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liberating communications inmarsat

REV 1.0












FX 150 lnstallation Manual


Federal Communicatίon Commission Notice:

FCC ldentffter: Q04-AVIFX150BDE

This device complies with part 15 σf the FCC Rules. Operatlon is subject to the following
two Conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

This equipment has been tested and found tσ comply with the limits for a Class Β digital
deνice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These ilmits are designed to proνide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentlal installation. This
equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installatlon.

lf this equipment does cause harmful interference to radlo or television reception,

which can be determined by tuming the equipment off and on, the user ίs encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

• lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet σπ a circuit different from that to which the
recelνer is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.


This Device comρlies with FCC & IC radiation exρosure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. The Antenna used for this transmltter must be installed to
provide a separation distance of at least 100cm from all persons and must not be co-
located or operatlng in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Any Chanιes or moclifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer
could νold the user's authorlty, whlch ls ιranted by FCC, to operate thls satelllte
FleetBroadband System FX 150.

FX 150 Installation Manual 1

lndustry Canada Statement

Thfs devlce comρlfes wίth Radio standard sρecίftcation RSS-170 of lndustry canada
Rules. Oρeration ls subject to the following two conditions :
1. This device rnay not cause harmful ίnterference, and
2. This device must acceρt any interference received, lncludlng lnterference that may
cause undesired oρeration.

IMPORTANT ΝΟΤΕ: Radiation Exposυre Statement

Thfs equfρment comρlies with IC radίation exρosure llmlts set forth for an uncontrolled
envίronment. Thίs antenna used for this transmitter must be lnstalled to provide a
seρaration dlstance of at least lOOcm from all ρersons and must not be co-located or
operatlng l n conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

EC Declaratton of Conformity:
Addvalue lnnoνation Pte Ltd, 28 Tai Seng Street, ##06-02, Singaρore 534106 declares
under our sole resρonsibίlity that the accessory Product, brand name as Wideye and
FX 150 FleetBroadband satellίte communication system, to which this declaration
relates, is ln conformity with the following standards and/or other normative

RoHS2 Directive 2011/65/EU

ETSI ΕΝ 301444, ETSI ΕΝ 301489-1, -19 & -20, IEC 60945 /ΕΝ 60945,
IEC 60950-1 AND ΕΝ 60950-1, ITU-R Μ.1480

We hereby declare that all essential radio test suite have been carrled out and that the
above named product ίs ίη conformίty to all the essential requfrements of Directive

The Conformlty Assessment ρrocedure referred to Artlcle 10 and detai/ed in Annex (111)
or [ΙV) of Directiνe 1999/5/EC has been followed with inνolνement of the following
notifted body (les):


Ιdenttfication mark: 1177 (Notified Body nυmber)

cε 1111 <D
The technical documentation releνant to the above equipments are held at:
• Addvalue lnnovation Pte Ltd, 28 Τaί Seng Street #06-02, Slngapore 534106.
• Signed by Mr. Tan Khai Pang (Chief Technology Officer, 07 December, 2012) and
Mr. Prabakar Kuttaniseeri (Manager-Quality Engineering, 07 December, 2012).

2 FX 150 Installation Manual

For the sake of safety and protection, read the manual before attempting to use the
FBB User Equipment (UE).

The following general safety precautions must be obserνed during all phases of
operation, serνice and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these
precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere Ιη this user guide νiolates safety
standards of intended use of the UE.

Addνalue lnnovation Pte Ltd assumes ηο liability for the customer's failure to comply
with these requlrements.

Hazard Symbols

Heated Surfaces Ανοίd touching those areas of the UE that are

being marked with thls symbol otherwise ίt may
result ίπ injury.

Antenna Radlatton Wamlng For safety reason, all pe~onnel must keep at least
and Distance to other Radiation 2 meters from the antenna.

Power Supply Turn off the power at the mains switchboard
before beginnlng ofthe lnstallatfon.

Confirm the power voltage is compatible with

voltage rating of the UE. lt is highly recommended
to use +24V DC power line, provided that it is
available on the vessel.

