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Name: Jimenez, Michael Gabriel V.

Date: March 30, 2024

Section: BSN 3-Y2-10 PPGC 211


Directions: Draft a Resolution/Proposal about a Need or Concern that you might want to become a Law.
a. Be specific and clear with the details of that Need or Concern.
b. State the Rationale for this Proposal, its benefits, and advantages.

Resolution on Promotion and Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases

Whereas non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and
respiratory diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. And NCDs are often
preventable through lifestyle modifications, early detection, and access to healthcare services,

Whereas promoting public health and preventing diseases is a fundamental responsibility of governments to
ensure the well-being of their citizens,and proactive measures can significantly reduce the burden of NCDs on
healthcare systems and improve overall quality of life,

Be it resolved that the following proposal for the promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases be
enacted into law:

1. Health Education and Awareness

a. Implement comprehensive health education programs in schools, workplaces, and communities to raise
awareness about the risk factors, prevention, and management of NCDs.
b. Provide accessible and culturally appropriate health information through various media platforms to
reach diverse populations.

2. Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles

a. Encourage regular physical activity by promoting sports, recreational activities, and active
transportation options.
b. Promote healthy eating habits by increasing access to nutritious foods, reducing salt, sugar, and
trans-fat consumption, and supporting local food systems.
c. Regulate the marketing and advertising of unhealthy products, especially targeting children and

3. Early Detection and Screening

a. Establish regular health screenings and check-ups for common NCD risk factors such as hypertension,
obesity, and high blood sugar.
b. Ensure affordable and accessible screening services, including mammograms, Pap smears, cholesterol
tests, and prostate exams.

4. Tobacco and Alcohol Control

a. Enforce strict regulations on tobacco advertising, sales, and packaging, including graphic health
warnings and plain packaging.
b. Implement taxation policies to deter tobacco and alcohol consumption, with earmarked funds for NCD
prevention and healthcare services.
c. Provide support and resources for tobacco and alcohol cessation programs.
5. Access to Essential Medicines and Healthcare Services
a. Ensure universal access to essential medicines for NCDs, including medications for hypertension,
diabetes, asthma, and cancer.
b. Strengthen primary healthcare services, including integrated NCD management, counseling, and
referral systems.

Rationale and Benefits

The promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases are crucial for improving public health outcomes
and reducing healthcare costs. This proposal aims to:

● Reduce the incidence of NCDs by addressing modifiable risk factors through education, lifestyle
interventions, and early detection.
● Improve overall population health and well-being, leading to increased productivity, reduced
absenteeism, and enhanced quality of life.
● Alleviate the burden on healthcare systems by preventing costly NCD complications and
● Promote health equity by ensuring equitable access to preventive services, screenings, and essential
medicines for all individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status.

● Public Health Improvement: Reducing the prevalence of NCDs leads to improved health outcomes,
reduced disability, and increased life expectancy.
● Economic Benefits: Prevention-focused interventions save healthcare costs, improve workforce
productivity, and stimulate economic growth.
● Sustainable Development: Healthy populations contribute to sustainable development goals by
fostering social inclusion, reducing inequalities, and promoting environmental sustainability.
● Long-term Health Security: Investing in NCD prevention and promotion builds resilient healthcare
systems capable of addressing future health challenges.

This resolution underscores the importance of prioritizing prevention and promoting healthy lifestyles to combat
the growing burden of non-communicable diseases. By enacting comprehensive policies and programs,
governments can empower individuals and communities to lead healthier lives and create a more resilient and
thriving society.

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