06 - Station and Network Configuration - V9 - 12 16 12 22

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Configuration of stations and networks Contents 6 6. Configuration of stations and networks. 3 6.1 Leaming objectives. AS 3 6.2 Configuration of stations and networks principles and contexts. 4 6.2.1 The "classic" method in STEP 7. ) 4 6.2.2 The PCS 7-compliant method : 5 6.2.3 The expansion of an ES to an ES/OS 11 63 Theconfiguration of the PC station 13 63.1 The configuration of the PO.station on the PC 43 63.2 The configuration of the’PC station in the project. 1 63.3 "Configure PLC" and “Download PLC" functions n18 6.3.4 Network card for the tetminal bus and Simatic Shell 49 63.5 Exercise and checkpoint. poled 20 6.4 The configuration of the AS station in the project. 24 6.4.1 Basic steps. 24 6.4.2 _Insertionfot a SIMATIC $7-400 station \ 24 6.4.3 Editing thé hardware configuration of a SIMATIC $7-400 station 22 6.4.4 Thepparameter assignment of the CPU . 26 6.4.5 Parameter assignment of the Ethernet interface 28 6.4.6," Parameter assignment of the PROFIBUS DP master system 29 6.4.7¢ Parameter assignment of the distributed /O (DP slaves)... 34 65, The final download. “ 38 56 Hardware diagnostics and troubleshooting ....».fo=2 40 6.7 Exercises and checkpoint Kf 43 68 Distributed VO with PROFINET 44 6.8.1 Comparison of PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO. 44 68.2 PROFINET IO device ET 200M — ReSetting to factory settings. 46 69 Configuration of a PROFINET IO%ystem 48 6.9.1 Overview of the tools for device parameter assignment 48 6.9.2 Overview of the componentsand terminology involved 49 69.3 Configuration of a PROFINET IO controller (AS station) 50 69.4 Configuration of the PROFINET IO device (ET 200M) 52 69.5 Configuring the topdlegy 55 6.10 Exercise and checkpbint. 58 SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks (Gabtse fader, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 61 Configuration of stations and networks © XN & suns gage SV se folder, V0.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6. Configuration of stations and networks 61 Learning objectives The participant knows: * the ES tools for configuring stations The participant can *Gohfigure a PC station « configure an AS station and when doing so integrate distributed I/O systems via PROFIBUS or PROFINET SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks (Gabtse fader, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-3 Configuration of stations and networks 6.2 Configuration of stations and networks principles and. contexts 6.2.1 The "classic" method in STEP 7 © eh) intone soretnt Typical areas’of application Servi 1g and maintenance of the AS hardware configuration Partial steps of the classic method 1. Configure the AS in the project on a progtarming device as a 1:1 image of the real, existing hardware. 2. Connect the programming devidet9 the AS and set the relevant PG/PC interface, 3. Download the contiguratiomdata to the AS. 4. Disconnect the programmiftg device from the AS again. ‘The programming device and its PG/PC interface are not part of the project, it simply serves as a “loading station" The interface must 8 Set individually for every connection type to be able to reach the relevant station: SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.2.2. The PCS 7-compliant method uration of stations and networks ‘Station Configuration Piralinerjace —s PC intemat focal Fig. 1:1 PalpGintertace | Fig. 1:1 Real existing CP Plant bus, IE PCS 7 project, managéd inthe engineering system ‘AS in HW Contig PC station in HW Contig Inserting your own PC station for the ES A configuration must be created for every AS or PC statiofused in a PCS 7 project. In ‘contrast to the use of a field PG in STEP 7, the ES itself is part of a PCS 7 project and the stations networked in it. For this reason all downloads can be handled via a single PGIPC interface, Configuration of the stations © Create a 1:1 image of the real, existing hardware for all station the project. ‘+ The configuration is created "slot-cmpliant" The AS hardware is structires in slots of a rack. Every slot can be occupied by hardware components(.g. power supply, CPU, CPs). The properties of the components in a slottcan-be as follows: Type, addresses etc. Since there are no slot-related components in a PC station, in the Station Configuration Editor of the PC station a slot structure analogous to an AS rack is simulated, This meng that the hardware of a PC station needs to be stored at 2 different locations: ‘+ thejhardware of the station represented by the Station Configuration Editor of the. PC'station, ‘© the hardware description in the HW Config of the PCS 7 project. SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-8 Configuration of stations and networks Configuration of the networks and connections the hardware of the relevant station in the HW Config, you Specify the ion By configuri network assignment of the components capable of commut ‘+ The NetPro tool within the SIMATIC Manager represents all configured stations and connections of a project. All bus systems and stations are appear as separate symbols. PGIPC interface The interaction of your PC station with the various/bus systems used to network the automation systems (e.g. MPI, Industrial Ethemetys:) tequires specialized interfaces, Each of the installed and integrated interfaces represented by a corresponding interface parameter set. "PC internal" is activated in tH SIMATIC Manager via the dialog "Sex P¢/EC Interface Ee =e swoon sai oes Ft th exon: [FONE Ger) > Romande iH (Sandee STE foe Fan Sonne hes neraasy SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. bb ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Su Configuration of stations and