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Group 4 : Adrian Garcia, Andrii Deshko, Aleksandr Kekkonen, Arijana Määttä

“Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery” Report

The paper "Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery" by Latanya Sweeney brings up

important issues related to AI ethics. It highlights how algorithms used in online ad
delivery can lead to discriminatory outcomes. This raises concerns about fairness,
transparency, accountability, and bias in algorithmic decision-making.

Fairness is a key ethical concern. The study shows that online ad delivery algorithms
can discriminate based on factors like race and gender, which is unfair and unjust. This
raises questions about who gets to see certain ads and who doesn't, which can
perpetuate societal inequalities.

Transparency is another ethical consideration. Many online platforms use complex

algorithms to deliver ads, but users often have little to no insight into how these
algorithms work. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to identify and address
discriminatory practices.

Accountability is also crucial. When discriminatory outcomes occur, it's important to

hold the responsible parties accountable. However, the opaque nature of many
algorithmic systems makes it challenging to assign accountability.

Bias in algorithmic decision-making is a pervasive issue. The paper demonstrates how

biases present in training data can lead to biased outcomes in ad delivery. This
highlights the need for careful consideration of data sources and algorithm design to
minimize bias.

The findings in the paper have significant implications for AI algorithms used in online
ad delivery. Firstly, they underscore the importance of addressing biases in both training
data and algorithmic models. By carefully selecting and preprocessing data and
designing algorithms to minimize bias, developers can help mitigate discriminatory

Additionally, promoting fairness in AI algorithms requires transparency and

accountability. Companies should be transparent about how their algorithms work and
the measures they're taking to prevent discrimination. They should also be held
accountable for any discriminatory outcomes that occur.

One strategy to promote fairness is through algorithmic auditing. Independent audits

can help identify biases and discriminatory practices in algorithms, allowing for
Group 4 : Adrian Garcia, Andrii Deshko, Aleksandr Kekkonen, Arijana Määttä

corrective action to be taken. Moreover, diversifying the teams responsible for

developing and auditing algorithms can help mitigate biases and ensure a more
equitable outcome.

In conclusion, the paper highlights the ethical challenges associated with using
algorithms in online ad delivery. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted
approach that prioritizes fairness, transparency, accountability, and bias mitigation in
algorithmic decision-making. By implementing strategies to promote fairness and
mitigate biases, we can work towards creating more equitable AI algorithms in online ad

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