average of the 14 measurements is LOD is the smallest concentration that the IDLs are also typically a factor of
5.325 cps copper. Thus our sensitivity is can be measured. Instead, it is the con- two to three times better than the
S  (0.202%  0%)/(5.325 cps  2.594 centration at which we can decide MDLs found with real-world samples.
cps)  0.074%/cps. Multiplying 3 of whether an element is present or not However, this rule of thumb may not
our blank and S, we arrive at a limit of (6) — that is, the point where we can necessarily apply across all spectroscopy
detection for copper in an iron matrix just distinguish a signal from the back- techniques and applications.
of 0.08%. ground. Quantitation is generally

December 2003 18(12) Spectroscopy 113


Precision and the LOD 33% RSD
One final topic: Every practicing spec- 30
trochemist knows that as the concentra-

Relative standard deviation

tion of the analyte decreases, the preci-
sion, as expressed in the relative 20
y  4.2086x0.6765
standard deviation, gets worse. Quanti-
tatively speaking, the RSD is 10% at the 15
R2  0.9594
limit of quantitation and 33% at the 10
limit of detection (k = 3 in IUPAC
definition or 3 detection limits) (see 5
Table I).
0 5 10 15 20
Concentration (%)
Every practicing
Figure 3. Precision vs. concentration for chromium in Ni-base superalloys.
spectrochemist knows that
miniature x-ray tube excitation noted ground and the instrument sensitivity. It
as the concentration of the earlier. is found by three times the standard de-
Using the equation of the least- viation repeated measurements of the
analyte decreases, the squares curve fit through these data blank times the sensitivity, as deter-
points, we can extrapolate back to an mined by measurement(s) of a standard.
precision, as expressed in RSD of 33% to find the LOD. This value
agrees well with the LOD computed in References
the relative standard the usual manner illustrated by equa- 1. IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Ter-
minology, 2nd Edition (1997). See
tions 1 and 2. Of course, this very time-
deviation, gets worse. consuming means of computing the
LOD would rarely be used. Nevertheless 2. G.L. Long and J.D. Winefordner, Anal.
it is reassuring that this alternate method Chem. 55, 712A (1983).
Figure 3 shows this relationship be- produces the same result. 3. J.V. Gilfrich and L.S. Birks, Anal. Chem.
56, 77 (1984).
tween concentration and precision
4. P.W.J.M. Boumans, Inductively Coupled
graphically. Sixteen nickel-base alloys Conclusion Plasma Spectroscopy — Part I, John
with varying chromium content were A picture is worth a thousand words — Wiley & Sons (1987).
measured 11 times each for 20 s to the diagrams presented in this tutorial 5. V. Thomsen, G. Roberts, and K. Burgess,
gather the precision data. Measure- should help illuminate a sometimes Spectroscopy 15(1), 33–36 (2000).
ments were made using the handheld x- 6. R. Payling, www.
confusing subject.
ray fluorescence spectrometer and The limit of detection is related to the Educational/detection_limit.htm. ■
reproducibility of the spectral back-

we should
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