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EXPERIM! NO. -2 TS ON 1-OTRANSFORMER DATE: 28 [0.2]2024 OPEN CIRCUIT AND SHORT CIRCUIT TE! Aim: To conduct the open and short circuit tests on a single-phase transformer to determine core losses. copper losses. and hence determine regulation. efficiency and the parameters of the equivalent circuit. ‘Competency and practical skills: Prediction of the performance of transformer without loading the same as direct loading method of testing of transformer is not feasible in large transformers of industrial use because of technical and economic reasons Relevant Co: Cod - Evaluate the operating parameters of machines under various load conditions Objectives: (a) Calculate equivalent circuit parameters of given Transformer (b) Obtain equivalent circuit of transformer (©) Calculate the voltage regulation and efficiency of transformer under differentload condition. (4) Estimate the best loading condition for which maximum efficiency is obtained. Name plate details: IKVA rating of Transformer Leva \Voltage rating of Transformer [250 [25 V Apparatus: S.No. Equipment Type Range Quantity 1 Ammeter Analog | O-b Are L 2 ‘Ammeter Pnabog: o-5 Ame iL 3 Voltmeter Pigdet [multimeter 4 4 Voltmeter Oigitel | Multimetor + 3 Woaitreter ceoe [eagerly 6 Wattmeter Tepe [vi sfeel ees L 7 Connecting Wires | PROCEDURE: O.C TEST: 1, Make the connections as per the circuit 2. Apply rated voltage with the help of autotransformer across LV winding, with the HV wi ing as open circuited. Note down the readings of voltmeter (V), Ammeter (lo) and wattmeter (Po), S.C TEST: 1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram. 2. Adjust supply voltage by 1 © Auto transformer such that the current through the transformer is the rated value and note down all meter readings. OBSERVATION TABLE: 0.c. TEST Sr.No} vacv) | IA) | wecwy 1 | te0 | oe | ee S.C. TEST Sr.No] Vsc(V) | (A) | Wac(W) 1» [14.10] 4 4G Calculations: Iron losses. P= Wo watts. = 22 Watt Noload PL. CosO=Pi/Vtlo = 0-2%939 Oe (5 oe Magnetizing current. Im=loSinO - ©-59S Loss component of no load current, In = lCosO = O-17 6 Magnetizing reactance, Xo= W/m = 240-08 Equivalent resistance of iron losses. Ro= Wik = 7S 0.23 Full load copper losses Pes = Ws Watts. =U & wate Power factor on short circuit. Cos O-We Vi ic = O41 56 pr 353s a Short cireutit impedance Zoi = 3.s29 - Referred to primary: HT equivalent resistance. Roi = Wie. 2.318 HT equivalent reactance. Xor = \( Z: Ror) = 2.0396 Efficiency: At X times full load and power factor Cos. output, Pr= X¥ Sx Cos kW. Where S = KVA rating of the transformer, Input = Output +1ron Losst X? *Pew etl ey (%n) = Output “Input *100 Calculate the efficiency of the transformer at Unity, 0.8 and 0.6 Power factors for 1/4, 1/2,3/4, full load and draw the output characteristics. Calculate the maximum efficiency corresponding to the maximum load. Regulation: Regulation is defined as percentage drop in voltage from no Joad to full load at any power factor due to voltage drops in resistance and leakage reactance of the transformer. 1. Calculate the percentage resistance voltage drop (%Vs )=(IiRUV:) x 100 2. Calculate the percentage reactance voltage drop (%Vs ) = (IXW/Vi_ ) X 100. > Calculate the percent regulation, = %VxCos@ + %VsSin@at Unity,0.8,0.6 leading and lagging power factors Expected curves: Regulation Efficreney () ad Leading PF Pi lagging —— Output Fig - Performance of the $ Sample Calculation: Vay Leoxt oe Seo ee Xe) fee uc gle Phase Transformer ale (A)P* Pen = b-0Gas*Mé AE fu = BIS o 31S See Arc AP yi99 = oe HIP oy ile AT .O15 th Peydefion = SET a © “hn 2 D095 % “end <3 ZR =F. (2.815% 06 — 2.03965 sn) SUS Kor | tye Pp fot Feu a x1ee “AR = Isc (Resp T Fe Sind) Klee = he surgi 3 Gan cose cork ® 19 Tabular colwmn PART- I: Effici wy | %n | %n ia Po (w)] PQ) la [unity 10.8 pn oe po | 1 [van ruttond] 250 | 22_| 2-315 |90.95|8B93 85-77, 2 [natrrutiows| S00 [22 | 1.5 |93-712]92.97 [29.35 3 [samrantnd)7 $0 | 22 125.875] 9395/92. 61/ 90-38) 4 | Fumi [Jooo[ 29 | 4G |93-63/52.46/39-8x PART - Il: Regulation Curve at Full Load Sr. No] Power Factor ‘Regulation 0-4 Lagging 1. [leading 6 bezging= 3.493 XJo> JR - uB.B xs Z Lending) S98 @ Eee x Re @. o% Leading 6 x jo°3 Qs - les x! 4 [Legging Sing 56.3% X% loe 5._[4Ag sing© beading $3.7 x Ip Graph: Draw graph of %nVs Load (for different p.f on same graph paper) and %Regulation Vs pf for full load on separate graph paper and attach here Precautions: 1. Loose connections are avoided. 2. Note down all meter readings without any parallax error. 3. Apply voltage very slowly during short circuit test to avoid over current in transformer. Result and Conclusion: Hense,O.3. ancl Blot Gnortt- sesd- ona single phase Aransformen 75 performed fo dedenmine the negubtion and effretency. the Squivalet cin ct ht Pameters are obtainect - Pre lab viva questions: 1. Which losses are called magnetic losses? 2. Write equations for hysteresis and eddy - current losses. 3. Why O.C test is conducted on LY side? 4, Why S.C test will conducted on HV side’ 5. Why transformer fails to operate on D.C supply? Explain why low power factor meter is used in O.C test. : 4 a iS e Ore Lat 6 viva Ques! es thy sues tong 1 = anes ee aS ma at _ 2 so come a 1 and snag peckizing chanactenistics — cone 1s othe Lv side generally _Pespisends tend aldaye + BP 2 feuen winding =a beak cinot fecb is concluates! on hy cide a ee eee Bo hse + cu we de tt5 Aig hen alte i ating» Tis desk bela inde tenon, pone re Like “ cop, fo: dnd _impecflance val daze SE Townsferwen Lcig ta apenate an Oe supply a o ig lectno netic oes rie pat Change tte En, biel fe a f fost Jab Viva AMSSU1S ~Qs. 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