Ιπ case of unavailability of +24V DC power line

provided by the vessel, an external AC/DC power
suppty of 115/230V AC with its output of +24V DC
can be used.

Note: The requirements of the AC/DC power

supply should take care of high surge current of
2SA at 24V DC for lms.

FX 150 Installation Manual 3

Groundlng, cables and The chassis of the equlpment must be connected
connectίons to an electήcal ground. Thls will minimise electric
shock and mutual interference. Ιη short, the UE
must be grounded to the vessel.

Serνice Do not attempt to access to the interior of the

UE. Only qualified personnel authorized by its
manufacturer mav perform service. Failure to
comply with thls rule wlll result ίη the warranty

Under certain conditlons, dangerous voltages

mav exist even wlth the power cable removed.
Το avoid injuries, alwavs disconnect power before
accessing the UE.

Equlpment Ventilation
Το ensure adequate cooling of the equipment, 5-centfmeter of unobstructed space
must be malntained around all sides of the unit except the bottom side. The ambient
temperature range of the equipment is: -2s·c to +ss·c.

Fire Precautions
The equipment shall not be operated in the presence of flammable gases or fumes as
well as any explosive atmosphere. Operation of any electrical equipment ίη such an
environment constftutes a definite safety hazard.

Obtalnlnι Llcenslng For lnmarsat Transcelvers

Under rlghts given under ITU Radio Regulations, local telecommunications
administrations establish and enforce national rules and regulations governing types
of emissions, power levels, and other parameters that affect the purity of signal, which
may be radiated ίη the various frequency bands of the radio spectrum.

Το legally operate lnmarsat equipment, it is necessary to obtaln permission from the

local telecommunications regulatory authorities of the country you are operating
from. Using your equipment ίη any country without permlsslon causes you to run the
risk of confiscation of the equipment by the local authorities. The normal procedure
to bring such equipment into another country is to apply for a license before travel. lf
a license has not been obtained before travel, the equipment may be put in to storage
by local authorities until such time license is obtained.

4 FX 150 Installation Manual



- - - -- - -----

Above Deck Unit

(Το be lnstalled Ιπ an exposed area)

Below Deck Unit

(Το be lnstalled in protected area)

+12V / 24V DC FX 150 BDU Primary Handset

• (CS Safety) Voice
1 ---------·
1 1 1
1 AC/DC Power ι ι Distress Console •
1 ι------
: Supply Unit 1
ΡοΕ (2χ)
...___ __,• Router :
Navigation GPS 0/Ρ (ΝΕΜΑ 0183) 1
Equipmenϊ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

ι - - - - - - - - .; βGΛΝ 'Muίti-voice ~
RJ11 (2χ) 1 1
.__~--=--=~---'System •
External Devlces 1/0 lnterface
(External alarmΓ- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •~ ΡιηaΊοi reίeP"hon~ ~
... - - - - - - - - - - - .; -Gi Fa""x-Mac'hine- ~
Solid line refers to the basic configuration.

FX 150 Installation Manual 5

Description Order Code
FX 150 Terminal FX15-9TE00-01

Description Order Code

FX 150 FleetBroadband Primary Handset FX15-0PH00-02
Ethernet Cable (1.5m) FX50-0CE02-01
Telephone Cord (1.8m) FX50-0CT02-01
Handset Wall Mount Cradle SG5000/WMC
Power Cable (1.8m) FX15-0CP02-01
GPIO Cable 8-pin (1m) FX50-0CO01-01

Description Order Code

Antenna Pole Mount with Mounting Kit FX25-0PM00-01
Serial Port Cable for GPS O/P(1.8m) FX50-0CG02-01
Handset Ext Cable Circular 10-pins (5m) SC11-0CX05-01

6 FX 150 Installation Manual


CI Copyrlght 2012 Addvalue lnnovation Pte Ltd.

ΑΙΙrights reserνed . This publication and its contents are propήetary to Addvalue
lnnovation Pte Ltd. Νο ρart of this publication may be reρroduced ίn any form or by
any means without the written ρermission of Addvalue lnnovation Pte Ltd.


