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FI Enterprise structure – Baseline configuration

T code
1. Define Company (Group name of Company) OX15
2. Define Company Code OX02
3. Define Business Area OX03
4. Assign Company Code to Company OX16
5. Define Fiscal Year Variant OB29
6. Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant OB37
7. Define Variants for Open Posting Periods OBBO
8. Assign Variants to Company Code OBBP
9. Open and Close Posting Periods OB52
10. Define Document Types OBA7
11. Define Field Status Variants OBC4
12. Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants OBC5
13. Edit Chart of Accounts List OB13
14. Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts OB62
15. Define Account Group OBD4
16. Define Retained Earnings Account OB53
17. Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts OBA0
18. Define Tolerance Groups for Employees/Users OBA4
19. Assign Country to Calculation Procedure OBBG
20. Activate Document Splitting
22. Classify G/L Accounts for document splitting:
23. Enter Global Parameters OBY6
GL Accounting

GL Account Creation FS00

Go to Create/bank/ Save OB41
General Ledger Posting (With local Currency)
1. Post GL document: FB50
Posting keys in FI OB41
2. GL Document Display FB03
3. Change GL document FB02
4. Display General ledger balance FS10N
5. GL account line item display FBL3N
Hold Documents
1. Run Hold Document program SE38
2. Create Hold Document FB50
3. Post hold documents FB50
Park GL document
1. Park GL Account Document FV50
2 .Post/Delete/Change parked documents FV50
Reference Documents
1.1. Create Account Assignment template FB50
1.2. Post bonus transactions to employees using Account
Assignment template FB50
2. Sample documents
2.1 Maintain number ranges for Sample documents FBN1
2.2 Create Sample documents F-01
2.3 Post GL document using Sample document template FBR2
3. Recurring Documents
3.1 Maintain number ranges for recurring document FBN1
3.2 Create Recurring document FBD1
3.3 Recurring entry Documents display F.15
3.4 Create posting documents from Recurring documents F.14
How to view processed batch input session SM35
3.6 Change Recurring documents FBD2
Open items processing –
Create Rent payables G/L A/C FS00
1.2 Post Rent outstanding expenses of January month FB50
1.3 Open items report FBL3N
1.4 Clear out standing expense/Post outgoing payments F-07
1.5.Open items Report FBL3N
2. Prepaid Expenses clearing scenario
Create prepaid Expense G/L Account FS00
2.2. Post prepaid expenses FB50
2.3. Report FBL3N
2.4. Clear GL account/prepaid expense F-03
2.5. Open item Report FBL3N
Reversal of Documents
1. Define Reasons for Reversal
2. Negative Posting Permitted
1. Individual Reversal FB08
2. Mass Reversal F.80
3. Reset cleared item Reversal FBRA

Interest Calculation – In SAP we have 2 types of interests

1. Define Interest Calculation Types OB46

2. Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation OBAA
3. Define Reference Interest Rates OBAC
4. Define Time-Dependent Terms OB81
5. Enter Interest Values OB83
6. Creation of G/L Accounts FS00
7. Assign G/L Accounts for automatic postings OBV2
8. Post Loan Taken from bank FB50
9. Interest calculation F.52
10. Document display FB03
11. Display ledger FS10N
Accounts Payables (AP) – Sub Ledger

1 Define Account Groups OBD3

2. Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts XKN1
3. Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups OBAS
4. Define Tolerances (Vendors) OBA3
5. Maintain Number ranges 19, 15, 17 for KR, KZ, KA document types

(KR: Vendor Invoice, KZ: Vendor payment, KA: Ven dor Document) FBN1
6. Create Vendor Reconciliation Account FS00
7. Create Service EXP G/L Master Record FS00
Vendor Master Record Notes:
1. MM – FI Vendor (XK01) – PO based invoicing Material suppliers
2. FI vendors (FK01) – Non PO based invoicing
8. Create Vendor Master Record FK01
8. Enter Vendor Invoice FB60
9. Vendor Line item display FBL1N
** Vendor sub ledger balance display FK10N
10. Post Outgoing payments (Full Payment) Manual clearing F-53
10.1 Partial payments F-53
10.2 Residual items (T code: F F-53
11.1 Define Terms of payments OBB8
11.2 Define Terms of Payment for Installment Payments OBB8
11.3 Define Terms of Payment for Installment Payments BB9
Automation of Cash discount postings
11.4 Creation of Cash Discount Taken G/L Account FS00
11.5 Assign GL accounts for automatic postings OBXU
11.6 Post invoice with changed payment terms for Rs.1000 FB60
11.7 Display vendor balance with available cash discount FBL1N
11.8 Outgoing payment to vendor with cash discount F-53
11.9 Post invoice with Installment payment terms FB60
Automation of bank charges
11.10 Create Bank Charges G/L Account FS00
11.11 Assign Bank Charges account for automatic postings OBXK
Down payments (Advance To vendors)
1. Create Advance to Vendor G/L Account FS00
2. Assign SPL GL account to Vendor reconciliation account OBYR
1. Down payment to Vendor F-48
2. See Report FBL1N
3. Post Vendor Service Invoice FB60
4. See Report FBL1N
5. Clear Vendor F-44
Select cleared items
2. Partial down payment scenario
1. Down payment (KZ) F-48
2. See Report FBL1N
3. Post Vendor Service Invoice FB60
4 See Report FBL1N
5 Transfer advance amount to invoice to apply down payment and clear rest
of the amount later F-54
6 See Report FBL1N
6 Post outgoing payments F-53
Vendor credit memo – FB65 - Price adjustments
House Banks & Check Management
Creation of House Banks
1. Define House bank GL account FS00
2. Create House bank FI12
3. Maintain Check Lot FCHI
4. Define Void Reason Codes FCHV
Check Management
1. Manual Check creation for vendor payment/clearing document FCH5
2. Check Register FCHN
3. Change check information/Cashed check FCH6
4. Unused checks void – check that are not used FCH3
5. Void issued checks
5. Manual Check creation
5.1 Issued Checks Void – a. only cancel the check and issue a new check FCH9
6. Cancel Issued check along with reverse and reset clearing (payment)
document FCH8

Automatic payment program (APP)

FBZP Configuration
1. Set up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions
2. Set up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions
3. Set up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions
4. Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions
5. Define house bank – A new house bank can be created to release payments from
6. Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions
7. Maintain number ranges 20 for Document type ZP OBA7
8. Create new vendors for APP program testing
9. Maintain Term of payments, Payment method and house bank in vendor
master record FK02
8. Manual clearing, Check creation & check printing in one step method F-58
Vendor invoice posting FB60 FB60
=>Manual Vendor clearing, payment, check issue & Check Printing – F-58
Payment with printout
=>Post Couple of invoices using T-Code FB60 FB60
=>Run Automatic payment program – F110 F110
Accounts Receivables (AR) – Sub Ledger

1. Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers) OBD2

2. Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts XDN1
3. Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups OBAR
4. Creation of customer master Record FD01

5. Maintain number ranges 18, 14 and 16 for DR, DZ and DA Respectively FBN1
6. Create Customer Invoice FB70
7. Customer Line items FBL5N
8. Customer Incoming payment & Customer clearing F-28
9. Automation of Cash discount given
9.1 Creation of Cash Discount Given A/C FS00
9.2 Assign Cash Discount Given A/C OBXI
Create Customer Invoice FB70 – with cash discount payment terms
Incoming payment with Cash discount given F-28
15. Customers down Payments process – Special GL transactions
15.1. Create Advance from Customers G/L A/c (T code: FS00
15.2. Assign Advance from Customers Account OBXR

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