networks \ ? "PC internal” is a centrally configurable interface that is loaded with project-spetitic settings for all stations on the plant bus. The settings re made on the ES in $7 multiproject and loaded from the ES. ‘As soon as "PC internal" is enabled, the network card operate: otherwise in "PG mode" PCS 7 software yeh llal3 rete pois or “CPreRIBOT | Station Configuration Editor PG mode: + Manual switchover(6f the access point ne depending on the driveriprotocol PCS 7 software Eye) Configured mode: + Cooperation of PCinternal and Station Configuration Editor No manual switchover of the ‘Station Configuration TC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks R\; folder, Vo.o, ST-PCS7SYS o-7 QW Configuration of stations and networks Configuration Console "Communication settings” 1B Siemens Sutometin aes BE Sey come B sancngene | Decameneaton, eating op sian Do te, cctrwre Bomar | bocumertation Bp inkermaticn i 15Ready i sNaTIC NET manne Frets canearkstin tit E rarscaneenestn tht Boonen 1a SRATICRET seo > li oie +e = Bi Srna a ahom ryeioo Sar ame eve Voss nt [seune [re owrsti [sete fs Bae Foaiedieereann ssomanuiternaeti — ( eaten soa »' All commufieations modules available for PCS 7 on this station are listed there. ‘The address 6f these modules can be detected easily. All actess points and their assignment are shown clearly and can bé\changed (EGY “see 1102) Pcs 7 V9.0 PC Configuration and Authorization = 08) 2017, 5.7.7 for further details of using the SIMATIC NET Configuration Console. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks Download to the ES ‘Viral interiace PC internal (local) PGIPC interface PCS 7 project, managed in the,ehgineéring system AS in HW Conght NetPro PC station in HW Contig” First the central ES must be loaded with all information to be able to load the other stations 6f the PCS 7 project (AS and OS) The-cohfiguration data is checked when it is loaded. As a requirement for successful Joailing, the PCS 7 project and the Station Configuration Editor-rhust have the same Configuration information. To do this, the Station Configuration Editor indicates information about the successful or unsuccessful loading procedure. After successful loading the ES has access to the dustrial Ethernet network (IE) and therefore access to all connected stations: AS and PC stations (e.g. servers) can be seathéd via the CP of the ES and "its" network. ‘The ES received the information required for this via the PCS 7 project! SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-9 Configuration of stations and networks Download to the AS Pia niece "Y Plant bus, IE realexisting CP eal exsing rack g fers Nero PCstationin tw conti), | ily loading the ES, the AS hardware configuration can be downloaded to wylaen ‘The configuration data is checked when itis loaded. nthe front the CPU show stats information about a sept ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS . we SIMATIC PCS 7 Configuration of staons and newots Configuration of stations and networks 6.2.3 The expansion of an ES to an ES/OS. Inserting an appli . SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS ion in the PC station Each PC station requires additional information about its purpose in a PCS 7 project (e.g. OS, OS server or client, batch...) The required software component is represented by an objedt of the type "WinCC application” and placed in a slot like a hardware component. ‘+ in the "Virtual rack’ of the Station Configuration Editor on the local station, ‘+ Inthe HW Config of the corresponding station in.the PCS 7 project. The following explanation can serve as“an mitemonic to help you understand: The CPU of the AS requires a partner.on the PC station: a °CPU of the visualization” for the OS. This is the task of the-"WinCC application”. If you follow this analogy the WinCC application must be plaged jn a ‘slot” of the hardware configuration of the PC station like a CPU in the realcack of the AS. Specialized WinCC applications are available for the different types of PC station (OS, OS server or elent, batch...) Fora single user OS, for example, the application WinCC application is requis Accordingly ityou also want to use your ES as a single user OS (combined ES/OS) you need tovéxpand the configuration of your ES with a WinCC application for a single user OS: Cries [agree] Contatein| Configuration of stations and networks Project engineering of networks and connections lant bus, IE PCS 7 project, AS in HW Config PC station in HW Config ‘Communiéafidn connections (in short: connections) must always be engineeréd when data exchange between automation systems themselves or between automation systeins and a PC station is necessary. “THe igure above illustrates the relationship between communications partners ® The “true communications partners” are the CPU of the AS\ori the one hand and the WinCC application (see "CPU of the visualization’) of thé OS on the other They are the end points of a “logical connection” (> red dots jn the figure). + The CPs are the physical interface to the network (>Green line) and therefore the end points of a "physical connection’ After the stations have been created and configuted, the connections between the ESIOS station and the automation systerf\ and between automation systems themselves can be configured as 1:1 image and downloaded to the stations involved just as when configuring a station. @=_Interms of software a cbanéction is configured in NetPro and then downloaded to every communications partner. As long as the PC;station is only used as an engineering station it is adequate when it is physically cofnected to the stations to be loaded. As soon as a PC has the function of an OS single-user system or (redundant) server, a connection to the AS stations with whioh the-OS will communicate needs to be configured. Do not forget to download these connections. See(103] PCS 7 V9.0 Engineering System — 05_2017, 9.10 for further details. