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INDEX NUMBER……………………….


1. Distinguish between active and passive remote sensing?
Passive remote sensing is a system of remote sensing the energy available to interact with the target is
naturally occurring such as energy from the sun.
While active remote sensing: Is system whereby the energy is generated by the sensors, sent to the
target, and record the responds for example Microwaves radiation.

2.Differentiate between active sensors and passive sensors?

Passive sensors measure energy that is naturally available while the Active sensor generate energy, sent
them to the surface and record the data.
Example of passive sensors are Camera, Scanners and infrared and example of active remote sensors
are Radar and Lidar sensors.

3. What is Remote sensing Platform?

Remote Sensing Platform: is a stage where remote sensors or cameras are mounted to acquire
information the target under investigation. The height of the platform is inversely proportional to the
details of the objects.

4. List and explain three types of Platforms use in remote sensing?

1. Ground bases Platform are used to record detailed information about object on the earth surface. It is
use for scientific understanding on the signal - objects and signal sensor interaction. Examples: Crane,
Cherry picker, towers, portal mast and vehicles
2. Airborne based Platform: These platforms can also be known as the Sub-orbital or aerial Remote
sensing. Some of the examples are Airplane, Ballon, drone, and helicopter.
3. Space born/ based: Involves Sensors been mounted a space craft either a space shuttle or Satellite) to
space in order record the information on the feature.

5. List four Advantages of space born Platforms.

a) Large area coverage
b) Frequent and repetitive Coverage of an area
c) Relatively of lower cost per unit area coverage
d) Semi-automatic

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