Addvalue lnnovatlon Pte Ltd has made every effort to ensure the correctness and
comρleteness of the material in this document. Addvalue lnnovation Pte Ltd shall not
be llable for errors contained herein. The information Ιη thls document is subject to
change without notice. Addvalue lnnovation Pte Ltd makes no warranty of any kind
with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the imρlied warraηties of
merchantablllty and fitness for a particular purpose.


All trademarks, marks, names, or product names referenced ln thls publication are the
proρerty of their respective owners, and Addvalue lnnovation Pte Ltd neither endorses
nor otherwise sponsors any such ρroducts or services referred to herein.

Microsoft, Wlndows, Windows ΝΤ, Windows 2000, and Wlndows ΧΡ are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation ίη the U.S.A. and/or other countries.

INMARSAT ίs a trademark of the lnternational Mobile Satellite Organization. The

lnmarsat LOGO and the trademark BGAN are trademarks of lnmarsat (ΙΡ) Company
Limited. All trademarks are licensed to lnmarsat Limlted.

All other company and product names may be the reglstered trademarks or trademarks
of their respective owners.

FX 150 Installation Manual 7


1.1 lntroduction

The FBB UE consists of three units;

:> Below Deck unrt (BDU) which is a communication unit
:> Aboνe Deck Unit (ADU) which is an antenna unit
:> Wlred Prrmary handset with cradle

1.2 Above Deck Unit

The ADU is a 3-axis controlled antenna unit whlch ls self-tracking,


The radome coνers the antenna unit, which is comprised of

:> Antenna Module
:> RF and GPS Module
:> Rotary Joint
:> Antenna Pedestal
The antenna module includes a low noise amplifier (LNA), high power amplifier (ΗΡΑ),
and tracking receiνer circuitry. All the signals and DC power pass through a single
coaxial antenna cable, which connects the ADU to the BDU.

8 FX 150 Installation Manual

1.3 Below Deck Unit

The BDU is the heart unit of the FBB UE. lt has several lnterface ports and handles all
communication links between the ADU, primary handset and the local communication
devices such as analog telephone, computer, network equlpment, naνigation
equipment etc.

The BDU is supplied by +12V or +24V DC power supply and it supplies to the ADU νίa a
slngle RF / coaxial antenna cable.

1.4 Wired Primary Handset with Cradle

The wlred Primary Handset has a colour liquid crystal display (LCD) and keypad for
making and receiving normal voice calls and sending SMS, which both are similar as
any mobile phone. The handset is provided with a cradle.

Additionally, Ιt can serve as a remote access for an user to access various configuration
supported by the BDU.

The Primary Handset's connector is plugged into the BDU's primary handset port. lt is
powered directly from the BDU.

FX 150 Installation Manual 9


2.1 lnstallation of ADU

2.1.1 Oνervlew

ln general, any obstructing objects like mast near the antenna unit can block reception
or transmisslon from a satellite's line of sight. ln addltion, RF radiation emitting
from the antenna will affect human body. When selecting a mounting location, it is
important to ensure that the antenna unit shall be free of seνere νibration and shock
and heat and smoke from funnel. More guidelines will be detailed in the next sections.

2.1.2 Radlatlon Hazard

Radio wave can ρose hazard to human body. Safe distances are changed, subjected to
country and ship construction. There is no standard formula to calculate safe distance.
The below guldelines are to be noted.



Safety distance

κeep away from the antenna radome at the mentioned safe
dlstance when lt ls transmlttlnι. Mlcrowaνe radlatlon can be
harmful to human body, particularly the eyes.

10 FX 150 Installation Manual

2.1.3 lnterference

The antenna unit must be mounted as far as possible away from the ship's radars, MF/
HF antennas, communίcation/naνigation antennas, VSAT system and any high power
radio transmltter (lncluding other lnmarsat-based system).

