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India’s mission to Mars

This is one of the most daring missions India has ever attempted. It’s
first interplanetary journey to Mars. Indian scientist chose the PSLV
as its launch vehicle as it’s is one of India’s most reliable rockets. The
PSLV-C25 stands at a height of a 15-story building, but even with this
magnificent size it was not powerful enough to send Mangalyaan
directly to on a path to mars. They needed a powerful rocket that
would throw the spacecraft out of Earth’s sphere of influence and
directly on a path towards mars. That more powerful rocket was the
GSLV, but it was still under development and being tested. But
scientists, couldn’t afford to delay this mission. As you know the
planets are moving around the sun in different speed and complex
calculations have shown that for us to go from Earth to Mars a
rendezvous date can be 24 September 2014. If we miss this date the
next date will come after 26 months so, the scientists decided that
will plunge in for this date. So, scientists were back to the PSLV and
they had to create an innovative flight plan. If they were able to
create it, they could make a satellite to orbit Mars. They would build
a Mars orbiter which was one of the fastest and most intelligent
spacecraft India has ever built and load it on to the PSLV. It would
first be launched into Earth’s orbit. Then they would get it to circle
Earth and gradually increase its velocity and raise it orbit level till its
fast enough to escape Earth’s sphere of influence then it would be
set on a path towards Mars covering over 650 million kilometers in
about 300 days. Mangalyaan would hurdle through space at speeds
over 20 kilometer per second. On Earth travelling at that speed get
you from New Delhi to New York in 9 minutes. The orbiter was built
in different parts of India. ISRO centers in Bengaluru would design,
build and tested Mangalyaan. Ahmedabad engineered its camera
and scientific instruments. Shriharikota would be its launch center.
The deep space antenna in Byalalu would track and communicate
and the mission control room back in Bangalore would monitor and
navigate it. Mangalyaan was launched on 5 November,2013. At this
time US launched its own Mars mission, Maven. They had a powerful
launch vehicle to put maven on a direct path to Mars. Mangalyaan
was built in record 15 months on a shoestring budget of 74million
USD. Compared to NASA’s Mars orbiter, Maven which costs 670
million USD. Mangalyaan is a small cuboid a little smaller than an
auto rickshaw but three times its weight. Mangalyaan’s brain is a
highly intelligent system which functions on its own. Solar panels
power’s its brain. But it a backup lithium ion battery. Its high-
powered antenna will point towards Earth to be able to send and
receive commands. There are some scientific instruments which
study the Martian surface. The engine is powered by liquid fuel. This
fuel has to be used carefully as there were no stops to refuel. After
travelling for more than 300 days Mangalyaan was caught Mars’s
gravity on 24 sept 2014. This was a landmark moment on India’s
space program. The ISRO scientist say the best thing achieved from
this is “kindling those young minds to get into science and getting a
felling to do that which people think impossible.
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