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Name: Mẫn Đức Cường Student: 2022603455 Class: 1A

LISTENING SKILLS 4 - Listening Reflection

Entry 2
Title: Why does food taste differently to different people?
Topic: Favor

1. Audio/video content (Briefly note down the main content of the audio/video)
- The video discusses the topic of favor, specifically why food tastes differently
to different people, mentioning super tasters and subtasters.
- describes the taste buds and fungiform papillae that are responsible for
experiencing five different kinds and tastes of food.
- Discuss the benefits of being a super taster
- Explores the reason why we are wired to taste those five specific flavors.
- Explain the idea that super tasters can find healthier foods and avoid
dangerous ones more easily.

2. My reflection (Note down what you have learnt from the audio/ video)
A, New word:
1. Fungiform papillae: These are small bumps on the surface of your tongue that are
responsible for detecting different flavors
2. Gustatory cortex: The area of the brain that processes information related to taste
and its connection with other senses like smell and touch.
3. Umami: A fifth basic flavor in addition to sweet, sour, bitter, and salty discovered
in Japan in the early 20th century.
4. Super taster: A person who is exceptionally sensitive to bitterness and can taste
subtle flavors in food that others might not be able to.
5. Subtaster: A person who is less sensitive to some tastes and cannot detect the same
range of flavors as a super taster.
B, Background knowledge
1. All five basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami are detected on the tongue
through the use of taste buds and fungiform papillae.
2. Super tasters are people with heightened taste receptors that allow them to detect
subtleties in taste.
3. Subtasters are individuals with fewer taste receptors and cannot detect as much of
the flavor spectrum as super tasters.
3. My experience (Rate your experience working with the audio/video).

Extremely difficult to understand 1

In my opinion, this
3 x
video/audio was
Extremely easy to understand 5

To complete this Once

worksheet, I had to watch Twice
the video/ listen to the Three times
audio Four times x
Five or more times

I think my Poor 1
comprehension of the 2
video/ audio was 3 x
Excellent 5

I would recommend my I would not recommend it. 1

classmates watch this 2
video/ listen to this audio. 3
4 x
I would strongly recommend it. 5

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