As for a ship's radar (see below), ίt is difficult to proνide the exact minimum distance
between a radar and the antenna unit due to different type of radars in terms of
power, radiation pattern and operating frequency band.

The antenna unit is recommended to be at least 5-meter away from the radar position
and at least ±15" from the radar's νertical beam.

"\) ((" ..
::::·-------~-;~: ------------~
.:__________ _
Minimum Radar Dlstance ..----·
S.Om f ~'

Ι Antenna UnΠ 1

FX 150 Installation Manual 11

2.1.4 Obstructfon

The mountlng position of the antenna unit especially its line-of-sight are possibly
obstructed by any large obstacle in a νessel or ship. This will result in the degradation
of the satellite signal. lt ίs νerγ important to choose the ldeal lnstallation site on the
upρer deck to minimise the satellite blocking.

Examples of the large obstacles are:

:> Upper Deck and funnel of ship

:> VSAT with its radome

12 FX 150 Installation Manual

~ Large mechanical structure mounting of radars

With the understanding of the large obstacle, it helps ίη the declslon of the ίnstallation
site with the reduction of the physical obstruction.

Ζ. 1.5 Antenna Mast

The antenna unit should be located at least 3-meter away from the ship's mast haνing
a dlameter of less than 15cm.

For FX 150 ADU, ίf the antenna mast is aνailable on the νessel and ίt is free of any
shock or νibratlon, its physical size shall support the welght and size of that FX 150
ADU. An example of the antenna mast ίs illustrated as below.

FX 150 Installation Manual 13

~ The mast should provide the internal hole for the installation of the coaxial cable.

~ The flange (known as the top plate) of the mast shall meet the dimensions of the
ADU's mounting base, where there are 6 holes.

~ The rubber gasket is required to be inserted between the ADU mounting base and

Α : Use Μ6χ20 Hu: Head

Screw bolts (δχ) lnto
the threaded holes of
ADU Μουηtίηι Base for
mountinc the ADU.

Clearanc:e holes for Μδ

(Recommended > φ 6.Smm)

Cut-hole Dlmenslon for

14 FX 150 Installation Manual

Ιη case of the existing mast's flange ίη a vessel or shiρ does not fit the ADU's mounting
base's holes, a custom-made mechanical adaρtation flange is to be designed and plate,
which acts as an interface between the existing mast and the ADU.

,," Custom-made mechanicιl adιptation flanιe

Ζ.1.6 lnstalllng Antenna Unit

The antenna unlt is carefully unpacked and checked for any damage.

For FX 150 Antenna Unit,

The procedure of the installing the antenna unit is as follow:

:> Attach the coaxίal cable to the RF connector of the antenna unit's bottom.
:> Position the antenna unit to the mounting location.

~ Ensure the connection of the coaxial cable and wrap it with self-adhesive tape for

:> Put the antenna unit οη the mounting flange and use 6 sets of Μ6 χ 20 Hex head
screw bolts with flat washers into the threaded holes of ADU rnounting base νίa
the mounting flange's holes.

:> Tighten the flat washers and screw to the antenna unlt Ιη order to secure it to the
mounting flange.

Alternatively it can be mounted on the long pole. The physical dimension of a long ρole
shall be ρreferably at 2 rneter height with its diameter ranges frorn {ΖΙ35 to φ SOrnrn. Ιη
addition, the optional pole mount kit is available for the rnstallation of the ADU onto
the long post.

FX 150 Installation Manual 15

Ambient Temperature -25ºC to +55ºC
Relative Humidity Up to 95% at +40ºC.

16 FX 150 Installation Manual

.. .
Ι!f 1 - ,
. ... .ι:,~--'--
.. - · Ι'οι'J
- ' ' .. Ι=:\ Ι.iί:\
:: - - u t ••. ~---- ... ~ '::!:ιΙ

~ Flx the holes of mounting brackets with four M4x12mm self-tapplng or machined
screws so that the BDU is being secured.

FX 150 Installation Manual 17

2.3 lnstallation of Primary Handset

The primary handset ίs proνίded with cradle. lt can be mounted on a desktop,

bulkhead, top ceiling or under captaίn's console as similar as the BDU.

