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That Time Of MINE

Here I am back in this world after being in the underground for more than 1000 years because of
some shitty rule in this world I was sent to stay underground for such a long time the rule was that
you can’t love the same gender as you are be the opposite gender when you were born being
neither of the gender was eve worst they have to stay under ground for the longest it was so sad but
after getting out I see a lot of change to the world and I heard it is called earth now? I was just very
weird because living underground I don’t get any info from the world. But looking around I saw a lot
of people the same gender being in a relationship but not punish I was happy but also sad because
this has been a long time my love has definitely die. At that point I started to tear up but then I heard
a voice that I know and that person asked me if I was ok. I started to punch myself in the face to
make sure I was not fake. After a few second I realize the it was my love she was still alive or maybe
reborn than I look at her face and notice she was also crying then I stand up to check on her and I
think she knows because she started repeating my name for three time and I keep answering I was
also very happy but I also notice that her face was as red as a tomato. Than after a few very awkward
situation we decided to eat at this restaurant called McDonald I guess? After we finish eating she ask
me if I want to go to a relaxing place she love when she thinks of me and of course I say yes. She
brings me to a river that was clean not like all the river I saw while wondering through the city of
course I was happy but there is something that is missing…it was our friend usually we went to a
river with our friend and they will draw me and her kissing it was a wonderful time. Than a rustle
was heard from behind the trees BANG! It was out friend I was as shock I almost fainted after that
we just laugh for 10 minutes straight at that night we talk until it was 1 a clock in the FUCKING
MORNING. After talking for so long we finally separate for the night and of course I follow my lover
we went to her house it was like a field after that we take a bath and went to bed.

First chapter finish see you next time


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