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. pie ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.3 The configuration of the PC station 6.3.1 The configuration of the PC station on the PC Select the "PC internal” interface on your ES via the dialog "Set PG/PG Interface” in the SIMATIC Manager: Options > Set PG/PC Interface nr a For the combined engineering and operator station with a'ingle network connection ‘+ a network interface for Industrial Ethernet (a CP or “E general") ‘+ aWinCC application must be inserted. You can select the slot fréely (See "Index" column) since this only involves a “Virtual rack" of your PC. SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-19 Configuration of stations and networks 6.3.2 The configuration of the PC station in the project ASIMATIC PC station must be inserted in a user project. rato > Smart am s Ee ban Name the PC statiorvaftehthe computer name. Do this for all PG, stations. The name of a PC station must be identical to the station name in the Station Configuration Editor which in turn is preset with the real computer name. @ Name your PC station so that its name corresponds to that of your computer. Te-dothis you can enable the option "Computer name identical to PC'station name" divthe object properties of the PC station, so that you only have toymake the ‘necessary entries reducing the risk of errors. ‘yellow arrow appears on the icon of your PC station'ifithe SIMATIC Manager indicating the capability of your ES to establish a connection to the plant bus via the "PC internal” interface. Sore | sen | Cortana] ce ane Se carmtnay as Sune women I Cong cane eis Calon nan neta: =] SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Su XU Confguration of stations and networks, N {At the same position as in the Station Configuration Editor in HW Contig antadustrial Ethernet interface (CP or IE general) must be inserted and mars with the correct addresses and network assignments. —s jaan downloaded, Afterwards the configuration of the PC station is opened (in HW Contig): (On completion the configuration can be saved in HW Contig, cor All Programs > Siemens Automation > SIMATIC > SIMATIC NET > Communication Settings. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. Jie ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks NDIS standard ‘The standard "Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS)" allows the opefation of several communications modules or simple network cards in a PC. In addition to this, it is possible to use several protocols on one communications module it communications module is used in a PC station, the NDIS adapter must be set up in the following situations: ‘* Ifthe diagnostics of network components on the plant bis is fo be monitored with a maintenance station (MS). ‘A communications module is used in the PC of the fmdintenance station for access to the plant bus. ‘+ When an automation system in a SIMATIC POS 7 BOX PC is to be downloaded with the aid of an external engineering station. ‘A communications module is used.in the engineering station for access to the plant bus. Configuring an NDIS adapter r 1. Open the dialog for'setting the network connections. Select the View->. Details menu command With the rightmouse button select the communications module that has one of the following'device names in the "Device Name" column: When lisiig a CP 16x: "SIMATIC Miniport " dialog box opens. 5. Inthe connection selection window, select the connection "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)". Click the "Properties..." button. The Properties of Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" dialog box opens. 6. Select the "Use the following IP address?radio button. Depending on the plant, configure the following boxes: IP address = Subnet mask Click the "OK" button, Close the "Properties of " dialog with the "OK" button. The TCP/IP addresses for the Industrial Ethernet and the NDIS side of a CP must not be in the same subnet. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6.7 Configuration of stations and networks 6.3.3 “Configure PLC" and "Download PLC" functions ‘As of PCS 7 V7.0 the function "Configure PLC" provides a convenient way to Configure PC stations. You no longer need to edit the configuration twice (in the project on the ES and in the Station Configuration Ecitor of the local station) Important requirements are however: ‘+ the PCS 7 software is installed on the station to be configured, ‘the station to be configured must be reachable in the nétwork via the terminal bus. Cerone gone Caged a ——— Procedure for configuration and downloading the PC station’on the ES 1. Configure the SIMATIC PC station of the(ES in the PCS 7 project. Complete the ‘work in HW Config by saving and compiling, but without downloading. 2. Make an image of this configuration trom the project in the PC station using the function “PLC Configure”. The ‘virtual rack" of the Station Configuration Editor adopts the configuration ofthe-PC station from the project. 3. Download the configuration to the PC station. ‘The configuration data’i. checked when it is loaded. As a requirement for successful loading, the PCS 7, project and the Station Configuration Editor must have the same configuration information. To do this, the’Station Configuration Editor indicates information about the successful or unsuccessfol Joatling procedure. After successful loading the ES has access to the Industrial Ethernet network (IE) and therefore access to all connected stations. ‘See [103] PCS 7 V9.0 Engineering System — 05_2017, 9.5.10 for further details. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. pie ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.3.4 Network card for the terminal bus and Simatic Shel SL QO. Fora needed os |G )o|b see mara =| ‘The configuration of the network cards that provide the connection to the terminal bus is performed solely using Windows tools. THe PC stations can, however, have multiple network cards withthe TCP/IP protocol, Therefore, you must inform PCS 7 which network card is respensiblé for the connection to the terminal bus. This is done with the Simatic Shell application. You will find-this application as a folder in the Windows Explorer > Computer. You select the communications module for the coringetion to the terminal bus that you will use to configure and download the PC statidns. Set the network connection for the terminal bus as follows: 1. Select the PC station (workstation) in the tree view in Windows Explorer. 2. Select the "SIMATIC Shell" foldefJh the right-hand window of the Windows Explorer, the elements of the\application are displayed in a tree structure. 3. Select the element "Simatié Shell" and open the settings in the shortcut menu (tight mouse button) 4, The "Communication Seitings" dialog opens. The available network adapters are displayed 5. Inthe "Network adapter" group, select the network adapter that you want to use for commynigation on the terminal bus. @ Names ‘tor network adapters are not assigned using the SIMATIC Shell but in the Windows settings for network adapters. Assign meaningful names for your network adapters as early as possible. For setting up the terminal bus in Windows there are further restrictions: The “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" check box may not be deactivated. The network profile “Public network” has not been released for the terminal bus in PCS 7. SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks (Gabtse fader, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-19 Configuration of stations and networks Configuring the connection order with several network cards esd a 1. Inthe pNétwork Connections” dialog, open the advanced settings. 2. Select thé "Adapters and Bindings” tab. {fi the “Connections” list check whether the connection via whiclthe PC station is to ‘sommunicate on the terminal bus is in the top position. If negessary move this Connection to the top positon. 2=2) After installing new network cards or installing new network adapters the last connection to be entered is shown in the top position, Make sure that the connection via which the PC station is to communicate on the terminal bus is in the top position in the list. 63.5 Exercise and checkpoint Exercise: Hardware configuration of the PC, station Task Configure the SIMATIC'PC station of your ES both in the project as well as in the Station Configuration Editor. Checkpoint Two questions ... * Which additional components can be inserted in a station? * How can you obtain a list of these components? SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. bo ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.4 The configuration of the AS station in the project 6.4.1 Basic steps Inserting a preconfigured station in the SIMATIC Manager Opening HW Contig x Configuring object properties of cpuanerde 4 west wea es re = = Do configuration to AS litable reset AS memory) 6.4.2 _ Insertion of a’SIMATIC S7-400 station When you create an automation system, you require a SIMATIC 409 station with a powet supply, a CPU and an Ethernet communications processor (can be omitted when ‘you bse a CPU with an integrated Ethernet interface), cme Fae Fs | ett oe —————_——_———_ ees eS: Pate eee ca eee oe: [eieaeeesieret invest 4. All.components in HW Config must first be inserted in this "empty" station. 2. Alternative: Expand the project with a preconfigured station. In much the same was as with the "New Project” wizard the preconfigured station already has main components. Changes are possible in HW Config. SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-21 Configuration of stations and networks 6.4.3 S19] 7 wrss2hetminey Editing the hardware configuration of a SIMATIC $7-400 station To open HW Contig, select the object of the relevant AS station in the comporient view of the SIMATIC Manager. ne ae oe ao gots BQ Fras3 2 Pohccm ‘The configuration of an AS station must include all really plugged in components and modules qoaq TIRE Heat EST aero x Ai aD ea Lepage ee SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks User interface Main elements SBI weenie OD Tam | QE = eae ee 2, 3, 4 5. 6. Zz aaa fevoaaoros | ecas frre mnatonizen ¢ Switching over between the offline and online window From HW Config you can read out information fromthe module directly online (e.g. diagnostics information). Saving and compiling After configuration and parameter agsignment of the components, the hardware configuration can be saved and compiled. Download to the station After compiling, the data afi be downloaded to the station. Station window Here, you place thie racks for the station setup. It also contains the objects for the distributed V/O ystems and field devices as well as the required bus systems (master systems) Window hardware catalog Here, seléct the required hardware components e.g. racks, modules and interface modiles ‘Object for a distributed 1/0 system Configuration tables ‘The racks are represented by a configuration table that permits the insertion of a specified number of plug-in modules, like "real" racks. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-23 Configuration of stations and networks Working with the hardware catalog If the "Hardware Catalog” window is not displayed, select the menu commands View > Catalog. Boi ste So 2 | > BE vlna UFOS iB aaneuses Swarican ey Byes necesgrg Beveezor Seu resbe Main components 2. Input options in the Find box. Inthe Find field you can enter any text, informationdext, catalog entries or order numbers. No distinction is made between upperand lower case text. = Wildcards (", 2.) are also supported — You can also enter parts of a ful find ters (6g. 331). 2. Using the "Profile" drop-down list you cah. set different catalog profiles. The profiles allow you to adapt the hardware catalog individually to suit your requirements. Use a profile with modules permittedin PCS 7. 3. Object for the required moddle (jr this case with firmware version) Detailed description of the selected module Versions Many modules ate "Vailable in different versions (often the firmware version). During operation a plant in the course of maintenance you may be forced to replace an older module with a new one with a higher version. In this case the old module remains configured in HW Contig and the new module is plugged in. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. bobs ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks Saving and compiling Download IH PUAES PE isctnasges When saving and compiling there is an internal consistency check e.g + Doall modules match up? + Are addresses assigned twice? In such a situation, the message shown below may appear: Pps pt an AE OES re TST are TOOT = aie a la es If this check is run without errors, the blocks required forthe communication of the process data are created without the user taking alyjaction and can then be ‘downloaded to the AS. ‘The AS then has all the information necessaiy-to check whether the real setup corresponds to the configured setup. For the user invisible, numerous precautionary measures are taken for the error situation, for example automatic sending of suitable alarms and interrupts. SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-25 Configuration of stations and networks 6.4.4 The parameter assignment of the CPU PCS 7 uses optimized default settings for a CPU so that only a few parameters have to be adapted to the project circumstances. Startup properties CEST = ite Die oat y aac fr ort fon F) Pommnuncrene fama, om Sat roe On ° nt Tey? « = G “rater nometthee Dniom — T Hy oe eo Lox Canc Heo Jn the startup properties, this depends particularly on the setting for "Warm restart”. As a resuft of this setting, the current process parameters are not resét fo their initial values. ‘on startup. This is also the default in PCS 7 that may not be changed Coctcowmte | Degen | Pte H-specific parameters for Cline HS Sow GebiDontiy | Row easy | AS fault-tolerant systems such as AS410H: + Extended CPU test + Times for link-up and update IF Sip post coguin foo nah 3c gun FP Restatpaesteictst Poston =e | a a With the CPU 410 as well, most settings have an optimum default comparable to the default settings of the complementary CPUs. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks foo | fh f_ | F_ fo} Fo fo— | p— = Cs 1. List of OBs to Which cyclic interrupts are assigned (grayed out = not available foh this CPU), 2. Interval foPthe relevant cyclic interrupt 3. Assigned process image partition (PIP) Orgatfization blocks (OBs) form the interface between the operating’System and the uuser)pfogram OBs are called from the operating system and control cyclic and interrupt- driven program execution, the startup behavior of the automation system, and the Randling of errors. Start events triggering an organization block call are know as interrupts. Cyclic interrupts interrupt cyclic program processing at specified intervals. They are represented by OB30 - OB38. OBs also decide theorder of the processing of individual parts of the program. The processing of an OB oambs interrupted by calling another OB (depends on the priority). Before each program run through, the CPU lo&ds the signal states of the input modules ina memory, the process image of the inputs (Pll). Due to the Pl, the signal state of the inputs remains constant during program execution within a cycle. During execution of the user program, a process output intage PIQ is created. On completion of a cycle, the signal states of the PIQ are weltterrto the output modules. Since, however, during program execution within a cyclic interrupt it cannot be certain that the Pll was updated.at the start of every cyclic interrupt or the PIQ at the end of every cyclic interrupt, This necessary to assign separate process image partitions to the cyclic interrupts used. @= In process Auiemation with PCS 7, the use of cyclic interrupts (OB 30 - 38) and the assignmént of process image partitions is important. The process image partitions are required during configuration of the signal modules while the configured automation functions are ‘integrated’ in the organization blocks resporisible for the cyclic interrupts with the aid of runtime properties. SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-27 Configuration of stations and networks 6.4.5 Parameter assignment of the Ethernet terface ‘An $7-400 automation system can include a CP 443-1 as an interface to the plant bus. Both an ISO protocol as well as TCP/IP can be used. == [esas — ‘The device name is not relevant if the module is only used for thé\plant bus. 480 connections TCP connections, ISO-over-TCP connections, UDP conriettions Creating a new subnet object oe os List of existing subnet objects ‘The connection to the plant bus is made by selecting the relevant subnet object in the properties of the Ethernet CP. When a multiproject is created with the wizard, as default this does not contain a subnet, object for Industrial Ethernet. You can, however, create the required subnet in the properties of the Ethernet interface. On a plant bus operated with the 'S0 protocol, each MAC address may only be used once. @ Depending on the interface being used, the input boxes in the properties dialog may differ. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.4.6 Parameter assignment of the PROFIBUS DP master system Objects involved e S ofa ws ani ~a ~ 1._Ifiternal PROFIBUS interface of the CPU: as default created witlta DP master system, 2 External PROFIBUS interface: is implemented by the CP 443-5 Ext. This allows additional DP master systems to be created, 3. Subnet: Object for a PROFIBUS network. In its properties, you can specify the transmission rate and the PROFIBUS profile. Always assign a meaningful name for the PROFIBUS network. 4. DP master system: All slaves assigned to a’master form a master system along with the master. A master system is part ofa PROFIBUS subnet. 5. Objects for a PROFIBUS slave: Distributed IO devices or field devices are assigned to a DP master system with the @id)of slave objects. In the case of an ET200M, this can for example be an interface module IM 153-2 that is used to connect to PROFIBUS. Every node (both master and slave) is assigned a PROFIBUS address (0...125). The address 126 is asefved for the delivery status. A segment can have up to 32 nodes (master/slaves) and the total network up to 126 nodes. The start and end of each segment must be fitted with a cable termination that is eitheralready integrated in the device (e.g. repeater) or is available as an active RS-485 terminating element. Although repeaters are electrical participants on PROFIBUS, they are not assigned a nod address since they do not communicate. ‘Seé [br] Profibus Technical Brochure - 04_2008, for further details on the bus architecture of PROFIBUS. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-29 Configuration of stations and networks Inserting/disconnecting a DP master system, orphaned master systems ‘As default the internal PROFIBUS interface of a CPU is created as a DP master system. If other PROFIBUS CPs exist, further DP master systems must be created for them. GH Sehr GS tert AC Ven Ostow Wison Tee ae Se a || DO he Tear | A ‘aniston une = 1. External PROFIBUs interface 2. Existing DP master system Sem oversee A gpetial situation arises when an already completely configured distributed 1/0 exists Sora DP master system, the master system itself however is to.be moved to a different DP interface (e.g. from an internal PROFIBUS interface of a CPU to an additional CP 443-5 ext. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Su XU Configuration of stations and networks vv Inthis case the master system can be disconnected from one interlace and isthen an “orphaned master system. The configuration ofthe distributed VO is retained. 4. Distriby = already completely configured XY 2. one \OFIBUS interface as PROFIBUS master 3. Orphaned DP master system \pitaned master systems are entered in a list that is displayed “the configured target module is newer than the module thats plugged in, recognizable by the different operational status firmware-version online and offiine; — configured station name, module name or configuréd plant designation or location identifier are different online and offline. ‘The download begins but is interrupted if the CRU is stil in Run mode. Confirm with "OK" if you accept that the CPU.changes to Stop. The download is then resumed, 9. After downloading is complete, you can switch the CPU back to Run. Confirm this with the "Yes" button SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.6 Hardware diagnostics and troubleshooting Brief description of the online view in HW Contig: fee 1._Ifithe element bar, click the Offline <-> Online button. This alloWws you to switch ‘between the online and offline window without closing the previous window. Diagnostics symbols show the status and operating state. Here 4 examples to illustrate: 2. The CPU operating modes Stop and Run. Run mode's active in this window. 3. No match between the configured and the actual Cohtfiguration: The configured slots are either empty or different modules wete'placed in them. 4. Diagnostics not possible: No online conection or the module does not return diagnostics information. 5. Error: The module has an error. Possible causes: Diagnostics interrupt, /O access error or lit error LED was detected. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. plo ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks Detailed diagnostics information is displayed after double-clicking on a modulé. The ‘window for the "Module Information” allows the diagnostics butter to be read out: Danone tect sp rUN Ceased AI ee) Peay | cine | “inet in| comacim | saie| erwin Thwneenw in | Sensei | “ines ; oe on xN spay ae Dorn o Va a owt J fate | et et 1. Statds of the module from the perspective of the CPU 2. CThé diagnostic events are displayed in the diagnostics buffer in thé sequence in ‘Which they occur. The first entry contains the most recent event) 3. When you select an event in the list you obtain detailed i{cimation: — Event name and event number = Additional information depending on the event ‘stich as the address of the command that caused the event and the resulting operating state change of the CPU. — Event statuses that have come in or haye already gone out. SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-41 Configuration of stations and networks Error situation in the distributed 1/0 mri iaiaaasies | See | Weonos | SEE | Shihan ‘oan (COmmmenin) sperm | ate | zeteen | ise 1. Status‘of the CPU: Stop. There is a diagnostics interrupt that cannot be iftercepted in the status shown by special "error OBs" (OB 8x). @ J hthere is a CPU stop due to failure of /O components, then use'the SUBNET block. When an error OB (for example, OB 86, rack failure) is called, th®- SUBNET block allows only the driver blocks that signaled the error to bepprocéssed. This reduces the execution time necessary. '@ _ PCS 7 provides the necessary blocks in libraries. Théinterfaces to the hardware including test functions are implemented in these(blocks. As soon as a CFC is compiled with option "Generate module driver” that is enabled as default, in the background alll required érv6r OBs are placed in the user program. Alter such a program has been loaded.on thé CPU, this is capable of intercepting /O errors without Stop. 2. The interface module (IMYof the E200 M station connected to the PROFIBUS DP master system indicates an’external error. 