The primary handset is to be separated from its cradle so that the cradle can be fixed
with the MS χ 12mm self-tappίng screws.

The procedure of installing the cradle is simple as follow:

1. Separate the handset from the cradle and remoνe the plastic coνer of the cradle.
2. Position the cradle on the mounting areas.
3. Ffx the cradle with MS χ 12mm self-tapplng screws, which are supplied.
4. Reattach the plastic coνer onto the cradle.
5. Secure the handset onto the cradle.

Plasιtc Coνer MS χ 12mm Screw

18 FX 150 Installation Manual


Ζ.1 lnstallation of ADU

Below ls the lnterconnectlon dlagram of FB UE wlth the cables.

12V/24V DC νessers Ethernet LAN FX150ADU
ρower distributor (Categorγ 5)
cable 1.8m
1.8m DC Telephone Cable

BDU (FX150)

Boltto ω
vessel's hull ~ ___ __

FX 150 Installation Manual 19

Pin No. Signal Pin No. Signal
Pin 5 TX Pin 2 RX
Pin 2 RX Pin 3 TX
Pin 3 GND Pin 5 GND

20 FX 150 Installation Manual

GPIO Port Pin Signal Name Description of Signal Color Code
GPIO-1 RES_1 Reserve line 1 Black
GPIO-2 GND Ground line Brown
GPIO-4 REM_ON_OFF Remote ON / OFF Orange
GPIO-5 BUZZER Buzzer Yellow
GPIO-6 GND Ground line Green
GPIO-7 TX_OFF To turn off Transmitter off Blue
GPIO-8 +5V_DC +5V DC Output with up to 100mA Purple

FX 150 Installation Manual 21


4.1 lnstalllng the SIM card

The terminal requlres a SIM card to access the lnmarsat's FBB network and it is
provided by your Airtime Serνice Provider. lnsert the SΙΜ card to the BDU as follow:

:> Tllt up the SΙΜ card slot's rubber cover


:> Position the SIM card with its gold-contacts facing down. (There is a symbol of SIM
Card with lts arrow on the front panel. Ιt will ensure the correct orientation of the
SIM Card when it is being inserted.)


:> Push the SΙΜ card gently until ίt is being clicked and locked Ιn place. Α screwdriver
can help to push the SΙ Μ card if the SΙΜ card cannot be lnserted properly.

:> Tllt down the SIM card cover to its original position.

22 FX 150 Installation Manual

LED Name Status Meaning
TERMINAL Steady Amber BDU is powering up.
Steady Green BDU has powered up successfully.
Steady Red BDU detects failure.
Blinking Amber Switching OFF BDU.
ANTENNA Steady Amber ADU is powering up.
Steady Red ADU is not OK/Error.
Blinking Amber ADU is calibrating.
Blinking Green Terminal performs satellite search.
Steady Green ADU has locked on to the satellite.
REGISTERED Steady Amber Attempting network registration.
Steady Red Network failure/Error.
Blinking Amber Ready for voice only.
Blinking Green Ready for packet data only.
Steady Green Ready for all (Voice and Data).

FX 150 Installation Manual 23

4.3 Settίngs Οπ Web Console

4.3.1 Ac;t;vcmng on Web Console

Open the web browser (for example: lnternet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox.) and
type http:/1192.168.1.35 in the Address field.

Username and Password will be prompted.

Default Usernarne : admin

Password : 1234

Username: ladmin
Pa s sword:


J Login j

Click "LoginHafter entering the Username and Password.

