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Hi, how are you everybody?

Hope you’re doing good, btw I have some tea to exciting tea to spill!
Listen closely and I’ll tell you about everything that happen. My school had this event about sports
program that they will start and I was invited to the event! I was happy at first but then I became
anxious. I just remembered that I would probably talking to other people about my opinion on this
program and that is just not fun or is it.

I went there with my Monday uniform so it was a pretty formal event. My anxiety went up the hill
and I almost fainted! But then I saw my friends in the distance and I ran towards them and started a
conversation I thought I would never have. I felt better afterward because one thing I was afraid of
was starting a conversation.

Suddenly another thing I was afraid of appeared It was my school headmaster! I was shaking, I was
probably an inch to passing out. Good thing my friends were there and the headmaster started
talking to me because I was one of the school representative. But fortunately the talk went smooth
and I didn’t pass out.

Right after that I went to a coffee shop and my head finally is calming down and my friend helped me
a lot and this is the end thank you for listening to me venting.

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