3. The configuration tableof the DP slave (ET200 M station) indicates a disrupted module in slot 4. 4, The module Status of the disrupted module provides further information about the type of distuption. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks, poke ‘Course folder, VO.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.7 Exercises and checkpoint Exercise: Hardware configuration of the AS station Task Configure the hardware configuration of the SIMATIC $7460 Station, which is used as an AS in your training project. Integrate the ET 200 M station that is connected via Profibus. Checkpoint SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS Find out: * Which 10 address ranges are used, defined by HW Config? * Make sure that the range 100 ... 299 is not used, it is occupied by the process simulation « If there is nevertheless an overlap, please change the address range now! Configuration of stations and networks 6.8 tributed I/O with PROFINET Comparison of PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET |O With the future demands placed on performance and configuration liits,fieldbuses are reaching their limit Ethernet offers a high-performance, future-proof communication platform through continued technical development. Vertical integration offers hitherto unexploited productigity potential through the connection of the office and automation worlds Ethernet is the unequivocal standard for installation technology and protocols in the office world. PROFIBUS DP Attrute\ ' <——— Se ee ynation of subsystem ee See Field device designation Administrative services Cea inte Designation of hardware catalog [aaa par et Number assignment ake) d od ae Functionality J2jle)alt/=ale) Wee ~ oe Eg Paes Sia ok ed Data prioritization, iy PSR Interrupts and iagnostios NEO eat (ert) Data rate Doe EET reese eens Topology eaieicsseee eee SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. bois ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Su Configuration of stations and networks \ ne Address assignment for Profinet NZ Addressing during commissioning MECC kod Simple naming by controller with eer eT Renu u reat ci PROFIBUS DP fromm 10 X Coding of DP slave acta ‘Assignment of IP addresses for |O controllers in STEP the seweg one DP iteritess Node inazaon othe 10 conver wih STEP 7 oe y Configuring PROFIBUS DP using | Configuring the device names of the IO devicdjn the “HW HW Config" Ko Contig" tool of STEP 7 oS Transfer the device names using the EOootr tool to . ONLINE Transfeftidg AW configuration to the | When the IO controller starts up, QS the IP addresses in CPU accordance with the device n xO ‘A web page Is integrated inSoihe switches. An IP address can > also be assigned via page Re A x0 aes os Pesrevs 6-45 QW Configuration of stations and networks 6.8.2 PROFINET IO device ET 200M — Resetting to factory settings So that later a so-called "automatic commissioning” can be performed, the PROFINET IO device ET 200M must first be reset to factory settings if it is not currently in delivery state. Afterwards, all settings for the PROFINET IO controller (AS statién)and the PROFINET 0 device (ET 200M) can be made directly in HW Config and. then after being saved and compiled can be downloaded to the CPU. The laborious assignment of a device name for the ET 200M is no longer necessary. 1. Set the PG/PC interface of the PC for the system bus to the communication protocol that is being used. esa se 0c | mo — (gitiestey orem eran tenn drat tetae Parte Aer eed ret asraN Gate tmmokComed __ Tova 2. Open the dialog with the Ethernet properties using, PLC > Edit Ethernet Node 3._With "Browse", all addresses attached to thé System bus are displayed. ‘sty SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Tee 7 ratgpeh Configuration of stations and networks Tabi [eves [nae Mee bes Sal) ta ——— 2. Select the roWWith the addresses for the ET 200M. If you press the "Flash" button, the corresponding station reacts and flashes for a set time, With "Reset", the selected PROFINET IO device ET 200M is reset to factory settings. SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks (Gabtse fader, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.9 6.9.1 Configuration of a PROFINET IO system Overview of the tools for device parameter assignment DCC a MCU eR) ‘Address assignment by STEP 7, initialization via Eait Ethernet Node dialog Direct connection of ES to PROFINET IO node ‘Additional tools such as Primary Setup Tool (PST), PRONETA tool Web Based Management (SCALANCE’ X-components) By means of memoty card (MMC = Micro Memory Card or C-Plug) withprecontigured device name {IO controller and 10 device) and addres (J contfolier only) Use of the Topology Ecitor: Automatic assignment of the device name and IP address based on neighborhood relationship (PROFINET functionality of 10 devices and IO controller) May require a change of aoces®\ppint on the plant bus, not al tools interact with the CP 16x PRO Conforms to the PCS 7 philosophy of engineering from a centralES During startup the IO controller identifies all IO devices via their configured device namés and automatically assigns them