The Web Console wίll appear. The UE will proceed automatically to "Checklnι ΡΙΝ
statusn followed by 'Άntenna pointing" and then registerlng to the network (upon

24 FX 150 Installation Manual

l"). ' FX 150
WER CONSOLE inmarsat
•)' ·d
ννι eye

::.τ cς••Ιι1p
.. ") C( )
·v ~ g
• sus Data
Senιnos .ιιι1
Signal: 60 2 dBHz


Latitude 40' 31' 58.72" Ν
Longitude 3' 39' 21.41" W
Type. 30 (NEW)
Tίme 12111/07,08.48.32 GMT

Pointing Angl• (Vlslble Satellites j:

Azlmuth 139 82' SE
1-4 ΕΜΕΑ
Eleνation· 34 84°

Registered to Network but no actίνe d;rιta connection exists. You are now able to mJΙke phone ω l ls and send SMS.
Please activate a dauι conn•ctίon before doing any data tnιnsfer.

Ιf the sicnalstn!ncth is low (< SOdBHι), check any obstrυction apinst the
antenπa unlt or the condltlon σf coaxlal cable.

Upσn successful registratiσn, with all three BDU's LED indicatσrs which are in green,
the UE wlll be readγ for normal operation.

4 .3.2 Satelllte Selection

The latest generatlon σf lnmarsat FBB satellites whlch are located dlrectlγ over the
equatσr at:

1-4 Americas Satellίte at 98" W Longitude

1-4 Asla-Paclfic Satellite at 143.5° Ε Longitude
,, 1-4 ΕΜΕΑ Satellite at 25° Ε Longitude

The default Satellite Selectiσn is in Auto mode. Ιη Auto mode, the UE will scan all the
visible satellites and track the satellite with the most optimum elevation angle or the
last used satelllte.

FX 150 Installation Manual 25

Changing the satellite selection will terminate any existing active voice/fax call or data

Follow these steps to change your satellite selection:

=click • .
= Click Satellite Selection to view the visible satellites.

The visible satellites will be displayed for your selection. Ιt also displays the satellite
information that your ADU antenna is locked οη to.

!'). FX 150 >)' ·d

ι- WER CONSOLE inmarsat wι eye
~ (#-") (() @J g ~ •~@φ
· <>etup Phone SMS Daιa Settings ιιΙll 908

1 Sιtelllte • Locked οπ to "\-4 ΕΜΕΑ"

../ Auto
• 1-4 ΕΜΕΑ
1-4 Asιa Pacιfi c

1Selecι 11Refresh J
• Sate llιte ι s vι sι b le

= Click οη your choice of visίble satellites.

= Click '"Selec:t" to point the antenna to the selected satel/ite in exclusive mode.
The satel/lte selection will be saved and each time you power up the UE, the satellite
selection cholce wil/ remain until you make the next selection change. The UE wil/
track the newly selected satellite even if the elevation angle is not optimum. Click
"RefreshN to refresh the Satellite list.

26 FX 150 Installation Manual

4.3.3 Data Connectίon Settinιs

Click li on the web console.

Cllck "Prlmary ProfllesH and set the following:

= Enable checkbox of "Set as defaυlt" and ensure "Standard" Ιη the Profίle Narne.
Enable radio button of "SIM" of Access Point Narne (ΑΡΝ).
= Enable radlo button of "Dynamic ΙΡ address" and "User Header Compression" of ΙΡ

Sta odard
ii1Fttffi$M ~ Sι:t as default
Profile 2
Profile 3
Profile 4
Profile J'iame : ~l
d- _____, Using this connι:ction
typι: you \\'Ϊll be
Profile 5 for the YOLL~IE
Profile 6 (kilob}1ι:s) of daιa used.
Profile 7 Access Poίat J'iame
Profile 8 U se this connecrion l)'Pe
(ΑΡ:Ο-.): for ΤCΡ'Π' applicarions.
Profile 9
Profile 10 Θ SN daιa exclιange and
transfer such as Emaiί,
Ο t;ser Ddinι:d [__
U sername:
::==--====::::;-- Internι:t Bro\vsing, FTP,
ι:tc .

Pass\\·ord: [

ΙΡ Coafiguratioa
Θ D}'Πamic ΙΡ Address

Ο Static ΙΡ A ddress DD-D O

~ Usι: Hι:ader Compression

Oeactivate Profile

The Standard profile ls set as the default prlmary profile and the default connection
type is standard (this is charged by the νolume [in kilobytes) of data used).

