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Where is the light coming from? Behind the camera, to the side or is it the camera pointing into it
like a silhouette?
Is it natural light or has the photographer used flash?
Are there harsh shadows or soft light/shadows
Is the image over exposed or underexposed? What could this give the impression of?
What time of day was the image taken in? If it was taken outside is it sunrise, midday, sunset or at
Element Definition Key Questions Why important

Compositio How image is What is main figure? The way different parts of an image
n put together. How are other are put together draws the viewers
Where things figures placed in attention to some parts more than
are placed in relation to main others. It also creates tone, mood and
relationship to figure? What is left meaning.
one another out?
and to the
space of the

Elements The different Which elements of Meaning comes from what the artist
of Design aspects the design are most uses and also what they don't use.
artist can use important in this
to put together piece (color, line,
the image. texture, shape, form,
value, size, text,

Focal Point Where your What is the focal Understanding the focal point helps
attention is point? What you understand the meaning of the
drawn to in the elements of design picture.
picture does the artist use to
create the focal

Color All of the colors What colors are Color can create meaning by creating
as well as used? How do these moods, highlighting particular parts of
black, white colors affect the the image, connecting aspects of the
and neutrals. tone, mood and image, or by being symbolic.
Monocromatic meaning of the
means using image? Are colors
one color. used in predictable
Complementar or unpredictable
y means using ways (example:
colors opposite predictable is red for
one another on danger)
the color wheel

Line actual lines in How do lines draw Artists use lines to draw your attention
picture or lines your attention to the focal point.
created by the towards or away
placement of from certain parts of
other objects the picture? How are

Texture Texture is how Where is texture in Texture links images to real objects
Techniques the Photographer Used
Was it a quick shutter speed or a long exposure?
What aperture could the photographer have used, is it a high or low depth of field? What does this
Have they purposely overexposed or underexposed the image?
Is the camera still or moving with the image?
Are there any other artists that could have inspired them?
Study the photographer’s history on their website and see who has inspired them and are they using
the same techniques?

Could this be a digital photo or from a film camera? Therefore how could they have edited the
Have they printed the photo and then manually edited it by applying other elements to it?

Write your opinions on the image

Is the image successful? Why?
Do you like their work? Why?
Is the meaning clear? Why?

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