the IP address. Forthe name assignment the Discovery and Configuration ProtoGoh(DCP) is used and ‘or assigning the IP addresses to the device names. The IP addfesses are generated by the configuration tool and downloaded to the IO controller: The automatic assignment of the configured IP addresses takes place during system stactup of the IO controller. INETA PRONETA is a free tool for analysis and cohfiguration tasks in PROFINET networks with special support for the ET 200 distributed V/O. The IO test enables a quick and convenient check and documentation-of the wiring of a plant. Advantages of the topology PROFINET IO systems cén be topologically configured with the SIMATIC Topology Editor. The interfaces aiid ports of the PROFINET IO nodes are interconnected for this, SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks 6.9.2 Overview of the components and terminology involved PROFINET 10 controller with Connected devices with PROFINETIO device with update times. Intertace properties (device |, Topojogy information +Oniertace properties (device name, IP address) Connection to the subnet Connection to the subnet PROFINET properties (transmission clock pulse, 10 communication + PROFINET properties allocation) (transmission clock pulse, Settings for media redundancy Settings for media Ports with Topology information Ports with (neighbor) Performance information (neighbor) Transmission properties Performance information ‘name, IP address) PNO properties 10 communication allocation) redundancy Topology information ‘Transmission properties A minimum Profinet IO system consists of at least one IO controller, which controls one or mare 10 devices. The1O’controller is a device via which the connected IO devices are addressed. This means: The IO controller exchanges input and output signals with field devices. The © controller is the controller on which the automation prograrh.nins. The IO device is a distributed field device that is assigned to one of the IO controllers, e.g. distributed IO, valve blocks, frequency convertersyswitches with integrated PROFINET IO functionality. PROFINET devices of the SIMATIC product fanafly’have a PROFINET interface (Ethernet controller / interface) with one or multiple ports (physical connection possibilities) PROFINET devices with multiple posts (tw0 or more) are devices with an integrated switch. Every PROFINET device can,b@ tniquely identified on the network via its PROFINET interface. For this purpose, eath PROFINET interface has: + AMAC address (factory sétting) + An IP address © Adevice nama Interfaces andbports for all modules and devices in the PROFINET system are identified with the following characters: + Interfdce X ——_Inascending order starting from number 1 * Port = P_—_Inascending order starting from number 1 (per interface) %. Ring port R SIMiATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks Gobtse folder, Vo. ST-PCS7SYS 6-49 Configuration of stations and networks 6.9.3 Configuration of a PROFINET IO controller (AS station) 1. If no PROFINET IO system exists, insert a new system: De ee 8S) 58 ee BO UM Device name In a PROFINET IO configuration, each device ~ IO controller as well as 10 devices — is identified based on a unique device name. Folloybthe steps below to assign a device name \ia=a Selett the PROFINET IO interface (X5 PN-IO) and open the properties. 8. Efer the desired device name on the "General! tab. ‘So that future IO devices in the Profinet IO system can obtain their device names from the IO controller via the configured topology and neighborhood relations, the "Support device replacement without exchangeable medium" option must be set. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. p50 ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS Configuration of stations and networks \ ne IP address Independent of the device name, every PROFINET node also requires an |P'address. This is required for TCP/IP communication in case of diagnostics and configuration an : Wetorbest Vos eter, [—— 4. Inthe prerined Aon of the PNIO interface of the PROFINET IO controller, ogg on the pro} crane interface. 2. sors ress of the IO controlle(s) there and connect them to a subpet. 3. With ooh " button, you can create a new subnet, if necessary. Pree ts) De ce Oy Canmrosin aeaen PROPHET 8A Ce uC essen) Pore De who lecomeste: 1 0002/1 FaaTast-elstcnmaresion tempt Face ECV22U0P re (OFINET” tab you make the settings for the transmission clock pulse and nication allocation for PROFINET IO re iSmission clock pulse is the time period of two consecutive intervals (IRT and \unication) and corresponds to the send interval for data exchange. he jere is not enough capacity for the acyclic communication, the communication location can be reduced taking into account the update time. & xo TC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks R\; folder, Vo.o, ST-PCS7SYS 6-51 QW Configuration of stations and networks 6.9.4 Configuration of the PROFINET IO device (ET 200M) ‘The configuration of the IO device is very similar to the configuration of a PROFIBUS slave. Follow the steps below: SEE naa Osho e 6 Se laemo we OY os a el ox il |rerae =———— | Paopevs prone elm unau te ee | ae 1. In thé hardware catalog, open the profile PCS7 V9.0 to display the approved PROFINET IO devices. 2. “Using drag-and-drop, move the IO device (e.g. the IM153-4 PN) onto your PROFINET IO system PHONE SROTNET Oyen ecaen| puma Paar een FROFRET OS = awe “AP 3. Open the properties of the IO device (right-click or double-click) and enter the device name 4. In the properties of the Ethernet interface, enter the IP address of the ET 200M station. SIMATIC PCS 7 — Configuration of stations and networks. 52 ‘Course folder, V9.0, ST-PCS7SYS

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