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Once upon a time there was a family of pigs. They were a pig mummy and three little
pigs. One day their mother told them it was time to leave home and go and see more of
the world.

The Three Litttle pigs said good-bye to their mummy, and they went to live their lifes out
home. Each one decided to build his own house: The first little pig was the laziest brother
and built a house of straw. The second little pig was very lazy too and built a house of
Wood. And the third little pig was hard worker and built a house of bricks.

One day, the Big Bad Wolf was hungry. He saw the laziest Little Pig house, knocked the
door, and said: “Little Pig, Little Pig, let me come in”. The laziest Little Pig refused to
open, and the wolf said: “Then I’ll puff and I’ll huff, and I’ll blow your house in”. He
blew down the first pig’s house and the little pig ran to his brother’s house.

The Big Bad Wolf was still hungry. He saw the very lazy Little Pig house, knocked the
door and said: “Little Pig, Little Pig, let me come in”. The very lazy Little Pig refused to
open, and the wolf said: “Then I’ll puff and I’ll huff, and I’ll blow your house in”. He
blew down the second pig’s house and the Little Pig ran to his brother’s house.

The Big Bad Wolf was still hungry. He went to the hard worker Little Pig house, and he
blew and blew, but the house didn’t fall down. The Big Bad Wolf climbed on to the roof
and jumped down the chimney. He felt into the fire and…Ooooooowwwww!

The Big Bad Wolf climbed up the chimney very fast and ran away. Finally, the Three
Little Pigs lived happily ever after.

In an enchanted forest, there lived many little animals who were great friends. There was
a little rabbit called Pomponcito, a little bird called Trin-Trin, a little turtle called Patitas
and a little mouse called Colita.

One day, the four little friends decided to go on an exciting journey together. They packed
their little backpacks with delicious snacks and set off.

They walked and walked, jumped, and flew, until they came to a beautiful meadow full
of brightly coloured flowers. They stopped to rest and enjoy the scenery, but soon realised
they were lost.

Pompon, the little rabbit, said, "Don't worry, my friends, I know how to get home!" But
when he tried to remember the way home, he realised he didn't know where they were.

Trin-Trin, the little bird, suggested that they could ask the forest animals for help. So they
began to sing a sweet song that echoed throughout the forest, attracting the attention of
all the animals.

Soon, a family of foxes appeared. The little animals told them their plight and the foxes
offered to guide them back home.

Following in the foxes' footsteps, the four little friends finally reached their home in the
forest. They were happy and grateful to have found their way back and promised that they
would never be separated in their adventures again.

From then on, the little animals enjoyed many more adventures together, always
remembering that with friendship and teamwork, any challenge can be overcome. And
so, they lived happily ever after in the beautiful, enchanted forest.

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