Under ΙΡ Conflguration, the Dynamlc ΙΡ Address is selected by default and the Header
Compression checkbox is enabled as default.

Click "Settings" and set the following:

For the data connectioη, under the Ethernet mode, enable radio button of "Router
Mode (Multi-User)" which is with ΝΑΤ/ΡΑΤ enabled for multi-user.

FX 150 Installation Manual 27

. .. . ..
Etberoet mode:
Ο Router ~ode (Single \,;ser)
Θ Router ~ode ~ulti-\,;ser)
O Ahvays On (Auto PDP Context Actiνaιion)
Default Pήmaf')· P rofιle: Standard

1 Update J 1 Refresh J

The Roυter settings cannot be changed while the Data connection ls actiνe. The Data
session must be first dlsconnected.

Click 'Άlways Οπ (Αυtο PDP Context Actνiation)" checkbox if it is required to get

the standard ΙΡ Data connection to be reconnected automatlcally ίη the eνent the
connection is disconnected without user interνention, i.e. antenna blockage, etc.

Click "Update" to allow the selection to take effect.

• Cllck "Refresh" to query the current mode.

Click "Connection"

Το actiνate the PDP context, click 'Άctfvate Defaυlt Proflle".

• • 1 • . ' .. .. ..
Νο connect:ion exists

Actrvate Default Profιle

After about 30 to 40 seconds, the data connection will be actlνated with a notification
of the public Ι Ρ address assigned to the active data connection. Απ user may now
browse the internet, do file transfer (FTP) or run any IP-based application serνices.

bgan inmarsat com - 161.30. 180.151 Disconnect (Standard)

Το dlsconnect the data connection, click "Disconnect".

The PDP context will be deactivated.

28 FX 150 Installation Manual

4.3.4 GPS Settings

ClickΕΙ and then click "Admίn8•

Click GPS Output box and ensure radio button of 'Όutpυt GPS Data (ΝΜΕΑ @Ι
9600bps)" is enabled.

QMi§§ll.M Θ Output GPS Data ~ @ 9600bps)

Ο Output Debug Log (@ 115200bps)
li ιο:Ι!Μt# 8


Βγ default, the UE BDU outputs the GPS data in ΝΜΕΑ format νίa the ΝΜΕΑ 0183
Connector for GPS oυtpυt.

4.3.5 Save Setttng

lt is recommended to save the recent setting changes. Το save the recent changes, click
,,Save Now".

Saνe Now
ι;••e+• J

!ilιπΡΗΗ* l'\OTE:
ιr ) ' OU iateod Ιο power off tbe ΒD ι; usiag tbe maia power .,,;ιcb, it is recommeaded 10
sa,·e tbe receat cbaages ία setriags bγ ctickiaιι οα tbis buηoa . Otbern'Ϊse, cbaages made
ία last 15 miσutes mίght a ot be s a,·ed ία persίsteat storaιe m emo~·. lf ~Όu use tbe
Ρήmaη· Haodset to power off tbe ΒDι:, tbis actioo is aot required.

FX 150 Installation Manual 29

AC Altemat!ng Current
ADU Aboνe Deck Unit
BDU Below Deck Unit
DC Direct Current
FBB FleetBroadband
GPS Global Posit!on System
GPIO General Purpose lnput/Output
UE User Equlpment

30 FX 150 Installation Manual


Α-1 FX 150 ADU's Oυtline Dimensions

3 19 5

Weight : 3 kg.
Dimensions are expressed in terms of mm.

FX 150 Installation Manual 31

Α-2 FX 150 ADU's Hole Pattern (Cut-out Holes)

Dimensions are expressed ίη terms of mm.

32 FX 150 Installation Manual

Α-3 FX 150 BDU's Outline Dimensions


Dimenslons are expressed in terms of mm.

Α-4 Primary Handset's Outline Dimensions

1--68.3 - ·..

D -(gj-
141 .
Dimensions are expressed

- .-,-
in terms of mm.

FX 150 Installation Manual 33

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