DLL-SCIENCE-10 - Effects of Hormones in The Body

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Jules Steven C. Catalan Quarter/

IN GRADE 9 SCIENCE Section/Time/ 10 Jupiter Grading
Teaching Days 9:50-10:50 Period
Date March 4, 2024

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of volcanoes found in the Philippines.
B. Performance Standards The learner participates in the activities and reduces risks as well as lessen the effects
of natural phenomenon such as volcanic eruption.
C. Learning Describe how the nervous system coordinates and regulates these feedback
Competency(ies)/Objectives mechanisms to maintain homeostasis.
Objective: Explain the effect of a particular hormone in the body if not properly
II. CONTENT/TOPIC The Endocrine System
III. LEARNING RESOURCES 1. Teacher’s Guide Page/s :
(References & other 2. Learner’s Materials Pages: 244-246
learning resources) 3. Textbook Pages: _____
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) portals:
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EFfByxXMRg

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

1. Prayer: - Amen.
2. Greetings - Let's stand for our prayer. Amen.

2. Greetings: - Good Morning sir.

3. Checking of Attendance
- Good morning class! But before
you take your sits. Please arrange your
chairs and pick up some small pieces of
4. Setting of Classroom paper under your chairs. - Okay sir.
3. Checking attendance:

- May I request the secretary of this - 1. Sit properly.

5. Passing/ Checking of
section to list down who's absent today.
2. Keep quiet.
4. Setting classroom standard:
3. Raise your right
- Everyone, please read our hand if you to answer.
classroom standard.
4. Listen attentively.
- Passing assignments.

5. Assignment:

- Do you have an assignment class. If

yes, please pass your assignment
forward without unnecessary noise.

B. Reviewing previous 1. How important is thymus gland in 1. sir, the thymus gland
lesson or presenting the keeping your body free from diseases? is instrumental in
new lesson maintaining a robust
2. What might happen to a person born immune system,
(5 minutes) without a thymus gland? contributing significantly
3. If a person’s blood sugar level to keeping the body free
becomes unstable what glands might be from diseases.
involved in the problem? 2. sir, the absence of
this organ would result
in a compromised
immune system.

3. sir, the pancreas


C. Establishing Purpose The teacher shows to the learners a

for the Lesson video clip of the parts of neuron and
then ask: 1. Sir, obesity,
osteoporosis, dwarfism,
Link: gigantism and goiter.

https://www.youtube.com/watch? 2. Sir, gigantism

3. sir, both men and
1. What are the effects of hormones in women produce
our body? hormones in the same
areas, except for the
2. What will happen to a person with reproductive glands.
excessive secretion of growth hormones Male hormones are
from pituitary gland? produced in the testes,
(lets answer these questions later on) while female hormones
are produced in the
3. How do male and female hormones ovaries.
differ in terms of production, and what is
the exception to this general pattern?? 4. sir, during puberty

4. During which life stage do significant 5. sir, the impact of

hormonal changes occur? endocrine dysfunction
on an individual's way of
5. How does the medical condition of a life underscores the
person with endocrine dysfunction affect importance of timely
his or her way of life? diagnosis, proper
management, and
comprehensive care to
address the physical,
emotional, and social
aspects of the condition.

D. Presenting a. Unlocking of difficulties: Let the a. Correct Matches:

examples/instances of students arrange the scrambled words.
new lesson
Directions: Identify the word being
describe by the following statements
and arrange the jumbled letters.
1. MISFARWD- is often applied to
individuals whose adult height is 4 feet
10 inches (147 centimeters)
2. GANMSITGI- rare medical condition 1. DWARFISM
characterized by excessive growth and 2. GIGANTISM
height due to an overproduction of 3. GOITER
growth hormone during childhood and 4. OBESITY
adolescence. 5. OSTEOPOROSIS
3. OIGRET- abnormal enlargement of
the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped
gland located at the base of the neck,
just below the Adam's apple.
4. TYISEBO- a medical condition
characterized by an excessive
accumulation of body fat to the extent
that it may have a negative impact on
5. POSISROOETSO- a medical
condition characterized by a decrease in
bone density and quality, leading to
increased bone fragility and a higher risk
of fractures.

b. Preliminaries on the day’s activity.

Giving of instructions, precautions and
introducing the rubrics.
Instructions: The teacher will show
some pictures.
Instructions: The students will identify
which gland in the endocrine system is
involved in each dysfunction and explain
the effect of hormonal imbalance that
was observe.

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #1

Let the learners

present their outputs.

Presentation will be

* Group 1

* Group 2

* Group 3

E. Discussing new concepts Let the learners present their answers.
and practicing new skills #2
(The students present
their outputs)

F. Developing Mastery 1. What condition may arise if the 1. sir, Dwarfism

pituitary gland is not producing enough
growth hormones? 2. sir, because the
thyroid gland requires
2. How does using iodized salt help in iodine to produce
preventing thyroid problems? thyroid hormones, which
are essential for
regulating various
physiological functions
in the body.

G. Finding practical 1. How do male and female hormones 1. sir, both men and
Application of Concepts differ in terms of production, and what is women produce
and Skills in Daily Living the exception to this general pattern?? hormones in the same
areas, except for the
2. During which life stage do significant reproductive glands.
hormonal changes occur? Male hormones are
3. How does the medical condition of a produced in the testes,
person with endocrine dysfunction affect while female hormones
his or her way of life? are produced in the

2. sir, during puberty

3. sir, the impact of

endocrine dysfunction
on an individual's way of
life underscores the
importance of timely
diagnosis, proper
management, and
comprehensive care to
address the physical,
emotional, and social
aspects of the condition.

H. Making Generalization Ask the following questions: Give me 1.Gigantism/Dwarfism

and Abstraction about the the effects of the following and explain 2. Goiter
Lesson why it occurs. 3. Diabetes.
4. Immature sperm
1. PITUITARY 5. Menstrual cycle
2. Thyroid interrupted
4. Testes
5. Ovary

I. Evaluating Learning Explain the following. Answer Key:

Multiple Choice 1. If the pituitary gland

produces an excess of
Directions: Explain the effects of growth hormone, it can lead
hormones in the body. Write your to acromegaly, characterized
answer on ¼ sheet of paper. by abnormal growth of
bones and tissues;
1. What happen to the body if the
conversely, insufficient
pituitary glands produce more
production may result in
growth hormones, and what
growth hormone deficiency,
about not producing enough
leading to stunted growth
growth hormones?
and developmental issues.
2. How one of these effects of
hormones in the body will affect 2. Hormonal imbalances,
your life if you have a dysfuntion caused by dysfunction in the
due to the effects of hormonal body's hormone regulation,
imbalance? can significantly impact daily
life, influencing mood,
energy levels, reproductive
health, and overall well-

J. Additional Activities for Instruction: In a ¼ sheet of paper list down the effects of hormones in the body.
Application or (10 points)


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation

B. No. of students who require

additional activities

C. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well?

D. What difficulties did I encounter?

E. What innovation or localized

materials did I use which I can share
to my fellow teachers?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher
Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Observed by:______________________________

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